HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-12-19, Page 23&N $$ DIRECTORY,. 144tulg. 44001fporeted,by kat Of Parliament 1846, FOR SALE. CAPITAL, .• $2,Op0,OOO PIAT, ,.. • f51,sOO,oOO ii *esd •' OMQe, MONTREAL. .7 ii, R. MOLSON President. R, IY07. if+It8 A?l THOMAS,Oeneral Mans er. Noto4',dieonnnted, Collections made, Drafts . issued, Sterling and American ex• change bought and sold et lowest current rates. STUMM AwwQWp oN D$Poetre. ItOney advanced 0 tanners on their own notes With one. Or Inert endorsers. No mortgage n - o•4'4 4da, ueelfrityt 4'40441 H. 0. BREWER, Manaagger, I:ebKtritry,'VAC Cb1NTo8. G. D. 1VIoTaggart BANKER, ALERT STREET, OLINTON. A .GENEAL BANKING! BUSINESS ANSACED. "i. Notes Discounted. • . Drafts Issued. a. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, Tyne 8th, 1891 658y 1 4edical. I - DJtS. CUNN St GIBSON. ' OFFIOE Ontario St. a few doors east of Albert St. W. GUNN. R. J. GIBSON. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; J. M.. Victoria Univ. M. C. P. & S. Ont, ; Fellow if the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office: Dr. Doweley's stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls 1 towered at Office. a DR. SHAW. Office In Hodgen's Bleak, Rsttenbury St., Clinton, ;Jit. Night calls at same place. Jas. S. Freeborn, M•D L. K: & Q. 0. P., I., M. 0. P. & S. 0., &o., &o. Graduate of King's & Qneen's College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medioal Ooanol, Great Rritain. Member of College of Physicians and Burgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- dent of the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynal• cologleal), Dublin.. Special attention to diseases of , women and children. Mee and residence, Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 829-ly T. C. BRUCE L. D. S., Surges lentlet. Member of R, C. D. S., of Ont. Teethe • - ed without pain by the use of a harm- ' eesand.. R. = nt local anaesthetic. No unconscious- ees, eiekfess nor III -effects aeoompany the use of hie remddy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to its genuineness. Special attention given !t the preservation of tlse natural teeth. Otllce, Soares' Block, over Taylor's ehce Otero.' R. Agnew L. D. S., D. D. S., DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- -eons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensel), every Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month. ft EC. HAYS, Solicitor, dec. Office, corner of • Square and West Street, over Butler's Book tore, Goderich, Ont. 67. ' Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. J. SCOTT, Barr,,ter, t4'c.. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. CAMPION & JOHNSTON, BARRISTERS, • • SOLICITORS., NOTARIES, cg'c., Goderich, - Ont, Office over Jordan's Drug Store. E. CAMPION, Q. 0. M. 0. JOHNSTON. 111ONEY TO LOAN. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, c -c., OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON tf Ionell to Band. MONEY to lend In large or small acme on good mortgages or personal *security at the lowest current rates. IL HALE, Huron et. Clinton. MONEY TO LOAN. interest 5I per cent payable yearly. The borrow- er to have the privilege of paying the whole or any part, of the principal at any Brno without giving notice. For further particulars apply to C. A. HARTT. Jffice in McKay's Block, Clinton. SPECIAI. NOTICE ilgr THE NEWS -RECORD will always be pleased to receive reliable Information of Births, Mar- riages, and Deaths, or of any other local event. Ra'T Tum NEWS -RECORD can furnish as hand- somo W,,,u,,gggrgttjyyy��fdd1111ing Stationery and guarantee as fine letter pro Diwork and at AS low prices as any city orother p ng office. ZS' I 'the matter of Funeral Circulars an Memorial Cards, Tun News-RECone guarante prompt attention and the very beet class o work, at fifty per cont less than eastern prices. Mrs, Whitt, Teaoher of Music, Piano Organ and Toohnleon for nee of pnppile Spart nents in Beaver Block, over W. Boosloy'e, Alber street,Clinton. House For Rent. Ther nicely Ritual.° and confortable dwelling on the eornerof Huron and Orange streets. All oonve on,. end roomy. Hard and soft water, stable and gtreeden. 70r partlenlarn apply to 614 8-1 THOS. JACKSON, Sr Ormigc L iTo.714 oznsiT 4t. every a alwiys I►, M. A alike ilLINTONIiodge, N!: $ti 4, 10,4 A. M. meets t.! every Friday, On Or &Orr p)lit; moon. Visit. lig brethren eordlellylaYltsd, T. SMALLA00MBE, I .,1, Ce BI UOE, Ssc. w, x• Clinton Jan. 14 1894,`' • .s K. 0, T, M. /learn Tent No. 116, Knights of the Maccabees of the World. $1,000, $2,000 and $9,000 Policies. Mem- bership over 100,000. Assessment principle—ham never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest and sated in exlsteuoe. Meats in Orandy Hall, Clin- ton, Arst andthird Friday of every mouth. A.O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No.144, meetein Biddleeomhe's Hall, opposite the market, the let and 3rd Fridaye in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONE• ueu,11. W.; J. BRAN, Recorder. d, 4L 699y glitch gcn#ig'I.ttO itke ubilee Preceptory No, 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) leets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednes• ay of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. !siting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty elcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER °ANTELMN, Registrar oyal Black Preceptory 3971 Black Knights of Ireland," sets In the Orange Hall,- Blyth, the Wednesday ter full moon of every month, Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon- day of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P 0 COOK'S FLOUR, & FEED STORE, Clinton. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities. OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oats D. COOK. CLINTON. 752-tf HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. .- The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton JOHN - SCRUTON Butcher and Poultry. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. All lines in season. Highest price for Hides, Tallow and Sheepskin s. • Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undersigned desires to intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr. Couch, in the butcher- ing business lately carried on under the style of FORD &COUCH. He will continue the same at the old stand, and trysts by giving the closest and most careful attention to the business, straightforward and courteous treatmentto all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders carefully and promptly fined. , JAMES A. FORD, CLINTON. BILL HEADS, NOTE Heals, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc. ,printed to a workman- like manner and at lea rates, at THE -NEWS-RECORD office. WATTS & CO CHEMISTS & DRUCCiSTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. Photographers rOSTER & BAYLEY, CLINTON. .,ife Size Portraits?, a Specialty. J. E. BLACK ALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on tate most modern and scientific principles. /greens attended to night or day. Office on Isaaa street, next New Era oMce. Residence—Albert street, Clinton. NOTICE TO NEWS•RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem It a favor if readers would, when making their purchases mention that they saw the merchant's advertisement In 'TIIa Nawe.Racoan. TA THEE. FARMERS via and Study.Year oath iaterb9t Rud K0 p'hgr�r ' you ' u.gov. Rehable ,� ilarnesse ., X maftufaoture none but ,tae Baa'ror Syo04 .POO" shops. that selldhsap, at.*ha Anne {iaf, lR fflu, o r' outland gee prlcesr Qrder9 by mail peo&nply attended to ao ?3L iF MAR'lli',S8 EMI'ORIWI, BLYTH, ONT N•OTICI. There being some misunderstanding with re• gard to wreckage, let It be distinctly pnderstood that if any person tekos poeveeelon of any kind ot wreckage and tails to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this 1s the last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrooke, Goderieb Qodortph, Sept. 7th um. FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the un- 'dereigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Qoderioh, consisting of one half of an acro of land, good frame house --story and a half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good atone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses. There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable forany,pereon wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply to E. 'CAMPION, - 642-tf Barriater,Goderiob. J. 0. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, • Clinton, Ont A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS. J ;WELR 1 and SILT+ ERWARE at J. BIDDLECOIIR'S, - Clnton." GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. Geo, Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first close material and worn guaranteed ; farm !mplemeuts and machines rebuilt and repaired. Cantelon Bros, LENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON, O1iT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Egg r5.2-ly PUMPS! ___PUMPS! If yon want a first -alae., well"mado pump, one that sill give yon satiefaotisn, sand your order to the sndersigued. He will dig and clean wells and do it at ;he closest prices. He also handles a arst•olas, FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposite Q t len' High Street, Clinton . (309-tf Fe W.'FABNOOIIIB (MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. B,) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, ONT., t OFFICE .5. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clln n 761-ly 6mo" S11- GODERICH MARBLE WORKS, J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, :Clinton, ie fur agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. Id. Sebring, of Benmiller, is our Travelling went. Orders entrusted to either of the above will save our best attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, 3WRDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites. s well as in all varieties of marble. Give Dir, Steyenson a call before ordering else. where. JOHN A. ROBERTSON. Manager. ALLAN LINE RORAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. RFDUCTION IN RATES Steamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry DURING THE WINTER MONTHS. Cabin, $40 and upward.. