HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-07-25, Page 5rr S • ifl�� .1 !�r~
. 4'
And now the Oritsare 40:20-1,1a tO take
the Geri»xon r: ote ft cun Mr. W eislztialer.
But the.; 10 ;914 Clemens, will, have their
h t r, We next ex ...
say ill the ilea to l�ct
:eau• the declaration that the Oermane
el voted. for Mr. McLean. ,
Tho Tew grit repsi ts:the fared irate"
naentthat the Clinton. voters' list, as it
:stilndi, -YVill'give a Grit majority ;of,
d S P k
"'''ain t
fcox►� �� th 7a lay
Tbioso- faiuiliar withtthe voters` list
k ow :the statttMont is, not true. •And',
one kxtows it boiler than the editor
t • o T'ew Era. There Is frothing to
h e,('1 ,in, 0130 'making euroneone
e11ts topineo-.ixny. party 1x1 .a,
utile li glia, The 'courts. would,; it
tact to, bring out the truth.-..
he , Interior, of Ohicago, ono year
0, wii:i ilrm iu its eonderniuxtioll of
- tthe ax>tarchistio management of Ow
WSSId15:%Fair; with, its insolent bearing
towards lave and .ont'ent. It does not
•noWsay, "I toldY youso," but the fol-
lowing paragrtapllspeaks for itself
There' ttre time wtlen the 4merican
eagle, sits' very .quietly in a remote
'.corner : of the aviary and refuses to in.
.d4llg0iq his tendency to scream. Itis
when oh one side, of his cage he sees
city ',mc bs, 'and ;factor lock -outs, and
miners'riots, and industrial armies;
,and, on the ether side' he notes the
quiet. -and content of his Canadian
neighbors. are our friends north of
'the great lakes made of other flesh and
lilooct than we? Are they, speaking
• .different tonres and bred in opposite
`!faiths, more homogeneous? It will be
a 'clay long in the future before anyone
ty111beat Of*contentedmasses setztng
a {train of the. Canadian Pacific. Who
can remember . of a case of lynching
north of the boundary line of our
;;states? The fact is that we are drift -
ba rapidly.. toward anarchy, and there is
no use in assuming to be blind to the
fact. - The swarms that terrorize our
state and -national capitals would not
be tolerated for au hour in a remote
settlement. of Manitoba. Even the
Indian buries his tomahawk or Win-
chester as soon as lie crosses the line.
England suffers- neither citizen nor
sava>;e• 4o flout her laws; we sutferethe
immigrant, tramp and desperado to -go
,' to •liiS• own gait; and just.now we are
paying dearly for the substitution of
voluntary organizations for civil com-
ppalts, Centuries before Christ was
born a philosopher of Greece described
the orbit of a state through revolution,
. liberty, lawlessness back to despotism
again.. The question will rise in every
thoughtful mind, Are we nearing the
ti apoggee from which we started one
htmdred and twenty years ago. ,
, OWS 1 otes.
Mr. T.' K. k'rigg, 'late . of the,' Grigg
House, Lou ora, 404 ,00 400,024IIbta l'
is. = ow niimu er of the
ill so Ia el:at Ito i :o,. W.'T .
Windsor x t t� � t
A roti thin woman laughed s , ,hitxd
t that sh Bret her's speech., 'fust
;ree$n ly' t aid. e ? , , .
as a .luatter of curiuslty, wet like to
knawwhat .the joke Was.
yeune. Ce'
100 , for n
fell from an Mari
bea at a raising.
1 farm, nen, 2 Grey,
on David C:}�natlbcl s f x , at< , y
h tta r w e
s and had i<
o>!► � y
''m death, t ,
at iu de
.. f it
One hundred and seventy bushels of
`Canadian raspberries were purchased
,bv Detroit buyyers at the market in
• indsor one day last week and. ship-
ped over the river,
The greatest curiosity. in Arkona. irs
1, Ii.el1's Shetland colt. a It is the
smallest specimen of the equine race
titer seen In Arkona, and truly weighs
about 15 pound.,
Great Britain has congratulated Ita1y
upon the victory of her colonial troops
over the Mandrsts. It is said Italy
occupied llLS5ala in accordance with
an understanding with Britain.
• News Notes.
