HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-08-15, Page 2,000SICit thatoetlibai resUlts has reeelve4lreuk ..0,001er to et 4reee PO, ie*WO; ,:#4; • •:*0 ;00101 0.10; It 04110 Ca414:JoY §t011014,' .,430exacO ::eutet Otdpr.. faieStiletfilMt nene'seeinelktev1Va .10!). • ellettintll nee4totqheoldreUa ftytbe bTe :4e� ,.haver-,' taken onlY one' are th,.t.tiusotti'eas ant, aca1',Pa8Yto4aya et ,over:S041; being 0941.0elY,, soiOn‘ ,':00ated,:tipiteVentielilidwoiltakethein, ngo ion au v10 are;i4 'tteet1. 'et -4101400 , fila.,,Theyjmill'fietgecip!, '.V..'0C.4111 fusooioiot:niont00,40;x41,ter, „. o *0:drying leo of the 0,40111018, flepptmut , or AgriOni. c• ' The -artiOn ' 14in Government in ereatIng tite of •o;2 Dairy Cettnini4r! sioner ter the .DominiOn, hes riloretba# re011iOd tho prodiettons a,nd expeetne, tion Of thoe who asked for4t, u .the ilrot,DoPilnien Dairy. ‘Convention held •at' Ottawa, ba,s1889. •The appointriten Wb.414-fule'iti 11390t: 0,11d..eVOPY..00,1ittafteiP • knOTys-that, 4aineS W4 ROliertsOn Waitf, the inaii'phosen•for,t40 place. • • During Arst Year the Dit00in. inissiontie viSited; prOVineea. tO exantinatiOn Of ti* :00Praitien Of.'411iiry end, :the testittrees Adapted. theteto,, iii Witb -4. view to rePlat'tin to,: the. Gior erunient 'what conid; edooe,19r,the narAoultyp,,', , , DATA*. ,STATIONS'.'t • • As -an butcOnienfth soit.00n!sjApsti, galena arid obserVatiOrr.a the needs of tbe. dilfereiltPreVince.si li reeotnnietd17, sd tho ooto,pwholeot ot,x3ortotv:goori, •-11i4lItta Dairy 'statio,o4..tey the, mimber ittlqa.t.'orie'in, eVerYPY9vi,40%wrfOre • the.Coriditiena were ready, The GOY.- e ernineti.t pinced „ Stiro of --$A0,009 stintate$'for that Pnro.oser-iT the , 110 gbaca, of theSe StUtionS was tO •give praeticiititlestratiOnt 9. the farmers: .„•,differtartf iStrict*- Of, the., beinifita that weillti ..,restllt to themselvesfiFoto the, adoption of, the best inetin'ais -of doirying, These stati.ona were to be ' oel.-Ve the nlea‘ns ip,tredocing terAt1' :aeprtures in dairy roctice, whiCh. .peolitable but ,not Well known to: the majoritv of fatinors. , 0 °P,Are,OYDr6.4764.4Yeref..ce., iore,t,se,.00,00, ..iEff rareoll,-M,nee: 0.0tiv.0 The 4 ,vron. .aws, ec ont ,x,i3O,4 Yeatt-41.20.taAdianen • WRIONESVAY, AHCIITST15t11,' 1,894, 11V-ROAr Ng *Live -1.opal- , . '' ' • - ,doiirnal : ,,lasneci•WedrieSday• inilan--,41.3rielt, • ' rtA1i nts•-„Stoeyco. ,::..,:sqoutlimed,.Meaapt --. rre-Aioaes :ere. settled' '.‘Viticlritliattiniariptiona • . .... 6LiOliziafr, aolleausise..-4rett.oeat44 parted ineasura) for first Roofer ,bachstthsemlent,IO2_01t10.0." ,• .CetOrtser AmisitrIS.120.,"nP001111 Int, deurabbve regular 1.011fract rattiVor thit . .•. Wi.,541R-00,17d.). ' Family '.Weekly .. • . - ' • Mornings.- Albert Street Ont. • in ath.4nee.. No paper of publisher; until 'all ' month and Year to 1 yfigibe,' fbundon the4,1dreadlehel. ,•...,,,, ,,,, • • • line. (non, and three cents.a ' ... ' I Peadien 10 to 25 Ilie' table bolo* gives ' ter definite periods: : , .,- . . • 'a' lid. ttbek, Clinton . 4,,. 4.:,ption .,•The", a' e paIO . , . litiertiort rates: Of paper . - Sraunt '..I .,/, ra• 1 030. 1 3140. f 1 Mo ] One ,e*hunt... ........ Half COlunne .. ,, ..' : Quarter cohithm....... ...0 •One, eighth column , 1 oiletook. • ,. ,500 00 ,. 5 00. 00 1.2 .60 0 00 $35 00 .-20 00 ' 12 00 ;17 se!. • 2 50; $20 00 12 00 .7 00 400 2 00 $7 60 / 4 00 t 2 .5 1 -- 21 , ,' 1 `.. - J ' Servants wanted, for sale; lost or fohndi advertise ,, imiiits, not extle`eiling, three- lines. 25 cents each in- • .1! gertion ; not exCeeding' save:1.14658, 50 emits toe flrdt I, iOsertion and 25-eents for .eachlollowing int:eaten. Farnis, hmaies 0 town property, for se e or to,,rent, s dray stet* Or similar advertisemetits not exceed. ing s Sight lines, $1 for. IVO:month and fie cents tot each (Mewing triortih. Legal notines'10e a line for -each nsertiOri, ' • .. . , ' f . , • , •-.AtiVartilements_witliont Setialte lostritetIons in. - vatIably inaerted until leibra and ehlitged .aceord- Ll inglv. Tratisiontadvertisethents in rill cases to be T paid in advitige. - '. ,,. . ,•„'.