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at hew rates. No Cattle carried, STATE j SERVICE ')F LLALINE. ASTEAy SHf LIS. NEW YVRK AND GLASGOW Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $40 upwards. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at ow rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN. Montreal ; or to A.O. PATTISON or WM JACKSON, Clinton. THE CELEBRATED [deal Wasfter sc. *arid Wringers. THE BEST IN THE MARKETS. Machines Allowed on Trial. , I am also agent for i11 Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see me. , J. B. WEIR, CLINTON i-IiROPERTY FOR SALE OP RENT.—Advertleorewill find"The News -Record" one of the best mediums to the County of Huron. Advertise in "The NewieRecord"—Tho Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates a low as aey. •r Are. .DON'T rind fault with the cook if the pastry does not exactly suit you Nor with your wife either -perhaps she Is not to BLAME. It may be the lard she is using for shortening. bard is indigestible you know. But if you would always have YOUR 1 Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di- . gestible, order the new short- ' ening,"COTTOLENE," for your WIFE Sold in _3 and 5 pound pails, -by all grocers. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ' Wellington and. Ann Sts., Montreal. - :^4$440 WitikVipt4 The Huron News-Recora r 50' a Year—$1,25, in Advance. WEDNESDAY, DEJEMBER 12th4- 1894 A BOOK .F012. YOUNG MEN. An unmeasurable amount of suffer- ing and injury to the human race, is due to the ignorant violation of -physio- logical laws by the youth of one land. Ruinous practice;' are indulged in, throligh ignorance of the inevitable in- jury to constitution and health which surely follows. By every young man, the divine injunction, "know Thyself,': sbould•'1•te well heeded. To assist such in acqniring a knowledge of themselve.8 and of how to, preserve health, and' to shun those pernicious and tnost de- structive practices, to which so many fall victims, as well as to • rerlaitn and point out the means of relief and cure to any who May unwittingly have violated 'Natut e's laws, and are'already suffering the dire conrI'ijuences, an association of medical gentlemen have carefully prepared a little book which is replete with useful information to every young man. It will be sent to any address, securely sealed from oh - servation in a plain envelope, by the World's Dispensary Medical Associa- tion of 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., on receipt of ten cents in stamps (for postage), if enclosed with this notice. On November 28th Martha., young- est daughter of Mr Geo. Blootnfield, of Greenway, was united in marl iage to Mr. John Luther. Thecet'monv was performed by Rev. Dr. Beaumont in Gtace Church. For Over Fifty fears MRs. WINSLOW'e SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for tar it children while teething If disturbed at night and broken of your mat bya pick child suffering and crying wish pain of Cutting Teeth senr: at once and get a bottle of "Mtn. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup" fnr.lhildren Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diat• rhcea, regulates the Stomach end Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, rodnoee Inthmmatlon, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslcw's Soothing Syrup" ter children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of theoldest and beet female physician's and nurses in the United States. Pride twenty five cents a bottle. Sold by all drnggiets throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHiNO SYRUP." The Episcopalians,of Varna, will hold a Rainbow Social on the evening of Jan. 3rd. The Methodists will •hold their entertainment on Christmas evening. THE CHILDREN'S ENEMY. Scrofula often shows itself in early life and is characterized by swellings, abscesses, hip disease.:, etc. Consump- tion is scrofula of the lungs. In this class of diseases Scott's Emulsion is unquestionably the most reliable medi- cine. The P. P. A's, of Varna, talk of hav- ing a concert in the near future. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. 1) Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanoogat Tenn., says : "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SAVED t1fY LIFE.' 7 consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I Goer 'rued." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble i excels. Price 75 cts. Sold by J. H Combe RELIEF in Stx Houes.