HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-05-01, Page 8Fags wig)it THE WINGHAM ADVANCE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Whiteadircti I3iuevale Hanna & Co. Society Brand Clothes 20th Century Brand Clothe The Choice of the American and Canadian Markets §for the best in Men's Tailored and Ready -for -Service Clothing. Wide awake amen appreciate this store where good clothes and the newest in furnishings come from, and the prices are always reasonable. 1 3' 3' 3' 3' 1 3' 3' Just received a new shipment toupes .and greys, sizes 16, 18, and 38. tt •Saturday only for $10.95 100•Ltidies' Collars to clear on Saturday only at 39 cents. of rr�.r l3orsalino Hats 94 blue 011 sale M X' Saturday Special 20 Ladies' Silk Poplin Dresses in I) rowns, tans, canna Co. The Store with the Stack., Dr. Henry Stewart 'or Saskatoon, watt the guest of friends here on Sunday. He 1 lived formerly on the houndary, west of the village Pte. W. G Bryson of Owen Sound, who spent the past few weeks with hie sister, Mrs; Chowen, has returned, Me. and Mrs. Joseph Holmes have moved to the village having rented their farm to Me. Robert Laidlaw. Mr. John McCowan is spending some time with Langside friends. Mra. W J. Greer of Wingham, visited her aunt, Mrs T. Henry, for a few days last week Miss Ruby Nixon, of Lucknow, spent Sunday wi'h friends here Mr. and Mrs A Cameron of Ashfield were week -end guests at the home of Mr and Mrs W J. Dawson. Air. Jas. Wilson has purchased a Stude- baker car. J. WALTON McKIBBON, Druggist, Wingham ll1111111111IlllNllllltl M1N111111111111111111l1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II111111111111IIIN1111111(1111111111111111111111 .: Mlss A Simpson is visiting her sister, Mrs, A. H. Musgrove of Wingham. Mr. Jas. Laidlaw purchased the prop. erty of IVtr. Robert Baird, which was sold by auction on Saturday last, Miss Jean Scooie spent last week with friends at Langside. Church Notes-Rsv, G. M. Dunn of Royce Ave , Presbyterian church, Tor- onto, is to conduct the anniversary ser- vices here on June 1st, A tea•meeting and ontertainment will be held on the Monday evening Mr. Frank Ross led the Guild meeting on Sunday The Leader for May 4th is Miss A. Laidlaw Mother's Day will be observed on May 11th Rev, R. J. Garbutt of Lucknow. preached in the Methodist church on Sunday. Mr. D. McTavish took charge of the services in the Ripley Methodist church Pte. Alex W. Kennedy, the third to return from overseas. of the four soldier sons of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Kennedy, ar- rived home on Friday .night last. He crossed to England with the 160th .and saw service in France. At the annual meeting of the Epworth I.eagtie the following officers were elected Pres. Micas Laura Ralph; 1st. V. P --Jae Masters; 2nd V. P. Grace Curtiss; 3rd ✓ P. Mrs G Hall: 4th V P. Mrs. Bu gess; Secy --•Miss Hazel Stamper; Treaa. G Hall Following; officers and teachers elect- ed fat' the Sunday School. -Supt, Mrs 0 Snell, Assistant, Jae Masters; Bible Class Mrs. Burgess, Assistant, Mrs Garnett; Young Ladies Class, Miss I, Ralph. Young Men's Class, Jae. Gannett, Assist- ant, Ii. Chamberlain; Girls Class. Mrs. L Rattan, Assistant, Mrs, Rolph; Infant Class, Mrs, McCall, Assistant, Mrs. Jos. Curtis; Secy, G. Hall; Tress. Jas. Mas- ters; Organist, Mrs. McCall, Assistant, Ha/el Vanstone; Librarians, F. Stamper and Stanley Gallaher; Cradle Roll Dept. Grace Curtiss and Jennie Wheeler; Supt. Hoene Dept. Mrs. I, Ruttan, Mrs, Geo. Mowbray visited relatives at Whitechurch this week. Mr. Stanley Hall has gone to Harris - ton where he has secured a position with Gunn's Ltd. Mr. Elden McKinney is at Tavistock, relieving the operator this week. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Mashers spent Sun- day with Mr. Wm. Thornton. The annual meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Campbell. let line. Morris, on May 8. A11 the members are requested to be present. Mr. Robert ants Miss Gladys Marsh of Woodstock, spent Easter holidays with their uncle, Mr. Philip Thomas Driver S. J. Clark, who recently re- turned from overseas with the 123rd Batt. Toronto, spent Easter holidays with Mr, Phillip Thomas, Mr's. Robert Lockhart, who spent the month in Woodstock, has returned with her sister, Mrs. Wilfrid Clark. Salem Mr. George Westlake has purchased a new Ford auto, with which to draw the mail Mr Wm. Mines has purchased a new special Grey Dort car from Mr. Ezra Markley of Wingham. Wm. will keep up with the times, Mr. and Mrs. Pringle have got settled on the farm which they purchased from Mr. Fred Melntosh We welcome then to our, midst, Mr. Ed. Gilmer of Carrick who recently returned from overseas visited his sister, Mrs. Ed. Bennett last Creek. D' 1r. and Mrs Edgar Higgins called on friends in Howieit last Sunday, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered in the church here, last Sunday. • 0.4111 PAINTUP!-CLEAN UP! = mootam • M▪ oan . O REM MUM N. CARPET SWEEPERS $4.25 olmoloOlk MOONY MEOW 01.0.110 a . Tile stove of lastingsatisfac- • ,•'= tion, • 1 r 3 burner with oven...$28,00 '1."'";°•:'a, $3.50 below Mail Order' up. FISHING SUPPLIES Baits.- ..... ... . .. 25c to $1,25 Poles ..... .... .... 30e. to $4.00 Lines 5c to $1,35 -x- Baseball, Football and Tennis sup- plies. ECONOMY AND CONVENIR N C I;. Toaster....3.50 up Irons .. . 5,5o up 6o Watt Bulbs ..390 Poultry Netting ........ 50 yd up The Joao Gravity Washer, makes wash day a holiday. Sold on 30 days free trial. ANKBR--HOLTH Cream Separator, self balancing bowl. Base your judgment on ef- ficiency, not price. NEW PERFECTION • Meuse prices. =• .111.0111 MONO M▪ IPPONE iosseu Hake Look Like New with GLDDDEN rnaaranca AUTO E.: Convert your stove into a gas range with a • CANADA OIL BURNER Pita any stove. Burns Coal tail. • Safe. City gas convenience with E dirt of coal and wood eliminated. Call and see it demonstrated. V 4 Everything in garden tools to make gardening a pleasure a' vaei1 as profitable. THE FXNIsi:I'THAT STANDS UP Paint it yourself. Dries hard in 48 hours. Black, Green, White Yellow, Bine, Grey. :11T'RES,C0 The latest wall finish 5 lit eikg 6oc Keep Your Home Well Painted NO other investment you can make, J� will so amply repay you in satis- faction and in dollars -and -cents value, as the money you spend in painting. Eich hind of surface should be painted with the paint manufactured specially for its treat- ment. We carry a full line, and can give you color cards and complete information if you will drop in to sec us. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS E Paints and Varnishes superior for durability. Let us tend you nn O -Cedar Polish Mop at $1.50, Sit 0 -Cedar Duster at 71c., or a bottle of (sizes 25c. to $3.00.1 COLtTM13IA DRV BATTERIES Beautifully grained woodwork and floors await those using S -1,C Graining lnule with tee\ ' 1 Trainieg; Color. Light O.tk and dark Oak. JAP-A-LAC-'1'lre prig{Taal vateislt stain, Wagon* 1.25 tel) Scooters ....42 tip Safety Ruta ... 4.50 .0111110 .,OSS' HARDWARE, ilhone 84 ll1i11111111111111i1n11111111onni11i111111111111i11i111nl1i111111i111'nllllmii111i1i111n1111111111111111111111111111 mi11i111111N11i11i11111111111 O 1.0.01 defolorall MOONY 9▪ 1.1▪ .110 M▪ olloVis POMO a 110114110 MAIM NOMA a 1191111011.4 11111,11.11 11.10.11 Morris Mr, 'Thomas Abrahatii ipent a few days with his son, Maxwell Abraham, .of Grey. ear. and Mrs Jae, Gnlley visited at Myth last Sunday. Miss I. Cook of Lucknow, vieited her Blyth Come and enjoy yourself at Blyth's Big Patriotic I)ay, June 3rd. Goderich District Meeting will be held in the Methodist Church, May •19th and 20th. Mr, Dobie of Wingham, was in town on business during the week. • Mr. Frank Carr, of Toronto, was call• ing on friends Saturday. Mr, John S. McKinnon of Toronto, a Berth, boy and Vice President of the Can-. adian •119anufactures Association, sent a cheque of $100 for the Memorial Hall. The following soldiers returned during the week' Private Walter Cowan, son of Mr, and Mrs. David Cowan: Pte. Fred Somers, who enlisted with a Western Batt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Somers: Pte. Janes l-lirotls: Pte, Robert Stewart, brother of Mrs, Charles Fraser, arrived on Siuttrday. .W1-1461101 MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Wheat No. 2 Spring 2 06 to Wheat No. 2 Fall 2 11 to Flour, per cwt, standard. 