HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-01-18, Page 2)JAY C1 i
Any Prat). "daughter of 'Mr I4,,
tt, tis been, engaged •ameietant
piat4 Fix
e ll. e.. ooI,
t f
Vfette,bas Bald his tel at\Va1,'
o. Geo., trelCill, of Mop; wlid':
week sold PP,140P,I to " ptr,Poliattd.r
. R. an. banker, eaforth,s �b•as?
.edOcet' iel Wi, On florin; on.:
e Ilk' •9h. ore StanleYi a ar Ba'Yileid.
y'he eaalbers`of courtcefleld, lu-
pe dept„ Order of Fore .ars, Intend
ng'a grand ball, do t evening of
th lost, -
ulleiln McFarlan' has sold his
kersltgitht t..- :r Goa. Fair-
po eat n of it in.
11Itli• ��lw?$yy►r, .,�'a;t*4 t ;,will
06 of at Aft. Ila el thiefterin.
'will'aleo;be. *trill in_the R; Q.
t, r.
} 1 liilent n o. the Cotrnt
1~i+e,,a�lplllt� l con
hT "rth Au
2:09:11P-414.9•.10 nglr on Feb., 5th.
t � M1
at a
eta atOrangO Lodge o
yes !
` ','Boli Baines has l; ed his farm in
Orti f'to A, .(l.. thlas to for a, tern), of
ytealre.in:k the hope , of ; regainin his
neaith, 14114 has n poor. of .Tate.
On inday`evenin Miss Morrison,
'gf'pl1r. cF*ul's $to " Seaforth,receiv-
m inform her of the sud-
dened 'te gram g
t► g
de th of her fat r, Mr Robt. Mor-
rison, o Kept streee, London.
,I. 'Balm gives
�''1 iln
the he
nstant reiiief; apeedi n cures. • Never fails.
M. G. • W.H.'' et an, a well known
teacher ofSouth'' • uron, has gone into
the life l,usul'a i e business, having
been ap "ciinte� eneral
agent for the
ishop, formerly of the
anew* • fee, Aylmer, and Bishop's
hotel, St .`throy,who has resided in St.
�iijrniys or the past eight or nine
as purchased the Commer-
Itj ,.in Seaforth.
I' am Pollard, 13th con. McKillop,
raked the McKim property,
• g 711 agree lyh:g-hetween the pur-
er'a• two lots. The rice was $2,050.
hgs gives Mr. Pollard 115 act es now.
fir. Alex., Orr, who recently exchan-
ged Iiia Gerrie hotel prope:'ty for a si-
f' miler'eourte in Fordwich, h,gceiving
$ ,000 cash to hoot, has rented the lat-
ter far:,ra tetra of five years, and on
• ues,'tlay retiirned to take up his resi-
puce in Wingham. •
-'Mr. Barton, who has taught the
Web* in Lower Wingham for some
luta removed to Mildmay, where
cyan-iit the drug business. Mr.
arth, rely of Kincardine, has
engaged, as teacher- in . Low,er
trustee board of :Shine's school,
have engaged W. H. Stewart,
iaevale, as successor to J. Moore,
gned. There were30+ippli0ants,the
Aries asked ranging. from $3'75 to
Mr. Stewart is an experiene
holdinga first-class certific
ass lendid success in his w
VtlllitattiO n o xlit-'0044141t* * #ONTO' UUAUU 1$U !' ER
i • . The' .. od 'Vii»: .
lHng . An1thittee,
41 addl'ese' give °; °the GlrOtat 'i, 1 . It
lr Misellieoge,. or ora eels Qitp.
