The Huron News-Record, 1894-07-18, Page 2M. nsenuerly, a well-known, blisineee man 011111inbere. Va., semis this teetimouy to the merits ofil.„ yore) earseearilla: oSeverat Vats ago,AnY lOtt,the rainryleevlas *aorevetehtetitecresieelits. laysufferinge wereext,rennetnYllemirere the Iowa to tee *Moe, tieing :tootle Iwo), welch begae to ex. tend toetherperts or the body.",Aftertrying lerleue relnedles, 1 bego .taireag ,iteerer garSaearilia, and, before I had theshee the,' vst eettle, I experienced great relief; fire seeped ?Attie elteeted Sarsaparillo' vr.p..4141/r.e'.0.,Aetire400, Mau.• , NOP; 41:0 kRiCOrd /,64) Tertr-Sims Su 4two WriptIts3;',.snt. Pelee Istil 1894, N/' WSiiciojw. Local ancl Family Weekly: 4000)0, " • ' ..,,techrOdift4t 0 ,Ibeq",! On. ' t bet "reette:,41'.5ii ;)",,,,25:10.a" ,:,,pikojkrwilliik:04004,,Atg,f;o1ew0tliebilotter;:,5e111all :,..Th.CireatitjC,Sed,,Veiii, to ABl)TAlSikai'lletie,QeYee ilarlig 0.tou te) 2,9v ,Ar.itAileettlen ii,ea throe . OOSto ‘e 'nee fOr.OV:Ii• sol/OVe04.4 hilorlloij.• .' • -esixeteat-Anvelaiotite-::4eeeetli&dtletiletiv,4 teeatesoye ,reemeeterree...elie.,taletiteitew-tIVes • IttMCt rateelbreetret eapeetee,detinite eeriem,: •"-se„eie.‘. ,1;eire.r.'suo.."1, 3e7Q, 1.1,mo .0,41reoltileri',.....'.,,,,'. 1l$ 01) -;211.eir ..'le, Oti.:;,,' .tio 4:2 , eeriele:.eser or. lecier..,elte 1 ritieteeliiiiiii.;.., 'env() ' le,',tik. eeree.: .i.. . ,e :4.loe':eigerliiiiiiem." 12 05 ..,,:::7,i.oe.:-. lee,' 2:er0e ;IS,' :::4,41'.. :'.2 tie. ,',A•94,:, 13ereatite*rittort.leiee1e..4Oeliier, item) : -44eh1ee,lletekeOcihlif'thiee:Ut6s. 20 'emits °.w)1 In. 0,t-eyeeine eeveirl!li iieti;'eatetesz TO first lettratie, Asa 45. peels 10 Ooki',1),rilowine leserenn, /011're"yoiisee.C.t. toekereriero,",ler,,b4,6 or to rent., stray :ere* bV*I 'elleertieemente 'not ee4O4ilier .teel;elleetett for first mein -free*. PS beet -a for each iiea.ree eat* • , , ilifeett.,ieresk'tifyiitheet;,idelleite,itioWeentins In. and 'oleo/Oar .fiecord:. 1 rseleptit ot,iatisorrou,.in all i*se to bo ,ileittitred'vrelee; etionee3 etee1,lier,,e0etevee 4 the ciaiim „.iiet..140i.s._tsois.ixvita„kratoiteistary woo., • ... ••,•••,•"', • •:14:tr11?,d4*its.t.it4:7)? • . s' • e-friter7ce.ioui4,-,e4nference s, new etitrYingoil:Ite,,,fahnee irb-ottieWii„ is en event of rarieee,thap.'„paesinik interest. The 'Preirileic*:.,,qiie441- and -hie ecti.. ‘16:4•400S`:areiilf,0:•7:.1)°!'''',:heligratubtted. by Oatiadianeet originat- ing the idea of emfferenem, Its work, .naniely, %hat. of endeavoring to, •'arrange . Some baals:..."Opon . 'whieh . a • larger. ti'aci.6..plOyli4,anne',between the. ecOn.iia .:.theinse1't`fe34::and,,,between,:the •,;cb1Ontee',4ed the ''',-0,10thellinide,'is an • ohjePt;;WortbY theAttention of the • hatter eVidenoe.w.e..think btiiild..,tre 'offer- : ed,of'the.' :dealre Of the Goyerninenb,of Ctnada to prinnote evire things : firet, thetrarleof the coaritti;secend;the unity if heBiiI1rh einnir.e. RIM: asiclefreni ,;•theee..cinisideratitins 'Whicbeirre•,:great ,-considerations,,its InaPPrtance In other restieetS frene, a Canadian Standpoint seereelYhesOVer.estitnated.: Can- ada With its fiartile Soil,' it§ innumer- . its health: giving C11115 ate, ite signs 01 splendid progress, its great PuPlie works, 10 bread stretches of,"*ell tilledesoli, its proSperous afici, towns, itasturaY, gent pbetile. Only, -.:Wants to be better 415403'. aufpng the people of Other to :dentimithff,..a. greater flow of infinigretien than he hits been reteiv- ing. The visit of the,narloof Jersey; „rapresentingthe Imperial 'Government, And dm represeetatlYes from the, Eiritisli eolenies. of tile; Pueblo ocean,,,, giving rhieto'''''4fterAnee,:`: published; 110 they have been througlient the Contieent. : 'Buret)°, will, ' eve :are Conyinted; prove, to be one or 'the greate4 ad- 'eftieeneen6 that Ceneda hart ger betl. 4. persual Of the :capencliee niade Ort, Varioue octetsiOrts by