• • •;.•s , , AD ontrantehanges inifet be received at the Milee notlater than SarnspArtnobn eyery wqek. ' • -•• = A.IL TODD Publisher. C I -cEt, iorao The -,Mo is "Council met July 30th, 1894. Reeve in ,the chair, Minutes of last Meeting: :read and passed, On . /notion of Ishister, seconded by Code, • the Reeve and Jas. Bowitan were in. ,structed.to eXarriiiie center Sideroad, con, 4, ahd havie the same put in a • „proper•etate Of repair,. On motion of ” Code, secended by Kirkby, Jas." Bow- man was instructed te.let „a job of ditch And: culvert at let 23 on 3ra con. line. On motion of Bowman; seconded by Code, Geo. ICirlrby. 'Was instructed to expend $11.00 in cutting out allowanee . at lots 25 and 25 on 7th con. line. On motion of Kirkby, seconded by Code, the Reeve and 'treasurer were insteuct- .6a to borrow. $560.o0 to meet °intent .rexPenditure. (in.inotionof Ishister, seconded by Kirkby, by-law Na. 6, 1891, waSditty rend end passed. The following aceounts were.orilered to be paid: -For gravel -C. Campbell, $2; Win, Martin, 0.81; E. Irwin, $3.85; John McCracken, $3.75; Jas. McArter, •$3.55f Wm. Sholdice, $3.20; 11, Jack - :son,,, :$4.70; R. Skelton, $3.35;,Corpora,- •; thin of East.'Wawahosh, $3;60; Geo. Taylor, 40cts; Gee. Hewitt, $2.22; W. Innes, $2,40; Win. Wilson, $3.61; Silo. ftewitt; $3; D. Farquharson, Sooch, $4,25; I. Errington, $t55; Jas. _Martin, 53 ctir I. Sellars $a99; F. Wright, $2.80; S. Duff Stewart, lurrilier, $3.63; Win. Elston, wood. th Exfords• $4.37; R. Warteiek, • gravelling near 1:ridge at stone school hotise; $10.15; Johe Casernore, spread- ing gravel, 63 eta: R. Pipe, diteli and cul- vert, $5.50; H. Mooney, horse hire on east geavel road. $1.00; Mooney, in- speeting bridges, $12.00; A. 3. Carter, gravelling on Smith boundary, $30.40; John Mills, do, $0.10; Wm. Brans, Spreading gravel,- $2.50; 1, Burns, do $3.7$; E. Littleton', ditch atid culvert:, $6.00; Geo. White, gravelling on -7th line, $20,00; Jasi ditching on 7th $7.25; 1. Wad, srreading rairel and repairing tivo. culverts, $6. R. Hughes., ditch Oh centre Sideline, ,con, 7, $24.75;'E. Cantelon, gravelling on Oth $10.34 John, Cook, spreadin b gravel, $1.'70; P, Caritelon, ;keep o f Fisher, $8.001 Cantelon, repairing b Clark's bridge, $1:254 H. Laing, part t tutYluent 'en Hogg's' bridgef $150.00i b 'Lang, repairing Clitriee end Stinahitie bridges and. meking, roadway, -$3100.; D , Int). Mains, eontract on West gravel i • Toad, $98.Wm 55; : Scott, Spreading p ravel oil Weat.; bnundatiy, $6.90, p graclitig road, $6,00 L, Dickinson., tierelees re-htidge• arbitre- tiOri, $60; E. tang, bitialld0 flogg's 0 ,bridge,,$218.00';, MiSsea Dxford, charity,, ,Dor the promee of. Ontario, the first gurPose was to inVeatigate the quali- ties of cheese which. wool(' restilt from different rnethods of handling the curd, salting it; Curing the eheese, etc., eta, and also to discover Whether it would be praetica,ble to Pay ter. prink on a, fair bae.s according to 1,ts quality and quan- tity. The two branches of work were take'n up. arid the. full details of ex- periments conducted were published videlY. As a result the monthly bul- etins,"of notes for cheese -makers' are generally fellowediu all the provinces and the use of the Babeopk hereby milk can he paid for justly ac- ording to the fat Whieh ,it cbutains, s becoming commOri. However, the ain Work of the Dairy Stationi 111 aerie, has hem to encourage farm - I'S to take up the manufacture of hut - ter during the winter in factories here Cheese are made during the onths of summer. WINT'ER STATIONS. Two