Br. $ $• at
ua Ol ,
jai%! vel lira" ink, 400ther Wee' Ore regal in: Torte tto��l!J4•
n far exceeded t at
n a ay. i lk
A ,
cltl bra e g
� ., �' -d Y
vi4itatloni am- of Rnnlle rani ing br the damage •d• ue,
.►nibt€o't5►sia g'094
C �f1
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I 1
.az,s ggoO
work' music •have
a qul'lioient..pilus}
her of Willing workers, so that each
cap do hie part thoroughly and yet not
have too niuch•to;da..
a ue we have combined
In our own lad Visitation comnrit-
the 'i;.00kotlt and
tees,;mhking t'he,o a do the work ' if
both. The work. of ,the committee is
to .call on all the Methodist, fanailiee . jn
and arottnd our village, whether they
are regular in_ ,attendance at church or
not. biome wo 'were regplar attendd-
we thought
e g
ns ifthey nate spoke
Ito buetness calling on them, but were
soon brought to see it in the light we
saw it; that it created a friendly !eel -
church an tit gave
Ing in the o that
to nope the chanttpp'Mb'thof reeling Slighted.
B� eidee till bdtat families, it is
families who do ir work to o attend anodt and y
cberch, and try to induce them to at-
tend to the Most important business of
this life, Occasionally a family will
heed a call of this kind even more than
that of the pastor. As an instance of
this, a family came in our midst, and
after two of our workers had called on
them, commenced to attend church,
and during our special services last
winter the father, mother and daugh-
ter became converted and joined our
church. We -have often noticed also' a
pleasant surprise on the face of some
when they found out we were • not
wanting money or baking. After we
had told our errand to one old lady,
she asked two or three times, ' ,there
anything else?" and when being an-
swered in the negative, she became so
conversant we could hardly get away,
and we noticed her at church quite re-
gularly after that.
Your committee for this work nave
sixteen members, and the ground is di-
vided into districts or wards, and when
possible we have appointed four visi-
tors for each, two ladies and two gen-
nd these four have met toge-
ther and .'ded the ground, the ladies
taking the ilies where there are
pemon8 whom they think they can in-
fluence, and the gentlemen doing like-
wise. Each couple when first visiting
e place took a card to present in the
home, on one side of which Was a plan
of the Sunday and midweek services,
and on the other blank lines for the
name, residence, &o., with a request to
fill in and hand to the usher in the
church,,_if they wished to become ac-
quainted with the pastor.
We are expected, when possible, to
visit all the families every, three
onths,and change round from one
and to another ; that is, the visitors
who have No. 1 ward this quarter will
take No. 2'next quarter, and so on.
p __ k. Another part of our work is to try and
recertve $420 per annum. 'procure members for the league among
the families, and in each ward the vier-
hth annual meeting of .the W. ,.tors have,besides a list of the families
the Presbyterian-chur'ehx ' n•that ward, a list of active and asso-'
was held on 1917et{11eSds,Y,`r elate members. This list is to be taken
VPry ,nr Cues t Started at the exe►lt; pot
where the Glebe fire on :ilatnrdeY ended, on
Melinda street,.. Osgoodby builds e,,which
adjoins that of 9. F. McKinnon & CJo., de-
stroye� .on Bendel, find whine then harrow.
iy esee�l ed,,iyas .theorigle Of T. n 1a
ro *at oint t N eag
r hf . p _ .. rrt ,
ri.l3 lJ are.. �>zcl �, p , ..F'f , .
west and soatb, est, to.Wellington,oti'eet.
The Qagoodby building WWI oontarmed
some thirty tenants mtny,of them utunn-
faotnrers' agents, parrying�t nimble etoeko
of which net *vestige Xemainv. The total,
0 onteaks In this bendingreaohes $105.-
000. Of this sumJamee,Knox& Co!'npany,
t fa
heM ro an Mande
e b e M
representing t
Company of Montree,1 andXlarnioutb, .
Duck & Yarn Company, loot stook valve
at 542,000, insured for $.25, 0; and W.
