HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-10-10, Page 2r a. ; 14 ry V.i>fere lip .% l '4'7� 41,7XN'Alk . aw, lt,M� ; . 1 7 � r / 116 ft !I(, 1 I I' !1 „11 .Agrl ht Lad. Tenygars of age, but who declines to give hhi , ,tame to the public, makes this authorized, aonfclentlal:statement to us; MV]ien I was one year old, my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said that I. too, would soon die and all our neighbors thought that even if I did not diesI would w ak'andapuny. Aagathering formed and 'broke under my arm. I hurt my finer and 7t gathered and threw out pieces of bone. If 1 hurt myself so 8s to break the skin, it was sure to become a running sore. I had to take lots of medicine, but nothing has villa i it hoasniadgood welas l strong."-- T. trr ng."- T., D. M., Norcatur, Rams. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa. • Cures others, will cure you Pre Huron News -Record 1.50 a Year -31.25 in Advance WEDNESDAY, 0 ER 10th, 1S94. THE 7�UP01'v' NEWS-h',E'CCRD. A Live . Local and Family Weekly Journal, Issued Wednesday Mornings. QM oe—Brick Block, Albert Street North, Clinton, Ont. TERMS. -01.50 a year x.•25 in advance. No paper ieeontinnod, except at ption of pubdsher, until all rrearagea are settled The month and year to which all subscriptions a c paid will be round on the addresslabol. TRANSIENT ADVERTISING.—Ten cents a line (non - wird measure) for first insertion and three nents a line for each subsequent hlerrtioa, CONTRACT ADVERTISING. -Special position 10 to 25 psi' Bent above regular rates. The table. below gives .gntract rates for run of paper for definite periods: f3ilielMrt A.gcd Newt 1.02 W Sinclair. young g Aaw,1 d( 2 W Sinclair. -• a Otib;`nx—lilglit Brahman, .Toe VQO1t,.W . A.itolAsen. Dark Brailtnas, 0 xrWiu,, W. Sinclair. l ,since]] . 110,44 7 (look, G• irwln. Q9ubins, J Gook, Mrs.1A1l'Walker. Ia tug$llane, W fiirlolair<'t J apo . golorea, VOW/V. J UaalfCollection sirs i p g birder 14; 2 :4 Irwin Any, other variety Dorking%, W Grieve,, G ,Trwin, Qeme. fowl, 1 &2 3 Cook Black $s abtr s, G Irwin, A Currie. Houdans, .14 2 George Irwin, • White Leghgrns, G Irwifl, W Iiartrey. BreWn leghorns, 11 j Barnet, Blank Spanish, Wu' 41t111110.11, Black Minorcae, G Irwin, W Iiartrey. 'Wynn- dottes, J Coak. ,Any other variety, Geo Irwin. Turkeys, A Calder, W Grieve, Toulouse geese, W. Grieve. Any variety geese, J Pettereon, W Aitohieoii, Pekin duoke, Geo Irwin, J Patterson Rouen ducks, G Irwin, 1143:s Ii R Walker. Any variety bantams, G Irwin, L Barnet. Mr Hartreyts specials, for Legborne and Minor- cas, 1 & 2 Jas Beattie. Birds Bred in 1894—Light Brahwas, G Irwin, 1 & 2 G Irwin. Dark Brahman, G Irwin, L Barnet. Plymouth rocks, Geo Irwiu, E Barnet. Cochine, J Cook, Ed Barnet. Langabane, 3 Cook, E Barnet. Colored Durllrugs, E Barnet, G Irwin. Any other Dorkinge, (1 Irwin. Game fowl, 1 & 2 J Cook. Bleck,Hamburge, W Aitoheson. White 'Leghorn 1 & 2 Wm Itartrey. Brown Leghorns, G Irwin, Ed Barnet. Black Spanish, Wm Aitoheeon Wyandottbe, J Cook. Black minorcas, 1 & 2 W Hartreys Any varieties not on list, J Cook. Turkeys, E 0 Coleman, G Irwin. Geese, -G Irwin, W Grieve. Pekin decks, G Irwin. Rouen ducks, 14 1 W Aitchi- son. Any other ducks, G Ire in, W Grieve. And variety Bantams, Ed Barnet, Geo Irwin. SPACE. 1 1 YR. Id MU. 18 Mo. 11 Mu One column Half colmnn Quarter column One eighth column. I 12 00 I 7 00 OneJnch........... .