HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-01-25, Page 2iP )131 ..on road, regret to Hullett, -is re- ;;ack of bronchial sr.; an old resident s;"confine;d to the house oftlie Manse, Kip- er some days past, inge en, of C,61borne, atte„tid a term aughter of een.engaged ar na. orris, had bis tipsetting in -rnoon. ld, sold to Mr on Saturday, tg 175 bushels. months of 1894, ve of Tucker- inbs to Buffalo. Bairn. Quick, cleansing, heal. for nanny years cm en mills of th same from .4 run g Walter.,,5tur�d , West Wawanosh, iile cutting hemlock, der bone broken. on, of Seaforth, has a severe attack of the lungs, but is now, learn, recovering. d, formerly of London, rated manager of the at Exeter. Mr Ward osition of sub -manager to Exeter. field, Grey township, a e tuofddrayy stovetainiwoodng to r, con5 a whopper. Id David S. Errington 200 acre farm, Morris, for a term of will take possession 'r Snell intends remov- • r,' of Wingham, left r Helena, Mont., in his brother, Robert has been in that coon - ears, and is engaged ing mills. has been quite ill, and the voters' list appeals gels, Ethel and Oran - as to have taken place indefinitely postponed. ial hotel of Seaforth lids and is now under 'p of Mr Wm. Bishop, alanan. I c ent homierd to the Id son of Robt.ve, Hills bit Wednesday. e out he fell off he sleigh and rm. It is only a short tirne ether met with a similar ac- he woods. k. Dempsey, who has taught Iden for the past nine years, 1 Monday night for High ., where he has been en-. rincipal for the public school salary. a Miller, V. S., has sold his in Andrew street, Exeter, to tweet V. S. who bo formerly for the sum of $1,075. Mr take possession on March iiig the naafi, few years Mr been l3ractisrng in Illinois. . Igltnet3, of McKillop, was s One day le ;4t week with a Ctttter, and picked up an old rtifid aged. 88 years, who befol'e jieen in a cutter or lhe WAS , recently from Scot- ; let ice, J. McLach- Stewart, W. line, John $hortreed, hpston and Thomas Calder. O (ERBMITHBRANCH.—Theofficers dteil are as follows : G. E. Cress - 11, Tuckersmith, Pres.; John G. Grieve, McKillop, Vice -Pres.; Thos. E. Mays, McKillop, Sec.; Robert Logan, Seaforth, Treas. Directors—Peter Mc- Kay and John Dale, Tuckersmith ; W. E. Caldwell and Geo. Dale, Hullett ; R. Armstrong, William McIntosh and R. Common, McKillop ; Thos. Stephens and Jas. Dick. Seaforth. HAY BRANCH.—The followingoffi- cers were appointed: Fred. Hess, res.; W. T. Caldwell, Vice -President.; D. S. Faust, Sec.-Treas. Directors—Louis Walper, John Deichert, Chris. Oswald, John Laporte, W. B. Battler, G. Holtz- man, John Golman, John Geitz and Henry Reichert. STEPHEN AND USBORNE.—The offi- cers for i895 are as follows : Sam. San- ders, Stephen, President ; Donald Mc- Innes, Usborne, Vice -Pres.; A. G.Dyer. Exeter, Sec.-Treas. Directors-Edw'd Christie, W. Hawkshaw, A. G. Rol- lins and A. Q. Dobler, Exeter ; J. Del - bridge and Jas. Ballantyne, Usborne ; W. -Elliott and H. Eilber, Stephen ; Henry Smith, Hay. GREY BRANCH.—The following are the officers for I:'!5`: Pres., A. Smith ; Vice -Pres., Wm. Pollard. Directors- R. Graham, . Gee. Thomson, P. Scott, John McKinnon, J. D. Warwick, Jas. Ferguson, A. Gardiner, W. H. Mc- Cracken and John Brown. . MdelOgb, son of Rev. Robt. entor-of elitist church, Chat - haft for the past eighteen iiln Tedg" e't•=kc�e er in the Can - 1 off•'Demmer , Seaforth, lawobibted toth 'position of the Goderich branch of the of the 8th car. of son of Mr' a bt, ...iri HANDS AND ANKLES RAW. For years I have been a great sufferer from itchy skin trouble and salt -rheum. My hands and ankles were literally raw. The first application of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment allayed the burning, itching sensation. One box and a half entirely cured me, It is also instant relief for chilblains. Henry A. Parmenter, 8t. Catherines, Ont. ing lr;oilll of It rind uoljady oleo 'Ane tenuous to he u11 only 'to be knoelted do gaip'k •r. ,INVF+ST t3O S jtjdING. "Orae • Of the beet Opportunities, 'Pr a young Ole* to roOke money gineldy tin these dayata• said i ti m=illionaire