HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-11-21, Page 1VIEO1UJ$-41,50 per Amason, 1.51$ to AtIvabee.
A. M. TODD, E0,110ar, end Owner
iafile Goods
loon Liquor Store
ALBERT ST., - Clinton.
a •County Currency. '
The tJ: O. C. F. .attended special
*vino at Centralia on Sunday week.
DUO & Stewart are rebuilding their
slays inill:at Bluevale.
Lucknow is to • have a new skating
:rick. e
targe„ quantities of grain are being
rssitrketed tat Lucknow.
Rtohert Porter, of Detroit, is visiting
at,Grand Bend.
Brussels horse fair takes place on
T ursday, December 8th.
';Peaty thieving is said to be rampant
i!1 Brussels.
Dog poisoners have taken after
•;Thos. Sheridan, formerly of Morris
td►vnship, has been elected county
clerk of Montmorency, Mich.
Councillor McCracken, of Brussels,
,has over 1,500 bushels of potatoes in his
.Had the recent, South Huron election
nniythir. g .to do with Allan S. McLean,
o1` !Sertforth, taking a trip to Britairt•? ,
iJoseph Sanderson, of Howick, has
two.. turnips which weigh. 24 and 28
pounds each.
Arthur Spotton, of Howick, fell from
a ladder which broke to the barn floor
and was severe injured.
'Arthur 'p otton, of Howick, raised
3400 bushels of• turnips from three
ter sof'1 d •
a! -s1airrners have not yet taken up
fheitirrnips, notwithstanding that the
frill hats been very favorable.
Robertson, o•
f B1anshard, has s
hcellsan Aged 'for ear to teach the
for $220.
There.should have been evidence and
to ,spare to successfully carry on the
West Huron election protest.
Brusselshas a young inen's Conserve-
tive Club. The former young men of
Clinton are now the old rnen. '
' The Brussels Post says Dr. J.' W.
Shaw, of Clinton "is getting there".
I's One doctor to soon be married ?
: When the Brussels Post says there
,vyas "Muster" over the West .Huron
protest it do not state facts.
Jolln• Mcllroy, of Morris, has over
3,000 bushels of turnips from three
acres;of land.
Dry bardwood that brings in Clinton
from $1.80 to $1.90, per coed is selling. in
Lucknow at $1 per cord.
3. Somerville, of Kirkton, has been
called' to Winnipeg through the illness
of his brother Will froth typhoid fever.
The Stratford Central Methodist
church has invited Rev. G. F. Salton,
formerly of .Clinton, to remain for the
third year.
Miss Etta Johnston, of Wingham,
who is attending the Clinton Model,
has secured the junior department of
Londesbaro school.
Mrs. David Lackie, an old resident of
Lucknow, died recently in Winnipeg.
She was 60 years of age. Mr. Leckie
died about !i years ago.
L. A. Brink h';as been appointed post-
master at Teeswater. The position be-
eawe•vacant through death a month or
so ago.
Mr. James Gordon, butcher of Luck -
'now, bought of Ed. Carrot, a three
• Months old calf, which, when killed,
dressed 240 pounds.
• South Huron, in the -revision of the
lists, gains over 150 Votes over the Re-
formers and in favor of the Conscrva-
'The Brussels Post is running a
"por trait gallery'' of prominent citizens
ib its Columns. The engravings are so
poorly executed that they appear as fit
,subjects for the hangman.
Foolish persons who are in the habit
of pointing empty guns at others
.should remember that the law author-
izes a fine from $10 to $100 for this sort
of foolishness.
John Fenton, who secduced the
young woman Jessie Match, who after-
ward died from poison administered by
Unknown hands, is said to be still work-
ing at Londesboro. \\
' The South Huron protisst will likely
be tried in Goderich next month
against the candidate elect, M. Y. Mc-
Lean, and the cross -petition against
'the defeated candidate, D. Weismfller,
tvi11 be also tried.
yhMeuls O tian Assoc
iation, Seaforth,
e, president of the Young
1lebWdnesda evening
'wah a pretty autograph quilt contain-
s* abOttt 200 names. The article was
tri a •by Mrs. Charles Lowrie.
