HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-07-25, Page 9A1 • 0.11i
,P PERT AY 4,4L V ▪ iNOt ,Pa
GUST I; 1.894c
Brands ef Ales,Port-
ers, Lager,
1.4tOn Liquor
11 rivals Ginger Ale alest
other goods s.uftable 16r flie
or o
• PLTQl* S,
Ri.visio.—Tlio e„
inioxi 1011'."Otnnkenee.pulIlle
IstiO,tliletitember; r • • -„ •
L'ni-M1007,10.ANNJV 'AXPI MA131.4,'
ME* tetaraeo •,tu. their,,heraei.,131U8;;
Town yogis.,
1.00.00niou thourrrakr:.7--‘ There will
be a basa 4011 matehherat0=MOrrn*
between, these tWn-teaniSt„. Tha
tea •eente8tante••.•will 'be:--.•Palalua
HI)over p, AffnOW, '1stb, A. •PgirlAttm.
2n1 b, E. Sernt00 3r4 b, Llarland'n fti ,
'Kerr r f. Afalci0 4014'0,irtr.Pr;:P4iiaY.
rtr tiler468viir4,4-T1ie Bell Tei&"'
.phene CenaParrybitve'40.00h9Oett.'
,'45#1intno;. requiredtole,wires'•'
linAd 'Atiot..--Attessor'Steve0 Accessed'.
tIIO'0014Pc444..- ffm.ilActtheY 'AppeAte4,
'raufa''Potvat. was argued before :440.
TM-40:itt Goderioh leSt„ Friday and
:asSesaMen1;:•''as4-naula °:hy
'Olfr asseSsOr waa'000fOrnOt'
, ;Wn•Nr;OVIVrO,n.:***Nto;:-•44tA6i144
• ViSited.•.Barnia.en the, chpir.,extattsio.n,
-:;44(1-7:i Seen-Al:AO- ,V;t9.409-%440.441.4.
saythat WostitnildhaVeatiSteiteli woe'
herc'. it is just vt#P-IqucgAott-4),t,:tilit
:01),04,0011,•.:,1t.is.4"..},70108*1414i •
sysx),0,1)0100* honse, 446-4-104,11.#4,
take of oneh4c7goe,
•,s1Vadleigh, the; 04110044;
Oburo14P00 ipsteaVit
serip.tioiis f3r that pablieatiOny:''rhu,
VaPer::,`PY.e1PrieeefeiXthen, paces awi is
lillecL with select *atter of greatinters'.,;..
,esCfo,vhhrch •will be here:-.
all,Week :nrld Will take orclei'a at:,t11.
rerY• 10-W• innea of a year. .$0.000!.
..Xuage 41006'heard Pe case of the„ eel),
vs .Williums, ther,youtig man Ace.ftsc4'011'
from -theeitto'?Y'of
mcLaughlin, Bros, in Goreie.:. ;Only the
eyidAsco, for the; proSeentiOry.was4One
into, arid this wasso ineonclosivo,:thaf,
the ptiserier was acqpitted.:
INckineori',. of aPpearedl*,
the 'defetice.,-.Star. , , •
41 G ArtlAte :094,
will this week he.,buyt
1118,apples in.. theneighborhood nf
D•statItelen has,
It4P,d'O'leleeed it 'contract- tos:platekin
t.he harels of eheiee 'Winter
Oniu.iqanday the
essrs,P,.Hansfordc • of the - $taPletan
•SA/ItyWtirite's -haat' another horse. ',The
,friunniat felt from the tramway and ,
•„,b0ke,:ita..baCk, In a fewrnbautes it
As A6a.,c1..1 ••' • • .
rreizsEss natium
4101:o1 anclerich, oneof the most
courteous and sticcessful hotel men in
the provinee;• has disposed of the
hion•to J, Wiliffersden, of Ingersoll,.
ad he.tbolt ,ehirige to -day.