Johnson, printer' and blank book mangfao-
turer, lost a stook of $10,000. The building
and stook of Robt. Purling, dry goods, on
the north' side of Wellington street. its a to.
al lass. The bonding was, trorth about
516,000 and the stook $100.000. Thomas
Dnnnatt & Co., furriers, less $20,000000 on
building and $20,000 on stook. Brereton
& Manning lost $20,000 on building and
R60 0 in stook; two•thirds insured. R.
. Gray, white cotton goods, lost 530,000
on building and $20.000 in stook;- two-thirds
insured.' The Corticelli Silk Co. next door
escaped with a soorohing.
On the other aide of Wellington street,
Hart & Riddell, wholesale stationers, lost
stook of $95,000; two-thirds insurance.
Hart & Riddell occupied the same building
with Bunting& Reid,,, O. G. Reid being the
owner. Their aide of the building was bad-
ly gutted, but Buntin & eid .escaped dam-
age by fire, but suffered serious loss by
water. The Osgoodby . gilding itself was
insured f,Dr $25,000.
in the Osgoodby b • die said to have
been the breaking a kerosene lamp car-
ried by the janitor wife, Mrs Cavan, who
a Hospi-
mthe• General ti
returnedY o G
had just p
tal, where she had been under treatment
for nervous prostration, brought on by the
danger of the Osgoodby building catching
fire from the conflagration of last Sunday
in the McKinnon blook adjoining. It ap-
pears Mrs ,Cavan was still in a weak con-
dition, and stumbled and fell; the lamp ex-
ploded and the fire spread rapidly.
The lose will be about $1,000,000.
ISI S Was- a good ate
and. the secretary
ted very,encourag-
tvork during the
or the year were
of the 2d con., has
of lot 8, con. 3, from
$52 per acre. Mr. El-
ther fifty acres of the
own the whole 100
has purchased a
akelet, and will
ugh,/ the
r. Conrad Pfaff, t " of the old set-
ers of Dashwood, dievery suddenly
on Saturday afternoon,..iter a., brief
illness. Deceased had sold his farm just
short time ago, and had purchased
operty in the village, on which he in -
ended to build in the spring, and to
live retired.
ll painful accident happened a young
ogtlf Capt.McMoran, of Chicago, who
6 visiting at Mr. Wm: Bell's. He was
clinging to the end of a sleigh in the
tation yard when the driver hacked
is'horses, and before the lad could es -
Cape his leg was caught between the
vehicle and platform, with the result
at his leg was broken between the
fter oon,while Mr.Hau-
onstable, and Mrs.
ng along the North
s hortte shied, upset -
throwing the oc-
anley was cousid
Ind had her arm
. day Mrs. Taylor,
ed and fell, break -
'ident happened
Win, Stoneman,
last. He was up
helping to lower a
when by a misstep
the floor, hurting
;ly by the fall.- The
ht hand was dislo-
was the member in -
the village doctors
and chloroform had
red before the finger
2nd con. Hay,
as otherwise
at by a bull.
when the an-
ted him over,
ith the result
Of the introduction of
be regular church ser-
ussed in Egmondville
hutch last week, and ;If -
ad, been heard for and
vote was taken, when
•iii Attie, se of the in -
it.` Several,
ha4, left
to -each roll call meeting, and as each
person's name is called mark that one
present, or absent, as the case may be.
If absent we are expected to call on
that one and find out the reason of ab-
sence. Before each business meeting
the committee meet together, bringing
in reports of work dome, 'Which the
chairman sums together and reads be-
fore the meeting.
A most important part of our Work
is tarbe on the watch for new families,
and especially young people, moving
into town, and report such to the pas-
tor, to recognize in the meeting any
whom we haVe induced to attend, and
when it is advisable, call and bring
with us strangers or backward ones.
By having this system of visitation
more cordiality is brought into the
church ; also, the needy and sick tines
are found out better than if the minis-
ter does all the work,while the workers
themselves are helped and strengthen-
ed and blessed.
