HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-09-19, Page 2' 9.3' ;�.` N ,,,� — - � /�+^� �,., i .++.�'+�r'J . :,�"y'���r F,'��,�,�,r�• �. '"! ' . . �4�� ��p '.�- . � {�w . � �i�'�i t�� � , �.'�. _ � .�. ,�.. ' , r 7�-.� � . � . P. r� , Q� �ca. ��u t��� �a �� � w� � � �o�r�t� +��u���a�a�F. , a� � '�. .�bax t�k�e �ta,�e� At� wrc��ii� Q�r �►�b i;., �'e�r �Aspqa� Q� �lu v le 3��i .. �� + bub� �q�te�d �aR �o�Q,� �thttta b]se� d i , � b] �� � � .�Y� .. . , !an e���Q�l� . � �a h� �u�k�. �d a ..� � , ��.►',�1�: , , a , ', • ` �ka� ����ei�on, � d.#d m,a��+, �a�id tl�au� :, , . � � u,n� z ss� : t� k��r� �n w� tk►e ca� 5' R . � ,' .��Os , . �ui►�� o� � �r� +��xk�ulica �v�rr�� ��r� e,, �h . � V�� '�aw�p�tQ , n �a �e� ���� ��� � r��a; " ��`+�� ' r c o s t.wc+ � � , .:: attenl .r.. te��a�4tr cht�ute �Rtba.. .. � iu . i wa. id kt.. +auc ri{ r u c � � .� _ ::; , ' . , ,. : t _� 1t u . �. �,� . A�t ��@ P '3, � � � the��i�1��s.Q�con�c �nc�th�,t�nacon�mu ��� ; . � : . • ; , . it �,vQuld ermibi�, �e��d ii .nnthe#�a�� �: ^:.�;, ' ~ '� , ot�tt�� � us3 n� co?n,�t�i�a� "�'rotr.e . ;, � ; ,� , � �ue.. t��iab the, Fp4,�Pln,'►n� V� t�ie �s���n �.•' F �'�;: �a�k►oli,c �.��nc�rity �� 'tF�ie�, .�b.at� t�t1.� � , ` "' � : �ighG9 r�r� cautr� �d ta t�i�s �xt��t, tha � �1 . � �,;'�}4 � : a , � }nete�d �! �,e�din� �l�+ei� Childx�en 1 ..., ��y`r�, y 6CilOC)�9. W�QI'� $�18t6 18' i10 1'fl�l.�',�Q1 E; . : , � ,�-�' , te�ichi�g� �h�y �re #4r�ecl to s�nd t�Ze ,. .,. . ` , a^+, � •�* at�ttclrpn �R. S:9k►44���.�vkF4�rertt�ere �s z� . �' . •• � � • , ,; . - � - � laSlaus tew4l�an 4'auc�:7 t��ll k�eprep�r.e ,! _ . y „ �, ^, , , , ; ..: . ' . :. tp �o b.�for� t�e eo 1� c+R ,Mwn4tok , , T �, � a}nd tt��l �henu �11�b. �u�'� �e g„sl,atia T• shQu#d.�o� �t:incy.x X���ve no�iiin�� Qtf r" ��, � � • . ' , �• ',�i�% �� ��� . �o �ay' in Winuf P� th�t.Y k�tLy.� sti�d o • � ! bhe • of tii� iaru t�t ' u be.e n f4a�3 P. � e .. :. ��, Q s . . +� ;.x ' . �,,��BuyOaraqt,�ge,butrql�,odgollneptp�ly.e�Ui ���gwJ�ere.'t' . ;• r � ' iutr�e t4 tha �ublto, anake� :t�i� tyuthp;�za¢, �. f�pntlde�,tia2 staiteia�n6 t,�t u�.;' The' H�,uailto�, .��i¢ett�t�.ir correctl i ��R�@p I W$s 0Aq esr old,mg mammm dted �izes ��ip the situatiq,�, �phen i� s�,y� ;--� i. 'o� +FPnaUmpRtou; �l�e doetor eafd Lhat I. ,°:++� i i4o,'�voyld yoQt► die aqd a1� ,Qur netghbors '�hnt xs whnt thp courageqt�s ��te� . : thougLt t6aG epen 1I I dld not'dle x wou�a ni:tin �,vhd IeadQ tl�� Gt�id party h�,d t �" neyer t�e uble to waik, because 'i wos ao 6t4j' R�lO�lt ��10 M�.niLQb�, �chQol que� weak and puuy,, A�atiierine formed. aad tlOn ! He st��ncia bei9rp i�t� :tudience < � lixokg uq�ler m arm. � I hurt my An er aad � I it�a,tLered and� t1�xeW out piecea o� bone. intelligent, men, �A�l p<�rmiGs. hitnselF t r 1# k hurt �yself so as to 6reak the 8kin, it utter tt�at s�et oQ n,xran� rt?t, and hi �„,« � �ras s6re tq become a runnln{� eore. I Lad p�Lrtg papera prinb it.; tts b�ein�' th ,,�., h to t�ko lota o! medicf�e, b11£ nothing Tiits 4f dop@ ;ne so muC�► good a8 dyor'N 8atea M delivernnce of w�twteyman 1 l.'rove t !: z11)n IG 2ias made me well'And atrong �— , me," shou�s tli�� Co1�Ct�ge.oug leac�ei � •�4D. M„ Norcutur,l�aua. '�that bhe Mr�ni�oU�, ec�aols ar4 �chn ''' � they :kre not, nqd I�vill deaounc , �� ,.; ���YE� S Sars�pa.rtlla rhein! I ha,ve stiid sa bef�.e, and '� • keepar�edbyDr.J.Q.dyor&Co,�Lowell,Mua. feartessly say Fo agN�in!" '.�ho ministe ��t1xe� others w�11 c of educat►on for Mr�ni�ob� was on th �' .. ;` . � . �� �0� I�tfoem, . �t�ithin a fesy feet qR bhi � �. ' - - �..�. � �t'�tvei°lender" of Grit qpinion. Lt�ur ier conld have f�ked that officia ' �`he Huron News-Reeora N'bether or noE tho public echaols o ' 14innitoba� were Protestant, and tli� i.ao s jrenr-si.26 in Advsnce. Nk1018 lYltLttCr cuuld t�r�ve beeu settlec s` �; . inettently. But thwt didn't euiG Mr � : , Ln,urior. Ae persists in being ignoran �EDNEBDA,Y, SEPTESSBER lOtl], 18fl1. th,�,t'he muy be brtLve nnd defiantl3 ' demand ;proof th+xt the public schcioL r; � ttire Eecta�i•irLn institutions, th&t he m�3 ' .EYADINC� THIL' QUE�S'TIO.Y. ben.ble to denounce them. .r �f the makin� oY diplomatic replies -"��"'"` —" ic� tronblesome qt�est[ons is the sign of CUIiREN'1 TOPICS. �, '� �. sta,tesman, Mr, Llurier can ft�irly lay � pro►ninent gentleman down e�,si d. . . cl�,im tca the distinction. Gladstone spoke common sense the other day Tiemself never gave n more fluently �,h�n he s:zi�l: f4I aw as {�ood t� t� :� noncotnmittal reply th�n the one �iven protestaut as nnyone, but I�voiild �. 