The Wingham Advance, 1919-04-17, Page 8oasetramaSsa.maaaramaas' Moved To Paisley Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Bell left on Mon- day for Paisley where they will in future reside. Mr. Bell carne to Wingham a few years ago and entered partnership in the hardware business with Mr. A. J. Ross. Later dissolving partnership and since he has been in the employ of W. H. Gurney. Mr, end Mrs Bell were highly respect- ed citizens and will be tnissea by their Mena here. Thursday April al, 109 Pull wight 1 1711111111111111111111MMT01111MTITIMIIPITMIVIIMMIMITITMITFT5 to INin ham 'till WINO 11 AM ADVANCt Com in Wednesday, ril 23rd Optometrist and Optician We wirthave a.n expert optician at our drug store on Wednets 'day, A.pril eard, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. NO CASE TOO DIFFICULT. ALL WORK ,GCARANTISED SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN We have arranged to have Mr Romani here duriug the Batter vacation to give our students a gotta opportunit y to have their eyes tested. adrieNia...•••••••••••••• J. Walton McKibbon Phone 53, C. P. R. Tickets. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' WAWA 1. Easter Announcements • U. P. D. CANDIDATE That we place ourselves on record as being in favor:of placing U. F. 0 Can- didates in the iield to contest the coming elections, and that we appoint an Execu- tive of the Clubs a the North part of the Riding to meet the Executive of the South part to further the organization for this purpose. The above motion was carried unanhn- ously on Tuesday evening of last week when the Farnaere of South Huron met in 1 4.:siss844.4•448.040+4..7P,IsiI•4•444,4,94.4. •1'"' WW1' Machine Shop WHA HIE "BIO POUR SAY Belgrave 1 ;Associeted Press Cable) The `'Lee Aid of Knox Church will I give a tea,. Seturday, April 19th. front 3 4.!!!".— Paris' April icah--The. full text. of to o'cloelc in the basement of the ehurch. 't'• Special Dunlop bicycle' covers to go of the "Big Four" follows: cooking Tbere will also be a sale of homemade' f pairs of brand new President 'Wilson's statement in behalf 3 US- a eV,/ at $4.45 for the next 40 days, X Traction Tread a t $3.00, only 50c less than Eaton sells them for. •S: Bicyele tubes galore, Don't forget we have the old re- se. liable Cleveland bicycle fa sale. *,t. "In ew of the fact that the question's which must be settled in the peace with Germany have beeu 'brought so near eetti• plete solution that they eau slow quickly be put through the final process of draft- ing, those who have been most constautly in conference about them have deeidesi to advise that the German nlenipotentiar. ies be invited Vs meet the representatives of the associated belligerent liatiOns at Versailles on the estli of April. "This does not tuean that many other questions connected with the general peaee settlement will be interrupted, or that their consideration, witioli has long 'been under way, will he retarded. On the contrary it ie expected that rapid progress will now be made with these questions, so thaisthey may also present- ly be expected to be ready foe final settle- ment. "It is hoped that the questisins most direetly affecting . Italy especially the Adriatic question, eau IMW be brought to a speedy agreetneut. The Adriatic question will be given for the time pre- cedence over other questions and pressed by continual study to its fleet stage. 'Ile settlements that belong especially to the treaty with Germauy will, in this way, he got out of the way at the airine time that all other settlements are being brought to a complete formulatioe, It is realized that, though this process must be fellowed, all the questions of the present great settlement are part of a eiegle whole.' /airs, Richard Fay and ehildren of i Melton, formerly of data village; are 1 spending a few days in the village. Mr. Fay enlisted with the Met 13att, and Lock -tight cement is like a bull 4; dog: you can't pull it off. A 1 1 the convenuon, other bicycle accessories at reason- 4: The question of haying a fair represent .; able prices. went overseas and in France paid the supreme sacrifice. 