Bev. W. E. Henshaw, a Methodist mini-
ster, living at Belleville, Ind., and his
young wife were fatally assaulted by burg-
lars at an early hoar Thursday morning.
The wife was •awakened by the burglars,
and grappled with one of the men. The
burglar shot her through the head with a
revolver. The noise wakened Mr Hen-
shaw, who went for the other thief. The
two men fought clear into the middle of the
road, where the burglar overpowered the
preacher, and after shooting him through
the body, stabbed him no less than 20 times
with a dirk knife. The police of this City
have been enlisted in the search, and blood-
hounds have been sent to the seiner.
Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect re-
lief in all eases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart
Disea.e In 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure.
It 15 a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Sbortne,s
of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lett tilde
and all symptoms of Diseased Heart. One dose
convinces. Sold by WATTS & CO., Clinton
A case of sofne interest to farmers
having apples to sell was heard at the
Division Court in Watford the other
day before .Judge Wrn. Elliott, of
London. A Warwick farmer named
John Rundle sued Dodd's & Keller, ap-
ple buyers, for the value of a number
of barrels of apples. Defendants claim-
ed apples were frozen in the orchard.
Plaintiff claimed that the apples should
have been packed earlier in the season.
Mr. Patterson also sued to recover ap-
ples delivered, but which defendants
refused to receive on account of the
fruit being frozen. Judgment for de-
The municipal elections held in the
city of Brantford have resulted in a
signal triu r 'h for the Liberal party.
La r • struggle of effcept
ti . • ' ' council Was retur
P. Fe A.'b and fly
torr IVIonday hav
ortof thelautni
the 28"t
DROHonli, Jan. 14—Bright's disease bas
no symptoms of its own, and may long ex-
ist without the knowledge of the patient or
practitioner, as no pain may be felt in the
kidneys or their vicinity. There may be
no albumen in the water and no tube -oasts,
yet Bright's disease may be present. It
often develops soddenly and may run a
fatal Course before it is recognized.
Bright's Disease is thus recognized as a
Mysterious, every day malady, whieh is in-
creasing at an alarming rate. Before
Dodd's Kidney Pille it was considered by
medical men and the public to be incurable.
Thanks to this popular remedy, thousands
are now enjoying perfect health who, with-
out it, would to -day be laid away in their
'1he4.1041 0pj5
Bow soma
Are visit.
cold wa'
some leak
likely to;)
and. as.a'p
by cold 3te
!rani the -.
because thil.Wea Ter is toe cold. $`epee
tire oireutattoni t lint kept going, 'and the
blood, vitiated ,by rbc, Close, impure air
of the house, bas�'no chance offered It of
beings allowed th'nurity itself. 'o: feul-
eSt river or' agree* of Water 'is renderer)
pure `by exposere� to the air' as it conies
along, ant� after a run of a few miles be-
comes fit for consu ption. ' Why, then,
will delicate people en the stream elite
an0 orttinft to
Pp y P r1[y steelf Melt courses
through their veins Here is the secret of
how to keep wa in winter—outdoor ex-°
erose in pure lar,
litany indivijuals mistake the feeling of
cold for "Cat trrh." Bot feeling cold and
"•taking a /cold" are different things. A
shiver fxom exposure to cold—indeed, a
half-ircizen condition—isnot in itself likely
to eac,I in a so,;called "cold," so long as the
exposure has been in the open air; but we
hold that by breathing' the impure air of
badly ventilated rooms a chill may be very
cagily contracted that will end id it "cold."
111 cold weather we distinctly recommend
the ordinarily healthy man or woman to
try'the•effeot of outdoor exercise, especially
when the feeling is strong that it is too
cold to go out of doors. Exercise under
su circumstances will usually act as a
to o the whole frame and brace up the
ne s system, the special function of
wh ills to regulate the heat of the body.