• 0 00 3 50 S60 UO 825 00 320 00 37 5 25 00 20 00 12 00 4 0 20 00 12 110 7 00 12 7 4 00 2 2 00 1' 'Servants wanted, for sale, lost or found, advertise relents, not exceeding three lines, 25 cents each in - portion ; not exceeding seven lines, 50 cents for first inser,tton and 25 cents for rash tollowing inbertiun. Farina, bonses or town property, for sale or to rent, stray stock or similar advertisements not exceeding eight Tines, 81 for first month and 50 cents for each ' ollowing iuonbh. Local notices 10c a line for each . asertiou. . Advertisements without definite inetraetfona In- variably, inserted until forbid and charged accord. ingly. Transient• advertlsementa in all cases to be paid in advance: All contract changes must be received at the office not later than SATURDAY No0N every week. A.M. TODD, Publisher. IMMUMNIMEMPEOMINIElk Seaforth Fall Fair. The following is the list of prizes award- ed at the South Huron fall show, held in Seaforth, on Thursday and Friday of last week. HoasEs.—Imported Heavy Draught.— Brood mare, .E Fotheringham. Foal, E Fotberingbam. 2 -yr old filly, W Coleman, C Dale, jr, Jas Ross. Canadian Heavy Draught.—Brood mare, Geo Dale, Jas Reynolds, Jahn T Dickson. Foal, J Reynolds, G Dale. 3 -yr olds, W Dale, John Dale. 2 -yr olds, W Dale, Jas Paterson. Yearlings, Geo Dale, an Dale. Team, Geo Turnbull, Jae Reyno'ds. General Purpose—Brood mare, W Dale, T Cclquhonn, Foal, T Colquhoun, D Mc- Tavish. 3 -yr olds, T Colquhoun, H For- syth. 2 -yr olds, P M Ches„ey, J McTav- isn. Yearlings,, .1 Dale, H dose. Team, Jas Patreson, W Logan. LIGHT Honsxs.—Carriage—Brood mare, R Pollard. Foal, G 8& W Black, A Curry. 3 -yr olds, G E Cresswell. 2 -yr olds, P McKay, It Common. Yearlings, G White- ley, R Pollard. Carriage pair, C Wolf, A MoMurohie & Co. Single carriage horse, 8 Hunter, H Vernick, A Me:Murchie & Co. Roadsters—Brood mare, R Wilson, R Charters, R Common. Foal, R Wilson, W Dale. 3 yr olds, R Wilson. 2 -yr old geld- ing, Sam Wise, R Wilson. Yearlings, II 3 Grieve, R Govenlock. Pair roadsters, H Grieve, A. Forbes. Single roadster, A Forbes, R Frost, R Wilson. Special for roadster brood mare and foal, R Willson. Special for farmer's driving horse or mare, S Hunter, P McGregor. CATTLE.—Dnrhame—Aged cow, 1 and 2 D D Wilson, 3 W Carnocban. 3 -yr old, D D Wilson, Elcoat Bros, D D Wilson. 2 -yr old heifer, 1 and 2 D D Wileon, 3 J Avery. Yr old heifer, D D Wilson, Elcoat Bros. Heiler calf, D D Wilson, James Broadfoot, Elcoat Bros. Bull calf, D D Wileon, El- doat Bros. Herd, D D Wilson, W Carnoohan. Gredes.—Aged cow, 1 and 2 D D Wilson. 2 -yr old heifer, D D Wilson, G E Cresswell. ' Yr old heifer, 1 and 2 D D Wileon. Heifer ' calf, D D Wilson, G E Creaawell. • ° ` Butchers' Cattle - 2 -yr old steer, T Case, , • 0 Dale, jr. Yr old steer, D D Wilson. Ayrehires—Cow, 1 and 2 Thomas Hill. Heifer, Alex Gray. SHEEP.—Leicesters—Aged ram, George Penhale, R Charters. Shearling ram, Geo Penhale. R Charters. Ram lamb, Wm +Grieve,]{ Charters. Pair ewes, G Penhale, R Charters., Pair ehearlinge, 1 and 2 G :Penthale. Ewe lambs, W Grieve, G Pen - hale. Pen, G Penhale. Southdowne, G E Creaawell took all :prizes, six lilts, two 2nde and diploma. Shropshires,—Aged ram, Jaa Cooper & Son, John Avery. Shearling ram, 1 & 2 .Cooper & Son. Ram lamb, 1 & 2 Cooper & Boli Pair ewes, J Cooper & Son, Wm Grieve. Pair shearlinge, J Cooper & Son, d' Avery. Ewe Jambe, 1 & 2 J Cooper & Son. Pen, 3 Cooper & Son. Fat sheep—Pair fat ewes, Elcoat Bros, 'PIoe Tarirworth, Aged boar, F Schoales. oar, Jas Dorrance (extra.) Aged sow, D D Wilson (extra.) umtait111E—Aged hoar, Chas Troyer, F . Bdhoales. ',Young boar, 1 & 2 W MoAliie- ter. 1Cnung BOW, 1 & 2 W MoAliieter. Any other breed -'-•Young boar, 1 & 2 W 0 /lempt'T. Vottle, ColiflQtipll. 9f, flower'},. T' .. Kemp, tl,' Cottle.