5 90 to 6 15 Bran, per ton 40 00 to 42 00 Shorts, per ton.,.. .. 42 00 to 44 00 Oats .. 75 to 85 Barley . 85 to 1 00 Hay, 1700 to 1800 Butter, per lb. -dairy.... 45 to 50 Eggs, per dozen 41 to 44 Laid 30 to 35 Cattle mad., butchers. 10 00 to 12 00 Cattle, butchers choice. 13 00 to 14 00 Hogs, Iiveweight20 50 to 21 00 Butterfat to 63 LYCEUM THEATRE WED. and THURS., APRIL 3o, MAY r. Paralta presents "HUMDRUM BROWN" A farce comedy with HENRY B. WALTHALL Admission zoc and 16e. IRI, and SAT., MAV 2 and 3. Paramount preeeuts VIVIAN MARTIN iu "APETTICOAT PILOT" and lath episode of "HANDS UP" 1i1ON • and TUES., MAN` 5 and 6. Paramount 1.011.010 presents CIIARLES 1.AV in "THIO; HIRED MAN" and a Canadian Scenic Admission 16e Next t."I,IW, add'1'III'RS., MAI," 7 and GERARD': "Myl'owr'Y.ure Itis Gorrany" The only true story of the war lister, Mrs. Will Edgar tor a few days. Mrs Alex Coutts and children visited at 4` Cobert Metherington's Inst week. Miss Florence Aiteheson of St. Jacobs tnd Miss Agnes of I3luevale, visited their lister, Mrs. Weil Abraham last week. Mr Alex McEwen had a very euccees- 'ut woodbee Last weep. E. Wawarms. h Thi' following is the report of rxaminat- 0u5, held during; 111il in S. S. No 11. i;ast Vawauosb '1'tu: uanu's are in ord. rt• of merit. Jr. 1V -..Bessie Deacon, 1 rzzit.> Voting. Sr. 111•' -•'•,;urge; Robertson, ibe 1'ta \Val • ter, Jr•. 1! 1-.- Gord'n I'icBurney, Hazel Ir -- twin, Verna Irwin, Sr 11• --Jinn Deacon, Fred 1)e;tt•on Jr Il-Robcna Voting, Alex Robertson.. First•-- Agnes Robertson, Willie Irwin, Primer -Hazel McBurney. M. 1, Aitken, Teacher. , • ^ I I I, ti� I,fa+i I' it Ii i r A full supply of Victor Phono- graphs and Records Call and heal' these machines before purchas- i r g elsehere. • H. E. W. TAMILVN Minnie St • i. := Collies' Machine Shop , ;2 .. I Just a few pairs of brand new /:1 ;t; Special Dunlop bicycle covers to go .t. at $2.45 for the next 30 days .s1 Traction Tread a t $3.00, only , 50c less than Eaton sells them for. .t; Bicycle tubes galore. ;t, r. Don't forget we have the old re- i ''i' liable Cleveland bicycle for sale. ;t; + Lock -tight cement is like a bull X dog: you _can't pull it off. A 11 ;t - .= other bicycle accessories at reason 4. I able prices. ,t; ._. Motor oil, the best. Mix some 1.. ground mica with it and prevent of ; carbon, We sell the mica. :p Say, have a look at our automat- .f Ais air valve, for Ford cars only. .t. 4. It will give you from 5 to 7 mites more per> gal. Try one and b e ;i ._. convinced. �;; 1 . 014.•..:./•1.4:.111. 1/111.1.1:04..:../..:..:.S.:N"..:0•:.4.X. o r/iA4•A0'®b69t44i344►4.0 .i4$l 4A 1 A 4, HUNT. Melded contractor 1 Dealer in all. wire and I supply. • All yvork guaranteed 1 (ba4t44A44446 **04.4.0.*444'b'2+"4'a4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS lllfekere t f East Wawanosh Council Council met on April 141h, with all t1* inembera present. Miatltes of last meet. ing were reatt and approved on motion of Buchanan and Irwin, Henry Sturdy was appointed patlimas- ter in place of George Rathby and Chas King in place of Alex King. On motion of Buchanan and Stranghan a new road division was created on An- deraon'e lane, Con. 2, Wm Anderson being appointed. Pathmaster for this div- ision of road. Moved by Mr, Irwin and Mr. Stranghan that we proceed with the building of a reinforced concrete 'bridge, 32 foot span and 16 foot roadway off Lot 32 Con 6 and that the Reeve and Messrs Buchanan and Stranghan interview Mr. Patterson, Engineer, to prepare plans and specifications for said bridge• -Carried. A few small accounts being for re- pairs to eulverta