HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-02-01, Page 21 r, of arshall lenge, is missing, 1Iis inothe 14 Goderich, re rot 'to,'learn of the illness im, ]Fowler, Sri, of -the. 1aron read Seaforth, Jahn Were having /leen elected .a Tabor of the town council of Sear r1h,• he had t o• 1 esign hisposition as cense; Qomwiesioneer or South uron,; 'Mr Donald :Dallas,. a former°Tucke r. smith boy, and ; who. taught schai in chis dvieiuity for some years, has se- ►ire a ,position as teacher in one of ;the city' sehoola in Victoria, British r 0alagibia, ' :' John,ihurriedth inset Morris, has a Yorkshire ib ed sow that; ;has paid her owner Will. - In the pas`. eleven tnonths=s t e hap, had 4,0. pigs, 12 in Feb- ary,-1::' ; 13 in Julyy. of the same year ' ;rk is ih- '. January /5th, 1895. Josie Budd, ''3rd line, Morris, met with • a. bad accident on the school grounds at Browntown on Wednes- day of last week. • He was wrestling with one of his playmates when he : slipped and fell, fracturing one of his legs near the hip joint. Mr Samuel Londesborough, now of Park River, Dakota, formerly of Tuck- erelnith, pays he has taken the weekly Globe regularly for fifty years, and has always paid for it in advance. It is no 'won er he has prospered; any man with such a record deserves prosperity. Ag igantic elm tree on the farm of ]y r,Samuel Dickson, lot con. 12, Mc- ' , ss, illop, was felled last week. The tree eerc4�darred 30x28 and was a distance of 60 feet from the ground to the first limb. The butt of tree measured 16S feet. On Wednesday last Judge Toms set aside the election for school trustees held in Exeter, and a new election will w follow. The trouble was the clos- ing of the poll at 4 o'clock instead of 5, the returning officer applying the rule for rural school elections, instead of for incorporated. villages and towns. The Wingham town council, at its eating on Monday night, re -appoint - All the old officers of the town, at e same salary as last year, except e Chief of Police. In the case of this face, applications are to be received r the position up till next meeting of council. d. r ,Egg" and. "Q'erinau 1'rnlie;" for la luins : ofllbard, "NW's seedling's Orate d -" it;tor 11 » fur on'e's own: tis° witlio. nlran;Q regard to shipplug,theJefl!erson.; ns apd .4)'r>i;IUNQON 8EI SION, Mr A. E. Work spoke sin "low ablated, hanlig; Paleylr'.Qrt .n He eicplain to vets? Ill good dairy'` lain, m eve w ld have, them at. le ist,11 fet?t h1.. Never fa� so s to have plenty of fresh air; sing stalls at least fou; feet with. so ap to Qlerk of, able to feed each separate; have fico build- nearly level and. keep thein clean; Heneall, always 'Waters' the cows in the barn, house he considers a trough nearly full. of f as bad as a bole in a creek; cows mil �' ;ing do net need ally exercise; .ha e Biow er them calve any time of the year exce iheasu : July and august; a good remedy f' delight. mills fever is 11b of salts 2 weeks b manently fore calving and another one just be, Bore calving time. A good deal of discussio ate. At was brought up by Mr Wark claimin that feed had a good deal to do wit Lizzie MG- quality of milk. All bulletins issue of by the Colleges claiming that it di h, was not affect the quality, but nearly ever January, one present disputed this claim of th bright professor's. 1>ir McMillan spoke o breeding, feeding and exporting cattl s, gro- cers' to Britian; one should breed accor wipers, ing to the; soil he had as far as possibl toilet heavy soil take the heavy animal, fo light soil take the light animal; for a and on purposes he considered the Durha earn- grade the best, as their off spring fro m her a, pure bred sire wculd mature quicke earn- than most other breeds, and the youn from er the beef, as long as it' was mature for was the best and the most profit i Gilliv- raising it; always use a matured sir as there get was preferable to imtn ture sires; the calves should be fe their times a day,'for three weeks, o with new milk,with some linseed meal boils 'must be in milk, also keep oat and pea meal s purely they can; get it; keep them in th bene- stable 1st year it possible, if not abl from to do so turn them by themselves an real/ be sure to put them in on cold night. you will make a greater success o raising stock if the same feeder feed the cattle all