HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-04-17, Page 6I iire-o-ir-r-+ A Bolshevist Paradise (Monte Chat) 0.14.444-4eieeetee+-**** Aa treerebede" knee/5 by thie time,. taiatty or the Beleheilst agitatore in Britain are beported lueurieseellus- elan anti Polish Jews, whose philan- thropic wish its to turn liritain aa eitieltle as poseiele into e perfect Bolshevist paradise as Petroerad, now ie. But ouch a paradiete needa a geed ueal of educating 'up to, it you _happen to be at at a peace -loving or home lettleg kind a Pereon, aitelss Iluebenana foe example, evi- dently Wae not educated up to itewhea she caane back from Petrograd the tele- er day, and wrote her book (iust pub- liseed), "The City of Troable." In "The City of Trouble" yea find Y.:emelt teansportee to a world wnore Violence reigna aupreme. • 'Under tiolehovist -ride, nobody, high eir tette knowe in the least what a day or aid beer may bring feral,. At fleet it'lltaY be chiefly inconvert- leneell that 101I have to pet up with, No coal, Wiretap, and the eleetrie light tut OM leo einellee to be Iiiid. Bread giip,Ply iiitermittedi Sometitnea failing altogether, A, geed tally &Milton Peenhteheet. Yon go to tile groeer'e for Retie beef dee find. file thee eleeed. You Vila. eolir shoeS Mended, and fina the eohisleeeliiiittete .„Yiehe Piet& ie etolen, daid iti the or- aiiidre, Wdy fot Violild. eonielaill to the eiblieel ilia OW tire he poliCe to ta,m1), Itith td,' Mid Stt Malty ether Mo- llie haVe glad IM their lioekets picked, that Wit 3'00 Mends Mite not union etinedthe left. fel eisaiee - tONFUSION,. ,it eftelii, Mad toitedy trOublea to 6iegr &WO' the snoW. Little boys kart ielleing &mil the Nine stfeeta— MA ,febeganing down them on tea- trayst-aitterly regardless whether thee hnoolt yon down or not, and nobody leterteees, A trap breaks down—nobody clears it awee, and nobody mends it. it juse staystythere it is . . . More shops elos. le-i--pore-ntiel Moro, DreAken iseitesle everywhere—street eowseetepreditable stories of people stoPiatat in the streets end stripped of nearlY"verANOV. : Vie rim-rait . of the eity, mere and more in evidence. . • ..,40eaa'n.hgclaille of all, el'asses, moreetied more in the background. Then', things begin to -happen fast— ens ofethe top of another. Yo# litre sitting meetly at supper, path*, and a $lette •denies 011'0110pm windolki Nobody, hurt, luckily. "But It was a Very nean' shave, Let's hope that *fora bappe're again!" • ' • Bantle of people firing at each other In the, etreets. e, , - Pistols pointed ' at berraless paesere-by—let off, pere baps... eIt just depends on the mood the ollener of the pistol •haPPens to me in: .,,!? ,i,. . Streets barricaded. ImpoSSible now to go out after dusk. "You% be perfectly certain to be step- pe& Vereepoort human life is the cheap- est thing in Petrograd. Can it be true *hat those boys* at the hillitary Schoehte who were chased into tae telephone Office were really thrown the, roof? A friend's (trey son goes fee a, walk on 'Sunday afternoon. Two ihies later his bode is found, cov- ered V.Ifli wounds, in a"eanal. Sheeting going on nearly all tbe Millet :', iltbodY qiiite •IttioWs why. • &elide 'ierf tebbets iti the gttests, very ,thely eeitieldying fleeted, Arid • elOW i 1 riId 1%1i a Motet; With tio lights, *OM ' tiesietheteigleilie siteeth, with a tetichieFeefir-fettliiig iidy through the heck ifilittnee, foe Lo dettreitt rea- (Aire .6$Ceile diet tee odetiediii te the, cateireleoteree he iifes, ehoe to tiro ii,.; "My telk ,a Liberty," Jays a cab- man. eielThey tell us we are !free.' But look aritho -streets! .There's no safe- ty for anYbody ane longet!"-• '- TIM' BITER BIT, ' Atid :Were:nate :the background ot, outrage and terror and bloodshed that Canle later, the Inevitable touch of cometly, , ..,.• i Iniagine ataineffenslite citizen, walk- ing homeeeitettleeedt"leteTslievist belly, and loram1.0.:exch4agetettereoats—eiv- ing eep bee' cettletabfe:fur One for a tattered affair of •ancient sheepskin. And then imagine his surprise to discover, on reaching borne, that the poekets Were stufted with loot—costly brooches, rings, eilaine—and paper tt raonee! In le motnent of. forgetfulness the Belehevist highwayman had quite for- gotten to transfer his ill-gotten gaine from one set of peditete to the other! • —....._,..,,,e..... Alitisb. Ruralqdre OlialeeteS. - With women taking the edam of .rrien workers, conditions in. many parts of the coureey aro inidergoing a remerkable change. This is most notieettble in parte where weman lane waken' are maktng their home. GOL atialftl/t Probebly Lady elawee helf-breathed invocation was not a sweetly phrased heeedietien upon that graeloue weed tobacco. Mr. -Shallop did not renoke, eud when Lady Maud, few minutee afterward, arose and opened the elano, he left Lady Pacewell and came to arrange the ramie, eta Lady Pacewell, who levee Jack more than she disliked tobacco, went into the conservatory to get a little of ehe former's company and tho latter's meoke. Lady Mand, left alone with tho lawyer, saw an opportunity and grasped at it. "Sit down," he said, graciouslY. "I cannot bear any one to stand when I am einging, It is unfair to insist up- on tWo inflictiona." Ile smiled, told her that the listen- ing .and the standing wore delights, end, thus encouraged, Ledy Maud sang, It is needless to say sne sang well— ies well that Sack hovered near the Conservatory door, and tbie being ex- actly contrary to what sem desired, alioit't off suddenly, but continued playing, Jack moved away again far out of hearing, and then, under cover of the Blow, sat music, Lady Maud said, carelessly: "What a long ehat you had In the dining-roorn. I hope you did not ben each other?" "No," said Mr, ehalloP, "Mr, Hamilton never bores one; he is so original." Lady Maud inclinee her head in e languid assent. "Business has charms' for some of the Immo. -species, I know, but 1 did- n't think Ma Hamilton entered into its spirit." "Neither does he," said Mr. Shallop; "we -were not talking besiness," Oinafial zone but with an undercurrent deetee mortification. 