HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-10-03, Page 4be Iluren News-Recora 21.5Q a \'ee,,l---mets its &titmice. WUDNESDAY, Ocrc)ere a 3rd, 1894. The Northwestern EXhibltiun. Least Tuesday and Wednesday here two gala days for the show at eloder- t.oh. With fine weather-, the best grounds god buildings outside the 'cities and • a progressive directorate nothing else might naturally be ex petted.. The inside departments were equal, if not. superior, to London, while the outside exhibits were on the whole of a very superior order. We are in- debted to the Star fur the following complete Walker. Parkins, silver grey, W. Irwin. H.utnburgs, spangled, golden and silver, James Postlewaite, I. Mc- Lean Heeiburgs, black and white,. W. Irwin. Meek Spanish, white faced, G. A. Whitely. Leghorns, black, John Dunn, Leghorns, white, J. C. Lyons, 0, A. Whitely. Leghorns, brown, single comb, J. Postlewaite, T.Morrow. Hou - dans, W. Irwin. Polish, golden and silver, J. Postlewaite. Plymouth Rocks, W. Irwin, G. A. Whitley: Wyaudottes, J. C. Lyons, John Knox. \Vv andottes, white, G. A. Whitely, J. `IDickson, sr. Andalusians, G. A. -' Whitely. Minarcos, W. Irwin, J. Postlewaite. Minarcos, white, G. A. Whitely. Dourinicks, H. Hale. Garde, black -breasted red, 1 and 2, C. A. Wells. Game, pile, J. C., Lyons. Game, bantams, black -breasted red, 1 and 2 R. McLean. Game bantams, pile, R. McLean. Gavle bantams, duckwiug, R. MCLeau. Turkeys, bronze, 1. Salkeld, jr. Geese, Embden, G. A. Whitely. Geese, Toulouse, Wm. Lamprey, Gien Beos. Ducks, any other variety, W. Irwin, estate J. J. tiPisher. Guinea fowls, R. W. Run - einem, Mrs. Wm, Elliott. Geese, China, G. A. Whitely. Geese, any other variety, John Salkeld, D. Lind- , say. Ducks, Runere D. Lindsay. Ducks, Pekin, W. Irwin, \V, Lamprey. Spring chickens, Brahmas, light, H. L. Watson, J. H. Williams. Brahmas, dark, J. C. Lyons. Haurburgs, spang- led, golden and silver, J. Postlewaite. Black Spanish, white faced, G. A. Whitely. Leghorns, black, J. Dunn. Leghorns, white, Win Hartry, R. Mc- Lean.Leghorns,tn d wu'single comb, J. Dunn, T. Mrrow. Houdans, A , Kirkbride. Polish, . White, crested, black, .J. Postlewaite. Plymouth rocke, W. Irwin, J. C. Lyo.ls. \ yan dotter, .1. C. Lyons, J. H. Woresll. Wynndottes, white, G. A. Whitely, J. Dunn. Andalusians, G. A.Whitely. Minarcos 1 and 2 \Vm. Hartry. Do- rninicks, H. Hale. Grove, black breast- ed, red C. A. \Veils. Gimme, pile, Thos. Beattie, J. C. Lyons. Game bantams black breasted,red, R. 1\IcLean. Game bantams brown breasted, red, R. Mc- Lean. Genie bantams, duckwing, R. McLean. Red Caps, J. C. Lyons. Turkeys, bronze, I. Sal- keld, jr. J. \V. Salkeld. Turkeys, black, Mrs. W. Elliott. Geese, Emb- den, G. A. Whitely. Geese, Toulouse, \Vm. Lamprey. Geese, any other variety,I. Salkeld, jr.,Mrs. \Viii. Elliott. Rouen, Mrs. H. R. Walker. Ducks, Pekin, 1 and 2 W. Irwin. Ducks, tiny other variety, Simon MoKay, Mrs. \Vin. Elliott. Guinea fowls, Mrs. Wrn. Elliott, Collection rah'pits, Geo. Sillih. Collection pigeons, not less than three pairs, Geo. Sillib, Simon McKay. Colleetion of barnyard fowls, Mrs. \V. Elliott, \V. Irwin. Breeding Pens-Brahrnas, light or dark, R. Mc- Lean, J. C. Lyons. Leghorns, any variety, Wm. Anstrty, T. Morrow. \Vyandottes, any variety, J. C. Lyons, J. H. Worsen. Gaines, any variety, C. A. -Wells. Singing canary, Wm. Lamprey, W. Irwin. Parrot, Beatrice Garrow. Owl, Geo. Sillib. PRIZE LIST. HotasEs.--Thoroughbred --Thos. Gun- dry took 1st prize and diploma for aged stallion, ti elyl,e being no other 'competition. Il. deter - Stallion, :3 year's old, \V. A. Colborne. Stallion 2 years, ohl, A. M. Polley. Stallion, yearling. J. 1). Warwick, 0. \\r. \Vie- liauls. Stallion, any age, W. A. Col- borne. Filly or gelding, 3 years old, Tames :\1c•Mrannns, W. Doherty: Filly or gelding 2 years old, John Porter, W. N Howell. Filly or gelding, yearling, A. M. Polley, Andrews taros. Brood mare with her •foal by her side, S;ewJrt McDougal, John Porter. Foal ot• 185)1, Andrews Bros., Stewart, 1Ie').nigal. :,1atche,l r, o•::.; el la,..ue.; Lu:.,. fiat.:.0 ) bre s L t e Chill:. Smelt. horse in itu•ne.:s, 1't and. 2nd J. I; Whitely. Female, :any age, J. 13. Whitely. l.tdy Drivers -- Mrs. 13. IIowell, Miss M. Porter. Saddle -Saddle horse, J. Davis, John Salkeld. Pony in saddle and hest boy rider, R. McLean, Jos. Wilson. Car- cia e -Stallion, aged, and diploma, O. B. Wilson. Filly or gelding, 3 years ° old, Stewart McDougal, A. Drysdale. Filly or gelding, 2 years old, S. Bissett, A.. Drysdale. 