these.delegates might, to fili the heartof every eCen. adian with pride. They breve all been along tile Om:no-line, nateelyst tile line , of praise to Canadians tor their,polit. ital viten)", and; for the Material tleVel-- opment which they have Made. Speaker after spealter,„ae4 it sheukl, be temereberect, that these; 'genet:mien arse thi) niost prominent states. men in their colonies, ha's deelared that in Australia wheneveis. cjuestions of legislation eonies up, the statute books of Canada are looked to ionnetliatelY • ti Model.; that wh'enever gvea publio works Are proposed in their cOldniesk • eanadies great progress andherecoint pietion of the rektifit wonderful railway enterprise Onearth are held 'up as M of ..whitt a vigorous, deterniiii- • progressive people tan dot that our " 7 I sake* * •et*, paBlitlea1 *bierenients eeatatbr, witlf ttkat the ?eeriest have et Attetralleos °denies ie to be able at some iNitute Waist to follow our example *sotto eopy oiv scheme t the marvelknut devolvement of our oountry Is a etanding wonder to the other oolerilee of the empire; that, iu. deed in the management of its Ofitire, in the public spirit of its citisens, in the 'Vigor of ite determination to jmild up tL nation, Lula ill it loyal devotion to the interests of the empire. , Canada is everywhere it tnollg our foliow colon- ists looked tipon 'Wen(1er ma a Ttodel. It tattet :make rtstwe have said. ,anadians proud 'of their country to benetlieee compliment;s fro))) sueb sour. ces, but while being proud of receiving these poinpilments it is the dutY 02 Oanachotne to stop end I:epee/ober that t,he particular achievements: Allifin I Whiell'aleSel congratulations Are paid, are the aclxiovelnents Which Canada, owes to tile Canadian Conservative party. 'Which has -always( been a party of , progeess and Advancement end Sierit. They elleuld not forget. too, that Ilie,buildlog of tbo Canadian EtkotitO W.164011il whieh this conference would, never boye been brought about, and Without which the practical results -Which may. follow Wouldnever have beeopossible, was the work of the conserVative pattr,ajwork Performed in, 'tb.6‘ face et the most - determined ePPositien Of the Grit party Cituada. Looking at the poet half century Of Canadian history It may be safely p41,4 that the policy of the Oen- oervetiyeAttrty:,.htte been 4p,tioolgAna- .Pro&vessiver iglu, that the polley of the: party during the same time, boa been anti -nationals ancl 'upprogreesiVe, It, le tient that a seotion-of.thesReferm tarty in the late lamented ,Gieorge r6WPi. Ilrolnoted '.001)ferlertr1A00, 6,P4 actIlally assisted in the. preliminary artAngelnenti Thr the eialnei but sinee tionfedetation the faeu 'Of the Grit party has • been Set' ngninst, the "DciteiniOn. They'hitye•rnii. eleetions in Nova Scotia Upon the policy otseeesaietk; they, halve eneouragecl' agitation:4ml rebehiee'in -thti North :rest Territoeiee ;: they have priPeeed the puechase'fof these Teteitor- ree•froto,tile Company, deolaring,throegli the mouth of their leould-be'leeleee,sthough; to -day. our visiting colonial stetesnien *Ant th, tbient,, aa the: boaie. of Inture )flhllionsi they oPposed;, the eenetiere.. tiOn,Of the:Grancr:Trunk Railway, and abilSecIthe OpVernbetrAt fo aiding' it, .They opposed the 'bringing in otl3ritish Columina,, ...Which wilt ',prove Yet to be one of the richest provinces -in the Con_ federation. They have endeavored to incite race cries in the Province of Quebec," 41141/hereby destroy the her rnfitiy"::arril- progress "-Of' the Canadian PeoPle- They- have not hesitated to set: 00 class against another ; they have oPP,Peed the adoption of "the National poneyr;, and' efl4vorate1.l the making of (0i,(;,11,tn..4,vd4ar.11..t.:1;17,6,ef Biansdtolirstdr:yco; utrihter; wh aitvire- edOcate 'handing over the control of our fiscal 'Teyetern luta' the hande" of a people *honk Sir Oliv'er MoWat. only a few, years