HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-10-31, Page 3RAWNESS D/RECTORY, 111 OLOBJ BANK. COOrporated by Act of Parliament 1855. (A.PITAL, $2,000,000 BEST, $1,100,000 Head Office, - MONTREA.L. Jp.I H. R. MOLSON, President. Y, WQLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. 1'0es discounted, Collections made, Drafts �i@aued Sterling and American ox - F change bought and sold at lowest current rates. INTanium ALLOWeo ON DWPOelTe. F'ARM311Rf3- Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsors. No mortgage re- quired es security. H. 0. BREWER, Manager, CLINTON. February, 1884. G. D. McTaggart BANKER, ALBERT' STREET, OLINTON. A GENEAL BANKING ANSAOED. BUSINESS Notes Ifiscounted. - • Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, June Nth, 1891 058y J e4tcztt. DRS. GUNN & GIBSON. OFFICE Ontario St. a few doors east of Alber W. GUNN. R.• J. GIBSON' St. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; 0. M.. Victoria Univ. M. C. P. & S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office ;- Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattoubury St. Night calls answered at Office. DR. SHAW. Mee in Hod;on'o Block, Rettenbury St., Clinton, :int. Night calls at game place. Jas. S. Freeborn, M D L. ]I. & Q. C. P., L, 51. C. P. & S. 0., &c., &e. Graduate of King'e & Queen's College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medical Connell, Great Britain. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeone, Ontario. Formerly resi- dent of the Rotunda Hospital (Lyieg-in and Gyms • cological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Office and residence, Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 829-1y genii otrg. T. C. BRUCE L. D. S., >Surgeon. Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont. feeth extracted without pain by the use of a harm- ess and pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious- ees, -sickness nor ill-effects accompany the use of This remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testily to its genuineness. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, 5oates' Block, over Taylor's thea store. R. Agnew L D. S., D. D. S., DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur - ,eons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensel] every Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month. • nC. HAYS, Solicitor, arc. Office, corner of - Square and West Street, over Butler's Book tore, Goderich, Ont. SW Money to lend at loTweet rates of Interest. J. SCOTT, Barrister, 4c., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. CAMPION & JOHNSTON, BARRISTERS, - • SOLICITORS., NOTARIES, tpc., Goderich, - Ont. Office over Jordan's Drug Store. E. CAMPION, Q. C. M. 0. JOHNSTON' HONEY TO :ROAN. D. COOK, Seo. L. 0. L. No. 710, c1X IINTOIY, every month. eli 2nd dflat,ofMarty block. Visiting brethren always Made welcome. DAVID OANTEI/ON, W. M. W. 0. VANOp, D. M. ('ILINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A, M. meets kj every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit- ing brethren cordially invited. T. SMALLACOMBE, Sao. W. J. PAISLEY, W. le Clinton Jan. 14 1893. K. 0. T. M. Kearns Tent No. 60, Kaighte of the ltfacoabeee of the World. 61,000,02600 and 89,000 Potions. Mem• bership over 100,000. Assessment principle -hoe never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest and eafeet in existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, first and third Friday of every month. A. O. U.W. The Clinton Lodge, No.144, meetsln Biddlecomhe's Hall, opposite the market, the let and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. Break - nate, M. W.; J. Bina, Recorder. .1048. 599y W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, 4c., OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - • CLINTON I f' !oath to gout. glad gutglhto 9 Jubilee Precepiary No. 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, Neecond Wednee- day of every month, at 7.30 o'clock In the evening. Visiting Sir Kaighte will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. Tone, Worshipful Preceptor Oeoaoa it ANGRY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CANTSLON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 391, M at Black Knights of Ireland,, riots in the Orange Hall, Blyth, the Wednesday erfull moon of ovary month. Roy al Black Preceptory .3I5. Black Knights of Ireland, the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon- ry month. Visiting knights alwa}s made Meets in day of ev welcome. W 11 NUR JAMES RUS MONEY to lend in large or email Bums on good mortgages or personal security at the lowest ourrent rates. 1I. HALE, Huron et. Clinton. MONEY TO LOAN. Interest 6} per cent payable yearly. The borrow- er to have the privilege of paying the whole or any part of the principal at any time without giving notice. Fqr further particulars apply 10C. A. HARTT. Office In McKay's Block, Clinton. FARMERS ATTENTION. 100,000 to loan on farm property atl5i per cent., straight loan. No corn- mdsslon. Also a limited amount of priva ;e funds at 5 per cent. T. E. MoDONOUGH. Loan and Insnrance Agent. Office, Jackson Block, Huron street, ;11inton, Ont. 1am..sei•v . •.la �a.� EY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 K, Registrar, Goderich P 0 COOK' FLOUR & FEED STORE, lintel.. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities. OIL CAKE, LINSEED ;MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oat SPECIAL NOTICE ' Tns Newe•RECORD will always be pleaeed to receive reliable information of Births, Mar- riages, and Doatha, or of any other local event. tit Tea Nnwe-Rscono can furnish as hand- ottrsoratt and guarantee lepress work and ae low prices as any city Or other printing office. sr In the matter of Funeral Circulars an Memorial Cards, Tia NEws•Racoan guarante prompt attention and the very host class o work, at fifty per cent lees than riavtern prices. Mrs. Whitt, Teaoher of Music, Piano Organ and Toahnieon for use of pupils 4pertneuta in Beaver M ok, o a. W. Beesley'§, Album• siveet meal for one Bushel Oat D. COOK. C 762 t LINTON. HILL'S FEED STORE, NTON. HURON STREET, CLI The Best Early Seed Potatoes, kinds of first-class Clover, Timoth and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed kinds. Closest living prices for cash. in stock and for sale. TEAS of the ch varieties and blends. Excellent value: J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinto and all y, Field of all SALT oicest TO THE_rARME RS Study Your own Intermit, and go where yoU min get Reliable Harness. I manufacture nine but Inc Bier or SToox. Beware shops that sett oheap, as they have got to filo d9" Can and get prices. orders by mall promply attended to JtiJ TS 1B IMIAL., HARNESS EMPORIUM, RLYTH, ONT NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re Bard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and tale to- report to me I shall at once taste proceedings. Remember this is the last warning 1 shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich, Goderieb, Sept. 7th 1891. FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the un- dersigned as a resldenoe on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderieh, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house -story and a half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone oollar, stable, wood and eerriage houses. There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any:person wishing to live retired - For further particulars apply to 1. CAMPION, 542 -If Barrister, Qoderloh. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SIL'G ERWARE'at J, BIDDLECOI%Il 'S, E. Ciuton. GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton .I. EMERTON, Proprietor. Geo. Trowhiil, Horseshoer and General Black- • smith, Albert Street, North, r Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines 'rebuilt and repaired. Cantelon Bros, .;<ENERAI, GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass Q Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Egg '52-ly PUMPS ! PUMPS ! It yon want a first-class, well -made pump, one that will ,give you satisfaction, sena your order to the undersigned, He will dig and clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He also handles n first -Waite FORCE PUMP. , MES FERGUSON Opposite Queen's Hotel High Street, Clinton. 809-tt F. W. FARNOOMB (MEMBER OF ASS'N OF P. L. S.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, =,ONDO, OI T, 11 OFFICE 1 3. J. Stewart's G oroi'y76to Store, lin ton . 8i5 - JOHN - SCRUTON Butcher and Poultry. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. All lines in season. Highest price for Hides, Tallow and Sheepskins. Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undersigned desires to Intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr. Couch, in the butcher. ing business lately carried an under the style of FORD Sr COUCH. He will continue the same at the old stand, and trrste by giving the closest and most careful attention to the business, straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive, a lair share of public'patronage. All orders_ carefully and promptly filled. JAMES A. FORD, . .". CLINTON. ®= ---- �' BILL HEADS, NOTE Fie de, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc.,printei in a workman• like manner and at low rates, at Tun NEws-RECORD office. - WATTS & CO CHEMISTS & DRUCCISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. ., Photographer s FOSTER & BAYLEY CLINTON. a,ife Size Portraits a Speoialty. night or Era office. J, E. BLACK ALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col I age, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the most modern and eclentifle principles, tarCalle attended to day. Office on lease street, next New ResIdonce-Albert street, Clinton. 549-3m NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS: The publisher would esteem it a favor If readers would, when making their purchases mention that they saw the morohant'e advertisement in !ION News -RECORD. GOOERICl MARBLE WORKS, J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, !Clinton, Is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, of 13enmiller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, a well as in all varieties of marble. Give Mr, Steyenson a call before ordering else where. JOHN A. ROBERTSON. Manager. • `Cdonitnend to Your Honorable Wife" -Merchant 0/ vegict. and tell her that I am composed of clarified cottonseed oil and re- fined beef suet ; that I am the purest of all cooking fats; that my name is UQie that I am better than lard, and more useful than butter; that I am equal in shortening to twice the quantity of either, and make food much easier of digestion. I am to be found everywhere in 3 and 5 pound pails, but am Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, Wellington and Ann Ste., MONTREAL. AL LAN LINE RORAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. RFDUCTION 1111 RATES Steamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry DURING THE WINTER MONTHS. • life of Christ teach