President Cleveland has
Utah. Statehood bill.
signed the
Collingwood boys are to be prosecut-
s ed forplaying cards in the town park
on Sundays.
W. A. Carlisle, formerly of St.
athariues, Ont., was drowuedat Sault
Marie on Wednesday.
he Hon. Wilfrid Laurier will start
lag�I�lst,2lith for a six -weeks' tour in
e; sitoba and the Northwest.
Fifty thousand dollars in counterfeit
rnoney, which had been gathered in by
officers of the Secret Service, was des-
troyed at the United States Treasury
Department, Washington, Thurs lay.
A movement is on foot in Waterloo
to form a mammoth combined singing
society. The project includes the
building of a'ffne large building at the
cost of about $8,000. ,
An explosion of 400 pounds of loose
powder at Fort Paulaski, near Savan-
nah, Ga:, Friday, • fatally wounded
Ordance-Sergi'Villiam Chinn, serious-
ly injured Mary Washington, his
mother-in-law, and set fire to- the fort,
causing several explosions 'of ammuni-
tion and doing much damage to the
Ed. Owens, of Parker, (near Fergus,
Ont.) is a happier man to -day than the
successful parliamentary candidates.
The cause being that his wife has pre-
sented him with triplets—three boys.
Mr. Owens is over sixty years old
and his wife is over 44.
,.MAuxE i!" R1* OirTS,
(Perrer;tedevery Tatailsygltereoop.
nu "l henllx,,,,+,R.R.,;.,.;,.: 0.55 to 0 6
Spring Whest.,,,... ; oatooA
35 :to 0 40•
ueita,f, n,.......,,,.y„ P. .,,,,R 0.. (R, 34 ta/Q�: ,35n.
Pfja,�'r,,,,..,./.,d.•r,.R! e;ll ••..,,f! ,513-. tcs %tun.
Potatoe,ih Per bnalh;.,.;:,,. 0- 00 to Q 50
Figga, ger dor, ,,,. , 06 400' ,,..,+, FR Q 8 to 0 9
•• i f
wood ., t
o d ,
4r „
1 film has gathered on Mr. Glad -
be necessary. J
T. P Gorman, editor of The Ottawa
• Free Press, died last week at the age
of 38 years.
Mrs. John S. Melville, aged 50, com-
mitted suicide by drowning at Midland
Friday. •
A grand McCarthy demonstration
will take place at Creemore on the
23rd inst.
Mr. Savage's majority over Mr. Con-
mee in WestAlgorna is officially given
as six.
A protest is threatened against the
election on the Local House of Mr. W.
J. McKee in North Essex.
At Bradshaw, West Virginia, Nellie
Kenne, aged 9 years, hanged herself
because she was kept from school to at-
tend two babies.
Father Langevin and Father Cherr
ier both of Winnipeg, are spoken of as
probable successors to Archisbishop
cache. •
stones' eye ananother .operation will
,,..R«r, �t•
Fla...„r ,,,
«,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,. .6 O0 to. 7 01)
Beef r.;,r.•! ,,.., 0 00 t.9 0 000
Wool..,.,,, I,.,,,,,,,r ,.,, ,.,,., 0 17 tit 0 2Q
TQRONTQ ,& tjEIiS' 31A.M.1:ET,
Thereceipts of rain on the street
maret rn all; prices were steady.
Wheat --Steady, one load of red sell-
ing at 61c.
Oats—Steady, two loads selling at
40e,, •
Hay and Straw -- Stead, twenty
loads of hay selling at $10 to $11 50 for
old and $7 60 to $9 For new, anda few
loads of straw at $7.to0:1 50.
Dressed Bog's—There were none
offered prices nominal at $6 25 to
$6 50:
Wheat white, standard$ 62 6
• Red winter 601
Spring 58
Goose 40
Barley 65
Peas 40
Hay, old 10 00
do new 7 50
Straw, bundle 75 00
do loose
Eggs, now laid 12
Butter, lb. rolls 10
Tubs, dairy 15
Chickens 40
Spring ducks 60
Potatoes, per bag 50
Dressed hogs_
Beef, forequarters
do. hindquarters
Spring Lamb
Mr. Noah Qucnce, B. A., principal
of St. Thomas Collegiate Institute,
was married on Wednesday last at St.