Pio, declared to he a hostile petiole. On all s these lines the Grit °Miele/is have, been upon tlie anti- :Canatli1t1i tiid atiti-national side, and the :StatesmenOf the Conservative party, whetherivith Sir John Macdon- ald, elirr,Jobn Abbott, sae Sir:John T914 - son, at their head, have been,upon the natidealancl_Canadian SILIIL In short, if we 'have a great confederated Domittton, if we are ttilr thoroughly. independent Of all ,countries in 'our tariff matters, if we have a great national railway and a, great system of canals,' which' make -es cominercially thoroughly independent of our neigh- bors, 'upen which to receive the 0013- gratulations otris distinguished visi- tors the possession of all these tbings is die to the toeservative etatesinen, and these faots neither Liberals ner Censervatives throughout the country should forget, • • . flIfEr SAVE FIZZLED 0111. The Opposition is sepposecl, s when it goes,to 'the people,' to tell What its Policy is. The meaner usually' adopt- ed kir doing this is in a series of, resohr- tione moved in parliament. The Opposition ' !at' OttaWa, have had rt splendid opportunitY during the past session while the Whole tariff issue was, under discussion to state definitely in plain' words what their policy upon the tariff question was. They have missed their opportunity. We ask any intelligent grit to 'take It copy of Hansard for the session of 1804 add read it frosn beginning to end, and 'then tell us just what the policy of Sir Richard Cartwright and Mr. Laurier is. , No wonder that the independent press, „headed by the Montreal Star, is, saying that the Grit , party have lost the chance of a lifetime. They never had a better opportunity than during the eession now drawing to a 010S.e,. and they never preiented such a piezable appearance as they do at present. Be. fore the session met their tirese was lOnd in deelaring that this was going to be a sitssion of surprises and of woecter- ful develop:mirth, that; Parliament would be et:Ripened to bit probably late int0 the fall. So many seandala had 'the grit party to bring to light and 10 anxious 'Were they, to take the public let° their Confidence by Means of their disclosures in Parliament. 'all the brag, and, the blow and the bluster has dwindled down to it reenlittion upon the trade question, meaning nothing or anything, according to the fancy or• ()twice of the man Who reads it, end it few stale resolutions Oh subjecta that have been thrashed opt over and over again both inside and outside of Parliament. TrizIY the mountainhas labored and 'brought forth a mouse. The hinny -part of the whole busbies's; is that these same Grit gentlemen who Were to keep Parliatnene sitting until the mists of October mune were bog- ging the Government for heaven's sake hong before the Session closed to drop eome of their legislation in order to let them get away. , 'At suer time is man secure from et. tacks or such painful Ana aangerotle diserders of the stomach as Cholera, Cholera 3Xorbue, Cramps, alateitmee And Dygontery; but these, emnplaint§ are particUlarre abITIMon: direing the heated term, when it is doubly danger- ous to tteglect them. Platter DA'ete' PAIN Tritium ie a remedy that hae rieVee failed Whentried, and the sever- est attaelts have been eured bklt, leaves 'no evil effects, and invariably brings relief to the sufferer. Every repotable druggist in the conntry sells 'PEItter DAXike PAM' Birlalat. Large size NeW bettle, price 25c. A! autos* ." liqdt U AS• A Pommel Aossestptleluel Weeptiee of Illatiortio. tont impalsos-Setteit of toot Tim" mid ;owls Devotee to ChoovIty...fleve Jibe Ae.tevtalsecl is the ,Veleee-ettee Irevo. tie» to Nee Mustered, Te(ht1;0111cleilieed world haa be shocked by the terrible, thrtreily WhiLJu hail robbed tile Reput,he or Prance of 011e of he 1/001%51 Rreuidente, end %%little tIiu newspeper's era giving tietalle of tee life ittid cinnamon of the