HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-08-29, Page 8(J t
, vitt
.ti ` 4061,40 , raga 'ritk.
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1ri}t8.n Vt,# Oa-Msit0:1,,, e pr o0'14 4
ACK89N BxwtrttirV are advertising-
, greatest
dvertisingiegieatest of all bargamin♦ flays.
h 8OX4c;'(,berries and Biose G, trrxnts'
4M;Lrktt Prjcc. N.. R41f3Sox. .
ling aid , a'
:are pelta -
e -the
n ateh +esterdaY
afte►rnOort betr,,Sie : Clinton and,00.40'
. rich pram " ,K ,mmpleted t ie eeore r '*$
4:3►La ;,*. deaerti, ' R, '.wen, : �0>1
1 xeter,'and B. Lewis^, of cinderielri .'
wexe 'Olhatcat Jest l r'ida completing
t'ei eTli;iandtransfers.''
SAv>«400"W"A'.*M,►aayy wee
raetiee i ightfoi the dreinert. Awing.
to the contiflUOgs dry weather the
Water in' the:• tank wag not•intertered,;
1VANi'E nil gwtutif'iw of good Red
s have advaneeil`a cent a dozen
ii Clinton,'• `
w: - McGILL's'new brick residence on
ttenbpry street, it is expected, will
be ready. for ocetipancy next 'week
T BAND'e •iter Bair concerts Sattir-
Ly night;Wig ted ixundrede of Citi -
,',Pon oiE :Vapt. .Sheppard, form -
f x 'Clinton, was married to a,
nrpegiady recently,.•
. C WoIuc. The dredge again cpm=
eased operations in the .Elullett
'yit . *,TYrD Thedry spell " Qf
yreret months COrnues' and some '.0t
Vocal rninis'tti
ers included a request
c111i►"ig their`;prayera last Stitiday
s '
Ow+,.at $0,f=4 -•Charles 'Ooolr, who
q,, l•T ws,-R5CoED mentioned last
• as,.saving one of hiiseyes pain
• -rile injured, "' is fast recovering. and,
ie eyo ;ruay• bo saved
�PINGl-Cantelon Bros., a firm
oaoligthe leading and moat extensive
ce; dealers{ in' Western 'Qntario,
+this week'slaipping:large quantities
apples,pears and, plums,
1 T fain >s '►ass.—Mr. S. • �.
Androws le completing'arrangemonts
as speedily .as possible and hopes ere
long to Pave steam cn and•the rnachin*
dry iu motion. Once ready, no doubt
there wtll" be..a xush for eider,
p'Is rx t Towtu ; Clerk Coatis and
Chtef', :,Wheatley were in the neighbor-
hood of Mr. M C. Cameron's speckled
trout'_preserve yesterday.—The Chief.
is holidaying this week and carraled
seventy five ,frpgs last Monday
advertising agents were on the square
with, • torchlight • last • Friday nightselling ;:
tion 'atilepd. teiet tc fife.
l" .A. who
l le,
entertainment was •throne. in. They
did.,uot make Many sales.
Fort Bus*nse MEN.—Send in chang-
`es of •advertisements not later than
S ATUnDAX NOON. • when changes co►ne'
in ,on Monday • and. Tuesday we find it
next • to -' impossible to .perform the
Qrk. When • customers come ' to a
store ''after' the doers are .locked it is
difficult to `wait on thein. See the
point. ' '
,• : oRrib*R* STof.E.—Mr, ' Ogle
iss Tcna, 'son and daughter, of the
abs Cooper, ;will shortly open
`` roeery /:store:. niext Tau-
Ors- CI>,cOR1. office under.:the• firm
irnne' of Cooper & Co
rrnou 'SHALT NOT STEAL,"—The
Bible Saye ,so, but some people do not'
follow out: its ..teachings. The young
fO ve
mita who stole a box of cigars from
Combo's drug store: the other day, if he
'desires to avoid public exposure, will
act wisely in returning the goods or
making the natter right without de-
rim=WATER -: 'mail turtle
welled from: the west ast Friday and
ea' pptured on Albert street near the
block `'Mr F'...Vit, Watts of the
store has •his''possession. It
• doudtlesa leokmgfor. water.