'Yearling filly or gelding, John Sturdy. Brood mare, G. A. Whitley, Thos. Gundry. Foal of 1894, A. A. Young, W. Ne Howell. Pair matched carriage hoe es, J. Davis, A. McMurchy. Single carriage horse, John Porter, A. M. Polley. Female, any age, G. A. Whitley. General purpose -Brood mare, S. Bissett, A. A. Young. Filly or gelding, 2 years old, Hugh Chisholm, G. F:'Dale. Yearling filly or gelding, S. Bissett, G. F. Dale. Foal of 1894, S. Bissett, A. A. Young. Matched team in harness, Jas. Hamilton, Robinson Woods. Agricul- tural -Brood mare, Hugh Chisholm, J. T. Salkeld. Foal of 1894, Hugh Chisholm, Stewart McDougal. Match- ed terms in harness, Jas. Stevens, David Lindsay. Walking, special -Walking team to wagon, empty, wheels not locked, Geo. Falconer, Saml. Potter. Heavy Draught, imported -Stallion, 2 years old, and diploma, also filly 2 years old, Jas. Snell. Brood mare with Aral and foal of 1891, Thos. Todd, John Avery. Heavy Draught, Canadian Bred --Stallion, 3 years old and over, J. W. Yeo and diploma. Brood Mare with foal, Geo. Dale, Jas. Reynolds. Filly or gelding, 2 years old, Geo. Dale, Percy Stewart. Gelding or filly, yearling, Geo. Dale. J. F. Dale. Foal of 1804, Jas. Reynolds, J. F. Dale. Span horses, Jas. Reynolds,'J. F. Dale. CATTLE. -Durham. thoroughbred - Bull, 2 years old, Jas. Snell, Robt. Beanr. Bu11, 1 year old, las. Tabb, Isaac Salkeld, jr.' Bull calf, under 1 year, Jas. Snell, Isaac Salkeld, jr. Best bull of•any age, .Tas. Snell. Cow in calf or giving milk, Jas. Tabb, Jas. Snell. Heifer, 2 years old, 1 and 2 Jas. Snell. Heifer, 1 year old, J. Snell. Heifer calf, under 1 year, J. Snell, Isaac Salkeld. Best female of any age, ' Jas. Tabb. Hereford, thoroughbred - Bull, 2 years old, PM's. Wm. Elliott. Cow in calf or giving milk, 1 and 2 Mrs. Win. Elliott. -Heifer, 2 years old, Mrs. Wm. Elliott. Heifer, 1 year old, Mrs. Wrn. Elliott. Heifer en 1f, under 1year, 1 and 2 Mrs. '\-Vol. Elliott. Best female of any age, Mrs. Wm. Elliott. Polled Angus or Aberdeen,. thoroughbred - Bull, 1 year old, John Varcoe. Cow in elf or giving milk, 1 and 2 J. Varcoe. Heifer, 1 year. old, J. Varcoe. Best female of any age, John Varcoe. Jersey, thoroughbred -Bull 1 year old, A. Drysdale. Cow in calf Ar giving milk, 3: L. Aitkin, G. H. Cox. Heifer 1 year old, A. Drysdale. Heifer calf under1 year, J. L. Aitkin. Best female of any age, A. Drysdale. Grade cattle. -Cow, estate J. J. Fisher, J. W. Salk- eld, J. H. Williams. Heifer, 2 years old, H. Curwen, John Clark. Mrs W. Elliott. Heifer 1 year old, J. W. Salkeld, Mrs. W. Elliott. Heifer calf, Mrs. Win. Elliott, John Clark. 2 year old steer. Mrs. Wm Elliott, John Clark. Yearling steer, J. W. Salkeld. Best fe m 1e any age, J. J. Fisher. Best herd J. \V. Salkeld, John Clark. Fat cow or heifer, W. T. Murney, also recommended as best on the ground. SEI EEP.-Leicester--James Snelletook all the first prizes in this class and 2nd for shearling ewes and H. Curwen 2nd in rain two shears and over. South - downs. -Glen Bros. takes all prizes in this clasp. Oxfordshire Downs. -,Jas. Tabb takes all prizes in this class. Sheep any breed, named. -Ram, 2 shears, estate J. J. Fisher. Shearling ram, A. M. Polley. Ram lamb, estate J. J. Fisher. Pair of shearling ewes, A. M. Polley. Pair of ewe lambs, estate I. J. Fisher. Ram any age, estate J. J. Fisher. Ewe, any age, A. M. Polley. Shropshire Downs. -Rani, 2 shear and,over, G. W. Sturdy, John Avery. Shearling ram, John Salk'eld,' G. W. Sturdy. Rant lamb, G. W. Sturdy, John Salkeld. Peir of ewes, .John Salkeld, John Avery. Pair of shearling ewes, G. W. Sturdy, John .Avery. Rtirof ewelamhs, John Avery. Ram, any age, ewe any age G. W. .Sturdy. Fat Sheep. -Best fat sheep, Jas. Snell, Jas. Table. PIGS. -Improved Berkshire. -Bora' 2 years old, Wm. McAllister. Boar, -over 1 year and