Winter -dairying Stations were tarted in 1891:92. The farmers Tete ell satisfied with returns, which were bout 90 . cents per 100 lbs. of milk he - ides the *skim -milk returned to them. y the winter of 189394, but was made t five Dominion Dairy Stations in On- ario during the winter ; and 18 other inter •creameries were run by private nterpristh e on the lineslaid down at e airy Sta Woes. The butter-inalcing of the province as been much improved and a yery rge expansion of the manufacture of reautery butter during the winters is ure to, go on. At the same time, the attention of miters has been particularly called to he advantage of providinjg corn ensil- ge or some similar cheapibulky feed r winter; and large numbers of new ilos have been built. • IN QII.ERFIC. For theprovince' of Quebec, the aim f the Dairying Servide has been to im- rove the quality of the cheese and • butter up to an equality with the best from any part of the Dominion. The Assistant Dairy Commissioner and an expert in cheesernaking travelled in the .prOvince during 1892 and 1893, working in conjunction with the in- spectors of Syndicates of factories. In dthe autumn of 1892, it was decided to combine the branch Dominion Dairy - Station for Quebec with a Dairy School to be established at St. Hyacin- the by the Provincial Dairy Associa- tion. -That was done, the school build- ing and enuipine,nt were provided by the Association, and the Dairy Com- missioner took charge as Director, Practical instructiens in cheese -mak- ing, butter:making and niilk-testing are given in the short comrses lasting two weeks each. Students may.take one or both courses. The terms of tuition are free to all who are members of the Dail y Association of the Pro- vince of Quebec. The annual fee is only $1. -In ,1892-93, two hundred and fournteen students attended the school, and in 1803-94, the number had risen to two hundred and sixty-eight. A special course is reserved for the Inspectors of Syndicates. Besides the practical in- struction in the working -rooms 12 lectures are given in every course. These include the following subjects: Dairy Farming; the Dairy Cow; the Feeding of Dairy Cattle ; the Use of By-products Cheese -making ; Butter. making ; Milk -testing ; the Elemen- tary. Chemistry of Milk. The quality of the cheese of Quebec has been very. inueh improved during recent years. Whereas the average price a few years ago was from I to 14 cents per lb. lower than the price of tirst-class cheese in Ontario, the prices iu the two ProvinceS are not now much if any more than cent per lb. apart, Since 1836 the vain° Of the cheese produced in Ontario has inereas- ed about 60 pee cent, while the value of the °input of cheese from Qiiebee as increased nearly 150 per cent. T EW Ertumswim. In the' Province of New Brunswick a utter -making station Was Contthicted or two soinmers at Kingsclear ; and etter-making was carried on during be Winters' at Sussex, N. B. er of new cheese factories have beet tarted within the last few years. tiring the present summer a Doman - On Travelling Dairy. will visit over 60 laceS 'in the 1°rOVII1CO, RINI give roctical illtiSt‘tion of the proceas of aking butter. One of the rnain features of the sea- on's work will he the holding Of three llortncilis PIO-WO or conferences of 1600, 'Ott,- inOtiofr of BotVatt, .seeonded. Iebister.. the Deeve wits iristrticted $ 0*pol:id $123 -on tioi hetindary near Morris,- 'providing Tiirtilierry Connell xi • do; the, Sante, The,. (101111cil . then • :ad - killers in the thro Provinces by the ea, -#.1110 Excellency the Governor enerol will be the chief iiiteaker. reliably front (3,06( to 10,000 people nttend eaeb, one; and it is hoped hey, will be occatilons through, which ,jbUitied to 11.1efet again On the 27th ,t Ii eXeellence of tho prodnets Will be etitioned fatorably in