1414. Hugh Robb. of Seaforth, has
heeliappointed local agent for Seaforth
• d vicinity, for the Confederation
e Insurance company. The corn-
Ily could not have got a better man
look after their business.
b match regret to hear of the death
N. ttnechtel, of Brussels.
11echtel was 72 years of age. He
ne'Of nature's noblemen and one
i5i#t Y it ins in life seemed to be to
to his fellow men.
County Currency.
The Epworth League (Methodist) of
Brussels, has organized a choir.
Revival meetings are still in progress
at Dashwood.
R. Turnbull will run for reeve of
Dogs are worrying sheep in the
neighborhood of Woodham.
The house of T. Scharffe was burned
to the ground at Dashwood. Cause of
fire not known.
Mr. Ball, of Dashwood, has seated
the K. O. T. M. hall at Grand Bend
with new chairs.
Wm. Sotheran, of the Oth con.,
Wellington county, has a • new well
with 50 feet of water in it.
Wm. Golley has disposed of his
Winghatn livery to Walter Belden of
A tumor weighing 45 pounds was re-
moved from Mrs. Charles Hagan, of
Berlin, at the Galt hospital the other
John Gofton, of Wroxeter, washunt-
ing in Muskoka and cut his hand
slightly. The cold took effect and he
is now laid up.
Wroxeter hunters in Muskoka found
the body of a twelve year old lad who
died in the wilds from hunger end ex-
Mrs. William Allan, of Exeter, arose
early Friday morning and left the
house. Since then no trace of her has
been found.
There were over a hundred applicants
for the position of principal of Emhro
school; as mentioned in last week's
NEWS -RECORD, Mr. Geo. Theobald was
the choices ;
W.H. Travis, Oho captured Chattelle,
tbe murderer, has been presented with
an address from Erin Council and steps
are being taken to,secure hint a situa-
tion on the Goveehrnent police force or
with`'soine of the railway or express
Miss Nora Clench, of St. Marys, the
Canadian violinist., has been accepted
as a pupil of"Joachim, the greatest liv-
ing • violinist. The great artist
accepted Miss Clench without hesita-
tion out of over 100applicants, of whom
only ten or twelve could be accepted.
In the neighborh000f Luml
thieves are at work. t Bethany
Methodist church on Su
day night
week such as``vhips, robes, borse blan-
kets, overcoats oil cloths, &c., were
stolen from rigs. Religion has little
effect orasotne people. •
In Maylast,1 .
it will be remembered
Exeter LTeter Woolleu Mill wasburgarliz-
ed and about $400 worth .of goods
stolen. All trace of the burglars was
lost, but suspicion pointed to parties in
McGillivray. On Tuesday Detective
Rodgers of Toronto and Constable R.
W. Ward, of London, visited Mc-
Gillivray and arrested Edward Shoul-
dice. Shouldice was taken to London
and remanded until the 19th. Mr.
Muir visited McGillivray and identified
some of the goods foundin Shouldice's
The London Free Press says :-Mayor
Butler, of Goderich, doesn't propose
to allow the "hoodlum" element in
Godertch, not even when fostered by
the Signal editor, to say who shall and
who shall not hold municipal office
there. Here is Mr. Butler's card to the
electors :-"Ladies and gentlemen, -I
beg leave to inform you that I am
before you for mayor of our town for
the year 1895; trusting I have done
nothing to forfeit your confidence. I
again very respectfully ask your vote
and support for 1895, and now thank
you very sincerely for your kindness
hitherto. When you are tired of nee
I will gracefully bow to your decision,
but am not ready to retire at the order
of a small, selfish clique."
The Misses Awty entertained a large
circle of friends at the beautiful home
of their sister, Mrs. Lawrence, Blansh-
ard street, on Wednesday evening.
The ladies were most charmingly
attired, while the gentlemen appeared
in appropriate evening dress. It was
the most fashionable event of the
season, and Mitchell "had gathered
there her beauty and her chivalry, and
bright the lamps shone o'er fair women
and brave men," as round and round
they went in the mazy dance to the
charming and exhilirating music of the
occasion. Such delightful gatherings
are always calculated to harmonize the
social spirit and intercourse of the
Community in which they are held.