4. Mr. Alex. Nethery of Sarnia, opent a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nethery. ation of farmers in the Houses of parlia-'t* Motor oil, the best. Mix some y. meat is becoming a live issue and as the South part of the riding has already met it was up to the Northern part to decide what they would do if South Huron was to be represented by a IL F. 0, Candi- date. Addresses were given by Mr. Ratcliffe of ;Osborne Twp.; Mr. Shillinglaw of Tuckersinith ; Mr. Love of Tuckersrnith; Mr. Coleman of Tuckersmith ; Mr. Mar- quis of Godericn township; Mr, Scott of Hullett; Mr. McDowell, McKillop; Mr, Black, Tuckersmith ; Mr. Eckart, W- Killop • Mr. Thos. McMillan Hullett ; Mr. McGavin, Walton ; and many others The Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Department show- X Z ing Spring Styles in the newest fashion. IGloves INeckwear Silk Hosiery Blouses x Wool Pullovers WoOlSweater Coats In Velours, Silks, Serges, Gabardines. Coats Dolmans Capes Suits Skirts Popular Prices . _ 1 Easter brings exclusive Men's Hab= 7Y, X. . § erelashery in Neckwears, Hats, ?A . X x - Silk Shirts, Collars. x 1, Society Brand and 20th Century •:X 1 X . Easter Clothing . 74 . , . . NI X The new high waist *lines and belted models and /14 X i 1 . many other distinctive style, m Spring Coats, Tweed Waterproofs and Toppers x X 'at .popuiar'prices. , • X XIM•Li••••••••••••••1•11MMIO*0•1•mmme••••0•00•Selet••••••••••••••••••emMe X VI — X spoke on the issue and of things general in the interests of the farmers, It is expected fsahat the Executive will meet in Hensall in May to lay plans for the forthcoming Convention tAr. uir y ground mica with it and prevent •;:, 'e, carbon, We sell ' the mica, 4. • . ax Say, have a look at our magm- s. ::: ie air valve, for Ford cars only. X. 4, It will give you from 4 to 7 mites A A s more per gal. Try one and b e ..s • ..1 'se, convinced. t: 4* e 10 I,:• .1:6 4,:+0;.• •:• 4;1 ;,1•1:611,,X• 6.0 4110. 4:4 4::* 4:0 4:14:* 41 •:,* ^ SALE OF PROPERTY BY ADMINISTRATR1X IT tate • and by virtue of the powere grantee to utetinoersigned by the Surrogete Court of the Comity of Huron in the estate a the late Robert, 'tetra, there will be offered for sale bY wow, elite ion on Saturday, the 2611 day of He at the hour of two o'clock in the East Wawanosh We were pleased to see Ple John T. Gibbons, who arrived trent oversers on Tuesday evening. He ie looking fine...„. A inimber ot new CAN have been pur- chased on the `ninth line. Mr. John Gibbons sr., ot Fordyce, had the mistortone to have his armfractured oa Saturday last. We hope to see Mr. Gibbons around again soon. Mr,- Frank O'Grady is dangerously )11, Mr. James St. Marie arid family are comfortably settled in their neW home recently purchased from Mr. Frank Doyle, A number of the farmers are busy plowing, On Monday evening last. March 31, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Clow entertained their friends before leaving for their new home i n Kinloss They have purchased Mr Alex .Cameron's farmon the 4th con • oa the promisee hereinafter men- tioned in the Township of Emit Wawo.nosh, by T. lt. Bennett, Auctioneer, t 11 0 ollowing goods and chattels;— One buleau, one table, two cupboards, two beds, chairs, ono stove, one wheelbarrow aud other articles. Six eords of stove wood. Terins; Cash. There will also be offered for sale at the aforesaid time and place the house and lot be- ing a part of Lot number thirty in the Four- teenth Concession o f the said Township of East. Wavvailosh containing ono acre or land. There is situate on this land the followiugy--; storey frame house, '14x20 with kitchen l(1stS also frame stable 16120. A number of frui-. trees md a good well are on the prem. ;sea A deetreble home for a small family. Terms. Ten per cent. to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance) to be paid within one month thereafter without interest. Farther partioulars ean be obtained from the undersigned. Dated at Winghatn the 7t1 day of April A. 1). 1911 Dtromtv Solicitor for the .Adminietratrix, Elizabeth Casomore. T. R. BENNUTT, Auctioneer, Fordyce - • Mr. And Mrs, George McRoberts visit- ed at Mr. E. J. Haines on Sunday last Miss Margaret Rintoul who is attending Business College in Wingham spent the week end.at home. Miss• Victoria Champion of Lucknow, visited at home over Sunday. Miss kVjunifred Haines spent a few days visiting with her sister, Mrs. Geo, McRoberts. Mr. -and Mrs Chester Taylor visited at Mr. Ferguson's Auburn, on Sunday last. Mrs. George Naylor visited at Mrs. S, Taylors a couplo of days last peek. Mr. aad Mrs.' James Barbour visited at Mr. B. McCianaghans on Sunday last. . Mr and Mrs Elliott Taylor of Luck - now, spent Sunday with Mr, Chester Tay, ler. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Havens spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. John Gibbons happened with a sad accident, gettjng caught in the wheels of the windmill that was attached to the grindstone in so doing he broke his arm above the. wrist which wal lay him up for some time, Mr. Arthur Haines of Wingharn, is at present visiting his brother, Mr. Edward Haines for a few days. - Mr. George Brophey of St, Augustine. is at present engaged with M. D O'Cal- laghan. If reports are • true Mr. Haggett of Blyth and Miss Maud Emmerson of this locality had the nuptial knot tied one day last week Quite a number ,in this locality are plowing sod, the other ground being too wet for cultivation. Hanna & Co. .x X X The Store with the Stock. X A -74VIXTAVOCZXXXVIIIZXZWAIViraliMiX W INGHAM MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Wheat No. 2 Spring 2 06 to Wheat No. 2 Fall .2 11 to Flour, per cwt, stridard —5 90 to Bran, per ton 40 00 to Shorts, per ton.... .. . 42 00 to . . 75 to 85 to 17 00 to 45 to 41 to Lad 30 to Cattle, med., butchers10 00 to Cattle, butchers choice.13 00 'to Hogs, liveweight.... 19 50 to Butterfat to Oats Barley Hay, Butter, per lb.—dairy Eggs, per dozen Morris John Douglas has sold ala Lot 22, Con. ish. . 6, containiog 100 acres, to Sam. Walker, of the Same line, who will utilize it as pasturage. Price was $IN/. This gives Mrs. Wm. Norman of Sask., is visiting Mr:Walker 325 acres. atr. and Mrs. . , Douglas will continue to live in the house tor a tinte although the purchaser gets im- mediate possession of the farm. Mrs. Douglas' health has not been as robost as of yore but we hope the well earned rest Will prove of value. The Douglas family ing for Regina. Miss McTavish of Ripley, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. D. McTav- her sister, Mrs. James Wilson. Mr. Sidney Hewitt, formerly of Coro- nation, Alta , but recently returned from overseas, where he spent the past two yeat•s, is visiting at the home of Mr. Geo. Ross, Messrs, Alex Cameron and Aylmer has lived in Morris township tor the past Tiffin attended a sale in Kincardine one 1 80 years. Mr. Douglas 'saw a good deal day last week. ot the North Ainerician continent in his Miss Flora Roes conducted the Y. P. S years, especially the gold reining areas Passed away at her home, Wiwa Hill, Sask., on March 250 the wife of Geo, meeting en Sunday night Miss L, Longman will have charg.. of the Easter meeting. Armson, of influenza. Deeeased remo i Miss Nellie Bannerman of Winghatn, ed with her parents, the late John and ', visited with friends here over Sunday. Mrs, flacksari, from Morris township 101 The creamery here will comtnence oper- ,,, years aga!ions on Monday next, April 21Theo, 3 years later she was mar. ,' d,selcrodf esa ritd to her now bereft husband, whom i tliattris):c tatleerteetaltbutter make t'e • with 3 small children, mourn her loss.; files' srs. Hector MacKay and David Ann - She is survived by her mother also 3 sts-ldrews ae cream drawers ' ters and 2 brothers, Mrs Jas. Forsyth,1 Mrs, Milton Rands and T. H. Jacksote 1 NOTICE.1_0 CREDITORS all of Wiwa Hill; G.W. Jackson, Walton, and Mrs. Lew. Williamson, brussels. Deceased was highly esteemed by many trieeds. This it the 3rd death in the homes of the three sisters,' viz Jas. For - Case Boy Are Home Messrs. Howard and Benson Case ar- rived at Duagannon on Tuesday evenifig, after an absence of four years In France and England. A very hearty reception awaited them. Eager citizens paraded the streets and hung on every corner awaiting, the arrival of the expected sol- dier boys from McGaw station. About 10 o'clock p m, the pealing a the village bell proclaimed the arrival, and the comIni immediately marched to the Methodist church, where the guests were brought to receive a right royal welcome home. Rev. T. A, Steadman occupied the