011%, re," he said, "as Shallop of aad ouy, •tbkIt's a profound fiecret'; 1 mule not tette Maud. Goodatighti geode, eheseoutt; not press him Jaeger, ale he got awe t batwing over hophaitat s peinete mieht have done, Over ; queen -et, lute, shateopt au ho poffted .at t be ban.' es, ogla'aleeet:tiotterio, they' were "Derek: Ivo gee r foreeh tOk_43,61E to tienielhiet teato matter of temich We were likalecing ate afternoon. in ctn. nightt" Mime e' • • "Glieeesr Ad elle Male:9e rap. weighing thee oivanita‘pws ofotoopos that he heel atiatiody hold Leder Oi and decidieg reatt toe meatier). "fe„ ye,s, of course; 1 eel not roma now that you ii, to be in: co Mnd donee." there is no mysitery abetting' said Jaelt, bluntly; "yet t t would leareO the tieing done ,elilletlyeeT "Stay!" said Lady Maud, a cearin- ing smile, "let me guess; was it horse racing?" "No; there I am afraid I should be at !atilt," said Mr. Shallop. "Then let me think, oh, the opera?" "No," he said, laughingly, "but you are getting warm." "Theatricals of some sort?" • said Lady Maud. "Yes," he said, then paused. A, had not been asked to retain the matter as a secret, not a word savoring •of- confidence had been mentioned. It was not a legal matter or, of tourse, he could not speak of it. "Yes, theatricals," he said, "were the subject" of our conversation. Mr, elam- -iiton did me the honor of asking my advice respecting the benefiting of an actor and his daughters, persorei in wbom he has taken an interest," The Woman's eiiitettite is largely respensiele for the movement, which is gradually revoletioniting village life,' making it more atteactive and - stimulating a seese of eitizteship. In conjunction with -the` ebbe production' departmeut, a peiellainentary elect- ing Is ealled which elects a eernocra- tie conimittee rt.:greed-aft-1g tarmerte wivee, cottagers 410 landed. Wonlell, therealter 'Menaee affairs, ar- ranging for moethey a'ocial gatherings whete ueefol lectures are given, ex- nibitions of liouttetratt or gardening kliI held, and OM, treesered recipes and housettold Writs exehanged„ Several hundred villagers already have their eoreareitiees -end the food department is inuridated vtith demands, for orgimizere ankleeturers. A Ph fi, "Yes," said Lady Maud, "Mr, Ham- ilton is good-natured and benevolent, He does a great deal of good." "Io does, indeed. He is generous to a fault," eaid Mr. Shallop, and he naentioned the instructions he ead re- ceived anent the East -end charities, "How good of him," breathed her ladyship; "and pray," she asked, with a charming eraile of almleas curiosity, "might one know who these good peo- ple ate?" "Oh, yes," said Mr, Shallop, "a Mr. and Miss Montague, who are acting at one of the minor theatres—the Royal Signet:" At that moment Jack entered, and tady Maud murmured, laughinglY, "How roinantic," commencing another song, lack streched himself out in his chait, feeling very comfortable and Weir.. Be had gone through a satis- factory =Venation With his aunt, had assured ber he always wore the chest preserver she had sent him, and -was very careful about wet feet. Be had also prevailed on her to let bim replace one of her carriage heroes too fat and old for work, by a maenifi- emit animal from his own stud; had sealed her objection with a kiss, and come back on good terms with every one to get wasted. again. • Lady 'Mead soon left the piano and came softly across the room. Jack, with his eyes half-closed look- ed up. • "Why have you left the music?" he asked. "Because don't want to go to clap," she retorted, and; pausing at his chair, ieaned upon the top of it, looking down upon him and. his up- turned fate. As she did so her smile found no the in her heart, A bitter, little galling thorn had crept in tberg and was stinging her. Looking down upon him thue, she realized what she would lose. aiael winking eigaitiointlY "thee it, he IL? Oh, that'e the laet gelitteresnle way to pay Ole erudge, is it? That % the preper thing, is lit to rail Inalee wig and try to ispeiL me be. fore the lettutes? Noe, leok here," he taateatted, 'wellthig Up to Andereall, who bad atood atilt during this heir - audible eollloque, but rei iseeleg Tubbe approach, Wig in hand, ttirieid around sharply and bade the ballet girls go and. dreee, end reglieilted to be 1EAVER 1 A-NOO tow"lit to i(*leeesell3"ila „ Eritnient, IMNneMm","130MSMINff ROANVIM. =Max ,it atom ontoniNzs. HILLAJL to =Ito , eaw femelstietealjettaimetaliNAVratir 00- right, SAO of RatatisliVO4.111.) Only Ver' Beat WoOd • wANTLAD--POTATOEda, C bi tat* ki§W*114 erlee. MD* 70104 * Davie, SO Yowl 'trete. Terme°, One rixot WiJ . 004,0ny, , .aervb, Ar:, , To be truskoitthe 'an airplentepropeller Off a der/elate istreeV imuot be etx ill . ot only la It sublect :tott gunfire, buttits normal melee makes shrew" AcmitaanirefiUltricneitliotunarrtenegetrilVhclvrueg it, ! i - lee . , e•)t riani'441;(3:3•040'i i; '' wee not beige VA, (wow, you look In North Cara= Bee erenolte Wen& of Virsitt ia Den, the e - ',,, t, , l, ere.