Among the number who attended
were Miss Shepherd, Goderich, Miss
Vincent, Hudson Bay District, and Mr.
Warren Thomson, Seaforth.--Mitchell
report of the Educational Society of
the Methodist church and also that of
the Missionary Society for the years
1893-44 have been issued. The follow-
ing statistics, showing contributions
from the different circuits, will be of
interest :-
Place Mission Education
Funds. Funds.
Goderich, North St...$301 07 $1870
Goderich, Victoria St. 35 56 12 36
CIinton, RattenburySt 467 26 39 44
Clinton, Ontario St... 173 14 17 78
Seaforth 230 25 20 20
Holmesyille 10 60
Bayfield 403
Varna 20 74
Hensall 23 60
Kippen 1612
Dungannon... 18 73
Nile 808
Benmiller 4 75
Wingham 5182
Wroxeter 19 18
Brussels 11 00
Walton 735
Exeter, Main St
Exeter, James St
187 71
57 42
105 13
199 83
77 81
168 10
106 44
220 18
62 11
125 67
187 30
275 19
68 36
09 04
285 06
14 57
18 75
25 18
Town Topics.
DRUGGIST Cosnan has had a telephone
placed in his store. There is now a
total of 54 in Clinton.
S. A. DENIAL WEEK. -Self-denial
week for the Salvation Army has been
named from December 1 to $.
BUYING GRAIN.-For•solne days Mr.
R. Irwin has had W. G. Smith on the
Market buying grain for the elevator.
As yet there has not been a great deal
CALLED A'W'AY. --Mr. W. G. Smith
received a telegram on Monday that
Mrs. Curduck, a relative residing at
Kirkton-an elderly lady -wag dead.
Mr. Snaith leaves this morning to.at-
tend the funeral.
NEW BUSINESS. -Mr. James Steep
has rented this premises next Cornbe's
drugstore and takes possession this
wee. We understand he will go into
the pork business, handle 'sausage, and
keep on sale his now celebrated cream-.
ery butter.
S. entertainment (Christmas) will be
held in the town hall, Clinton, on Fri-
day evening, December 21st. An ex-
cellent progrltn)me is being prepared
andthe event will continue to be one of
the best and Most happy of the season.
PORK AND POULTRY. -As yet there
is not much pork touting in, the top fig-
ure for the best being five dollars per
hundred. There was quite a rush of
poultry just previous to the soft spell
last week and the supply is now pretty
well run off. There is no change in
WoRK1 o OVERTIME. -For some
time . the employees of the Doherty
Organ Factory have been working
overtime. This demonstrates that the
organ trade is gond and that the
Doherty organs are more popular and
meeting with greater sales than ever.
People who cry "hard times" are rais-
ing aL false alarm.
WooD.-The market has not been as
dull for some years, although prices
continue well up. Good, dry short
hardwood can be bought for $1.80 per
cord by the single load. During the past
two seasons )ns manyour citizens have
Put in coal and coal stoves, so that the
demand for wood is not so brisk. We
notice in Lucknow the price is only $1
a cord.
GOOD 'FEEDING. -The eighty head of cattleshipped d last week
hY the
Messrs. Ransford to Britain were a very
fine lot. When taken orf the grass
they were weighed and stable -fed for
41 days by David Carter and Charles
Mason under the direction of foreman
M. Glew. The feed consisted of cut
corn stalks, hay, pea meal, oats and
wheat. Of those re -weighed the gain
each in the 41 days was 150 pounds.
ROYAL TEMPLARS.-Clinton R. T. of
T. held their regular meeting on Thurs-
day evening last and initiated quite a
number of candidates. A large number
from Goderich Lodge were present,
and their officers took charge of the
meeting. The lodge is increasing in
numbers. At the next meeting, which
will he held in two weeks, there will he
a programme given, and several can-
didates will he initiated, All Royal
Tern piers in town who are not inembers
of this Lodge will be made welcome.
meeting on Monday evening. Present -
Trustees Harland, Gibhings, Hoover,
Overberry and Bruce. Chairman Stev-
enson being absent through illness, Mr.