to , a . �i3 writter in tea, ]dew York Trihuue, grill to '. rack hie bruits until he line invented someM, thin( neofal •or that the puWiti wituta. k general impresaian 1preauxia tbtit'it makes .e kilie ,engineer :et e .mt phenowenal iuvoutivo ability to develan.oapa anything nee" #ul,to mennfecturere in, this age.af machin* errs'.Beet there tie �a wide ..eiii gpen:=tu• shrewd emdteuret o. to speak, to eupplY little articlesof convenrenoo to houeekeep- ere shopkeepers etc and designers Oen ha e, ltiet e lits 28,Ty4te the rush ill Orate use of the able that there will ri'till the autumn. pent Qonservative"—to use odok expression—who lately d Ottawa, said to -day that the ernmenthad almost decided to call parliament together for business in the second week of March. This will give the government a chance fur proroga- tion about the middle of June. Three months—the average duration of ses- sions nowadays—at least, no session can be got through in less than that time. By the end of harvest a great amount of campaigning-• could have been done, and with the elections late in Octcber, or early in November, the government think they could face the country with unbroken front. Presbytery of Huron. The Presbytery met in Ilensall on the 15th inst. Rev M. McKay was ap- pointed Moderator for the ensuing six' months. The Session Records of Sea - forth, Duff's church and Winthrop, Egmondville, Clinton, Blyth, Bruce - field, Kippen, Hensel!, Exeter, Grand Bend and Thames Road, etc., were ex- amined and attested. The report on Sabbath Schools was delayed till next meeting. • A letter from the Convener of the B.ssembly's Committee on Tem- perance was read and remitted to the Presbytery's Committee to take action thereon The remit on the H mnal was approved of, and that on Jewish Mission disapproved of. Said mission was recommended to be under control of the Foreign Mission Society. The annual report of the Women's Presby- terial Foreign Mission Society was read, showing the Society to be in a very vigorous state, prosecuting its grand work with untiring zeal, and very en uraging results. The mem- bershi the Society is 684; the con- tributions for last year, ending Dec. 31st, 1894, were $1,367.18, and clothing to the value of $262.88 had been sent to the Indians of the Northwest. The Presbytery received the report with thanks, and assured the ladies of its continued confidence in the Society, its gratitude to God for the work said So- ciety was accomplishing, and its pray- ers to God that the Divine Blessing may rest in increasing measure upon our devoted women. A. conference on the state of religion is to be held at the Marcie meeting. Mr. J. S. Henderson submitted questions to be sent to the Christian Endeavor sccieties,within the, bounds of the Presbytery. The ques- tions were approved of and ordered to be sent. Mr. Stewart stated that Mr. Cooper declined the call to Brucefleld, and asked -leave to moderate in another cull. Leave was granted. The Presby- tery, is to hold its next meeting in Clinton on the 12th of March. OPINIONS CHANGED, The decision was not arrived at with out much debate. At first Sir ')harles Tupper, Hon. John Haggart, Hon. J. C. Patterson, and in fact all the mem- bers of the cabinet, excepting Sir Mac- kenzie Rowell and the French mem- bers, were in favor of an early dissolu- tion. Then came the news of the Mani- toba difficulty, of the probability of the decision of the Privy Council going in favor of the Manitoba minor=ity. Opin- ions changed speedily. The - Premier was shaken in his desire for delay. He began to wish the election over, but the point of view of the other -Minis- ters underwent an alteration. The French Ministers were joined by the majority, and the Premier finally came around to the convictions of Sir Adolphe,Caron. The Postmaster Gen- eral came out with the announcement that things in Quebec looked so bad for the party that they could not be worse. If an election came on in the near fu- ture the French province might give the Liberals such a majority as would make a Government victory in the country impossible. For the next