----i-e-,...e. Le termed why the dee thee firet Beene' Li re at Veils wig, '1Ur. Andersen, will th° hirt414°4° WI?" fetid "Itubbe. tirfit English caildetbOrne iteAtnerita. ' -Sir Neatest Releigh, tie eseefrePoneibie elven, a pretty Oleg, too, hope, tor Amulet° eaten& ee. /Ds owed en e'oti don't think ot going on in that,' mild the stage Manager, eyeleg the the pagee of hieteiry, %elm in le85 he ruined article with a eeeithe amount eeet out a cplailizing i expedition to "Oh, yen think it's pretty Well 4orte atoAllevalerole:e, alui:nediet;tt isnond te Aticeourettugthiil,Vtint: 'Of embarre,sement, tgr, do you? InsEracetuL eh?, 50 of the Atlatitidecaet th a ellip itie tee do 1. And now I'll tell Y011 Whee," elimete, the lacit Oe t 1 and the ubt aee his ittes eyes sepaudad raettuy, Iquitos Iedian tlielatel rel was 'voted 44wilioamirnaoactkeclalathgbianupattoarliM'etillttabse beg se uninbeleitable\bY theieeeketiete, whet P:calt:nd. their belduginteietend took thei lee he cell be." next. fillip etack ttatrtiegiaeieta tend ell'ilher. • gee MY Pardon, ;la like a geetleraan . sneer, "thet's to be it, ell? 'Well, with a. Enenut,agtat anvicAsereat 1,,,11,3irrliratigellit "Oh," seld, Me. Andersen, better inform the manager. 1 dare °0e°119,:eenetoet tht setitapye'dttairtn trileateirtialaetidevitilie 1 There are Ile Mere low comedians to engagement- Sir Walter Raleigh son, him to report' the glad new. Fou 7 eseleteroirwhee • say he'll be dreadfully cut up at Ma Tubbs breaking his be tied now; oh no on the pregame at the cc Mir, he ,ound "I un,doratand," said Mr. Shallop, and they parted. Lady Mated went 'bad. to the ;eine an' at lasaup to her .roem. '7 knee- where he going to-oxierl row," she/murmured., "A know as vrlit as if he lied confessed Oh, it fearful to lose him like', this. Ancl.4 love lihn so; I am sur ei than I lease hixn now that there is as, phance eat 'ming hinit forever. But I 'twill not 7 will not. Who is, this 'Orli, this ack ing woman, that etre 'ehopld CO between, us and talea him .from 411e Is phe beautiful!? Well," and e a looked at. the beduteul' face th4 tp:et her in the, glass, "W ell, if. eyes deotaive not, his called met beaextleer this ufterenoon. Is she Young? Teen, eo am f, leo young to stand tamely by and seeu de&gning woman r.terry. off on the Island no troete ,Of settlere tnd he turne .„ ee way, a Mr. Tubbs turned purple for or eettIement, seve •ehe n iseraption rment, thee criraeon, He sawa tInb eCrr Qta,htennesiten;ve edupotouGa. lsland wood witich ha been reel to the ieweet Di a. testzn . or P velem matte of brtlieracultatclalluY, fe7 denet'aptivr4w4nlitglicIwtashe forcedl:ut by c r Usal action, accord. Mg te the1/4Curti yleat In teete, at twee ege-bee patellae, to 'mod the propellers up to uch a piteh that the outer e a o the blade of an eight -foot plaunrs:opnoneli 0:1 era, tro.n. ;;Ieltst:, ce at: 0 innt htie stootarrhunatnat:raet of fwa.-1,ee47aroiiivulueol4p0. te 2,000, anpfJeeedo eenitnetileboetias4eed -dnneliewou propeillefiean4 the tn• 0,41 neigheorhoe of ,600 newt o hA eur. good Many tnouftanse 01 P,nds of press- ure per equareieneh ars generated by this' ellen ar and loropellers neve' been nown t 0Plit all the centre and 4 fly re X re the smallest lack of halanc betv7en tIW two bladea is Bora • xcilseasriroas cs'inpks:Irat,rcelos4smetes Dissi4vseeswoluilhatmoyenothin Mr, Aederrion had got tlie better of project as eopeiess, I ton.sther elINARD'S LINXIVIEINT the 11,1M, P"'hY Way, and ',Nitta, a ewift ionVe- einaneke Islana has mew' helm • ftL-BET1Mn1mentinuse, talent he rolled the injured wig up into bolted tor mealy mere, chiTle by`• X ot, my foot badly Petalled latelY* managerei face. W111,1411 ttliasMtivierletTiev:fitTrifi, "Tb.ere," sa.id the little latin "you fishermen life -setters. Tli latter ' • e Ja. ball and flung it full in the Stage' ata- nay wig up, you mean lolackguard, ad you pliall have it." ... • or T. O. IVIcll117a4Ell. .Anderson was a fearfully Passion- tion, In Ulla country Manned by neg- te luau, as well as a disagreeable one. roes, is off a dangerouti 44)0th:in at the eeor the comedien, seizol him iv the doette n, tbe the wig struck hire. lightly he ast. A. derelictipeast o tyeaeacch lila. teldu:kedlfhaerfhwelro'riendtotuhaerde4etenuudnis terned around and made tele bound' oiler, and was, amid the shrieks of have eetablislied an extellent reeo Idn 4 ous, singe the pull of one must counter - the ballet girls and the remonstrenees a trying allid dangerous station. balagge that of the other. 'f thee:awe about to strike him with ' 40. • k In elution to this time is the gyros- tl4e 4:1tLitliel.e torches he had seized trom Minard's Liniment Cures ikandru bleeeke rotating in the same plane. • A.t °epic( one, which tends to keep the • 'But Mr, Tubbs, though email, was .y.1 . . THE YaDDIES,4 Iv ' , Iiifelespeed this force is hard to overcome, am ethe cross strains it introduces when :remnant. Thrusting up hip arm as a , de or sidewise, are enormous. tin is a change of direction, either up, guard, he hit out the other hand . et, under conditions of nmeern war - straight and etviftly, and iktr. ,AndereMe /DOlt`t Give 'Them Only! the ,In. n re, when an aiviator has to "loop the we, 1 neeuverieg Ur bring down or escape On 4140 right, eye, i m an eneley, the inacbine must meet Are .11t3grene frorn the aeastegu tioe. et Pea Island, whiich se from Roanoke taland by 'the Pea Island, the only east sia- uatee eunel. ura very truly, • • receii anything but a gentle pat up- ferior Tools. p," or plunge or ascend sharply in leaped up at this fresh blow, and, by , en some famesilt is talwaye the Weed fee airplane menufecture meet be pet gent. peefect, Even with Sake. elieelesuperiority a strength, he threw Ip°rettle, the, favorite wood for airplane Mr, Tubbs upon the floor. . broken comb, thot worn-out clothes- ,c,, iblunt needle, the 'poor pencil, the 1 uction, there is difficulty in ob- wrong the very highest grades. Th0 What he would have proceeded to !hrush, etc., that ie ereM•vedt for, and 'thought quite geoesitenougb.sfor the United States forest service estimates that only 13 per cent. approximately, is .