- Out flawers,�•*] al#.Bast Srodard, OA - Ale, Dahlias, bWu.quel;, .0ot0o4 ranclee, J Scott, J Walker, Asters, J SQQtt, 3oian Walker, Ten weeks' stook, .113eattie, 3 Walker, Verbenas, .J 80o0, Thos Qcttle, 9ingle petp^fae,, J Walker, J $QQtt., lata - T (7 6� Utt 0 1 hie petunias, Ja o, , I. tile. • 1<'1y Qx Drumu'ondi, J S ,gtth7) Cottle, Gig, iolue,. J Scott,. 13eattie. Zerdae,Wfri Kyle. . Best arranged basket, 3 Beattie, T Cottle, T Scott. kapeoial, colleet>on. Starlhloxes, J Beattie. 11; axureoeune eeEomtstio sloth, l and 2, Mrs 11 Chesney jr. Illi wool flannel, Robb Ball, W Chesney. All wool blankets, P lk1• Chesney, Mrs Chesney, jr. Weolon Yarns A G YanEgmond, W• 13 MoCracken, Do- mestic cotton warp, woollen weft, 13 Bell, W Chesney. factory tweeds, 1 and 2, AG VanEgmoud. Factory flannel, 1 and 2, A G VavEgmond. Factory blenkets, 1 and 2 A. G VanEgmond. Setof single harness, 1 and 2 M. Broderick. Set of double har- ness, 1 and 2 M Roderiok. T 0 Kemp's special for home made broad by girl under 18 yrs, J Ross, J B Henderson, W Hartry.. Sot of parlor furniture, 1 and 2 Broadfoot & Box. Set of Bedroom furniture, 1 and 2 Broadfoot & Box. Assortment of tweeds, 1 and 2 A G VanEpmond. Extra, side- board, Broadfoot & Box. FINE ARTS. -Water color, J G Crich, Mre C Campbell. Oil painting, Miss H B Reid, A Buchanan. Crayon sketch, Mrs Campbell. john MoNevin, Penoll eketoli, none awarded, Mrs Campbell. , LADIES' Woi.rc—Rag carpet; woolen warp, W Cbeeney, Mrs II lf,iiney, jr. Rag car- pet, cotton wispeeSirs lI R Walker, Mrs 1:1 Chesney, fir,''” Rag door mat, hooked, Mrs H Chee,ari•y, W Bullard. Rag door mat, 899: -"ea, Miss Gymington, W Chesney. Rag hearth mat, sewed, W H MoCrooken, Mrs C Campbell. Rag hearth heat, hooked, Mra Walker, W Chesney. Wool seeks, Mrs Nott, W H MoCracken, Wool stock- ings, L Ferguson, Mrs Plott. Ladies' wool mitts, 3 McTavish, Mils Symington, 3 Archibald. Men's wool gloves, Mies Symington, 8 Wise. Counterpane, domes- tic wove, P Moore, Mrs :) Stewart. Coun- terpane, knitted, Mrs D Stewart, Mrs Nott. Counterpane, crochet, Miss Symington, Mrs Nott. Counterpane, tufted, P Moore. Patchwork quilt, calico, C Aitzel, D Fer- guson. Patchwork quilt, cloth, M Breth- our. Log cabin quilt, Mrs Nott, Mrs D Stewart. Silk orazy quilt, Mrs ]Nott, Mrs egialpbell. Fancy wool shawl, Mrs Nott, Mrs Campbell. Hand made shirt, Mrs Walker, D McIntyre. Machine made shirt, 0 Aitzel, Mrs Nott. Patching, P Moore, .1 Archibald. t,'aruing, Mrs Walk- er, Mrs Nom. Buttonholes, C Aitzel, E Symington. Pillow shams, Mrs G Nott, Miss 8 Dorrance.. Table mats, Miss Dor. ranee, Mrs Campbell. Table doyles, Chas Aitzel, Not Known.. Toilet sot, M Breth- our, Miss Symington. Fancy pin cushion. C Aitzel, Miss A. B Reid. Bola pillow, D McIntyre, 0 Aitzel. Crochet work (twine) S Hanter, A Storey. Macrame work, Miss Symington, M Brethour. Wax flowers or fruit, colored; Mre Campbell. Paper flow- ers, Mrs II Chesney, jr., M Brethour• piano or table scarf, 'Airs Nott, M Breth- our. Embroidered table cover, Miss Dor- rance, W Duncan. Worked whisk holder, Mra Nott, Mrs Campbell. Worked hair, upholstered, 1 & 2 D McIntyre. Worked ottoman, Mrs Nott, D McIntyre. Paint- ing on china, flowers, oils. Mrs Campbell, C Aitzel. Painting on terra cotta, oils, C Aitzel, Mrs Campbell. Drawing root screen. Mrs J C Laidlaw, Mrs Campbell. Hand screen, E Symington. Bannerettes, Mrs Nott, Mrs J C Laidlaw. Bracket drapery, 1 & 2 Miss Dorrance. Penelope work, Miss Symington, Mre• Campbell. Tidy, crochet, R Mutrie, Mrs H Chesney, jr. Hand made yarn, Mrs 11 alker, W H MoCracken. Knitted tidy, A Storey. Gold or silver tinsel work, C Aitzel, Mrs Nott. Etching or outline work, Mrs Nott, C