nine months the two parties may plot and plan. It will not be until the end of that period that the ballot boxes' mouths will be thrown open for the billets thati will sea the fate of the sixth Canadian Ministry. The Liberals have decided to run no candidates in Toronto. The result of the voting in June last showed that Toronto had three and a half Tories to two Grits. The Reformers have taken the lesson to themselves and will cam- paign out in the country, leaving, as they hold, Toronto to fatten on its own political corruption,. Upon the eloquent and obese physi- cian, Dr. Montagne will fall much of the heavy work of the campaign. Hon. J. C. Patterson's health is not suffi- ciently robust to allow of his partici- pating in a protracted campaign. Hon. John Haggai t will have his hands full combatting the Liberal heresies in east, - ern Ontario, and will find little time to come west. Sir Meckenzie Boa -ell will talk at but -a few places. His physi- cians have impressed on him the ne- cessity of strict attention to health. In the Maritime provinces the new Secretary of State, Hon. A.. R. Dickey, will be an acquisition. On the stump Mr. Dickey has not many equals, and he can write his cheque for a quarter of a million. What nacre could be ask- ed? In New Brunswick Hon.Peter Mitch- ell threatens to make things unpleas- ant for Hon. Geo. E. Foster. The Third Party will likely he in his old seat next election. Hon. Michael Adams, who defeated Mr. Mitchell at the last. gen- eral election, is almost a physical wreck. The Conservatives will have to find another candidate at next elec- tion, and the strongest they may put up will be too weak to °defeat Peter Mitchell. (From' the Toronto Newe.) There willbe a general election for the House of Commons before the snow is off the ground. This may be taken as an as- sured faot as information on the matter Domes from too many well informed sour- ces to permit a doubt in the matter what- ever. The only question is as to the ex- act date on which polling will take place, but the general opinion is that it will be some time in April as the lista cannot well be got ready before then. The old cam- paigners in both parties cannot get their armor on too soon, as the whole Dominion will in a few weeks be ringing with the fiercest battle that has taken place in Can- ada since the National Policy victory of '78. hft4 at lieasonabie.ratea to exeoiite the idea, mice it is conceived Am -o-444 women are HO a401.1stoined tp getting what they want that anything that lightens their labors in the^hpusebold is sure to go. When. I was a boy On the farm at home, my mother used to make me clean all the dinner knives with a bathbriok. Now, scraping this brick intoe fine powder, without lumps in it, need to be the most tedious nart of the whole work. The other day Iheard of a man who has made his fortune by supply- ing the trade with powered bathbriok in neat packages. You know how difficult it is to pick up . email ooins from a, wooden counter. Yet the whole civilized world has growled at and endured it since ooins were stamped and. oognters made, until the other day a young fellow inyented a rubber mat with little bristles of rubber standing up thickly all over it. Coins thrown on the mat are easily picked up as if they stood on edge. The public was quick so appreciate it, and the inventor need not work for a living any longer. The present population of Ottawa is placed at 4'7,775. Rev. J. C. Madill is said to be desirous of relinquishing his office as president of the P.P.A. • It is announced that all the Canadian Methodist missionaries in Japan have re. signed because 'lie allowance is out down. In the explosion at Butte, Montana 35 were killed, and 85 injured, and the loss fire and"explosion In the immediate vicinity of the disaster is 8160,060, The exports from the Ohatham Consu- lar district to the United States have in- creased rapidly since the new U. S. tariff carne into operation. Th total for the e total of last t • Re4i- t qnarter just ended exceeds year's exports by about prooal freedom of trad benefit to the rid The