• In a moment the fiend in him 1 4n withstana these unusual tests, have done next, this chronicle can say the prize,' bre eet neart, upon. not, for at that moment Miss Oftenta- miusb. see her.. A ilaintee, made -n1 gue ran in, and, with a White fece, thinge a atage.beautysull atfectatiou, anvil before hiM, and caught arm, coleseness andidow-mennere with some A thrill ran through the Breen circle tride of the voeee, 'eye,, or hands at her appearanee, for they saw little that ebeecaught his eactart. All men are of her usuallY, and a murmur of ap- He is efee greatest' and thee ,simplest oeneeelled. prove' !allowed as with a heightened idiots Vetere 'Bremen. are e, color she turned an accusing face to child coeVelead WM. She is/ no'sehela Anderson and said in low, but distinct and, will /ale hine 'Arm:no:ay tside lie I aceente: do not ta,kettearet ranee see her. "For shame! You forget yourself, To -morrow? „restameathink how lees= ewe arrange." It was a sharp rebuke and the' man She thought-J(0A few reinteee rand • tben knocked e Lady Pacewiell'e to whom at was adminietered felt it stingingly. dressing -room door'. ' - i He loved the lips that littered it, d and would have giVen, half his years "Conte in.", said I r le,dyshia ' an • Nta her nieceiglided uptto ler. ' '' , to have won from the eyes, flashing "Aunt," ,she eaideil on't cariv to go, to Lady ileakewell's tioentornowe You; so scornfully, one soft, kindly glance.. will go without me?" t His face was distorted by nafision "Oh, no my love," said tal affe and jealously, and for a moment he tionate lady. "Not wittioeitt jou;/f was eilente then, as Tubbs got up, look - you don'tea,re to go we will ly , at 118E8tng very ahamefaced and 'mutter- ' : ing the most elided apologies and ex. Water in Woods. All wood contains Inore or Iwo water; evert the driest wood known contains twO- oe throe pounde of water to every 100 potuids of weight. Atelolutely dry wood Is unknown, for the heat needed to obtain it would ditseelve the weed and content it Into gat and ebarcoel. • A Swirls authority on Lite charaentr- fatties of weent believes that a elate- eiently petterful mid perfect micro- ricopri *MAI tallow that the ultimate Wood cell le toreposeel of tryielle like grilles of ettgar or fait, and that tele fern of writer 11W the eryettes apart, eet bind theta int° a Mats. A geed miereeeope ehoWet the weed fell and reveals ite mere Iserideget toot its peebirigs mid eireltlets. but no inetrereett yet inadeereteales the tett- mete eryettale that. tie Inanv he. Pere do exist slid that weutd *dein Why water -rennet ee eerie! oil Wood ititele eeder0 Whetet" half !JO," *AM lAa, pushing tot ilia n**4 from owe Without de/arraying the saefekt. home." "But I what you to go," Maud. kissiree her. "Go, d e Lacle tette:wee will be offendedlif do not, and e will stay at quietly, or—well, perhaps I hrey. the brougham and call upon, —I Liegh. Youtarce aware I have vie lc to spend antevening with her ince winter goitta-as airrived, and she h I d" ' hall aunt, her ed toe cues to Miss Montague, he said, hoarsely: Ought ' he aehareed. of myself' YOU AtraP to his side directly; 4I dy eke} nt, ate./ ied er How tall he was; bow strong! Mr. ShalloP, an ordinary -sized man, looked a dwarf and a child beside hen. His fate, too, Was as handsome as the Apollo Belvideee's—in Lady Mead% oyes handsome—with its deelt• Pure oyes, well -cut lip, and ere*, chestnut hair. Oh, she could net, She Would net 106e him! And as the resolution flashed through her mind her little hand tightened, upon the chair back and her breath came fast. Jack looked. UP. "It is too hot for you, rine sweet cousin," he said, with his graVe, geutle tenderness. "It Is thee you were in bed. I' hear Mr, Shellop giving his premonitory cough of adieu. t Will leave you free to go to your roost," and he arose to his full height, smil- ingly, "GOitig fie ii400111" the said. "Ana, to will stay to longer, he sat% Are you going to tvalk honae?" "Yes," 'he said, "Mal shell enjoy it; it titters 0110's brain before Bedford.- eliire. Good -night, aunt," end he etopped to kiss her. "Gootenighe Maud," and he held ont his hand. pliers, "deformed and itopious of ea- 1,ady Maud drew him aside. ture." Pope, withthia detonated WAY, "leek," ehe seld, lookleg hint fell loecatite the "Wicked Weep of Twick- lit the taco, "will you do nae a favor?" outlaw." Ilyrola detettlese splirred by "Twenty," he said gaily, but with ;hitt cittbfoot. sWant the Hellespont. great earnestretts, ueverthelesa. iThe Itaiser, erith him runt Withered "I want you tet take ue to the 0011- ifrein birth, Treitschke, stone deaf frent tort at Lady rialtewellet to -morrow tehildhcied, aunt Nietzethe, evith Yeah' night—will MI?" of brain dieorder leading to parolee, 'Ttterieerow," he saki, thOughtfully. were the lithely trinity of the new *Maud, I are very terry, but I can- Tenten religiort which has • ()riven a net." Whole hate% into irteeponsible tanati- teron ettiinot!" he repented, itt et dem Mid almost *reeked. the platelet.