the time; never put dow feed in the stable long before you us it, as the odour of the stable will tain the feed. Dehor'ning was beneflcia when fattening cattle, as it made the IN quieter and they shipped safer. steer should he fit to ship from 2a} to years old and weigh from 1200 to 1 his; above all use kindness in handlin ollow- and feeding your cattle, and you wil eine of have a far better return for your tim Patrons, and money. ltin;'s oi'. R. S. t ', Anderson, resigned. ferric was,auttharizett to titoSfer. call' when the congpe ,tions. are Veld G Leave/ Was given fo r lkfaI!Lie r ' mods; Mite in as call to St, Tele. East AASbfleld. ,• of r1 A,22 pound void bat was c. nenrBlake .Last week• Cold in the headNasal /dal mitant relief; speedily cures Nev M,r 49• Sicilia, the worthy ex,, Tuckersmith, has bought a fine ing site on the. Londen Road, and intends to build a nice brick on it next snmm'ex', ephew of Richard Roe, Grey, a nal years, died on Wednes- ek from a somewhat ex- arial fever. The the residence ownship, on attended, long. yterian s now merly enary. Saar oon, ab 30, and all, will 2,30. The cefield, will n • this week to re - r W. H. McDonald, am, after an illness �`i. • ; ove several months, from ro ' ale. The sad event occurred "et a zday, in the 33rd year of his The deceased has been a resident tli) town for many years, and was v rsally esteemed.He leaves a -and two children. The annual meeting of Wingham resbyteritttd church, was held last eek. The session report that eighty - 8th new menobers wete received dur- ng the year, leaving a total member - Imp now of 330. The congregation Contributed for all pIirposes during the tear the snug sum of $2762.95; but ow- ; to extraordinary expenditures un- dertaken during the same period, to- grtl;er with a large deficit from 1893, t , ere still remains a balance of $600 rovided for. e twenty-second annual meeting of members of the Howick Mutual ice Cempany was held in the (ship hall, Gerrie, on Friday af- n,on of last week. Froth the re- ts submitted the to lowing may be en :-The number f policies issued ring the year were ,3, and the num- r in force at the enc of the year 2,972, suring 84,409,991, t ing an increase $16,981 in the am r nt at -risk.- The nes sustained am nted to $14,721.46. these the loss by lightning amounts 140.46; coal oil lamps, 02,972; un - 54,491; other causes, $1,118. anni tl congregational meeting First Presbyterian church, Sea - was held on Monday last. The orts from the several committees d associations engaged in the rch's work were of a rnost encour- nature, showing not only an in- eal, but increased contribu- ry department. The mem- the church is larger now ny previous period in its his - It was decided toiengage a stu- or the summer six months, to pastor in his work. st summer while at the World's air in Chicago Mr Wm. Warnock, of Goderich, rnet a gentleman from War- ren, Pa., Mr August Morck, who was admiring the great squash which our townsman had contributed to the fair. Mr Morck had been very successful in .his own country in growing prize squash, but the Goderich one was such a suprise to him that he eagerly se- cured from . Mr Warnock' some of his seed. This week he forwarded to our rize taker a very kindly letter and a andsome pair of, gold framed eye - asses in acknowledgment of the rite .hof the Goderich seeds, with ich he had, since receiving it, grown uasb that beat all his competitors out "i: ht. ,i 'i5 Maitland Presbytery met at `'Ingham last week. The Assembly's ;nit on draft Book of Praise was con - stuttered. Ib was carried that the peal - :ter ih its entirety. should occupy the I first part; in said book. It was carried ' by'a small majority that this Presby- ttiry,is not desirious for a new book of. aloe. It was agreed that selections OW the prose version of the psalms ilp d " other portions of scripture for chanting be embodied in the new book Of praise. Rev J. W. Miller declined the call to Belggrave -and Calvin, East Wawanosh. •Rev D. Perrie was ap- inted interim; moderator of the ses- ns cif. Belgrave acid Calvin, instead Children Cry' for y� i4neCATARRH R LTEVEI! rx 10 rq,6q ort'pun the breath through th sup lied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew' rhea Powder, diffuses this Powde4 over face of the nasalpaspages, Painless and fol to use, it relieves instantly, and per cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headao Throat Tousilitis and Deafness. 