fri evangelis not in ro Tor of 441 Alikr.4111tr 01414, 13* sister, / olieitg . fmiro 4pos1t ileac t7omn►ifleionerlpi Qbterloend 144nitobs. )0ea irpglediately:contll et QfiraY 9! Tv mita/We t -" • h !BOY DONE! 041304041.g, JSQLIPIt94i, PII73Llti, Fa'I'C1.. Ofee, $'elyVra C 13.1094_,'p-stairre Qppoeite Pesters Photo `t-lalheryr QLINTON RELIEF IN SIX HOURS—Dletressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Curet' This new remedy is a great surprise andeligbt on account of.its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in tbe•ue,.::P.:,a..L•!'a..reys, back and every part of ihe urinary passages ire male or female. It re- ilevee'retention of water and pain in phasing it, almostimmediately. Sold by WATTS & 00 The Governor General of Canada, Lord Aberdeen, last Thursday evening prevent - of the Mona - hie prompt action cf extinguishing a heof burning tissue paper on the stage. The occasion was the presentation of a historical tab- leau in which Hie Exoellenoy'e children took part. The great ball was packed to the doors, and in handing a number of boquets for the amateur lady performers on the stage, the conductor dropped the tisane paper convey logs, which caught fire in the foot lights, and flared up mightily.. For a moment there was considerable excitement, but Lord Aberdeen, who was behind the eoenes, stepped forward and quickly stamp- ed out the flames, amid the tremendous cheering of those present, who, rising in their seats gave him an ovation. But for the prompt action of His Excellency fear- ful results might have followed. ed a panic in the great ha .went National Montreal b When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorl4 When sbe became Mies, she clung to Castor's. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Pew gkdvertisamento. COTTAGE /TO RENT. A large brick Cottage on Townsend St. At present occupied by the Rev. Mr oss; enquire at the residence of MR C. E. HO BEFORE MARCH 1ST. "I have inside information direot from Ottawa," said a College street Conserva- tive to The News, "thot you can rely upon as correct." "Dissolution will take la .Ti oe before the middle of February and the elections will come on sometime in March if the lists are ready. If they are not, then the date will be just tie early in April ae possible." HARTY'B CHANCES. 'Pshawl" said a Liberal from Kingston, "we hare Hon. Wm. Harty elected bands down.8l His majority will be at least 800." "But in the municipal elections the Con- servatives wo=n." "That doesn't signify. Although nom- inally the mayoralty contest was run on politioal lines really many Liberals voted for the+ Conservative candidate. "Besidee.we have made large gains in registation since then. You can bank on three undred for Harty. He'll have that ajo ity." THE :ONDO1 SITUATION. o sooner finish one fight in London thee' comes on," said George C. one of the Forest City's most pro - riders, in referring to the corn - on in the Dominion. • ill your canidate be hent tittle? an again?" e Atilt, Bulls for Sale For sale cheap, Two Thoro-Bred Durham Butte aged respectively 10 and 14 months. Both are of good pedigree, are splendid animals will be sold cheap, and may be seen at Lots 35-i16, Cons. 2-3, L.E.S. Tuokeremith ELCOAT BROS, Brucefieid 1Y SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. I hays for Sale six good young Bulls and some young Heifers of Good quality and of the most a proved breeding. Show :animals a specialty, also ono Berkshire boar fit for service. Prices to suit the time. All the Shorthorns are from good Milking strains. JAS. SNELL. e Haync•Berten Farm, Hullett, Clinton P. 0 House and Large Garden , or Sal DOM Brings comfort and improvement and • tends to personal enjoyment when . rightly used: The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more, promptly adapting the world's beet products to the needs. o£ physical being, will attest the value, to health of the pure liquid laxative princi as embraced in the remedy, Syru, of ]Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax. ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it act& on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without Weak- ening weakening them and it is.perfeetly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drag- , gists in 750. bottles, but it ie manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whoeea me is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, .you will not accept •env^ substitute if offerel- r• That comfortable six -roomed House, belong- ing to the estate of the.late E. Finch, with two lots, Nos. 662 and 663 on Gore en street, Clinton, will be e, ld on moderate terms. Has good well. woodshed, &c. The. arden ie well p=anted with choice frnit trees. This is a desirable chance for a retired farmer. Apply to T.M. CARLING, Auctioneer, or to H. HALE, Agent, Clinton. Clinton. Jan. 9, 1895. BUSINESS CHANGE ! The undersigned begs to inform the people of Clinton and surrounding country that he las bought the stook of BOOTS & SHOES of Mr Geo. Stewart. and he will continue the redness in the same place opposite the Market, He will sell for cash only, and offer Special Bar- gains for the next 30 days. He hopes by strict at- tentlon to business to merit a share of Public Patronage. Repairing a epcoiaity. JAMES YOUNG. JUDICIAL SALE —OF— PROPERTIES FOR SALE on To LET TWO ROOMS TO LET Ili`... MACKAY BLOCK. - One in Front and one in Rear. Rent Moderate. W. COATS, for Executors Est. Jos. Whitehead FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell at a saorifioe, Lot 451 or 12, Pailway Terrace Clinton. Particulars: upon applioatioe, JAMES SCOTT• Barrister Au House to Rent. The large and comfortable dwelling house on Townsend street, at present occupied by Mr 'W. Downs, is offered to rent. It possesses everyebn- venienee le very pleasantly situated, and ,will be rented at reasonable rate. Apply to either JAMES HOWE or CHAS. N. WILSON, Clinton. House and Lot for s le That conveniently situated house and lot on Maple Street, at present occupied byMr David Gardner, is offered for sale, or woud exchange for a larger house. The lot oontaine one quarter acre, with comfortable house and 'stable; also fruit trees and bushes. Apply on the premises, or at New ERA office, or to J. WALKINSHAW, Lot 19, Con. 2, Hullett. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The commodious and conveniently situated house on Ontario St., recently occupied by Dr. Appleton, is offered for este on very reasonable terms. The house is adapted for ordinary family and bas every convenience and requisite. Full particulars on application to JAMES SCOTT or R IRRWIN, Clinton. R. 1Vm G tNN, ov4xoikee1x.TOto a few (10044.04ot of Alberts refill;:. s.� ; DUn v rsity, a .0. O.M.'Vlgt0rfp.DnavYkA ty td;o, P dF S., Ontario, yellow Of the Qlbsstetricat Soolety of Edinbiuggb, late of LondoniEng„ and • IOdipburgh Hospitals. Qmee Dr,DOweely's!lld: office Rattenbury St. Olinton ,Hight bell antiveted at the eiteeplece. • TAB. J. W. slew, PI1 sIOX4114, 8V i0EON Accoucheur, eta., office in the Palace"block llatteubury 8t. formerly occupied by Dr. reeve ClintonOnt el A8..S. FREEBORN, & 8, 0,, Graduate Singe and Qu=een College of Physician, Dublin, Ireland L,loegr date Metterfil Medical'9ounell, Great, Plitt*. Member of College Physicians and Surgeons, on, tarto. Formerly resident of Rotunda Respite], (Lying-in and etyaecological) Dublin.::Iiesidenoa —itattenbury 8t. east, ' next doer: to Ontario et. parsonage. FOR SALE The following valuable residents' property in the Town of Clinton, is offered for sale. Lot 107 and part of 108, Victoria St., and part of lot 113 High Street. There are two comfortable dwelling Houses updn'the property, in an excellent state of reprir. Far further particulars and terms appl to A. MoMURCHIE or to the undersigned,• JAMES BOQTT. I Splendid Farm for Sale. 14? Acre farm, 116 cleared, the bnsb being chiefly maple and beech, being part of North g 'lot, No. 19, llth con. Township cf West Wawa - nosh, adjourning tt e village of St. Helene; same l known as the Gordon Homestead, soil second to none, in a first class state o1 cultivation. Good feneei• watered by good spring creek and wells. Good brio