HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-12-19, Page 3Free . Vital Xmas Only. To? 001041;17 ,introduceeof toee U TBAKTIW POWDER tr.e will give from flow un• tit Xmas, ul L,ithographed. Pieturtts on view at our store with each pound or 2 pouu.to (according to picture) of our already Cele* Witted faking Powder. Quit Ctteom9ra who have used it claim that it is the best. The .Powder costs but 255. a pound and for this limited time you get an oras. ttient worth more LIMB the price of the powder. Toll take no Visit, we guarantee the Powder. & WILSOK'S F[esc[iptlaq ➢[ug Sare. ILEN Opposite Market - n Xrdae Goods our assortylent an'i prices beat them all. Come and see. Clinton. H. W., COOK7?--,- Well-Digger and Repairer, Also Prunes and Grafts Fruit Trees. T bele are a thousand and one presents to be made through- • out the year, all suitable probably, but HEALTH SHOULD NOT BE NEGLECTED. Why not have a NEW WELL on your premises, or the old one cleaned and repaired ? You know the water you are using is not as pure as it should be and that I can fur- nish a lasting remedy at The Least Possible Cost. -- People who consider IIealth of value should have their Wells thoroughly cleaned at least once a year. A very little money spent in this way avoids sickness and often saves hundreds of dollars annually to owners. Orders left at CANTELON TIROS. GROCERY or D. COOK'S FEED STORE, will receive prompt attention. H\\\. W. COOK,,- Clinton. Residence, Mary Street. are the most powerful, safe, sure and reliable Pill of this Kind in the Market. Most effective remedy in suppressed menstruation and all female troubles arising from it. Druggists sell it. Beware of Imitations and see that you yet the Genuine Winchester's English WhiteLiiyCircle Brand Pennyroyal rata, with White Lily in centre of circle. Our box bears our signature, Winchester Chemical Co. on every side. Ask your Druggist. If he don't keep it he will get it for you, or write direct tows and we will send it upon receipt of price, 82 by Mail, Postpaid, Send 80. for Particulars, Winchester Chemical Co., Chicago, I11. _.........v.....o ". I BEST Place In. Ganada to get a Business Edu- c a t l o n, Shorthand, 6 etc., Is at the Cen- tral Business Coi- tlege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably Canada's Greatest Com- merclalSchools. Cata'ogues free. Men- tion this paper. Shaw h Elliott, Principals. se wAL.un, Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Clinton station following time table:— OOIVO BAST 7.80 a m Express. 2.96 p m itxprees. 4.40 p m Mixed. 00IN0 Nor r' 10.12 a m 6.66 pm for alt pointe as per 00IN0 WEST 10.16a m 19.8pso 7.06 p m 9.22 pm 00150 s0u1.4 7.80am 4.28 p m CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS. Tickets will be issued at Single Fare good to go 24th and 25th and re- turn on Dec. 26. At Fare and one third good to g° 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, Dec. and return Jan. 3rd. For all particulars, apply to W. Jackson. TOWN AGENT, G. T. R. Interesting To Farmers. We billZ to intimate to the iilrtming commun- ity and STOCK FEED- ERS that we have add- ed to our Steam Cid- ,,, ;; er Mill Business a : GRAIN GRINDER And will be pleased to receive a shamed their patronage. When coining to Clinton throw on a few bags of grain and we will error IT WHILE YOU ARE TRANSACTING OTfaR ni'SI lass. Charges Moderate. • ANDP.EWS BROS. Near the Driving Park Queen S. 839,tf SAULT STE. MARIE CANAL. CIEALED TENDERS nddreseedto the nndersigned 0 and endorsed " Tender for Lo ,k Oates," will be received at. this Office until noon on 1". iday, De. cember Slot. 1894, for the construction and delivery at the Sault Ste. Marie Canal of a pair of spare Lock Gates. Plana and specifications of the work can bo seen 't tho cffisc of the Chief Engineer of Rail ways and Canals, Ottawa,;where forme of tender can be obtained on and after Decemnberlith, 1894. • In the case of films there must he attached the actual signatures of the full name, the nature of the occnuation and place of residence of each member of the same, and. further, an accepted bank cheque for the stun of 9250 const acaotnpany the tender; this accepted cheque mnat be endorsee. overto the Minister of Railways and' Camila, and will be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering intn contract for work atthe rates and on the terms state 1 in the offer submiitted. The accepted cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not accepted. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By order, J. Il. BALDERSON, Secretary, Deportment of Railway; and Canals, Ottawa, December, 1894. 840.2t RIyth. Miss Edna, Curtis returned home from a month's visit amongst friends in Goderich. The Agnes Knox concert, held in Industry hall under the auspices:of the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening last, was a grand success financially and otherwise. Our town flag is flying at half rnast in memory of our late Premier, Sir John Thomson. The dews of his sudden demise caused quite a sad gloom amongst our citizens. • On Saturday according to law, our city fathers met, in Industry hull to re- ceive a detailed report of, the financial proceedings of the past year. At the same time they 'extended the time for the collector returning the roll until 8th January, 1895. On Monday evening Mrs. James Potter arrived at the station from London, having sufficiently recovered to be able to be removed to her home in Fast Wawanosh. She had been for several weeks in one of the hospitals in the city, where she had been undergo- ing an operation. Quite a large num- ber of friends were in waiting at the station when the train arrived. On Tuesday evening a inion meet- ing of the Presbyterian and Methodist C. E. Society was held in the base- ment of St. Andrew's (Presbyterian) church. A very pleasant evening was spent. At the last regular meeting of the members of L. O. L. No. 963 in the Orange hall the following officers were elected and installed for the ensuing terrn :-Bros. T. C. McElroy, W. M.; J. E. Tttrnman, D. M.; John Willford, Chap.; Wm. Montgomery, R. S.; And- rew McNally, F. S.; James McGee, Treas.; George Mains, D. of C.; R. Mc - Comings, Lecturer. Divine service will he held in Trinity Church on Xmas day at 10.30 a. m. On Friday evening the regular meet- ing of the members of C. 0. F. No. 89 will be held in their hall, when the officers for the next term will he elected. 0,1 .....n I.-.'..4. YJ-,.,, •N'. x,x., ,',, ,.,'+,.yrl ,. a a ,. TEE NEwd-RECORD sends its annual greeting To friends at home. to friends away, And wishes all,•in joyous meeting, A very merry Christmas Day. Subscribers Indebted to Tar Nswq•REcoRD can pay their subscriptions to Ma. H. W. DALL, who Is srihorised to resolve the same and grant receipts. The annual meeting of L. 0. L. No. 182 will be held on Wednesday evening Dec. 20th instead of Tuesday. (Christ- mas) The member's will act accord- ingly. Miss Ora 'Wilkinson, who hits been pursuing hep musical studies in Tor- onto, returned home for the holidays on Saturday. There was early communion at St. George's on Sunday. The President, Joseph Beck, repre- sented the West Huron Conservatives at the political demonstration in Wing - ham last week. '• There will be service at 11 a. m. next Tuesday, Christmas Day, in St. George's. Holy conununion at •9 it. 1n., and at close of the morning sermon. • Mr. R. H. Scott, of Clinton. was in the circular town last Thursday. • There will be a meeting of St. George's Guild to -day at 2 p. m. Give Ball a call for oysters, bananas, figs, dates, cocoa nuts, filberts, brazils, walnuts, peanuts, pop corn, biscuits, oranges, 'lemons, and candies. Perria's No. 1 creams and machine made choco- lates in fancy lb. and :> lb. boxes. Mr. Bert'Srnith, of Toronto, is at the family residence, Colborne street. A raised ,walk is being built from the end of the old north pier to the light- house now on the end of the extension. Mr. Williatn Craig, recently of the Huron House, arrived in town on Sat- urday from Port, Huron, accompanied by Mrs. Craig and family. There will he the usual service in St. Peter's on Christmas Day. At the meeting of the Collegiate Literary Society on Friday the follow- ing programme was -presented : Chorus, the Glee Club; recitation, Miss Bella 'Wilson ; solo, Mr. J. McKay ; reading, Mr. A. McDowell; presentation of Mr. Preston's picture to the Institute, Mr. R. G. Reynolds presenting and Mr. H. I. Strang receiving ; instrumental duet, Miss Elise Tighe, Mr. Helmuth Clucas; reading, Miss Moss ; solo, Miss Olive Robertson ; violin suet, Misses Mc- Laren ; addresses, Model Students: chorus, Glee Club. The Town Counciltmet on Saturday according to • statute ; passed all the accounts presented and directed the statutory statement of receipts and expenditures to be published for distri- bution. The promotion examinations in con- nection with the public schools are nearly