Fni lifor4nai1tsrrs,:--Messrs. Seale &
Hoover, of the Clinton -Marble Works,
are turning eqt Come very fine moons
,MentS., .,Theirstradn is on the increase
and their Work may now be seen in
',nearly nit "Sections 9fiauron;
,A81_211/0.1.D.--There WAR an interests,
'gmurcie Of base balkiest Friday after-
tiOn :petweer 'scrub nines captained'
Ford and Jim' Finch. The
ttter. Won; .he score being, 21 to 18.
ettRsilmPired the game:
e Clinton Cricket Club
9 . cgdetin -at Stratfardlast.
day.The• Heraldkl.says ,Stratford
tainisterelr'a very ..teeYere,defeat to
inten .winning the nratchby an inn-
AtafortyAnne runs. •
•Borvano, CEPEnon.—The owner of a
'6114ired,Jaitgdeog in town' offers a re-
IfttififermatiOn thatavill lead to
MO.kvietietiot The guilty Parties who
he ',other day painted 'a portion of the
animal red,'•Ther is a' statutory law
rlardding cruelty to animals.
NEW.STocx.—TsrE • MmWs-REcateri
as just placed in stock something en-
tirely new in wedding stationery ; also
• supericir lines of envelopes, business
•-.Stationery; ," bond papers, &c. • The
prices are Very reasonable and the
tinting of the first corder.
Ew Sea-sr.—The new hotel owned
and conducted by Mr. Robert Mason
ris'an excellent new sign 'executed -by
'airtiirS Spooner & RayS011 and is
lettered to read "Mason House." The
tend is rine of the best in town and
• the Mason ` House is receiving a fair
proportionot public patronage.
tiATIrIxd.—The enterprise of Capt.
,Babb,, of Froderich, is commendable.
Alehasi ids:splendid bathing house open
• for the general ..public and gives bra
•i.portant tnformation in another column.
;01 or readers should not pass Capt.
'• Balib's Bathing Hi
House when n Goder-
.-iels., Ladies, gentlemen and children
**ill lied him epurteous and attentive.
Dwari. OF A WELT.A.CNOWN 1101iSlO
BUYER.—The news of the death of Mr.
',B. Aubry, the horse buyer, will be
, learned with deep regret by_ Ws many
• friends here, and more particularly by
Hthe farming dommunity. He was
„taken Suddenly ill a short tirne ago
.With a severe attack of infia.mination
"on the lungs, and after four days •af
• 'titans° suffering succumbed to its
Mal effects. Mr. Auhry has for many
'years made Clinton. one of his princi-
pal markets, and during that time pur-
• chased a number of good horses. He
,atars a buyer of no mean repute.
SAO Acolnitart.--Messrs. .S, W. ijnd
J. Cook, former tesidente of °Anti*
and Goderich township, happened'
With a very. serions accident the other
day in Chides°. They wereenga,. g05:
. in the znanufactore of "Our star asaveV,„
tising torpedos," and had a 'hurried
order of 10,000 packagee to be shipped
to Boston. DUe catcrwiis not observed
in mixing thecherawals arida terrible'
explosion took place, Mr. ".1," 'A;
Cook'a,right eye was tern' out iantl
boy's arm lacerated. ' The building,wi
badly shattered and Messrs. Cook
Cook lost their all. J. W. is a hrOt4P
to Arthur Cook, tOwn, and J.. is
nephew to Peter of Goderich township.
**ivy( Toliltei
GittlWr $74417041frigt OF tillascootk
2-400,4VOrd, haft pot been received
itren% the earuPlugfp;einale On the lake
Shore of ,Oodeeich towenhIP that
shoal Of 'millions, of doul grasshoppers
has 4ecti-washed,ashorei •:
TO,;*'Orotow;-.4he toodeO
'OW ,"Oriapt Oluti will nue:lora tho
With ',Clinton cricketers te-inee.
row,Recrotioo, Park. here.- The
London .taan,1 :la the. One that was to
have battled with 'tho.,-fa!petts•
de.lphians a few diLys ago Au 0*.cith,10
•Matelt.i8 Oatar44:10c*04„ t.06 •;:,•H ”
..AXOTrairn. PrOxiatit
,lict of the late Robert' Beaeoiu, diedin'
.00derieb: towoship'yesterday, -aged IA;
years itu'd three -luenthe.'--The. funeral.