Aitzel. Applique work on cloth, etc., Mrs Campell, Mies Brnyington. Arasene embroidery, Miss Symington, 0 Aitzel. Crewel embroidery,Mrs Campbell, C Aitzel. Embroidery on silk or satin,C Aitzel,G Nott. Embroidery in flannel, C Aitzel, Mre Nott. Sham stitch embroidery, Miss Symington. Ribbon or ribbosene embroidery, M Breth• our, Mrs Nott. Chenille work, Mrs Note, Mies Symington. Bullion embroidery, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Nott. Braiding, Mrs Nott, Miss Symington. Bead work, Mrs J C Laidlaw, Mre Nott. Berlin wool work, Mrs Walker.. Straw plait, Mrs Campbell, 8 Wise. Lace, royal battenberg, Mrs C Campbell Paint lace, Miss S Dorrance, Mise Symington. Honiton lace, Mies Symington, G Nott. Knitted lane, D Fer- guson, Mrs D Stewart. Lace crochet, W Duncan, Mise Symington. Rick rack, D Ferguson, Miss Symington. Tatting, Mrs Nott, Mrs Campbell. Darned net Mrs G Nott, Miss Symington. Drawn threads and hem stitch, Chas Aitzel, D Molntyre. Silk work on canvas, 1 and 2 D McIntyre. Panels, Mrs Campbell, Mrs J C Laidlaw. Fancy table, D McIntyre, Mrs Campbell. Home made bread, T Case, T 0 Kemp, R Charters. SPECIAL' NOME, to. Or ver alalnpi totrQt4ol . QRl PjKthe lob et rlalfes, end,Water/.t. °ref Any otheriooIl event, Tont Newe•ltagpae tan fnrelab SM ;band;, eons Wedding fitetiollere 'Anti get:ante, alt Poe letter press .swirk and et •• .1•W ;Bolas ae >}ny pity or other,printing Pelee.. IMPLEMENTS—Farm wap., D MyTron old. llouble to pugs, H Grieve, '.Cop peaet.1;e. Wilson. - Top buggy, F Hese, rieve. Open buggy, H Grieve, F Hess, Double pleasure sleigh, H Grieve. Single piano box cutter, H Grieve. Portland But- ter, H Grieve. Set of heavy bobsleighs, 8 Barton & Son. Road cart, H Grieve, F Hess. Iron beam plow, H Grieve. Sulky plow, 0 C Wilson. Cultivator, D MoDon-• ald. Gang plow, Estate of T T Coleman. Pair of iron harrows, D McDonald. Boll- er, Estate of T T Coleman. Turnip cutter, Estate of T T Coleman, H Grieve. Horse shoe, Estate of T T Coleman. Churn, 1 & 2 0 C Wilson. Wooden pump, 1& 2 J 8 Welsh. Building brick, Sprout Bros. SPECIALS—Agricultural boiler, H McIn- tosh. Ensilage cutter, 0 0 Wilson. Horse power, 0 0 Wilson. Universal power jerk, Estate of T T Colernan. GRAINS AND SEEDS --Fall wheat, white, W Kerslake, M Brethour. Fall wheat, red, D Brethour, M Brethour. Spring wheat, M Brethour, D Brethour. Six -rowed bar- ley. M Brethour, J Patterson. Two -rowed barley, M Brethour,W Kerslake. Large oats, its Brethour, D Brethour. Common oats, N Brethour, M McKay. Black oats, M Brethour, D Brethour. ' Large peas, G Brock, M Brethonr. Small peas, M Breth- our, R Brock. Mummy peas, M Brethour. Timothy seed, M Brethour, J Patterson. Fitz seed, DZ Brethour, D Brethour. White beans, M Brethour. Clover Feed, Elooat Bros., D Brethour. Collection grain in car.il1 Brethour, D Brethour. DAIRY PRODUCE—Five pounds butter, Jas Patterson, Mrs J Burge, A Buchanan. Ten pounds butter. Mrs J Burke, J Hogg, Mrs J Burge. Fifty pounds butter, A Buchanan, G Nott, Mrs J Burge. Private made cheese, Mra 'J Burge. Mr Morris' special for butter, .Mrs J Burge. Coneit Bros' special for butter, Mrs J. i3urge. Mr Pierce's special for butter, J Hogg. Wm Pickard's special for butter, A Buchanan. Honxico_VIRAL PRODUCTS—Apples—Win terapples, G Irwin, J G Sproat. Fall apples, G Note, W Chesney. Colleotion apples, R Govenlock, W Chesney. Rhode Island Greenings, Chesney Bros., R Den- nie. Northern spies, G Dale, Elcoat Bros. Roxboro Russets, J G Sproat, G Nott. Baldwins, W C Landsborough, 8 Wise. Westfield's seek no further, J S Brown. Snow apples, W Chesney, A Currie. Grav- ensteins, C Routledge. Fall pippins, El- ooat Bros., J S Brown. Colverts, J S Brown, G Irwin. King of Tompkins, C Dale, sr., B Armstrong. Alexanders, R Charters, Canada Red, J G Wilson, Jas C McMichael. Swarts, P M Chesney. Ribston Pippins, Mrs Nott, H Forsyth. Wagner,' 8 Wallace, J Dale. Grimes G. Pippins, R Donnie. Maiden's Blneb, J Dale, R Govenlock. Golden Russets, J G Sproat, W Aitchison. Seedling apples, J G Mclviicbael, W Coleman. Beu Davis, R Armstrong. W Aitchison. Duchess Ango= liene, Mrs Nott, R Elliott. Pears.