HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-12-12, Page 2�YEI SARSAPAIIIIIA . wia (Into) ' r A Bright Lad, Ten"yesis of age, but who declines to give his name Co the public, makes this authorized, oonfidentlal•statement to us: "When I was one year old, my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said that I, too, would soon die and all our neighbors thought that even -if I did not die I would never be able to walk, because I was so weak and pony. A gathering formed and broke under my arm, I hurt my linger and it gathered and threw out pieces of bone. If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it was sure to become a running sore. I had to take lots of medicine, but nothing has done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. It has made me well and strong."— T. D. M., Norcatur, Kans. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mnee. Cures others, will cure you The Huron News -Record 1.50 a Year -81.25 in Atrvance :WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1894. West • Wawanosh. Too late for legit week. Thanksgiving Day was fully appreci- ated in this part by the young ninirods who formed equal sides for the purpose of trying their markmanship. Most of them returned home with only an empty gun. Mr. Thos. Finlaw, of the 8th con., is just recovering from an attack of la grippe. At the residence of John Redmond, of St. Augustine, on the 14th ult., a pleasant evening was spent by a num- ber of his friends, when they tripped the light fantastic until the wee small hours of the morning. The many friends of Miss S. A. Bruce, of Ebenezer, will be sorry to learn of her severe illness. J. Tupper and C. Clifton have form- ed a partnership for the purpose of cutting straw in the neighborhood of Bloomington. They have already se- cured a large number of jobs. We Wish them every success in their enter- prise. Mrs. J. Medd, of Dungannon, hat returned home from Crowfoot Point, where she was spending a few days with her parents. M. Leddy, of St. Augustine, has com- pleted his new woodshed. This, in addition to his house, makes it the finest residence in the above place with the exception of the parish. Mi...T.. Rose and family, of Ebenezer, are absent on a visit to Owen Sound visiting relatives in that place. The R. C. cemetery in St. Augustine is undergoing improvement by way of extending the walks. 11Ir. James Ploughman, of the 6th con., is the guest of Mr. R. Medd. Mr. W. Mills spent, a week visiting at H. Taylor's of Beaverton. Mr. A. Webster, of Blyth, is busily engaged cutting wood in the direction of St. Augustine. Miss Phillips, of Pine Corner, was visiting friends in Pleasant Valley, on Saturday last. If it is an indication of war to see Indirtns in paint we are looking for- ward to witness a battle in the near future. Joe Riley, of Londesboro, is at pres- ent the guest of Fred Moss, of Beaver- ton. Mike Kennedy has leased for the en- suing year the farm on the 8th con., owned by Mr. Jaynes Kenny, of Bolton. John Mills, jr., was visiting on the 6th con. lest Sunday. Donald McKenzie spent last week under the parental roof. J. Medd, V. S., of Dungannon, is erecting on his premises a new stable and driving shed. He intends in the near future to rim a livery stable in connection with his professional busi- ness, Mr: H. Wilson has returned home from Manitoba, where he was looking after the interests of his property at that place. Morris Smeltzer, of Bloomington, left for Wiarton, where he expects to find employment for the winter. A. Harrell has engaged with John Boyle, of St. Augustine, its chore boy for the winter. Several of the fanners in this neigh- borhood have disposed of some of their surplus horses by way of shooting. The only fault that most of them had was that they were too old to be of service. Mrs. A. Robertson is spending a few days visiting under the parental roof. Mr. C. Nixon returned to his home in Donnybrook on Thursday last, after spending