HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-12-19, Page 13Superior .bnamask Towels, drawn work edges and knot- ted fringe 75c and Si each. Fine Damask Table Cloths with Napkins to match. Damask Tray Cloths, with and without drawn work borders, 30o., 75c, $1, 1.25 and 1.50 Ladies' Kid Gloves to but- ton or lace, Black and . Colors, 90c and $1 Fine Gauze and Feather Fans Pure Silk Mitts with Plain or Fancy Backs Wool Seal Capes, 25 and 30 inch full Military Skirt lets in Ladies' Fur Gaunt Persian Lamb, Baltic Seal, ' Nutria. fi sisimmtommesommuimmmur The Queen of Xmas Gifts— Bissel's "Superior" Carpet Sweeper Moquette, Plush and Sheepskin Rugs New Designs, just in Chenille Curtains and Table Cloths, all sizes Each ,and . Every article i Gentlemen's Ties, a lot of new pattern., to hand this . week here m3ntioned would maks a useful and acceptable Xmas Gift. IN e've got an assortment of them all better by far than we ever had, and not of them only, but of scores of others that you will find suitable for the purpose. ,We've got goods that are just the thing for a Xmas present For the Baby For the Maiden For the Boy For the Father For the Girl For the Mother For the young Men And for Old Folks too and got them in abundance. l A Holiday Stock that is Unsurpassed in Huron. A New Department with us this Xmas is a line". of Fancy Goods. They have just been in stock a few days, and already are selling well. We've had nothing of the kind before, and you will find the stock all NEW. There are perfumes put up in fancy bottles, perfume bottles, Japanese bambo panels, Photo frames, Jewel cases, Manicure sets, Pin trays, Match safes, Stand mirrors, Hand mirrors, and a dozen and cne fancy arti- ,cies with which you can gladden the heart of a friend at this festive season. You know the way we selZ Qry Goods! Well, we've marked these at` Ory Goods prices It's Wisdom Holiday Gifts that will please, at any price you want to pay buying your Holiday Gifts early. You have more time to consider, the stocks are fuller, you get better attention, for the crowds are not so Iarge as on the few days before Xmas. It you are at a loss to know just what to give, come and see what we have; you'll likely find the very thing you want Estate- John Hodgoos The Dry Goods Palace OLIN TON Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, Lined or Unlined Gentlemen's Fine Silk Umbrellas with neat 'hasty handles Get tlemens Cashmere and Silk Neck Mufflers • emst'tcbed Bandkerehiefs 5 cents each or six for a quarter, • 0 Fine Embroiders; Handker- chiefs 10 cents each or three for a quarter. Fine Hemstitched Handker- chiefs 15 cents each or two for a quarter Fine Embroidered Lawn And Cambric Handker- chiefs, 20c, 25c, 30c Hand Embroidered Pare Linen Handkerchiefs, beau- tiful designs, neatly worked, 45 and 50 cents. Pure Silk Handkerchiefs, 7 cents Pach or four for a quarter Boys' Large Silk Handker- chiefs, Fine Japanese, Handkerchiefs, 25 cents ININIMMIrsomMIlinazionromm Large Hemstitched Hand- kerchiefs, pure silk, • 50 cents. Fine Damask and Huck Towels at 25 and 40 cents