—Winter Years, R Govenlock. Flemish Beauty, R Charters, J S Brown. Duchess D'Angoulene, 3 8 Brown,,�, G Mc- Michael. Grey Doyenne, J G Wilson. Vicar ofWingfield, R Murtrie, Elooat Bros. Louie Bonne de Jersey, J Scott, J G Sproat Plums.—Jefferson, W H McCracken. Puanes Purple, W H McCracken. Lom- bard, W Kyle, M Brethour. Any other variety, W H McCracken. Grapes, etc.—Moore's Early, R Goven• lock. Delaware, J McTavish. Concord, R Govenlock. Rogers No 19, R Govenlook. Rogers No 4, 1 and 2 R Govenlock. Any other variety, R Govenlock, J Scott. Crabs, R Govenlock, Geo Nott. Early Crawford peaches, P M Chesney. Late Crawfords, Elcoat Bros, J Dale. Any other variety peaches, R Govenlock, P M Chesney. Col- lection canned fruit, P Moore, W H Mo- Cracken. Collection .honey, W Hartry. Honey in comb, W Hartry, R Govenlock. Honey in jar, W IIartry, D Ferguson. Home made wines, P Moore, George Nott. Bottled pickles, W H McCracken. VF,oETAnLEs.—Potatoes—Early ROSS, W H McCracken. Mrs H R Walker. Beauty of Hebron, W H McCracken, J Galbraih. Late Rose, W H MoCracken, W AitobisiMs. Early Vermont, W 13 McCracken. Snow- flake,W H MoCracken. Early Telephone' W II Mo raoken. New variety, 1 and 2 W Aitchison. Second new variety, C Dale, sr. Any other variety potatoes, Mrs H R Walker, W H MoCracken. Winter cabbage, J Allison, G Crew. Pickling cab- bage, Jos Alliaon, recommended. Blood beets, M Brethonr, Mrs Walker. Sugar beets, W H MaCraoken. Long mangolds, W H McCracken, F H Sehottles. Globe mangolds, W H McCracken, Jos Allison. Intermediate mangolds, W H McCracken, Elcoat Bros. Early horn carrots, Wm H McCracken, G Crew. Nantes carrots, W H MoQraoken,W Aitchison. Lone orange or red carrots, W H McCracken, 11 hunter. White Belgian carrots, Elcoat Bros, W H McCracken. Sweet corn, A. C Coleman. Indian cern, J Allison, M Brethour, Tur• nips, J Allison, J Beatty. Water melons, Wm H McCracken, W Chesney. Musk melons, W H McCracken, Chesney Bros. Pumpkin, J Allison, S Hunter. Squash, 1 and 2 W H Mi•Oraoken. Cauliflower, T Allison,W H McCracken. Red onions,W H McCracken, 8 Wise. White or yellow onions, W II Mc(Jracken, a Scott. Toma- toes, J Allison, M Brethour. Celery, W H MoCracken, Jos Allison. Citron, W H McCracken, W Swallow. Parenips, W H McCracken, 3 Allison. Collection of vege- tables, J Allison, W H McCracken. Frowene.—Fuchsias, T Cottle, J Beattie. Foliage planta, Mrs H R Walker, T Cottle. Begonias, W Hartry, J G Mo'Miohaol. Geraniums, T Cottle. Hanging basket, T Ire' '• I1..the matt • e 1 r et Fellers.' . o l r a e fhl r. Qrpail.n AteniariiFl earls,; Tax irews,lixcoaa gvarante. prompt attentlotl' and the very ,heat, eilite..0 Wolk. afltyper sent legsthan 0E4011 pricea. WYE HOGS NATTER CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. — Hemmed handkerchief, C Aitzel, R Bell. Darned soaks or stockings, J Archibald, J Beattie. Wool crochet work, R Bell, J Beatty. Cotton crochet work, R Bell, J Bolger Painting, any object ,1 and 2 A G VanEg- mond's Sons. Drawing, J McNevin, Wm Chesney. Best dressed doll, C Aitzell. Dolls clothes, C Aitzel, W H McCracken. fancy pin cu -bion, C Aitzel, W Chesney. Wood work, W Chesney. Plain serving, by child under 8 years, Mre J Govenlock, W Chesney. Straw plait, Mrs Campbell, 8: Wise. SVPICIALS.