house, frame barn, frame stables, and other outhouses. Good bearing orchard all in a beautiful locality For particulars apply to JOHN GORDON, 8t. Helens 3m• Valuable FarmProperty In the Township of Goderich and s County of Huron. Pursuant to the order of the Chancery Divi- sion, of the High Court of Justis e, in the suit of Baker ve. Baker, there will be offered for sale at public auction, by B. Matoomson, 'esquire, Mae• ter at Goderich, at the Commercial. Hotel, at Clint a n, in the County of Huron, on SATURDAY, Feb'y 2nd, 1895, at 8 o'olook in the afternoon, the following pro- per*y, namely; All and singular those certain parulis and tracts of land and premises situate. lying and being in the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, being composed of the east halves of lot seventy-two and lot seventy- three, ib the Maitland Conceselon, of the Town- ship of Goderich aforesaid, containing one hun- dred and one acres, more or lege. The : oil It various, being part sandy and part oiay',lm. Eighty ac, es are cleared, of which two acres are composed of bearing orchard. The property, is Well watered with a good well and running stream. Thtre is a frame dwelling house on rbcremises,alsoaframe bank barn, The fences are in a fair condition. The above property is eltnated about five miles from Clinton, about 12 miles from Goderich, about three from Holmes ville and one from Summerhill post office, where there is a church and school. Immod- oseession can, if necessary, be given to a user. The property will be sold subject to d bid, and in all other respects the eon - ill he the' etanding coed tions of the t of d=rools', Ftirtheit �1a4'titillar417111 awnattbetin &lode and .411014 WIZ RON 1I0LT&fl 11/06,Godo- rUllelieitotar D M a ea DepartmeGRADUATE t gp O etoria Uniyer- city, Toronto, former] of the Hoepitale ann Dispensarlbs. New York, Coroner for he County of Enron, Bayfield, Ont. FARM FOR SALE . Tbat valuable farm five miles fiom the thriv- ing town of Clinton, being lot 41, con. 8, Goderich Township. containing 80 acres, more or lose, nearly all cleared, well underdrained, and in a good state of cultivation. There is a comfortable house, new barn and shed with stone foundation 56x60, never failing well, four acres of orchard, convenient to church and school and good roads in all directions. Will be sold reasonable; 81,000 requiredldown, the balance may remain on mort- gage. For particulars apply to B. SWITZER, Clinton P. 0. A thoroughbred registered DUR- HAM BULL for sale cheap. CHOICE FARM LOT For SALE T. C. BRUCE L• D. S.' Dentist - Surgeon Clinton. Office, Coats Block; over Taylor's shoe store Teeth Extracted without Pain by the use of local Antesthetros, ;Special attention given to the Preservation of the natural teeth. Visits Blyth profeesionally every ' Monday a! Mason's Hotel. , 1E. BLACKALL Vi.ITLR1NARY tt1.ROL.ON 91 • HonoraryGraduate of the OntarioV eterina College. Treats all diseases of domesticated an ' mals on the most modern and scientific princi plea Office— immediately south of the New Ere Office. Residence — Albert at., Clinton. Call night orday attended to promptly 1%)IARRIAGE LICENSE, JAMES SCOTT, SR., 1U. iesurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. kms CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, No witnesses required fe��rr>ONEY TO LENDIN LARGE UR 0,A email sums on good mortgage eeeltrity moderaterateofinteredt, H HALE, Clinton. 1i W. FAENOOMB, MEMBEE-0F ASS'N OF • P. > :, •Provincial Land Silslgyor and Dili Engineer, I,onden, Ont.—Ofllce 01'0,90. J. stewart'e GrdeeryFstore, Clinton. MRS, 7.r11VFIIT.'1", M. C. M '• Y'i ATIM:R of MU8I0. Pupil of MiChd les N. Landon, of Philadelphia. The Mason Meinpd peed exclpslvely. 