—Dletressing Kidney and Bladder disoasee relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SVUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE " Thies new remedy is agreat eurprlee and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in 'nosing it almost im- mediately. If you want amok relief and euro this is our remedy. Sohl by Watts SCo, Drug giste. AN ODE TO DIAMOND DYES. AIR : BONNIE DOON. 01 Diamond Dyes, ye colors fail', Prepared with scientific care, Ye joy of every woman's heart, From our lov'd homes, oh, n'er depart. Ye are otur choice, our joy and pride, Forever In our homes abide, That ye may show your marv'lous pow'rs, When time brings on our dyeing hours. In vain have speculators tried To mar thy worth, thy fame deride; But women's hearts so warm and true, Forever loyal are to you. Shine on! shine on 1 ye stars of light, Ye Diamond Dyes so fast and bright, Ye gems of true economy, May millions yet be bless'd by thee. M.iS.FIIT�C+CI��J Ruul-8r��`1I1'MAS • f R1.SL,t11 yr EAT tills Oountry needs Inot'e than anything' elRe. just ' once a year, is a M i s fl t ' Christmas Presn eent Exchnterpangel'i8iIl, A gentleman has at- yf ready sti4rted `tin es • tablishtnent where one can dispose o.f duplicate wedding presents,'but a per- son gets married once only in his life, whereas he' or she, as the case or sex may be, endures- MRny Christmases. 1t. •How sweet and J pleasant would it be, tor instance, if a young and pretty clergyman who has been remembered by seventeen or two dozen of the ewe lambs of his congrega- tion with a pair of slippers from each, could trade off moat of them for, say. a meerschaum pipe or some perpendicu- lar linen collars 1 Until such an exchange begins to fill a long fadt want, the daily papers could help o:n the good worl; by permitting their patrons to wiser( free such adver- tisements as the, following, at holiday bin's "A boy of twelve wishes . to exchange 'a new cops- of 'Josephus,' handsomely bound, for n. 'aocond-hand copy of 'Beelzebul, . 'l: the Terror of Gory Gulch'; or w. Bead Dan, the Young Detective of -t.a b,rry avenue.'" "Young lady would part with seven (7) Christmas cards (four of them 'hand - painted) in return for a diamond en- gagement ring." "Married man desires to exchange a pair of ice cream -colored wristers for a glass 'Of beer." "Young clergyman will dispose of an. assorted lot of slippers, some of which are embroidered with blue dogs with scarlet eyes, for a serviceable pair of , winter gloves, fur -lined preferred. Must be mates,'' "Boston young lady, temporarily re- siding in New'York, wouldlike to ex- change eight copies'of Browning's com- plete works; all new and unused, for a pair of gold rimmed spectacles, No. 5, near sighted." "Young married man will trade' a box of cigars (handsome work of art on inside of lid( for a ten cent plug of chew- ing tobacco, • "Gentleman wishing 'to part with a pair of large rod rnittelis. Will accept a two ply hani: sandwich or three Frankfurter sausages in ezchanr' ', "Youth will givea copy of , ub's Poemsmum) of Childhood (leavesmum)x a baseball' bat or a chestp pistol with a ox of cartridges." 1 "A musically inclined girl , will ex- change her brother's irresponsible cor- net for an upright, piano," "A young' gentleman of eleven, In lore pantaloons, will give ,a,fancy cap, labelled 'For Good Boy,' for a ticket - to any accessible dime museum." Under the Mratlefoo, the =lam of cod':ilveir 64with Hypophpsphites, is dor Coughlljf, Colds, Sore Throat. Bronol><i..tit#, Weak t„ufr>Igts•, Conaurripltion, Loss of Fel*, Emaciation, Weak Babi11 esre, Crowing Chdn, Poor Mothers' Mllk, Scrofula, Anaemia; in fact, for ail conditions call- ing fora quick and effective norirlshment. sen Pamphlet. FRBB, Scott & Bowne, Belleville- All Druggists. BOC. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphro913' • Witoh and Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 4o years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding -.-Itching and Burning; Cracks- or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate -cure certain.,, It Cures BURNS, Scalds and .Ulceration awl Contraction from Burns Relief instant. It Cures Tosus, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BorLs, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. ' It Cures INFLA1iED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. • It Cures SALT RHEUM, `Fetters; Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped -Hands, Fever Blister$, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and 'Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.. Three Sizes, 25c., 5oc. and $1,()0.