Hoover was appointed pro. tem. Prin-
cipal Lough's report showed attendance
for October :-Boys enrolled 253, girls
230-483, average 401. The report of
Deputy Minister John Millar, ofToron-
to, was very favorable on the recent in-
spection of the Modelites. He says: -
"This school has passed a very satis-
factory examination. The students
seemed much interested in their work
and were unusually well trained In the
grasp and application of underlying
priciples of education." Accounts or-
dered paid :-Mr. Harvey, geographi-
cal chart, $39 ; J. W. Irwin, 75c. rhe.
Board then adjourned.
lowing from the Paris Review may
prove of interest to Clinton business
wren :--"Last week an individual calling
himself Bert Dawson, last occupation
with the Frazer Dramatic Company
who played in Paris the previous week,
worked up a grime on the merchants
of Paris, duping, beating and obtain-
ing money tinder false pretences. This
scamp is well known to Contable Cook,
he having conveyed hint to the central
and other prisons more than once.
This fellow (Bert Dawson) said he
had a brother living in Drumbo.
We found him to be a professional
dead heat, a fraud and a swindler. He
canvassed the merchants of the town
for advertisments, having an advertis-
ing scheme of his own (that to heat the
nubile.) After getting the ads. he
made a contract for the printing at the
Review office, got his work done, col-
lected his money for the ads. but did
noteall to pay for the printing or de-
liver the advertising matter as promis-
ed by him and in that act defrauding
the printer and the merchants. obtain-
ing money under false pretences ; goods
and work by fraud. There are over 25
indictments that can he prepared
against him in Paris and he may yet
be brought to book and have to send
a couple of years in the central prison,
which wool 1 be too good for such dead
beats and professional tramps, going
about gulling the public. He is a man
of medium height, thin spare face,
what some term lantern jawed, sandy
complexion, wears his hat nn the back
of his head, looks like a professional
heat. Press pass him around or some
constable arrest him and bring him
back to Paris and he will be prosecuted
ata a swindler."
Town Topics.
M. D. B. CALBICK, of Goderich, was
in Clinton yesterday.
MR. WHITMORE is on a visit to Mr,
Cole. of the foundry.
T. M. CARLING has in three weeks
bought thirty-two tons of apples in
Huron for the evaporator.
DRIED APPLES are this week being
shipped in good quantities to Ger-
WHAT will the Patrons do when
they meet in convention at Smith's
Hill next Saturday ?
ChiNTY COUNCIL, -.-Huron County
Council meets in Goderich oa Thurs-
day, Deceinber 6th.
ANswER.-We have sbeen several
times asked the salary of tbe Principal
of Clinton PLlhlic School. The amount
is $825.00 per year.
TIZouRLE.-Two Business men of
Clinton have apparently agreed to
disagree and a writ is threatened ask-
ing damages for malicious slander.
THE,'EXECUTIVE of the County Sab-
bath School Association met in Clips -
ton yesterday for the purpose ofarrang-
ing aprogramme for the convention.
PROPERTY aSOLD.-Auctioneer Carl-
ing sold on Monday to James A. Ford
the property occupied by the latter'on
Mary street. The price paid was ver}'
fair. Mr. David McBrien, of Goderieh
township, was the owner,
up to the tirne of writing winter
weather -snow and frost -has taken
the place of the rain and slush and
mud of previous days. There is now a
good bottoms and with a little more
now there will he good general
MAsoNIC.-At the regular meeting of
Clinton Lodge No. 84, A. F. and A.
M., last Friday evening, among the
visitors were Dr. Freeborn, who has
recently located in Clinton, and from
Morning Star (Smith's Hill)Capt.
