HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-12-26, Page 2[ICI( 11.11100 BIT ottootoqs. 000 d0latete IINVAIENZA, Or La grippe, though occasionally epi- demic, is always more or less prevalent. TIM best remedyfor this complaint Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. "Last .Sprhig, 1 was taken down with La. Grippe, At times I was completely pros- trated. and so difflcult was my breathing that my breast seemed as If confined in an iron eage. I procured a bottle of Jaycee Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could notbe. llevo that the effect would be so rapid and the ours so complete. It is truly a wonderful med.! icins.”-Ti.fi. Wrnm.s.sm, Crook city,- ""). YERS Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act, sure to cure The Huron News -Record 1.50 a Year -81.25 in Advance WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1894. __- Lines Written on being Present ed with a Marguerite. I thank thee for tl6v flow'r so sweet, The stately, charming Marguerite ; It tells of innocence and love, It tells ,us of a, heriv'n above; Of all the llow'rs, I love to greet, The spirit flow'r, lov'd Marguerite. It tells of friendship pure, and true, It tells us of the Heavenly dew ; That opens hearts, to grief and woe And makes the soul with joy o'erflow ; Oil is the most reliable remedy on the Of all the flowers I love to greet, market. The' irit fower sweet Marguerite, Katt., GOate. and $1:00 Ono oczit adeze. Wals Om= °cam van mrat, rousts whore all otama fa CoughakCronp, ticqo Ihroat, rioareenees, hoopiag Cough and nithina, For Consum7tion it has no rival; has cured thousands, and wiu, corm OU tekeniu time. Sold by Druggists 0112 guar- antee. For n Lame Beek or Chest, nee 61111•021'3 Br:LLADONIla, FI.J.STErt•R50.. 749 1.0 irS " UMW !I This waned y 18a -unreal toed. to cure you, Prier:450cm liiJeotortree. Sold by J. H. COMBE. Goderich Township. The entertainment at S.S. No, 9, Goderich township, on Tuesday, Dec, 18, • was a gran I success, there being over forty, visitors. Rev. Mr. Fear, of Holmesville, ,%crinded the chair. All enjoyed themselvos very much. IVIiss Annie Churchill and Miss Lillie Cook and brother, of the 9th con., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cook. S.S. No. 9 is to be congratulated on securing the services of Miss Engler, their teacher. for another term. The lady is one of the most competent, painstaking and reliable teachers to be found and her work during the past year is quite sufficient to demonstrate this Messrs. Oliver and Routledge, of Clinton, who had a contract of cutting wood for Mr. Chas. Middleton, of the llth con., completed their job last week. Messrs. Harry Miller, Harry and John Steep have taken a contract of cutting four hundred cords of wood for Mr. John Stewart, of the Bayfield line. NO EQUAL TO IT. As a cure for Frost Bites, Chilblains. Burns and Scalds, Chafing, Chapped Hands, Inflamed Breasts, Sprains, Wounds, Bruises, Hagyard's Yellow P , ELorsE A. SKIMMINGS. Goderich, Ont., Nov., 1804, Minimum Maximum. • TO ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. 'Tis pleasant to list to the click, click, click, Of my needles of polished oak ; For I'm knitting a rug, of odds and ,ends, Which is truly a domestic stroke. When tired of your diesses, just cut thorn flne, Like nice ribbon, an inch wide or more; Then sew them together and knit them For tile feet of the one you adore. How I've read of your Aunt Hattie's kitchen, Where the tea kettle sits on the hob; But.hacl she one of my knitted rugs, She'd be proud as an eastern nabob, ELOISE A. SKIMMINGS. Godericla, Ont., Dec., 1894. re • 0„t t eci te0:::to Z:vsr drY olexit cot% coote m POW e c°1' loot tt‘ lasts t • u but vitiGoaaustyulitev jelera:,111Vtvi°13:' 1:.:}Y1 .st 1::::alg:4:11314:!votett:::%:54:77eu ri2'‘69. 