.Will tdkerplace40-niVrevalTharSdaa4
:heineSteaC 'IZiaV field cinneterr.• .„ An'
Barsn °awn' am: --The Olioton Twn
Band,under the'tleaderShila nt John 1'.
'Shrink, will play in the Park, cm Thurs-
day evening, 2ad Aug:, Oweather per-
mitting) the following prograramer—
March ,
Sere Lovers "GpoesNight
Andt. and Waltz - Alpha.
,motorman's pronapt action in Tor-
onto last7,Saturday aftetnoon averted
another trolley fatality. The affair
• visacf witnessed by Mr. W. C. Searle, of
Clinton. Frank COombes, a 12.year-
• old lad, who lives at 60 Cecil street,
was driving along front street near
• Scott street about 4 o'clock in the
afternoon. He did not notice. the
•approaeh of motor car No. 2•70, and in
attempting to cross the tracks the car
trtielt his waggon and threw him
stars almost directly • in ' front.
• ()babes Was dragged some distance
the fender and Tied the Motorman
t reversed his motor Ceombes would
Ye been crushed to death. As it was
• was badly bruised and cut, his
gen was almost demelished and
orse .injuried by the collision.
6 ambulaucererooveddoonsbes to his
bine, Where Dr, Dobie, of McCaul
reet„, attended. tel his injuries, 'Motor
No. 270 has a had name among the
ilWaY 'Men. It is called ..the "man
on aeeount of the fitunher of
eotilk that have been either killed or
jtired Coombes was progrete-
Good Bar My Lover.
The Band cordially invites the citi-
zens_ to spend the evening in tlyi Park
and take advantage of the, concerts,
for the evenings are growing short and
will soon prevent playing there.
A DAY AT LAKE Hunox.—The first
annual Scottish Games under the
auspices of Camp Macpherson No. 48
S. 0 S., will be held in Kincardine on
Wednesday, August the 81h., when
$1,500 in prizes will be offered for com-
petition. The far-famed Pipers Braid
of the 48th Highlanders will be present
in full strength and Highland Costume.
The Kincardine Flute Band in kilts
will also be in evidence that day. A
prize of $75 is offered for the team
winning the hose reel race. This prize
is sure to attract the fastest teams in
Western Ontario. Prizes are also
offered for the largest canair and
camp coming the longest distance.
The S. S. Cambria will run excursions
on the lake during the day. John D.
McPherson, the champion shot 'putter
of the world, will endeavor to break'
the world's record at Kincardine on the
8th. The prize list is made large
enough to draw the hest athletes m
Canada and the United States. Spend
a day at tkie lake and hear good music
and see good dancing and skillful
athletes. heap and efficient railway
transports', ion has been arranged.
See bills andprogrammes for particu-
lars. Write Kincardine, August 8th,
on your notebook and make no con-
flicting appointments.
.Cana ian Medley.
aft000000..t.:. #0100 efroin
'eXterirled' nientien of 'the deatl; Pioneer
will anneiu' hi thceer o.ydio,..,;ne#,
• l'eol)Ie Who JI'tivcJ
MistWMioni0 Wire' rsitin
.011000;44-Brussels..Pmf). ,
misS h4lidOvi.lig with
• '1%41; 3. '34eksen, OP earnith, kwas. itt
t-aYtif,Thureday.:, ,
iSe iaa,EArst.t.,,of Cliitton, is *Jett -
'Jug -friepde in tpuii.--'.Vinghaui Times,
•' avip,S; ,g:;peneabst.tar':, pd3d,, childten,
have rortnitiedlooniSliellflatdtern„
''„Dis T. O. BrUceio,,;,IVAitimiliii in
Ars.. Forbes 18 visithig relatives in,
"WO, (Bev.) Smyth is on a visit , to,
.friends at Sarnia and Fetrolia. •
' Of, Jackson
tOS4'.19.0O^.0,. visit ta".Novit,Seotia;
T. - Harland was last and
• is .week On a business trip to Remit -
*So' Toronto and Other points.