Th ,lin should be freely exposed to the
air before dressing in the morning, and
after the rrnr'ning washing, or cold, tepid
bath, rub the bv' y into a glow with a
coarse towel, and you will he very nearly
cold and water proof. — Phil
1 h
Times. 1P
Cl1il„l,il ESS.
tl Io Outdoor" xsr-
:ll Stetson.,s,
e uuffer in:winterl, They
D I P`
OMB' elf >e
i. aaRo.b <
Gil g
8' r.
k down; .the back or•
anon of blood, with alter.
tibaat`ie experienced; the
• 1.or earl :are especially:
inigtfvoniertee. , Such indl«
ri rft het war*" even Iii bed,
toe, ogee, suffer from
leesness is erten'. caused'.
'.4113•F su conditions
outdoor x se,
• •
Owing to the fact that Premier Bow -
ell's medical adviser has absolutely
prohibited him from talking, there is
deadlock in the Ottawa administra-
tion. No cabinet council has been held
since the burial of Sir John Thompson,
and no council is likely to be held till
the Premier recovers. . It is impossible
to say how long this will be. There are
differences of opinion among the min-
isters on the question whether or not
it would be wise, in the party interests,
not in those of the .countr y, these seem
to be in the back ground, to let the
parliament live out its full term. But
the question of whether there should
be another session, or an immediate
election, cannot. be settled till the sick
Prime Minister is able to talk. Usually,
the time for the meeting of parliament
is settled by this time, and business
men who are members of it are able to
intelligently arrange their affairs. This
year nothing seems to be settled except
the uncertainty that exists in regard
to what the men in power may do.
Ono short puff of the breath through the Blower,
supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Cater.
rbal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the eur-
face of the vasal passages. Painless and delight -
fol to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently
cures Catarrh Hay Fever Colds, Headache, Bore
Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness. 60 Dents. At
WATTS & CO'S., Clinton.
The Paths We Make.
A footpath is the most human thing it,
inanimate nature. Even as the print of
his thumb reveals the old offender to the
detectives, so the path tells you the sort
of feet that wore it. Like the *human na-
ture that created it, it starts out to go
straight when strength and determination
shape its course, and it goes crooked when
weakness lays it out. Until you begin to
study them you can have no notion of the
differences of character that exist among
• foothpaths. One line of trodden earth
seems to you ,the. same ".as another. But
look; Is the path you are walking on
fairly straight from 'point to point, yet
defected to avoid short rises and falls, and
is it worn to grade? That is, does it plow
a deep way through little -lumps and hil-
locks something as a street is cut down to
grade? If you see this path before you,
you may be sure it is made by the heavy
shuffle of workingmen's feet. A path that
wavers from side to side, especially if the
turns be from one busk to another, and that
is only a light trail making an even line of
wear over the inequalities of the ground—
that is a path that children make. The
path made'by the business man—the man
who is anxious to get to his work at one
end of the day and anxious to get to his
home at the other—is generally a good piece
of engineering. This type of man makes
more paths in this country than be does
in any other. He carries' his intelligence
and his energy into every act of life, and
eveii"Tu Utha1f-unconscious business of
making his own private trail he generally
manages to find the line of least resistance
in getting from one point to another.—
From "The Story of a Path," by H. C.
Bunner in Scribner's Magazine.
Betty Green, the richest woman in
America, goes about New York as
shabby as a beggar. She rooms in
tenement houses and cheap hotels, and
is always moving so that those whom
she suspects of designs upon her may
lose track of. her. She. is contip.ually
at law overher financial transactions
and she invariably wins her cases.