and washouts were or- dered paid, when the council adjourned to meet again on Monday. May 26th. As a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll and also for other townshipbusinees, A, PORTERFIELD, Clerk In the estate of William Dawson late of the town of tVingh ua In the Conn,.y of 1I, ron, retired farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 10, Chapter 121, of it .S. O, 1914, that; all per- sons barn -gal sims against the estate of Wil. Ilam Daa•ron who di -d on or about tho 2Gth day of January, A. D., 1919 at the town of Wingham am required t o send to the under- signed, the Solieitor for Cho 1' xeoutors, on or before the 13th day of May, A. n, 1019, their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims in writing and the nature of the securities 'if any) held by them. And further take notice that after the Paid 13th day of May A, D. 1919, the a'sots of the said estate will he distributed by the raid ') x - centers among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to egaiins of IA hu lr they shall then have notice and the estate wilt not be liable for any claims not filed at the time of the said distribution. Dared at Wingham this 1201 day of April, A. I). 1919. Solicitor for the Executors v /WIMP'S WILLIAM Low and bfil.,ts moue. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Ito',ert Baird late of Ma Tou nship Of East Wawanosh ir, the Count) of Iluroh.Labourer, deeeascd, Notice ir3 hereby niven pursuant to Section f>r, Chapter 121, of 1t. S. 0.1914. that all persons having claims ega:nst the e!.latof Robert Ilaird who diced on or anent the Loth day of March A.D. 1119, at the Township of )dept Wawanosh are rt (lnired to tram)' to the under- signod, the Soltettor for the Admin istrat rix, on or More the 13th day of May A. D., 1919, their names and addresses with Pull particulars of their ciaints 10 writing and the t attire of the sen11rtties lif any) held by them. And further take notice that after the said 13th day of May, A. D.1919, the s,•sels of 1 h - Paid estate will be distrtnntt (1. by the said Ad. Ininistratrix among the parties entitled there - 10, having regard only to claims of. widen site 511x4 I then have nottc nand the estate will not boilable for arty el sin., not filed al il,) nim 3 of the ealti distribution. Duma,. Irei.nsa Solicitor for the .Atiminist atiix I+gaza,,1 Tit TENDERS *ANTED D FOR DRAIN Sealed tenders will be received by the under sinned, up to noon an Wrdnesday, May 2141,' 1919, for the construction of a drain, known as the Day MonieipatD)rain. Planet and ipceiticiations vitt be ';can at the alt rk x office. (ferrite A ccs'Clued eh,,',, fur ten per cent, of tender must. aecontpaay 10111. r as a gta.trautce of due completion of the work. The gown,.1, or any teniietr not neeeseerlly accepted. Deictl this IRth tiny of .April. 1919. 1'. P'. \ 'S1.ttlttt. C'r.tttta', 'T'4Wt44111. Or f'Iowir i . Glenannan The following is the report of the re.. sults of the test examinations at .Easter in S S. No. 3, Turnberry. Sr. IV -James Campbell, Jean Wilton, Jr 1V -Barbara Wetr, Edith Metcalfe, Elmer Breen. Jr. III -•Grace Mitchell, Robert Breen Andrew M1litchell. George McGlynn, Irene Mundell*. Sr. II -Isaac Metcalfe, Boyd Marshall. Jr. II -Isabel Metcalfe, Addie Breck- enridge, James Marshall First -Annie Campbell, Mary Weir. Annie Stokes, Myrtle Stokes, Mary Mitchell, Walter McGlynn. Sr. Pr. -Jean McLean, M xgaret Baird, Pr. --Alex Marshall. Scott Mitchell, George Mundell, Noreen Baird Elva Metcalfe, • Ada L. McGill. Sale Of War Saving Stamps Continues The report that the sale of War Savings and Thrift Stamps is about to be abandon- ed by the Dominion Government is denied in the following statement issued by the Minister of Finance: - "The war savings movement is gaining momentum, the sales increasing with each month. It is however an experiment and' if after a fair trial, it be found that the movement on the present lines is out of proportion to the success attained, the