11)e but vlete tt S 6114C. A:0; oce b tor°"I'" ca6 Wj it :,ZNTe:1;leet1;3tC°:: ola 0 v• 015r.” t avtkle. voila oot• Mr. Alex. McNeill, M.P., has been unanimously re -nominated as the con- servative candidate in North Bruce. THE PAINS OF RHEUMATISM According to the best authorities, ori- ginate in a morbid conditicn• of the blood. Lactic acid, cansed by the de composition of the gelatinous and albiuninous tissues, circulates with the blood and :attacks the fibrous tisanes, particularly in the joints, and thus causes the local manifestations of the disease. The back and shoulders the parts usually affected by 'Thelma- tism, and the joints at the knees, ankles, hips and wrists are also •some- thnes attacked. Thousands of people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla a positive and Permanent CUT e for rheum- atism. It has had remarkable success in curing the most, severe cases. The secret of its success lies in the fact that it attacks at once the, cause of the dis- ease by neutralizing the lactic acid and purifying the blood, as well as strength- ening every fiction of the body. • FINANCIAL STATEMENT, OF THF TOWN OF CLINTON. ----„ OUBLISHED PURSUANT TO STATUTE. _- RECEIPTS. Balanbe on hand, lst Jannary ... Taxes collected on roll Taxes collected on roll, previous years Bills payable .16 Property account Street account, Sale of Lumber County Account Cemetery Account Magistrates' Fines Public School License Account Charity Account, County Grants EXPENDITURES. Interest on Debentures Public School, Town Grant Public School, Government Grant Cemetery Account Street Watering Street and Sidewalks Fire and Water Account Postage and Stationery Charity Account Electric Light Account Pound and Rent Interest and Discounts Salaries Account Printing Account. Property account Insurance Board of Health Bills payable Incidentals County Rate Park Account Mechanics' Institute Account 'taxes Refunded ASSETS. Public School 'Collegiate Institute Town Hall and Market Square Fire and Water Appliances 'Unpaid Taxes and Cash in Fland Sinkidg Fund Public Park Consolidated Debt, Debentures Fire and Water Debentures High School Debentures Bills Payable From Dec. 15th, 1893, to lst Jan. 1894. RECEIPTS. 3. Wheatley.account of Roll .. $3,730 00 • do Statute Labor... 42 00 do License ' 16 00 $3,787 00 EXPENDITURES Interest on Debentures Charity account, Street account Taxes refunded Grant to Mechanics' Institute.. Election account Property account Pound account Printing account Electric light account, Cemetery account. Sinking fund account Fire and water acconnt Collegiate Institnte Postage and stat ion ery account 5 40 Salaries account 100 00 $8,060 51 eka,„,1”,,,, • 404,1-4 .1.r '1.,4.;:te"N414 INMIPIE**11~.0.0.0EMIEEM.NFOOMEED' THE HUB •GROCERY. ALWAYS RIGHT.`'® Our Stock is complete in canned goods such as SALMON, HADDIE, FRESH HERRING, LOBSTER, BEEF, DUCK, OH ; fURKEY, CannedKINVegetables-TOMATOES, PEAS, CORN, PUMP - Canned Fruit -PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, APPLES, &c. In jams we have PEACH, STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, CUR- RANTS, &c. In Pickles-MoCARRY ONIONS, CUCUMBERS, CAULIFLOWER, and WALNUT. All kinds of Spice", quality pure. Tea, all grades; we push the sale of Ben Her Blend which draws very fine. We have a big assortment of Crockery. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. 1894 $2,619 38 7,400 00 1,613 40 4,000 00 48835 15 25 50 42 381 69 20 00 30400 575 76 125 83 Snap Stiots DULL TIMES, OR GOOD TIMES, CONTINUOUS ......--ADVERTISING IS JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING. •-•.