— low 'Veto. "You always refute nte Dr. Frederick Petetsen, In the Celi- bate. • Mei eitratoti Where are you tore. "t tire engaged, deer. Maud." be titled, 'rho 'Menet* was BO 6104.1.1ent that • till eetbat there is a g 0114, then?" land it, Slight Muth Ineunted to bis 1 Mr, Tubbs glared significantly tirst proper (lignite Aral vronortion to be at the Wig and then at Mr. Andettion. obeerVed in the perforMtmoe et treee$ *a a ute—utrtits Autituus, "Well, welleene dear Maud, It be as you wishr teteid thopliable and Lady Maud,. having gaine• object, kissed het l aunt andireterr her own room. "Yes, I wet go andesee for/nriref,"» she murmured. with aermalleeth ewas not a vett, sweet onee"se0for any - self." What shte saw and how it#crpet to pass that rthe saw it must beirotervedot for anotheetchapter. CHAPTER. VII. e "Whale is At; Mr. Tubbs,- wbateis the matter?"' aelted Mr. Montegne,, • in this go low voice, as enteringethe he found that partlin a Tad confusion. The cent ta of a group composed of ballet girls:, imps, spirits .of the deep, the pirate'seband and a miscellaneous collection ofecarpenters, all talking, at once and toetio purpose, • stood Mr, Tubbs venting\ his wrongs. "Matter, sir?' e should tlenk it's enough to makeila enan's hairistand on end; it's too hae, leer slaves, it's—its unworthy the eettlutrance of 0, Briton, sir; 'pen. my Motel\ it wasn't for the— for the respect rteelear this establish- • meta. sir—" ' "Never mind all 'Oat,: Mr. Tubbs," said Mr. Montage°, foreseeingi that mikes a line we early stage of Mr. l'u he,-Atr. Montague, sho off-the-st greeuro�fl uproar an 3 drawn at an Vs eloquence, d be barely.. allTilhdertae risee.no time when good tools i tgaritiaobriermedforcealienle0 13ceornseternute,ti Is about0t are so necessary as' 1A the construe -1 .tiVe putted. A child leite,ning to Geer °tight tee be provided lith just the night needlleo neither tea, otarse eor too fine Ito thread, and althlmble, that fite the Little finger Peefectly. It le unfair to be handleappeee with poet. • tools. (Even if the sewing es only fear dolly—it Is sowing, just the same, and should that it's form the vat well bruell are all that can be counted on as good °noun for planes; ebout eight per cont. can be used from the spruce of V11'101110. and West 'Virginia, and only about 6 per 'cent from the smaller trees of Maine. ,te.n officer prchninent in the air pro- grarrune reported, tb have said that •.enly 167 neare Zeet, on the average, go into pieties from. each 1,000 board feet. The quality of wood needed for each 'Plano, of course, varies with the size of the machine; few of the /Await -tray types contain less than 250 feet, and it may take 2,000 feet on the rough to fur- nish this -amount. One Washington eum- human is malting, sure of getting onlY the straightest of straight -grained stuff iby splitting it out of the log instead of their worktert lperly? e awing it. He gets twenty at the ex - Of course the broken comb may haw penee considerable waste in riving out • ireomemassozeteamee ismslaseenisesseriasessie ball(' 4iavery eneouragement 00, done well. Then, can onee 1 habil of keeping ene'e, small bru* ed if the bristles of the faa etoo much worn to do _tee it is I who am to blame, in your eyes. fR • But who struck the first blow? Ask himi that" ' PROTECTION !OR:YOUR HORSE IN THIS NAME. sPOHN1 OSTEMPER COMPOUND tTwenty-five.yearseet extraordinary stiecess ln the prevention Lnd treetment diseeee have given to our name a reput- .. Alen and depend betty enjoyed by no other veterinary eemedye Twenty! Live yeare of standardization have =de ,ur COMPOUNDeo.bsolutely reliable. The name, SPE)11N'S. nsures protectiefri for your horse against DISTEMPER, PINK 'nine INFLUEZIZA, COUGHS or COLDS in any form. SPO.1-11N tiMEDACAL CO., Goshen, Ind. U. S. A. And with a look of scorn and hate •centainly is not tvery mem at the new humbled Mr, Tubbs, he IReallY, it IS no evoetder he owe strode off. Mary looked with sorrowful Tee:woad-1 at Mr. Tubbs and raurmured: "Ole enew could yen?" Bo sadly that the low comediari felt very much like. crying, and, to save himeelf from Sileh a breakdown, limped off—he bad hurt his leg in the scuffle. . ' Mary, vyithout glance at the, spec- tators, left the room quickly and , Then there Is tile toiathbrush--little entered her own dressingloom. Hay- (teeth need a good on to keep‘them Ing reached that sanctuary, her feel- elestn and white, Yet many ani Mi- ens found vent, as most womeneo thanking mother buys 'a good Imlay strong emotiohs do, in tears, And yet toothbrush for herself,. and ea icheap, plain why she wept. r one for her child. .for small son toetomb this hair,eibut it' ttireeome processteteete &St Often 11 feeble. Sketching and colorleg might /great joy for manie, , budding artist, if it were note sr the po pencil' (that le alway breakin the miserable penny c alone au five - cent water colors on Is expoeted to produce misterplecee 'with! that pots - be a little lead arid eke would aave found it hard to ex - he earae principle istofteurplied Though ;teethe Mary Montague was •to the nursery. A Iittle(brie ie told to •not a foolish, deetlike maiden, and it be iat and put its toys i away itvhen must be confessed that a fortnight rola is over—with really 110 seeetontee ago she 'Would have, hurried away from or ,ponveniently arranged place • to the scene just eortrayed with a sigh, putttlaeme The so far Wrong rule ithat anytiting "limo WANTIP--. AA/ANTED-04WYER EOR CIRCULAR " mill- Apply to Reid. Drose well, Ont, IATANTED, BRICOND " miller, four hundred barrol mUL State experience and when you can COMO, Interprovincial Vieur Itentrewp Ont. probable that the admission. fee will be, abolished. Stonehenge situated on iSalisburi" Plain, ten miles north et the .cathe- dral town of Salisbury. It conalsta of a double circle of gigantic Stones, orig- inally Standing upright but