6y Mr. Laurier, to the deput�,tion oF sooner trust the Government in the �"'y4 �' E'G innipeg li�orr�nn Catholics who wait- btinds of 12 Catholics like Sir John �' Thumpson than a, dozen s ich as Sir �` ed npon him in order to gethis promise Richt�rd (�artwright." .,.,,;�:;';. ef' ussistance fo thein in their present , extremity. According to th� Globe's '��� report of the iutei•view, one of the The Toronto �t.ur (Independent) R ,, t° deputation nsked tlie Liberal leader this ��'�S �-`"`The unrtnimity oe the Inde- � ti.;, ,' . • t�uestion: °'Supposing tha,t Sir John , P�ndent preas has made;it quitc+ cle�tir �hompson favorably regni•ded an t�,p- thr�t public confiidanee has not been � '� peaI to him, would you join with him eompletely restored in the Liber�l �', ,• :, in �iyin� your influence ta the redress le�ders, �,nd th�,t their return to the �� • of' our grievances?" And tsis ie wh�t commercial uuion unrPstric6ed reci- �1 >_ ,_.._. __ _, Mr. L�urEex��said-: ; procity=�nti-B.iitish'f.Ld ha,s condeinned °`If, after enreful et�nsideratiou og the party to a�nother se�son of suck- : : bobh sides of ti�e uraument I$nd thwt cloth u�nd ashes. It begins to be � �"; "" � �'atholics "a're compelled ta send their evident that tha Liber�,l le�der and his � , children to Protestt�nt achools, �and lieutenants t�te hopelessip' ► l�ce with �� ttiat injustice is bein� done the►n, I ��� '� think that thia Catholic schoal ques- the fttti�l anti-C�.nadian policy, and tion would be u�s f�,vorahle a case tur th.�,t their a�U�tndonment of i� was only ,.,` discussion. as �,ny that coiild be brought ternporary. Mr. Lnurier s grace aod before Pacliament." , refinervent ch�,rmed ai: who an,w hi�ri • r�' •� hia eloquence tLnd rnusical voice ticklecl the emrs oP all who heard hi�n ; but in �`' ' .btANITOBA'S 01�E l.#hIEVB.vCE. the quiet home, ufter the gla.moiir ha.d ��;' ' worn oiT, when men reaul ov.er the �„� ,: ' � The Winnipe� Nor'-Wester, whieh soundin�, speech they retognizeci the describea itself ra;s being "independent imp�n,eticability of his pinns, �nd the ��� -not neutral," nnd �qhic.h ca�nnot be repugnance for hie ltick of patriotiam cYtarged with having any too much pI'odnued �, revulsion of Yeeling that swept awwy the •fuvorfiUle ivapression � Iove for the Conservative party, eays made by rounded sentPnces �tind a fine � ttiie: fi.ice. The l:imour waLs all on �; g q e. Mr. ! Mr. Laurier hna come to, enlighten Laurier's toor h�s been a ciectd it�ilnre. `" t� � us, but he will himself profit by the He brougl�t the Old We�,kness, the Old `�� viait, �,s he will learn a great deal of Yolicy, the Old Errors." '� " ' tfie conditions influencing the North- � ,,�: ; :, ;, ': . �> west which it ie im possible to ga,ther Coanty Cnrreney. � wit,hout pereoni�l observatian. He is ua doubt greatly distrevsed that we Z'ou lose more than �ve do by not sh�iild be grouping .in thxt politica,l �dvertisin� in this paper. � dtirkness that permits us to send to Exeter cla�ime to h,�ve one of the best G �tts�iva an aLnost aolid dele�:�tion of inct�ndesceiit lighted to�sns in Ont�,rio. " ��;anservatives, AIICl he �vould gladly Night bur�lars and thic�vc�s nre o eru- ,, , relieve' us iP he could; but in dec:iding ting at �Vingham. p � - tcr Come west hg w�e rrobably inftuenc- ' ed �.�, good d'eal by the thou�ht thr�,t he , Clintc�n sent over 200 to the Cr�ledon- t i? would be seeing for himself how tnat- «n ��mes at Lucknow l�,st Wednes- �'� �� ters strind with us, He has corne to day. R'in�ham sent the sa�ie num- � 3ettrn, as well as to impa�,rt knowledge. ber. '' • If he will mingle freely R-ith the peo- T. A. Brown h�s reaigned the pri�- pIe he �vill quickly learn that there ia cip�,lahip uf Exet�;r punlic echool and iiut one getteral grieva,nce which we � ill zLhout f,he new yea,r• nssun�e the � are imp�,tien;t to have redressed. $i� edii;orship of the Cobourg Worid. �.,, ;''. p�rtiy friends will tell him that we are During the pro�;ress of the bxse bstll r +' , su$ering because of the tnri8', anci he ma.t•ch on Mondap �,fternoon at G}uelph '�Till s�pidly �ccept that vie�v fox� the �, little girl naaied 1Viag�ie Plant R•as rettson thttt it 8ts in with his own, or s�ruck in thc, face by rL tuul fly nnd had ' rablier with the one it is his object to her nose liroken. ,'`, present in moat striking colors to the ��7hile �d. Killer, of Str�tford, �v�s ' people here. He wants us to believe �lling bottles with lemon sour once of thut.the ��,rif� is appressing us, th�,t wo them esploded nndapieceof �lassenter: ,' �t�y vote for hie r.alndidu,tes :�,nd thus eci his urin. A h sici�un �cing him and hie friends into po�cer. P Y p��t several � :•+ atitches in the wound. Sut the tariif sc�rcely count� any ��� ,• ton�er, except with the Politicians. Lorne S�v�ckhamec, a brortketnan, 16�r. Foster did not give us quite all �vF �vas run clown by �,x� express tra,in