question of discontinuing active propa - ganda will then have consideration "In any event war savings and thrift. stamps will he on sale for public purchase. during the entire current year and as large a measure of volunteer support as possible will be welcomed." New Oxfords for Women Beautiful in Appearance Excellent in Quality This cut illustrates one of the newest shapes The leather is fine vici kid Flexible Soles and either Louis of Sport Heels. Prices $5.04, 6.50 and 7.50 W 0 H 0 SOLE AGENT (. FOR THE WILLIS 5'Nl.2. FOR LADIES, 'SPEC IAL TRAINING- Makes RAININGMakes the difference between the low pa4'worker and the high -salaried: ex- pert, We can smooth out the road fpr ydu frpfli the one,class to the other. • Students admitted any time. 'Catalogue free. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. . • The school that places its graduates in good positions: D. A. McLachlan, Pres. . Murray McLeish, Prin. I SPECIAL CASH VALUES FOR MONTH OF MAY 0; 4 X 1 V ?Ay CA.Ski' OR TRADE FOR FARM PRODUCE 4 This advertisement contains a list of merchandise that was bought at cash prices and enables silitt us to sell at money saving prices. NOTE -Our new cash system has proven so successful that"we are now able to give better values than ever. • wit d 3' tot 4 4 4 Spring Coats, Capes and Dolman's Special p ri c es on Ladies' Coats in all the latest styles and materials, Prices $18 to $45. LADIES' COA-TS New raincoats i n latest styles of waterproof mater- ials in Tweed and Paramatta Cloths.. Prices;$lo to $25. 56" All Wool Bot- any Serges Regular $6.00, sale price $4.25 a yd. This quality is suitable for Tailored Suits, Skirts and Dresses it has soft finish and fine twill. Colors, Black, Navy, Nigger Brown, Taupe and Green. Special Sale of Silks 2000 yds of Silk, Poplins, Shantung, Habitau, Mousaline at big savings. Men's -Boys' Clothing Voile Blouses, sizes 34 to 44 Special. price $7.95. 740 Ladies fine cotton voile waists, beautifully designed, Ae in the newest styles, made from extra fine quality voile, CREPE DE CHENE AND GEORGETTE BLOUSt+S- . In newest styles and shades. Prices $6.5o to $14. ,oto Ladies Vests, Drawers, Under wear and Hose. Special values. 20 dozen Women's Underwear, made front fine lisle Egyptian yarns in all sizes, in all weaves, Paris Xnit, Flat Knit, etc. Special value 750 a garment. Other values at 250, 500, $1.00 and $2.00. Spring Coats, Raincoats and Furnishings. Men's Suit $15 to $45 Boys' Suits 6.50 to $18 Raincoats $10 to X25. Men's Underwear 75c $t.00, e.50 and 2.5o. Men's Socks'250, 5oc, $i.00 and 1.50. Men's Shirts $t.00, 2.00, 3,50 and 5.00. Men's Caps 1,5o to $3. Men's Mats $3.00 to 8.00 House f=urnishings, Cur"" tains and Draperies Curtains, Voile, Scrim and Marquesite in XWhite and Eerie Prices $2,00 to 7.50 a pair, DRAPERIES• --Special value in plain and faney Scrims and Voiles in plain or fancy borders. Prices 250, 50c, 750 and $t.5o a yd 3 KINGS' GROCERY DEPT. (Pure Foods at Money Saving Prices) 3 lbs best Rice ,. ...... .,., 25c Aylther Tomatoes, large can ..15e Aylmer Peas, large can 150 Ikellogs Corn Flakes ' xoc Shredded Whe'lt..,. .. IOC 12 bars Comfort Soap.... .... 900 to 1b, pail Syrup .... 95e Choice White ;leans per lb .. , 50 75c Black or Japan Tea 63c 10o lis Sugar ... .. ..,.$to.00 1 25 extra good I3roont, ... .. 950 Scor 3' closes Wednesday afternoons during' May, June, July and August. KING BROS. 777 tr l l'i11i�,�i ttg Have beautiful window decorations Nothing gives so much pleasure as a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors if you use the Flat Rod -for curtains and draperies Guaranteed not to sag or tarnish There is a Kirsch Flat Rod in color to match your woodwork or draperies. Every rod contains a written guarantee that it will no sag or tarnish, Ft's so easy to Ftaue an�OOftractint I.�int'aw with the Kirsch Flat ,Pod \•' !..,2,,c; mane new eh siPni 10 tuft ;'.% ,,1 petylabrikr.Coincta=u,atl.�,>. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 74