60 ee WATTS & CO'S., Clinton, $25 from 1 cent. -Miss Lizz' Lean, 13 years of age, daughter Capt. Alex. McLean; of Goderic given one cent the 22nd of 1894. With this she first made wipers, getting small pieces of cloth at home, then iron holder aprons, grandmother pen - taffy, sachet hags, paper owls, mats, etc., etc., and also maple cream, chocolate and cocoanut candy,` the 17th of November, 1894, had ed the sum of $25 as profits from sales, which aggregated:$40. thus ing $25 in less than 10 months one cent. This money was earned and denoted to Knox Church McGilliv- ray c ray Mission band, Goderich. • THE MODERN INVALID Has tastes medicinally, in keeping other` luxuries. A /remedy 'mu pleasantly acceptable in form, wholesome in composition, truly ficial in effect and entirely free every objectionable 'quality. If i11 he consults a physician; if consti- pated he uses the gentle family laxa- tive, Syrup of Figs. Patrons' Policy. OUTLINE OF THEIR PLATFORM DOMINION POLITICS. The Farmers' Sun makes the follow- ing ing announcement over the n the Grand President of the Pa Mr C. A. Mallory: At the late meeting of the Grand Board in Toronto the follewing was prepared for publication in the press of Canada as an outline of the��,demands made by Patrons ,in connection•with Dominion affairs. THE PURITY AND INDEPENDENCE OF PARLIAMENT. No director or stockholder of any railroad or other corporation asking for or obtaining any emolument or aid from the Government shall be eligible for election to the House of Commons; and it such conditions shall occur in the case of a mernbet already elected. his seat shall 'be declared vacant. It shall be declared a breach of the Independence of Parliament Act for any-melmber of the House of Coihmons to accept lees.. vs ernolaments other than his yearly salary or sessional in-' demnity for any services performed for or on behalf of the Government. No member of the House of Com- mons shall receive a free pass from any railroad or steamship company; "and the seat of any member so receiving a free pass shall on proof thereof be im- mediately declared vacant, and the person so offending shall he disqualli- fled for •membership in the Hpuse.cf, Commons or for any position in the gift of the Government fora space of five years. RIGID. ECONOMY. The Government House at Ottawa shall be abolished, and the bar -room in connection with the House of Com- mons and Senate Chambers shall also be abolished. The system of superannuation, gra- tuites and pensions, except for mili- tary service, shall be abolished. The Mounted Police of the North- west Territories shall be abolished, except in unorganized districts; in which case the expenditure shall not exceed $200,000. The Military Col:ege at Kingston shall be abolished, and the expendi- ture on the militia force in the Domin- ion in times of peace shall be limited to $300,000. The granting of subsides and bon- uses to railroad and steamship com- panies and other corporation shall be abolished. The number of civil servants 'at Ot- tawa and their salaries shall be re- duced. The High Commissioner to Great Britain shall receive a stated salary without any additions for assistance or perquisites. The number of Cabinet Ministers shall be reduced, and the Canadian Senate shall be abolished. TARIFF FOR REVENUE. Luxuries shall be taxed to the' fullest revenue producing extent, and the fol- lowingshall be admitted free, into Canada, viz. ; Cottons, tweeds, ool- lens, workmen's tools, farm imple- ments, fence wire, binder twine, coal( oil,'iron and corn. Signed on behalf of the Grand Board, C. A. MALLORY, Grand Pres, L. A. WELCH, Grand Sec'y. West Huron Fanners' . Institute The annual meeting of the West Huron Far►ner's Institute ,,-was held at Wingham Thursday. The -attendance was excellent throughout the meeting, except the morning session, it was not as large at the hour of; starting as tete officers would have liked to have Seen. The interest taken in the meet- ingg, Was s owe by this lively,discussions which followed each address, The de- legation consisted o!, John McMillan, AP.. Cotletance; A. E. Werk, Wan- stead; Mr Beadle Toronto; the local lent cbiisisted of the President, J. A. enough