a.t asked, nor t�s rnuch xs we �voiitcl �ladly �;�r: isbur�; Sund�,y night. The en- ,<� :',. ha,ve taken, but an ttie tvhole l�e did ��ne broke h is le�s nnd inflicted injuries „ �`� fs�irly welI by ue and we have little fi�om which he died Monclay :�ftei•noott. � crzuse to couiplaih. it is not the ta,riii' As Mr. John Robinson, of bicGilliv- �hat ails., us, and persut�,sive �,s l�Ir. r,�y, w�,s dra�ving hie threshin� ni��,ch- Laut�ier.is, he etinnot make us think s�, ine into 11I��. ,Jart��s Doyle's b:ink baru e� pting perh�ps while we �,re lieten- h`��Seg�ng� ��siy gave wciy, letting tho , n to�k►im.' s drop througli, le:tving i;hem auspencied by thc; traces. Mr. Ii,obin- � s��n seized n,n ;Lxe and cut tlie tugs and � •�,BNITOBll SCFIOOLS. let the liorses free. : Fire l�afl beem m�king hnvoc for sev- i J" Since Mr. Ln,urie"r has �een in Mani- eral weeks, i� the �reat ew�,mp eaet af : tu6�, he h�,s had nmplc opportunity to 'Lurich. A�rent deFzl of valu�ble ttm- � ` as�ertain whether the sehoolA there ttre bi�r has been destr•oye3 :tind n, numbor � " of turm buildings are in d�n�er. The � Pcotestnnt, but still refuses to be en- country surrounding is enveloped in w� lightened. ' Mr. Laurier a�tiid ut ti�inni• dense cloud of smoke r�,nd proves veiy t `+"� '" P� �= disagreealilo to the inhrtibitrt.uts. , � "V�hen I took up the petition of my Two hnndsome new heudstone, �vere � f�llo'uvreli�ioniHtfi of 14tuuitoba, corn- pla,ced in Zion eemetery, nenr Wood- �; ., p�T�tinin� of tho le�islation of the h'Lm, one for Mr. iWm, Brock, the � �. '+" g6qernmentoflVlanitoY�a,It�,skedmyself, �ther � far MxF. �liza, Johne. Mr. i¢lit�'t is the complu.int? I r toak the Brock s is cut in the imitt�txon of a tree, � peiitidn of t$e la�te Archbishop T�,ehe, �vhile Mrs. Johna is a large square, red � � �u mt�ri tvho, I believe, wr�s revered in rnnite. They werebotiz manuf�,etured "' tCtis�xO�itice by friend or foe. I toak �Y Meesrs. Se�le & Hoover, the fnmous ,� uti the'petition of the nrchbiahop and and reliable ma,rble de�,lers of Olivton. t�l7ose Who signed it «ith him nnd the When the elerk of Mesers. Donner &' � coi�piairii which tvns mude �wa�s bhn,t Son,Ot�a,ngeville, Wednesda.y morning, ,, ti�e �bnern�rient of Manitob�-I speak they found the firm's harse in the cel- heYe xn �he presonce uf the memhers of. ln,r of the estnblishrnont, He hnd fn,ll- the �o+vernment--hnd tLcliiptP(1 IC'g181A- en through the trapd��or, anddidnot ap- F "tiori[ whicli, insEead of im�oein� public per�r t� bea,n� Lhe woreeforhi�trouble. p �c�ntsls upbii the ininar�ty �tnnosed It ie not long eince �, colt belonging to � •� 'upottthemProtestnhtsehools� nnu that the firm mouatkd tiie atn,irs and took i� thL�were hound to sond their cl�ildren up qu:tirters on tho secoi�d flx�C, e Ya �'ut�etdnt �chools. On the other Tuesdny �f.t�rnoon, the reaidenee of � �nd, th� gb,t�ert�menb of MontY�b� Wm, �tidleq� lUth conces�ion, Bl�.n- ° 't1E+hihc� the stia�ement in toto, The,y ah�tird, took ftre nnd natwithstanditig r -`�Tid �►tiG' ttdrriit tbi�t the legisl�,Gion h�,d the e orts put forth bv neighlyors, wne �' tbttt e�%et, 'I'hey di�l not N,dmit thtLb biu'ne� t� the �rounu. � The �ln,n�i[�g Eh� Tegt�l�tian Wu� Eo hn�e the efFe�b of of the bell at Dinemore e schoal house '�g'��#►�8" �n��+��1 Cs.�.tho�ic children 6tr brought �villin hahds froni nen,r nrid g� �. �'c��,Y�estia.nt �chaols, T sn,{d tc� the nfn.r, who snve� the b�rn and outbuiid- n g'T1Vel�ritil�ritii Fi�fie ig ti g�t�ple qitestiOfl inqe frortj destructioa. . � � , � . R � . . . . ' . . �I: . �`- t• i. . • .. . �. � _ . - . ' r . Y ��• g' u� �'I�T� q� e�v�c�s �ytb�.�;k o��b�x�ii�. ���r< Th+��a s�r� a. c�e �dha i�av� �a�.�i.x� 4' i�a $lae�valp�,e� uttin��in� 3Q �,vice�r�k �,� it K . , ;A �'et�r, • .�� �?!�at�n #€�:� m�.da. wnothe�r :c€�� Kxtd t] �� �rounrzo��r Q��ld af Rql�grb ,�,gq,r� z= rlu�nhQ�r��y, a� �n��n� a� � few :i��►�tb �r w�ts let�G Wedne�diiy ltii� '�esid0 i <o m�ther i� th0 a�nAet�e�y; a �ue Wingh��a Unia� �ur�itRr� F'a �� tPry h�,s 1pet�� tran�R�r�ed tQ. the Ae '+r 4A}X1�1t411Y i4.A� l�j �V►1I �)O pu�t �n oper 4 tion �s. �opn as neede.a rep�,i�s a� 8 mr�de, r The A. O, U. W, ori�gstni�ed �, lod� � ttt 2ueiG�1, ctti Z+'�idty�? FV1G1�1 �L Nik� �U4 a st�rtiug meml►et�sk�i� e�nd �uttire pt�a � pects t�regoodfor a v�ry latir�� nu�ui�e e ehip. � At a, �eebipg held at $Ghqpl Nn, 1� � nes�,r Gi�eenw�tyy, thc tr►istees et�ga�e Miss• L�,ur�� ,t��k�L Por �uoGher yerti t � They ara highly pl�usecl �uith the pr� gress oE t$e schulHrs r�nci good nrc�er i quo schoo�. ~ ..d.'aunioi footbnll teum of Wiughttx a piu�ad a janior �eam in B�yth, 1�; - week. The clubs were vet�y evenl f mntched, and the gttime� r,esulted iu ? dra,w, each club huvin� scored tw s gonls. 