She accounts for this by explaining
that she always employs alawyer with
a "sore ear ;" that is one who has simi-
lar grevances to her own against the
interests she attacks. The lawyer in
consequence throws all his force into
the actin,,, and having an opportunity
to gratify his enmity accepts a smaller
fee. So she is always in quest of "sore-
eared'a lawyers to help her in her legal
That is what it is when travelling on
the fast trains cf the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway ; besides, there is no
Chance to "kink," for the accommodations
are up to date, the trains keep moving
right along and get there' on timet. These
lines thoroughly cover the territory between
Chicago, La Crosse, Std Paul, Minneapolis,
Aberdeen, Mitchell, Sioux City, Yankton,
Council Bluffs, ; Omaha and Northern
Michigan. A11 the principal eltie and
• t ' erritory are reached ,by the
nes, eonnecting at t Paul,
with Ilines
Fore Words for Christmas Givers.
It can be stated on authority that no
Christmas -keeping person will be inclined
to dispute that the necessary elements of
the Christmas spirit are peace and good
will. It is essential to anyone's Christmas
comfort that he should have a fair measure
of peace of mind. if his disquiet has a
fiscal basis, he should call a meeting of
himself and firmly resolve to procure a
proper relation between his incomings and
his outgoings at the coat of whatever sad-
riflce of pomps and vanities may be neces-
sary. He may not be able to do that
actually in a day, ov in a week, but be can
plan and he can resolve, and if he has a
tolerably firm mind he ought to be able to
resolve with sufficient vigor to bring his
spirit the necessary relief. To lose one's
enjoyment of Christmas because one has
spent too much money in a bad year is in-
tolerable. To repent is good; to save and
scrape and pinch is good if need be; to
deny oneself even the happiness of making
gifts is praiseworthy if the case Is bad
enough; but to worry and be miserable is
to misuse the season.
Come to terms with yourself, brother,
betimes, and whatever the situation is get
on top of it before Christmas. 1f it is not
a fiscal difficulty, but something else; if
your conscience pricks you for laziness, or
for wasting your time, or for neglecting
your family, or for flirting, or for reading
too tunny newspapers, or for gossiping, or
for drinking too many cocktails, or for
whatever specias of misbehavior you may
last have fallen into, attend to its admoni-
tions and stop its noise. Gain your Christ-
mas peace of mind even if you have to
seek it with some resolution.—The Point
of View.
Don't Forget
that when you buy Scott's Emul-
sion you are not getting a secret
mixture containing worthless or
harmful drugs.
Scott's Emulsion cannot be sec-
ret for an analysis reveals all there
is in it. Consequently the endorse-
ment of the medical world mepns
Brings oomfort and inrprovement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used.: The many, who live bete.
tes'ihan othersand enjoy life4ngre, kith
less expenditure, by more promptli
best mats to
adapting the world's p�
the needs of phyaical being, 'will attest
the value to eal•h of the pure liquid
laxative prince os' embraced in the
remedy, Byre,. of Fig".
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form Most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
t lax-
properties of � porion
; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently,' curing'.conatipation.
It has given satisfaistion to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it fa perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 750. bottles, bub it ie manu-
fetared by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, Also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you Will nor
accept any substitute if offered.
One in Front and one in Rear. Rent Mo
W. COATS, for Executors Est. Jos.
The'undersigned will sell ata sacrifice, Lot 451
or 12, Bailvjec errace Clinton. Particulars
upon applicatio MMES SCOTT, Barrister A e
House to-Roznt. -
The large and comfortable dwell house on
Townsend street, et present occupied
Downs, is Offered to rent. 1t possesees eve y c •
venience is very pleasantly situp,ted, and wil
be rented at a reasonable rate, Apply to either
41 s
4! i s `SCOTT
arristert t9 loot
el: a
comrmiolopor tor Outsno atIa Marino
ee; iesnra�liat ly Oeir43.;Rt 41 iXeY.Pfr Vie
Qfhce--•EleaYer .Blocici ,
FPrststuii. • At psoas rotors: Photo Ql11Mlr!'r
N -e *few doortrilest of fist r _. It'
DR 3.1'r.. TURNBULL,Vlii • %ORi ONTO
University,. Ut, D, tl:M. • atorle tlniver sty
114. C. P do S. ° Optario., bellow of the Obste1dsai
Society off�j Edinbur , late of`Loneon; Eny�,tiJyntl
f a Itattenbusty et. diietton ' .el eltl'' 11
t 'b
answered t the oma
a »lanai
7-�B. J. w. B avY,6R#tG>p,orr
JtJ tcoouoheur, "ate., omce itl,the Palace Bieck
Batteebury St. fortperiy occupied by.Dr:;peey.