and D. A, Forrester,, Clinton. e firet,suppje t discussed was plum cul - isby Mi; eadle. who understood is a bje;et fury; Mie- discussed the best soil for plums, the distance apart to plant, also the cause of the black knot and how to-destroythezm--4 ibs'of blue stone dissolved in about,25 gallons of water was the best remedy after the knots were cut off, the same remedy Was good for curculia by adding the Same weight of fresh burnt lime freshly Slacked. T following ollowin were the g w -beat Varieties of plums to plant for the dif- iasti0? a. sfha vet" "Prince earl En:.lebert," "Yellow EVENING SESSION. Mr Bobert Currie, ex -Reeve of Eas Wawanosh, was chosen chairman. M Bailie, the president, was first, speak e subject: Ontario Agricultural Collage what we saw and the benefits to beide rived from same. Mr J. A. Mallough gave a paper o apple growing in Ontario, which wa so highly appreciated by Mr McMillan that he secured it to be published b the Central Institute. Mr Beadle spoke on the apple, th varieties to plant, the right way t plant them. Rhode Island Greening and Baldwins were safe to plant in large orchard, but the spy'was not saf_ as they were nota self fertilizing vatic. ty. Need not be afraid of the market as the man who brings a first-class at title would always find a first -clan •price. The Blenheim Pippin,was a goo variety to plant to ship to the of country. Save your ashes for the or chard, keep trees well pruned, spray i the spring with the bluestone. mixture, with pares green added to keep off th apple moth and the black spots on th apple, and you should make apucces of apple grpwing. Mr Wark spoke on "vital points" t be observed, particularly; in supplyin dairy goods to the English market: the flavor should be put into the butte and 'cheese on the farm, by props handling of the milk and feeding o the cow. Mr D. A. Forrester spoke on agricul Uwe and its present outlook, comparing present prices with tormer prices. He claimed there was no hope of raising the price of grain, but that we should go more into dairying and cattle rais- rnDr McDonald g sehthe meeting some good advice and a short practical ad- dress. Mr John McMillan spoke on "how to make home attractive:" Make the boys partners in the business of the farms. Let theur have something for their own. Also! make "then) keep an account of their expenditures so as to make theta systematic in their busi- ness affairs; have home amusements for the evenings and invite the neigh- bors' children in to share their amuse - WELL KNOWN LONDON PEOPLE SAY : Mr S. F. Glass, London Pottery Works, says :-"No testimonial can be two strong to express the beneficial effects I have ex- perienced from the use of R. Stark's Head- ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders per- sonally and in my family, as they have' af- forded me perfect relief from the moat dis- tressing sick headaches which frequently incapacitated me from doing business. I know of others who have been equally be- nefitted. I consider them one of the most useful medicial combinations of the day." Mr H. C. Patterson, cf Messrs Masuret Be Co., wholesale grocers, says: -"I have found Stark's Powders (for Sick Headache, Biliousness and Liver) to afford immediate and permanent relief in every ease." "Miss L. G. Johnson says: -"A most 'valuable remedy. The result has always been satisfadtory.'' Price 25o a box; Bold by all medicine dealers. Coughing. For all' the ailments of Throat and Lungs there is no cure so quick and permanent as Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil. It is palatable, easy on the most deli- cate stomach and effective iii -."•t•.1 F stiMulates ther;appetite, aids the digestion: !Of :other ' foods, cures Ct iitglis 'aced' Cblds, Sore' Throat, Bronchia ,and gives vital strength besides. It has no equal as nour- ishment for Babies and Children 'Who cid ;heel thrive, and o'vereolites Any Condition of Wasting. Send for,�p¢rn�phld on Scott's Ei zuision. Ave. Scott & Bolnla' beflevllie, NII Drug sta. Sec. & $1.• rrON to piientu.