ander 2 years, H. Cur - wen. Boar littered in 1894 and hoar of :any age, Wtn. McAllister. Sow 2 years and over, Wnt. McAllister, John Salkeld. Sow over 1 year and ruiner 2 years, 1 and 2 Wm. McAllister. Sow of any age, Win. McAllister. Suffolks. -Jos. Wilson takes all prizes in this class. Poland China. -Boar over 1 year, estrat.e .1.J. Fisher, \Von. Sinclair. J3na.r littered in 1891, X. L'a.echier, Sinclair. Boar of any age X. Buechler. Sow, 2 years and over, Win. Sinclair, X. Baechler. Sow over 1 and under 2 years, L and 2 X. Buechler. Sow, lit- tered in 1871, Est. J. J. Fisher, Wnl. Sinclair. Improved Yorkshire -Bonar over 1 year, bear of any age, Robert Bean. Large Breeds --0. B. Wilson and Jos. Wilson takes all prizes in this class except for pen which was award- ed to Wm. McAllister. Potnerae--Brahrnas, light, R. Mc- Lean, J. 11. Williams. Brahinas, dark, W. Irwin. Cochins, buts; Mrs. H. R. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. - Field Grains, etc -Red Clawson wheat, T. R. Wallis, H. Curwen. Democrat fall wheat, H. Curwen, Robt. Bean. An other variety fall wheatme, white, name, H. Curwen, D. Lindsay. Any other variety fall wheat, red or amber, named, John Salkeld, Geo. Dale. Spring wheat, Colorado, John Salkeld, H. Curwen. Spring wheat, any other variety, H. Curwen, John Salkeld. Six -rowed barley, H. Curwen, S. Bis- set. Two -rowed barley, named, John Salkeld, H. Curwen. Large peas, S. Furze. Small peas, S. Furze. White oats, S. Furze, Win Lamprey, Black oats, S. Furze, J. T. Salkeld. Flax seed, John Salkeld, S. Furze. Timothy seed, S. L. Scott, John Salkeld. Clover seed, G. W. Andrews, H. Curwen: White beans, S. L. Scott. Best and largest collection of grain in the straw, grown by the exhibitor, S. Furze, John Salkeld. FIELD ROOTS, VEGETABLES, Em - Long red marigold wurtrels, Wm. 'Warnock, •Geo. Shepperd, sr. Globe marigold wurtzels, \Vat. Warnock, Geo. Shepperd, sr. Swede turnips, Abe Durnin, Thos. Beatties Field carrots, long red, T. It. Wallis. White carrots, Win. Warnock, .los. Wilson. Peck of onions, Win. War- nock, Win. St erling. Corn, field, John Salkeld, Est. J. J. Fisher. Largest pumpkin, Wm. Warnock, Jas. Aiken - head. Largest -squash, 1\'ret. Warnock, Larges` turnips, H. Curwen, A. Drys- dale. Largest -stalks field corn, John Porter, Jos. Wilson. GARDEN VEGETABLES -White ele- phant potatoes, A. Bingham, Jas. Stewart. Beauty of Herbon potatoes, G. Shepperd, sr., A. Bingham. Pota- toes, any variety minted, Mr•s. H. R. Walker, G. Shepperd, sr. English vegetable narrow, Win. Warnock, \V. N. Howell. Summer squash, for table, Wtn. Warnock. Winter squash, for table, Jas. Stewart, Win. Warnock. White or golden celery, H. L. Watson, R. Warrington. Red celery, R. vVar- rington, J. H. Worse ll. Winter cabbage, maned, G. Shepperd, sr., John Salkeld. Fall cribbage, named, A. Bingham, R. Warrington. Savoy cabbage, S. Morningstar, A. Bingham. Red cab- bage, A. Bingham, R,. Warrington. Long blood beats, table, C. A. Wells, Wm. Kirkbride. Turnip blood beats, table, John Richards, Judge Toms. Radishes, C. A. Wells, Mrs. H. Howell. Table turnips, WVin. Swaffleld, Sant Furze. Long orange carrots, Mrs. T. Hamilton, John Richards. Ear13, horn carrots, Win. Warner k, John Rich- ards. Scarlet carrots, Nance, A. Bing- ham, Win. Stvrlffleld. Parsnips, for table, \Ven Warnock, Jas. Stewart. Red onions, John Salkeld, A. Kirkbride. Yellow onions, C. A. Wells, John Salkeld. Silver skin onions, C. A. Wells, Geo. Shepperd, sr. Collection sweet corn, Judge Toms, Jas. Aiken - head. Corn, for table, R. Warrington, C. A. Wells. Egg plant, H. L. Wat- son, A. Bingham. Cauliflower, A. Kirkbride, Wm. Kirkbride. Ripe capsicums, J. 1-J. Williams, C. A. Wells, Red tomatoes, Wm. Stewart, A. Bing- ham. Purple tomatoes, Wm. Stewart, J. H. \Vorsell. Yellow torrent neo, Wm. Stewart, A. Kirkbride. Collec- tion garden herbs, C. A. Wells. Col, lection garden produce, distinct from other entries, C. A. Wells. \V►n. War- nock. • DAIRY Prtonurrs. .- Ten pounds table butter, Wnl. Sterling, Mrs. \Vm. Elliott. Five pounds table butter, Anthony Allen, Wil, Stirling. 