---...-...,-••••--••••-••••-••••••••••••"s••••••-• - THE NEWS -RECORD In dull times, because, no matter how dull, there are always those who must buy for legitimate needs. •, The wide-awake, continuous advertiser catches the orders. DO YOU CATCH THE POINT? Has a limited supply of Wedding ,.Invitations at a much lower price than city offices charge,' CASH IS KING: And when backed by Low price zi always wins. Having bought our goods strictly for cash •r THUS SAVING.THE DISCOUNT and leaving no bad accounts on onr books, we clai!A that by doing n Cash Business, we aro in a position to give bettor video than anyone. tri • the trade. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. We want it because we need it ; becauseit,is our way ormaking a liVing. We sell for Cash because ourjudgment says that it it.thlf,' best method to aecomplish our purpo e. Our Stock is entirely new no shelf worn gekt10.7,'-'" • but everything in the Store fresh aud clean, CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. -Bargains to remember us by; just received 1 Cask Deco:ated. China Ten Setswhich we offer at the following exceptionally low prices, 44 pieces Chintli? Tea Sets $5.75, $6.00, $6.25, $6.50 up, 97 piece Decorated Dinner Sets for $6.75, ^44.. piece Stone Chola Decorated $2.15. Bedroom Sets from $1.25 up. • .• Call and see our assortment of Fancy China, will bo pleased to show good whether you buy or not, FARM PRODUCE TAKEN AS CAM. - .. In good times, because the wide-awake, continuous advertiser is enabled to, select from the great yolunie of orders the best, leaving the undesirable to the other fellow. ERGO -ADVERTISE CONTINUOUSLY, BUT JUDIC- IOUSLY I A small annoucement in the right medium is -better than . - a large one in the wrong medium. In dull times you cannot afford,' A , to take chances. THERE IS ONLY ONE NEWS -RECORD ! )Z se Advertise in THE HURON NEWS -RECORD,- best medium in Huron. , $17,544 08 $ 1,164 38 3,100 00 00 29 38 100 00 1,431 60 405 76 17 95 433 20 • 662 25 12 30 89 79 1,019 00 88 85 405 40 .6400 30 00 3,300 00 171 20 975 30 450 100 00 200 $14,177 92 $ 8,000 00 9,000 00 12,000 00 3,000 00 8,054 64 1,453 67 2,000 00 • • • ••''';'7474"WAL.q.,4,0.. SPECIAL OFFER $43,508 31 $16,500 00 6,000 00 7,000 00 700 00 $30,200 00 .-TO-O Newspaper Readers. EXTRAORDINARY iNDUCEMENTS, THE HIT OF THE 19th CENTURY. 'Ns NzwsEgoonn bop to announce that it has completed arrangements for clubbing with the- PASIR.T HERALD AND 'WEEKLY STAR, Montreal, that superb Mettbpolitat weekly which is recognized as a Phenomenal paper hy the leading papers of the world, and which is in the truest House considered all over the continent as a boneehold neceoeity The FAMILY HERALD AND Wawa° STAR has no competitor. The FAMILY SERALD 1E18 quarter of a century old and it is celebrating the event by prea.nting each yearly subsoriber with a magnificent pictnre, a picture which is simply carrying the people nt Europe by5S0000. It lo entitled "Mother'e Darling." Tho Publisher will aooept 52 for the FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR of Montreal, and Tus Nnws-REcoan for one full year $ 639 37 33 10 12 44 3 19 100 00 38 90 10 70 • 12 00 75 1300 100 554 11 617 46 1,700 00 ONE CHANCE FOHv A TRIAL, THE NEWS -RECORD CiPaW8 attention to the clubbing announcement above, and to give an opportunity i to know what sort of a paper the FAIIILY HER- ALD AND -WEEKLY STARis, all new subscribers who send ns 35 cents will receive the FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR, of Montreal, and THE NEWS-Rnconn for full three nionths. This trial will enable strangers to ac- quaint themselves with the most suc- cessful weekly papers in this country. Don't forget to send your 35 cents to THE NEWS -RECORD. It's a chanee you may not get again for a long titne. PERRIN BLOCK. i' ' • .11nt'llet ;v. jic. ,.:niz.p .0. '-.Q•eziti,filowiiiiti,g.nrii b.001,,,,inv,fr ..liVE:fettliii.tosiriiii.1100ecii1114.7, OGLE COOPER & CO. Telephone No. 23. Stand, 1 Door North of THE NEWS -RECORD Office. 