HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-12-26, Page 8l,. nedy.,. Clinton, ebill agent for the celebrated.and tAge BRANTFORD And M:a- tATIOULIN QVT 'E,R$,. To A,idvertisers, All .cftange qt Ad1,er1i etnenes, to Haire :nserti.itr alt tris turret t issue,'` emit hi* receittecl art the qae not )sial^ that .altrI DAY NOON: 'COpyfur chanrgeS. t'eceivett later titan SATCTP0,4Y Roos' : wilt', here +utter heat the Advertisers 910117"1:81c U. TODD. Pablieher, • urron'. News4Record ltiMritice ;5 WEiDNESD,&Z'DaonatuERt 20th, 1804 NE WS. iii; anti ,llrvt3ind lice Ilub, oiun ' �Gltik. Cii,h pari for eRiCr• r<nd. huttur.—CnsTIyoN Baur". FIoN'I' Miss :ikr. The Young Ladies' "giant S. Paul's Church will give a rcert.in tlieschool-room on,Wednes- �!evoning,. i{,)ec • 20th. to consist of ings, choruses, songs and magic 'ntern 3views:a There will also be the listribution of"presents,to the children. Go and have •a. pleasant evening. Ad - ion 10 cts,,..children Sets. iss'.Mc EaA14",:.nf"Goderich, was *lion Sunday IsS MuRRA.`-y is:holida ying at Strat- $1 in'aclvances pays for THE NEws- .RnsooRr great , value. 4 E . A14:0,MRs, •,W,�'ILL. HARLAND are atvisit'to friends in Detroit. 0. A. HARTT .;`leaves this week o Chatham, where he will spend a few weeks with Vs' sons. RS. (Rs v)':GALLOWAY, of Seaforth, the.guest of Dr,•aand Mrs Freeborn st).week ti OS JOHNeTON, of Varna, was gt weettand had a cancer re - 04.40 -#145,1 e - m hislip., Co. have a nice ad- vertiSnienntTi"n the Christmas edition of is, London Free Press. FEENCIt, of the Mitchell Re- ysttd `;' called,, on THE NEWS RE - .He was on his ser, where he will spend tit )ills parents. s.;'ll .cWnINNEY, . who is well ,roan -in- Clinton, took part in an range context at' Gorrie last week. to Videt .sayy#i;—Miss McWhinney's ingingwort. ROA* a place in the hearts of a Gorrie audierireand her every ap- earanee was heinztily encored. ,:CREDIT TO EDITOR AND STAFF.— heeBlythSfandardsays.:—"THE CLIN- T(t2� NEWS -RECORD Celebrates its 17th 'anniversary phis. week by appearing as a. 24 age paper. It is well gotten up does Bret-. Todd and its able staff EEK'S `PAPER. A great *any . , strops and friends have com- plrtnen !xis Pottle magnitude of last Lws=REcoltn. The 24 -page r.. cCrehiave'been repeatedly assur- leeidecl credit to the town, to )less tnen,- and to this office. `o a rbrties M ice issued a larger r trieoged number. VANDAtisii.HFor some time boys and young men who. should certainly ': know better, have deliberately broken windows of privateresidences on Hur on, Orange and : , other . streets. Stone- tbrowingg is punishable by law and the wanton iiestrr ctioin of private or public property is Worse than criminal. The officers of thelaw•should be notified of this valdalism. , OU;InbitHitiE b Bose.—Neirt week THE I+l; ws-R,nooirn carrierboy will be on his annual 'oundti.` .This festive season conies`ito Once a year and offerings are kuiteYder. During •the year our ' t'i'melaster David Mole, has been , pretty ul in storm' and sunshine • and; : will :Continueto be during 1895. . Ienember the Carrier Bey next week. c A GOOD LOCAL PAPER.—The Goder- ` lett Signal says;---"TIIE NEWS -RECORD, 'of Clinton, has entered upon its seven- teenth dalurne, and eonimernorates its birthday,with a twee tv.four pan edi- tion. THE Nr ws-RECORD is a'good ' Itteatpapery but in politics it is an out - ,an -Outer -.for the Tory , policy every ' time. THE SIONAL extends congratu- f toots to Editor Todd on the occasion." IIOME Gracia OFmCEits.--The fol- InWing officers for :the ensuing year, were elected by the Clinton Horne Cir- ' 'cid at their regular,irfeetingg last week : Leader, R. Irwin ; Vice Leader, Thos. *arch R. Hodgens ; Fin. % Sec., vV,•`R. Lough ;'Teas., H. " Sec., ". Wiltse ; Chaplain,. Mrs; R. Irwin.; Marshall, R. '1tVelsli•; Warden; Ws T. Hill; Guard,. W. Ftterett SentineliJ.,•Cook ; Medi - cid examiner, Dr.J. L. Turnbull; Trus- tees; R. Holmes, A. 0, Pattison,. T. Jae reon, Jr.; Auditors, W. R. Lough, a.:H'olnaes. '• •'I.1tm.'WOitDsFROnt".A LdoitEitON". t --.The annual Ohristiti as en'teirtainment • 0E04 -Paul's Sunday School, on Friday evening last, was, a very chaste and prettY affair,'' one. calculated to draw all the best feellttgs of the beholder, ,Nlierlittle gro p of sleeping ehildrenwas° t7 ,o fit eaiiitsand angels to look an ' every heart . in the large anus* have swelled with ti that 'tis well to encoura o :e know not 'what hour; or the t, when, we may be tailed before' t Judge to. give account. for our te, words, and works, •,The entertainment showe=d the great t taken in the SnImlay school by incl, his wife, while the ever attendance at Mrs With 'MOWS that Mr. and are doing good work its $ii hi advaneq.'peys for TEE Ewa. REGORE--kreat value. Miss XIMI,114 C7oQpEu,,. of Brusseht, home for her hoilda�ye, Mina if -we're of the county tow was visitwg iii (]inion this week.: L'xm TOWN SCi oor,s Will reopen on, thufird of';JanuAry. TUE ROUE iltpZE will hold ap, at horse on January 10th, tav E S,.