Mary's, Ont., •to Miss Effie Harstone,
_daughter of the late I%Ir. Robert Har -
stone, andsister of Mr. Leonard Har -
stone, barrister.
Robert Allen, of Cliesley, was come
mitteci to jail b D. Fisher and R. M.
Hay, J. P.'s, for horse stealing, on
Tuesday of last week. He took a
mare and harness from a farmer in
Bruce Tp.,and was captured by W. W.
Hogg. Hwas arrested in the county
of Grey, and was sentenced by Judge
Klein, for six months in the Central
Information has been laid at Wind-
sor charging Adore hus Martin, of
Maidstone, a brother of ex -Aid. Mar-
tin, of Windsor, with extreme iruelty
to animals. The constable claims that
Martin was chasing a pig in the field
and had some trouble in catching it.
When he did so, however, he took out
a knife and deliberately cut the eyes
out of the animal.
It is rumored that the Canadian Cot-
ton Company's,uvills at Cornwall are to
close down shortly. This will throw
2,000 hands out, of employment.
Mitchell Franks, an Oka Indian, was
acquitted Friday week at the Brace -
bridge Assizes of the murder of ,Louis
Neuse in October, 1892.
Fifty-two persons were poisoned by
ice cream at a church festival in West
Upton, Ill., last week. One is dead,
and others are dying.
The 25th anniversary of the laying of
the .eastern' submarine cable was cele-
- brated Friday ever ing at the Imperial
Institute, London.
• Leading labor leaders in Cincinnati
claim Sovereign will be ousted and
that Powderly will be placed at the
head of the Knights of Labor.
W. H. Herr, known as the champion
ppiurri smuggler of Puget Sound, has
been indictee by the United States
grand jury at Tacoma. Wash.
The gold' shipments of last week have
reduced the treasury gold to $61,000,-
000, the lowest point reached since the
gold reserve was established.
Sir Oliver Mowat and James Suther-
land, M. P., have each contributed $10
to the ladies of Embro whoare furnish-
ing a reading room in the town hall.
Lega, the Italian Anarchist who at -
tanned to kill Premier Crispi, was
Thursday sentenced -to twenty years'
"A Belmont man wars, caught in the
t of brutally beating hsinvalid wife
t week, but no one h6d, the'courage
1 see that the fellowg ot'his deserts.
'It has been deckled to protest the
election of Mr. MaKeas Liberal, in
North Essex. Tho Action is taken on
behalf of Mr. Wizlternatiti', the Patron
candidate. qq
It is pretty well ` ttlf derai •od in Mon-
treal that Robert S:y i` e,. "ditor of leave. The members of my family get
The Gazette and M. P.'for Cardwell, no legacy from me. They know my
Will be appointed coUe2Ctor of customs affection for them and are satisfied
t tllat port within 'few f ayi'. with it. Let them receive my farewell
a .t is reported that 'rthu ' Aimea, the with the assurance of my deep attach-
ye/Wag fellow who got aWt With the meet: let them pray to God for my
boodle from the bank Of' pm rnCrce, soul and live as good Christians. a9
' Gfil ds iltijol114ning 'ill 'sto titagham, desire that my obsequies may
�n and. penin as 'possible. I ask the alms of
. ose
Andrew Zettle of Formosa, lost $500
in the twinkling of an eye through cir-
cus fakirs at Walkerton the other day.
It seems that he had agreed to loan
a neighbor that amount and took it
down to 'Walkerton. Ile met the bor-
rower on the grounds, got his note,
and was composedly counting over the
pile, when a stranger came up behind
rhim, snatched it away and made his
A colored lad named Ryan, who had
the -smallpox in Ohio a few weeks'ago,
escaped from the pest -house there, and,
eluding the vigilance of the health
officers at Windsor, went to his home
just outside St. Thomas. Dr. Vatibus-
irk, medical health officer, has had the
family vaccinated and other precau-
tions taken, and as none of the family
have so far taken the disease, no
danger is anticipated.
