HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-12-19, Page 9.2.
P1c3-S Z,E1VC01\T p wI 0 ,A. NG- S
ew ,. Grapes, Choice Candies, Fresh Almonds, Wall Nuts,Filberts Peanuts, , mac..
00ERIMIR�.MOur Stockwas never larger than itis now. It embraces all
' the Staple Goods as well as Novelties. Note a few prices :
24 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1.00 25 lbs. Currants for $1.00
30 lbs. Muscovado Sugar for $1.00 25 lbs. Rice for $1.00
28 lbs. Coffee Sugar for $1.00 Canned. Salmon 10c. per Can
25 lbs. Raisins for $1.00 Other Goods at Equally Low Prices
All Fruit is thoroughly cleaned before going out by the only Machine Fruit Cleaner in town.
nu, wgive , h3s giT
-thisThis particularisoeof oliner specialtiesehavethisas seasone Extraextra Valuecare inand Blacksattention toreenourandJapanselectionsfroave10chadup6.yearSoleagentexperiencefort
Celebrated Ram Lal's and Telley's India and Ceylon Black Teas.
We have 6 tables laden with some of the daintiest articles which can be found in this line, such as Five O'Clock Teas, Berry Sets, Cheese
Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Bread and Butter Plates, Cake Plates, Chocolate Pats, Rose and Biscuit Jars, Water Sets, &c. These Goods should
be seen by all who wish to get something dainty for Christmas presents. 97 piece Dinner Set from $6.00 up. 44 piece China Tea Set from
$2.00 up. Bedroom Sets from $1.00 up.
LAM PS.___Welselling have Hall at.from Lamps,
10to20 TablepercentLamps,
below Parlor Lampsregularprices, Piano Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Lamps for all purposes, which we are
. .
Oat and see yourselves. No trouble to J
show goods. Produce taken in exchange.W. WIN, GROCER, M BLOCK, O
k Crllol kllswor.
A Montreal Lady Plain-
ly Told That There
Was No Elope
For Her.
Discharged From the Hospital
as Incurable.
A Striking Proof The of' Value
of Paine's Celery
Bright's Disease Banished and a
Lite Saved.
"Paine's Celery Compound saved my
life, and I will always gratefully re-
member the fact."
Mrs. P. Kelly, No. 68 William street,
Montreal, made the above statement
with a wonderful degree of thankful-
ness and jay, after being cured of a
most dangerous disease that had firmly
laid hold on her, and defied the best ef-
forts of physicians.
Suffering from Bright's disease, Mrs.
Kelly was taken to the hospital in order
to sec re the most approved treatment
kno3o the medical faculty. After
spell jj�r¢¢ff� some time in hospital, Mrs.
Kell ,,ecame worse; and the physi-
cians plainly told her that she was in-
curable, and she was discharged—sent
home to die.
When hope had almost fled, when
the body was weak and frail, and Iife
almost extinguished, Mrs. Kelly heard
the glad news of Paine's Celery Com-
pound—was told what it had done for
others who had been pronounced incur-
able, and she at once determined to test
its powers.
After using three bottles of the life-
giving Compound, Mrs. Kelly felt that
there was a wondrous power to infuse
new life. The,medicine was continued
from day to day, until a perfect cure
was effected.
Mrs. Kelly, now as strong as she
ever was in her life, wishes to direct
the attention of other sufferers to the
medicine that cured her. She writes
as follows :—
"I ainm of opinion that I shall be
conferring good upon my fellow crea-
tures by informing them of what
Paine's Celery Compound has clone for
me in the past.
"Two and a half years ago I had .a
severe pain in. my left, side, which
became serious and alarming. I was
informed afterwards by my doctor
that I had Bright's disease, indeed this
was generally acknowledged by all who
know me.
"I was under the doctor's care and
taking medicine for a long time without
receiving any relief. Getting worse I
was sent to the Montreal General Hospi-
tal, where I was treated by the best
doctors. After remaining in the hospi-
tal for some time, I was sent away, as
they told me there was no cure for me.