many ot whicla 'have now fallen, in the ffhapo of a great horseshoe, The name is de- rived from the Saxon word. Staeolieng- est, signifying "hanging stones." Some of the upright monoliths, the tallest of which, was 53% feet high, eupported huge capstones. Those of tire outer circle tonsist ot sandstone; these of -the inner 0114e- eonSist Of granite. Standing apart from the others, outside the horseshoe, 15 an isolated stone ItnOW11 AS "The Friar's Heel" or the millstone. Robert Munro of Glasgow, a well known archaeologist, who wrote the article or Stonehenge In the Duey-, elepaedia Britannica, says that this stone, standing on the axis of the horseshoe, would see the Sun rise on the horizon at the solstice. This »tends to fittoW that the Stonehenge structure as a.whole had some estrou- onlical significance. There are at least a dozen plaustble theories as to the origin and purpose Of Stonehenge, although it Is most commonly spoken of as a Druidical monument. Tbe weight of archaeol- ogical authority at tbe present day, however, is in favor of the view that it was e "trnle of the Breeze Age, come prIst 1ee period from 1500 to 1000 years ate ore Christ. Sir J. Norman Lockyer, the eminent astronomer, has ealculated that the sun rose exectl over the Friars Heel at Stonelieng and in a line with the axis of tit horseshoe 011 Mideummer's Day in th year 1680 B. C. His conclueion, mak ing allowailee for possible errors, 1 that iStonehenge was erected withi 200 years ot that date. choiee'white coopeeage stock, or hickory for spokes. 13u1 the'resultant ptoduct is sure to have etroeghtness of grain. There Is no place where this is more important than in planes. For peopeller brades ash and white oak are used in considerable quantities, while some are made of mahogany, alternate layers of mahogany and spruce, or ma- hogany and nele Black walnut has been used in place of mahogany, because this weed does not splinter when hit by a projectile, heaple, birch and cherry have found some place in propeller manufac- ture. Douglas fir has been used in making frames.—New York Times, MinardatiLittiment Cures Burns, Etc. .* • STONEHENGE. INanyiTheories as to Its Origin and »Purpose. Stonehenge, one of the most famous /prellistorie monuments in the world, eme juat become •the property ot the perb,aps, but without all the iritense Is Mr, C. 11. E. Chtebb, of Bremerton bosom. feeling of &lame whicla now filled her tbe ehariged to quite the ,other matienae • lis good enough for the child dhipuld eeritieh netion. The gellerOUS donor Small things as welt tie great ones ,e-thtee, nothing Is too geed for thea spring frora small causes. Mary% ichildelf in each case just 1st pl raoment and really Puteiourseiva. uehappiness sprang from such a small thing as an elegently dressed gentle- man, with`a,handsome face and clear, ready -meeting eyes, who had chosen to haunt the theatre and bestow expensive bouquets by proxy. . Mary had told her father on. the 'the 'child's place, a, fair land Mit Ideal- will retitle oclge, Salisbery, who putchased the site la 1.01.5 from the former owner, Sir Cent° Antrehus, for -$28,000. Tele 0 clrole a great stones was formerly ac- cessible to visitors without eharge, bat ; the eite 'WM surrounded by a fence of kfailnard's Liniment ReilevesNeuralfgle 4 • 0, barbed wire •during the Antrobus own - let: ership, and ma admission fee of ono The Bath Habit. 'i f ehilling was exacted, This led to a first night of het entree to the theat- In the eighteenth centurY the liath' leestsult in which It was contended that the portion of Saliebury Plain rical world that she felt no qUalms, (was a season's event, and soapewaseal- occupied by Stonehenge was art an - no regrets. She could not have said Most a» thing unknown, It was ,scaeeee dent common -from which the public so neW, tor, within he breast, she ' ever wed. or ateleast infreque114y.. rested not rightfully be excluded; but felt as ashamed that' she ,shoeld be connected with the creatures who able to don his pirate s, costume fOri eotild eo couduct themselves as for the the first scene. "Nevertinied all Unite, f ctiriduct itself. but tell me, what is ainisea" What a gulf yaweed between the "Leek here," said Mre Tubbs, in handsome aristocrat, whose eyer were deeply indignant tones'. . "Doiyou call that propet treatmeht for a respect- able tow comedian?" And, With indignant scorn, he held ottt A, wig—the wig of the character— C.* 0 - Looked Like intended Suicide torn down the back, very emelt, be- draggled, and altogether a stallyi Wrecked and dilapidated piece °fenny:I raeatation. "Well," said Mr, Montague, "dear); me, what have youidone to your wig, Mr. Tubbs?" "Done to it! Modorie to it! Noth- ing, eireemt take eareeef it, sir. Lotrkt at that wig, sir; take it in.1 Your heed ahd xne, sire always worshipping her trete the pH- vatei hex, and her, the peacemaker of, ta, greehroom squabble, (To be contented.) • 4 -4. • A Doter on War, Though the physitian in war re MAWS neutral as far as his week is concerned, his thoughts are free, and his kliowledge of the effects of body upon mind in such as to throw aide tight; upou the <nights of even elicit a world disaster as the present vier. In certain persons a curious reaction front physical infirntities has been ob- It yen ever stick a Shameful amked. Napoleon% inerdirlate mbt- piecc of business. And there es eeriei tion end etterramis egotism Wei% prob. bete as Well act like Britons arid tell, ably exaggereted by the feet that he me whet mean blackguard did it." physieally Began arid insignificant. Here ft eheres—not musicaltas the, Tamerlane, 'who made hiinself