HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-12-19, Page 4We wish t remind that we t '. t e purchasing bli,;. are still front with the best and largest assortment of-T--�an�- GOOT)S ' ever. presented to the citizens of Clinton. See an Filegant JJisplay of We have combined . and will ated taste . present a Jubilee of and =4 i r , ent economy prices that Will so far distance competition that they cannot even catch our shadow. FANCY GOODS': More beautiful than ever, purchased from thelargest mporting houses hi the Dominion, with our usual good judgment and taste Brush and Comb Cases, Manicure Sets, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Papetries, Shaving Sets, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, Companions, Odor Cases, &c In the, old reliable PLUSH, The Newer and more chaste CELLULOID. The more Durable LEATHER And the Rich Substantial OAK As in other Lines WE LEAD BUT NEVER FOLLOW For the Boys and Dolls for the Girls, and Dolls that even old folks long for Sid Bodied Dolls, Bisque Dolls., Felt Bodied it 6Cl+iina °f CottonBodied "" Rubber Blondes, Brunettes, Negros and every other shade. Dolls that Wilt sleep and Dolfs that won't sleep. Dolls you can bread and Dolls you can't. The whole stock at prices ranging from 5c up. Any thing you want in the Doll line. AGAIN WE LEAD A:1D NEVER FOLLOW -0*CAMES T.t e t delight the children, please the middle aged and amuse the old. All the New, some of the old favorites, and none stale Ching Chang or Home Run for 10 cents. Road to Washington, Drummer Boy Up from the Ranks, Old Maid Picking Blackberries, Halma, Dr Busby These are the names of a few. The only way to become acquainted with our stock is to pay it a visit, as we can't begin to tell yon all we have in the game line. HERE WE LEAD BUT NEVER FOLLOW. ismaimmow . About the nicest thing to buy for a preset.t at this season of the year, is a Book; we don't mean a common, ordi- nary book, but one of our Fancy Bindings. Never be- fore have such beautiful volumes been Won the market ,at such low prices. Ail the Standard Poets Jas. Whitcomb Riley, Henty Books Frances Ridley Havergal's Works, Drummond's Essays, Ballantyne'sBooks, McDonald's Boys' Stories Boys' Own Annual, Girl's Own Annual, LF isure Hour, Sunday at Home, Bryce's White Enamel Bindings, &c WE LEAD BUT NEVEM FOLLOW :3I 1E3 L 1--4 e- , &a We have been very careful in choosing our st.ock of BIBLES, HYMNALS and PRAYER BOOKS, and we have succeeded in bringing together the Finest Bindings and Clearest Types ever shown in the County. International Clear T. pe, Oxford, Cambridge, Bagster, Eyre and Spottiswoode. EPISCOPAL PRAYER and HYMN BOOKS, PRESBYTERIAN HYMNALS, METHODIST Ii fMNALS, ROMAN CATIHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS. Our stock 18 COMPLETE, and a BIBLE, HYMNAL or PRAYER BOOK 18 always an acceptable Christmas present. WE LEAD BUT N EVER FOLLOW P$.— Don't put off till the last day, come and pick out what you want, and we wiil keep them till. you want them. rtiANCE SPIAILADIENG. CLINTON CHINA'S DOWNFALL We don't mean China in Asia, but the China in our store. We have been paying Japan with it and have it downed, and customers will have the benefit. We have Cups., Saucers and Plates. Bon Bon Boxes, Porridge Sets, Porridge Bowls Salad Bowls, Berry Sets, Tete' a Tete' Sets Cream and Sugars In fact anything you want in the Fancy China or Glassware line. As usual we don't Follow but Lead. aanummuummoima TOTS a TOTS Everybody likes to look at toys and think of the days when they were amused by far simpler and more expensive Toys than we have now. No Parent, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt., Cousin, or any other creature, should miss seeing the complete stock we have. Brownie's Artillery, Down Went McGinty Little Fred, Monkey Race, Nine Pins The old time Noah's Ark Steam Engines. Locomotives, Drams Ships, Horses, Dogs &e AGAIN LEADING THE PROCESSION allianCUMISINIS MISCELLANEOUS CALENDARS for 1895, beauties. Dutton's BOOKLETS, 'l'uck's Christmas Cards, Castell's Cards, ALBUMS—Plush, Celluloid, Oak, Aluminum and Leather, Cheaper than ever. ETCHINGS—Steel Engravings & Water Color Studies, splendid frames PHOTO FRAMES, PHOTO HOLDERS, BOOR MAIMS Plate Glass Mirrors, Violins, Banjos, Mandolins, Guitars Ancl other Musical merchandise. Sleighs, Sleds, Toboa'gans and Snow Shoes Purses, Wallets, Card Cases, Hand Bags and Chatalaines Fancy Silks, Sateens and Stamped Linens And numerous other articles Lewhich dh space neveforbids tnentioning, in which We take this opportunity cf thanking all for their liberal patronage to us during the past year, and respectfully ask for a continuance o: the same,