41111111011MPINIMMIMIONEI Advertising Always Pays .4. .4. If you go about it in the right way. There is no ex- ception to this rule. No de- partment of your business will give better returns for the money invested than the ad- vertising department, in truth it is the main spring of all the departments. Observe • the prominent position and t e neat display of THE NEWS -RE- CORD advertiSttiftU&pOfl.1 Bider whether this is not just° the opportunity tor increallog, your,. basiness that you have • been -long and anxiously KO5i.r,ig• S. HuRiiit--otimfg„piREtersrm*: 1894'; 46.4:.V; tee'rof the District Masker)- Primary addggatwters, their 'Post office addreases and date of „I meeting.. A. M. TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P..0. Estray Cattle. Came on tothe premises of the undersigned, lot 8, eon. 1, Colborne township, on or about the middle of November, 5 yearlb,g Heifers and 2 yearling Steers.' The owner is rage stol to prove property, pay ex- penses and take them away WILLIAM SOW LUDY, 808-45 Goderich Post Oflice. Stray Steer. Came to the promisee of the undersigned, Lot No. 40, eon. 9, Goderich towoship, on or almat the 10th ot Sept., a two year old red mad white Steer. The own. er is veuested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away. GEO. A. COOPER. Property For Sale, For eile.c.the 'large dwelling and lot owned and lately occupied,by Dr. Al pleton, on Ontario otreeL Rae all modern 'omeveniooces. Centrally tented, Also a house and lbeiidjotning above property, hteing Victoria street. Por ...particulars apply tb MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. - . ' • , Properties For ae. For Salo, in the town el`tibgton, sites. h krtast north, a desirable cottage,coutain tyga1 rodiiiar bethroono, bard and Soft„waferzand gen convenienCes. There is a good'Iof..4y#14-41Tle00 ...Also seven slitial of _land adloinfingBdinc n, on' gravitinvfa‘w4 one hundred young appfelrogt Terms to suit Prieehoser, Apply to the owne& FOSTER, Clinton, or aVirict4g.zwit-Ilsleoutt 8130 t -t 8 -asni for Sale. 44. 'A cultivated forrtg;of 190 acres, situate in Southern ?: hianifoba, riliPFrartney P. 0., is ooered ter sale • on-reRSOnable terms. Owner is linable to work it owing Verilk-a58,, Apply to box 18e,-Clitnt,0424.,0.,or ' News-Rsconfroalte. 821341 • Two ar ••, • --3rigoi /tot the' Beath Sall of CO& 0.21, 54 t a Reynold me, Goderich Township, contamin a acres, more or less, all cleared except about five were in good ,state of cultivation: log house Aux,hevpr raises; evelFw4ered; AR fenced. Aloe Lot No. 22,, ' • . A lot of New Frames at Toronto prices from 25c. up. Now is the time to got those photos yon have framed for Xmas, or get a large photo of Mother or Fath- - ere for then; or perhaps you have an old photo to copy. Now for a good Xmas present, the best thing isa Cabinet photo of yourself to give to your friend ; it will please them and will be cheap for you. For the Xmas trade we are making $5 CABINETS, BEST FINISH for $3 A SECOND LINE at $2,50, 4 LARGE SUNBEAMS at 25o. -Order Xmas Photos, Now. CLINTON. For Belo on easy terms, en bloc, or divided to 8,115pnreha0er ; 000 (railer cash or other good security, balance a 13i par font, or will (Malang° for a good term. J. 1'. Mt/ALL, Banker, in the Wolk will show pr. mitme. The land coat 81,000 and the building over 88.000, J. CAMPBELL, 284 Main W., Hamilto n, Ont. 887.0 Walter fewin, hank robber, has been sentenced by Juige Creasor, of Owen Sound, to five years in penetentiary. IIRL/FP IN STY Houna.