•Conon alad family, of Eirri,', wood, are on a •Visit to, the gentlenaan's• brother Arthur and other friends in Clinton. MRN AND MRs, Torre, of Belgr'aye, were in town last week and completed. the transfer of the .Grand Union Rotel, to Mr. Miller, MR A. Q, PATTIaow, O. T R. agent, Tsent a pleasant holiday at l'Iarniltoti, oronto, Buffalo and other cities and resumed work at his: old post last Thursday. Miss '1 FAuD ShiyTH, gold medalist of Hampton hospital, who has been"on a visit here, has secured a responsible position as nurse in a large hospital in Cleveland, U.S.; and leftMondayfcr her new home. + , • " Two GOOD SERDzo;\s.-Corrinannicat-` ed by "An old Clintonian '-Two of the grandest sermons.ever preached in Clinton were delivered by Rev. John H. Fairlie in StPaul's Church last Sun- day. S. S. OFricnns.—Last week the annu- al meetingof the Ontario Street Methodist unday School was held and officers re-elected as follows :—D. Tip - lady, Superintendent for the 21st year ; 11. Wiltse, Asst. Supt.; Ralph Tidlady, Sect.-Treas.; Wm. 1 olloway and Jas. Fortune, Asst-Secys.; H. R. Walker, Librarian ; H. Israel, W. Powell. Assts; G.'F. Oakes, Music Director; W. Holloway,. Asst. Director; John 'Em-• merton, Leader of Orchestra; Miss Couch, Pianist. CHRISTMAS TREE.—Friday evening Last was a grand treat for the scholars of Ontario Street Methodist Sunday School. Santa Claus was there loaded with Xmas gifts for every scholar in the school. The tree looked simply grand, being brilliantly lit up witht candles. For over an hour the greatest enthusiasm and excitement pre- vailed while the Tree was being unloaded. A silver collection was taken at the door to pay for the presents, to avoid touching the funds of the school. In connection with the above the „Superintendent, Mr. David Tiplady, was , presented by the school • with a , beautiful oak easy chair and an address as a slight recognition .' of his services for -the past 21 years, he being re-elected for another year at the annual teachers meeting held, last week; This school was never in a more flourishing condition„than it is now, the average attendance being about 250. UNION AuxILIAiiY i:'IEE'PINo. — A union meeting of the three branch- es, Holtnesville, Middleton and Summer - bill Woman's Auxiliaries, took place at Mrs. S. Holmes, Clinton, for the pur- pose of packing the clothing which has been made up since last June. After singing "The Church has one founda- tion,” Rev. L. W. Deihl led in a short litany service in which all heartily. joined. A letter from the missionary, ev. Geo. Holmes, Lesser Slave Lake, Atha, was read, to whom these branches have sent 8 or 9 bales of clothing in the past. The Missionary expresses his gratitude to his helpers down in On- tario. Then the packing began and two good sized bales] were) packed and sewed by devoted and willing workers, and will be sent to Mr. Bagshaw, a missionary in Rainy River. There were 13 quilts, 12 pair socks, 20 pair of mits, 5 coats, 9 caps, 7 hoods and. many other articles of clothing, amounting in all to 103 articles. The children of the three Sunday Schools brought their gifts on the Sunday pievious to be sent as one little boy said, "to the little heathen Indians." There was a feeling of sadness at this gathering, as all felt conscious that this was the last packing they would- have their present pastor with them. Since these three auxiliaries have been formed about 4 years ago they have sent goods away 8 times, a- mounting to the value of over $500. The time, money and labor has been well spent for has not the Master said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one . of the least of my brethren ye have done it unto me."