the British tiWspapers. The reports the eon. rences will also' be means tbr011git hit& the 1.e8otirces of the ,Provinees rA 01E, thitriedg whireh they offer to airy farmers be Made- .widely notoku-The stio of the lriPetffig0 tattle your • ' ca mgtiOt neitto--..W, (liattity,Olerk.', - ;,'t . , . ,.. - , - ,46,- • -, ' 'di ' *1E.10.0*r 00*itTiMte.,. .... .0 • , -, • - te , 'When health is far gonehiOonititnp.", iw . Oen, then SOntetime' drilY as and It ‘eotnfort tau ho sevitiod fioth the OSO'' Of , a ; SetittieDinttlartin,-' 'What la much .bet, k to take thiS tiledieitte, in ,tiiiie 'to. gi ve eneugh linpettis to the reports to (.1 ity thew into nearly every .tieiVs. aaaamooaoroor,a,n,;000c.2a-r-xrc-,r--mo,.-,,mocr,Trcs ranoO' Plxr. oot14010 !Ad In: Groot roysk $001146 In ,the' PeOirinee Of 1•TOYa l$OOtil‘ AtirrfitatIon W04, 044'04' taVO Yeniee ago On the Sitno)*Orita Taral NapplUi6-71ilittek le.MItelefrePl NeYenl, her te. the li•Od eheaSe fOr the, renotindeP "of 'the " year, be quantity' Pt., Milk Oppliecl )).0-s. been deUbled in tbe two yeitra (IUI he OXPress tbetneelves, akiPhgt$Ocl, with the„VetlirnS6. Several new tooter. les bay° been budOn ditferen‘part$ Of the PeoVince. ,and alsO m WOW BrtinsWiek, the 'ProVineial, '00Verp.: Merits' giro a, boons Of tneneY to HOW alePSD.flitCtOPIPS, and croanteriOs. The. ',,frNovaoll in NoSeotia 16'0400 POP foetory To -the 0.WOr pl. ceunty,'the '''q7141,7441:170133771:ARCI 911,l3r°X1117N°:A'Y'ea:Is 4 .: . 4 rriblofr Ectiv4r4 Uland one branch Dewy Siati.00 'Wee established iti.1892. total` output for t e,'1400,8011 *as' hmt $7000, mamba .1-44 on UP tO elOen factorieS 1803, With an mite. • plit• Of • $48,.090. .DitriOg the presnt , year there., ore Sixteencheese fat:tortes' and creanaerlea, With tlie proaneob of , an,Ontput butterandeheeee of about • i,00,909 "dUrin$:t "eUrntudr -4•11 te ic.tetone$: ere .owned hy,,?-otet. stoak , ocaqaotes of Jarmers, and abolit - .1600 patron_S Pply In 1800;,the acres of IMIlati (awn groWn on the Island fOr eettle feeding, cotild have been, auto tea enpile's fingers' end at. ,pret,ent.: • estnnated 'that , not lens than '3000' 'acrea of Indian ' jeeding are' being grOWIt bikerei ;Aide 14,Airinee', .84rinee which has IlatOrally falls undee Ore': 41Y -94,190A . .90n IS cern:puled with •in' rodifeinganTeitending co-ofairativ'e methotis of -int() new districts rSland,". ew Bynnswick and °NOV& SePtia6 AnOther is a/Mingle get' .t.b6 naiking of knitter during the wlnter, n,e'd to the Making of cheese ig the sarrip preipises doring-the summer, and, the third ia tnigaged Sn improving the qoality of butter and cheese frotn all sections of all the provinces to ao ,equality with the hest made anywhere. On dieect" gab* which is largely clue to the gat succeos Won by our cheese at Chicago last year' at the World's Fair,. is evident from the market re- ports. For several Weeks the reports of the pries paid at the cheese marketia in -Canada have been half a cent per Ib. highor than •the prices paid at the same thue in the markets of the Un4.,' ed States equally diStanti from Great Beitaint • The increased revenue to the fawners from this alone, for a like quantity of milk, foe one season only will represeut seventy titnes more than the cost of exhibiting Canadian Dairy Products at theWorlds Fair last year. The value of the cheese exported froth Canada has grown from six and three-quarters of millions of dollars in 1887, to nearly thirteen erni a half mil- lions of dollars in 18931 The returns for the year,up to the end of June, 1894, will probably show an increase of a million and a quarter of dollars over 1893. In this brief sketch nothing has been said of the work of the Dairying Service in Manitoba and the Northwest Terri- tories., That will be reserved for another article. In the • meantime there and in the ther parts of the Dominion, the Dairying Service is ear- nestly trying to serve the farmers accordingto the deeds of their locali- ties and circumstances. ACTIVE EXERCISE and good food in plenty, tends to make children healthy. If children suffer, however, from Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases -if their blood is impure and pimples or boils appear, they should be given the- right medicine. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical' Discovery brings about the best bodily condition. It purifies the -blood a,nil renders the liver active as well as builds up health and strength.Puny, pale, weak child- ren get a lasting benefit and "agood start" from the use of the "Discovery" It puts on wholesome flesh, and does not - nauseate and, offend the store:1th like the various preparations of Cod liy..er oil. It's guaranteed to cure you, or your mouey is returned. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, headaches, indigestion, dyspepsia. One a dose. Sold by all dealers. ,o114114... Jot" rnalistle Troubles. The British Canadian, the Toronto prgan of the P.P.A., has suspended publication. The paper was recently purchased by J. 5.• Gadd, formerly of the Oil Springs Chronicle. The Toron- to Star tells how he became connected with the British Canadian, as follows: - • "Up in Elmvale there is a gentleman by the name of Gadd who has literary tastesand P. P. A. tendencies, and The Chronicle which he rims has recently developed into a P. P. A. organ or something akin thereto. Some months age, when Mrs. Shepherd as up in that district delivering a series of anti-Cathobe lectures, she was shown about by the gallant Mr. Gadd and dur- ing one of these pleasant little outings the,ex-min remar-,ked to Mr. Gadd that she could use $200 very conveniently. Mr. Gadd immediately went down in his arab box .and produced the nec- essary, arid only.upon much presuasion • consented to take a note as security. That was all right, but at anOther time Mrs. Shepherd intireatted to the. gentle- , . man that she had formed eti strong a, !liking for him that she Would like to put hint in the *ay Of making nioneY. She told him of the paper she ran and said it was worth fully $2,000, abate all incurnbranees, but she Would give it up for $700. Agate Air. Gadd responded with $300 in cash, $400 in notes, The notes were soon etaltterte 1110 cash. The paperwaS taken overly Mr. Gadd,. who quickly grew tired of his bargain, for bills began tO come in -like the tor.• rents of it swollen river. Ile called Mrs, Shepherd's attention to Ellie and she agreed to relieve hint of the Wbite elephant. Mr. Gadd is a comae out his $708. Se he was relieved and the paper lasted tvirp weeks 11101`Gt and no" the placqthatknew it do not any longer know it, and Mrs, Shepherd is, up iti the vicinity of Drawbridge en- lightening teuristtl. IINArtr DrattAsis It$1.111Ve3 Dr80 liturterits.-Al Cites of orginild ItYMPathelle heart dissme relayed fa 50 talnatas 4li1 cigickly bated, by tit Agmb,w`el Curs for the Heart. OO ne ne drinvindeth Sold by Wittti. *Co: end Allen & Wilion, Druggists. , Rev. J. S. Ilenclersofi,,, pastor of Carmel Presbyterian church Ilensall. IS t1.6 pment away' enjoying his tattnnier holidays, Carmel pulpit Willite filled during his absence by A student of Knox College. •ALL MINT ffiE 101,Y; ' - Eanu earhe a font , The atOinsch ilia four coots, , 'h� tyilivanuai is, really •Ths.lietnan Skull Outrun. po 40444_ . :4ver.r tivo gtor4o, ottit**0e, ,:; • ,Tta-'0414$0Q IouOt I* 414104Q1. tI11" • ' bite •, . • . itiusr Frilo 0090c of) eye hi grievt4 by siX The'eeiebral. Matter 1,1 ahent ,seVoe, eightba water, "` ' • • The ingtek'iletalla.Of the ftntetleneof •the ',spleen arauukaown, ' clovieed brain, , ohne,* fl9 ounce; that,nt liapoloon 53, . ' normal nfeiglituf the llyer:14 •t'Wee9 tilrqft 40 PAIL'. 