'tis con adored by the idadill% Musieel Artists, that so method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr Mason's Touch and 'Technic," Plano, Organ 'and Technicon, or Muscle deveie.re for use of pupils. Rooms over Beesley's Bt.rau, Beaver Block Albert Street, Clinton. . • received Tenders will be ive by the Executors of the late Charles Carter for the purchase of hie Farm—lot No, 94 of the First concession (Huron Road) Tuokeremith. The lot comprises 100 acres, except the portion occupied by the G. T. Rail- way, all cleared but eightacres of good hardwood timber. First -clans soil, well watered, and quite unexbausted, being almost all new land. Well suited for a grazing, fruit, or grain farm. Outside fenoes good; no buildings. he lot is situated on the main gravel road from Goderich to Stratford, within two miles of Clinton, which has an excel- lent market, two railways, good•sclioole, etc. Terms, one-half cash, balance on ti�fne to suit purchaser. Tenders will be received until January 16th, 1895. Address R. RANSI'ORD, Executor, or H. HALE, Agent, Clinton, Ont. Clinton, Dec. 13th, 1894. \\ FARM FOR SALE. • R. AGNEW, L.D.S D.D.S. - DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dent Surgtonsl Ont. Honor Graduate of Trini University, Toronto. All operations in Dentistry carefu performed. Best local Anaesthetics for painless traction, Ofiloi opposite Town Hall ever 8wallo store. Will visit Hensel] every, onday, and .oh every second Thursday of each month. £'Night hell aneweree4 A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle' combeHall on the let and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially. invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder 011. McLELLMN LONDON, ONT s 234 Dundee St., Specialist on the -'EYE, EAR, NOSE & TIIRQAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital 1889. Post Graduate Course at' the. Naw. York' Post Graduate Medical School and H4@t/italler - Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1892. EyesTested. • Full stock of Artificial Eyes, Spectacles and Lenses. Will be at Rattenbury House, CLINTON on FEB. 8 Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m: YOUNiG LADIES AMD GENTLEMEN Send 9 cents in stamps. or 10 cents in silver, and we will send you by return mail' the PERFECT LETTER WRITER A neat little Book, tieing, a perfect Guide fri the art of Letter Writing. It contain; Letters of Love, Friendship, Business, etc., with valuable instructions and advice. Every young man and /- woman should have this Book. Address, NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, INGERSOLL, ONT CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND. Next to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in full operation and al orders filled in the most satisfactory way Oee. tery and granite wort a specialty. Prices as reasonable as those of any establishment REALE & HOOVER,Clinton. lm That fine Farm of 127 acres, being lot 16, let R 1 con., of Hullett. All cleared but about ten acres, Boo 0 ten acres in fall wheat; balance all fit for culti- vation; never failing spring; good orchard. Frame house and outbuildings. Situate just 24 miles s east of the Town of Clinton, and is considered a OVERSHOE; , .lass farm• Possession given at any time. 14 be willing to take house property in FELT and RUBBERS Clinton for part payment. Apply to either W. SMITHSON, Step -ladder works, Huron street, Clinton, or EDWIN SLY. on the premmises. Terms onable. That cottagereason Frederick street, at present 000upied by W. Smithson is also for sale or to rent. NEW &000S! WE r, HAVE 'RECEIVED OUR •FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF pe TS SHOES PERRIN BLOCK, CLINTON For sale on easy terms en bloc, or divided to snit purchaser; ono quarter cash 'or other good security, balance at 8 per Bent, on wirL EIOBANGS FOR A GOOD FARM. J P•TISDALL, Banker, in tho blook will show premises, The land oder $1,000 and the building over $8,000. D. J. ;CAMPBELL 284 Main W., Hamilton ;On • NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. Subscriber 'de'siros to intimate to the Obits that he has /rented thesbnpp In .000'0410n With Tj1 StII 'S OAURIAGE WONKB,dridbeing a prat- floatwor men:isprepare:14eundertalcoallW4 in hid l n poolai att'en n given. to H �n......::,n :..'aa •.rn,,e1'0051. :A rk �rtitr'fier. PRICES AWAY DOWN TO SUIT THE TIMES 10 sets Double and 15 sets of Single; HARNESS that ,must be sold. Trunks. Valis s Noise Bia A quantity BRING