Youngand John R. Kennedly. The
latteris a brother to Deputy -Reeve
Kennedy, No. 84 continues to increase
in mem bership.
v v
GI.INT(7N CITY. -The term isC errata
as far,, as business is concerned in
Clinton. The Hodgens Estate had a
hig rash on Bargain Day and their city
deli' ry cart has been on the road ever
since. We are pleased to note that
the drygoodsbusiness sines is so brisk that
a horse and nobby rig are required to
deliver the goods.,
DISSOLVED. -3 ack sou & McClacherty,
of Elie restaurant, who entered into
partnership a short time since, have
dissolved. Mr. Jackson has accepted
the positron of ticket clerk for the G.
T. R. at Suspension Bridge, and Mr.
McCiaeherty will continue the bakary
and r'estaur'ant business.
THANK OFFERINGS. -The other day
THE NEws-REcoRD was presented
with"a basket of delicious winter pears
by Mr. Geo. Layton, of Tuckersruith.
They are the hest and most toothsome
we have seen this winter. Mr. Win,
Mutr•phy, the veteran friend that he
certainly is, swooped down on our
sanctum a few days since with a good
supply of spare ribs and a nice sample
of pork of his own feeding. Seven
months previous two pigs were littered
and one of them tipped the beam,
dressed, at 266i pounds. We can
personally testify that the spare ribs
were very palatable and that Bro,
Murphy would he hard to beat in the
science• of raising porkers. Such rare
treats are few and far between.
bytery met in Willis Church, Clinton,
on the 13th inst. Rev. Messrs. Ross,
of Brussels, and Davidson, late of
Wroxeter, being present, were invited
to sit as corresponding members. The
treasurer's hook was audited and
certified as found correct. Messrs.
Shaw and Martin were appointed
to address the annual meeting
of the Woman's Presbyterial Society
of Foreign Missions, in January, The
Finance Committee submitted the esti-
mate of expenditure for the ensuing
year, showing that a rate of ten cents
per fancily would be required to meet
all expenses of the Presbytery. The
Committee was authorized to raise the
amount in the usual way. The Assem-
bly's remit in it. graduating students,
and ministers received from other
churches, requiring that they give one
year's service in the mission field be-
fore being eligible for a call, was ap-
proved of sirnpliciter. Rev. Mr. Cock-
burn, of Paris, representing the Conn
mittee on augmentation, was present
and heard, setting forth the claims of
said fund on all our congregations, and
the amount expected from this presby-
tery, viz., $700 for the current year.
Mr. Cockburn was thanked for his ad-
dress, and the matter referred to the
Home Mission Committee with the
hope that the said amount he raised by
the congregations of the Presbytery.
The report on Sabbath Schools was
submitted by Mr. Acheson, recom-
mending that a Conference on Sab-
bath Schools he held on Monday after-
noon and evening, January 14th, in
Carmel Presbyterian Chur^h, Hensall,
the programme to be prepared by the
Committee. The recommendation was
adopted. Documents were read show-
ing the Amounts appointed to this
Presbytery for Home Missions, $2,150,
and for augmentation $700 for this
year. It is hoped that this sum stated
be realized. The attentian of the con-
gregations on Leebnrn and Union
Church was called at the request of the
Corntnittee on augmentation, to the
necessity of increasing the stipend of
their pastor by $50, in order that the
Assembly's fund .may be relieved to
that extent. The next regular meeting
of Presbytery is to be held in Carmel
Presbyterian Church, Hensall, on the
15th of January, at 10.30 o'clock a, nt.
Town Topics.
MR. H. CARR, of Wingham, was in
Clinton yesterday.
CANTELON BROS. are making large
shipments of butter to eastern mark-
CHANGE OF TIME. -There is a slight
change in the Grand Trunk time table,
for particulars of which see another
thanksgiving services will be held in
St. Paul's church at 10.30 a. rn. Un-
ion services will be held iu .the town
hall at 11 a. in., when Rev. Mr. Stewart,
of Willis Church, will preach.
who. worked in the Doherty Organ
Factory a few years ago, was killed by
accident in Toledo on Monday or Tues-
day of last week. He is, we believe,
a native of Hullett. Particulars of the
sad event have not reached us.
was eating sausage the other day and
some hard substance, supposed he
s to
a piece of 'bone, stuck in his throat.