to $ 00
to OQ
to 00
to 00
to 00
o 00
to 00
toll 50
to '9 00
to 7 50
to 6 00
to 13
to 20
to 17
to 50
to 75
to 60
625 to 650
450 to 500
600 to 700
5 50 to 7 00
700 to 900
9 to 11
AFT41i, DOCTORS. ? i.V.. D,
'.f!eilr17 rtelouls . o , mom sk,
1ng11GUS011,'OIt' D11fit1310J V1LZ1 ,
.VP -T A Q P:Xi, w M.t1'L41114Z 717 4' P,Ste I
ZOWS04 I3X I gOlalltlt-esTWO 14}iY4-
(;I0 0 14JLrtn 'xo IIEtV 11X18 --411g•
11004$13• Ake (VIM ' AXOe0V)ItlaSi 1
TA.XXNG !SUP aSSV.I0lt', Q1'. )f1l pNU..
Milch cows, each $20 00tn$40 00
Springers, forward, each..25 00 to 40 00
Ex ort cattle, per• c wt...... 3 50 to 4 10
Butchers'• choice, cwt 3 25 to
Butchers' med. to good, c wt 2 50 to
Bulls and rough cows, cwt 2 50 to
Long lean hogs,cwt......-5 50 to
Heavy fat hogs, cwt 490 to
Stores and light hogs, cwt 4 7755 to
Stag hogs, cwt 2200 to
Sovvs, per cwt
Butcher's sheep each 300 to
Export sheep, per cwt300 to
Spring Lambs, per head2 75 to
Choice Veal calves, each 5 25 to
Medium calves, per head4 50 to
Cominori calves, per head. 200 to
The Berlin, (Ont.), School supply
Company have leased a talc quarry at
Sharbot Lake, near Kingston, Ont., for
10 years, with the option,of buying it
at the end of three years. Some 50
tons of talc have been converted into
crayon pencils. There is no dust from
the crayons, and the marks can easily
be erased. This sort of crayon is what
school -teachers have been wishing for,
but never expected to get, and the
Berliners are said to be congratulating
themselves ou their "cinch."
On Tuesday of last week as young
man named Thos. Frees, eldest son of
James Freel of Forest, met with a
horrible death on the farni of Win.
Knapp, four miles from town. He was
driving a mower, and while oiling the
machine was kicked in the head by
one of the horses. The team then ran
-away, and .Freel was dragged under
the mower and terribly mangled, his
head • and body being bruised and one
ear cut off. Life was extinct when as-
sistance arrived.
Frsoi ibe Smttic'd Veils'
t, ra.,
Ferguson, ,
Partner tnel of
Mr,, Richard Smith in filo marble: ba0
r c wellpot�ii t .
nese at �Ier t atazlle, is � s
residents of that V
i 1
. IFc
went, .through, an illness that nearly
brought him.. to death's door,: andiii all
interesting...chat with a rporter o1 the
Record told of the means'by which bis
remarkable ' recovery vi?is brought
about, "While engaged in my busi-
nese as marble cutter at • Kingston.”
said. Mr. Ferguson, '"I was taken ill iu
May, 1803, with Malarial fever, After
the fever was broken I continued to
have a bad cough; followed by vomits
ing .and excruciating pains in' the
stomach. I . was under the treatment
of two different phyticians but their
medicine did me no good. and I'con-
tinued to grow weaker° and weaker,
and it seemed as if I had gone into a
decline. A bout the middle of Septem-
ber I was strongly urged by a friend to
give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trihl,
I had not much hope that they would
help me but from the time I commenc-
ed'the fink fills I found myself be-
ginning to improve, the vomiting
ceased and finally left me altogether.
I grew stronger each day, until now I
•weigh 180 pounds. .At the time I was
taken ill I weighed 197 pounds, and
when I began using Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills illness had reduced me to 123
pounds, so that you will see bow much
the Pink Pills have done for rue. I
never felt better in my life than I do
now, although I occasionally take a
pill yet, and am never without a part
of a box in my pocket., I believe that
had I not been induced to take Pink
Pills I would be in my grave to -day,
and I am equally convinced that there
is no other medicine can equal them as
a blood builder and restorer of shatter-
ed systems. Five boxes cured me when
the skill of two of the ablest doctors
in Ontario failed, and when I look back
to the middle of last September and
remember that I was not able to stand
on Iry feet, I consider the change
brought about by Pink Pills simply
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the
root of the disease, driving it from the
system and restoring the patient to
health and strength. In cases of par-
alysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia,
sciatica, rheumatism, erysipelas, scro-
fulous troubles, etc.', these bills are
superior to all other treatment. They
are also a specific for the troubles
which make the lives of so many
women a burden,, and speedily restore
the rich glow of health to pale and
sallow cheeks. Men broken down by
overwork, worry or excesses, will find
in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by
all dealers or sent by mail postpaid, at
50c a box, or six boxes for Medicine
addressing the Dr. Williams'
Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenec-
tady, N. Y. Beware of invitations and
substitutes alleged to be "just as good."