Master. Greek ones-ebroke In end tennitiencedt of nearly the Whole of Asia, was lettne, infornting hire fifty different Voldee' arid according to one of his bee re- ef fifty different causes. of the oat- deht, 1 t "told your tongue," roared Ogre Tubbs. "Why, Yelere Worse than the, gallery When it's got. the eentreariese Can't one ot you tellenie Who did At/ My only wig, too," heiegroaried, turn- ing it aeound woefully', "This Sir, has alertly -fa fetched et laugh; it Was the hit of the tare, elle and 21.triV- why, they will his tete off the stage. NoW then, which 01 yott's gel,* tot tell me who 410 it?" All the vialtee eolteteenced amen rent ceased suadertie as iMr. Andereen, the stage managers, tame in. eiele',e4ese e letteeisleser Low,' . ;44 let Was by no means i indispensable,i1 as a toilet neeeseity. And most of us lei& recall the thee, muses fen easc-, ehenge, When ,Saturdiv night weelre-; ligiously 'dedicated to itlae weekly 'Vette sin ` Teat is why we all appreciate the ' story of the worn who wrote)her friend: "We Not enoved into, a new apartment. It bast the cuteet bath- tub. I an hardlyewait untiltSatur- day night," . ...................eereeaseeis milimeer. the courts deeided otherwise and up- held the eight of the owner to eharge ' an admission lee. The net receipts average eighteen hundred dollars a Ire0X. In making the gift Mr, Chubb 'told Sir Alfred Mond, 'the Pint Com- finissiorter of Week, who accepted it 1111 behalf of the -Government, that he ihoped Oita income Weald be turned •Over to tilt (no. Cross- &new the re- inainder.rif the war.. After that it is The citizen \vino was brandishing fierce tooldng razor says it wasn' suicide, but corns he was thinkin• eibout. Needless to say his wile bought him Putnarn's Corn Extracto and the ra.zor—very wise, becaus Putnam's cures in 24 hours; try it 2.5ciat all dealers. a 41114.1111t0IMPI1.4011111n.. RENEW IT AT- 'PARKER'S. The clothes you were so proud of when ; n6T--4ean be Made to appear new again. Fabries that are dirty, shabby or spotted will be restored 0 their former beauty by sending them 0 Parker's. CLEANING and DYEING Is P.rOpeir4y Mine at Porker's Send articles by post or ot press. We pay eariage one way and Our eharges aro reasonAle. Drop us a 'rd for our book. let on household helpa tiit03ave money. PARKER'S DYE Limited • CLEANERS AND DYERS 791 Yong° Street Toronto *. • FOR THE GLEANERS. Palestine Farmers Still, Obey 01 Command, • After the lentils and similar crops o the bean family have been gathered i by the Palestinian farmer, the barle harvest °ernes next, and lastly tit wheat. When harvesting, the men year leamer apron and some:Wales a larg Padded gicerm The women have no of the protection provided for theit says the Chrie-tian Herald. Sick.1 are of two kinds, one, the kaloosh, small and with quite a dull edge an is employed wnen the crops are eho and scanty. These do not cut t etraw, but rather help iptal up the gra by the roots or break off the britt awoke. The other, called manpal, tench larger and supplied with she -slanting teeth, and is used on the ta -Well-grown grain fields, 'Reaping witla these simple Intel ments and binding •the sheaves wit their own straw, a coneiderable an omit Is left behind and many of t ears drop off, but once the reape have advanced, they, actuated by most religious ecruolee, will not pi up that which has been dropped, ev though they be severely poor the selves, for they unwittingly follow command not given to them but to fo mer inhabitants, the tillers and rea era of this land: "And when ye r the hatvozit et your land, thou sh not make -clean riddance of the c ners of thy Meld when thou reape nether Omit tbou gather may gleani of thy harvest." • y .ET a women ease your suffering. I west elyou to write, and let me tell you of m9 shnple method of home treatment, send you ton deys' free trial, post- paid, and Put you in touch with * women in Canada who will • gladly tell what my method ito • lies done for th ern. eit‘ If you are troubled s e n sft with weatc, tiredCee tions, bled - 11 e d- 4c‘.‘11 der weakness ache, b a ck- comtipation, ea: tog pain 15 the sides, regte icheebear- Of. ' tante! condition,. 074 fatly OrIrr'egulatly, blottinte seitse of tentage*. mlsplacement of internal ore • pus, nervousness, desire to try, palpitation, hot flat -tee dark eines %leder ehte)'es, br 4 lord of interest te efe. writete me toelov." Address: Mrs. M. Ersosues, Bet Wisdsie 011. LAPP COFFEE. Mae and Drunk in a Ve Strange Way. An American tonsular offieer Scandinavia gives the reelpe for in ing toffee among the Lapps, Wh they aro so fortunate as to haVe it all. Dihner was eaten out of doors, a the eale dish of the meal eonsisted roast lemmings, little creatures so thing between a guinea pig and a r and as the offiter admits, "exouisi le peetillar" as to their flavor. The party equatted in a ring, aIx the fire, watehing the roasts, rill eept a wrinkled Old Woman, WhO toreXpert, Was intent upon a more dim% ceremony. Otit of a skin kn eitek she had taken a small skitt b From this she extraeted mine it gr coffee beats, which she precaded Mast ono be one in a small ix When they 'were tooked to her t she bruised theni to edam fragine between etones and put the res with Water into a topper kettle, had one lid In the, tient plata another Motile end taf the spout keep out ;retake and featherY W iteh. a wANTED—AN EXPDRIBNCUD M414 (single), for stoek and claire flenn, Frank Utter, rreeman, Ont. eweeerreeee..:1;"r") mtacto,LANaom ABli3D CORN--de/NEST GRADE' OW ""` White Cap. Quality guaranteed, $11,541 Per buallei, 140. bore Omen free), Buy trona a farmer and save the mares profit, Write S. J. Meleenon, 1% 4, Sellth Woodelee, Ont, REMIT 73Y DOMINION EXPRESS Money Order. If lost or etelen, you get your money back. BRealm. 