Although the odd of a physician was
secured the obstruction has not been
removed and he, cannot swallow any
solid food.
MARRIED. -Last Wednesday evening
the• residence of Mr. John Joy was the
scene of a happy event. culminating in
the marriage of his eldest daughter,
Mignie, to Mr. James Castles, of
Ontario, Cal. In the presence of over
fifty invited guests the interesting
ceremony was perforrned 'by Rev..J .
W. Holmes. While the bride looked
charming and the gloom pleased, Miss
Etta Agnew and Mr. A. Castles
performed the duties of bridesmaid and
groomsman very satisfactorily. The
presents were numerous and.. their
nature in keeping with such an
important event. Mr. and Mrs. Castles
left for their future horse in California
on Monday afternoon.
Clinton Gun Club Fall Shoot.
The Clinton Gun Club held their
annual fall shoot here at live and
artificial birds last Thursday. Follow-
ing is the result :-
e birds. I.
Cantelon J. McMurray7,G. Hale 6
n 7
H. Jackson 7, Thos. Sepens 6, J.
Dodds 6, A. J. Bright 9, J. Turner 8, J.
Hewitt 7, H. Cole 5, Lack Kennedy 6,
R. Roach 6, Dr. Blackall 9, J. Bissett 8,
E.Hinchley 6, J. Ballantyne ne 9,
13. Cline
5, i eTierney
'�. H. dl 9 A. 7,E.
G y
ovey 8, R. Wallace 6, H. Cade , H.
Grieves 7.
SHOOT No. 2, 10 live hitds.=S. H.
Gidley 8, A. Tierney 9, Dr. Blackall 8,
Roach 7, Bissitt 7, Ballantyne 6,
Grieves 6, Hewitt7, Bright9, J. Stevens
9, Cantelon 8.
SHOOT No. 3, 5 live birds -H. Cade
4, Bright 5, Grieves 5, Tierney 5, E.
Cantelon 5, D. Cantelon 5.
ARTIFICAL BIRDS, first sweep, 10
birds. -L. Kennedy . 6,. Bissett 6, J.
Stevens 5, J. McMurray 8, Turner 5.
Bright 8, Hewitt 4, E. Cantelon 8,
Blackall 9, Dodds 8, E. Hincbley 5,
Cole 6.
SWEEP No. 2, 10 birds. -Ballantyne
8, McMurray 10, Roach 9, Bissett 8, E.
Hinchley 9, L. Kennedy 7.
SWEEP No. 3.-E. Hinchley 10, Bal-
lantyne 7, Roach 0, McMurray 10,
Cantelon 7, Blackall 8.
SWEEP No. 4, 10 birds. -Roach 10,
McMurray 9, Blackall 8, Cantelon 9,
Hinchley 0, Ballantyne, 6, Stevens 5,
Dodds 8, Hewitt 7, Bissett 4, Cade 5, W.
Doherty 9.
SWEEP No. 5, 10 artificial birds. -
Stevens 9, Ballantyne 7, Doherty 10,
McMurray 9, Dodds 7, Hewitt 7, Cante-
lon 8, Roach 9, Bissett 8, Blackall 10,
Gidley 6.
SWEEP No. 6, 10 birds. -Ballantyne
6, Cline 5, Stevens7, Hewitt 7, Doherty
7, Roach 7, Bissett 7, McMurray $,
Dodds 6, Blackall 7, Cade 7, Grieves 5,
Cantelon 0, Hinchley 8.
SWEEP No. 7, 10 hirds.-Turner 10,
Ballantyne 7, Blackall 9, McMurray 9,
Grieves 6, Doherty 5, Bissett 6, Roach
10,' Cade 5, Hinchley 6, Cantelon 7,
Chancery Sittings.
The sittings of the Chancery Divis-
ion of the High Court of Justice was
held in the coir t house on Monday, the
12th inst., before tbe Honorable Mr.
Justice McMahon.
The first case on the list was Ratz vs.
Hall, an action by the plaintiff on a
mortgage. The case was referred to
the Master for administration and for
enquiry and report.
The next case was that of Fanson vs.
