HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-08-08, Page 1aninaratr lia$*n 4aee, „ JwpgrOnolitz, 4 -At Tlinfoo-,,Amowt4x, ,ri,#;or,414r,o. 8i894 , l'OPprE00.4,tie .nd Owner. OJA NO.ont ot a &o. Clinton Liquor ger .s' er goods suitable for Al -U heated• term • erehatit;... `0 it* • 10*Her he 0111YveirietY .of early apples thatlinds A ,reedy market:As ,the 1)4Chesi..',.,.$1:'`it barrelseems to be the `rniing;'PriCe, • .4.•J'n°'101,..°'1)'scA.,'ITIT.,LW,„tilis Week • ses,ps-,-;Severat ca-4:4coms 0.1 saint:ter, 'aPPleSeitch,froin' ciderieh, (-71intonand: 'Parkhill. All of therri.gato Winnipeg; Tho , :Ia0a140(1. Anteriean sixty inillion inarket is-- not vie it" With our artn OnntrY,' . •' 240,t,Toi, i3irrLI.V1021..-41m noted oree-bnYer, Aubrey, is not dead as ropOrtecl,thre ghout.Ontario. And he has n§;i•nteritien of leaving the land of•. 'the living so ;lbw as he can help it., • Ile.1,Vitneesed-„the Buffalo"' races -lark ;Week arid. will still buy all the suitable horses he can get in Huron. • AlOnt 'T,rt ,ornirmsomn TtliN THEY • OttoOtt,g0ittla,' Mi. W., C. Searle Showed: :Seveial thousand anosqnito 'eggs through. irld'agnifying glass which Side of an .ordinary rein barrel. These little tor- ' Mentors 'congregate wherever soft ,:.water acentaulates„ and' around damp • lace's; wherethey.AepOSit their eggs. he huinala eye cannot well .distinguish , The reaint is "wigglers" in the • soft water and mosquitos galnre. WAS ..onAgago.--At e 'Orange, .':Dentenstration in Brant.- • 6ra,','',Pne',.ehtorPrlsing'nuircliant had ediabent,.halt a dozen watermelons, Welt ttpan Mee elir.es ready for eat- ' outside his :.store door, with a onlp,,of,;the 'yeeee marked. "5 eents Soine One took away. the ,..FrOt9 on the back of it, • • ,ledietakez.,,pmeep" , Several visit- hrethren „eiirae,^along,; Mid:seeing • Apitablelifeltafleir,; of cOntse pltr- took, and now the..:merefient is really MAW, •rmtd, . . •,Nt2m-st ,bnowilup.-f,Rev,''. -Joseph 1e0Onvelfeited twO:ehildren. of Chat-' N.B.have the guests of •"iAlte.• D';', Van Egnienci.derieg the f0.4,7W week.. On 7..N.1,T.edneStlay the rev. ,,,,gentlOnaran.Coropany.With a Munber - wept thIlayfield taking big' • tW.O-‘claildienl:aleng with him. The • lailiee went bathinginthe lake; got be- . `ycnicitheirdeptit riaseforthe third time, and Would have been drowned had it not been for the timely assistance of a. •'gentleman on the shore, who suceeed- ,.',ecl,,:, in reaching theta in time to save their lives. The rev. gentleman was oh the lake at the tame of the acei- deht.—Seaforth , Stn. The gentlemen ; whosaved them • were Messrs. Wes. • Irwin and Harold Elliott. Their bray- • ' ery deserves reward. Mr. Irwin has . ;himself saved several lives.. 'BABE IIALT...—The match last Thurs- day in Clinton between the Aoderich • and toWn clubs was one of the most friendly eaa best contested of the -Season. The score, shows that the home team was victorious. Following IS the store WOrn. INOP1ca. •11r0aPio'0110 Trnvel. Et1trrrrgq,-.0ante1on tires, OP now Miss Doherty has ,returned from into the tkp?le business and are- thia GOtlerieb. shiPrIk :04'1Y,1 • 84146-ti*'',t(*: :Xioe'•• IlTe0orvie'Is visiting f-1,#nodian orthweet: , , friends.in• bualgrejw, • • • ..."Mr. ,Lomb WiIkIo, of (31, Pil)itgt• 8$7110.4tIcIr and Welsh ":end,' cemetery. Phlo;, is on a visit to his paieets, ere,. .0aretikkeilteyriblda Were, granted, tile. . 'Dickenson and daughter, ' of ilanathelidaye by Voupog . day &c•ning. •'.° ' 4Dinkifst, Wale. goiletary Times,'..Toronto,' called on av,,Nwei goonniaet Gacterfiltrand• '10,, an 't"' ;tirisit.tcythe gOanty,t,Own'. For 19 years h„,0_,h_aiii,'40,ifti' thSohe olldeei.andllniela k4s14'00'01.41nit!fortsverrii!.years.