'Obtteco and Garden Vienne RED TO SHOW LATINO BARRED Write for Qatalegtte Chtte, Barnard, Leamington, OM, • WMTVI LAMITOUN EGGS, FOR "e hatching from bred to lay birds,, the land that lay in winter. 131g husky Barrow stock eggs, 400 per fifteen. Indian Runner Ducks Living egg machines. Eggs, $2.00 per set. E. H. Perrin, Newmarket, Ont, EEI:) CORN White Cap Wisconsin No, 1, cerefuny grown, seleeted and tested, First -plaint etrong, vigorous &med. Germihetion guaranteed. f2.60 to 13.00 per teethe'. rlliN eiGil gtAPr7PDX, RUTHVEN, ONT. ...pormossom000 ,FARMS FOR SALE.' 999 ACRE FARM—NEW oNTalleo-. *.*** Rainy River district; forty cleer- ed; yields excellent crops: buildings, fences, spring water; we lived nine yea.re thereon, TEN DOLLARS PER ACRE — EASY 4 terms, John McKenzie, 275 William street, London, Ont. 1(efe ACRES—ON TOME STREET — 'Lew adjoining Newmarket; residence balf,mile from Main street; P.O., sehOols. Churches. Metropolitan aud O. T. R. stations; modern conveniences; electric lights; complete bottle Water eystetn from arteelan well; artificial fish ponee artn, Mock and implements ineludee, with immediate possession it desirable; price moderate; terms easy. 0. A - Brodie, Newmarket. ' le ARMS AND RANCHES FOR SA.LE1. , e in Alberto.. Write for our New Cattle , logue. J. C. Leslie & Co., 301 Beveridge Block, Calgtre, Atte, , I FOR SALE. . . SHORTHORNS Bulls and females, all ages. Best of , type and quality. Herd bull, The Duke, dant 13,609 pounds of milk. For , sale at 'farmers' prices, Bell phone. , Thomas Grahe,meR.R. No, 3, Port Perry, 'Ont. 4• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••111 i BUSINESS CHANCES le on SALE—PUMP SHOP, TOOLS AND stock; excellent locality; trade good: 111 -health cause of selling. Apply or call on H. B. Barnes, CoOkstown, Ontario. t , re.P.00ERY FOR SALE—COBOURG— e-' sacrifice; reason, death in feerelY. 3. H. Rooney, Box 471, Cobourg. i CORNWALL SASH AND DOOR VAC - '»e tory, saw, planing and shingle mills for sale, Dimensions: Planing mill, 50x70,. two-storey brick; sawmill, 39x84; # boiler house, 20x64, brick; storehouse, ' 60x100, two-storey; ample yard room; a modern machinery; no stmilar business y within radius .of 20 miles; doing large 0 and prosperous business; reasons for, selling made known to prospective pur- chasers, to whom books will be open for a lnepection; rare business opportunity. e Address Aitchison & Co., Cornwall. r 0 ' I, F OR SALE --BILLIARD PARLOR AND cigar store, Equipment, five Bruns - '8 wick-Balke tables, 20. wire chairs. one S ceiling fan, one 10 -foot oak tobacco CrtSe d and grill, two show -cases, electrie 11x - tures, etc, National Cash Register, " large size, nearly new; cost over 526; 0 ell for $600.N0w In storage at Bearnsville, 11 Ont. An excellent chance for 4 return - et Ed soldier, Frank J. Intcon, 15 'miliaria is street, $t, Catharines, Ont. ...........•••••• •••111M• t, PROPERTIES FOR SALE. tre RICK STORE, WITH,FIXTUR.ES, IN se .te Conestoga. Waterloo County; 9.000 11 square feet, on two floors; good light 1- basement; geenral business carried on se over sixty yeers by *tame family; reason for selling bereavement. 11. Bowman, 10 re Ernest avenue, Toronto, ...........................,...........,,........•. 1---- ile NUIRSIN G. ni 1,1,4•61.".............M1.1",•.....~.1.0,01•Si••,.....*••••••••••••••• a- WIMSING—NURSES EARN $15 TO $4 a "' a week. Learn without leaving , home. Send for free booklet. Royal ''' Collage of Science, Dept. 124, .Toronto, 0- Canada. ep 1,1t Then -r- ,. up together 3t 'coffee 16 She is known over. tle a the coffee cipitated • Then steaming bowl the After fingers ern beet from he lifted drattle . lu at course, savage It was • cOntained ed it torn, does L7 •better Minard'e in lt, "Gladly en claimed at "Well, the ad sere the whole mixture was boiled into a bubbling froth of fragments end coffee extract, cleared it by an old trick which to campers all the world This. was to throw into tbe ket- small splasb of cold water, tvhen grounds were proraptly pee- to the bottom. she poured the dear, brown, liquid into a blacketed of birch root ,andhanded it tc good Mail, her husband. he had taken. the bowl in hit , the woman hunted a Teeth knapsaek and produced a letup oi suger. Tip host bit re fregmeni it and bodged It in his (eeth, then the bowl to his . lips an?, a more civilized man this would have been rudeness; in i R was a simple act ot courtesy a plain assurance that the bow no poison. Then he hand, on for ais guests to drink II and the Atierieen says that le not blow that he ever tastei coffee.—Exchenge. Liniment foe sale everywheri * , wOilla I die foe you," ex the elderly but erdent sitar:4 t'heit .raight help some," roplie girl vvhe failed to reciproeate hi and yellow toassion. Of..ii.......... le- 3,to Le . 1C0e ' it-- . - is. ;' en to .POot 011 • ' gte Its ult feli ,n4 te oli d . . ei . Co)el 'ee le, , 4,11". ....„.01 ',,Ict";,i ':1-4 . ,, 0r mpil,..4 111474110W ritroorked r ,.......1,-, „trav,i3,...r.rze:„r. WA 04 Piooldio 11 lot Ing Ito me. intsOle 2r.laitthwHOotrierIcrtit:tiwiftiko. Ws allP woo141.1% fp Iiivr 0 ito . .1i la 4 01,o644 No lata th644• reetetelettehettee, eiteeteteemutt NM* 41414.4.1141114 .0.0...t. 1..Aulloh114660111)4411,000.111,144the'PlaYM04 Psi- it orMetowit to..44.....4,..*,1 Ma Pe?P,Of 1•01. IliE. W_yststrALER .,oltrKqtrometts • . 9;te.It,, f4,.e .' ,4 , a %talky teropoly,•1 Po oho it4 *Zoo frit tonAlitelf.' - - . tapa tato 04 InfilAit . NOUSE.