- SoldbyDruggists, orsent post-paid onrooeipi i;prioe. HUMPHREYS, ICED, CO., 111 A 115 WUa0m 55,, gm York. WITCH HAZEL OIL caVEATS,TRADE MARKs COPYRIGHTS. promptanswerI OBTAIN A -PATENT i Porn MUNN andhhave Lad nearlyy8fty years'' experlen fe In the patent business. Communlea- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and how to ob. twin them sent,free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. pPatents taken through Munn et Co. receive thus aare brought the before the public With- out Dost to the inventor. This splendid ppa�w�� Issued weekl,elegantlyillustrated has by farms largest circulation of any ecIeDDntifie work In the. wBu11ding3Eclition monthly, copier' 2.50 ayear..rsifn le 00 lee, alt cents. Every number contains brit plates, In colors, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN. dt GO„ NEW YOSIK, 361 BROADWAY. WOOD'S P1:14:0f3PHODINE. The Great English Remedy. Sim Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emtssfons,Sperm. atorrhea, Impotency and all efectaof Abuse or Exoeasee. Mental Worry, excessive use Before and After. of Tobacco, Opium or Stimu- lants, which noon lead to In- firmity, Inanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 36 years In thousands of cases; Is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for Wood's Pltosphodtne;It he offers some worthless medicine In place of this, inclose price In letter, and we will Bend by return malL Price, one package, $1; six, P. One will please, aim will cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Clinton by Allen St W ilson Druggists. He—Did I but dare, what bliss were mine To press those lovely bps di- vine Did I but darel" She—The stupid chum, to stand and stare As though hisfeet were planted there, The stupid chump ! Thu Christine's Gifr. It may be that in every gift with which at this blessed Christmas -tide we gladden our children's hearts we are Magi again offering treasure to the Holy Child. We may make it so. But richer gifts than these will be required. The Christ is not now in the cradle. He has left the carpenter's bench; he has descended from the cross ; he has as- cended from the grave ; he has left be- hind him a church and' has given it a cornmision. The best gift and sacrifice that he cafe receive is obedience to that commission. Then shall he also receive the scepter and the crown. The angel's song foretold good -will, peace and glory. Yet atter all these driving and driven centuries where is the good -will, where the peace, where the glory 7 We see them still far, far be- fore us; and, like Mary, we forebode many a cross between. But let the cross come. Our endurance shall be our gift to hien who gave himself. Is there toil for us, that we may honor him: is there self•denial; is there holy consecra- tion and humble service, that shall make thcf world at last a spotless sacrifice to him who purchased it? Let these be the Christmas gift by which we shall con- firm our discipleship to him. Thus be- yond the cross shadowed on the wall shall we ever see the gleaming rainbow which encircles the King on his throne. Thus, through the discords of earth we shall ever hear the divinely warbled melody of the seraph bands. Yet With the woes of sin and strife The world has suffered long ; Beneath the angel strain have rolled Two thousand years of wrong; And men, at war with men, hear not The love -song which they hying. Oh ! hush the noise, ye risen of strife, And (sear the angels sing'1 And ye beneath life's crushing load, Whose tonna are bending low, Who toil along the t whine way With painful steps and slow, Look now, for gladand golden hours Come swiftly on the wing ; Ohl rest beside the weary road And hear tlso angels sing I The Message of the Bella, The Christmas bells are ringing. In every pealing note they say to the poor, "Jesus was one with you. He chose to share your lot because it was that of the majority. In all that you have to bear, you are a brother to Jesus Christ," Christ never took on His blessed lips the philosopher's cant. He never said that misery, poverty, disease and death were natural results of a divine law. They were as unatural as hateful. But for them all He has a remedy -"That ye love one another as I have loved you.' 114E MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blls:en. Road proof's below: KENDALL'S SPAM DUDE BLUTroINT, L. L, Y.Y., Jan. 15, 1004. Dr. B. 3, KENDALI, Co. Gentlentra—I bought a splendid bay horse sonny time ago with e Sony in. I got, him fot.03e. I unod Kendall's Sprtvl. Cure. Till. Spit vitt Is reno nuv! and I have been ofTered 6150 For the Rune hnreo. I only had him nine weeks, so 1 trot 0120 Car oiled $2worWs otru�havin Cure. Yours ly, W. S. MARSDEN. KENDALL'S. s 'iavui CURE SEIELEY, MM.. Dec. 10, 1898. Dr. B. J. KENDALL CO. Sirs—I have u.,ed your Kendall's Spavin Cure with gond screws for (hn•bN on two horses and. Et le the best Liniment I huVe ever Mud. Yours truly, AUCU0Tka:✓:.3:CLr. Price 01. per Bottle. Tor Salo by all Druggletn, or address Dr. I3. J. Ii f:'NI)ALL C011dPdlJY, EN°SMIRCH FALLS, VT. IS THIS • , NOT SO ? —p.— W ELL -DRESSED windows and a large sign will draw at- tention to goods from passers- by. They, however, have little time to stop. The determina- tion of what shall be bought is generally made in the home, and it is this the 'dealer must reach. He can reach the greatest number of homes in this town and adjoining neighborhood by advertising in THE NEWs- AlcoRHO0RD. .� (2) SAILOH's CURE is sold on a guars= tee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Vnly one cent a dose; 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle- Sold byJ. H. Combe. ,41.1444.11 1