3 65
2 75
5 75
5 00
2 50
6 00
� ! /' }8 llml/MANI7TY7O:
'Blot, � y �
1 f) r.. poor Cattle to .: I'1ors; s sufferer from ,rho
��' le
.cl>.eaded° e x4an or Buil tlaWo Fl whop. you cap gel
nTM r
8 Er�
� o5>�er s GIebrat ft i.�x �n � . t� . , �
which is guaranteed to hir every titxie,,
ariand Blos Ito4: '444 HaVtyla,To
Old . Store,/Brick Meek—Novi S;toro, 1, 0, . ,
In your axoitantent over the games now being played' don't forge( that
Export cattle—This line of business
is dead. Only a few of the best cattle
were picked up, and not much of that
went above 4iic per ib. Ruling figures
may be put at from 4c to 4isc per lb,
some going down to 3&c, but in the
demoralized state of trade it is difficult
to give any exact quotations. If sellers
are willing to take the price, 4c will be
paid for choice. Sales :—One car -load
one car-lle, oad cattle, 1,36s 7 lbsaverc per age14c
'per ib ; one car -load cattle, 1,300 lbs
average, $52 per head : 20 cattle, 1,300
lbs average, $52 50 per head.
The shipments of live stock from
Montreal last and up to date are re-
ported of follows :—
Hurona,' London 465
Iona,• London . 528
Lake Ontario, Liverpool539
Numidian, Liverpool 600
Sarmatian, Glasgow 648
Alcides, Glasgow
Dominion, Bristol
Total 3,468 1,563
Shipments up to Jhly 21,
1893 41,480 382
Shipments up to July 21,
189439,883 26,760
The • following are the Liverpool
quotations, for each of the past four
days, the prices of wheat and flour
being top figures :
s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
Red winter.. 4
Spring wheat 5
No. 1. Cal.. 5
Corn... 3
Peas. 5
Pork .. 68
Lard 35
Bacon, h'vy37
Tallow 23
Cheese, both 45
Cattle. Sheep
166 '
Dr. Coventry, medical health officer
of Windsor, hard a colored man brought
to his office Monday. He is 23 years
old, and his face and hands were badly
broken out with rash. The doctor
diagnosed it as a well developed case
of smallpox. When the darkey heard
this he made a dash to get out of the
office and succeeded in getting out and
away. Dr. Coventry atterwards learn-
ed the man had crossed on a ferry boast
to Detroit. He then notified the health
officer on the other side, and the police
are now looking for the man.
According to Brantford Conservator
MacWherrel is not feeling in as good
spirits as formerly. It says : 'Mac-
Wherrel has been in a sulky mood the
past three weeks. He has been in the
habit of sending love letters to two
young girls in this town and receiving
answers in return. The jail authori-
ties have forbidden it, and he has been
so put out about it that he won't take
his outdoor daily exercise. We sup-
pose the girls are also sulking. It is
absurd that it should have been al-
lowed to continue so long.'
The last will and testament of Arch-
bishop Tache is in some respects re-
markable, as the following extracts
will show: "I owe nothing, nor own
nothing, therefore I have nothing to
are the most cooling drinks as well as the most healthy tyald don't for
get that
Allen & Wilson's Baking Powder;
ensures success ill baking, .
Pure Fresh Drugs, Good Goods and moderate priees at
Allen & Wilson's Prescription Drug Stora,
Our 9th
Stock raking
who is opening out in the
Next door to
260 851428
Henry Silverthorn X yo . Alan 400 masses as well for the rep
belonging to Thorold Townsh p, - Was I my soul as for the acquittal of promises
by tt cave-it't at O. gravel .piton , made Or obligations incurred toward
W. ,.7. More, b farts. ltejtr 'w , od'pille , those who are no more or have com-
Pridiiy. , mended themselves to my prayers."
