HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-04-17, Page 2Cuileara Helps Clear Away paladruff and Irritation , • On retiring, comb the. hair out stralzfla ruat toeltae,a Perdue,. gently rubbing in ticura vintawrit wee thc end of tie nnex. Anoint additional partings Until The whole scalp boa been treated. Place ,i,tiatit covering over the hair to protect opelovr trout possible stain. Thearaxt %morning shampoo with Cuticue, tog) and hot water. using plenty. of soap, Lest applied 'with we hands. Rinse in tepid ?,watra. ttepeat in two weeks if needal, ;cuticur& soap, Ointment and Talcum atle. each plue Canadian duties. 1 tha tale uneer the teturch in the eity, or the cue outside the walls on the i north, known as the Garden Tonna-- ' the latter is the 011Q. The Lorn's body INVP.3 placed in a toutb. The Roman officer had piereed tie side, so there could be no doubt of the fact et 1 Chriet's death. 6. Ile la risen -A rea- IKM W113' he Is not here, Timm words, have ever eurniebed inspiration to the followers or Christ. Ile "was dead," but is "alive for evermore," and late "the keys of death aud. ot nell." He bee tulfillea his prophecy and promtee. sea the Mace where the Lard laY-As if to give further assurance end Km - fort, Tao bet that they sougnt Jo - ears showed their love for him, And his resurrection brought a great Mad - nese to their heart, Christians nt all ages have gathered encouragement and strength trent this silliPle, , Yet forceful, recital of the resurrection ot our Lord. They have been strengtue cued or the duties and cenflicts of lire, „and have been encouraged to he ante Until death with the hope •of a glor- ious immortality beyond this life. 7. Tell his discIplee-The sorrowing, despairing dieelples must be tole.quick- ly that Jeene is risen. Peter% sad and. Penitent ite,a-rt must be cheered. Iuto Galilee --Before hie etucitixiort he had, told his disciples that he would go •••••••••-• Galilee (Mat. 26: Lesson III., April 20, 1919, Our Ittlien Lori. Baste% Leseon, Mat- thew, 28; 1-10. 0onententary.-1, The opened tomb kve, 1-43 1. in the end of the sab- bath -The Jewish Sabbath closed at sunset, but the night following is ' neve mentioned. first day of the week a -lit was early on Stuulay Morning. eam-e,Mary Magdalene and the other Ma-Itlary feom Magdala, whera Je- sus -nail Mired of demoniacal posses- sloo. "The other Mary" was the sis- ter of the mother of Jean., and the mother ot James the Less and Joses. With the. two Marys came Salome (Mark 16:11.aad joenua, (Luke 24:10). They had left their different homes at a very early hour, some while "it was yet dark" (John' 20;1), to reach the semilobre at about daybreak, to nee the empulehre-Their purpose was to embalm:en:le body of Jesus, since they had no thought that he -would leave the tenth in the manner he did. 2- a great earthquake -This occurred very ••ertalet Ite the morning before the women reached the sepUlehre: There was an ea.rthquake attending Christ's erteetfixien, and one attendtng his re- surrection. the angel of the Lord -A messenger sent on a special errand. His mission was to roll back the atone, toeover-awethe guards and to show the jesas' betty. Was not removed from the tofnb by the (Melina% Luke and -John speak of IWO angels, while Mat- thew and Mark mention one. The feet that they Mention but one epee •not prOve that •titsra Were not tave. 'rotted back the stone -A stone, io shape aornathieg like a mill -stone, was used tp close the 'entrance to the sep- ulehree-Cludst could have rolled tee back himself, butangelic agency Was employed in the ereat transaction. eat atponeltte-The Roman soldiers had been supernatarally overpowered; the • angel was sitang by the tomb that haft been gueernaturally opened. The angeravaa there to explain the diseat- neurone() of .the Lord. 3. his ,coun- tenance -"Appearance." --It. V. like lightning -Compare the appearance of the angel here, described with that of Christ at the transfiguration and that given In Rev.., l44 •15e The alMcaa- anee indicated aalia,evealy origin. 