seven faithful months with Mr. W. Fluker. J. Fluker, of Pleasant Valley, had a wood -bee last week, after which a. pleasant time was spent in the even- ing. Mrs. T. King and daughter, of Kin- cardine, are spending a few days under the parental roof. Mr. J. Boyle, of Guelph, is in the vic- nity of Beaverton looking after his rent- ed property. The trustees of No. 2 have secured the services of A. Wetherall for the ensuing year. We congregulate them on obtaining such an estimiahle young man to fill the position. Reties rs Stx Hovns,—Dtetressing jKfdney and 13lnddor diseases relieved In of honrx b the x"New y GREAT BLAME ArtEntnAN KIDNEY eiVRE." This now remedy is a great surprise and delight to phyeloiana on coconut of Re exceeding promptneee In relieving pain in the bbtt!der, kidneys, hack end every patter the wintery pasangea in male r•r female. It rollover retention of water and pain in pa dug it aimed im- Me/lintely. If yen want quick rebel and euro this le OW remedy. Sold by Waite & Co. Druggists. Goderieh TownsliOP, Council met to -day, Deo. Std, Mern- bers all present. Minutes of last meet ing read and passed. Moved by W ii. WilliirtpB, seconded by Jas. John- ston, that by-law No 7 now read be passed. cbbyolhzhondel y Connolly, el t>t the following accounts ba paid, viz C. Goode, medicine for indigentsa$3.05; Dr. Shannon, attendance on county wards, $3; H. Porter, keep of indigents fur two mouths, $33 I'he following persons were paid for gravel ; F. Mc- Cartney, $7.08, S. Rathwell $24,32, Jas. McDonald $6.70, Wm. Murch $31.90, A. Drysdale $29.70, J. Mair $3, H. Young $12,60, Wm. Elliott $15.88, H. Baker $13.74, J, Trewartha $5,40, C. Beacom $4.50; P. Cook, outlet for drain, $1. Adjonru.ed to meet on Dec, 15th. —NIxoN STURDY, Clerk. At the last meeting of L. 0. L. No. 145, 4th con. of Goderich township, the following were duly elected officers for the ensuinyear :.—Chas. Johnston, W. Master; Chris. Johnston, D. M.; Thos. McKee, Chap.. R. Y. Cox, Rec. Sec.; Thomas J. Johnston, Fin. Sec.; Robert McIllwain, Treas.; Thomas Bell, D. of C.; Jaynes Cox, Lecturer; James John- ston, Richard Porter, Thomas Sower - by, War. Sowerby, R. G. Colwell, Com- mitteemen Result of a written examination held in S, S. No. 10, Goderieh township :— Fifth form, Max. 763—Thos. Perdue 560, J. Middleton 467. Fourth for m, Max. 658—Mina Middleton 475, Arthur Welsh 327, John Thompson 311. Jr. Fourth fortn—Bertie Rathwell 445, John Townsend 377, Earnest Middle- ton 29:3. Sr. Third form, Max. 558— Albert Thompson 395, Emma Burnett 273, Eva Burnett 271. Jr. Third form, Max. 500—Flossie Cole 443. Wm. Mid- dleton 374, Norman Welsh 228. Second form, Tvinx. 465—Mabel Rathwell 397, Win. Perdue 352, Mainie Perdue 291, Annie Rathwell 270, Jos. Colclough 271, Randal Cole 268, Wilfred Thomp- son 231, Edith Green 231, Edna Green 210.—EnIA. A. THoMPsoN, Teacher. A Stop From Insanity Nervous Systom Completely Broken Down. NO SLEEP ! NO APPETITE ! Reduced to a Skeleton. Paine's Celery Compound Saves the Life of a Postmaster.. Postmaster P. J. Kilbride, of Inver- ness, P. E. I., owes his life and present good health to the life-giving powers of Paine's Celery Compound. Some months ago disease had so preyed upon Mr. Kilbride's body that insanity was feared. His nervous sys- tem was shattered and broken, he was a stranger to sleep and rest, and his appetite was lost. Suffering had re- duced hien to a )mere skeleton, and those around hint, knowing that medi- cal skill had failed, were expecting him to die. Friends, Who ha.dused Paine's Celery Compound, urged Mr. Kilbride to give it a trial. The suggestion was a happy one for the afcted man. The wonder- ful medicine soon proved able to cope with the disease. Five bottles of Paine's Celery Compound raised Mr. Kilbride to such a condition of health that enabled him to say, "I feel my- self a new man." We give Mr, Kilbride's letter in full, it graphically sets forth his struggles with, and his triumph