'Ttibor crock of salt butter, not less than 40 pounds, Janles 'Stevens, Mrs. Hamil- ton.Ten pounds salt butter, \Vie. Swaffield, G. F. Clark. Cheese, factory made, Walter Fero. INDOOR DEPARTMENTS. Fr.owarts.---Colleetion of cut flowers, H. L Watson, W. Kiely. Dahlias, 'Wm. Stevart, W. Kiel y. Verbenas, II. L. \Vatson, It. \Varringtorl Four different roses, John Stewart, ,'Hand bouquet, A. Bingham, H. L. Watson. Table bouquet, H. L. Watson, R. Warrington. Carnations, H. L. Wat- son. Dianthus, I:I. L. Watson, Wm. Stewart. Floral design, H. L. Watson, R. Warrington. Zinnias, double, H. L. Watson, W. Kiely. Geraniums, single Hower, John Stewart, H. L. Watson. su. Gi eranum,s double flower, H. L. Watson, JohnStewart. Peren- nial Phloxes, H. L. Watson. Phloxes, annual, Wan. Stewart, H. L. Watson. Gladiolus, A. Bingha , H. L. Watson. Six varieties gladiolus, named, W. Webster., A. Bingham. Asters, Win. Stewart, H. L. Watson. Pansies, \Vm. Stewart, H. L. Watson. Balsam spikes, in bloom, W. Kiely, H. L. Watson. Stocks spikes, 3.H. Wil. Hams, Win. Stewart. Petunias, single, Wm. Stewart, H. L. Watson. Petun- ias, .double, John Stewart, R. Warring. ton. Annuals, named, H. L. Watson Coleus, John Stewart, A. Bingham, Coxcombs, spikes, Wm. Stewart, W Webster. Tuberous begonias, single' John Stewart, A. Bingham. Tuberou, begonias, double, John Stewart. Begonias rex, A. Bingham. Fuchsias, varieties in flower, \Ven. Stewart. Geraniums, single, John Stewart, H. L. Watson. Four geraniums, single, H. L. Watson, R. Warrington. Eight geraniums, double, in bloom, John Stewart, W. Kiely Four geraniums, double, in bloom, H. L. Watson, John Stewart. Nine varieties, greenhouse plants, R. Warrington, A.. Bingham. Nine v ieties, foliage plants, different Aber er entt ies, R. Warrington, A. Bingham. Two. h,Ln in flower bas- kets, Vll ras kets, H. L. Watson, A. 13inghrun. One hanging flower brisket, A. Bing- ham, II. L. \'Vateon. AseATEUR Lis'r.---Collection of cut flowers, W. Webster, P. Fox. Six varieties dahlias, W. Webster. Collec- tion verbenas, J. li. 1Villiants, J. T. Dickson. Hand bouquet„ P. Fox, J. T. Dickson. Table bouquet, J. T. Dick- son, P. Fox. Collection dianthus, P. Fox, J. H. Williams. Collection zinnias, W. Webster, J. H. Williams. Collection truss geraniums, \Vru. Stew- art, G. E. Holt. Collection phloxes, J. H. William,, \V Webster. Collec- tion asters, W. Webster, J. H. Wil- liams. Collection pansies, P. Fox, J. H. William. Collection petunias, single, W. Webster, J. H. Williams. Collection petunias, dinible, W. 'Web- ster. Four varieties coleus, P. Fox, W. Webster. Three varieties tuberous begonias in bloom, J. H. Williams. Two begonia rex, P. Fox. Two fuchsias in bloom, \Voir Stewart, W. Webster, Three geraniums, single, in bloom, Wrn. Stewarb, J. H. Williams. Three geraniums, double, in bloom, P. Fox, J. H. Williams. Three varieties foliage plants, Wm. Stewart, W. Web- ster. 'Three varieties plants in bloom, not specified, J. H. Williams. One hanging basket, J. H. Williams. Two cactus, R. Richardsuu, W. Webster. Hydrangia in bloom, special by Jno. Stewart, J. H. Williams. Two varie- ties begonias in bloom, E. Richardson., Win, Stewart. Be.st'itollection in pots, Win. Stewart, J. H. Williams. HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. -A - Eies-Tell varieties, named, . Mrs. \V. lliott, J. T. Dickson. Six varieties, named, cooking, John Richards, J. T. Dickson. Six varieties, named, dessert, J. T. Dickson, Mrs. W. Elliott. North- ern Spy, C. W. Williams, John Porter. Rhode Island greening, Mrs. \V. Elliott, Mrs. C. A. Humber. Maiden's blush, Mrs. W. Elliott, W. M. Knight, Goderich township. Alexander, J. T. Dickson, Judge Toms. Wealthy, 2nd John Salkeld. Colvert, W. Irwin, estate J. J. Fisher. Baldwin, W. M. Knight, John Stewart. King of Tom- pkins County, ,J. 1'. Dickson, estate .J. J. Fisher. Spitzenbur•g !Eopus, G. A. Whitley, Mrs. W. Elliott. Fallawate r, C. W.Willianis, Andrew Bros. Rox- bury russet, At Beattie, J. C. La Touzel. Hubbartlson's nonsuch, J. T. Salkeld. American golden russet, WM. Stirling, Mrs. W. Elliott. Ribston pippin, Selina Nutt, J. T. Dickson. 1Vagner, .