-&.'Air,„ ;4440!*-0.044:-tl*Weitr enAltee;r,..'"of,, :•,eity;2',X,ife:'pretty.*ail:...,"4103,04 '/i'''*,:,.je placinggray hairs tibia credit; . , TitAl*,‘ITI.,04i.4.T4'0.---,Theifi1l,c. trade Will • be 011 'Clinton.:bnaltieSS,-' !nen are Well . -prepared ,b* it.''•',Thore'• le no, visee'wbere ,farriers 'call buy to '.better 'advantage than they can,!' heref,'.. our.:! btisiness •mett..-ore. ' CotryteonS;(6 ob- liging end ,PMeltaltin,g,; encl.-. will give :•.bbo'•oame•Otentinti, to eendi, purchases as to,large,,.;0Ariners,or etherewboAn not 'deat*Ith,Olinon- .1,i,Apos ,,."..000',., Will findItto tbeir:advantitgeto 'do0,. .13/0 oo.wO1nige.-4.1p to the,•Pre44 gine...Our; citizens _have inatilfeet4;,,a,- deep interest in the success Of the;harid• and eguressiarist." of approval :' areWird on all bands underthe new leadekAir. ;.sjcilin T. §hur& • On Thursday ev'Aljng (Weather permitting) the following firetrainMe ..will be,. rendered .1‘ilie : ' ' .7. — ' . ' • 'viti. March . .. .. : '. ....... .... .. : Ale , t POlke. - . ' • ' - ,..Alt,- ere' Waltz • • Idy Wild .BairitOrie,Obligato ' , .Mor bge ,. • By h. J. Gibbing& ,'';- " "Waltz GODERICE. CLINTON. AM. E.B.x. • A B. It. H.tt .kalcolmson.6,3 2 E. Seruton. -7 3 2 11.Robertson6 1 2 Shaw 7 4 4 4 4 Spalding 7 3 5 - 4 5 Tilt... ...,5 0 1 A. .632Scruton ThOMpson...5 2 0 Agnew 6 2 5 AJtobertson5 2 1 McKinnon. 5 2 2 1 1 Harland 5 2 2 • Doyle .5 2 2 Kerr 6 0 2 , • 48 16 14 55 2329 2 base hits—Clinton 2. Goderich 2; 3 base bits --Clinton 1; home runs— • Clinton 1, Goderich 2; bases on called 11.aballs—Clinton 5, Goderich 7; struck ,,t‘rofit—Olinton 5, Godericlt 5 ; batter- tiooree, Agnew and Spalding; Goderich, Robertson, Cress - Man and Malcolnison. NVOttia:nr'T StIt WAvrgre.—A leyv days ago ollnelY preserved, elder- ly gentleman, `.filmit tear Briicefield, was, in, • the IVIolsons Bank, Clinton. •He Was ter applleAnt for a draft on ,Detroit for 8, considerable sum of • Money.- Tlie teller aSked the nanie Of the party to Whom the Altai:key was to be paid. The old. gentleman replied ,ttookhart, end, to Make thire that the tiller had it right 0..pe1ledit out. Turn- ing to a bystander lie remarked, in ex- rforeite Doric lecent, 0#f am, somewhat oldfliShioned.' ,'The bystander replied ^„, that Lea -beet was a good oldfashiened newt); A long time editor of the • Edinburgh itevietV,- himself no , mean •' versifier and a son-in-law Of Sir Walter Scottk,Was named ',Lockhart. The old • entlenion remarked that. the Detroit j3ockhart W88 Ms Son-in-laW. The ,by. te,tiaett eXprestieci the hope that the old .gentleman 'WU "not .gailtr of betties, ecpnd Sir Walter Beak; and thus., cothplete the parallel. Ctuitk. las a flaSh V.(tMe the ',".1 know nothing th6 oxen, The Staid and sturdy old, entionian,;apparently, in his anxiety to relieve blinself, of being ."guitte of ittry,thingt had overlooked the addi. .tons1 honor that would have been itis Avid he been:able to conple.his 'name the Tory “Wiv.ard of thir,,tarth" in • other 'waysthan in each WI* a named IA 'hart. • Swee Overture, , - Just The March .Silverr Finale. RIGUT AND FEAR Nat"—TkiE N's-Rpcoun is quite aware ,thattitic journal may not be thanked in certain': quarters for making any Mentionof certain class of criminals or proteetitg', the morals of the community. This will not, however, deter us froni tioning, andshowing up, at the proper time, any Crime against the vvell.