3 Thursdt�v ufternoon the littlo threE � ye:�r-old c.:tiughter of ���rt, vrievet t Guelph, wa9 sleeping in her c;a,rria,ge xnt� �vr�king up �titte�s►pted to �et out � In cloing so eho fell, bre:Ll:iug qer lef �rm ne�r �he elUo�v� ; Wnu, 7'hqmpson, of tiVest GF�rafraxa � who ��as �.ttacked and �'�red hy r� btil while feedin� the, �,nimal, died Thurs � drLy epeniug. Tho bull would hi�vi : killed him inet+�ntly, hrzd ncf ; the hired mxn cowe und clubUed x � till it rnn a,way. Nir. �hos. Jenkins, 5th concession ; Lqna �wnani-�, h�.s a sunflower �ro�y ing in his ��,r�en 5} ir.ches in diametqr ,!t, hiL$ I'IO �OWNI•s on it. One flower i: 16 inches in diaa�ineter, nnd '3 fe�t f inchca in ciroumference ; also anothei with 112 fiowecs ou it. A ftLrmer in Ueborne named Crenry, set fire to � brt;sh hec�,p in his field one duy la,et week nnd in an incredible short ti�no it hacl run to wi6hin r� � ery short distfince of his outk�uildinfis, A pew atack wae burned and tl�o hzLr.n wae saved i�nly ���ith the gre:titest difficulty. NIr. J. H. Harrow near, Kirkton, has been in sti dn,ngerous cor�ditiou for Foive ti�ne by the growth of a very lr�r�e car!>unc1N under tho tongue which s�velled th�,t member ao that he could neither eat, drink, or sleep, but the growth burst on Saturday and �,t latest accoL:nts hopes wero entertnin- ed for his recQvery. An exch�ge any., tlit�,t nt at brLll iu `South�mpton recenbly, the CCOWfI NF18 inlde up of seventeen �entlemen an3 one hundred ladies. The seventeen re- presenta,tives of the mtile sex were so much in derp�nd tha,t they were al- mosb hitg ed "tb de'rith. Southrimpton ought to �e a perfect bacholors' para- d ise. Mr. Hector Buie, of Blyth was very low with lun� tr�uble, resultin� fron� a� srvere nttucl� of ]ti grip�e, last win- ter. Mr. Buie, a,long with n 1vlr. Da,vis. of Niontreal, hareconducted acommerc- ial bi�ainess colle�e in that city for some time, and just recentsly returned to the home of his p�tiren�9, where he died lnst week. On Saturday mornin� week, Mr. Aleg. Coutts, of 'Wingham, p�,ssed w�vap; tifter �,n illness of ten months. The decensed was �, member of Court Miitl�nd, Cdn:�ditun Order of Forres� er�, the members of which society �vere unremitting in their attentione to him atind had a nurse with hi�n when he died. He len,ves �, vvifc a,nd•nine child- ren, who hnve the sympa,thy of nl! peuple in their sore bereavement. The funeral took plftce on Monday t� the Win;hant cerrietery, and was un- der the direction of the Forresters, Rev. Dr. GiYFord alao ofiiciating. A newsp�,per tnan will sit up ni�hts to write somethin� kind rt.l�out n fellow citizen to help hi�n ulon�, even when he n�a,y $rtive no persontil friendehip for or interest in him, nnd will pay out good money to put his �vorda into print after they h�,ve been c��r•itten, .yet the per- sons who eLre benfitteci selao�� thinlc of rnuking�, returnattril�tttingtheirnotice to theiq personal gref�,tne�s. Ten ch:tnces to on� thev will send� out of town fer their next ��ib of R�ork, or �vi]] take it to wn exclusive �nb office under the im�ression of making a saving, �r they w�ll bake it somewhere to effect n b�,d debt. But n ne�vapa,per m�tn keepa right ulon� tooking pleas.�,nt �,nd s�y- in� good things about everybody snd spending more time to acsertnin t6e pt�rtictilwra of what �13r. John Jones hae done thtLn vvoulci bo required to write an article on the sonare uf tho Nile. It is ovr snd cluty to nnnounce the lc;ath of 1Vfttl�el Timmins, ouly diu�h- ter of Mr. James Timrnins, of�Taronto, Formerly merch;mb tat Bluevrtle. h1r. inci Mrs. Tia►minsa,nd ll�.bel l�ud bPen ;r�tvellingthrough M�,nitobnandBriGish :3olumbifl, xnd �•c�ro retutro[ng, h�,ving ;ol, back n,s far as Medicine Hflt, whep �he sad event tAiok place. It nppea,r� ;hat Mr. �nd Mrs. 'Cimmine ha�,d left he c�,r �vl�on the trnin stnrted, �,nd I�nbel, no doubt. PBkLPed' that the,y �ould Ue left behind. When they re- ,t�rned they found thrtt ahe ha�,d f�,int- �d �,nd in n, few hours she �V1L9 de�,d. Che remr�in5 «�ere interred in tl�a Blue- �a.le cemet,try on 4FLturdtiy week, the iiuera�l sermon being pi•ea,ched b,y Re.v. +Ir. Pring..That Nlabel was loved and espected, mi�ht bE� read in the faces of ier sud schoolfellows as they followed he renia,ina of their dear compaion to . last resting place. Dr. I'oa•ler's Extract of Wild Stra�v- � �erry cures Diarrl�oeo,, Dysentery, lriimps, Clolic, Cholera� Morbus, Ohol- � rn, Inf�,ntum, �nd sill looseneas of the � owels. Never tcaval witliuut it. � 'rice 3Ga � f�ome �4'ise :�ayings. QLLED FROM E%CHAN(iE$ AND OT8ffiR PIIBLIC 80UROP�, Ald. Nelligan, ot H�.milton, ie n .ama,n flatholir,, n,nd Ald. Nelligan ublicly expressed tho opinion luat �eek that the chiidren of the countr�, rPspective of reiigion, should be inc�uted together in one sqatem of ublie eehoalR. This is the privatn �inion of t� very lnrqe number of good om�,n CatholicF, bnt they dou't like � publicly express it. D�iAE �Ilt$.