\Irs. W. Elliott, G. A. Whit- ley. Blenheim pippin, .eery. W. Elliott, Thomas Beattie. Beer Davis, .J. 1'. Dickson, John Salkeld. Swear, W. Elliott, John Porter. Hawthorn - den, John Stewart, .J. C. La 'Touzel. Grimes golden, J. T. Dickson. ('ati- ada red, G. A. Whitley, estate J. J. Fisher. Swazze pouiice Brise, John Stewart, .Jas. Dickson, sr. Pomure }vise, Abe Durnin, G. W. Andrews. Mann, J. C. La Touzel, 1V. M. Knight. Ontario, John Cox, G. A. Whitley. Snow, Win. Warnock, W. Irwin, Gravenstein, John Stewart, Mrs. Writ. Elliott. St. Lawrence, Mrs. NA. Elliott. 20 -oz pippin, \V. M. Knight, G. E. Holt. Beauty of Kent. G. E. Holt, John Salkeld. Cayuga red streak, \Vm. Irwin, Wm. Sterling. Duchyes of Oldenburg, S. Furse, Selina Nott. Chenango strawberry, Mrs. W. Elliott. Phoenix, Mrs. Win Elliott, J. \V.Salk- eld. Tolman sweet, John Porter, W. Warnock. AN esttleld's seek no further, C. W. Williams, S. L. Scott. Crab apples, G. A. Whitley, J. Beck. .J. R. Shannon, Wer. Stewart, Porter, Judge Toms. American pippin, J. 0. Irl Touzel, G. A, Whitley. Special W. T. Murney 1st. Special, J. C. La Touzel 2nd. Pears -Six verities, named, S. Furze, H. Curwen. Three varieties, named, \Vit Warnock, H. ('ti•wen. Bartlett, .J. H. \Vorsell, \Ven. \Vim•. nock. Flemish beauty, John Salkeld, Geo. Church. Vicar of \Vinkfield, H. L. Watson, Glen Bros. Duchess i'Angoulerne, 1. H. Worsell, Arthur (rrzoti. President Drnard, J. H. Wil- liams,. Belle Lucrative, Mrs. Hal ton, John Stewart, Louis I3onne De .Jersey, I. T. Dickson, Thos. Beattie. I3eurre DAnjou, Drysdale, S. Furze. Benrre Sur. a rfine, ,J. 0. La Touzel, A. Curzon. \Vhi te Doyenne, John Sal keld, John Richards. Grey Doyenne, John Rich- ards, Jas. Rusk.. Benrre Hardy, John Richards. Beurre Diel, A. Drysdale, Mrs. Hamilton. Beuu'r•e Bose, S. Furze, A. Bingham. Sheldon, \Vm. Knight, A. 0. McDonald. Winter Neliis, H. Curwen, Jest. Dickson, Sr. Benrre ('lairgeon, J. R. Shan- non, Hornier Horton. Howell, James Dickson, sr., .Limes Dickson, jr. Sec- kel, John Andrews, J. T. Salkeld. Clapp's favorite, S. Furze, Lawrence, H. Horton. Butfani. A. Drysdale, H. Uurwen. Joephine De Valines, 2d A. Bingham. Keitfer, W. Warnock,. A. Drysdale. Special, Wm. I' n ight. Pltmns- -Ponds seedling. \\'nt. Stewart, John Richards. Smith's Orleans, \\'illia.m Stewart. Yellow egg, Wil- liam Warnock, A. Bingham. Duane's pm plc, William Stewart, Lombard, Wm, Stewru•t, P. Fox, sr. Rcine Claude De Bevay, \Vol. Warnock, Mrs. Hamilton. imperial gage, \Vin. Stewart. Coe's Golden Drop. Wm. Stewart, Horace Horton. Petrel), P. Fox. sr., Wm. Stewart. Peaches Early(h•owford, W. T. Marney, 9. lbIoriingstar• Mountain Rose., 7. T. Dickson. Late ('rowford, Wm. War- nock. Seedling, M. Carl, Win. War - a Hack. Grapes, Melones, etc -Best and heaviest, 2 clusters, white, under glass, J. R. Shannon, R. Warrington. 3est and heaviest, 2 clusters, back, under glass, R. Warrington, J, R. Shannon. Twelve varieties, grown in open air, 2 clusters of each, correctly named, W. Warnock, J. R. Shannon. Eight varieties, named, open air, 2 clusters of each, W. Warnock, Wrn. Stewart. Four varieties, named, open airs 2 clusters of each, W Warnock, A. Brin ghant. Three bunches Delaware, W. Warnock, A. Bingham. Con- cord,W. Warnock, A Bingham. Hart- ford, Win. Stewart. J. T. Dickson. Roger's No. 3, A. Bingham, J. It. Shan- non. Roger's No. 4, Wm, Warnock, J. T. Dickson, Roger's Nu. 9, W. War- nock, J. R. Shannon, Roger's, No. 14, J. T. Dickson, W. Warnock. Roger's, No. 15, W. Warnock, J. R. Shannon. Roger's, No. 10, Win. Warnock, Win. Stewart. Roger's, No. 41, J. T. Dick- son. Iona, Wm. Warnock, A. Billy. haat. Salem, A. Bingham, Dickson, sr. Moore's Diamond, W. Warnock. Eaton, W. Warnock. Virgennes, W. Warnock. Clinton, Isaac Salkeld, jr., Wm. Stewart. Creveling, J. Dickson, sr., J. T. Dick- son. Niagara, J. Dickson, sr. J. R. Shannon. Empire State, W. War nock. Jessica, W. Warnock. Warden, S. Morningstar, J. R. Shannon Moore's Early, S. Morningstar P. H. Torus. Brighton, J. 1'. Dickson, Wm. Waryrnock. Mills, 24 W. Warnock. Welter• melons, C. A. Wells, W. War- nock. Yellow flesh melons, 2 R Warr- ington. Green or scarlet, flesh melons, C. A. Wells, ell. , R. Warrington. Citrons, Mrs, Hamilton, C. A. Wells. DositssTic