"I continued doctoring at home for
nearly a year, but grew weaker and
frailer. At this time I was urged by
my brother-in-law to try Paine's Celery
Compound. The first bottle used gave
me great relief. I continued the use of
the Compound. and to -day can truly
say that I am perfectly cured, and feel
as strong as ever before in my life.
Paine's Celery Compound saved my
life, and I will always gratefully re-
member the fact."
Some people are lucky in finding the
right remedy at the right time. A
ease in point follows, and is worth
reading :
About three months ago I was all
used up with Rheumatism, sufferin
more than torture from it. I too
three bottles of your valuable medi-
cine, Burdock Blood Bitters, and now
feel all O. K. Some six years ago I
took a few bottles of B. B. B.. and
found it the hest medicine I had ever
used. 1 had the very best of health
until this attack of Rheumatisn, but
now I am glad to say that B. B. B. has
made me as sound as a dollar.
A. MCCONACHIE, Kenabutch P. 0., Ont.
At Brooklin, while Mr. Wm. Bell
Was attending his cattle, a vicious bull
became infuriated and- attacked him
and threw him against the ceiling of
the stable, knocking him senseless, and
then making several charges at him.
His son carne to his assistance and
drove the maddened animal off. Find-
ing his father still unconscious medical
aid was procured at once, and it was
found that two ribs had been broken
and the body badly bruised. Fatal re-
sult is not anticipated.
Singers, public speakers, actors, auc-
tioneers, teachers, preachers, and all
who are liable to over -tax and irritate
the vocal organs, find, in Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, a safe, certain, and speedy
relief. A timely dose of this prepara-
tion has prevented many a throat trou-
Wm. Holt, of Grey, had a live wild
cat in Brussels on Wednesday week.
A cord was tied round its neck and
attached to a strong stick to keep it at
proper distance.
A� Gentleman'
Who formerly resided in Connecticut, but
who now resides in Honolulu, writes: 'Tor
20 years past, my wife
and 1 have used Ayer's
Bair Vigor, and we
attribute to it the dark
hair which she and I
now have, while hun-
dreds of our acquaint-
ances- ten or a dozen
years younger than we,
are either gray -headed,
white, or bald. When
asked how our hair has
retained its color and
fullness, we reply, !By
the use of Ayer's Hair
Vigor—nothing else.,"
"In 1868, my affianced
Was nearly bald, and
the hair
kept fall-
ing o u t
day. I
"_.nitfi;n ; ws•,, induced
her to use
Ayer's Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not
only checked any further loss of hair, but
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant and glossy to this day.
J can recommend this preparation to all in
need of a genuine hair -restorer. It is all
that It 1s claimed to bet"—Antonlo Alarrua,
klastr(), Tex.
As a cure for Frost Bites, Chilblains.
Burns and Scalds, Chafing, Chapped
Hands, Inflamed Breasts, Sprains,
Wounds, Bruises, Hagyard's Yellow
Oil is the most reliable remedy on the
A deputation from the Huron Veter
inary Association waited upon the
Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agri-
cultnre, in reference to certain amend-
ments they wish made to the law re-
lating to the Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege, &e.
The meeting held in Knox church,
Belgrave, Last week for the purpose of
calling a minister, resulted in favor of
J. M. Miller, of Bervie, County of
Bruce. The stipend promised is $850
with free manse.
A fatal attack of croup is a frequent
occurrence among , children. Every
household should be guarded by keep-
ing Ilagyard's Pectoral Balsam at
hand. It breaks up colds, coughs,
croup, asthma and bronchitis in a re-
markable manner.
A. Y. Cole, of Morris, had several of
his cattle dehorned recently.
Catarrh—Use Nasal Balm . Quick,
positive cure, Soothing, cleansing,
Get Health and Strength from Nature's
Remedy, Fresh Air.
No better way to get it than by driving. �.•��
You can get a nice quiet Horse and comfortable Rig at
prices to suit the times.
Call at. the Barn and see for yourself or Telephone to.
No. 29 for a Carriage to be sent around.
Everything first-class. Charges Rea-
sonable. Careful and polite attend.ants.
Special attention given to
Wedding and other parties
supplied with Comfortable and
Nobby Rigs at reasonable rates.