—Ropa table, W Storey. Em- broidery on net, Mrs McIntyre. Cotton warp yarn, carnet, Mrs Il. R. Walker. Table mat, Mies Dorrance. Quilt by old lady, A.. Govenlock. Quilt by girl, Mrs J Govenlock. Quilt by child, A Govenlock, J Govenlook. Carpet, Mrs C Walker. JUDGES. — Horses and cattle — Henry Heal, Mitchell; James Gaunt. Poultry— CAitzel, Seaforth• T MoLaughlin, Mitchell. Implements—A }M Ross, R Robinson, S A Moffatt. Grain and seeds—T 0 Kemp, 1t Scott. Dairy produce—G Barnwell, Ex- eter; J C Laidlaw, Seaforth. Fruit—T H Baca, Mitchell; J Stewart, Benmillor. Vegetable—D Stewart, Brussels. Flowers —D Stewart, Brussels. Manufacturers— O Barnwell, Exeter; J L•tidlaw. Ladies' work—Miss S Govenlock, Mrs J G Wilson, Mrs Papet, Mrs Budd. 1Iignest Market Price Paid, D. CANTELON, Clinton. 798-tf. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. - 1) Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn., says : "Shiloh's Vitalizsr 'SAVED MY LIFE" I confider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used " For Dyspepsia, Liyer or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. Sold by J. H Combe Olt the remora1 of worms of all kinds *eta children or adults; use Di. eMITH'alr, GERMAN WORM 4OZi!NCi;1l,-Alway4 prompt, reliable, safe and pleasapt, requiting no after medicine. Never failing, Leave no bad lifter dfects. Prlae. 25 cents nee Box 3. W• Hamilton, proprietor, and all the employes of the Hamilton printing and engraving firm in New York, were arrested last week ivhile turning out lottery tickets and circulars for three different companies. DEAR SIRS.—I have used Yellow 011 for two or three years, and think it has no equal for croup. Mrs; J. S. O'13rien, Huntsville; Ont. rI '5 iw �, ATLE ,1 flI O F ' . gr. lerkfty ' CURS 5 int. `1F 0;4e.. \ .OL c 14 OL ERA CHOLERA—MORBUS ERADIARR�0Eq tiN®�S�VPLA1 6 God NTS SUNM ADUL�"s CHILDREN 0Y cos PrRic f 1/451Ariolvs BE1nIARE;rw .;rt 1V_SAFE EASY TO TAKE BRISTOL'S SUG4R—00 TED, 1 ` si; J .i VEGETABLE 131.1 ,143 INFALLIBLE . I j116 PROMPT IA. Week1 Free Press FARM AND HOME car -For 1893.--o $1.00 BOTH PAPERS FOR $1.00 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. Father Mother C. Grandfather Grancktnithjr • CYD Children And All. EACH NUMBER WILL CONTAIN : •Rnv. Da. TALMAOR'S Ssaa„x delivered the Sunday previously WARNMAR'a WANDERINGS. AGRICULTURAL al ATTER—ll1ustrated. LADIES' PAGE—Illustrated. SPLENDID SHEET OF MUSIC each week. A SERIAL TALE, and other interesting reading !hatter. ...SUBSCRIBE NOW.'• Price, One Dollar a year in advance for the Weekly Preo Pressen(' Parma and Home— in all 16 lenges. Balance of 1894 free. Agents wanted in every unre-•resented district to solicit subscriptions. Big commission. FREE° PRESS PRINTING CO., London, • Ontario. PARENTS MUST HAVE REST. A President of one of our Colleges says: "We spent litany sleepless nights in consequence of our children suffering from colds, but this never occurs naw: We use Scott's Emulsion and it quickly relieves pulmonary troubles." A Stratford man who sued a lady for breach of promise was awarded $1 last week. For Orer Fifty Years Inas, WINetow'e sooTNiNo SYRUP has boon used by millions of mothers for their children while trething. If disturbed at night and broken of your root bya sink child Buffering and prying wish pain of Cutting Teeth Bent: at once and get a bottle of "Mts. Winainw's Soothing Syrup" fnrChildren Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about It. It euros Diar- rhma, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, rndnees