MANtrFAcruUE, - Honey in combo, 10 lbs. Wm. Hattyy, Mr•s, G. A. Huinber. Jnrof honey, Win Harty, John Porter. Maple. syrup, E. Richard- son, Mi s. C. A. Humber. Collection home made preserves, Mrs. H. R. Walker, S. Morningstar. Peaches, A. Curzon, " Wrn. Warnock. Pears, John Porter, George Church. Citron, Mrs. H. R. Walker, S. Morningstar. Cucumber, Mrs. C. A. Humber, A. E. Washington. Quince, Mrs. Torus, John Andrews. Jellies, W. N; Howell, Mrs. H. Ib. Walker. Thrtee loaves home made bread, Geo. Church, Percy Stewart. Three loaves horneinade bread, trade with yeast cakes, W. M. Knight. Goderich township, Pt icy Stewer.i Three loaves home made bread, made with bakers hop yeast. Geo. Green, A. Allen. Layer cake, John Stewart, Eva Cattle. Twelve tea biscuits, Mrs. C. A. Humber, Wm. Warnock. Col- lection of pies, Eva Cattle, J. L. Atkin. One dozen fancy tarts, Eva Cattle, Win. Stirling. FINE ARTS. -Professional List, Oil Originals -Any subject, R.. Crockett, G. H. Mountcastle. Landscape, Can- adian subject, 1 and 2, :R. Crockett. Marine view, R. Crockett, C. H. Mount - castle. Animals, from life, Miss Polly, C. -Ii. Mountcastle. Flowers or fruit, C. H. Mountcastle, R. Crockett. Still life, not flowers or fruit, Jas. Griffiths C. H. Mountcastle. Copies, any sub- ject, JiLs. Griffiths, R. Crockett. Ama- teur List, Oil= -Any Subject, J. T. Dick- son, Mrs. C. Campbell. Landscape, S. L.Scntt,A.M.Pnlly. Marine view, Mrs. Campbell, A. l'd. Polly. Animals from life, Mrs. A. C. Johnston, Mrs. Camp - hell. Flowers or fruit, S. L. Scott, Mrs. Johnston. Still life, not flowers or fruit, Mrs. Campbell, Miss M. Shep- hard. Original painting, any subject, MI'S, Johnston, Mrs. Campbell. Paint- ing on silk or satin, oils auuature. L. Sy►nington,• Mrs. Campbell. Honor- able mention, Miss Stokes. Water Colors .-Anysubjeet, R. Crockett, Jas. Griffiths, Landscape, Canadian suh- Mect, Miss Mountcastle, R. Crockett. arine view, R. Crockett., Miss Mount - castle. Animals from life, Miss Mottnt- castle. Flowers or fruit, Jas. Griffiths, R Crockett. Still life, not flowers or fruit, R. Crockett, Hiss Iblounteastle. Copy any subject, hiss Mountcastle, Jas. Griffiths. Sepia, Jas. Griffiths, R. Crockett. Pencil or Crayon drawing, Miss Mountcastle, Jas. Griffiths. Pen and ink sketch, James Griffiths, R. Crockett. Aniature Water Colors, - Any subject, Mts. Johnston, Mrs. Campbell. Landscape, Sirs. Johnston, J. T. Dickson. Marine view. Jas. Dickson, se.,..J. T. Dickson. Animals, Mrs. Johnston, A. M. Polley. Flowers or fruit, Mrs Johnston, Miss Fraser. Still life, not flowers or fruit, Mrs. Johnston, Miss Fraser. Original, any subject, Miss Stokes, Mrs. Campbell. Sepia, Mrs. ,Johnston, Miss Frazer. Pencil or crayon drawing, Mrs. Johns- ton, Mrs. Campbell. Pen and ink sketch, Mrs. Campbell, 0. L. House- man. Painting on silk or satin, water colors (arnatenr) Miss Fraser, J. M. Robertson. t nn. Specimen ipemnrurtship, plain, S. L. Scott, Matthew Woods. Specimen penmanship ornamental, Matthew Woods. Architectural Draw- ing -Professional or Amateur- A. Kaufman, R. Crockett. Engine, ma- chine, or mill drawing, A. Kaufman, J. C. Watson. Hous MAxt'PA °TURES.-Woven quilt, home trade, Selina Nott, est. J..J. FISlr• er; patchwork quilt, woolen, Mrs. Remit. ton, S. Nott; patchwork quilt, cotton, S. Nott., L. Symington ; patchwork quilt, silk, Mrs. H. Ileale ; embroidered quilt, Mrs. C. Campbell; knitted quilt, J. Beck, A. Allen; crotchet work:quilt, L. Symington,'Mrs. H. Veale, Srnyrna rug, Mrs. II. 11. Walker, S. Nott ; home made, carpet, Mrs. H. lt. Walker, 8. Nott ; 'home made rag mat, Mrs. II. I1. Walker, Wm. Sterling; woollen stock- ings, Mrs. Hamilton, Miss I. Buchanan ; woollen socks, S. Nott, Miss L. Buch. anan ; woollen gloves, S. Nott, L. Sym. ington ; woollen mita; A. E. Washing•. ton, Miss L. Buchanan; woollen yarn, home made, Mrs. Hamilton, Wm. Steri. ing; gent's shirt, hand made, Mrs. [Jamil. ton, Miss Buchanan ; gent's shirt, mach. ine made, ,Miss Buchanan, Mrs. Hamil. ton ; gent's fanny flannel shirt, machine made, Misa Buohanan, Mrs. Hamilton ; gent's fancy flannel shirt, hand made, S. Nott, Miss Buchanan ; night