•0;. Cole, of Flint, lViiek „is on
• visit '.•to.. -f relatives and friends in
V.4„;'3"ohrt- Wieernan, of Gilroy fga'
isetriarY ;Tent Friday and Saturday
(Ames, • of the New Era,
• lee01)14•17r#0 Tralref.
'Dr. II-08er1 a former resldent of
Clinton, Was 10 town last week.. 10 'all
100 fOreign travels he fotioa.no Place Aa
favored Canaaa, . • • •
;M. Prank 0rabb, ,,of 'the- cOtniti
town,_ inadt the MI to (."'livitonon hie
Ituage :in one 'hoar., last #enday 'eVeri-••iflg•
gie$' Clinton,
. spending ber holidays. in :town - with
her unale, iti. Theinas.Coneb,and other
Recorder • .
Mrs. Whitt; is on.a. two Weeks TOO-
- fin the iaizilly O ifr. Joh** ,H.Oherteop,./
HuttAl? fOrluerlY-af Pliut94.`%14#1(3koclerrlelh:
.e.• • ,,• ' • • ' • '
Ati7s),'• 'daughter
144v,a_returned- from -A `,t)St9.:W.ePke visft
to NVIpghtlatil. 'TUI.\VLLLtL and Other •
,ttlitlt/S! ., ' •
es, faVerabir could be expected
Monday eveping., Mr. Searle would
is ,a11.,veopin going to Toronto to
it re :Shorn eye An the niotot tate.
bey aie really dangerous:
exit' "f v Arils at Toronto and St.
and ,Mrs. Peter Cantelon Jr
family spent &few days with rela-
ttsrGtdi'lk London 'towns/du.
2Ii. spent several
sdatiray.00:fOolirdiat•Audettlitrovadoot;,* H,V:atitt• .nrde
Mi'. IT. gime, of Patr'S relief' Mills; is
cernbining hairless With pleasure at
Toronto, Galt and,other places..
People who travel should. fit secure
their wedding folders a,nd ca.11ing cards
TnE NEws-Reconn office.
Mr. George Trowhill, and daughter,
returned Monday from a few days
sojourn with friends at Brampton.
Miss Bella Porter, of Goderich, is
the gnest of her aunt, Mrs. James
Stevens,—Atwood Bee.
Mr. Geo. D. McTagart expects to
pay a visit to New York city next
Mrs. S. Greig and grandson left to-
day on a visit to Toronto and Hamil-
• Mrs. J. Steep and sister, Miss Rowe,
left on Friday on an extended visit to
CRICKEt.—Messrs. Bruce, Harland
arid Hunt witnessed the great inter-
national cricket match in Toronto last
Saturday. The result, as given in
Monday's Empire, will interest local
cricketersi—The first victory in inter-
national cricket in the last lustruni
was won on Saturday by the Gentle-
men of Ontario over the Gentlemen of
Philadelphia, by the handsome margin
of seven wickets. There is little doubt
that the best eleven won, and though
the teams were equally rriatch0, there
was no batman, on the American
eleven to show such form as either
Terry or Goldinghatia, and excellent as
was their bowlina, McGiverin's puzzling
work was far better than anything
done by the visiting truodlers, The
Gentlemen of Philadelphia, on paper,
come out even on their visit to Toron-
to with one victory, one draw, and one
loss in the three matches, The Hose -
dale club was beaten, but they did
well in holding down the visitors'to 141
‘rims. TheToronto eleven, which is this
year undoubtedly the strongest in the
country, practically won their Match
with the visitors, and everyman on the
Canadian Side hatted with a confidelice
that has hitherto been wanting inthese
encounters, and the lack of.which has
on mare °dragoon than ank CaUsed
ignarnittiOtts defeat,' It; reinained foe
the; Ontario eleveit
vistoy, .sta thstgfi ti),0 team, nitat,
tingWas, oinitting Terry, balite equal
Of the Toronto team in 40atilig, tt Waa
partittilarly powerful hi heading,
,140, 4 plarire,":ana: faieilY; who
ave:::boan ',Visitig'itt the' recideOce,o,
`Warksou„, 311., torileat,
Teroetd. thif.SWeek. .2
• • 'Herbert, tinsett, of .1"eit
is tnei.-gueSt . of Kr, Geo,: Theobakt.-
Lixosett is laglidays, 'tont is,
fShre*iii; enough eenalalue- hutoess;
CAitia; Tureedi'aud:'Mr„!T.
of Geilerich,,beth fermer,Vesident8 oi
poced tiirough:;here ou 8 visit
to TOVonta 10; klattirgaY' and returned;
to *40340740We, 'Yesterday,.