•-ettala; liehed law that governs all respectable. people. ',A year -Or so ago THE IsTEWt$=. ttECORD Wag taken, to task beerineeve- referred to a ease which WAS erten** • ly taken as a reflection on sOlne Even the coliimpS ' of . portio of the ilo7cal1ed religinne,tiress,AV ..aceerded,-, .sPatie foi' 8' tion • of Tag Notis-Ittoonni • •A. newspaper should protect the morals of any comniutity.and when a public print fails to do so it sheuld cease to .es.ist. In the present ease we will re- frain from mentionitg names until the case reaches court. ft appears that a laborer in town, whb has a wife and family and one or two married daugh- ters, • it is alleged has for some tifne been in the °habit of en- ticing' little .girls from the • age of probably eight to fourteen years of age to unfrequented places in Clin- ton and ill-using them. Fie, it is alleg- ed, gave them candy and small pieces of silver and incluned them to accom- pany him. The climax came last Saturday when one Of the little girls' 'f,hquealed' to her parents.. The result was that a warrant was issued for the gray-haired father of a fatally, but the bird had flown._ Constables VVheatly and Welsh have'been alert since that time, but no capture has yet been made. The guardians of young girls must hereafter look well after those they love so well. Our children are liable to temptation and May any thne be led into traps laid by human demons. Crime of this kind is t -he most reprehensible against the future morals of any community and; the guilty must be, punished. We do not say that the alleged culprit is guilty, but if arrested we shall then be in it position to givethe particulars. Toronto, are 'visiting, old tune friends Pi' I :int): QT1 )11 :0Doherty,rtrgt?'r theelt4o1 nr ,n'te°;4elhat,' . the Peet ,N.ve4x•TtWatin8 ;fa •BaYtteta, (13,01r,),Iingagvivlia0i, Of,Seaferth; and Miss Preit, of Ot a 'Were the glieata g. (1.tev•) '9ver • - Orabh, Of .deder4, spent last Sunday in Clinton, 'He' cania'aaWn.on lus ,whcel.. , and Mrs. L. E. DeVevit,' of Flint.' Arich,,,, are the gucsts of' the "lady's Poo11tP1 14, ,e,,,octlyXrs.,p.',Finth.,, • Toronto,, son of; Mr. WM.' Opoper,, tawn, is spending a Pleasant 'week in the. Hillinf Misses ..hlitneh MoKowii and Lottie 'Conk are 'on 8 tWO weeks visit, to. friends and relativeSin Chiselhurst. A Ore* vorreepondento 0014.0f Olititim Is -Visiting at Trtiro,an Slnithe,. . . • Mrs. T. W. !Hawksha*, of Exeter, and Miss ;Clara „McF411&. of Lucam spent Sunday withMis. Hoover. , Mr. Henu Cole returned from Arkan- sas 'last Friday, vviiere he has been residing for a yearend a half, ' 'Miss Mamie Young is on a visit to her Uncle, Mr. ,Geo. A. Cooper, Goderich township. Mrs. unsmore (daughter. of Mr, W. S. Paisley) and. son, of New York, dareencefrlidaying at the parental resi- Messrs.' G. D. McTaggart, J. W. 'Rater and Walter Coats, town, were ont fibhiug- for black bass in distant waters yesterday. - Messrs. iii. Homey, and Levi Smith, of Seaforth, rpde up on their wheels Saturday evening and spent "Sunday. in the county town. • Mr. ata Airs. Ublacker and soot of 'Stratford, are on a visit to their rela- tives, Councillor Plummier and family. The genets:film has returnad to Strat- ' Mr. A. D. Fisher, of the ,Queen0ity, • Canadian, agent for the Ariel bicycle; IS in town rusticating. 