rau tag re d etatesinale it will be intertiethee to get glimpee into the personattity of hie walow ite gathered frum a letter 094 Parks by On intimate friend of Airs: Cir. no% 'If there lo one winner% in the werld who 2)118 31 holy 'horror of everything which tieti iii any ,way resenitee newri. ety, it is AE.1,e, Carnet. Her goatest desire is not to be talked ubetti, whether elie ni *silting er nut 411e wife: of the elite( of State ia niaeod 091100h/0r ousty Jo, the foregtoului bv tite Yell fat Of being his wife, nett ea (1111)1 Pre - vont Intone ouriogity from gazing' open ' her end from 'obeertieg the trete of her ' She limy', however re beure herself, to /elk of tier , to spear ot Apr, lila hoe 100.1g$4, 4i006 'will bp 'Tell, dark. • tier r -eves -shin hie with greet brifilititey, her hair hieek to, Jet, Unie, Certlet le it wouitie of rtanitrititble,. tl, Moreover, ot cite Sabin or '1)01 11,1 j er. D4poutrWaite,abe met .frook h ; fancy , peciptarly 'and. ,peopelrem etirly :Wag d' Witti , the elite of Peristaii" -eifltri will:lied: but 'tti ei.eltilll‘P. WO, 04 '''. tiolt of her home to beconie tits, acconti . plishesi wepilier:,,df-ffie world. ,'lo . stqtely , rummers, the . Valueof which ere doettled by their, einIpi jetty', 10 1111 mierring and itidicientt jrulgineut, : 'Utile. 041101-jelil3 .: ether • accomplikii., 1 Men tit 110' less 1 ireekitta• " Ohs' is, ill 0 v erY acceptation of the ,w,Orda viiir,y kind- hearted woman; ivilose eeedniliejl.0 - beeevelenoe are ineginmetibid, "See has -organized a regolar depart. meta at the lelyeee Balece lehich site di,. recta lieteelf,,the department of Charity'. Every day More their 200 letters address. 1 cd, to madame ! Carnet erieve itt.the Ele- 1 see,and en the ete,o( rent day the unto- i ber is nave thee doubled. Therie letters p; art', of'course, o0 Melly petitiotio, for.. ..,, 1 iiierandy. Tito examination Of this •volu. ihIPPos Mail is Mailenie Cstrnot's first t oceupation ow rising in the in 4rning. 1 AlLietteris,t6 her addreas; Withoitt.exceo• i hole arteplaced on\ nor ' Writing- table mid, after first sortime them 1411nd the t extensively personal envelopes?. Madame ' - a e a i p t I be fe4 the sketch sbarily4 for elssithy bi 110.0111 twitter known, Ifig; 04 a weasels in siesiety. All OsItgitietiu rentlarius homage to t bcaszteey, th eine oltartniag greoe ail god by iittentoo Oeruot at the series of brillteut receptions hold et tilltYindewre.e. as well as evening parties, ere arranged by her with reinurkable Mot turd profoiner knowledge of reefs. 4104100 illui Ottquette. it 11 some is elaborated or decided upon out of her presence; she oversee; the errengemente of ti- tepestriee then the gamily nyhti,le MUI tile placing of tlower-haskets. thitk , artistic taste 18 matures; 18 the sendiest dest!Alils8' to' the megaitee„, 0611408o and good elate Mildaine Ctrnuee toiteta, it eel; ioagbeen titiown that they teed the style In the ealono of high P.trieitta Okay. ,Brery time tile prettitienty.in: the `004.010;of one of his iettrneys., receive& n, gift of cloth, Silk or otilertvise„ Madame Carnot 'mooned: te wear at the, flea re- beptien the totter %Odell site lied math) Of .the material. : ' • .044 ithere has, beep. of late -in, Pols an elegant end, popularealon,-, - is • that of the Elysee.' TO g414 Mee of it, obe titivOingio0;,totrnorju4tatitut tity .oiftri• oi rettottelaraua rer bane Or of garden -04110e.. ' •• "g4qh of tuesa re.ClUeStEI IS eXileilliedi by ItLiiiiinte Corlett 111 lelre :ezrd.eeerecsiv,e...tlie,1C as Itt:7414100810ofhers.roAaermo:2'4143jpolit., Cernotle Moen! itrii Ala), was Tima&sy st, Perla and ; siVetinestley of 1410 n:ilaco °141ltt etircQgicESt wn807167‘vatrei' . theitiorrstg,insgentoht;',It:.81.V4esepeuKtiitouatbaaotaxatidet;s0•, mpeinr. ptal.fritunis of the item* In this salon ever -thing' Wat,4' 0i801.1000i, wia. with not, lee, except poliocs, a subject of voyetektion *deal) Madame Cernot never,provokes and alWaYs: avoids, ;ay- ingthus a neW ROO 02 1101 perfect tact "The afterneon 131me. 0ttritot u8tiallY1 eruplo0Yed 111 ineking PerdOnalviitr (111 sieillessShe went to eXposiione, welch Al ve1:43J614ni't°iikkteti: 1110 tune I0. aknespeci;tlIy, she Went every do' ea pass an hour or two either' at the Pelee° of Indtteiry r at tile Champs cle Mars. Ate°, Mine. Car. lot, whose mind is highly .cultivatted itt iterature and art, is inteusely iiiterested. n all •manifestations- of national enius. Besides Visiting expositions, she .egularly attends the receptionsof the Fiettoh Academy, first performances tit he great theatres, concerte, etc,. She •eads the papers and different reviews vith regularity. Itt spite of this Mine. Oarnot finds time e occupy herself with her househo Id. 'Withoutxoing so far sts 10 111)111 the" wool, he exercises incessant surveillance over verything. She is a rno_tiest housewife nd has watched over the correct keep. ng of tile palace as she dicl over that of tivate,houte. She was assisted in this sulk by N. ,Clerc, a sort of steward. who las general, Management of all the do- Illeatle establi‘irtneitt, cloor-lreepers,foot- men, cooks. coachmen and grooms. It is be who takes orders for tee servants' hall and delivers Mein. "Mlle. Antoinette' is at the \head of the wittiest, and is Male Carnot'a confident even more than her fennue de chembre. "All these attendauts, admirably train - d, are selected with the greatest care. - We. Caruot, knowing that good mas- ers make good servante, is very kind to er people; but,while trettiing peel with indttess she is also very firm with them, very fault is rigidly checked. 'It would be indiscreet to speak of me. Carnot as wife and Mother. She mply adored her husband and does ere her children. It is a model faiui ly- these domestic virtues. Never has ine. Cannot left to others tia care of mai/ling' by the bedside of her sick shamd or ehildren. "When the president of the reRublio as traveling, a telegram brought her 'ws of her husband two or three times day. All the bouquets offered to M. root were the same day peeked up ee:e .p,r,eed to Mine:Carnet, who lotee were verymuch. Hem Her rooms are always ornd with magnificent baiskets of we Her '43101id lilid Bea rolete. • She -They say flea, that. Boston Miss. Blinker, is exceedingly -clever and welt read. . He -Oh, yes, but as she is agreeable and. pretty. one can forgive her for it, -Carnot sends back the letters to Monsieur Lieut. Luccioni, who citiens them, reads them and marks upon the margin tile . eobjeot of the requeot. The mail, thole arranged, is returned to Madsitne Car- - not, who reads it.in her turn and points out, either by word of mouth or by line written by her, the course to be follow- ed. For you can easily see that .no for- tune exists !urge enough to permit' of giving entire satiefttoticin to mush one of thee° applications for aid. Distinctions muet be established ,• requests must be modified or even rejected. Tile most urgent are always attended to, that is to say that, after the investigation made concerning each SolJoitor, ratter is given to the most pressing cases. Let it suffice you to know that; on all average, a sum of 1,000 francs, or voo, is thug distribut- ed h,y.Madaine Carnet every morning, "I need ueit sp-eak of the gifts made periodically at the opening of the new year. le the mouth of Deeetrther, every, year, the, mayors ofthe twenty ar- rendisernents of Farb men filen toMarlatne Carnet the widows witlt the large -Lit number of children whose miserable conditiou calls- for assistance. Madame Carnet has clothing and shoes matio,and through her care these packages, always acoompaiiied by a Certain 011 111 Of money, ary seta to those for Whom they are, prepared. ' • ' s "The manner of giving is said to be of more importance time tliat Which is given, and Madame Carnot le inepired with this