chair and after words of welcome and brief prayer for the safe return of our soldiers a short program was given, including speeches by Rev M. F, Craig, Mrs. Alliston, Joseph IVIallough and Miss Thompsoo, solos by Miss Hazel Augustine and Mr. R. A. Bailey, and quartette selections by the Dungannoti Male Quartette Mr. Benson Case replied, speakiug very feelingly of the pleasure at being back to Canada, and to the good old village of Dungannon again. The meeting was brought to, a close by three rousing cheers for the re- turned heroes, then three more for )Jr. and Mrs. Cate and Miss Ethel and Mr. George Case lit the Estate of Margaret Slimly t Village of Itrussehi the County of Hor- an, widoe, deceased. Notice IA hereby given onrseaut to section 5d, ehaptet 121 01 11. 2, 0, 1911 that, all persone having claims against the estate of Margaret Shaw who died on a AbOilt the Ninth day of sylb, Feb, 28th. DOris Rands on Mardi Febtuaty A. D. 1919, at the Town of Wingluint , tared to sena to t lie underAlgr e Lthe Sol - 1113, and now Mis Armson, Nlarelt 'SAIL Muir or the executors, en or before t he 26th day of April,°1919, their naince and addres-es with hull particular,4 of their claims lti writing nod the nature of t,he seouritles any; held by noon Whiteehureft And Further Take Not 1001 hat after the staid 211,h dny of April 191911,0 a -set s of the ARM I,s• MAI Will be iii-‘trilmteit by the said Exeent ore Mrs, McClenaghan and 1V1its Ona have among t he parties thereto, havleg regard tmly returned from Eleigrave, where they to aunts of which they nbell then have me tee nnd the eeteLle will not- be liable for any eleinai spent the pest few week' iiet atm ei the ti Or t he stid dist riga! inn. Mr. and Mrs. Andre* Pox visited St. A. D. it;. 6 15 42 00 44 00 85 1 00 18 00 50 4.4 35 12 00 14 00 19 75 -60 *A full supply of Victor Phono- graphs and Records Call and heat, the'se machines before purchas- ing elsewhere. H. E. W. TARIM Minnie St • Mr. W. L Geddes visited with friends In Londeehoro, last week. Mrs Wm, Bryant of Hullet, spent a couple of days with her mother Mrs. Wray last week. 1VIrs, A HalliclayiB upending a few days with her daughter in 13russets. Mr, A. Halliday is visiting his daughts et' near Clinton. 1Viies 1VIargaret Garniss of Bluevale vieitecl her aunt Mrs. Miller last week. Mr i Oliver 0 Andersen is visiting his brother in Toledo Rev, Davidson took charge of the serv- ices in Brussels on Sunday. Ptes. William Brandon and John Gib. boils arrived home last week and were given A reception in the hall on Thursday night. Mrs. Wray is under the doctors care with an attack of bronchitis. Mrs. (Rev.) Davidsot and little daughter returned home from Wing ham hospital on Monday las t. G. W. V. A. Ball The G. W. V. A. have decided to not send any invitations out to townspeople for their Ball which will be held in the ArmOuries on Friday evening, April 25th, All are welcome and cordially invited to come. Dancing from 8.30 p. m. to 2 a. m, and progressive euchre from 8.30 to 12 o'clock. Blackstone Orchestra will furnish the music, tickets -81.00. Butter $1 Per Pound? The possibility of butter going to al- most a dollar a pound is foreseen in some exporting circles, and over the pri(e which already obtains much unrest i s noted There are many inquiries as to the under- lying causes If it ever reaches the dollar mark we know of some newspaper men who will be eating dry bread because they will not be able to buy grease to cover one side, Charcoal, Turpentine and Tar .We are informed that some of the finan ciers of Seaforth are installing a plant near the north.east boundary of N. cKillop for the manufacture of charcoal, turpen- tine and tar and have bought a large por- tion of the pine stumps in that region which they are very much satisfied with. We hope this undertaking will be a pros perous one for all interested, How little -we appreciate the material resources in our very midst, and their possibilities in undeveloped wealth.. BEAUTIFULEASTERSHOES FOR WOMEN Just like the illustration in several styles and leathers. In Black, Mahogany, Brown and Grey. Prices from $5,50 up, • Take a look in North Window. W. H. WILLIS SOLE AGENT FOR THE FOR LADIES mingsawasinsinnlilllinflillnalnlIBBM111111111MMISIMAII Clean Up And Paint Up Wouldn't it be a good thing -for Wing - ham citizens to start the ball rolling for a general clean-up and paint -up week to be held about the first of May? We all are anxious to look our best when we have company. and everyone is going to have company, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. A few coats of paint and a neatty trimmed lawn make a great difference. Dated at Wilighem 1.th day nf March 1)11111,N !told/ I... A 011tirtt friends one city lest week. Pelleenr for the WBOBIll or of the 4th con. of West Waymnosh. -1.