Infismmation, and gives tnno and energy to the whole system. "Mra. winalew's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and le the prescription of one M the oldest and best female physicians and nurser; in the United States. Prise twenty five cants a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. no Sure and auk for "tins. W INSLOW'S SOOTHING Srnup." As the result of excessive rain the water at Sagua, Cuba, is from 18 to 45 feet deep, and 3,000 families are home- less. The loss of life is estimated at 200. DYSPEPSIA arises from wrong action of the stomach, liver, and -bowels Burdock Blodd Bitters cures Dyspepsia and all diseases arising from it, 00 times in 100. ._,.'.',Lana _u,.0 .... .. ...- .....,,• n .: flfi."f They read, the,, Locals, the Stories,.: 'the Advertiselnel tS ,every line in the paper, Then they sendit to distant. relative: interested in the town, as null ercitp,i, poste'. , Plasters will certify. The Local Weekly is the "•hest -.Yea publication in existence. It has the holm news which no other paper gives: Advertisers take notice—TEE' NEWS RECORD is read by several thousands of people every week. An advertisement in this paper is therefore, of some account. Subscribe fol THE NEWS -RECORD. • - , • Advertise in THE NEMS-RECRRD. oI1INTON- UTNE CASH GROCERY,, HAS THE' ONLY STRICTLY FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES IN TOWN• �— OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF THE FINEST LINES OF TEAS, COFFEE, CANNED -GOODS, FRUITS, ETC In fact everything that is to be found in a First Class (rocery. See our display of China, Crockery and Glassware. The Latest designs in Dinner, Teawand Bed -Room Sets, Water Setts, Five o'Clock Sets, Salad Bowls, Etc- Visit the Cash Grocery whether you bay or not, OGLE COOPER & CO. Telephone No. 23. - Stand 1 Door North of THE NEWS -RECORD Office. SeverePaln in Shoulder 2Years Cured by"The D.&1."Menthol Plaster. My wik was ;Minted for two yew whb a severe pain under the left shoulder and throughw thl Nears s after awing many remedies without sellef, she tried • "D. & L." Meathol Plaster. it did7uweelt. /ad owing to ibis ant bundled. of these Flamm have been sold by Eu here, giving equal sstistectioe. j. 8. strrteaaaatro Druggist. 1tl.er Jc6n, IL& Sold Everywhere. 2$C. each. S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1894. Names of the District Masters, Primary Lodge Masters, their post office addresses and date of meeting. A. M. TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. O. BIDDULPH DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P.O. 219—Robt. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri day on or before full moon. 002 -Thos. H. Coursey, Lu can, Satu day on or before full moon. 493 -,- Richard Hodgins, Saintstbury, Wednesday on or before full moon. 890 — George Walden, M aplegfove, Wednesday on or before full moon. 924—Edward Gill, Exeter, 1st Friday in each month. 1087—James Kenniston, Parkhill, Mon- day on or before full moon. 1210—Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1313—James Boyce, Centralia, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610—A. Nevins, Centralia, Friday on or after full mobn. GODERICH DISTRICT. James Calwell, W.D.M., Goderich P 0 115—James Co,, Porter's Hill, 1st Mon- day in each month. 153—Addre ' n, Saltford, Friday on or efore ful oon. 182—Ge . M. Cox, Go erich, last Tues - da in each month 189—F. McCartney, H Imesville, Mon- day on or before full moon. - 202—James McLean, Saltford, 3rd Wednesday in each month. 