8} 4 8i 4 7i 4 7
0 5 0 4 11 4 11
0 5 0 4 11 4
11# 3 11i 3 111 3 111
1 5 1 5 1 5 1
0 68 9' 70 0 70 0
9 35 9 35 '9 35 9
0 37 0 36 0 36 0
6 23 6 23 6 23 6 ,
0 45 0 45 6 45 6'
The Maspnic Grand Lodge of Ontario
will meet in Toronto next year.
The Canadian -American of last week,
says: "Fred Foster, the noted turf-
man, formerly of Seaforth, Ontario,
has this season won nearly a quarter of
ty million dollars with his famous Doc-
tor Rice. On Thursday he made the
betting ring at Washington Park
scream, both Doctor Rice and Eloro
taking his colors to• the front. He
hacked them heavily and won nearly
$75,000 during the afternoon." Satur-
day last, however, the Columbus handi-
cap, worth $11,800 to the winner, and
which was looked on as a pretty sure
thing for Doctor Rice, was won by an
outsider, and Mr. Foster's horse was
not even placed. Such are the ups and
downs of the turf.
Teacher Wantel
Wanted, a teacher for the Model term for the Clin•
ton Cominon School, duties commencing September
1st and ending November 80th.
817-StW. H. HINE, Secretary.
Will be
J1t•ext Week.
What does it mean to you ?
It means that as always is the
case you can buy odd ' •
lines of our immense stock
at prices much below the
Municipality of the Township of
Goderich, County of Huron.
mitted to the persona mentioned in sections 5
and 8 of the Voters' Lista Act, the a,pies rtgnired to
be transmitted of the list, made pursuant to said
Act, of all .persona appearing by the last revised
assessment rolllof the said Municipality to be entitled
to vote in the said Municipality at elections for Mem-
bora of the Legislative Assembly and at. Yueicipal
Elootions, and that said Ilet Was first posted up at
my office at Coierieh Township, on the 21st day of
July, 1894 and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said list,
and if any omissions or any other errors are found
therein "to take immodia'e proceedings to have the
said errors torreoted according to law.
Dated this 91st day of Jaly,1894.
Clark of Goderich Township.
We do not buy trash,therefore •.
have none to offer you,.
and our goods will be
found in every case'to be
of the finest quality.
Come and see what we have
to offer you.
MCKAY.—In Tuckersmith, on July
17th, the wife of Mr. John McKay, of
a son.
GILLESPIE.—In Seaforth, on July
18th, the wife of Mr. James Gillespie,
of a son.
ELwoon.—In Goderich township, on
the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. T. El-
wood, of a daughter.
DEPEw.—In Detroit, on July llth,
the wife of Mr. G. Arthur Depew, of a
RANSFORD.—At Danvers, Mass., on
the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. W. H:
Ransford, formerly of Clinton, of a
House For Rent.
That nicely situate and oonfortable dwelling on the
corner of Huron and Orange streets. All convenennee,
and roomy. Hard and soft water, stable and garden.
For particulars apply to
814 t -f THOS. JACKSON, Sr
tar Tito NRWS-RECORD will always be pleased
to receive reliable information of Births, Mar-
riages, and Deaths, or of any other local event.
lar Tun NEwa•RacoRD can furnish as hand-
some Wedding Stationery and guarantee as fine
letter press work and at as low prices as any city
or other printing office.
Mr In the matter of Funeral Circulars an
Memorial Cards, Tim NEwa-Rs0080 guarani@
prompt attention and the very heat class o
Work, at fifty per cent less than eastern prices.
HOGGAwru—SIMPSON.—At the resi-
dence of the bride's mother, McKillop,
on July 11th, by Rev. J. S. Henderson,
ofIensall, assisted by Rev. D. Forrest,
of Walton, Mr. Win. E. Hog arch, of
Hensall, to Miss Maggie Simpson,
daughter of the late Alexander Simp-
son, of McKillop. -
Church, Joliet, Illinois, on June 20th,
by Rev. Mr. Walker, William Watson
Hutchison, of Winnipeg,Manitoba,
second son of Mr. Matthew Hutchison,
of Goderich. Ont, to Miss Maude, eldest
daughter of Captain Egbert Phelps,
Property For Sale.
t'or sale, the large dwelling and lot owned and
lately oteupied by Dr. Appleton, on Ontario street
Has all modern conveniences. Centrally located.