• -
'• 1‘11,::-.41:et•',ChrYstal4of the fanious
,r6baeria-41ailer-WOrks; was In town:
o;ihis way -,howelast Thursday. He
toosk lif:the choir excursion atid:cour;-
Inismeas With pleasure. • '
T.::;TakiPiou,..ir.,_ rotarnea Yroul
tona, 'Sattirday through the'
States acd,,hronght with hint a novelty
in the -Shape, of A .goose heater which
ein be seen workiok, in- his It
has a ;Small tatik'which holds half a
pint ofgasolinethat..•feedgc the inside.
and '1.41)Atec steady 'heat." • For a re*
rents ii'dayea -bet, iron. cati'aiways be,
had. is new,InTention- and Jack -
'eau ',Brea. have, been ' -offered the sole
right otit.top lAreatern Ontario. ...,,
' The So Ple-nicia,st Thursday to
oderich—St. Paul's aod. Ontario
• froet,cansecl nearly 400 passengers to
go. • The best of weather prevailed and
the Children enjoyed theinsebres ha-
inensely. It was unfortunate that the
civic Isollaa.y was on the day following
and a very cheap Home Circle Otetir-
don to Toronto on Saturday. Had it
not -been for the .congieting arrange..
ments following 'many more would
have gone to Goderieh. The civic holi-
day was toe early.in the season.
Mr. D. Clair, Goderich, called oil
Oltift end childrkai have bean on a visit
to relatives in Clinton and neighbor-
hood for a week and. will return in a
week or ten days.- Mr. Cluff, who is in
the county tovvn organ factory; will re-
sume work on Monday. Nearly fifty
men are employed and a good and
paying trade haa been built up from
'Vancouver -to Halifax, while the local
trade is good. In the manufacture of
these iastruments the only imported
wood used is walnut and that comes
from Indiana ; the Canadian woods
used comprise Maple, ash, butternut,
bass -wood, pine, &c. Piano eases, Mr.
Chill says, have the run, and they are
made in various styles and finishes.
"To see their make of organs," he de-
clares, "ie to admire them, and to hear
them is to desire them " We are
pleased to learn of the succese of any
Canadian industry.
• .
iTt tvgb e c°0,uu7s ebtliits fitsTir iSgt4940. 'atliAt 0.14- tdt
pthreeMlioinor p.tr. ehrteeeddcepriptlAnoks:S. It 1•?,
near' Pead!ourr,2 • • :
POOY $41V,PP0441r0.001r
°OtO Oa Monday. = -
Mrs, ,, Lloyd. was .10 the 14 .1.11004 city•
last Week.•
• .Sodge and Mrs. Carpenter retOrrtect
t.4z, pewit t414.1rA •
Missiis F. E. and A,; W. mot ,Tvere
visiting -1n Toronto till few' days.
The ,'Nbitlindiet-:ShrtdaY‘ 'ant ex.
tilint4n **ba
,was(not interfered with y X8
will berelnetribarecl by 01 illethe.'
. ,
(lists tel. heir nnusna
cfndetieh.' by .the elork-eitua west er,
The steruner caelbria WA4P, Port ell
Fri4firetilier nerthward join:qv,
, _
MO.; D. •Cantelon spout a few`..-4Art
Tototito Xast week. • -
• •:.; 4/.480-W4401f; of Clliaton, was visit-
-10' the circular towo last: Wednes-
'dayil° ' •
•' .The r:Meeliantee' Institute loses OW°.