1V1r. Fisher was reared/ in Clinton and. the scenes of boyhood hours haunts Inni still.. •%Mr- atdMre. S. W..PerrY'f bf Zincer-2 ine torn:lei-AY-Int hektlaptie: 41r:Terry-haSildt,heeejii. good health and he -hopes cteeari voyage will benefit him materially; . The ' Misses Yates,of Oil Springs, speut a; week -at hayfield And returned to Clinton on Thursday. They were accompanied by Mr. -14. and Miss L. Elliott. The ladies are, the guests of Mrs. A M. Todd. . —. • TuelEeirswith. • Mr. Newton Crich spent Sunday with friends in Seaforth. MiSs Hattie Dodd, of Clinton, is rusticating in these parts. , Threshing is the order of the day. Another week will see the harvest fairly well wound up. Ovving to the qiiarterly meeting ser- vices held in Clinton the usual after - Inion services were clispetsed with. ',Miss May and Jane Oarnoehan huve been visiting frierids infis Mr. and Mrs, S. Johns took in the excursiOn to Torontolost week. Mr. George Logan, Brucefield, hits completed, the frame work of Me. F. W. Crieh's new barn. Mr. 3. T. Oriel). spent Sunday with friends on the BaCe Line. 'To; said that Jack will be better with it bitIl hi the fall. Eb(tneZelt; News. Master Ritchie hell, Of Blyth, Spent a few (lays visiting itt Mr. lifeZerines, of Pleasant, 'Valley. , Mr, J. nosebag Mr. lteapy, of13lyth, hired for a ehert time. Theyisepre,to make things hustle as they will soon. be finished- harvesting There Will be no preaching in the EbetteZer church next Sabbath on tic - doubt of the quarterly Meeting being held at the , ' Most of the foll wheat in this neigh- bethend is safely housed, and the form. ers are now busy eitttitig, Spring getting. There 'Wee 40. pretteliing b. the tbetieter duirch Sabbath on aecoutit Of it. being the local preaeh. ere Stuiday. doubt Mr. Plunkett woe SO busily engaged harresting that he did not find time to preTpare hint. self for the o'oeasion. PirinuTtin. N. • Cricket. LONDON vs,. CLINTON. An eleven of the London Cricket Club spent a very • pleasant day at Clinton last Thursday, and managed to win a victory in a single innings match from the eleven of this town by 115 runs. Winning ~the toss London Went to bat arid gave a good exhibition of batting, .j'autttng of 1113-rinas before the last wicket fell. Of these nits, Hyman and Beeher prayed especially well for their scores of 38 a,nd 3'7, Daly, Reid,Cecirlyn arid Harris also obtaining double figures. Clinion found the bowl- ing of Ross troublesome and their litSt wicket fell for 49runs, of whichKennedy and Howson contributed 12 and 11 re- spectivel) . The bovvling honors go to ,Ross, of London, who took 6 wick,ets for 21 tuns, and Marsden, of Clinton, Who took an equal number of wickets for 31 runs. An tinfortunate accident occurred in. the afternoon as a result of unattention to the ,Captain's call. . Becher and Reid in attempting a catch collided with much force and the former carne mit second best. lie Was rendered IMCOn- scions for seine time Mid received a severe wound on the upper lip. l3oth were , driven to Dr. Shaw's office for repairs,but were tumble to centintie the game. An exhibition inning was started by London after the game and before time Was up 61 runs -tvere inacle for the loss Of 3 wickets; Hyman again Makirig a dashing 43 and Williams 11, not aut. LONDON. Dr. Williams, b MeMurohie 8 Mr. Hyman, b Monarchic • „BS • Mr. P. Ileid,..b Mr. R. Harris, b Kennedy.. . 11 Mr.'Cronyn, b AfetSdeer 14. Mr. C. Becher, b Marsden ...- ..... 37 11,1e. Dab, d Hodgens, b Marsden 16 Mr. Or, C. Ross, t and b Marsden " 1 ' Dr. Butler,. MeMurchie, b Marsden0 Mr. Burwell, not out ..... 0 Dr. 'Weld, b Marscled 3 Extras ,12 The, Godeileir BASS ii411 .tetah 'arex'e defeated, by the 'Clinton • ,teitni last inspector of ,Pbbilc Schools Park wos :in 'town the:pOit week bidding his lneny friends g0.04 bye. Mr. 11,.. Fraser who is soiuewliat dispoSedi is visiting the -:,doctor,his brother, inDetroitt • • Mr. -F. F. LitWrenceis attendiiig the L 0. 0; „V, Grand Lodge meeting at • .Market Clerk 11iCKin11ion had the misfortune ' to fall d0Wri,,. 