—i hn,ve used Yellow Oi1 �r two or three year�, nnd think it has requril for croup. Mrs, J, S, p'grien, untsville, Ont. .�...."��i.�,�.:,a�.i:�..�T�-k t��:J,:,4..�_....•.�.W_ �.t.s_.:.�. J .,.�,....a ,, __�,..�,� r� �. .1 c. � :��., S4r�. �� ' . � , . . . �-�,-w .. "-� c�,„:�-.� -� y�* �-}�yr�. ., w7F�,',^��. . . . - . �` e�� '� t' � . ! . M . . ., . ' � ' , . ..,.. _ . . . _. ... ........... . ... . . � .. � _... . +� � '�R�A�� '�Y�l�I�� F'�I��'r.. � l� �a�N�'INA A��111� p�., FI.I��. � , �p, ?�!4��s-13ix �+nur'�i a�� �+ ��x�a! ^S.tith94� ' °�a� �p�►�r� i?�e,�n,�M N A;1*ntb ��tq ith+� ' . ^ w A[om�hv. �f!��t!, JIiF���r�r'M. ��wa+: . �C 80#�� �I1i�ul9lil i� .,�nu�k�d� AP t�ese �bn,q�m.4� �'�a,t9 �q. „v n io � �P���ict��ard'R� th�3 tr�� , y�rhic� we hat�H �rn9r� kha� Anca dxa,w� 8�_?�� th�,� l�a� � b�Q�,��eaAti to.�1�Q, �� �gublia.�sttaut�or� h;as beQt� ace�rpPlish�d« ��''�nch W�4x fJiii�o sincq 1�1'�ave x�- a� One. of tt�o,grewt' "�ecox�i-� bxea�e�g,�= �,g :'�Antly. b��n pub��sh�d it� a�'re?�ch neW�=: s, ���Y aro �cullqd in tha ����i�� waxld •P�pe�,. Gb� mqja�i�y��P whic,h ara �zb�ytt ' ts; I��e, ��s �bp: ���ao� ������ $@t a�I +�� fl� Go th� Liu.�,uGan sc�em.o: for plow� , ;1�ie co�npe�za a0 �u#ia�nGe by t�ia •truJ �ng ,v1dg� nt�,moly,� by s4�#n� acorns. i� ma�v�lous e ort oP 'c •c1�h rp x�� �QS�'a a��d tli��n turn}n� �� p�gs xo r�po� �. , _ � � �'�.�m the , _ ,� �anc�d �nd to ,Tph�n o�' G}ro�,t � iu 8G; t�'4� up. Q,ne geniu� aou�hG a pait;ut N hUur� and ]ra �nt�t�te�.-�that ie; lxo _�ox the trainang oY.sc�ua�rons of b,9rae- �'� a�d 4Q rK►,[nnteH qui� r. '� ura $Ies� The�e auxi�iarie� �y,�re ta �� �ed x '� � � k�. xha� tha I "�afety' recoxcl, 'We ,q�re in�q�ad �xclustvely pn U�ood. servoa u b��euxh thaG k►e rpc�,e thq 1atS�,part p;F hie journey ��e �8�ic�tp epi�Iormip o# m�Gh�,nical �e ab the ra,td pY �,1i i�ii�,es; an.,�our, thaE fl�res clothed in the�unifprma of moany, a b.dra gf tho, Tri�lo 111�ia��e, eo t�at �xiien 3, he expe�i6nced Iixt)q' �utigu�, aud , thaG. ��, tp � all appearancea �e wics not in an �q��tiicnl, reluGt�9ns'��n;��,ppe wa� e strain- �'aY ir{iwr�d b,y hi� �aucoess • but the �� ��1� a��'� �a�l� be 4iv4n daily a lttxl� most r�markuble paxt of thie'ac� is i�- o�'the juice of,cert#�in poieo�ous plante, �cl�ded in tht� fact--�n#�d it must be re- ��d on r�etualdQulax�,ton pf wax bo turn- cog'nized a� a iaCt. tivhioh ad,mita, of �o ed qut in the p�th af tha onemy, �,n- '. disputo�--that h o,performe,d his tasIc ,,QG�QmQlno��ed � Pereqn proposed a without induibing in ono moment o£ � k ucating war do a. In n �impe of eq,ce ho woul tr ' 1 H I P d ai a eep., e was threcs dt�vs 14 hqure and d a'S GO bit, 1 � ��rench ' 16 minutaa `vIthout recli���g onco to °b e a�' �ures wearina Prus- i9old by J. H, COMBE. n rest or ceusing his acti�ve� inatirernent of Aiun helmets,' tn or er that on t�e out- t grogulsion, except by tihu v�ry briefest Uxeak of war the kennels of the whole y mpmonte. Thoro have been oriods eountry might ho moUilized, and let , �L witl�in oiu o�vn recollection in�which �Qp$� °� tlle ene�ny, Then there ' are Lord Swnnse�i, one of Mr. Gladstone $ numeroue progoe�ils for hrxdging rivera $°p�porters,. is in Moutreal, on his w��y a this phyaica.l feat would not havo been to S,udbury, where a companyof whicl� �,cce�ted as pasaible: and althqugh wc� by mettne of ropes attached to cannon he is resident owns extensive x�i.nin _ e�re torced to acce�t it now, for no ono balls, and a photographer suggeat� a propecty. � � can contend ngainet trutli oven under novel ktnd of captive shell, whiqh break- pexverted tri�,ls of endurn,noe, we �.re ing ovor the lorti6od poaitton oPnn � Ra�uu�Tieu pox�n ix ♦ Dex.-9uuth Amoriaa ftiled �vIth wonder. Wo kno�v from t0o enemy, would dislcoso a small' camera [thenmatlo cu.e, r�r Tthdan�a6igm nnd ICeu[algla t best experimental proofs thaG the attached to A, para,chuto. The enemy's rndivall! auree in i co s auye. zce aocton apoa 1he healths t�eart will beat 100,000 times in fortificntions would bo instantoneausl B7etsm te romarkable and wysterlou�, TE remoree at �lOtO PA hed and the � ar�tue hau . OIIoo the anuso and the dieenee im�nad[ately die �i�10 24 hours; $YICl tllat t110 lOWC9t p � ny PP appeure. The 8ret dose greatly baneQra, �G aeq � ( ostimato of the n�ork done by this labor ea b�cis „y t�►e etring, and the IIBbtL- 8old by Wa6te Ac Co. aud Allen & Wilsup, Daqgisst. is ec�ual to liftina 122 tona. Ono foot• tives developed