004'084 • '• • be liuman'skeleton,:',exeleslye of to,: 20.8 oottnoi., • lri'..yery fit -ream, luifr 'Will ar 4." Veiit'liter 1309 grn.00., 'The; 90101'f cif!t10. sk1R 4000140,0a pig 14004.p, tho inferior- Q00041016. . :Theeiiame 01 theoeth centirins over -.95 per -cent. Of 'PalPerepne Innttp/,, • „ .The 0(41t00: '0141!' 49.000;;‘tbe PPlo 'Ave, .tike-#04ere have • -The rpcits of hairs peratirate .the. 'skin 'Phout Pm!4,ire1fth e(Jia inch . pf the giYers09;4442.4num 140'pour44.P thiP,..94.41116 44.• •' The cells eeleposing tIle Oniderruis aye I-190, Othof an teca‘le'diernerer.:' ' Vie only, hiyalinitau myself) oeinPes- 'ea 01 iedO sripea • Men have bee» knownie'lesl i lllouer.er- sairatioti 0,00e or 6,000 grains e atiatight hairs are tielirly curly hairs are elliptical eT flaht The ,glantis of the ear widen secrete the :wax ere highly contorted tubes. • - 1.elar fibres of the brain avertige'a ten. , thousand part of air inch' iitIlittineter, On an average the lungs contain about 2t80. oulno inches, or nearly -live qua '. quits of 111 A woman's brain ill largeein proper - gen to, the weight of the .body than that' Of Plan. 4 Thejosigest, largestnn&strongest bone in the human system' is tite femur, or The' height of a fully grown man should be three stud a half times that at his birth, • There are in the human body 527 dm. titan muscles,of which 201 are in pairs and live are single:, • • Frrguent cutting .or' trimming of the i hairs ncreases their thickness, but not their number. Some, Chinese and many Africans use tile ear as it pocket to carry coins and other small articles, The papillae of the fingers are about 1 -100th of an inch high and 1-250111 of an inch in diameter. The little canals which permeate Ala° dentine of the teeth aro only 4-12.000th of an inch ,in diaineter.-St. Louis Globe - Democrat.• • HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY DURING THE HARD TIMES. The • great study in the average. household atthe present time is how to economize. 1 In large business centres, trade is dull, Wages have been reduced, and in ' order -to live comfortably and look well, certain economies must be practiced. The sating and thrifty housewife, by the use of .Diarriond Dyes can save many dollars each year. - Dyes, arti- cles of wearing apparel. such as dresses, blouses, wraps, jackets, shawls, coats, vests and pants that have become faded and discolored, can he made to look as `good as new, it dyed with the celebrated Diamond Dyes. For the work of home dyeing, see that you use only the Diamond Dyes; they represent the latest and best scientific achievements, and are the only dyes that can be used with per- fect success and satisfaction. ' Ask your creitler for the Diamnnd, and be sure you get them. • News Notes. Mr. and Mrs. D. Carling, of the Steel Bros. Seed Company . store, Toronto, were drowned while canoeing on Sturgeon lake, Victoria couptx, last week. A d'espatch from Vancouver, B. C., says that tuberculosis is prevalent in the neighborhood of that city. Thirty cattle in one her • . d wereshot on Thurs. •daRe marriage of A. St. George Ellis, barrister, Windsor, is announced to take place at All Saints' church on Aug. 151h, to Miss Alice Patterson, second daughter of the Hon. J. C. Patterson, Minister of Militia. The 15thinst. will be a red letter day In the town of Sarnia. The great bi- cycle meet will be the great attraction, and many of the fastest whechnen in the countrywill be in attendance, which will insure some of the great races. Mrs. Edward Carlin, mother of Jas. Carlin, Toronto who with his wife was drowned at Sturgeon Point on Tuesday last, died at -het residence, London, Thursday, as a resalt of the shock she received on receipt of the sad news'. • Miss E. Pauline Solinson, the Indian poetess, has returned toher home in Brantford, Out., from a trip to