that Christianity is only genuine and developed when it can and does touch pitch and yet is not defiled. No one more than Christ allowed Himself to come in contact with sinners. It was His pride that the end and purpose of the mission had them largely on its view. The truly virtuous and Christ -like elan is never indifferent to the sin : His word is one more of sorrow than of anger; His attitude is one of compassion father than of judgment. His desire too is to seek and to save the lost. We are not to think that this means in the slightest degree that the virtuous man . underestimates the heinousness of sin; or that he has become less sensitive to loathsomeness. To think so would be to hold that sorrow is less sensitive than aversion and tears less sympathe- tic than a frown. Christ though gentler to leen who had sinned one sun than to those who had sinned another, though he judged by motive, and ad- vantages, of the want of thein, had no sympathy whatever with the view that holds sin to he a mere unintentional mistake on the part of roan, with no moral significance. To Him sin was intensely real. It was the one thing that defied the Almighty. Christ did t believe as same do to -da that the The Huron News-Recora 1,50 a Year -$1.26 in Advance. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3'1St, 1594. Some Aspects of Christ's Work. REV. A. 8. O. ANDERSON, OF ST. HELENS, AT THE C. E. CONVENTION 1N CLINTON, Cabin, $40 and u Steerage at kw rattle. STATE LJNE. NEW YuHK A pward.. Second Cabin, $25. No Cattle carried, SERVICE OF ALLAN LIN id STEAMSHIPS. ND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every and upwards. Second C low rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, PATTISON or WM JAC I wish to notice as briefly as possible, two or three of the features of Christ's ministry, features that mu be sugges- tive and that may be of practical benefit to you. In the first place, at the openingof Christ's public ministry He had to fght, the same battle which we have to fight when we enter the Kingdoms of God. That battle which decides what place self or self-will is now to have. On the mount of temptation, Christ is tempted first to snake 110 entirely selfish use of His divine powers fcr His own bodily gratification. Having resisted this, the next trial reverses the temptation and refines it. Christ is now tempted to risk rather than save Himself anis the end Hs' is tempted to seek though still selfish is spiritual rather than material. This too, having been resist- ed, the last temptation invites Him to take His own way of securing the success of His ministry rather than wait the slower' working of the Father. Temptations kindred to these meet us also as. we enter the Christian life. The devil tempts us on the threshold, for he knows that his power over us lies in the place we give to self. Sin is selfish- ness. Take somewhat analogous temp- tations. Have not many men with high intellectual gifts, deep emotive power, Yore spiritual intuitions, sacri- ficed thein for mere inoney-getting, debased them for the sake of filling the kettle ? Is not that selfishness ? Have you not known meri to whom God has given larger revelations of H is truth than to others, style these into oblivion that they might not lose their situation and with it their bread and butter ? How the devil must laugh to see powers that could shake his king- dom, used only for the gratification of the lowest desires of theirpossessors. Is not, this sin, selfishness, want of trust in God? Then again there is the reverse and more refined temptation. It comes to the move daring spirits whose trust in God is strong a tempta- tion to rush on where ang)+ls fear. to tread. It says : You know how strongly you trust God, you know His promises to protect His own, there is 00 danger for you, come now, indulge this dangerous habit, coquette with this questionable habit, show the World that though they would perish if they did this, yet you being a ('hrist.ian can do it unharmed. Then you will see there glorify God because of you. Here again is sintul selfishness : The taking upon yourself to say in what way God shall show his glory, it would be to make God do your will instead of you (19114, His. This is beyond trust, it is experimenting. The promises of Goal are o,ply to those who do accord- ing to His will. There is no promises of protection to those experimenting after' their own will. Thom shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Then there. is that last temptation, to do evil that good may conte. How many have stuniblecl over this and sinned. How egotistical we creel .How self -conceited 1 We dream that we can find a better way of doing things than God. We think that we can outrun the footsteps of the Deity. We dream that we have found a short -cat to the millenium. We use means that we discover when too late are but a worshipping of the devil and his ways. For the Christian there is no other road to spiritual growth than that trod by Christ Him- self, perfect submission to the Father's will. If any man will come after rue, let him deny himself. Fortnight. Cabin, $40 bin, $25. Steerage at Montreal ; or to A.O. KSON, Clinton. THE CELEBR ATE D Ideal Washer aril Wringers. RETS. Trial. THE BEST INTHE EMA Machines Allowed on 1 am oleo agent for no tnilleniunt would come by changing the form of government, or of mercantile contracts. To Him no plant of reforma- tion would ever corne to anything that did not take into account the innate and persistent tendency of man toward selfishness and