at leisuro. Two id�as . ; but it has recent�y beoit shown tha� �re ver inhuman. One is a scheme DY9P�P�IA A�T'iS03 Yrom wrong tLetion ''cyclinb tell� flavorely Rnd specially on for sen�ng large quantities of potsoneci o� tho stomach, liver, n�nd bowels, ' Cha cii'cUlttElriri, und that the number neodio , ns if in charity, to the enemy's Burclock Blood BitCers cures I�yfipepsia � C enornls, who would, of courso, distri- �,nd �.Il disea�ses a�risin� rroui it, flD ' of �trokes of tiho heart is doublati �ute thc;m to their f'orces, and so poieon times in 1W. duritig such uctive oxercise ne to the unfortunato users; �nd the other to that to wliich the rider subject- charbe oxplosivo bultets with e er. ' ed liimself, o so that tho lo�vest P PP The pr�licy shoj� nt Fort �rie w<is o�tim�tto, we can as�ume for tlio T�yo objecte are pursued by the inven- raided i�y the olice anci cloaed. The ' worli of his heart eAch da was 212- tor ot; tha pepPer; its dischc�rtie would p blind the eYiem3�, �,nd tha �reat dem�,nd rin�ip�l garn ilers esct�ped across tl�e ' 000 boats, with work done at 544 foot liue. .� ' tons; and Dhis, maintained for 8 dayg for the condiment in time of war wotild and 14 hours t�nd 15 minutes w�,s equa! stimulate tho tx�ade of the French colon- One advantn�e of taking Aye,r's S�,r- to more th�n 864 foot tons without re- 1°s, and inerease the revonuo of the sapeurilla to purify the blood is that you �oso. Tl�e eaporirnent, ior it must be country. There are ulso many other 001{CC� Up011 �Ylj'B10�Oa'LCf11Ij� ae �n ��. �9ually ubaurd �roposals, such as sug- need not infringe upon y4ur huurs uf Tabor nor d n gestiona for making eoup by machinery e y yourself any food that poriment, is not wit�iout its uses. It ro«^in potatoes on ba,rracl: roofs in �Srees with ,you. In a� word, yc�u atre surpasses evory kiudof ordinary experi- � � not compelled to stfl,rve or lonf, while ment fn showing what the humttin heart ecem er, and kiilin; whole tirmy t<tilzir��; it. Theae are recommendations is capable of porforminh, and what teu- corps of Prussians by post-but they worth considering. sion tlie vessela of tlie �reater und lesser are fa,r t�vo numerous to be mentioned. '� circulation will Uea�r in the yo.unb sLnd -The Court Journal. ,, he�lthy man. It shows, �,lso, tli:�t tliere Ritiiny River Zdvicesstate that nl<tirge remains much that is as yet unesplain- BE�SflMER ON BESSEMER STEEL. nnmher of settlers are still missing anrl. ed in res ect to the cn.use of slee surn friends are se�rching the burning dis- �estin§ Indeed thn.t there is soni�ethinb i rI"rve�ous Q�io�cnesR in ConverWnr c�.�c tricts in hopes of securing their bodies in pereistent motion�of tho blood, liU6• Iron Inco scde�, or fiuding them alive. tained by volition of a resolutc lcinci, In the la�t issue of The Engineerina �^ which prevents tlie nervous system from Review, Sir Henry Bessemer has an nr- Some people ItLL1�I1 to show their pnsssing into tha,t pnssive or nemative ticle on the steel industry which bears pretty teeth. The use of Ivorp White state to which the term "slcep" is np- his r►ame. He roi4►inds ue that a, third Tooth Powder m�,kes people laugh plied, of a century ago Sh�tHeld steel made more th,tin ever. Tt's so nice. Price from the costly bflr iron of Sweden �e. s�la vy arusg��te. Afe 10 n xon_co�auo�or oe FrAuc. reulized from £GO to £GO a ton. Now, , by the Bossemer process, steol of excal-_ Jolin Jncobs and John Green, eaid �to ' We have proved to otu s�,tisfaction," lent quality can be made direcG firom be of 7.'oronto were tirrested aut St. said a mnl:er of water coolera, "that crude pig iron rt a cost ridiculously Cl�,ir, Nlich., b'riday, just after l�,nd- pl�tn uir is as good a non-conductor of small comPared with former prices, and ina from :u row hoat in which �vere he�t as we can obtain. W� mado tluee in quantitios which the old eteel work- two tr�mks filled with opium. rPfrigerators ex;�ctly alil:e, sa,ve that ers never dreamed of doalin„ H�ith at one was packed with 88WdUSt� OIlC WIt� OIIC 0peration. s so�r ro Honsnusx.—Qoe bott!e o! Epgpsh charcoal, and the othor provided �vith In lieu of the slow and expensive °pa�in liinimevt oompletely remoced a ourn trom , AIl 8,1T )8,8�:8t. Tlien we llt IIICO C�,CIl A � a horae I txke pleseure in rewmmendiog tho remedy, P proeeas Oi convertin� �VT'Oilbtlt-1P011 Se it nete with mysterioue promptneae ia' the re- piece oY• ice, CQUA1 Iri wei�ht AIIC� !18 b�,rs into crude or blistar steel by ten moval trom horFen vf hur.d, Soft or aelloueed lumpe, nearly ae possible similar �n texture. days' ex?osure at a very liiah tempera- �^�i �Pbv�n, QNuncy, ourbe, aweeny, awaes and The threa were 18fE ovc�rnight� £tIIa th8 CUTB EO tIIC 1C�10II of carbon cast-iron brraine aRonoa Rons,•Fai7ner Markham, Ont. Sold Inext morning by for the largeat piece �vorth only £3 a ton is, S�ir J3enry by wucte d Co, nnd Allen et witeon, Drag�iets of ice was found in the cooler with the �ays, converted into Bessemer c�st �• air jacket."