Eng- land., whereshe was reeeived with 'distinguished • consideration. She ex- ' ranged while abroad for the priblica- tion of first bet& pf poeins. A rather MIGISing atetaeot oeaurea • at One of the revival nieetings a few everiingS ago, which was being held in their, B. church by Rev. Mr..g3tepliens, ex -priest,' In annonucing his • text, evangelist Stephens intimated that. the Subject of discohrse would be found in the epiotleof Itide, which he persumed all present were, familiar with. I3efore repeatinglhe text, hOwever, he, aeked all who bad read the "second chapter" of the book of Jude to hold tip their hands, as a proof of their seqUitititance withsaidepfstle„ At leasttWelityliatit1S were uplifted, their owtiers nrib rettliZ- Ing that anything VMS WP011g until ittl teld""Mother in Israel" aroSe and said; "Why, Sir, there Is bat one chapter hi the ,hook of jude." There followed, general collapse �f the too previous Bible students, Who doubtlesa found the air in the building ttneanafortably warm for the balance of the evening. The hands raised included those of a utimbot* of the leaders in religious niovetnent,s in the tOwn, WhOeo bathes it would be ertid tO publish, aeeirik the amount of fun they MVO furnished fOr the rest of the conaminiity.-Liatowel Standard. Father litgther • cfraOdfathar Orap4)00---ther . "... , Vgi;i1gCORD They read: tho .Loetils, the. Storieli,(, the Adver'tisereents every tine in the talper. Then they, send tO tUstnnt relgives • .114,eregited„ in, the r6svrt, nuxp.drous pe‘st, plasters will certify; The.Local' Wepicly is the Publication in eustene Jt hes orne pews whic no' ottiOr 'p4per, gws ) et raelttiTos8al\ndEslivs1iCoip is ead 'by o ecIP1°'ne,Yt,19-4:1'71;e:tek i?sene' ent u this paper , IS , • • rcitbre, '°f S°We'4CP°13111: SUbSQrib#'fol. Tug N41-vS-RE.0011T). Advertise in, ,TUE NEWECRDD. WILL EXCEL ALL OTHERS Ca,AadWi Great 13911 EPT.3 to 15 1894: vasfr intrpitovEmewTs THIS YEAR Exhibits and Attractions Greater and Grander THANEVER ALL ENTRIES CLOSE!) AUC. 11 TH The beat hontiny outing of the year.• Cheap gieuralons on all Railways. J. J. WITHROW, H.J. HILL, President. .41 onager, TORONTO. peenimummft , S HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. , Names of the District Masters, Printery Lodge Masters, their post office addresSes and date of• , meeting. A. M. TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. 0. BIDDULPH DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P.O. 219-Robt. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri day on or before full moon. 682 -Thos. H. • Conrsey, L u can, Satu day on or before full moon. 493 Richard, Hodgins, Saintstbury, Wednesday oii or before full moon. 890 - George Walden, Naplegrove, Wednesday on or before full moort 924 -Edward Gill, •Exeter, lst Friday in each mouth. 1087 -James Kenniston, Parkhill, Mon- day on or before full moon. 1210 -Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1313 -James Boyce, Centralia, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610-A. Nevins, Centralia, Friday= or after full moon. GODERICH DISTRICT. James Colwell, Goderich P.O. 145 -James Cox, Porter's Hill, lst Mon-. day in each month, 153-Addrew Millian, Sanford, Friday on or before full moon. 182 -Geo. M. COX; Goderieh, last Tues- , day hi each month. 189-F. McCartney, Holmesville, Mon- day on or before f till moon. 262 -James McLean, 'Sanford, 3rd Wednesday in each month. 308 -Thos. R. Cook, 'Clini6n..1st Mon- day in each month. ' HULLIITT DISTRICT. D. Cantelon, W.D.M., Clinton P. O. 710 --David Cantkon, Clinton, 2nd Mon-, • dayli each month, 819-Itobert Scarlett, Winthrop, last WednesdaYbefore full moon. 928---3oseph Rapson, Stimmerhill, lot Monday in each month. 793 -Wm. Harney, Seaforth, lst Mon- • dity in eaeh month. sTANfigr DISTRICT, . Riibert Pollock, W,D.M,, 13aylleldP.O. Polloek, Ilaylield, lst 'Mott - ,day In each month. 