4. Orate= of him -The soldiers were guarding the tomb for fear that hu - Man hands might -steal away the body or -Jesus, and were not prepared for a aheaveoly .visttation, •the. watchers • eetliet quake (R. y)-ShoWIng that their terror twos genuine and extreme. as deed enee-They were eompletely over - Kerte by the experinces of that night. tette earthgeake and the dazzling splehe dor of the angel we,re wonderful to them. • - 11. The Maslen or the Women (vs. 5-3). teethe nage!. unto the .woment-sPne women had oreme to be sent ctn. aloyous mission, for their -Larch was alive and the good tied% nettstehee toitieto the disciples. It is prabahle that VarY Magdalene reach - ode theetoenb first and Kett that the etene wait -rolled away. She hastened to, tell Peter, mad while she was gone, the other -Women arrived and entered the eepttlehre. TheY were naturally affrighted at the absence of Josue and the 'circumstances attending his dinap- pearatme. One of the two angele men- the -Wed by Luke end John spoke words of corrifort to the women. fear not eleteeertne gamete ewe terrieied at the pieeence ot, the angels, but a. mesiage tefocomfort was borne to -the women by the heavenly visitors. I know -A re,asettriug proof that the angels were dleenely sent nPon this e -special (Sae orualtied--The followers of Jens believed that he wee dead, tor they went about the -duty of embalm tng the bedy, joeeph. of Arrnathael- tunight •the privilege of burying the bode' lit his own new tomb. TwO i0 etreachtiMed as the tonal, Lour fiord, and each of these places has its eating sinsporters, The Church et the Sepalchre stands over the spot wkieli le claimed to he tile place ef thsacrucifixiott and burial Of Christ. It fsewithirt the wane ot Jerusalem, while the place 'where Christ suffered was without the gate. Thie location seems to deck the hill Calvary, or Golgotha. 'Pita e.hurch es held jointly bY Greeks, Ramat( Catholics, Armenians and other ettote, and (Whereat et these falba no seeirt to wership placee and im- ages there instead of the living God. Chttside the wallet of the cite ou the hearth is a. hill that many regard as Calvary,. Its oboes° is like that of a Ault e'en, by is a garden and a 'tomb liniete Out of the solld rock. vibe hIR end the tomb answer well the de- OderilltiOn Wo Wive of the crucifixion taa resurreetIon of (trig, it .a the berlief of meaty, that ft either plea is 0* total) Where:011r bord was laid,- . A SPRING -TOW CA EATLY INCREASES YOUR EFFICIENCY Lay the Foundation of Good Health Now by Building 'Up Your Dipod and Strengthening Your Nerves. The good old fashion of taking a tonic, in the springtime, like lutist ofhe tcustoms of our grandparents, is based .upon 12011nd ermitnen eellSe and gpod mcdical practice. Na matter how mild the, winter it is a trying time, teen in the most favored climates, l'or those who are Ude rugg•td physical healf h, any women and children- go through the winter on reserve, strength they avetdup during .the sunny, summan er months, d grow increasingly palo as the spring days approach. A tonic for the Mad and nerves at this timo will do, much for .such people, by put- ting color in the cheeks and banishing that tired feeling that wor- ries thousands at this.,season of.the year, ' You can not be energetic if your blood is thin and weak, or if .your nerves are frayedaYed or shattered, tQU cannot compete. with others if you d6 net .got refreshing sleep at. night, or if you are losine weight. You need a tonic at ibis time to add to ,your effi- 3iency now,. as won: its. to save Mt from stiffering later On, Arid in before them tato 34; Mark 14: 23)., De appeared to then1 • all the realm of medicine there is no Seer or better tonic than Dr. beforegoing therebut his appearance Williams' P4ialt Pills for Pate 'People, These pills make newrich, •, , I the greatest number of his follow- red blood, which/circulates through every portion of the body, strengthening Jaded nerves and run -clown organs,. and bringing feeling of new strength and energy to weak, easily tired, despond- ent .inen, women- and Children. HAS A I3ETTER APPETITE,. CURED 014.10VS HEADACHES. Mr, D. 0. McCeure, lief/ley Creek, Mae. M. IN MaeLeod, ,Caledonta, P. 13. 0,, says: "Ae.a sliring tonio 1L, says; "I have usert Dr. WIlliams' koow of nothing else that ean equal PinkPins as a sprnedieln ing Ie with Williams',Pinle Pills; Last &pries • • • • - • ere was in Galilee.. e. Departed quickly from the sel:itlehre-Tnere was no fur- ther attiaction for them there slime; Jesus was gone. With fear-I3ecaame of the awe-inspiring, angelic vieltation. Great joy --Because of the resurrection of their glorious Lord. Their joy made thern swift of bet. A marvellous change lied come civet them within a short them, perhaps within,a few min- utes, They had been almost in despair over the death of their master. ,Through a leek of understanding and of faith they had nearly given up hope ot the eetabliehment a the new king- dom of wIaleh they had heard newel. A.11 was now changed. Jesus was alive, and they faith and hope would be greater than ever in the past from the very bet that he had riseu from the dead. III, Meeting Jesus (vs. 9, 10). 