over disease and death :— "I now write you about Paine's Cel- ery Compound, having just finished the fifth bottle. It is impnsible for me to say sufficient, or find words strong enough to praise Paine's Celery Compound as I ought. "To -day I feel myself a new gran. Six months ago I was on the brink of insanity; m nervous system was completely broken down ; I could not sleep more than one or two hours at night, and often did not sleep for nights in succession. Oh! I never can describe the agony I suffered. I was almost reduced to a skeleton ; could only work an hour, when I was so fatigued I would he oblighed to lie down and rest before I could resume work. "The use of your Compound has giv en me rest and sweet sleep, and I ,can now work all day. To tell the honest, candid truth I have not felt so well for fourteen years. When I commenced taking Paine's Celery Compound my weight was 144 His. ; now I weigh 108 lbs. I am gaining in flesh every day; my friends are all surprised at my wonderful cure and changed appear- ance. Oh l if I had only known of this life-saving remedy years ago, I would have escaped many days and nights of terrible pain and agony. Thank God the terrible times have passed, I hope never to return. How I wish I could reach the ear of every man in Canada—those who are suffering as I once suffered—how I would plead with them—yes, on my knees I would ask them to give Paine's Celery Compound a fair trial and I feel confident they would •bless ore afterwards for my recommenda- titl. Young rnen, take my truthful and candid advice; if you are suffering from a broken-down nervous system, use Paine's Celery Compound ; it will thoroughly restore you physically and otherwise. "I air now in perfect health through no other agency than Paine's Celery Compound. You may use these state- ments as you choose." Heart Disease Relieved hs 30 Minutes. Dr, Agnew'° Care for the Heat gives perfect relief n all cease of Organo or Sympathetic Heart Diocese in 80 minutes, and epoodil,v °fleets a onre. It is s peerless rrmedy 1 r Palpitation, Shortneae of Breath, Smothering Spellt, Pain in Left Side and all symtcros at a Dleeaeed Heart. One dose oonviliee,. Bold by Watts & Co. vat-laViV4 1Ct — a ous0 VH (S O%A Cr�9.5D �r ° 11 oy 0°7.51 ° utd°ok atptY • et --- used ${eel l ttoe41 11 J2; 3c,o5 T 0i• -S• 0, S°t° the °go laked , wia 0htiI l a lea T,itlatga known 1 wY je led 'icb y a e v slued l,ol'yyiol SOtey or. felt ,pistet} Sit tuugip8 tlit.m a ,kip sole. Aa inti; to and vt e 1 es t e 500 Y g O ioc2ko{ 1le'l Coat i$.Do •!,tgvidae is 4Xo- iu1 t° tpa' erg. "°d old {ot guff Rs,r2, btg5' 103514 A o r o Out. V4'Os4 Vl1ssQ11 seg ;441:::;A; a$ittCOt1Y � eep a 9;Qtp)e Urs°� o Ste. d d; - {°tet 4ot tlrtdtal °toe9L,t o� tO sip vile\abut {et eu i�op but 1CiaD tion• sin pp5popal`�edleelNtati? caolY$iW? loll CuttOutQaiwltbtbigeag6 tog dn`y = s ova robes bolo ,ret tpy; nbenatna a bat Ip,1 , if 4 1 `'' F ,4 r J - ivvviii�r � • �1'11f LA., ./.tq t,,tl� t t 1"iii '11 I 1I tt 1 , i \ p i` i ir' :l 1. k,410 \ `,.: , r.- i ii)' t,, 4.,..!„.:,.. -'-.- { ._ HE HUB GROCERY. ALWAYS RIGNI.1 Oar Sock 18 complete in canned goods such as SALMON, HADDIE, FRESH HERRING, LOBSTER, BEEF, DUCK, CHICKEN TURKEY., Canned Vegetables—TOIil1ATOES, PEAS, CORN, PUMP- KIN. Canned Fruit—PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, APPLES, &c. In jams we have PEACH, STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, CUR- RANTS, &c. In Pickles—McCARRY ONIONS, CUCUMBERS, CAULIFLOWER, and WALNUT. All kinds of Spices, quality pure. Tea, all grades; we push the eels of Ben Hon' Blend which draws very fine. We have a big assortment of Crockery. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. Snap Sftol-s. in DULL TIMES, OR GOOD TIMES, CONTINUOUS - ADVERTISING IS JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING. In dull times, because, no matter how dull, there are always those who must buy for legitimate needs. The wide-awake, continuous advertiser catches the orders. DO YOU CATCH THE POINT? - In good times, because the wide-awake, continuous advertiser is enabled 10 select from the great yolume of orders the best, leaving the undesirable to the other fellow. ERGO -ADVERTISE CONTINUOUSLY, BUT JUDIC- IOUSLY ! A small.annoucement in the right medium is better than a large one in the wrong medium. In dull tunes you cannot afford to take chances. THERE IS ONLY ONE NEWS -RECORD ! Advertise in THE HURON NEWS-RECORD— best medium in Huron. MIL. ITI.A- o— §EALED tenders addfessed to the undersigned and A7� marked on envelope "Tender for Monuments" w 11 be received at MI6 oiflce until Tuesday, 18th December, 18u4, for the erection of a monument at Chateauguay, in the Province of Quebec and at Lundy's Lane in the Province of Ontario. Plane and ep-cifieatrons can be seen at the Depart- ment of Militia and Defence, Ottawa, and at the onice of the Deputy Adjutant General In Montreal and Toronto, on or after Wednesday the 28th tnetant. 1'en.iere will not be received unless made on form sup- plied, and eigned with the actual eignaturee of ten - deters, nor will they be cons' tered if the printed form is altered In any mariner whatever. Esch tender moat be aceompanled by an accepted cheque on a Chartered Canadian Bank payable to the order of the Honourable the Minie•er of Militia and Defence and equal to five per cent of the amount of tender. This ohegno will be forfeited if the party making the tender denline to sign a centred when called upon to do so. It the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. 0 EfThe Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. A. BENOIT, Capt., Secretary Department of Militia and Defence, Ottawa. 26th November, 1894. SPEC A T.0• -O OFFER o— Newspaper Readers, EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS, THE HIT OF Toldt 19th CENTURt• Tors Newa•Reconn bogs to announce that it hen completed arraugemente for clubbing with the FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR, Montreal, that enparb Metropolitan weekly which le recognized as a phonnmonnl paper by the leading papers of the world, en4 which le in the truest saneo considered nil over the enutinent tie n honeehold noeeeeityThe FAxtLt HRRALD AND WEEKLY STAR roan n0 competitor. The FAMILY HERALD is a quarter of a century old and it is celebrating the event by proa,rnting each yearly 'fitnigcriber with a magnificent putters, a picture which fe simply carrying the people of Europe hystorm. It le entitled "Mother's Darling," The Publisher will accept $2 for the FAMrLY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR of Montreal, and TOE NEWS -RECORD for one fall year ONE CHANCE ��FORcz p, A TRIAL, TIIEE N w e -Rte , erORD draws attention to the clubbing announcement above, and to give an opportunity to know what sort of a paper the FAMILY HER- ALD AND WEEKLY STAR 18, all new subscribers who send us 35 cents will receive the FAN'/1LY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR, of Montreal, and THE NEws-Ricco Rn for full three months: This trial will enable strangers to ac- quaint themselves with the moat suc- cessful weekly u papers in this country. Y Don't forget to send your 35 cents t Tun NEWS -RECORD. It's a chance you may not get again for a long time. A Change Of Business io Gook's photograph Gallery. MR. ANDERSON has opened J. W. COOK'S Photograph Gallery with a New Outfit. I have reflitted the Gallery and will be glad to meet any old custom- ers and will try to please you. I WILL MAKE FOR ONE MONTH (TO ADVERTISE) $5 CABINETS, BEST FINISH for $3 A SECOND LINE at $2.50, 4 LARGE SUNBEAMS at 25o. GOOD WORK,AND QUICK DELIVERY CHILDREN'S PHOTOS 4-1A SPECIALTY. CAVE END Cr ANDERSON, COOK'S OLDSTAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. EUREKPBAKERY AND RESTARUANT. Under the new Management business con- tinues to flourish. Our Stock comprises everything required in a first-class Bakery and Restaurant—such as Plain and Fancy Calces, Pastry, Superior Bread, Confectionery, Cool Hammer Drinks, &o., &o. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIAL- TY and prices reasonable. Pic•nio parties dealt with on the most liberal terms and Bread delivered to all parts of the town. Better value than we offer cannot be obtained. Give os a call. Stand next the Grand Union Rotel, Calton. oven JAMES BOYD, Proprietor, THE NEWS -RECORD Has a limited supply of Wedding Invitations at a much lower price than city offices charge. CASH IS KING. And when backed by low price., always wins. Having bought our goods strictly for cash, THUS SAVING THE DISCOUNT and leaving no bail accounts on our books, we claim that by doing a Cash Business, we are in a position to give bettor value than anyone in the trade. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. We want it because we need it ; because it is our way of making a living. We sell for Cash because our judgment says that it is the best method to accomplish our purpo e. Our Stock is entirely new no shelf worn goods, but everything in the Store fresh sad clean. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT.—Bargains to romemlier us by; just received 1 Cask Decorated China Ten Sets which we offer at the i'ollott•ing exceptionally low prices, 44 pieces China,Tea Sets $5.75, 86.00, $6.25, $6.50 up, 97. piece Decorated Dinner Sets for $6.75. 44 piece Stone Chios Decorated 82.15. Bedroom Sets from 81.25 up. Call and see our assortment of Fancy China, will bo pleased to show goods whether you buy or not. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. OGLE COOPER & CO. Telephone No. 23. Stand 1 Door North of THE NEWS -RECORD Office. Advertising Always .i. Pays .1. .!• If you go about it in tl right way. Thele is no e caption to this rule. No d partment of your business wi give better returns for t money invested than the a vertising department,' in trut it is the main spring of all th departments. Observe th prominent position and th neat display of THE NEws-H, CORD advertisements and con sider whether this is not ju the opportunity tor increasin your business that you hav been long and anxious] seeking. S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1894, Names of the District Masters, Primar Lodge Masters, their post office addresses and date of meeting. A. M. TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. BIDDULPH DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P.O. 219—Robt. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fr day on or before full moon. 662—Thos. H. Coursey, Lucan, Satu day on or before full moon. 493 — Richard Hodgins, Saintstbury Wednesday on or before full moon 890 — George Walden, M aplegrove Wednesday on or before full moon 924—Edward Gill, Exeter, 1st Frida in each month. 1087—James Kenniston, Parkhill, Mon day on or before full moon. 1210—Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursda on or before full moon. 1343—James Boyce, Centralia, Tuesda on or before full moon. 610—A. Nevins, Centralia, Friday on o after full moon. GODERICH DISTRICT. James Calwell, W.D.M., Goderich P.O. 145—James Cox, Porter's Hill, 1st Mon- day in each month. 153—Addrew Millian, Saltford, Friday on or before full moon. 182—Geo. M. Cox, Goderieh, last Tues- day in each month. 189—F. McCartney, Holmesville, Mon- day on or before full moon. 262—James McLean, Saltford, 3rd Wednesday in each month. 306—Thos.H. Cook, Clinton, 1st Mon- day in each month. HULLETT DISTRICT. D. Cantelon, W.D.M., Clinton P. 0. 710—David Cantelon, Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each month, 813—Robert Scarlett, Winthrop, last Wednesday before full moon. 928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st Monday in each month. 793 --Wm. Homey, Seaforth, lst Mon- day in each month. STANLEY DISI RIOT. Pollock, W.D.M.' P.O.Robert P Hayfield le fle 1 24—James Pollock, Bayfield, lst Mon• day in each month. 