-DintreSsing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in RIX hours by the "New °TWAT %MTH MIRRIOAN KIDNEY CURE." MR new reinedy le ft great surprise and delight to physicians on account 01 158 exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bleeder, kidneys, back and every pert of tho urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in posting it Minot im- mediately. If you want quick relief and mire 61118 18 our remedy. Sold by Watts & Co, Druggists. 219-Robt. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri Or sold. Terms reasonable. Apply to n kitgritift Met (I On or before full moon. • TORN SHEPPARD, • ay 662 --Thos. 11. Coursey, 0..Clinton P.0, 493 - Richard Hodgins, Saintstbury, 83741 day on or before full moon. Wash Day Made Easy. Wednesday on or before full moon. 890 - George Walden, 144-pla&Zift, Wednesday on or before full moon. 924-EdWard Vat*, 1st Friday in each month. -w•>••• 1087 -James Kenniston, Parkhill, Moi day on or before full moon. 1210 -Wm Mowsen, Moray, Thursday on or before full moon. • 1343 -James Boyce, Centralia, Tutsday on or before full moon. 610-A. Nevins, Centralia, Friday on or after full, moon. GO GOOD WORK AND,‘:. James Calwell, W.D.M., Goderich P.O. QUICK DELIVERY 145 -James Cox, Porterisitiltp4t Mon- day in each month. CHILDREN'S PHOTOS 15.3-0Andodrrle3NevfoMreiVitnSortolnt!ord, Friday .""-A SPECIALTY. 182 -Geo. M. Cox, Goderich, last Tiles- DERICH DISTRICT. day in each month. iarSee display in City Bakery Window 189-F. McCartney, Holmesville, Mon- day on or before full moon. SEE C. ANDERSON202-James McLean, Saltford, 3rd , 9 Wednesday in each month. COOK'S OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET, 306-T a Cook, Clinton, lst Mon - CALL AND day in each month. CLINTON. EUREKA BAKERY AND RESTAR4NT. Under the new Management busi ess con- tinues to flourish. Onr Stock comprises everything required in a first-class Bakery and Restaurant -such as Plain and Fancy Cakes, Pastry, Superior Bread, Confeotioner3r, Cool San:killer Drinks, &o., &o. WEDDIXG CAKES A SPECIAL- TY and prices reasonable. Picnic parties dealt with on the most liberal terms and Bread delivered to all parts of the town. Bettor value than we offer cannot be obtained. Give us a call. Stand next the Grand Union Hotel, Clhiton. JANES BOYD, Proprietor, I have sseed the right to manufacture tit famons Magic Washing Machine. Already! bare made and sold a number,. The purchasers aro delighted. To Ilea the machine on trial is sere to make a male if one is require& Wash -day is made very easy tmd ean_be kept perfectly clean; no spl...,utag *Lisle wattir whatever. The price has been oct ata very low lime. The machine may be 80017 at 1113'reeidenin on hum Street. B. ems 80041 -; ••• • ' HULLETT DISTRICT. • D. Cantelon, W.D.M., Clinton P. 0. 710 -David Cantelon, Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each month, 813 -Robert Scarlett, Winthrop, last Wednesday before full moon. 928 -Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st Monday in each month. 793 -Wm. Horney, Seaforth, lst Mon- day in each month. STAN LEY DISI RICT. Robert Pollock, W.D.M., Hayfield P.O. 24 -James Pollock, Hayfield, 1st Mon- day in each month. 308 -Wm. Oonsit, Hillsgreen, 1st Tiles day in each mont' 833 -Robert McKinley Blake, lat Wednesday in each mol h, 783 -Wm. J. Clarke, Ilenetti., 1st Thurs- day in each month. Rathwell, Hayfield, 1st Thursday in each month. tatrisonc.-Aty otnissione or °theerror* wilt be trztirtliiteoorle,epsa4tonav,r(stilurgodntrirto to the County at an D SO 11 d to