.,MMelle4t Meolhers by •the removal, to
Ohathain Of Mr...Rolit: Park the presi-
dent, and lo Gait of the secy., Mr. Geo;
`Pnl Park who 134s been pritt
Mr. '-•••-e* — for five aria
cur publie schools
half year& hos b,een appointed public
seheelinepector for West ',Kent. This
.'appoluttnent severs las conneetion.
•WithOOderich and its sehools, a loss to
tOwo and pupils, for the gentleman lairs
;been 'an exemplary citizen and an in-
sktietcie whose work is see n ourOolleg-
InStitute pupils. d the ma,nyexCell-
ent teachers round about us, whO have
PaOsed. through:the model school dur-
ing:his•inasterships West Kent is to
be ceongratillated. on the wisdom of its
'seleetion of an inspector,. for a more
able or painstaking official it would be
herd to find. -
% :Bliss Sharman wa,s visiting friends
in TOronto the past week.
Those who have not yet enjoyed the
'pleasure of a k bath on our excellent
heady should visit Babb's bathing es-
biblishment forthwith, or the season
may:pass away without their .enjoying
'the:roost pleasurable pastime of the
The privilege of the magnificent beach being secured from the Municipal
Corporation of the Town, a. large addition has been added to the former
Bathing House, which makes it second to none in America. Is now open for the
accommodation of excursionists and all others who wish to indulge hi surf bath-
The beach is the finest in America with a splendid sloping, sandy bottom
and combines safety with the best possible advantages for swimming.
Particular attention given to the care of Lady and Children bathers.
Bathing suits for hire at the small charge of ten cents.
The whole of the above is under the supervision of CAPT. Witl. RABB,
formerly of the R. N., now of the Canadian Life Saving Service.
Mra. Brayley and children returned to
Teronti) last 8aturday.
Chief Nerthgraves, Of ;Inger801,k, has
COmtneneed 8, crusade
dok, ov.or.O. summonses:44TC been -•-,
issuoci.:'"apluO" ovvners...0:',40gc WhD•
hAN* not coruplietl v-04- tPo.
ing, •:at the; Ontario 'A. richltnrat Cot-. 7
'1.eg`,0*: Vas raarried,Oh
to NMies, Ansley, , daii
Gcoge Ansley of Cuelp1t..„
A ease Of OntlaA-pov hos 4eve1113„,e444
A Weil y near Dover '00titoe,,Det, . The,
township, authorieties „ytoll 'lig,: "hat
they can to keep , the • coothrekk iti
cheek. Tbe patient is a *,a0ng: POI*,
girl. ,,,
The Wingham firemen have ;,been '
invited to go to Kincardine to Oeutests.
tor a $50 purse with the &brawl of that,:
place. They wrote back telling fate.
.Kincardine people to make the,purses4
$25 larger and they wduld,ge-
• Two men named JOsePh. Landry, ,
aged sixty, and Benjamin Suelli aged -
20, employed by John Liddy, Harwich
township, quarrelled Saturday evening.
Snell knocked the old man clowirand
kicked him in the abdomen and side,
inflicting injuries so serious that Lair',
dry is now ost, the point of death in
Chatham General Hospital. -Snell,
who has beenarrested claims that be
was only "fabling” with Landry.
A most estinuible young 'qady, -
the persou of !MGR Agnes Ferguson,.
departed this life on Sunday the 22 inst.,
at her mothers' residence, Eiceter,;st
the age of 28 years, 1 monuth and 4.
clays. The deceased was a, very- ac-
ceptable teacher in the Exeter Public
School until Easter when she was obliged
to resign on account of POQV health cells -
ed by consumption. Bes idesa sorrowing
mother three sisters and a, brother, she
lea,ves a host of friends, to mourn her
demise. .
Sotne one discovered recently • that
the sward worn by general Wolfe when
he fell on the Heights of Abraham, 100
years ago, is in the noSsession of an
impecunious officer in the British
Army, and an agitation was begun for
its purchase by the Dominion. G ()verb -
Ment„ The officer in question avas
willing to part with the rusty relic two
weeks ago for 215--4Kiw. he wants
$1.500. The consequence is that ell
serious agitation has ceased and the
parsimonious Britisher will not receive
an offer, even.