teutii, for in the porlinse of sparing the unfortenate moss all injury to then. self respect and or relieviug them fron) the gossip of theft, neigh. hors, the susitlies reach their recipients in a Very ingenieus 'way, Formerly they wet* delivered ' by an employ+3. whose galloostea eapindicate," their swivel° 1e0 elearly. IS'OW Madame Car - riot efirrusts all such paekages toa trees. - venation office, so that it is impossible for anyone to know that the reoeiver hag 1130t Phrellatied the goods, . ?snit one laht detail : . All germetits -thus' sent as New 'Vette» glee), are Made in Orphan noyitulie Which In tido way also profit, indirecilyi, by Madame Car. hON011arity. '0,51atitthie (.14004 eXpreSSOS, t00, the eteet-eilv eolicitirtie fet`orpitart artyluner. Hew Many of 000 eetriblielinbilts hire- WM Visited ' iiimloito and by her own order, without these' 'hilts being 'Mew tioned in the poet* 1 Onerr\ ay 'truly say of het, without fear ot a mistake; that her right leurd knowe not the good which her lett leutd deo. 4i.aer Jove for abandoned children' or for eioldy Women is evidenced by gifts, evee in the provfnooe Titus it le Mot when tile prestdiint of the republie Wait abOUC to take 4 Journey, *dams Carnet • *0014 iook infoemetlen erkeeeining, thri , 43 31 • 11 si ad • 31 .10 vi• ne a Ca fill tIO lid no A DRESS TO TAKE OFF OUTDOORS. The Nelveet Inven▪ tion for Women Who Ride the Iljoyole In Bloomers. • Li the nightly route of the bicycle on Bedford avenue, Brooklyn, et young woman frequently appears cht in divided skirts. A sight of her, mere glance at her, brings the positiv assurance that the divided skirt *i never be popular. She b a guy. To b sure, she has put twice to much cloth I her skirt, so that it looks as if one leg 0 ,it would make a walking skirt, Liu apart fronrtliat, it is a hideous, imp ruble garment. There is plenV of Olian0 on Bedford avenue and in Frospec %Park to Weigh all the new styles of dres wltii which lioluen are experimentiu in their swift movement toward dres reform. The long Pkidokerboolters inee with less approval.than anything exoep the divided skirt. Tile short bloomers Muting 81 tightditting leggings or very high unbuttoned boots, urn far 'ptettie garments. But skirts are still eltbig to, even no they cling to the women, and the best of these are probably the new estand mo)t aerutible and pretty things the woutenlikqelers are wearing. What are agreed to be the best are of two sorts. One le an ordinary eltirt made with as little ntaterial as possible aud falling only half way below the knee where it meets very high gaiter& In this costar/le the Wonntil looks all right when on the vtheel and when off it looks like it sixteen -year-old girl or a Swiss milk meld. Underneath tliat skirt the wearer dresses like all other women. The other most apiliroved skirt is one that is motel only when the owner of it is on terra firma oU her feet, 11 15 a skirt of blue or gray serge, nutde 10 button all the way dowti One side. , The wemer dOnirst pair of Woomera and high hoots, and" pine the skirt ;wound the handle -bar of her maohine, But 'When aim atoms ,to take hotelman-, or to. visit, Or to stroll ebeut, she,unpiesher and IMO it oie.-In putille, if She liked-. and thebeefOrth IS dream& docemptute. iy And 114, presentable us any lady slowill meet. „ attlit*allart Eating Heine. "It ." writes to the London TIMON from 8 army:. "The tolloWing is 0=0,i copy of placard outside 11 *poor ,nran eating -house hero 'Wanted. 4,- 00 men co dine,4pricelid. 11 11111 Of fare. beef.