through, though the result will not be known for some days. The town band gave an entertain- ment in Victoria Opera, House last night. Mr. McLeod, of Seaforth, was tho leading figure, the land, and local talent completing the programme. The Model school class finished the closing examination en Saturday, and the students eomposing it have return- ed to their homes. Our butchers are already showing prime Christmas meats. Our stores seem to have larger stocks of Christmas goods than ever before. The past week was so pleasantly mild that the "old inhabitant" declar- ed it was an Indian summer. At the time of writing we have not heard of any new aspirants for the town council. On Satnrda}''the fancy goods stores were pretty well crowded all day, a sure sign of it near holiday season. CourtT ITF..M.-Currie vs. Lucknow, as reported in another column, should have added to it that, the case lasted till noon on Friday, when the Jury brought in a verdict for plaintiff ; dam- ages $203 and full costs. Service in St. George's Church Christmas Day :- Opening hymn,"0 rnmeall ye faithful" Venite Chant Mares in A. Psalms " Te Deem Woodward in E. Flat. JubilateTours in F. Anthem... (0 Zion that, hringest good ltidings Dr. Starner. Kyrie Eleisor Elvey in A. Gloria. Tibi, Warren in A. Hymn ....Hark the herald angels sing. Sermon. Offertory AnthemBehold I bring you {good tidings (Goss.) 1 Chisclliurst. New York dealers in raw furs have reduced the price 25 per cent., but still a great amount of furs has been ship- ped from this section already this winter. •Bill Hall, P our genial carriage maker, is busy building cutters for the winter trade. Mr. R. Nicholls and Miss E. Mc- Taggart were the delegates to the Epworth League ,and Sunday School convention at Seaforth last week. Edward Latta and his beautiful young bride have returned from their honeymoon and settled down to the sterner duties of life. Mr. Hugh McDonald and bride have returned from the United States and appear to be supremely happy. Suc- cess Mac. Caber Feio•h says there will soon be a grand wedding in - Epworth League circles in this town. We are at present enjoying beautiful spring-like weather, and ploughing sod is the order of the day. Rabbit hunting is the chief amuse- ment among -sports at present. 1 was asked the other day who I thought had' the hest rabbit dog around here. Well, I think Messrs. Cclins and Fisher, of Exeter. Their hound Topsy would indeed be hard to heat. The cottontail rabblha are getting very numerous in this section and may yet prove to he a pest. Black squirrels are also very plentiful. • Some young men are talking ah out hard tunes, but Dan Quinlan tnade $150 last, winter out nl' furs. MERRY XMR8 1176PY NEWYEPLR TQ ..A.,141p— What will make you merry and happy at this and every other season is a DOZEN OF OUR NOW • CELEBRATED CABINET PI -OTOS at $2.50 or $3.00, a FAMILY GROUP, SUNBEAMS, or any other style of Photo. Or you might like a HANDSOME PIC- TURE FRAME from 25 cents up. ALL PRICES FOR ALL SIZE PURSES. We can suit you and your friends at all seasons and in all kinds of weather. Come, rain or shine, Photos good at any time. -AND ALWAYS COME TOS ANDERSON'S PHOTGRAPII GALLERY, COOK'S OLD STAND, OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL, - - ALBERT ST., CLINTON- OSee our display in City Bakery Window. Greenway. ORANGE -At the December meeting of the Loyal Orange Lodge No. 219, the following officers were elected : Robert Hutchinson, Worshipful Master; Ed- ward Mahon, Deputy Master ; Henry Belling, Treasurer; Thomas G. Harlton, Recording Secretary ; James E. Hod- gins, Financial Secretary; E. Morgan, Chaplain ; Charles Mason, Director of Cerenu,nies; Committeemen, Richard Hodgins, Frarik Wichet, James Hod- gins, David Webb and C. McWilson. Dungannon. Pentlands new hall is quite a useful addition to the village. The following societies meet there on the nights mentioned : -The Royal Tewplrtrs on Tuesday evening ; the Independent Order of Foresters on the last Tuesday of each month ; the 'Canadian Order on second and last Friday of each month. We understand that the workmen are soon to move to this commodious hall also. -An entertainment is to be given in above mentioned hall on Thursday evening, also a Christmas tree by the school children on Christmas eve. An excellent programme is being prepar- ed. The annual meeting of the Driving Park Association will be held on the second Monday in January at 2 p. rn. A full