evil. So real and terri- ble was sin to Christ that He saw the doom of hell meted (itnt to a rich man against whom there was no accusation of a vile life but who had simply neglected to do his duty as a man to the poor and needy. • The imitation of Christ in this mat- ter would save us from another mistake prevalent in our age. Menarecultivat- inga philosophic indifference to every- thing.. They are becoming shallower and more superficial in then' emotions and spiritual- energies. If • they are moved deeply, it is in most cases of some purely selfish interest. Unselfish enthusiasm is less to -clay then when men were ready to defend or die for principles. We have begun to think it a virtue to view everything with scien tific calmness; to measure it, dissect it, criticise it, no matter how sacred its associations. To give way to dis- plays of feeling is viewed as being slightly vulgar. Take anger for in- stance. Men had been used to see it mostly in' the form of what we call bad temper, that they came to look upon it as a vice in itself. This is a mistake. Sin is never original. It never invent- ed an evil. It has made evil simply by abusing or debasing the good. Anger is a virtue, it may be made a vice. We have run to the opposite extreme and we have made a vice of tolerance. Look at Christ scourging the money- changers out of the temple, hear Him in a burst of righteous indignation de- nouncing the Pharisees. What our age needs is to learn to feel deeply, to have intense convictions, to have the virtues of righteous indignation burn- ing at the sight of wrong and injustice. True anger is only the other side of sorrow. Be angry and sin not. All Arieulturnl Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see me. J. B. WEIR, CLINTO N 1JROPERTY FOR SALE OP RENT. -Advertisers will find "Tia News -Record" one of the beat mediums In the County of Iiuron. Advertise Iv "The Newa-Record"-The Double Clreelatios Talks ie 7holt.asds. Rates a low as any. Another important feature of Christ's work is the method of conveying im- portant truths. We know how much we learn by the eye. The child at first learns more by the pictures therefrom the words. Example is mostly strong- er then precept. The disciples journey- ed long with Christ, we would have expected that He would have care- fully explained at the the outset who He was and what His mission was. He did neither. He left thein to discover for themselves who He was, from • their companionship with Hire and their acquaintance with His works. There are truths you can never tell to others. They may hear fair words, they may understand the meaning of them, and yet they have no idea whatever of the impression you wish to convey to them. They will never know it till they pass through spiritual experiences sim- ilar to your own. Have we not in this an explanation of the want of power in the Christian church at the present' day? We are to "disciptle";all nations. Christ taught his disciples of living the truth before thein. W e will not teach our disciples only in the same way. It is the life that tells. Unless your life is a picture to illustrate your words there is ahnost • none who will ever listen to thein. See how Christ him- self brings weight to bear on conduct. It is of our conduct that we are at last to be judged, whether our faith has shown itself living of our deeds. The very fact that only late on His minis- try dud Christ reveal His divinity to His di;reiples and only at its very close did Ha" reveal` the full meaning of the atonement, teaches us that he lays far more stress on behalf of the heart than on behalf of the Tread, in actual faith and acceptance of Himself than in theological dogmas about His nature and work. We must remember that religion is not an attribute, any 10000 than the love of God is an attribute. All the attributes of Gocl sdmmoned together make up the love which is Itis nature as the seven colours compose the perfect white light. We do riot "get" religion. Our religion is the sum - of all our actions, thoughts and words. It is the spirit that impresses the lifer manifested In conduct. This being so it is easily understood why faith with- out words is dead -dead so far as it. can bring 11s any blessing ourselves, and dead so flu' as producing any effect for good on others is concerned. To teach others spiritual ,truths most effectiyely, we must proceed as Christ slid, live these truths before them and lead them of our own lives to under- stand the mysteries. There are many other features of our Lord's work that one would like to speak of, but time will not allow of others at present. Those I have men- tioned rna•y suggest others to you and may at the same time help to show how much we have yet to learn of our Lord's work and of his will, that it is not only His precepts that we have to obey, but his example as well. The next feature of Christ's ministry which I would notice is that which shows the true relation of virtue and vice. It has been the way of many to cast out of fellowship and of recogni- tion those who have been convicted of sin. The call to come out from among them and be clean, has been interpret- ed that the righteous are to have no dealings or communication with the wicked, the latter are to be ostracised and lefty to their own devices and punishment. This belief gives birth to the Pharisee who prides himself : "1 tau holier than thou;" and who gathers his skirts about hien lest he touch the wicked and be defiled. Does not the For. 20 Yeas the formula for making Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of thew whole world. No secret about it. This is one of its strongest endorsements. But the strongest endorsement possible is in the vital strength it gives. 