-inutioneesestreel ItIUtIoit piet-etereed Wiley* eoup Anti bread. I asked a man coming out what it wee like. He Seidl Viterty to eat, and well cooked; tio mint; °Jay lia had 10 'hurry up' to make room tot mine% At litha1esa16cei PURE ENGLISH PARIS GREEN Strausky Steel. Granite Ware, Blue and White namele • Kiteheil Ware, 00a1 Oil Lamps and Stoves, Hay Forks, Ray Rakes, Grass Sdythes and Suaths„, achine ariand ros., Ir• on 144011:10hEattatrsditare Old Store) Molt Block--NewStore, McKay 13loolc. In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for Omit liboiftl F01.001)20 in the pest three years, we beg to opnounee that the BAKERY and RESTAURANT ia in a bettor position timO OVOr to euceesefully cater to,the 1701118 02 the general public. ,:„We o our .eurti baking," save heavy expensesand turn out a (inaliti of BREAD, , BUNS, PASTRY, bAKES, 840," Neel le aoY in West.' ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. 'WDENNG CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread; Oe-livet:ed to tIP parts • of the OWL FRITS, CONFECTBONERYp 10E. CREAK COOL DRI MKS. Pie nitt'atid Pt4eete Getber'" Inge supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the,location--Pext Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block DPI Born Proprietor • pc Leslie s .Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS ANI\ WAGONS --211 of best work. manship and materia). StarAll the latest styles end most modern improve-, ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the time's. ster'FACTORY-coiner Huron and Orange Streets, Cliaton. 657_y 'THE WITOLAR .....•••••••••••••••••••••11.11111.1. Father cY Mother CrD Grandfather CYO Grandmother CY-0 Children •CYO And All. HEADS THE • NEWS -RECORD They read the Locals, the Storie, the Advertisements—every line •in the paper. Then they send it, to distant relatives interested in the town, as numerous post- masters will certify. The Local Weekly is the best -read publication in existence. It has the home news which no other paper gives. 1 Advertisers take notice—THE NEWS - RECORD is read by several -thousands of people every week, An advertisement in this paper i• s , therefore, ef some account. • e, 6 Subscribe for DIE NEws-REconp. AdvertiWin THE NEvrs-REcnnn. Wash Day Made Easy. have secured the right to mannfeeture th femme roffig10 Malting Machine. Already' have made and sold a Mother.; The purchatera are delighted. To nee the machine on . Wel Li onto ateke s sale If one le required. Wash -day Is made very easy and carpets elm be kept perfectly clean; no spli.k.aang or moot° water whatever. The price has been set ata very tow fiscal. The tuohthe cue be aeon at my recidenee 011 Thane Street. 11. COLE $00-tt 1 LIVE HOGS. WANTED. hignest Market Price Prtid. D. CAXTELOIsT, Clinton. ' It is of little use‘to urge Sit OliVseir MoVvitt to call the leglilature together in order too aucertain bore the govern.. merit otand$. Sir Cgivor belongs to that breed of people who bang ou ft office to the last possible minute. Re will delayits Oaten' 2111101151 )15 long as possible. SUILOIPS 'd.VITALPAIrate X) Mr'. T. H. Trawlilne, Oltattuttloga Tenn., ear)! ".5141/0/t rifdlitON ts,dirED .1tIT LX1114' X etatider it the kat paOtady ,k), a debilitated spIterit1 teeP tood.". Pot, Ilysp61)8114 Liver or Xitlfinv trouble it excels. Pried 15 cts. Bold by Z. /I Combo • Lord and tiy_Pandolph. Olturebtll are expecte in Montreal towards the • end of thistionth,othlwin iso the pots of Sir Wi1ftni Vtta 'lorries For 110•111.41119•1111 Sciatic ) )1,:a: 1111111.1Wsir,solidasftralsel• Akfizio 11 4 8 Norralgic TRY ONE APPLICATION OF THE • €iin 0ragn$ 9MEV-717-10f, BY•64567.- PLASTER _IT WILL DISPEL TREPAN LIKE MAGIC AN ACHING 'SEAM Bun SeVereheadache for the petit three years,. and was not free from it a single day. 1404;0401kt iletremo. 1 Uhed &Store' medi-, - eines and all Others X could think of, bttt 11 did me no goo. My oonsiii said Ennu•TRi -ynn DIOS '- bootee) It is the test medicine. ever Mader and I took three bottlee of it,with the retrult tbat liked cobipletayl cured inc. 1 think lingoes Blissa'''flietorep. both for „headaehea and ter a blood purifier, la *he OEIST IN THE WOULD, and am glia to reovireteld it 'to all toy ‘friettae, liteertoex Motionte, • 0110 Norrillte, Ont. r.