dress, Wm' Sterling, S. Nott; tatting, S. Nott, A, Curzon ; crotchet work, in wool, Mrs. C. Campbell, S. Nott ; crotchet work, in cotton, S. Nott, Mrs. Campbell ; ma- crame work, L. Symington, G. A. Whitely ; crotchet work and novelty braid combined, Mrs. Campbell, J. M. Robertson ; embroidery on linen or cot. ton, L. Symington, II. L. Watson ; point lane, .Eva Wilkinson, L. Symington; honiton lace, 8. Nott, L. Symington ; silk embroidery, S. Nott, Hattie C. Smith ; embroidered slippers, ,. Nott, Mrs, 11. R. Walker, piano or table scarf, Mrs. C. Camp. bell, Miss Polley ; worked whisk holder, S. Nott, Mrs. A. Waddell ; worked parlor ratchet, S. Nott, M. L. Sneyd ; sofa pillow, M. L. Sneyd, Miss J. Wilson; tray cloth, embroidered, C. A. Nairn, Mrs. C. Campbell; table oentre piece, 1.. Symington, Mrs. Campbell ; ies Jackets and Wraps. 9 We have just received and opened out one of the richest and most Stylish lot of these goods ever, brought in this `Town, almost every design and colo that is new is here. Ladies will notice quite a change from last season's styles and those who buy here are sure of the latest. GILROY & WISEMAN TRUSSES! TRUSSES 1 --o—W We carry the LATEST and BEST TRUS 3ES known to the profession, and I. sell then cheaper than the Truss Establishment es we make no charge for fitting, but guarantee every truss to fit or it may be returned. POINTS TO REMEMBER : 1st. It is not neceeaary to send out of town, as we fit the smallest iufant or the largest man in this section. 2nd. We will sell you a Truss for $5.00 that the Truss Dealer will charge you $15:00 3rd. We will cell you a Truss for $2,50 that the Truss Dealers will charge you $10.00 LADIES' SHOULDER BRACES.—See Them. as. II, COME, - Mist and Druggist. L. Sneyd ; one set table mats, Mrs. A. Waddell, Miss Stokes ; tea cosy, Hattie C. Smith, Mrs. Campbell; shawl of any kind, H. L. Watson, M. L. Sneyd;; fancy braiding any material, 8. Nott, M. L. Sneyd; fancy knitting, by hand, A. E. Washington, S. L. Scott; fancy patched work, L. Symington, A E. Washington; etching or outline embroid. ery, S. Nott, Mrs. C. Campbell; Roman embroidery-, in linen, M. L. Sneyd, E. Richardson ; darned net, specimens of L. Symington, S. Nott; patch on an old garment, Miss Stokes ; fancy netting, Miss Buchanau ; drawn work, Hattie C. Smith, Miss G. E. Martin; darning, best and neatest on stockings, Mrs. Hanel. ton, Miss Stokes; Queen Ann darning, Mrs. Campbell, L. Symington ; repousse or hammered brass work, Miss E. F'rezer; painting on glass, Miss Camp- bell, L. Syrnington ; painting on fe,t, Mies Buchanan, Miss Stokes; fire screen Mrs. Campbell, L. Symington; fancy tidy, Mrs. Campbell, L. Symington; novelty, any kind, Mrs. H. It._ Walker, L. Symington ; crotchet linen Jace, H. L. Watson, Hattie C. Smith ; crochet cotton lace, Mrs. Campbell, A. E Wash- ington ; chenille embroidery on felt, S. Nott, L. Symington; etching on any materal, fine or coarse,lHattie C. Smith, C. A. Nairn; arrasene work, S. Nott, W. T. Murney ; crazy work in wool, H. L. Watson, G. A Whitely ; crazy work in silk, S. Nott, L. Symington; aplique on felt, S. Nott, L. Symington ; fancy pincushion, Mrs. Campbell, M. L. Sneyd; crochet or knit slippers, M. L. Sneyd, S. Nott; button boles, display, W. T. Murney, A. E. Washington; handlere chief sachet, M. 14. Sneyd, Hattie C. Smith ; glove box. M. L. Sneyd; kitchen apron, H. L. Watson, Hattie Smith ; laundry bag, Mrs. El. R. Walker, H. L. Watson ; embroidery with linen floss, L. Symington, Miss G. E. Martin ; ems broidery with rope silk, I.. Symington, Miss G. E. Martin ; best and greatest collection of Ladies' work, S. Nott, L. Symington ; oolleetion millinery, Hattie C. Smith ; wreath of flowers, recom. mended. G'URRE.VT TOPICS. The commutation of McWherrell's death Benton' ' to imprisonme,at for life is to our mind a wise proceeding. While the doomed man may have been guilty, the evidence turas purely cir- cumstantial and another prisoner at present awaits trial for the sane crime. In the present case McWherrcl has justily been given every benefit of the doube and he will now spend the term of his natural life within prison walls. Summerhill. `"Tis distance lends enchantment to the view," The P.0. Store's the cheapest place for you. Holmesville. 