5,42,441 Dauttiall, nourishes. It does more for weak Babies and Growing Children than any other kind of nourishment. It strengthens Weak Mothers and re- stores health to all !suffering from Emaciation and General Debility. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Brow, chit's, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Blood Diseases and Loss of Flesh. Scott & Bolsne, Belleville. Alt Druggists. 60c. &$1. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years in private practice and for over thirty year§ by the people with entire 3000088. Every single SpeciHo e epeeist cure for the dleeaae named. Tbey cure without drugging, purging or reducing the system and are in fact and deed the Sovereign Remedies of the World. NO. Mange, 0810aa 1 -Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. 2 -Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.... 3-Teethiags Colic, Crying, Wakefulness 4 -Diarrhea, of Children or Adults i7 -Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 8 -Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache 9 -Headaches, stoic Headache, Vertigo, lU-Dyspepsia. Blllousnese. Constipation 11 -Suppressed or Painful Periods 12 -Whites, Too Profuse Periods 13 -Croup, Laryngitic, Hoarseness 14 -Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions 15 -Rheumatism, Rhoulhatto Pains 16 -Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 19 -Catarrh, Influenza, Cold lu the Head 20 -Whooping Cough 2'' -Kidney Diseases 28 -Nervous Debility 30 -Urinary Weakness - .25 34 -Sore Throat, Q11111cy, Ulcerated Throat .25 HU111PHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL. " The Pile Ointment;' -Trial Size, 25 Cts. Sold by DIarrl.t., or sent prepaid on receipt of price. DY. liw.r,Iaor,' MANUAL 1111 ll.gee,) VAILOU Paha. 111311'111118Y8. MD. CO., 111 As 118141111amm et., NEW Ur .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 z5 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 I 1.00 SPECIFICS. cAVEATS,TRADE MART s COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT 2 For r prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MUNN & CO., who have bad nearly fifty yeafyp-s' experience In the patent business. Communlea- tione strictly confidential. A Handbook of In. formation concerning Patents and how to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of'meehml- loal and eolentlOo books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the scientific American, and thus are brought 'widely before the public with. out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, Issued weekly. elegantly Illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition monthly, $2.50 a year. 51pgle violet'. 25 cents. Edition. number0 number contains beau- tiful plates, in cetera, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling buiidere to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN tt CO., NEW YOKE, 361 BRoaDwAY• ook'sCottoIlRoot Cold in the head -Nasal Balm giyes instant relief; sreedily cures. Never ails. The Pullman Companv has declared the regular dividend of ;2 per share. The U. S. whiskey trust has reduced alcohol two cents per gallon. A battle is expected on the Yalu Riv- et before long, where the armies of China and Japan are face to face. A five -storey brick building on Wells street, Chicago, in course of construc- tion, collapsed last week, burying sev- eral workmen in the ruins. All the men escaped alive.1 COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. take ,to subset - tuts, or inclose 111 and 6 cents In postage in letter and we willeend, sealed, by return mail Full sealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only. 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Clinton by Allen & Wilson D1 ug,,iste. • MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Oertatil Ind p oris ndbel never blisters. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ■ BoxiS Carman Henderson Co., III., Feb.31,'54. t Dr. B. J. *suTAtbo. Dear Sera -Memo send me one ofur Horse Books and oblige. I have used a great gal of your Kendall's spavin Cure with good success • ft ie a wonderful inedietne. 1 oneo had a mare that had an eooult Snavin and five bottles oared er. I keep n bottle on truly, all time. (.`SAO. Pewter. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, CANTON.Dr. 9. J. Kennett Co. Dear Sire -I nave used several bettlee of your "xondarl'eapavin Cure" with much success. I think It the best Liniment I over used. Have re- moved one Curb, ono Blood Spavin and kilted Iwo Bono Spavina. Have recommended It to end eav keeof p my frieRends toa lyaro much pleased With S. R. RAY, P. 0. Box 119. For Salo by all Druggists, or address Dr. B. J. KLp11rl)ALL COMPANY, 150881.1110 FALLS, VT. AUTUMN Trade has now c,,,lmnteneeci and shrewd nner' nnnts aro 150001100- ing their s,necialties in the col- umns of Tino News -RECORD, which is weeklyr•ead by thepeo- ple with money to spend and who scan its doh -inane to find nut what bargains are being offered in different lines of busi- ness. Tine NEWS -RECORD 18 their bargain lock -Spring, Summer, Autun or WI ER. When you 88e a girl pasting a scrap book full of cooking recipes out of the newspapers you know pretty well that some young man is in a position to he congratulated, and yet, when you think of the recipes, you feet rather sorry for him, too, •