—Com. THE BAPTIST S. S. ENTERTAINMENT. —There was a good attendance and ex- cellent programme presented at the Baptist S. S. entertainment in the church last Thursday evening. The chair was very becomingly occupied by Mr. D. K. Prior, an enthusiastic church worker. The proceedings opened with a march and chorus, "Christ is Born," by the school children, ,and prayer by Mr. Coltman, after "which the .follow- ing numbers were succssfully present- ed and carried out :—Tableaux, 1 'Joan of Arc" (at the stake) Miss Gill ; recita- tion, "Jack Frost," Ruby Monaghan ; recitation, "The Little ,1relper,"•Edith Ross ; motion song, Harry and Albert Front, o' Oliver Brotvn, Willie Cook, Frank Akam ; recitation, "Winter," dda. Pickett ; recitation, "The Beggar's Christmas," Oliver Brown ; song, "The Shoemaker," Earle Seale ; recitation, "A telegram message to my mother," Willie Cook; recitation, "Aunt Nellie, you've been bad," Maud Livermore ; re- citation, ".A, fat turkey for the Parson," Frank Akam.; quartette. "Jesus is Born," Misses Akam, Robb, McEachern and Gill ; recitation, "Finding Fault," Al- bert Front.. recitation, 'Richmond's Wath' every $2.40 worth of goods a oautiful P!ate Glass NI1180R China Cud and Sauoer Como along Frith your little''$2,50, •and secure one, We snake. a specialty of Fancy Goods, and can, give you the best value. Don't be led astray by flash offers of -side= goods. RANCE & SPALD'INO, BOOKS, STATIONERY, and FANCY GOODS. BIBLE DEPOSITORY. — CLINTON, ONT. (AGENTS FOR 'PARSERS' DYE WORKS.) REDUCED :FROM $1.50 $1_1O_ YY.e are offering a nice Artotype Engraving in a White and Silver, White and Gilt, White and Bronze or. White and Pink Frame for $1.10. This Line we were selling at $1.50, (and they were considered cheap at, that) but in order to clear out the line we have marked tbem down to $1.10. Our Stock of them is so limited, so if you want a cheap Pic- ture, come at once and get one before they are all gone. That Antique Finished Rocker that we are offering at $1,,is • _Great Value for the money. The number we have sold is good proof of it. Tiiis is a Chiar that looks well in any room. �J. W. CHIDLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. New Buckles . . About two months ago we placed an, ruder for a line of Fancy Metal Belt Buckieri, of American manufacture. : They Were bought for the coming spring trade, but we stipulat- ed that if at all possible delivery was to be before Xmas, as they are verysuitable for holiday gifts, they arrived on Wednesday last. They are American goods, made from a white metal. Will not tarnish, are strong, and as far as appearance goes, not to be dis- tinguished from sterling silver. The designs are new, tasty and pretty, just what will be shown for next spring and summer. We also have Black and 'White all Silk Belting in two widths to fit the buckles. The Buckles sell at 25c, 50c, 75c, 85c. The Belting, 2 inch 28c ; 22 inch 35 cents. If desired, you may select your Buckle ' any color of Ribbon or the Belting, and we will make the belt complete. Belts are worn now, and will be worn next spring. One of these would be an ex- ceptionally nice Xmas gift. To all appearances the same as sterling silver, at less than one quarter the cost. CLINTON. Christmas BEESLEY'S Holiday Gffts1, Our White Swiss Embroidered Hankerchiefs hand worked Linen and Lwan, would make a suitable present ; our assortment and values are unequalled. Silk HankeiThiefs at 10c. to$1.25. We carry a complete line of the very makes that sell and give at- isfaction ; our prices cannot be beaten un- less on inferior goods, we can give you a very good G -love for 75c, a better one for $1, and the best for $1.20, Girl's0thite Fur Boas, choice at 25c. to 35c. Ladies' and Girl's 131k Wollen Mit- tens, single or double, fine goods. Gent's Gloves, Scarfs, 'ries and liand.kerchiefs, and we sell them at one pripe and that the lowest. The WI Favorite Establishment LAINTOIC 4111111111 ���Follow the Cho We are the largest dealers in Clothing in the West, and hundreds of people will be vesting in something new for Christma s and to those people we want to say that we can offer you the largest, cheapest and best selection. • See our wonderful $6.75 Ulster Overcoat. See our $8 Overcoat che4 at $12. See our g12 Overcoat and you will say $16, See our $2.50 Boy's Reefer worth $4. See our Famous $3 Pants worth $5.. See our Boy's Knee Pants 50c, 75c. and $1. In Christmas Novelities we show a seleatio from which many a useful present can b selected. See our Beautiful Range of Men's Neckwear at 50c. Piece kOKSON. aft* 1.818:: fQ111:1811018, •• •