11[r. Frank Baer has removed into the residence well known as the "man- sion." Mr. James Colgnhouul, wife and daughter, from Gerrie, are visiting friends here. Mrs. Colquhonn is a sister to Mrs. T. Murch. Mr. W. Stanley is engaged in buying hogs. it is hoped he will speedily extend his horsiness so wide as -to in - elude the purchase of cattle and horses also. M the pulpit. of the Methodist churchr. W. McRoberts, teacher, occupied here on Sabbath morning last for the flrst time. We purposely refrain from making any comments on the sermon, as flattery such aS is often found in our cotenl on such subjects, is, even if true, neither beneficial or commend- ab1e. it is •gratifying to the creamery patrons to learn that they are to any pSymington, M. , Iet set o f kind L. receive their returns this week Blyth. Mrs. Purvis and family are visiting friends in Teeswater for a few days. Rev. Mr. Riley, of Brussels, was in town on Monday. Our tax collector is on the war path. Get your bawhess ready and save the 5 per ,cent added after November 1st. Sacrament of the Lerd's Supper was • administered -in St. Andrew's (Presby- terian) church on Sunday morning. The anniversary services of Trinity church are to he held on Sunday, 21st inst. His Lordship the Bishop of Huronw r •'ll I reach the evening. .aI Regular meeting of town council was 1 held in Industry hall on Monday eve- ning. Messrs. Teirnay and McKellar have been shipping several carloads of their excellent flour from this station to Montreal lately. Great anticipations are expected, should the weather only prove favor- able, for the largest gathering that has ever been seen at the Morris Branch Agricultural Fair to bo held in Blyth on Wednesday, 10th inst. Holy communion in Trinity Church on Sunday morning next. Quite a number of of our citizens at- tended the Belgrave show on Friday and report a large attendance and an excellent show. Mr. Heywood, of Clinton, and his men are doing the needed repairs to Trinity church these days. The frosty nights have made quite a change on the leaves of the trees, mak- ing this look like fall weather. • Londesboro. Geo. A. Newton, of Winghani, and his daughter Cora, were here on Thurs- day. Mr. Lasham is putting a verandah in front of his house, which will add much to the appearance of it. J. J. Walker, V. S., was is Stratford last week attending a meeting of the Veterinary Association. John Brunsdon & Son had a wagon and two cutters at the Belgrave fair on Friday. They took flrst prize for the best wagon. Messrs. Seale & Hoover, of Clinton, put a fine monument (vet the grave of the late Tattres Braithwaite, Esq: Herb. Bell has gone to Detroit to study medicine. A grand concert, under the auspices of the Horne Circle, will be given in Bell's hall to -morrow night. Admis- sion -adults 15c., children 10c., reserv- ed seat 23c. Mr. J. L. Eidt moves to Auburn this week and Mr. Wehh will take posses- sion of the grist mill here. George Williams, of Wing -ham, will open a harness shop in the shop vacat- ed by J. J. Brown. He expects to be ready this week. I)r. Gunn, of Clinton, accompanied Dr. Young to see Me. Joseph Webster on Saturday. The Sons of England will meet in the Foresters hall on Friday night. Mr. S. Woodman started the hay press ago n on Monday. Sem; )17s AcciDEN•r. --On Friday afternoon about 1.30, as Mr. Joseph Webster, of the 13th con., was driv- ing 0 load of wood, when near Wood- man's bridge just north of bore, it is supposed the front tier fell forward, carrying Mr. Webster with it, the horses at first trotting for short dis- tance proceeded up tothe village. Mr. - \Voodmnn who was plowing in a field near by saw what had happened and immediately ran to where Mr. Web- ster was. Help soon arrived and he was soon removed to Dr. Young's office, where his wounds were dressed. One of his jaw -hones is badly fractured and his head terribly cut np. He was taken home in the afternoon and has been lying in •a critical state ever since„ The grape crop in Essex county this year is enormous, and the fruit can be had for half a cent a pound in Wind- sor.