TRAA TWo s, dirty looking
%maps in charge df'. a California cin-
atnbn bear, struck Clinton bust Satiir-
• The bear's chums, are said to be
Italians A good healthy cold -water
"bath Weald be about as good a recoin-
r,rerisse`,as ,any. town could give, the
Ay 'in return ;for• their undesirable
it They, require a geed -wash worse
CORrnECTED. TO DATE.—Our mailing
;sheet ,IS "•generally corrected to date.
The. date,on` the label indicates the
timO : up to , which the paper is paid.
Should. any subscriber detect an error
ia. his; date he would confer a favor on,
vs by. notifying us of it either person -
or y post card. Every subscriber
libse.date records the deplorable fact.
that he has not paid his subscription
On this year Is •specially invited to.
eomtnunicate with us `at once, in the•
interesting manner of sending us the
Tnoney', so, that we may have so grave
an error (on his part) promptly correct-
Cfli rON` VOTER'S Lisa.—The voters',
list, for.'this 'municipality was poste
up•in Town Clerk Coats'. office on Mon-
day. ,In all there appears, 918 names
on the list, 271 being qualified to serve
as jurors. 51$ are qualified to vote
.both. municipal and parliamentary
electiclns, 3.42 at municipal elections
only. and 58 rare entitled to vote at
electionsfor the Legislative Assembly
only. "Electors should examine the
list carefully. • Omissions or corrections
cannot be made tight ou . election day.
'Young fell from theae of :i: barn
:he was erecting; the othercnd'ay in the,
rear of the bakery, a distance .of
foitrteen"feet„and: became unconscious.
Medical aid' was summoned and he, is
now around again, though ria so lively
as he used to lie. Street Commissioner
Plummer was nearly killed last spring
and report has it that 'Councillor.
Cooper_ is likely, to be the ,.next victim
of°••some serious, ;unforseen.,aaccident.
' Councillors will please beware-.
'Kennedy's valuable pedigreed collie (in
pup)was recently stolen from him at
PorHuron. The other day she was
expressed to him (prepaid) from Port
Huron to Brussels, minus' the pups, of
course. The•. person who would be
guilty of such' a mean theft would steal
coppers from a dead man's eyes. We
have long known .that some of our
,Anierican cousins 'were mean enough
to steal anything Canadian, but we
were not prepared to acknowledge
that they would rob a female dog of
her unlittered pups.
in pea 3. 370331e e that
school 'o ens on urs 27tb,
va h r toe of SOHO
Y Y''
le, 1
BO x$. ST1,•T, O;NF]
We have just received` a 'lice line of Parlor 'Suites, Upholstered
in Raw Sill;, ..with. Solid Oak _Frames,; that we are: offering
at $23. This is a great snap for "any pile intending to'
furnish. their:Parlor' A'we can ?et but `0. limited number
of'tbem you should make it a point' to see .thein at once•'
P ANt) PRESENT.•=NOt long ago
Inoticed in one of the Goderich papers
an..item, •stating that Judge Doyle and
atiier. students under Mr. John Hal-
dane` ,while he was master of the
(li derieh High School, 'have presented
a; portrait of ;,the gentleman to the.
Goderieh 'Colleggiate • Institute. The
aaction, is a graceful tribute to an effici-
ent and conscientious educator, who 1
9 understand:is yet vigorous and astive.
It 'may he of interest to some readers
•ofr. TALE NEwS,EC0IW to know some-
• thing of seine” of the "old boys" who
like.: ,Saul :sof Texans at the feet of
ttinaliel .sat at the 'feet of Mr., Hal=
dane prior to the thee of the:donors Of
the 'portrait, When the institution was
known as the Hrrron District Grammar
ehool, • Ainong the old boys who,
were assisted up uhe� Pa�ldaan
heights b£ ',learning by o
over forty-five years ago,, and are still
living, are 'W. Camrtpb�ell, Postmaster,
0. McKsy,•High Constable, George
McMahon and John Salkeld, farriers.