-The Engineer. steG1 in 80 miuutes, wholly without � Get yoiir nrLm�. on the Dominion bl�il(Qd manipulation or tho employ- Vo,ters' list. Tlie Revisin�; officer tor Eleotrlo Anlmrl Sl�enriuq, ment of fuel; and while still m�,u�tain- �Ottth finron is Judge To�na, wnd for IC. M. Palmer hae invented nn nnimo,l i�i� its iiiitial hcat it can at once be ��'st and �Vest Huron Judge Doyle. shearin� devic;o worked by elecCricity. ro�led into ruilway bars or otlier requir- Y�11 look with pleasure and aurprise It is an improvement in clippers, having ed forms. an electro-motor atta,chment to recipro• T��e lrticle �ives n vivid picture of UPon n�y chatrming dresseb; cate n movable knife in working con- A�l tliat has baen brou¢ht about by this ��ey're old ones dyed with Dia,mond tact with a flaed and tootlied cutter. revolution in r1 manuYucture in wi�ich ,�yes- Aceording to the improvement the up to our o�� timo, there had b�en no I m glad my work iinpresses. cuttera proper flre connected with a chanbe sinceblldesormatchless temper a�'If you mail this verse �,nd notice m:tgnet in such �vav that the,y :�re were wroumht in the forges of' Damas- and 25 cents in st.imps oY inoney tn attracted nnd held in close working cus and To�edo. Steel is now adapted to WEt.Ls �L RICEIARD60N CO., Montreal, contact without the aid of �prings or a thousand purposes of which our ances- you will receive Our �Iome, C�unuda's other supplement�lry devicea, tho cuttere tors had no concePtiou. new monthly fainily pa,per. for one being both oppositely polarized. BY wa,y of givmb some idea' of the year ; also illusti:tited book on "How enormous production of Bessemer ateel to make bT:�ts ai�d Rugs," and one pack- DIlstxkee wu�.uc T,,,., now, Sir Henry asks us to imagine a rge of Ink Po��-der, �Yor making 16 The retzsona why one kind of ten {y Wa,ll fivo feet in thicl�negs and 20 feet ounces of best Ul�ck ink, d�'11fenGeo�a green and nnothc;r black have been hi�r h, lil:e a gigantic :�rmor plate f'orm•. thie paper, ofte;n a,nd variously oxplained. One of ed into n circle, und made to surround the cauaes for the green eolor that tho London. The inclosure so made would The loss of property at 73inckleq, ch�,m tons of black tea seem to firml extend to Watford on the north side, to n� y �andstone :tnd P�,ri;ridge, Minn., by bc�lieve and e o is that tho color is the Croydou on the south, to Woolwich on the reat fires ttiP�re�r� � an '4t89 �'����. result of drying, Ghe tea on copper pans. the east and to Richmond on the west. This includes no timber�osses. Mr. Joseph Walsli, who l:nows fll] about It �vould contnin an arefl oF 795 sqn�re tea, says there is not tlie least founda- miles, and this great wull of London, <<Send me $5 �vorth `Villi�,ms' Royal wei�rhinn' 10 500 000 tons would tist k�e tion for this, nor for many of tlte otlier h b > > + J Crown Reniedy and Pills to 'Winnipeg. opinions, but tho real reason for the dif- equ�l to one y�eur's production of Bes- I used sever:�l boitles when in Sea- ferent color and flavor is th�,t in ����ler steel. forth, �,nd kno�v the good of it�" the green ten of commerce the Ruaslane Are Lon� L�ved. P. I�LINKHA�'I11'IF�'Ii,. leavea' rLre cured and drted �e It has long been a, well-eatablishod ��n��er Notthwest C�,tholic Rec-iew. quicicly as possible tifter they nro picl:- fact that abnormal lona $16 ed and rolled, while the leave9 that are evit� is more intended for black tea r�re exposed to common Among the �tussiana than the action of the sun and air for at lenst Among any othar of the European More cattle have died in. a,mystPrious twent four hours boforo bcinm fired natione. l�rom ttn ofiicial report col- �'�LY in South Ontario und another in- bein meantime raked nnd tosscd n,bout lated fiom well authenticated local ve.�ti�+Ltiun has taken pl�.ce, but the unti� they becomo sott, flaccid and rebisters, it now appears that the v�tex•iva,cy surbeonv atre btiIDed. pliant, and a;ain after Ueing fired thoy �'overnment of Kiefi takes the 8rst place nre exposed to the o�idizin� influenco of all Ii,ussian provinces in this respect. (3) CAPTAIN SWEE��Y� U. S. A., San hotho �,tmosphere in � moist state for �11ng laet year, ft is oflicially stated, Diego, (;�,1., says :"Shiloh's Cf;t:�rrh u s previous to beinh fired a 9econd there were fourteen centen�rian de�ths l�emedy is the first medicine I h�,ve time. The. leaves are then fired over a ro�'�atered in tl�ut government. In tlio ever found LhaL �vould do me tiny slow fire. Tlie method of curinm also �ity of Kioff one man died nged 110 ood." Price 5U cents. �old by J. Ijf. accounts for the effect thnt �reen tea Yeara, while �vitliin the suburbau circle �ombe. ,� hns on some persons, caused, it is be- �n'o women died aged respectively lieved, by the greater quantity of vola- 102 and 104 ye�rs. In Berditcheff two tile oil tl�nt the x•�pid p;ocefl� of curing• men roached tho respeutive ages of CflAtain Liindy of tho ste�,mer M:tiz- leaves in the le�,ves.