Fanson, which is an action brought
against the defendant to recover cer-
tain monies said to be in his hands be-
longing to the estate of the plaintiff's
father. Referred to the Master to
enquire and report.
Sample vs. Sample was the next case
on the list, and is an action brought by
the plaintiff to have it deelared that
they are entitled to a lien on defend-
ant's lands for money paid plaintiff for
defendant. Referred to the Master.
Howe vs. Ronald was an interpleader
action brought to try the ownership of
certain goods seized by the sheriff un-
der an execution, defendant declaring
the goods are not the Roods of the
claimant and therefore liable to be sold
under the execution.
Susafn Bruce, colored, of Philadelphia,
Pa., was arraigned in court Tuesday on
the charge of cruelty to her five-year-
old foster -child Bessie. The child had
been placed on a red-hot stove .and
after being terribly burned its tongue
was split by the woman to preven rt•,
from informing neighbors. tare
worman was held in $800 bail. The
child is in a serious condition.
Alin & iison
Will have a full
assor tment
Xmas and
Holiday Goods.
We intend to n1atA,,it ay you
to buy from us. Every..
thing will be new, no
old goods to shove off.
Watch our Advertise-
ments anti remember that
Allen & Wilson always
meals what they say.
Drllg Store,
Opposite Market, Clinton.
See our other space in this
A nurnher from this vicinity took in
the 'lecture of Rev. Mr. Hector last
Miss Maggie Martin hus returned
home after a lengthy visit to friends in
Mr. Will Routledge, of Clinton, re-
newed old acgiutintan ce5 here' hist
Mrs. John Wise is recovering hut
does not regain strength as rapidly as
her many friends would wish.
The root crap is safely harvested at
last. Considerable )lowing to be done
in this neighborhood.
Mother earth is again covered with
her white mantle.
Mr. Newton (Jrkh spent Sunday with
friends in Kinburn. .
Mrs. Albert Turner has been serious-
ly ill hut is now recovering, we are
pleased t) stat('.
Mr. Jaynes Walters is completing
the interior of John Crichts house this
week. We expect that Jack will soon
make good use of it.
Stong Bros. •are doing a rushing
business this fall with their grinder
and straw cutter.
Mr. ,Joseph Crich has returned from.
the hunting regions of Muskoka. Joe
did not succeed in bringing any veni-
son back with him.
Mr. George Potts, of Clinton, is put-
ting on the finishing touches to Roger
Pepper's house. Roger has now one of
the finest dwelling houses in these
parts and will move into it shortly. A
good house warming is what we must
Ladies and Gentlemen. be alive to 1 our own inter
eat. Thorn has recently been dieeovercd, and is now
for tale by the undersigned, a truly wonderful "Hair
Grower" ani 'Complexion Whitening." This "Hair
Grower" will actently grow hair on a bald head in
nix weeks. A gentleman who has no beard can have
a thrifty growth In six weeks by the use of this
wondcrfni "Hair Grower." It will also prevent the
hair from falling. 13v the use of this remedy boys
raise an excellent moustache in nix weeks. Wien
if yon want a em•prieing bend of hair, have 0 im•
mediately by tha use of this "Hair Grower." I also son
a "Complexion Whitening" that will in ono .month's
time make you an clear and white an the akin can bo
inade. Wo never knew a lady or gentlemunho ueo two
bottlen of thio Whitening for they all nay that be-
fore thay flashed the seoond bottle they were as
white as they would wish to be. After the neo of this
Whitening, the akin will forever retain ate color. It
aiso romovos freckles. eto., eta, Tho "Halt Grower"
In 5O eente per boots; and the "Face Whitening' 80
cents per bottle. Either of then() remedies will he
sent by mail. postage paid, to any address on receipt
of price. Address all orders to
R. RYAN, 350 (3ilmourSt., Ottawa, Ont.
P, 8. -We take P. 0. Stamps sante an otah, but pari•
Men ordering by mall will confer a favor by ording $1.
worth, an it will reenire thin amount,of the flotation
to n000rapllah either pnrpeeo ; than 0 will 5881 us
the rush of P. 0. stamps.
• g