` i he 'following officers and .director it Were elected for the , year. Presides; W. Bailie, Filet M. Vire Pres., 4; Gilt c', W ngb.ain; 2nd. Vice t'res,i''J tu' Ilufchinson, Minta;// Sec, Treas., IN N, Howell)"C>(<rlowi )irettors, W',. TV 'a Fisher, .Tann Penitent Golborn.e; .d 11 McIntyre, J,. H. Mallon h, J„.Lane, Id g Gilrvin, • AshfleId; O. Washington,,11 le; Wellwood, West Wawanosh; R. 0 be McGowan, W. J. Currie, East We hQwanosh; W. P: Grierson, R. Elliott W mghaua; O. Hamilton, 11, McQuar aS' Tie, Myth; A, T,. cDcnald, has. n.ell ce . Huliett; • A. Mc.1W,urchie, W. Well' k• Clinton; Jos. McCluskie, jr., A. Milord ve 'r., .Goderich township; J. B. Tom, 1? it S. L, A. Sanders, Goderich; J. Nether of ington, J. A. Mallough, Auditors There was a balance on hand at las Lt audit of 6172. Mr McMillan praise( n the Institute and said that they ha( V one of the best programs he had hear( this year. d The following meetings were set for d ---March, St. Helens; November, Gode Y rich; Annual meeting, Auburn. Dele e gates to Central Institute are W. Bail n le, W. P. Grierson: e d- e; 11 m g d, , 6' m A 5(10 Y O s e ' d d - n e s o g - r f Ontario is steadily growing into t r steady, well ordered province. In 198s the committals for drunkenness were 0 one to 400 of the population, whereat for the past year they were but one t( r 900, a decrease of 00 per cent. Quebec makes a diffe►ent showing. Ten years ago the convictions for drunkenness n were one to.896,",and now they are on( o to 339. d Q®1✓.LIN-C-�' e CHARLES H. DORENWEND a Inventor of the famous Doreuwend Eleotrica d Appll'ances, Trusses and Inetr uments for Defer mitles, will be in Gltnton, Rattenbury House, Tuesday, Feb.1 s 1Hilebent, Hicks Mouse, Monday, Feb. 4th, „ S0aforth, Queen's Motel, Saturday. Feb. 9 e RUPTURED PERSON$ -I can At you with ou t which hold with lss Perfection pressure Over re seourlt 1 thanall others, and where at all possible a radi cal pure will result. Callere who expect to se nothing butoldatyle true e• willbe disappointed 3 I have departed entirely from the old fashions ideas. I use different springs, webs, pads, eto. in fact everything is different. 1 am probably ', flate ter myselft tntht t I haven Mev nes sand "mane 1 lectured the bast appliances. I have the pa• e tience,energy, and perseverance 'necessary fox success. The same remarks apply to my Elec. tricekend Surgical Appliances. Records at dux office ebow remarkable cures of Rheumatism, Nei, veins diseases, Dyspepsia, Kidney troubles, Scfa• t Utica, Sexual weakness, eta., by;our Electric Belts. r For tDefoimities as Bow Legs, linen$ Knees Club Elect, Spinal' Curvature, oto., we make a '' superior line of instruments. Mothers if you , have a ruptured or deformed child, haye it at. - tended to at once and save it a life of misery. Many lives are wasted through negligence. I shall be pleased to have all interested pall on 1 me at places above mentioned and investigate. 3 I ask no fancy prices, our motto being "Guar- anteed Appliaisces, small ;profits and quick re. turns." Remember dates. DORENWEND, Elec. trio Belt at Truss Co., PLO Queen St. West, Toren to. References from ending physicians and pa- ) tients in all peats 4 Canada and United State,. We send appliances td Europe, Africa, The In- dies. and ail parts of the world. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF REBEKAH J. COOTER, DECEASED. • 4 Pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, notice 1 is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against. Rebekah J. Cooper, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, who departed this life on or about the 9th day of August A. 'D,1894, are requested to deliver or send by post prepaid to Job Cooper, Clinton, Ontario, Executor of the will of the said deceased, on or before the 23rd day of February, 1895, a statement of their natiles and I addresses, with full particulars of their claims, under oath, and the securities (if any) held by them,* and that after rho day last aforesaid the said Executor will proceed to diatribute the assts of the said deceased among the parties Eu led ; hereto regard being had only to the' cl ms ofhich notice shall have been given as ab vo regaired and the said Executor will not be liiilble for the assets or any part thereof to anynot person shall not have of whose claim or been received by him/ms at the time of distribution. JAMES SCOTT, Solicitor for the said Executor. Dates at Clinton this 21st day of January. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF CLINTON. Under and by virtue of the power of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage which will be,•pro- duced at the sale, there will be sold at public auction by T. M. Carling, auctioneer, at MASON'S HOTEL, CLINTON, ON SATURDAY; FEB. 16th, 1 895 At 3 p.m., the following Property Viz: -Lot No. 463 on Albert street, otherwise number 24 on Railway Terrace, in the Town of Clinton, in ;,ho County of Huron, and containing by admeas- urement one quarter of an acre, more or less. There aro erected upon the property a sub- stantial frame dwelling House and Stable. TERMS: -Ten per cent of the purchase money down on day of Sale, and balance in 30.daye thereafter, withou tin terest,orat the option of the purchaser, a portion of the purchase money up to one half may remaineA• mortgage on the premises. Fuither particulars made known at the sale or upon application to John Johnston, Esq., Clinton, or to the undersigned, T. M. CARLING,' JAMES SCOTT, Auctioneer. Vendors Solicitor Clinton, January 15th, I895. $3,000 TO LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS SECURITY. Apply to W. COATS, For Executors Estate Jos. Whitehead ' FIVE FARMS FOR SALE OR TO 13,ENT, OR WORK ON SHARES. Terms to suit purchasers. 4; : ';, D. J. CANTELON, J. P., Clinton M FOR SALE. Lot 7 Bayfield, Goderich township, 84 acres; 44 of which are cleared and in good cultivation, 40 acres good Hardwood bush nnoullod, Maple bush, Cherry with a few acres Cedar at rear•ehd of lots; good frame House with outbhildingsigood bear- ing orchard of which got $140 for Apples in 0c.7 totem lase, small spring Creek orosoee lot; 2 mflse from Bayfield, 12 Milos from .Goderich ; miles from Clinton; no inoumbrenee'on the farm owner wants to give. u farming. Price $2700 halt Cash; Balafrce' on time to 'suit Pereheser Addrese.IOHN 11. EAGLESON, Bayfield P. 0 GCQTT4OE TO BENT. • A largo brink Cottage on Townsend St At, present occupied by the Rev. Mr Ross: enquire at the residence of MR C. E. ROVEY Bulls for ,$ale Fos' hale Nhea'p, Two Thorn-BrodDurham BO aged rest; otively 10 and 14 months. Both, are, of geed. pedigree, are splendid animal!will be' Bold cheap, and may be Men at Lott 88-8, 9pus 2,3, L.R,S; TuoiSeremith ELCOATBROS, Brumfield SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. linty();or sales six gded young"Balls and throe G nalit an the most dh y :fining 13tiifoi's bt oo d 0 t d bre ho ranlmals a s oat t ' rove breeding. dhow at p also one Berkshire boar tit for service. Prick; to suitthe times. All the Sberthorns are from goon/liking lvvBarf strains. El illllettt.. Qlinton P.0 8 "• Y e a KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The•many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative prince ie embraced in the remedy, Syria, of Figs. - Its excellence m due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreehing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax. ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 750. betties, but it is mann- factlired by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept'or,y substitute if offered, PROPERTIES FOR SALE Ola To LET TWO ROOMS TO LET IN MACKAY I:LOCK. One in Front and one in Rear. Rent Moderate. W. COATS, for Executors Est. Jos. Whitehead FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451 or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton. Particulars upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister B,; House for Sale or to Rent on reasonable terms. The large and comfortable dwelling house on Townsend street, at present occupied by Mr W. Downs, is offered to rent. It possesses every con- venience, is very pleasantly situated, and will be rented at a reasonable rate, Apply to either JAMES HOWE or CHAS. N. WILSON, Clinton. House and Lot for s ..le That conveniently situated house and lot on Maple Street, at present occupied by Mr David Gardner, is offered for sale, or would exchange for a larger house. The lot contains one quarter acre, with comfortable house and stable; cls fruit trees and bushes. Applv on the premise ' or at Naw ERA office, or to J. WALKINSHA Lot 13, Con, 2, Hullett. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The commodious and conveniently situated house on Ontario St., recently occupied.by Dr, Appleton, is offered for sale on very ri asonable terms. The house is adapted for ordinary family and has every convenience and• requisite. Full particulars on application to JAMES SCOTT or ReIRWIN, Clinton. FOR SALE - The following valuableresidental property in the Town of Clinton, is offered for sale. Lot 107 and part of 108, Victoria St., and part of lot 113 High Street. There are two comfortable dwelling Houses upon the property, in an excellent state of reprir. For further particulars and terms appl to A. MCj1'IU1ICHIS, or to the undersigned. JAMES SCOTT. House and Large Garden or Sal TEThat comfortable six -roomed House, belong- ing to the estate of the late E. Finch, with two lots, Noe. 662 and 663 on Gorden street, C inton, will be sold on moderate terms. Has good well. woodshed, &c. The arden is well planted with choice frnit trees. This is a desirable chance for a retired farmer. Apply to T.M. CARLING, Auctioneer, or to H. HALE, Agent, Clinton. Clinton. fan. 9, 1895. Splendid' Farm for Sale. 147 acre farm, 116 cleared, the bush being chiefly maple and beech, being part of North lot, No. 19, llth con. Township cf West Wawa - nosh, adjourning 85 a village of St. Helene; same known as the Gordon Homestead, soil second to none, in a first class state of cultivation. Good feneei• watered by good spring creek and wells. Good brick house, frame barn, frame stables, and other outhouses. Good bearing orchard all in a beautiful locality For particulars apply to JOHN GORDON, St. Helens 3m• FARM FOR SALE That valuable farm live miles fact! the thriv- ing town of Clinton, being lot 41, con. 8, Goderich Township, containing 80 acres, more or less, nearly all cleared, well underdrained, and in a good state of cultivation. There ie a comfortable house, new barn and shed With stone foundation 56x60, never failing well, four acres of orchard, convenient to church and school and good roads in all directions. Will be sold reasonable; $1,000 requiredldown, the balance may remain on mort- gage. For^partioulare apply to B. SWITZER, Clinton P. O. A thoroughbred registered DUR- HAM BULL for sale cheap. CHOICE FARM LOT For SALE Tenders will be received by the Execetors of the late Charles Carter for the purchase of his Farm-lotNo.‘,34 of tho First oonoesslon (Huron Road) Tnekersmith. The lot comprises 100 acres, except the portion occupied by the G. T. Rail- way, all cleared but elghtseros of good hardwood timber. First-class soil, well watered, and quite nnexhaueted, being almost all new land. Well suited for a grazing fruit, orgrain farm. Outside fences good; no buildings. The lot is situated on the main gravel road from Goderich to Stratford, within two miles of Clinton, which has an excel- lent market two railways, good schools, etc. Terms, one -Half °ash, balance on time to suit purchaser. Tenders will be received until January 16th, 1895. Address R. RANBFQRD, Exec tor, or H HALE, Agent, Clinton, Ont, Clinton, Deo. 13t0, 1894. FARM FOR SALE, • That fine Farni of '127 acme, being lot 16, let oon., otHullott. A11 cleared but aboutten sores; ten sores in fall wbeat:,balance ,all fit for eultl- ivation;neverta inR apkring;good orchard Frame 'Belted and •olitbnil-dibhgs. Bitnate jolt 2* rnile9 easSof the Town of Clinton, and is considered 'a flrgtyglae�ee ern,' ppeeepseion given at,any time. He w0oonMl;;fool a wining ttptakelhponn,eee property in SMITHSON,, Steppp--ladders'Werke,yHuronn8Ia'eet, Clinton, or EDWIN SLY. on the premises. Terms reasonabl That dottai;e o 'Frederick street, at present" 000ttlied by W. mithson is' Alm for cafe or to lent. , PERR1111 SLOGK■ CLINTON ' h� easy 1 b, d et6 ora tit on win E I e xo Tea s , a .',� T n L B' eft �, ISA L, a r, in the prem sen, The land co ,t $i,rANJ egover $8,000. EiLI. 284 M1tfn w., Ham1 Shots llt t On Vet s suit pu eo Tit s n OOA0 lock w MO the D. 3. �0, e onOrme, en or divide to o a er; one quarter oat or ther good balance OD 'e 1 illi 00(040110.1 flikt 4i41 ,r4 E arri$ter Solicht Cenniliadellerftl> iantatioand fsalons,' Qmge ituMedietely I:IOW l 14 Qllrgl' d 111(40 lqa" WA” BIRYDONE A .._.. BABAI5TAR., SQl',IIQIT,QRt I!i9TAUT 1'TJISI(I(l, 4.7T0.' Office -Beaver B1QcJR. vp.etairs, .Qpp9site Foster's Pii+aic Oall®ry, QTINTON"' �R, W114, GUN T, OFP'IC,E ' ONTARIO ; ST a few doors blast of A,lbort Street.. DR J. L. TURNBULL. Ili. D., TORONTO• ' University, 6r D. 0.M. Victoria University , M. 0. P e 8., Ontario. Fellow o1 the Obetetritlil Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh Hospitals. 