HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-12-19, Page 17The Milo Trade Review, New York, in, its annual review of the Canadian trade says of the Doherty Organ : st, "Their organs are acknowledged .leaders and always in demand, regard- less of hard times, as shown by the fact that they have run full time with complete staff of tvorkrnon for the last year, the only exclusive organ firm that we know of who has done so. This is saying a good deal. "Their organs possess a perfection of detail and close conformity to require- ments not found in many other organs. "Their organs have stood the test of severe usage and climate in all parts of the world and rank higher to -day than ever. "They•are universally known as com- bining sweetness and power of tone, skill and thorough mechanism and ele- gantly designed cases. Sold at reason- able prices, the result of a quarter of a century's experience and careful study, their organs are no experiment, but the practical result of recognized merit and ample facilities." A Kingston paper refers in the follow- ing to an Organ we recently had the pleas- ure of supplying the Wolfe Island Roman Catholic church: "Rev. T. J. Spratt treated his con- gregation to a "surprise party" by an- nouncing that he had placed a new organ in the parish church. On lots Sunday he secured the services of Ernest Cunningham. Under his mas- ter touch a variety of beautiful music was furnished after, the regular service. The choir also sang. His reverence asked the congregation to signify their approval of the instrument by a stand- ing vote. which they did, after which he submitted his scheme for its pay- ment, by sending leading parishion- ers around with subscription books. Though surprised somewhat at its pur- chase, after hearing its fine tone and calibre the generous congregation con- gratulated themselves and felt pleased at the practical astuteness of their pastor in securing such an instrument. The new organ is a Doherty make, reed, pipe style. The old one will be raffled, it is -said. The church choir will be "out of sight" literally, at least, as the new organ is a very high one." nr.reruei • 4141'' u.unaiinu:wilu,io ,. f GEM MODEL. Music reveals what poet cannot write. MACHNEN. OUR AGENTS SAY. THE AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND, AGENT. "In our opinion your Organ is satisfac- tory for construction, quality of tone and workmanship." THE BARRIE AGENT. "I do not want any better. The New Wagner will knock the spots off any O; an made in Canada, both for beauty tone." THE HAMBURG, GERMANY, AGENT. "I must say that the material and workmanship of these Organs belong to the finest American manufacture." THE WINDSOR AGENT. "I think we can beat anything in this country." The sweetest music in my heart Was the olden songs at home. TAYLOR. •i..._ir:i_ ,. 91; \d- 1 r .,31 .cli —, `ijt ,e� m�i�4 r 1 — e WAGNER MODEL. • 'The power of Music has been j,Xnown To raise or tumble cities down. DUCK. THE BUSIEST SPOT IN THIS COUNTRY. Thus pass our joyous hours away With flowers and music, songs and books. KENEALY. i The following testimonials will net only be convincing as to the merits of our Organs, but as they are given by parties so widely seperated by distance that the reader cannot fail to appreciatethe world-wide extent of our business: • FROM ENGLAND. "I have much pleasure in' stating that your:Organ which I have in my school gives great satisfaction to all. The tone is sweet and powerful and the workmanship perfect." Yours faithfully, JOHN .ANTHILL, Teacher of Music and Harmony. 11 Davenant Road, London, N., Eng. FROM GERMANY. "It affords me great pleasure to ex- press my entire satisfaction at the re- sults embodied in the favorite Doherty Organs. The workmanship both of exterior and interior• mechanism is of the most careful and thorough descrip- tion, whilst the most varied meances of tone, and, when desired, -a wonder- ful volume of sound are at the disposal of the performer. These organs only require to be known to be appreciated and sought after." ERNEST WERTHERM, R.A.M., Conservatorium, Berlin,Germany FROM AUSTRALIA. "My customers are all well pleased with your Organs." JAS. M. FIRTH. Watson's Bay, Sidney, N. South Wales FROM JAPAN. "Allow me to say that the Chapel Organ purchased for our Shiznoka church is one of the best I have ever seen. For appearance, tone and power we want nothing better." REV. F. H. CASSIDY, Shiznoka, Japan. �...: �..:.:_:. ::-..�,w:..-tis:..:..•_ '••o- IPAtd 8l.a"p,O�OxO�O�OYO)OpQlq'}(ftlnlml0 ,. ROYAL MODEL. The organ's sound that fills the ears Has found where deep emotions breed. McCULLOCH. The following testimonial, which we value highly, will doubtless bring to many readers a flood of pleasant recollections of the past. It is nearly 20 years old : "We the undersigned have great pleas- ure in recommending W. Doherty & Co's organs as instruments in which all the desirable improvements are to be found. "The organ we (St. Paul's Church, Clin- ton) purchased excels, especially in pur- ity and sweetness of tone and quickness of response." Signed, HENRY WALL, Rector, E. D. PRESTON, B. MARTIN, WM. SHEPPERD, C. YOUNG, K. F. MURRAY', EDITH BROWN, JOHN RIDOUT, R. M. RACEY, J. A. NELLES, Warden.