4410 the . past week, the mishap eapsing 4 broken_ rib. • ' , . • - . • The Dentition ()miser, Petrel, Com- mander Captain Dann, WAS: in port last Thursday. , . A, large number of intending.pOssen! ger& many of when': , had Amid for berths, could not be aeccat moclated on the Cambria, On her last trip. aitis Henderson, Of Detroit, formerly of. Goderich, 18 visiting relatives and friends in town. Mrs. John Mitchell bas returned froni a visit to her sini jantes, 111 Chichi- ' Mr. Filson, a French Canadian stud- ent; addressed Knox • congregation, morning and, evening, last 'Sunday, on French Missions in Quebec. , The Harbor Committee was at the harbor on Friday, noting the points where repairs are required. Mr. Tile 'Wilkinson is eating es mar ket clerlt.' Mrs, (Dr.) Cowan, of Chicago, is iiisit- ing her Mother, Mrs. Struthers, Huron Road. ' Messrs. II. G. S. Laver, H. L. Van - stone, F. and Henry Scrimgeour, Henry Gibson and W, L. Scott of the Stratford Bicycle Club spent Sunday in the Cirgular town.' Inspector Paisley, of Clinton, was in town on Thursday. Mr. S. P. Halls'h. A., has been un- animously appointed principal of the Goderich Model School, vice Robt. Park appointed to an inspectorship. Mrs. and kiss Toms were passengers on .the Cambria last Friday ' The steitmeil, Cambria on her last. trip upward. was detained in port. seine fifteen' hours by the storm The 3rd section of the extension to the North pier Was towed out last Week;„ bat the: threatening Weather cansed it .to tie.'.1#0.-',.$.4t!:.1401110- . Total, , ... el 0 . • . .. r • 0 *MS • Mr. lloaVseri, c Rose, b Reid. -Mr..SteVets, b , Mr. Barge, bOoes_ ...... 1 Prangley, b 'Bess 6 MKIVIeTaggart, 1 Mr.'Maraderi, 1, b, W.% , , 4' 31% McMurchle Weld, la RoSS;...... 2 Mr; Kennedy,' not ....12 Mr, 1-10dgens, Mr. Ohee ler, n ilkeinsf i;*;tif X 11.11. If 010 * • ,.. 48 The :rarest City bays Were delighted with their treatment here; On the enacts about one o'clock caterer W. Oetie, on'behalf of the Clinton crieketik. • 'A:160 'ball Match SaturdaY lotion between 'Goderieh and Kluwer - dine, ended' in a victory for the horde club,by 30 to 2. Mrs. Slack ancl/Miss M. Dark are taking 'the round tripIrrr the Cambria. . ,Auburn, :,Moore ,. and , ebtldren,' 'uf .• Miss Etwrett, of Eater„,isvisiting in Thossaton, Algoma,- are the guests Of 'Iewo.' •, • „ '4.04,11 PiePeo? • • f4r, Prank,MCLandilip of•Detrolt, is quatterlYtsCrViCeS held yesterdayat he'Re 91.18, to Itis P-8,1048'. • • the Donnybrook aPpoiatmenti Mr/ • fl'Orge, 1-1'; Whl> nee )40elt.' , Baugh. offielated' with his uenal'abilltY eolenin Mal heart •,,;.01#11Airi!!$,Pq.*aaagtokaanocsa, the Cietnearti- AVangelloal church:, in krullett. ; The Eornoes; were largely •tend,9,4i io4reating to ,espeexelito so to the eirtes,Intenden;,,to.lie..,1:tenefited..„ • ;Mai' Xiebertson, daughters, • ' delves a supern . pacer, teacher, is the gust of Mrs. B air and elegant form; , 'gentle sPirit, and loo,sgel*lAit P,IV111%, Other good eualitieS ()f etairse he hits a rival. 'iAltle the is afterl him hot, foot . to give 111M- an.„,eye opener. ' G. F,fT-utgblut is the representative Of the ',Independent Corder of Foresters ,congregating in Auburn. • Taylor, Warden of - the °Minty, drove through A,uburn to the circular, town .to attend to his official duties, TR/WRENS ItE-TINGAGED.—Miss Dey and" Miss „Jenkins -are retained in the Manchester school for 1895, Twinsimio.