About 4.80 Thursday night a shock
of earthquake viras felt in Lindsay,Ont.
There was a tremor in the earth,
which lasted for two or three secoridSs
and was followed by a report or ex-
plosion, which sounded like a, cannon,
which had been fired a long distance
off. Houses were shaken and windows
rattled. Quite a number of residents
of the South Ward rushed out of their
houses, thinking a mill boiler had ex-
ploded. No damage appears to have
been done, and there is no doukit it was
a shock of earthquake. •
• Mrs. Gorman, of Sarnia, is visiting
at tkie .residence of Mr. -G. N. Davis,
North. street.
Jonotha,n Miller will this week
hand over the Albion to his successor.
Mrs. and Miss Caldwell, of Amherst -
burg, are visiting in the aircular town.
Miss B. Wilkinson was visiting rela-
tives in Toronto this week.
•Mr, Allan Seeger has charge of St.
George§ during the absence of the
rector, Rev. Mark Turnbull.
• Regular meeting of the town conncii
on Friday evening.
The Public School Board will rneet
next. Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Seeger and party are in
bamp at the Black Hole.
Mr. Berry, who bought Fear's stook
of drugs recently, has moved to Luck -
Mrs. Bowden, a lady at one time
well known in Goderich, died in Col-
borne township the pet week.
Several passen„oers arrived by a re-
cent boat, intending to stay in Goder-
ich, but being/unable to obtain accom-
modation, re -embarked for some place
that is -not so crowded with summer
Mrs. (Rev.) W. Johnston is visiting
friends itt,Goderich.
friends and relatives in StreetSville,
their former home.
Mr. H. Kerr and wife, of Viringha,m,
were visiting friends and relatives in
Clinton and Goderich township for a
few days last week.
.• Mr. W. C. Searle wag; in Toronto
last week con business and can recount
many Ail interesting event of Queen
City life.
Mr. D, of. the Gode,,
rich Signal, was among the forty
county town excursionists who went to
Toronto last Friday,
Mrs. Sohn Callander and children, of
the, Forest City,:are on a two weeks
visit to relatives and blends in Olin.
Mr. W. Howard, of Toronte, was
last week "wheeling" through Mkteliellf
Seaforth, Olirittnat Goderieh add Kin-
eardine on a business tell). The bicy-
cle is his favorite steed.
Messrs. JoSeph Pelton and Jas. McIr-
vine, of Paris, lost three cattle from
the effects of eating Paris green. It
seems the above trained gentlemen
Miss Craigie was visiting in rented a pasture field from Mr, Wm.
Toronto the past week. Hill, and next to the field was a potato
, . patch that had been sprinkled with
Paris green the daybefore. Mr. Hill,
after using the poison, hid it in the
field some place with the intention Of _
continuing his work the next day, but
during the night the three cattle got
into the field some way ancl partook of
the poison, which promptly did its
work, and in a few hours' the animals
died. The loss will be considerable, as
the animals were valuable.
The regular meeting of the Huron
Veterinary Medical Association was
held on Friday, 20•h ult., in the Town
Hall, Goclerich, and was attended by a
large number of veterinary surgeons
from different sections of the county..
The chair WAS .occupied by the yfresi.
dent, Dr. .1. Wilson, of Winghana, and
an interesting prOgratinne, compose(l
of reports of cases and discussion 'there-
on was taken part in by all present.
A special featnee of the meeting was,
an instructive address delivered by Dr..
Gibbs, of St. Marys, president of the '
Pe.rth Association, in which ho dealt
with several very interesting' topieek
audhis remarks were much appreauitedt -
by the menabers present. The rneeting.
adjourned to Stratford, for Oc on-•' .
3rd. .