80,8-=‘-VVin. Consit, lot TueS day in each' inotith 83i1-4tobert. ' 161Citiley 131oke,' lst • , NtredileSdaY in each inoi • h. , 1st %%Ors. 8day1 each mithlven, •‘Thursday ht each month., or 'ether suers vitt be -proitiptly 30r18e104 an, tyro* moo id ale Ordway motor, Oro. A, M. To(14601intoli P..0. • • . Haase Pot Rent. " That nicelF,eitoste sopi poi:aorta* dwelling en the corner of Ituroxi toulOrange street,. ' All eon veuencea, • and roOtny. Elard and fAott water, Stable and garden. For par tiettlara apish. to•• 814t4T1108. JACESON, Sr ,sri•telmb solricE . . . . zar TIJs Nx,....xtEconii Will always be pleased 10 receive rellabht Information ' of Births, Mar. rived, and Doatha, or Of any other local event. Of° Ten NEWS,REcetto can , furnish m• hand- • Immo Wedding Stetlenery ohd Acuarahtee as fine letter press 'Woik aial, at Mr' Ion,' pities as any city or other printing Office.' . Jar In • ,the matter ot Feneral Circulars an Memorial' Cards, TiiE NAIWOMMORD gearante prompt attention and Jim ,very best class o work,at flfty per cent legs thee eaatern prices. Property F01' Sale. For sale, the large dwelling and lot owned and lately oceupled bY Dr. Appleton on Ontario street. Has all modern conveniences. Centrally located. Ala° •a ha SO Rad 101 adfailhia above property, facing Victoria etreac. For particulars, apply to MANNING & SCOTT,, Clinton. • 807-1 Stray Steet.- Came to tho, premiseaof the indersigned, Bat field Road. the forepart of May lot a RHO YEARLING STEER. The owner is taquested to prove, property, pay expenses and take the animal away. /3181-1 0. ELLIOTT To Eariners. -We have Oat,. for sale, and- givelor d three months tbree.ou Berne -htlata not less than ushels. pAlnsgo.forsale mixed Corn, earicyn•nd Wile or .thop. July llth. W. II. PERRIN, 817-tf. NOTICE' TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. • The publisher would esteem it a favor if readers would, when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merehant's advertiaement in Tug NRWIPRECORD. CITY BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned haVing brought out the bakery business so sueeeeefally carried on by Mr. Witt- . Young, will continua the business at the old stand. He will endeaver, by supplying a first elms articlelto, merit the libefal sapport of the people. Bread de- livered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, ':Frnit or Sponge Cakes • supplied on short notice. 't M.-BECKWITH, - - CLINTON Waeh Day linfle Easy. •Ihreyo secured the right to mount nature th famous Maght *Washing Maohine. Already' have made and sold a number. The purchasers are delighted. To nee the maehlae on trial is sore to make a sale If onei la required. Wash -day, is rinule very easy and 'carpets eau be kept perfOctly clean; no spi...aang or waste water whatever. The priori has been set ata very low figure. Thi maohine may be seen at my residence on ream Street. • B. COLE BOOM LIVE TIOGS WANTED, Hignest Market Price Paid, D. OilirELON-,. Clinton. 7911-tt. ' port the removal of J- worms of all kinds freni children or adults, Use' Dfl SMITH'S dERMAN Worm 1-0.-411:14cri3. A lwar. • prompt, reliable, stain fold pleasant, rem:hies no afte? medloinia. Never fulling. Leave no baJ Liter ""s' Pride. 25 cents nee vet. AN ACHING HEAD. • Dna Sn10,-I had severe headache for the past three years, arid Was not free f cm• 1:14:34111;tnt madj:to"xf,itt.busiltrinutol:Nat cliitatt aGdnisint;:ilig6tellidedaYi: Oral hin e , , ' UsUiUi because it• ie. the beet inedloine ever Made, audl t�ekthrc bottlea of it, with the reiiint that If has completely dated - , thlak-EitedooltBJe�d, Sitteiv, • 'bah lOr liaatlitobta ha& ad a weed pulite*, le the • liEST lit THE WORLD, km 810. to' iiitoittooila it to all toy friend*. • VtiiiiklitoDettato, _ Won 1106444 0486