Clinton Ont.
tl A0. P. FREEBORN, , Orriate.Sink% Q�in4Pfitte A
College of Phyeiofaui, ublin Irelat1d, 'Liven.
Lista General Medical Connell, Great ,Britain.
member of College Physicians anu Surgeons, On-
tarto. Formerly resident of Rotunda Hospital,
(I in -in and Gyaecologfcal) Dublin, Residence
—Rattenbury St. east, next doer to Ontario St.
House and Lot t'or s le
That conveniently situated house and lot on
Maple Street, at present occupied by Mr ravid
Gardner, is offered for sale, or would exchange
for a larger house. The lot contains one quarter
acre, with comfortable house and stable; oleo
bait trees and bushes. Apply on the premises,
or at NEw ERA office, or to J. WALKINSHAW,
Let 19, Con. 2, Hullett.
The commodious and' conveniently situated
house on Ontario 8t., recently occupied by Dr.
I'. asonable
Appleton, They
house is adapted for ordinary family
and bas every convenience and requisite. Full
particulars on application to JAMES SCOTT
or 7t IRWIN,CIintou,
The following valuable residental property in
the Town of Clinton, is offered for sale. Lot 107
end part of 108, Victoria St., and part of lot 113
High Street. There are two comfortable dwelling
Houses upon the property, in an excellent state
of repair. For further partienlare and terms
appl to A. MoMURCHIE or to the undersigned.
Splendid Farm for Sale.
197 acre farm, 118 cleared, the hush being
ohielly maple and beech, being part of North
lot, No. 19, 11th con. Towu,hipp cf West Wawa -
nosh, adjourning 11 a village of St. Helene; eamo
known ae the Gordon Homesteace soil second to
none, in a first class state of cultivation. Good
feueei• watered by good spring creek and wells.
Good brica house, frame barn. frame stables,
null other outhouses. Good bearing orchard al,
it a beautiful locality. For particulars applyto
JOHN GORDON, St. Helene 3m'
S N 7;s
$X, Q
rail ��:tt
1J e ! 1 Department o Victoria 'univer-
sity, fins p ! v
city, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Diepeneariee, New York, Coroner for be
County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
T. C. BRUCE Ire D. S.
Dentist Surge on. - Clinton.
`Oaee, Coats Block,' over Taylor's shoe store
Teeth Extracted without Pain by the use of
local Anaesthetics.. Spoofs' attention given to the
Preservation of the na ral teeth.
Visits Blyth profess onalty every Monday a'.
Mason's Hotel.
That valuable farm five miles from the thriv-
ing tcwo of Clinton, being lot 41, coo. 8, Ooderich
Township. containing 80 acres, more or Joss,
nearly all cleared. well underdralned, and in a
good state of cultivation. There is a comfortable
house, new barn and shed with stone foundation
56x60, never failing well, four acres of orchard,
convet lint to church and school and good roads
in all directions. Will be sold reasonable; 11,000
required down, the balance may remain on mort-
gave. For particulars apply to B. SWITZER,
t'lintnn P. 0. A thoroughbred registered DUE
11AM BULL for sale cheap.
• HonoraryGradgate of the OntarioVeterinar
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated an
male on the most modern and scientific princi
plea Office- immediately south of tb0 New Erik
Office. Residence — Albert 'St., Clinton. • Call
night nrrlav attended to promptly
.LU iseuror of Marriage Licenses, Library Room.,
and Residence, Mary street, Clinton.