9. As they went -In onedienee to the angel's commend. It was a. glee roespage they woe bearing. Jesus met thorn -This. was the second appearance, The first appearance was to MaryMagdalene (Mark 16: 9). It seems that when she told Peter toulettjohn of the empty tomb they at once ran to the sepulchre to eee for themselves (Jelin 20: 240), and she also returned at once to the tomb. During her absence the othMr women had received their commission from the angel and had hurriedly left. Peter and John soon left alie, and Mary remained alone at the tomb weeplag. It was, then that Jesus it,p- ;neared to her (John 20.: 11-18), Later hi. the morning Jesus met the other women who had gone to tell the dist eiples, who were, probably scattered and may- have been some distance away. All hall -Literally, rejoice; the Greek salutation ot.i. meeting and part- ing. 10. Shall they sSe me -This nubile appointment' was made an order' that the whole body of diseinles might meet the risen Lortl. Questionsea-}IOW long was Chriet's eeody ii tbm tomb? What proofs are there that he was neaq? When did he rise from the deaa? Who eeme early to the sepulelme? 'Why din they peace? Describe the appeatanee et the angel. Whaawas the angers message to tDe awoman? Ito whore did our Laird firet appear? How die. the, Jove • explain the disappearance - of ChrisVe body • from, the tomb? What were the feel- . Ings of the (11§,eireee when they learned that Chrtst tad risen from the dead? What rippointment eid 'Jesus make with his diseiplee? PRACTICA.L. SURVEY, Tople.-The Meaning of Christ's Re. surrection. I. Its certainty. II. Its- assurance. 1. Its certainty. Five great person'il events are inseparably connetted with Christ's work of atonement. Incarna- tion, - crucifixion, resurrection, as- cension, intoreessien. Pour of theee tranopired within the realm of the tete , .11etelairist-thi esiteretre cetsfri /MI -tient -41.0S .bleelletelsta Smilthea-Ectie ind tettetiel, ettl, • Puee--iteM fit elite's resettle Reels ell tote( „e 504. frox. --44/trittegifits sort Sores 41144441,4•44•44,444. 4-4,••• ..........:,,,.....................,:.............a................... ii,t,.............. r 1 Ai Kidney Itepedy Kidney troubles are frequeintly 1 '-eguted by badly digested 'food which ..evertaltes theseergatis to eliminate the irritant Ratio at fornied. Help you etomitch to It properly .iligest the food bY Itaking. ilak•o grarope of Zittract . of Roots, acid as Mother Set)iet'S LCurative Syrup, and your kidney disorder will peoraptly ds.. apPeae. Get the genuine. 7 treesessameeteemeasasseetemmeasi I telt weak and. run doeva, and But- tered a great deal„Ironalbiliotts hee.d- aebes. I got halt a, doze* boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pitts, and after tailing satisfactory reeuits. Before I began their use I was (subject to weak (melte, but these have now' disapk,ettred, I The lastita,tind that my apPetite is better, and them 1 telt like a ;new Man. I have every coundence in your pills tuele from whica ,I &lettered had Wm - appeased, I had a better 'Waite, and as a bleed builder. was in every way strorfaer and bet- ter than betore I began the use of this medicine, Almost e'veryone neens a tonic in the spring, and tor this pur- pose I can strongly advise Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pillsa! a * a ' NEVER FELT SO,WEL.L. I Miss Beatrice Bishop, ,IF'endale, N. 13., says; "I have never:telt so Well as 1 da since taking 'Dr. Williams' Mak Pills, When I began their use I was very much run down. I had Ito color, no appetite, could not ao up stairs without stopping to rest on the way. I had 'Prevent headaches and a feeling of despondency. I took Pink Pills regularly rod about eight week's and -while I telt a benefit from theni almost from the first, at the end ot that time I was in better health than I hod ever enjoyed before,' I ereely give you permission to publish this letter am my experience - may be the means. of pointing the way, to new health to some other weak and tun down girl." , • • 4 - , GAtelED WONDERFULLY., Mrs. Herbert Hanson, of Lower Elaieesville, N.B., says: "l'have the veryhighest regard for Dr. Williams' ?ink pins, Before I begau their use 1 sotteree greatla