300—Thos. H. Cook, Clinton, 1st Mon- day in each month. HULLETT DISTRICT. D. Cantelon, W.D.M., Clinton P. O. 710—David Cantelon, Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each month, 813—Robert Scarlett, Winthrop, last Wednesday before full moon. 928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1aJ Monday in each month. 793—Wm. Homey, Seaforth, 1st Mon- day in each month. STANLEY DISTRICT. Robert Pollock, W.D.M., Bayfield P.O. 24—James Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Mon- day in each month. 308 --Wm. Consit, Hillsg+'een, 1st Tues day in each month 833—Robert McKinley Blake, 1st Wednesday in each mot h. 733 --Winn. J. Clarke, Hensat-, 1st Thurs- day in each month. I085—Wm. Thursday iBatht ell, Bayfield-, tat 'Nowa—Any omissions or ethos Wars will be as,I81lo6riin,o the County mtrBto. A .36Cl n r 0 Manitoba Farm for Sale. A oultiva'ed farm of 160 acres, situate in Soutfi%s{' Manitoba, near Hartney P. 0., is offered for e on reasonable terms. Owner is unable to woo 11 owing to illness. Apply to box 1811, Clinton P. 0., or Naves-REcoao office. 82841 Teacher Wanted. Wanted for S. S. No. 6, Stanley, a male, teacher holding a Normal certificate. Duties to commence January, 1895. Applications to be received to Octo- ber let. ALEX. FOSTER, Sec., 825•Gt Varnla P. 0. Ont., To Farmers. We have Oats for sale, and give two and three .months time on same—in lots not lees than 15 bushels. Also for sale mixed Corn, Barley and Wheat for chop- ping. July llth. W. H. PERRIN, 817—tf. House For Rent. That nicely situate and confortable dwelling on the Corner of. Huron and Orange streets. All convenennes. and roomy. Hard and soft water, stable and garden. For particulars apply to 814 t -t THOS. JACKSON, Sr Wash Day 'Made Easy. I have secured the right to manaf acture th lamina Maglo Washing Machine. Already I have made and sold a number. The purchasers are delighted. To use tho machine on trial is sure to make a sale it ono is required. Wash -day is made very easy and covets can be kept perfectly clean; no epl.eurng or waste water whatever. The price has been Bet ata very low figure. The machine may be seen at say reeidence on Isaac Street. B. COLE 8004f Valuable Brick Store for Sale. Subscriber offers for este on reasonable terms of payment, a valuable brink store, situate in Searle's Klock, Clinton. Also splenoid building lots for sale. Particulars on application, 925-11 W. C. SEARLE. Clinton CITY BAKER1 OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. ' Tho undersigned having bronght out the bakery business so ,suecaesfnlly carried on by Mr. Wm. Young, will continue the business at the old stand. Ms will endeavor, by supplying a first ohms article to, merit the liberal support of the people. Bread de- livered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied' on short notice. M. BECKWITH, - - CLINTON The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company:,. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OPTIMUM. 1 ,Abe re nese, President, Clinton P. 0.; Goo, 'frit1, vice-president, Hallo.* P. 0.; W, J. Shattnan, SocyTroas., Seaforth iP. 0. ; M. Murdie, In• pector of claims Seaforth P. 0, DIRECTORS, Jde. Broadfoot, Sentorth ; Ales Gardiner, Lea bury ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; John Han nab, Seaforth ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood 1 Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thou. Notlans, Reflect( ; Robt. ,1CMbIlMi, Sea- forth • J. Cummings, Egmondville; Ui0`d Menne. Auditor . Parties desirous to effect lneestranee et trate, ° as to other n a buelnoes will bllaatiott 10 ftflybof .the above 0 05 addessed to "their respective post aces. a