No witnesses required
.IAL Small sums on good mortgage sonority
moderi•terateoflntercet. A HA I.E. cite ton.
.1 • P. L. 8:, Provincial Land Su ee or and
Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—OS190 e$ Geo. d.
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
Pupil of MxCharlce W. Landon, of Philadelpbla,
The Mason Method used exclusively. 11 isaoon
'dared by
the lee/lingMusical Artsts, that
Mold develoie the technic eo rapidly as
pandt Founob, oranMdDeTeolobe dneivo.e"opPisen,nOere oef
+ er Beesley's Store, Bea r
* • -'Street, Clinton.
DENTlbl i ,�
�radnate -f Roys.l i r Ilege of Den "rgeo
not, Honor lire ate of T ' ',y Tarty
Toronto, -
Ala operations in Dentistry carefully performed.
Best local Anaesthetics for painless extraction.
Office opposite Town Hall 'ever Swallow's store,
Will visit Bewail every Monday, and Zurich
every second Thursday of each month.
t�'Night bell answered. '
Tenders will be received by the Executors of
the late Charles Certor for the purchase of his
Farm —lotNo.34 of the !first concession (Huron
Road) Tuokeremith. Tho loteompriees 100 acres,
exnept the portion occupied by the G. T. Rail-
way, all cleared but eightecroe of good hardwood
timber. First-class soil. well watered, and quite
unexhaueted, being almost all new land. Well
suited for a grazing fruit, or grain farm, Outside
fences good; no buildings The Int is situated on
the main gravel road from Goderich to Stratford,
within two miles of Clinton, which hasah excel•
lent market, two railways, good schools, etc.
Terms, one-half cash, balance on time to suit
perchnser. Tenders will be reeeive,l until
January ltth 1895. Addrees k. RANK}•ORD,
Executor, or FI HALE, Agent, Clinton, Ont.
Clinton, Dee, 13th, 1894.
That fine Farm of 127 nares, being lot id, let
COD., of Hallett. All cleared but about ten ares;
ten acme in fall wheat; holance all fit for eulti•
tuition; never failing spring; good orchard. Frame
house and outbuildings. Situate }est 2} miles
east of the Town of Clinton and is considered a
first-class farm Possession glean at any time.
He wnull he willing to take house property in
Clinton for part payment. Apply to either W.
SMITHSON, Sten-ladtler works, Huron street,
Clinton, or EDW,IN SLY. oh the premises.
Terme reasonable.
That cottage on Frederick street. at present
Consoled by W. Smithson is also for sale or to
For sale on cagey terms, en bloc, or divided.
suit purchaser; one quarter cash or other
socurity,belanee at 83 per cent, on sew. Exon
Pon A GOOD FARM. J,P,TISDALxr,.Banke'r'i:
block will *bow premises, The land 064
and the building over 88,000.
D. J„ O.AM1D$TCLL"293 lipain 'tV,. lisle
A. O. U. W.
The Clinton Lodge, No. 194, meet in Biddle
oombeHall on the 1st and 8rd Fridays in each.
month. Walton cordially invited.
R STONEHAM. M W. J, BEAN. Peery. rPe
234 Dundee' Bt., Specialist on the
Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital
1889. Post Graduate Course at the New York
Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or
Eye, Ear, Noe° and Throat 1892. Eyes Tested.
Full stock of Artificial Eyes, Spectacles and
Lenses. 'Will be at a
Rattenbury House, CLINTON
on FEB. 8
Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Send 9 cents in stamps. or 10 cents in silver, and
we will seed you by return mail the
A neat little Book, being a perfect Guide in the
srt of Letter Writing, It containg Lettere .f
Love, Friendship, Bceinessetc., with valuable
instructions and advice. Every young man and
wcman should have this Book. Address,
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This establfanment is in lull operation and
orders filled in the meet satisfactory way Ce
tory and granite work a specialty. li'rice-
reasonable as those of any establishment