Also a house and lot adjoining above property,
fading Victoria street. For particulars, apply to
Stray Steer,
Came to the promises of the undersigned, Baytleld
Road. the forepart of May last. a BEt! YEARLING
STEER. The owner is requested to prove property,
pay expenses and take the animal away.
8181-f J. 0. ELLIOTT
To Farmers.
We have Oats for sale, and give two and three
months time ou came—in lots not loss than 15 bushels.
Also for sorb mixed Corn, Barley and Wheat for chop-
July lithe W. H. PERRIN,
The publisher would esteem It a favor if readers
would, when making their purchases, mention that
they caw the merchant's advertisement in 'Tun
Nawtt•1t*coao. '
Mo1xrosu.--In McKillop, on July
15th, Theresa Jane Brown, wife of Mr.
John McIntosh, Seaforth, aged 17 years
and 9 months.
FALCOI,nnl.—ln Goderich, on July
17th, William Smith Falconer, former-
ly of Goderich township aged 24 years
and 11 months.
DYftE.—in Goderich township on
the 15th inst., Susannah, relict of the
late Thos. Dyke, aged 84 years.
Under the new Management business con-
tinues to flourish.
Our •Slocleacomprises everything regtrired in.
a'firat-Claes Bakery and Restaurants --such as
Plain and Panay Cakes, Pastry,
Superior Bread, Confectionery,
Cool Summer brinks, &a., &o.
TY and prices reasonable.
Picnic parties dealt with on the most liberal
terms and Broad delivered to all parts of the
Better vain than we offer cannot he obtained.
Give us a call. Stand next the Grand Unien
Hotel, Clinton.
JADES W.. BOYD, Proprietor.
me undersigned having brOti ht out the bakery
bushman to eucoessfnity Carried on by Mr. Wm.
Voting, Wi11 continue the bneinoe8 at the o1'1 stand.
Me will endeavor by supplying a drat elate artiolollo,
merit the liberal support Of the people. Dread de-
livered able/hive in town.
Wedding Cakes, Pettit or 4ponge. Cakes
supplied on short notleeo
M. BEC' Wrrf, - - CLINTON
fiepraSV'Pupil of Signor IYtsnrla of the 'lorogto
Coneervatary of Music, and W. Rlliott Haslam, of
New York, Ohotr-Mietrese Of 9t, Paul's Ohttroh,
Wingham, "0en.forConcert engsgemonta.' Wilt
take penile in Voice Culture. All InteryieW may be
had at Dohertl's Ware•roome. Perrin's B1ook, Cllnrohe
Friday between n. rd. and 4 p. an,; also Saturday
between 10.80, a.m. and 8 p. et.
8 11 01 8 1 F or Teaoltere and other,
+4 at the Central Uu theses
College, Corner tengl
and Gerrard Streets,. Toronto. tinqueauonat!y
Canada's Greatest Commercial Seltoot. In
session the entire year. Special circulate for enmmer
cinema. Write for one. 1
Grand Trunk Railway.
ifraine leave Clinton station for all pointe as pit
following time table:
001'70 EAST
2.05 p m
could Voris
10.12 a m
001100 WEST
10.20 a m
2.15p in
9.22 p
00180 sov211
4.48 p m
Civic goiiday Excursions
Mr8. Whitt, Teaober of li�lllilol•
Plano O'ro1n� . 1411 Toohnloon ;for.pee et paths.
herr agents td Nitwit Blear Vet W Peebley'e, Albert.
•ra+Trrm-Lid l i1 I
ii Roil/ 2', JULT /' „27t/!,"!14 .... �,
Tickets will be issued; at Single pare ,good .ta..
go afternoon trains Thairsdayr July 204 all `
trains ,son
l0n the 27th tetdn)d rej28Ttth.n'f[Ai•a1 to SStlirilal 4
TORONTO EX0UltSlO»; ' Stttiteday,
28t1i, FARE $2,25 good ulitlt Mondayaid,
sotli. dor hie tgttidulot hpply'to -