-Bostou Journal of 101 t�nd 114�Gars. In Vassikoff another °pO7�� �iLs fined �GO in H�,milton fc�. Commerco. patriarch died in hte 115th y0ar. In 1'°nning his boa�t to Torontp witho�tt tho same district there died r� Jeivesa �' �COp�r license. I3rltnlu�N (�rlp nu Commeroo, aged 105 : in Svenigorodkn, 8, IIIB,II Oi 110 y8AI'8� in Tardstesha, flnothor of 105; DYerrrain c.Lusos Dizziness, Heud- Thcre seems to bo no question ne to in Uman, two men nged reapectively Rise, Constipation, V�,ria,bl� A petite, thc great propondc;rnnce of tho tra�d� of 106 a d 102 yearn; fn Rndomytzel. a �fi �nd �ouring of I+ood, 1�'alpitu- Great JBritain, whon compared �vith Jew aged 107 and a Chri�tian aged 103; tion of the He:�rt, Diatress �,fter Ex.ting. �ther ]'uropean countries. According Rnd lnstly a mnn of 106 years died �t �utdock Blood Bitters is gnare�nteecl to �o recently ubli�hed statistica, pre�ttr- Tcheorkassy. Here ara fourteen per- �ure Dpspepsin if faithfully used ac- ;d b,y thcs �nglish Chambcr of Com- $one dqing within the sntne year o,nd cording to d�rections. nerce, England sends 87 per cent, oi �.ithin the limite of �one district, whoso ill that Egypt imports, ns compared �ited ngea nmo�nt to 1,489 yeare. Ac- �ith 10 per cent. aent Uy Fr�,nce, and 2 cording ta tho Saratoti' journuls therd fa It wn� stnted at the laboi• congress in �er cont. sent by G}ermany. To the Ar- etill livin in thut ��'�°��h,' �ng., th�,t there are 5fi3OW ;ei�tine, Uruguay and Cl�ili, she sencis �• goPernment an an- goro��n eailars on British shipe. ^ icrm 29 to 48 per cent. of all thap im- cient veternn of t}ie firet Nnpoleon e �ort, as compared with nbout 18 er �'��' formerly Lioutennnt Savin a.nd P sinca 1812 known ae Nicoiai. Alexan- �Z� s�ILoa's Ot�,r ie sold on a guaran �ent. aent by Cierm�,ny . To China �oviteh Sav�n who has celebrated 126 tee. It cures Incipieijt Clonawnption. ha sends 21 par cent. of tha im- birthdays.-London Daily Newe. It is the best Cough C1ure. , unly one �orts of thnt country, while Fr�,nce cent n, �iose; 26 cts., 60 ets. and $1,0(3 �nd Gerrnany send cbmpn,ratively The 8femen r'ornAoe. per bottle. sold byJ. H. Oombe. iothing. To fapan G}reut Britain sends 4 per cent. of iia totnl importa, a ainst Some ezperimente that have late�y por cent. aent by G}ermuny, an�6 pcsr been made with tho modi8ed and im- Bribanni� needs no bulwarks, ent. aent by France. The trade anth provod Sfemene furnaca at tha largo No towere upon the steep; �(,_ iritish colonial or other posseasione {s steel works controlled by Sir AlFred Her march is o'er the mountu,ip w�,ve, A� imp1y overwhelming, but this is what �icI�man, a� Bilstont o,ro' said to have Her hon�e ie on the deep. iig]it be expectod. To Brftish India qieided quite astonishmg results. Stoel ha contributes no leas thnn 70 per ingots wei;hing one ton npiece when ent, of its total imports, to Australaeia heated by tliis new furnace with l�as Befor� going on n, sen-voy�ge or into 3 por cent., and to othor Britteh pos- thnn one hundredweigh� of fina elactt the country, be stme and put n box nf �esiona tn about the enmo proportion. per inaot, whilst we are informed, nn• Ayer's Pills in your vnlise., 'i'ou m@,y. lthough C}ertnxri trada �fn the same dar thcs old ays�em eaeh ingot would have occasion to ihank us for this hint. irections hae increased, it remains have requ{red four hundarweight a� To relieve constip,tition, biliousness, �mparatively unimportant. There b'est caaL Wo hear thnt Ehe new fnr. �nd nnusen, Ayer's Pills �,re the best 'rc� jems to ba t�o lessen�ng of tho hold of naco ig �o be also introducod into some tihe vborld. They are wlso e�sy to t��]zo, �reat Br-}'t�in upon the commerce of Ehe pf the 8nished ironworks•of tlie district, ' 'ozld.--�Trdy Prerra. : In�eutibn. A child nn,roed Eugonn Die�te;on, at St. Lauis, stv}Lllowecl �, fly on Tuesda�r n.nd died thereProm, d. � � . . . .. J . , . , .' � � . N . , � � - � . . . � .. 't. + r . - . '. ' . ' . � ' . . . ..,.,�..(.,...Cid�Y�,.,,.,.._.,rsrl�n��.�.:,,....,.s�vnr�.a..t,a.._� � rL .....y...:.,.M�._..:.,.....aa�...eYli�:er_�_� � 0 a,.. �w. � �,t•_N,�a;ryL6-.� , . — — _ — _ �.�._— _ ".....n�..�. "� 5.+��