0fflce.-Dr, Dowse y'e old office Rattenbuiry 6t, Clinton. Night bell answered at the satffie place. Till. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN SURGEON Rattenbury St. fortmerlyoccupied by Di Reeve Clinton Ont. 1 AS. S. FREEBORN, M.D.. L.K.&Q,Q,P.I,, M. eJ Q. P. & B. 0., Graduate Kingo and Queens College o1 Phl1yy��sicians, Dublin, Ireland. Lice*. tiaMember of Colle College Medical and Surgeon, Go- tarto, Formerly resident of Rotunda'Hospital, (Lyying-in and Gynecological) Dublin. Residence -Rattenbury St. east, next door to Ontario St, parsonage, nit HE Medical Department of Victoria Univers7 n� city, Toronto, formerly Dispensaries. New York, Coroner for be County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. T• C• BRUCE L. D. S. Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton. Office, Coats Block,,oyer Taylor's oboe store Teeth Extracted without Pain by the use of local Anesthetics. ,Special attention given to the Preservation of the natural teeth. Visits Blyth professionally every Monday at Mason's Hotel, ILBLACK ALL VETEHINAHI SIHeld ON J • HonoraryGraduate of the. OntarioS etc]. . na College. Treats all dleeases of domesticates an male on the most modern and Scientific prince plea Office- immediately south of the New Ere Office, Residence - Albert 6t., Clinton, Ca11 night orday attended to promptly 1AirARRIAGE LICENSE, JAMES SCOTT, 6R., 1C/ insurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, trams OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, No witnesses required MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE UR Small sums on good mortgage eecnrity moderaterateoftuthreat. H HALE, Clinton, TOW. FARNCOMB, MEMBER: OF ASSN OF 12 • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont, -Office at lieu. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. MRS. WHITT, M. C. M .TEACHER OF MUSIC. Pupil of MrCharles W. Landon, of Philadelphia, The Mason Method used exclusivelyy. It is con. sidered by the leasing Musical Arttets that as method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr Mason's " Touch and Technic." Piano, Organ and Teohni0on, or Muscle develops for use of pupils.Rooms over Beesley's Store, Beaver Block Albe, t Street, Clinton. , R. AGPIEW, L.D.S D.D.S, DENTIST. , ,graduate of Royal •College of Dentai Eurgeoner Ont. Honor Graduate of Trini,y University! Toronto. All operations in Dentistry ,carefully performed. Best local Anaesthetics for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall ever Swallow's store. Willvlelt Heneall every Monday, and Zurich` everyseoond Thursday of each month. £E Night bell answered. A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge No. 144, meet in Biddle oombeHall on the 1st and Ilyd Fridays in mak month. Visitors cordiall�ly-invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder DR. NIcLELLAN LONDON, ONT. 234 Dundee St., Specialist ou the EYE, EAR, NOSE .1& THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital 1889, Post Graduate Course at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1892. Eyes, Tested. Full stock of Artificial Eyes, Spectacles and Lenses. Will be at Rattenbury House, CLINTON on FEB. 8 Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. YOU ING LADIES APi D GENTLEMEN Send 9 cents In stamps. or 10 cents in silver, and we will send you by return mail the PERFECT LETTER WRITER A neat little Book, being a perfect Guide in the art of Letter Writing. It containg Letters of Love, Friendship, Beninese, etc., with valuable instructions and advice. Every young man and wcman should have this Book. Address, NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, INGERSOLL, 011'L' CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in full o• eration and al orders filledin the most satisfacto y way Ceres. tory and granite work a specialty. Prices as reasonable as those of any establishn.bnt SEALE & HOOVE- R,Clinton. las W EIOOIIS! WE HAVE ;RECEIVED OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF BOOTS SJJOES OVERSHOES, FELT and RUBBERS PRICES AWAY DOWN TO SUIT THE TIMES • 10 sets Dgnble and 15 sets of Single HARNESS that must be sold. Trunks, Valises, Robes, Horse Blankets, &c A quantity of SHINGLES still on hand TWITCHLL CLINTON. I