---Janies W. Kutch is "engaged in threshing. Ile has repair- ed_ the mill very thoroughly, ancl, with ,theiery efficient men .employed, is prepared, to do, and is doing, the very .1)04 Wlark possible in this line. There are none who have earned and retained for many Years reputations ,deservedly high. as Messrs Mutch and Stalker. Their patronage is large and increas-- ing. 090.914..a, cc Y oxperienced.horsercien. Mr. and Mrii..R. C. Hays are visiting at Sault. Ste. Marie. Holy Communion at St. George's last Sunday, The skint on Friday spoilt the beech bathing on that and the following day. erre, served a mest Itineh. Doting and ttfter tire ganie the bast of feeling prevailed. Mr. P. Blair, barrister of Brussels, is spending Vacation at the fairtily resi- dence, Victoria street. Mr. Ed, Garrew, of Toronto,. was in town the past -week. - Mr. and Miss Maud Watson were in Hamilton the past week attending the funeral Of relative. Mr. Seymour, of New York, is on his annual visit to his relative, Mr. D. C. Strachan. 1Miss Hattie Smith is visiting in the Forest city. , Miss Nellie D'onagh is visiting in Detroit. 'Miss H. Polley is visiting relatives in the ancient capital, Quebec. . Meet-In/Chester Davis, Who has been on a long visit to his brother at Medical Hall, returned to his home, Wingliam, on Friday. On Thursday afternoon a horse attached to a light Wagon that had been left in front of Thompson's store, was frightened by the watering cart and ran away. The animal start- ed tip Colborne St., but soon made a sharp turn for the square; thence round Horton'S block, up North St., Nelson, and down.Church for the square again.. When near Davis' drug. store, the owner, Lieut., Chisholm,tried to stop it by seizing. the line near the bit. The sudden grasp. Pulled the animal clam and it tome& completely head over heels, rolling partly over Chisholm in the movement. A. large number of people Witnessed the accident, most of whom. thought the Lieutenant Must be killed, but as the noise. complets ea the semersatig Chisholm was seen Passing tinder the wagon on hands and knees and raising made straight for Davis' drug store blood streaming down. his face from 'two ugly Wounds in the heacl; ealtsed, We believe, by the ittiniale teeth; though many contend they were &lased by its shoes. Chis- holm is now Mound with o plastered. head. Many. say. WAS tt feolhartlY trick t,o try eina stop the beast,„. W. 6 thought it a pralbeworthY one. ''Aty how tlie•Way the gallant Lieutenant bore Thins& under the cireunistanees shows that he is of the right material to Wear Her Majesty'e uniforni, Ilar...---We regret to hear that the in- fant daughter of Mr. John Fluker is very. ill. We hope to report her better in next isibe of THE NEWS-REcOlth. trim% THE LIST. --For mechanical excellency, :methodical arrangement of items, variety of new,, interesting selections'and ability in the editorial (l)111111118,, TICE isTEWS-RICOORD easily holds tint place among the !weeklies' of wlIame.onmaenpdhBeeru nenf•ortunately broke the crank shaft of his engine on Satur- day, . He will resume work by Tuesday morning at the latest. otL;11;sieotnt).,Moor,e is rushing the thresh- itg,for the Base line and the 13th eon. ,_,',"Jrtj'aies,, Young. is • :rushing the Pitberan'ebutoh, repairs on the TO 0,- peraime hall, and his contract' in Morris. , Manchester bridge Will'require a 'new cover this- autumn, as the one in use is badly worn. Mr. Ainsley, the efficient county commissioner, will doubtless attend to it in ample time. J. Lawson repaired the drive wheel of Mutch's traction engine which wits broken. A. few hours delay was the only inconvenience. Joe is a rattler with rerairs on machinery of any kind. An thnny Haggit, of Londesboro, gave an exhibition before J. P.'s Caldwell and Wilson of how near's bad tongue 11) could bring 111111 to be bein fined, and . of how little he lacked of sing quali- fied for -a certificate for permanent residence in one of the homes provided for the most 'hel-Pless of God's 'crea- tures'. TI. y will be rough on you the next time go , Sanitnerlitli The P. Oi St00013 the eheatjeetigftee for, "7:rodoista. 