-+.111110 MARRIED Bluevaie A very interesting . institute meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J. Breck- enridge on Thursday April 10th. Mrs. Tate read several letters from the boys everseae thanking the Bluevale ladies for their kindness to them during the war. Re.v F. Burgess gave a very intetesting talk on "Habits and what they teed to," showing that the habits formed as a child will form the character of a person The secretary asked that all parties having Red Cross socks or yarn on hand please eeturn en or before the l•st of May to Mrs C. Tate as they wish to dispose of them before the books are closed for the year. BURN McKim/au—To Mr. and Mrs, .1, D. Mc- Kenzie, con. 1, Culross, on Sunday, Mar. 30th—a son. WYLIE—In Howick on March 13th , to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wylie, a son.— John Hilbert A. POWELL—At the Rectory, Gorrie, on Tuesday, April 8th, to Rev, G. P. and 1Virs Powell, a daughter. HENNINO—In Turnberry, on Thursday, April 10th, to Mr. and Mrs- Lloyd Hen- ning, twin boys. Both died the same day. Citonesms.NK—In Lower Wingham on Sunday, April 13th to Mr. and Mrs. Benson Cruikshank, a daughter. UNDEEWOOD—Ill Turnberry, on Mon- day, April 14th, to Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Underwood—a daughter. Brutal Treatment Brutal treatment while wounded, in- sufficicient foods,' no warmth in.. winter months, filthy quarters, blows,kicks, curs- es jeers, confinement to dark cells with no food upon the slightest provocation, and being spit upon by soldiers and civ- ilisans, are but some of the hardships that Eddie Hyde of Wiarton had to bear dur- ing a period of three years and seven months while a prisoner of war in Ger- many. Tana& Visits pidgetown A tornado is reported to have swept over Ontario in the vicinity of Ridgetown, where it did considerable damage on Thursday last. Wingham and vicinity were only visited by a strong wind. The Ridgetown Dominion reports that horse stables and garages were blown over, an automobile lifted and turned upside down, a large greenhouse is a mass Of ruins and the hydro and telephone service out of commission. Oh Por The Good Old Times Prices as they were twenty-four Brasoe—EttatneeroN.--At the home of the bride's father, Miss Gladys Erriagton, daughter of Mr. David Errington, jr,, concession 6, of W. Wawanoth, on Wed- nesday, April '2, to Mr. Wallace Black, son of Mr. William J. Black of Ashfield. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. A Stedman. SWAN—Cyr:lump—At Dungannon Meth- oclist Parsonage on Wednesday, April 2, by Rev. T. A. Steadman, M r. Samuel Swan of Ashfield, to lvliss Clara Culbert mg Mr. Tired Clubb left on Monday morn. WIT MU A. YtrIA'a ago: White wheat... . ...... .... 58c a bushel Red wheat 58c a bushel Spring 'wheat .. .54c h bushel White oats 34e abushel Peas-.. 50c a bushel Flour No, 1 per 100 lbs ....... .... 060 Oatmeal per 100 lbs. standard ... 82.00 Oatmeal per 100 lbs granulated ...$2.25 Oatmeal per 100 lbs rolled— . ...... $2.25 Bran, per ton $14.00 Shorts, per ton 116 00 Eggs, per dozen lie Butter per lb Lard per lb... ......... • • . • Honey, comb, per lb. .. . .. 20c Honey, extra per lb 1.4.4 apples, per lb ........ years DIED FITCH—In Howick, on WednesdaY, 2nd, 1910, Arthur Fitch, in his year. BURNs—In Howick, on Thursday, April 3rd, 1919, Margaret ' Oliver, beloved wife of John Burns, in her 84th year. The'crooked lane of moderate drinking turns into the broad road of heavy drink- ing which leads to, un ha.ppiness, ill -health and destruction. Keep to the. straight and narrow path. Wroxeter Next Sunday is Easter Sunday, • House and yard cleaning is in full swing. Maple syrup making is about finished for this year. Mr. Fred Davey was at Greed Valley last 'Friday attending the funeral of his father, Mrs. T. Gallemphill went to Toronto on Monday. Quarterly service will be held in the Methodist church the last Sunday in April. • Blyth Mr. Thomas Bell' of East Wawanosh has purchased Mrs. David Nichols' resi- dence on Dinsley St. Union Services will be held in the Anglican church on Good Friday at 11 a. m. Blyth will have their celebration on May 24th. Proceeds in aid of M.emorial i Hall. ' • 1 Mr, Crittendon has purchased the corn- , er grocery and restaurant from Mr. John iEmigh and takes possession Tuesday. ' Mrs, Palmer of Goderich, is a visitor ' at the home of Mr, Luxton Hill, Pte. Palmer enlisted and went overseas with the 161st Hurons and was killed in action on Nov. 11th, the day the armistice was signed. Make the acquaintance of the threes Famous Musketeers of the great war in "The Better Ole" in Industry Hall on. Good Friday evening, April 18th. xxxXxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxXxxxx'xxxY wAxxxx CLOTHES FOR EASTER IN THE LATEST STYLES x April 84th ..16c ....16c Lucknow Lieut MiteWelf arrived home on Thursday night. He was met at the station by the reception committee and a large crowd of town peoPle. The brass band furnished splendid music and led the protession to his home. Lieut. Mitthell signed up in 1916 with the Canadian Engineers and was transferred to the Forestry Corps. Mr arta Mrs. R. IVIcCharles received the sad news on Sunday that their young- eet daughter, Sarah, beloved wife of Mr. Cliff Rivers, had died with the flu. She only left to join her husband iO the west a short time ago. The t•ereeins are being brought to Lucknow for interment from Saskatehewea, eeeso ert 1 I P. le. IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of Ilene Elisabeth Kargus, This lovely bud so young so fair, Called heuee by earthly doom, , Jut came to show how sweet It flower, In Paradise could bloom Ere sin could ham, or sorrow fade, Death eame with 'friendly cafe, This opening bud to heaven consied, 12c And bed* it blossom there. • • • I 4c I Signed by Father. Coats and mfGioves SPRING COATS Ladies' New Spring Coats made up tin the latest styles ana mater- • ials Prices $18 50 to $45, • RAINCOATS Ladies' Raincoats in tweed materials and plain, para - matte cloths in the latest styles, Prices $10 00 to $25,00. GLOVES FOR EA...STER Kid, Silk and Chem- oisette Gloves. KID GLovns in white, bleck and latest shades, all sizes. Prices 1.50 to $3, SILK GLOVES in best quality heavy im- ported, double tipped .silk gloves, Prices $1, 150 and 2.50.• New Blouses Latest styles in Blouses af Voile, Silk Crepe and. Georgette Crepe, Prices $1 60 to $1.0.00. Kings' GIPOCerY Department • , (Pure Foods at ISIonty Saving Prices) s Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat aed Gusto 10e, Choite hand picked beans, per lb 50 Aylmer Torrietott and Peas, large cell 15e $L25 extra good intense 95e 12 bare Comfort Soap 90e .10 lb pail syrup 05c S lb pail .. . 75c black or Japati tea 3 lbs hest stet 100 1411. grartuleted 'tiger .... • • • • ....... 48c .63c 25e 10.00 Corsets, Un- derwear and Hosiery CORSETS All the latest styles in Corsets, suitable for all • kinds of figures, in lace front or back. Prices $1 50, 2 50, 4, 5 and 6,50 HOSIE'RY A ND U ,NDE'RWEAR Silk and Lisle Hose in ali the newest shades 'Brown, Gray. Sand also Black and White, Prices 50c, $1.00, $2 and 3.50. SUMMER U ISTD.E'RWEAR Ladies' Vests, Drawers and Combination Suits in cotton, lisle and balbriggan in latest styles and Weaves, Prices 25c to $3,00 a garment. Men's HAT4 CAP.S New styles and shades in hats from the best manufac- tures such as the King Hat and Bor- salino. Prices $3.50 cf..° $00. SHIRTS, COLLARS AND TIES Arrow Shirts and Collars in the now - et designs anct ma- terials. Prices $1 to 85. Furnishings co"' \ A Akt. (1.1.ii e speciai Sale of Silks Special purchase of a large quantity of Silk Poplins, Ilahttatm Pongee and Satin Mouselinefet ell the newest shades, enables no to sell at great money saving prices. Von Can save the price of making on each garineut, Produce Wanted. Phone 71. / "Tiff.; CASH STORE" KING no • mogootortmottottonotionsoncootsononontonommt