Bard. Short, of Parkhill, and Jennie,
Johnson were married at Willow Hall,
Bengali, Oht., the residence of. the,, .
bride's father, Thursday. The 413i.ide-
groom was the hero of the 6:scent Walt', •
far Arson, Miss Johnson, the brid‘ ./
was one of the -witnesses for the de--/:
fence) while the °fiftieth* ,ministef,
Rev. G. EL Thomson, and the groo ..
an, . Mr. Brewer.,_had given evitl 'eel
at the trial. Miss Mary Johnson at 047 .
ed her sister. The wedding will he the „
talk Of the echnitry 'side for Many -it ,
day. Guests attended from. .011riton1,,
Seaforth, Bayfield, Exeter, Zuriell.,,
Liman, Thedford, .and other places., '•
There were about wo goests present
The carriages in which they .artiVed
Warp&eked as closely aopossibie and
orow ed .
cfa- 4 -acre field. After the eete-
manym r, and Mrs, Short left for A trip
up" the lakes via. Goderieh. The pre,.
Bents are thiseribed 'as, something,
wonderful, 10 the eolleetion were
cook , Stoves, a sideboard, furniture for .:
dining room, hed. Nunn. Oil `parlet.,,
dielies,' beautiful jeweis, atia so On,
Otte ' article was only duplle&i1cl 11'
homestead, 24 nu es ninth of Btlisge* times. . owitijr to. a Teders ; eaVet- '
to Jas. Parr. _of London Township: Ment in the -bride's family the festivf-
The price, $6,200, is Considered Tory ties intident tO the marria•ge Were
reasonable, conaidering the prime tow toned doWn, and there were-. flti ,, •
ditiott of the place, . . ' speeches, r
APPoINTIKMITs osvren n.f THE
The M. E. Grand Z. has notified the
Grand Scribe E. of the following ap-
poletnients in Grand Chapter:—
v. E. Comp, deo, atenkbom, flitI1e, Grand le
Aietbeint Soleredgm,
V. E. " S. O• Warner, limosheer Grind 1214
mariesta sewage.
V. it. " A, 4'431 rob, pliatham, Grand SVIOidt
It • E. CLIotf.itWeigl.044110! druaut:M.
V. B. W. Herst, Sala Karietotana.
•Standard tetifet
At. VVI112. Jtlng, theektille, Oriuld Dir. of
CdreMontoe. •
✓ . E. -1‘ Wm. MeLaten, Oreegetile, Grand
V. 211. " A. IL IC. Afetkaittld, Woodstock-,
°gra Parsaarant. ,„
V. 13. " I. W. Berk. berelbev Stewert.
V. Torboto, "
V. E. retrah. OttkVille, ",
V. " G. AnIrdarh D0412011414•' "
Goderich Towngbip.
Mr. David Beacom, of the Bayfield
Line, is having his residence painted.
• Mr. John Beacom has completed extensive improvements to his residence.
He has now one of the most comfort -
a ble and inviting homes in the town-
&MAY CiirrenCY.
Wednesday, August 8th, is Wing -
ham's civic holiday.
Sir Oliver Mowakcelebrated his 74th
birthday on Monday.
ReeveSparling, onVingham, shipped
a car of tub butter from Brussels ast
Postmaster Farrow has been appdnt-
od C. P. R. ticket agent at Brusbels as
successor to J. T. Pepper.
D. McNaughton was slightly injured
at Ament Bros.' factorY,IBrussels, last
week by a falling scaffold.
Wingham and Listowel played a
draw in their football game at Wing -
ham lal3t week, neither team scoring.
Kincardine's Scottish Celebration
will be held on Wednesday, August
Mr. Harold South= and Miss Mamie
Pavey, of London, are at present rusti-
cating at Bayfield.
Mr. Henry Yates, O. E., a prominent
Canadian railroad contractor and
capitalist, died at his home in Brant-
ford, Ont.,,on Sunday week.
A very exciting game of lacrosse was
played at Mitthell Friday between the •
Stratford and Mitchell teethe. The
score was 4 to 1 in favorof Mitchell.
Brussels WAS streekssful in securing
third prize in the ctimpetition for male
voices at Sarnia at the recent united.
&oleo excursion to -that point. '
mat berried Chas.Murray, of the Own.
While hitching Fraley, a, young
ship of Tuekersinith received a kick
on the abdomen from it colt which
terminated fatallv.'
Thos, Metaluehlin, of the Township
of Grey, has die ()sea of his 100 -acre