308—Wm. Consit, Hillsgreon, 1st Tiros day in each month 833—Robert Mc1Cinley Blake, 1st Wednesday in each mos h. 733—Wm. J. Clarke, Heiman, 1st Thurs. day in each month. I035 --Wm. Rathwell, Baylleld, 1st Thursday in each month. R87'NoTR.—Any omlaalone or othov emote will ho jI! t n writing pram pEISS• Correa ed n rf lag direct to the County Master, Bro. A. 81. Todd, Clinton P. 0, • Estray Cattle. Came on to the premises of the undersigned, lot 8, 00E1.1, Colborne township, on or about the middle of November, 5 yearling Heifers and 2 yearling Steers, The owner is re neesed to, prove property, pay ex. pensee and take them awa WILLIAM 801VhEBY, 888.41 Goderieh Poet Oboe. le hc- he d- E.. Il_ yBeing y pClinton Stray Steer. Came to the premises of the undersigned, Lot No, Be 40, con. 9, Goderieh township, on or about the 10th of Sept,, a two year old red and white Steer. The own• 11 er is reuested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away. ' GEO, A. COOPER. Property For Sale. h For sale, the large dwelling and lot owned and lately occupied by Dr. 5,'pietou, on Ontario streeln e Has all modern conveniences. Centrally located. Mao a house endlot adjoining above property, e Rhea. Victoria For particulars apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. P. Properties For Sale. . For Sale, in the town of Clinton, situate on Albert °treat north, a desirable oottage containing eight IL rooms, bathroom, bard and soft water and general conveniences. There in a gond lot with stable on it. Also seven acres of land adjoining Clinton, on the CP gravel road, with one hundred yoang apple trees. Terme to atilt purchaser. Apply to the owner, W. e FOSTER, Clinton, or at Tns NEWS -RECORD office: 880 t•f Y One eight Two Houses For Rent. -roomed cottage on Albert Street with woodshed, &e. Hard and soft water. driving shed. Mao one-story house, on rooms ; with half acre lot, Rent Apply to OGLE COOPER & CO, The Cash Grocery. cellar, pantry, Stable and Albert Street—five moderate. Tr 834 tf Manitoba A cultivated i, Manitoba, on reasonable Owing toiilneee. NEwa•REconn Farm for Sale. for sale work it P. 0., or 823:55 farm 05160 acres, situate in Southern near ilartney P. 0„ is offered terms. Owner is unable to Apply to box 180, Clinton office. i Valuable Subscriber payment, Klock, Clinton. , Particulareon 829-51 • Brick Store for Sale. of Searle'° sake. Ci:nton offers for sole on reasonable terms a valnabie. brick store, situate in Also eplenaid building lots for application, W. C. SEARLE, Two Farms For Sale. composed of the south half of Lot No. 21, P.ayfleld Line. Goderieh Townahip, containing 70 acres, more *Hess, all cleared except about flve scree, in good 'tate of cultivation: log hones on the pre- mises; well watered; well fenced. Also Lot No. 22, Bayfleld Line, comprteed of 89 acres, more -or less; , about 20 acres bash ; in good state of cultivation and well watered; house, baro and frame stable, and small bearing orchard. The former farm will be rented or sold. Terms reasonable. Apply to 837-51 JOHN SHEPPARD, P.O. Wash Day Made Easy. I have genre(' the right to manufacture th Unions kiaglo Washing M'whine. Already! hate made and sold a number. The purchasers are delighted. To use the machine on trial is sure to make a sale if one le required, Wash -day is made very easy and carpets can be kept perfectly clean; no epL...u,ng or waste water 'whatever. The price has been set ata very low figure. Tho Machine may be seen at my ripidenee on Jame Street. B. COLE 80C-tf //� PERRIN BLOCK. CLINTON. For sale on easy terms, en bion, or divided to suit purebaacr ; one quarter Dash or other good security, balance a 54 per cent., or will exchange for a good farm. J. P. TIBDALL, Banker, in the biotk will show pr. miles. The land coat 61,000 and the building over $8.000. D. J. CAMPBELL, 284 Main W., Hamilton, Ont. 887.15 mweeemeassezeiveannoweemitie }f.v, f.4Y µ :P`/ 40, t�'i r •ter f. iA,S ., ,' ta vs h ANMD 5.4 LAl�$1P ,,ANNgIINCEMEN1't5 , IN THC �. .