attendance is expected, as the dividend is to be paid at this meeting. We understand the above association has had a prosperous. year. The village of Cransford, situate about two miles from this place, is again in a prosperous condition after being almost desolate for some years,, rnen of means having settled there this fall. Dungannon may he moved there some time in the near future. Rev. Mr. Jeans returned from London last week. When in the city we are informed he went through the ceremony of being priested. IIe brought home with hint a fine specimen of a dog to replace the one accidentally killed by a neighbor some time ago. Mrs. George Ager and three of her children have returned to her father's from Brandon, Man. Mr. Ager and the other two children are expected soon. They may locate here perman- ently. Mr. James Crawford (cousin of 13. J. of this village) and his family are expected to arrive to -morrow from Neepawa, Manitoba. Mr. Crawford intends takin up farming on his old farts on the lakeshore. May suc- cess attend him. There is expected to he a lively contest for municipal offices in both Ashfield and W.est Wawanosh. Dungannon has secured the services of a Clinton man for principal in their school for the ensuing year. We hope he may find Dungannon it pleasant place to dwell in and that the trustees may find they have secured a good teacher. Rev. Mr. Leach held missionary services in the Methodist church on Sunday evening last and expressed his opinion very freely in regard to some of the sister churches. IRWIN'S HOLIDAY PRESENTS. English, French and German in ('hind, ('rockery and Glassware, is the I wonder of everybody. DO Y0llWRRT A fine Sealette Mantle this Win- ter ? If so you can't afford to pass by this Store ; the finest qualities of Sealettes, the rich- est linings , and the best Man- tle Maker in this place are all here. GILROY & WISEMAN BIRTHS. HENRY. -in Goderich township, on Dec. 10th., the wife of John Henry, of a. daughter. HARRISON.-In Bayfleld, oh the 2nd inst., Mrs. 1). J. Har rison, • of a daugh- ter. WAGNER.-In Hullett, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. J. Wagner, of a daughter. LOGAN.-Tn Goderich, on the 4th inst., the wife of R. W. Logan, of a son. SPr.oAT.-In McKillop, on December 10th, the wife of Mr. John G. Sproat, of it son. HAnkrtA.-In Brussels, On Decem- ber 5th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Hahkirk, of a daughter. KELLLY.-•Tn Blyth, on the .10th inst., the wife of J. B. Kelly, of a son. MARRIAGES. WALKER - KILLEN.- At the resi- dence of the bride's mother, in Clinton, on Dec. 13th, by Rev. J. H. Fiddle, Mr. James Walker to Miss Annie Hillen, rill of Clinton. YOUNG-SALLOWS.---On the 5th inst., by the Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A., John Young, to Mary A., daughter of Thos. Sallows, both of Colborne. HARRIS—WILTSE.—On the 5th inst., by the Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. 0. Harris, of Grey, to Miss Maria Wiftse, of McKillop. Iroma illD-HAYSrro-At the Manse Egmondvitle, on Deceinher 11th, by Rev. Neil Shaw, Mr. William Ireland, of Seaforth to Miss Ellen Flays, daugh- ter of James Hays, Esq., of McKillop. KEYS---MCNAUGitTON. --,At the resi- dence of Alexander Foster, Esq., on December 5th, by Rev. J. A. Mc- Donald, Mr. NVillirlin Franklin Keys, to Miss ltlawrie McNaut_rhton, all of Stanley. HAYDEN-PAUeOM.-At the manse, Oranbrook, on December 5th, by Rev. D. 13. McRae, Mr. Richard C. Hayden, of Turnberry, to Miss Jane Pausom, of Grey township. GARNISS-MARTIN.-On November 21st, by Rev. L. G. Wood, Mr. David Garniss, to Miss Frances Martin. daughter of Mr. Thomas Martin, all of Wingham. POLLARD -CLARE. -At the Method- ist Parsonage. Walton, on December 5th, by Rev. T. W, Cosens, Mr. Samuel Pollard, to Miss Elizabeth Clark, both of Hallett. DEATHS. T1ioMsoN.-.-At 14 Nassau street, Toronto, on December 9th, Professor R. Y. Thomgon, of Knox College, aged 37 years. MILLER -4n Whitechurch, on No- vember 30th, Thomas Miller, aged 115 years. CAMERON. -In Harpurhey, on De- cember 12th, Christian Cameron, widow of the late Alexander Cameron aged 88 yealrs. 1elAcvlcAlt. -In Goderich, on the 7111 inst., Carrie B., wife of Mr. W. W. Macvicar, aged 21 years. HICKS. -At LaGrange 111., on Nov. 20th, Margaret I., wife of Jas. A. Hicks, aged 35 veto's and 11 months, daulintoghtern. of Mr. W. Little, formerly of C GRIFFIN.-in Ashfleld, on the 7th inst., Mary 13., wife Of Mr. Jos. Griffin, reeve of Ashfield.