' allS of•G ederich; ,Tames grid W' hair
Clarkes;.;of Colborne; W. T. Whig
e1 ' 'of the • 'Customs, (Clinton
Ma,tthew, Robertson . and Oliver
• 'Wilson, of Seaforth;,Jfistice Robertson
of • the High Court of Ontario,: I be.
� Itev!e wag ,
also 'one and Win
Senatdr d-
sur;. of Michigan; •I.1r. Hy'ndm n, of.
• South Huron, and Colin Clark, h ,
Then of am-'
W. Lizars a,
. t
re ° is.
xnl(ton+ Th e
,n» %ad`rn
ineer of
$ritain, who
And. Charge of the 6tiildiagg of the Bel=
feet: docks.. and. othe public 'works.
ate T. L.
the l �,
i' a nc
dent 9 ,
e 'pmt g
Tit .
The Writer,
I';izars, _ wee giro: one: w ,
after alt these.�ear
, has, s,dr
Ie¢tfoa ofwrdeln With mathematical
tiavovernemite, Latindecleusions and
en It :preatinefation under Mr.
Haldane, and Of how gratified 1>ie
e telt whe " r with ten summers passed,
over his bead,.it, came to'lria tarn to be
etor" and be•
sat On the little
platform," conscious of, almost
yti al; prrdeandpower,,alOngsi<lothe;
r. Haldane,' 'During the. past
• p o :td' which .1 refer the rammar
or: ai h .,:School vas conducted i id it
Alone, )05drng�tof the' lot.noW ocettpied
by the North St..;lticthodist church,
, nfterw'arde In another ,frame building
oft, the cornor aidjoihb8, *bet9has Bincet
be"R•kiloWn•rtri the Hands property*.
rwerl,okitlg the''ltarbor' hill,and feting
preltent Town Pitrk.--COM.
We can giver you a Curtain Pole .with Ends, Rings, Brackets
and Pins, all complete, for 22 cents.i
Come and see .what Furniture we are offering for the Fall
en son ;.
and. 1ater {off :we
re scYne
ins ' sore to say a ' .o,i.
were somewhat disappointed last
Thursday evening m the non-
appearance of the band, butthey made
up for all disappointments in the
splendid program m e rendered on Satur-
day evening. To -morrow (Thursday)'
eveningthe following will he given
from te band stand :—
March. Park City
Sere Lovers Good Night
Galop.. Robt. Sticking Chorce
Andt. and Waltz swest1mogei>iMy
Dar ing
Rodman Rifles
LAORossE --•The Mitchell Recorder
does the Clinton and.Goderich Lacrosse
Clubs a, great injusticein referring to
the recent contests. It says :— "Our
lacrosse boys did not fare . so well on
Thursday last as they had hoped for.
At 'Clinton they were beaten by the
club of that town 3 to 1 and got, a'num-
oer of scalps and other wounds. The
boys'report the Clinton club an organ-
ized band of sluggers. At Goderich
in the afternoon they did not fare very
much better so far as slugging and
scars of honor went, hut they held the
score' down to nothing. After an hour
of hard. work neither team had scored
and they- called the game a draw and
quit. The boys had taken upon thet--
slves too much to play two heavy
teams in the same day, and were tired
out before .they started with Gods -
rich." ' The "organized sluggers" came
the spectators tors
and to
the judges: •
These were bought in a very unusual way, 31 percent below cost to mended -
tura, which accounts for this very. unusual selling.
Sack S its.SringWeights,.All Wool-Cassimeres
� p
and Illmported Ser es Made and Fringed in the
best manner, good honest value at $20 for $15
Wltaozr_BtrcHANAN.-The Vermon-
ter World refers to the marriage of
' F' Wilson and Miss
r. ''Psi.