17' lends enchantment; tn tlla view," Tho T. O. G. Vs held a, meeting on Wednesday' evening the 1St lnst, and elected the following,, (Meets fat the ensuing ternat—D,. Burns, C.. Ariirrm 13. Milrer, V. T.g Chris. Lowery,Itee.- See.; Henry tleard.1 3704 Bingham,. $eut,.',. Lowery, Treas.; ,G. M. Fite:See.; David Baer, "Marellal; R. 3, Drabee, Aa. -Sec.: P1000 jowls.% D.. M4 G, M. Xilty4 Ls D. very , rs recovering. Theloneri4 af the late mks; Begley'. tool; plene 011 Soncla 'afternoon 8.11(1 was one Of the • laraest,' funere,lek•'in Wingham.., this ;year, Bsgle.Y. , went ta Leficlon to have an Operation:. , performed and died in', .the hospital1111010. • ; The Winglitimiire company went to,'%•• Elora on Monday last awl 811eee041ed '• • e winning Ifiltt 1114100.Wlienever, the Pro eomPany or, the laerosse boys go, • awity from home new" they always come baek VictOrieds,' , ' Tbe Maple Leaf loorassit club Went,ta '- Harriet= on Thtirsdair lnat to play' an:' association match with.theetabvt tbat., town. The Maple Leat:enne.e044:14; winning by .8. scerefef,three„ to oriei This is the first goitl.:ttiatl:hr4:,' been. scored against Winglialh hfrea,-1,1„904- m ' tion matches. The sock g',l'Or';'the Maple Leaf was as 'follows 4-eti'Vr 1i1l,10 m in ntes; 3rd, 2111111 tes ; 41111, Cornyn, 10 MinitteizT places them at the head of the A.s.sli that c iarmancl, of Southwold, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Mc- Lachlin, • Miss Mary Cassaday is visiting her mother at the parental ebode.. Her many friends -were pleased to meet again this lady who is devoting so much of her life for the uplifting of the fallen and the amelioration of their sad lot, Miss Minnie Hoar is visiting at the old hOmestead. Her many friends were delighted to renew acquaintance. TheLeachBros. are expecting a new separator -from L. D. Sawyer & Co„ of Hamilton. Your correspondent wish them success in their venture. Bass bites well in the vicinity of Auburn. 8, E. Gidleyand chief Davis are the most- successful disciples of Izak Walton, Stanley. Rev, Mr. McKay,.ifiissionary, of For- mosa, preached Bayfield Road Church Sunday last., Rev. Mr. Kerrin, of Bayfield, preach- ed his farewell sermon Sunday week. He lefts on Tuesday for hiS new station in Mitchell. Mrs. Diamond: of Lantiing, Michigan, is at present yieiting ilt the home of her sister, Mrs. J. Rath.weIl. Miss Phoebe Shaw, formerly of this neighborhood,is visiting acquaint- ances in this vicinity. On Wednesday last, being our civic holiday,,business was entirely susperd- ed, a large number of oar citizens. spending the day at Pert Stanley and . Bayfield. Lawyer Cook, of Alvinston, formerly of this town, has been spending a few days here amongstfriends and acqualt- &dices. On Sunday Mr. Macnarnara, student -of Hellinuth College, London, . officiated in Trinity Churchboth morning and evening, preaching ex- cellent discourses. C. 0 Rance, one of our knights of the seissors, Stinda,yed in Clinton. Next regular !meting of the .rnern= bars of the C. O. F. No. 89 in their hall on Tuesday evening next. Soite our citizens contemplate taking in the Foresters excursion Co Sarnia on Saturday. Rev.Mr. Hall, of Ripley, is to officiate in .Trinity Church on Sunday next. On Monday the funeral of the young- est child of Mr. Philip •Wiliows,.purnp- maker, took place from its father's residence, on Morris' St., the remains • being deposited in Union cemetery. , The bereaved ones have the' sympathy of' the entire community. . Tho fa:0310e 111 this .sectint are jubi- lant over having ;such' inagnifioent.,..,, Weather for gathering:in theirbavest. Owing to tfie farmers busy. season all branches of business is dull in town 'at present. 114elgtave. Quite a number from this station took in the excursion to Port Stanley oii Wednesday. • , A number of friends and relatives front 'town attended the funeral ofMrs. Regier Winghatio on Sunday. Messrs. Wilson and Weeds, of this pittee,' have purehtuiedga new threshing °Milt Which, is doing splendid work. We aro glad to learn that Mr. Sae. ,Proctor has shown tante improvement during the nett. Week. „ • 11,013h6l`rle$ are plentiful Ilia year laid a large number of our townspeople have Secured a good supply. rarblere 'eettiPlaiii of the grasshop- pers damaging the grain and toot crupo. Nearly every Men in llelgrave ettene hieYere, and earne are fast becoming experts With the wheel. Londesboro. Mrs. Williamson, from near Bra,mp- ton, has been visiting her cousin, A. Woodman, during the last few days. Rev. J. A. Hamilton returned from. his holiday trip last week. Misses Lawday and Rachel Young are visiting friends near Auburn. Miss Janet McQuarrie, •of Blyth, spent Sunday with Miss Elva Adams. Miss Lou Ouimette is visiting friends in St. Marys. Messrs. Hag& & Pringle have finish- ed the drain on Green street. Dr. Young Was in Goderich yester- day. • Mrs. James Oliver presented her huaband with a. son on Friday. Robt.. Crawford was off work a few days last week from the effects of a - cut in the arm received while feeding a threshing machine. 7 Mr. Tewsly, our butcher, is going around with his hand in a sling. Harry Beetle is through With George Snell and has gone to work in Auburn. J. H. Lowery, from near Summerhill, was in the village on Saturday. _ Regular meeting of the Forresters Friday night. - There was no preaching in the Methodist church on Sunday morning, the pastor, Rev. 11. J. Fair, being in Kinburn holding q larterly meeting. The usual services were held in the Presbyterian church. All. Cullirison is still using crutches. It will be some time before he is able to do any work. S. 0. E. Lodge met on Friday night. There was a good attendance. One more nanie was added to the lodge roll . Goo. Williams, of Wingham, was • here on Sunday. -24 The Good Templars spent a pleasant time at their meeting on Tuesday eve- ning of last week. After the busidess of the lodge was concluded ice cream anti other refreshinetts were *served and a splendid tinae was spent. It was election of officers and the following, were elected for the present terni:44-, C. T., Mrs. Thos. Riddell; V. T., Ida, Riley; Chap., Lavina 13righarri; R. Sq. Ephraim (*ray; F . S., Bond Lawita-.. SOn ; T., Agnes ; M., Al bert Brunsdon; S. J. T., Hanna Riddell; G., Clara Tewsly; S., Gem. Caldwell; Organist, Lou Odimette; C. T., Albert McGregor. The following letter Was read in thek S. 0, E. lodge last Friday night arat.;‘. ordered to be published in botla.kOliir. ton papers:— To Londe -shore Lodge No. 143, S. g„ dealt() to return yoti ome sinceie thanks for the kind Sympathy which We received, from you in the sad bereavornent We have been collect upon to OAS t1irotig10 by the death of Otar lLttle daughter. It is a bitter bereave- , ment eorning_npon us so sudden and unorpeeted. We ' IttiOW that God Werke in a mysterious way and that 110 ; cannot err therefore we must hew in sifinnissitai 110 Ilis Will and so live that. , We inaymeet her in that world beyond the_skies where. parting Will be no more. Yours affeetionately, Strilfirthedeir.- StrNhUltb001t.' 'r