M as
Buch>14nlimr• �forrherly of.Clinton)
,.]� W. F. Wilson, "-�lvirr
O s.
e11 knowna
fellowwel iiet left on to -day's Atlan-
expres for 'Winnipeg. Re is going
y her
agent for
cityto bet
a g
ter w
the the Cedar Lumber Company, an
Office itis e q erience well qualifiesti i
to fill.His :going, however, has ha,
ahoufi. • it -wh ch will for the time set•
business on' i►ue side. Itiswedding
its well sit n'btsiness:trip.. This Morn-
ing ailr'. W;fison took `into himself a
bride. in the person of Miss Dora
Buchanan,•,dattghter" of .DonaldBacli
aura, contractor, •b1' Fairview and
formerly of Clinton, Ont. The,World
wishes r: and Mrs, 'W-ilsori life utiir
'possible happiness.. Mr. Wilson has
'for some tithe' •beat book-keeper at.
paseady's.mill,•, and previous to that'ho
WAS it 'com'tnerclal traveller, se that he
has Ikea exaetl .tho training' to° fit hint.
for his new position,
Strictly All Wool Scotch ]Mixture, Medium Weight and Dark
Colors from the best Manufacturers in the Country. Suits
,you can't buy elsewhere for less than $18. Own one for .$13.
We bought them for Spot Cash from manufacturers, who needed the money,tat
prides below the cost: of Manufacturing. This enables us to offer them
at these Marvelously low Prices.
Business :Men, Clerks, Mechanics who wish to drew) Stylishly and for little
money will do well to take advantage of thio announcement.
--.�Clothers, Furn!sfies.
e have opened up and passed
into stock the following goods.
3 Cases of .Choice Dress Goods1
1 Case .o,Flannel:. Goods.
ases afbbansan r"
, . .
toee' 00m set Ili a ,!e"
days ; rh n .we 1611: be able t
• eho'�v '�o'� a stook is n
stir gassed for ,st'; le,quah' Y.an
1 1i1
The Foolish Woman
et' in her heart that there is 'no such thing as a bargain,
and all such advertised are but a snare and a delusion to
the feet of the unwary.
The Wise Woman
Rnoweth better ! She discerneth the SHEEP from. the GoATS,
_and unde'standeth that not all' advertisements are fakes,
She scanneth THE NEWS -RECORD, and .when an annonnc -
ment appears from the Palace Store, she makes haste to
avail herself of the bargains. For instance
Saturday Morning Last
We'plaeed on our counters, at greatly reduced prices the fol-
- lowing liners of' Summer Goods. They are broken lots
and odd sizes, and must go out at once
Boys' heavy ribbed Cotton Hose, sizes 71, 810 and 91, were 25c, now.... 190
Boys' stainless black; ribbed Cotton Hose, hest Gerii)an goods, every size
reduced in price, a few'pairs only of each size left.
Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, double heels, were selling at 2•io, now.... .190
A Better line was sold at 33c'.,"no'w , „ . ,;x,260.
Pure Silk Lace'1Vlitts, our regular 5e line, Blacks,Qolors, Creaml3, you take • 16e
your choice for. ... + ..... » .. .
Extra Heavy Pure Silk Mitts, black only, were 500.s reduced to. 350
Black and Cream Silk Gloves, extra heavy, were selling at, 70c., now.•., . 470 :
Block, °ream and Colored Silk Gloves were sold at 50c., now ' •• 35c
eta Gloves wero•sellin 20now:15e
Black, Crearn aird CoIdr�d maff' t g atc,.
Sumtner C orsets,sizes 20, 21, 28, 21, only, ,were SOc., now'.390
guipure and Point Laces, White; Cream or Beige, Were i0e.,
Other Cotton Laces reduced in proportion. '
`Extra wide, fast color, Cotton Challies: .. . ':.. 50
. n
. , iiotV ..
Ladies Egyptian `Yarn Vests, very fine, were 40c,, :
i nd
stable for tri)iim. n rr
flee • s
otored S u.
and, Fancy (� g
Plain a F
Of dna
` of price ' clear:
s ha half to
At t le s't
c -work, � p
'fa w ,
Y invited" iii it, votllc be well' to
'e amities of ►tin•' of the above lines are 1 , _ . . at
The tt
tr ,
trite advantage of this offering early. They, :will' remain. xhese��
prices till all tire' sold.
Wise Women?
Are you. one of the �G" e � •