with sick headaelie, dieeineess and a 'feeling a apprieeloe 4,D4.oro4ilees..K., shprt 'treatment with the pills' Cully restored ma healta, My daughter,Blanche waa suffering ft•em anaemia, and through the use, of Six boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink pille site gained wonderfully in weight, stent ia sold Ity all medicine dealers Of will be aett general health. Weathink so numb sent by mail, post -paid, at 50c a box at Dr. Williams' Pink7Pills that we ot' six boxes for $2.50 by The Da. are never withone tnisint lo the nem% William' Medicine Oo., Brockville, and I ceosider' them my -best frietul.';' Get, t . — eiseilte ------------,-4 .. .., . work of etioaeraept. Itawars the crown,- I tR Meeeitthship attel the !: culminating I • - JANS 010 ag emonstration ef lS dije Sooshio and J. peoof that he Was.- "a' teacher seat i - a.. . — ' Son of God with power....by the re - from God." He was "declared to be tile , , , , LANI woRK surrection from the dead," It was the natural and necessary completion of the work of atonement, the eequel to the cruelfixion and the ground of les- Beha,ved Splendidly C)11 Lineation, "He wee delivered for mit , • offences and was raised, again for our Archangel Front. ..., .. visibie and clothe materiel edam; the ,ast en Lao pmne of tae spiritual and withot the unseen. The first four are fnisned traneactions; the priestly work of the fifth will coutitue ttntll mtereeesion gives place to judgment. Phe resurrection stands Midway in redemptional proasetee. Toward it all the preceding tend, and in it find con- eummatIon; front it the succeeding . flow. It is ono of the elementary truths of thc) Christian system. he pleee and Importance set it among the Christian verielee, e. corner -stone in the edifice of human redemption Josue predietea His own regurrectien, and jt e evidences must equal thew) of His -death, and afford firm footirg for Oheistian faith, The death and resur- rection of .Chriet are always aecmciate ed In apostolic preaching. The one le completed itt the other, and With It the' whole gozpol stands or foils. Withouta resurrection there Is no measage. Peel meltefe St. the pivotal point o Christlsn faith: "If Chrtet be not raised, your faith is yarn; ye are yet in your OW No feet of Chrest's earthly eojourn le more felly attuned. There aro two:ivied ten distinct ap- pearancee between the resurrection and a0een3400, With one exeePtlall the place and with two nneptions the time ere derinItely staled. On one oe- mime alitive f:Ve hundred Willies:ate Were present. 'die ehowea flitiselt alive atter Ma peeelen by nittlY in` fallible Proefe." • • It, Ite assurance. The reettreeetlen of /ems confirm tho past. Agee of preattratitof oultninated in the crow, the decisive Meeting -place •betweett men'e ein anti Godes grace; but with. out the reeurreetion the purpose of His death was frustrated. Prophetie deciaratione and hopee were in ens. peree until it was a,ecoreatthed. and patriarehel faith Van felito If it wee unreal (roa-16. 9, 10; job. 19, 25). It eatabliehes Chrlet's own etupentious • aettertleme, If hietorleally true, it eon- firme lila entire Maim and publittlY attests the Father.* aceeptanee of Hie $, - • STRONG AND -WELL Ma H. II. IVIcKelvey, Ororiot Ont., s.s.yst "eity experience With Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills has been of the most fatforable kind, At the time I began them nee 1.-3Y4S_8O wealt.end run down that I could hardly- go about, My stom- ach was also out of order and the teal I took did not seen to do me a. bit of good. Then Dr, William' Pink Pills came to ley rescue, and under tlieir use vay stomach grew better, my general health mproved, and I was soon as healthy and vigeisue man as I had ever beett. -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, with the use of Pinklets as a laxative when needed, Is now our family medicine, and we 'woulti. not be Without them." "trio krona eurfaces and the melting mow are shaking moventeut dint eat. In the atstion of •Sred Mekhrenga, April 64 the dt, c() was carrion out ti y the Liverpool 'MI Yorkehire troops, aad a company 'trove the RilfiSiall army, sup- ported by artillery of the Slavo-Brittsh Allied. Legion, under Britten (=sere. The defence of Bolshie °zeal againet the attacks of Aprir 7 was. carried Mit by the Russian National AmIXIY, whose artillery had French officers. Tr Was their first fight and they ,bellaved with exceptional steadiness. 'In one case a Section of the elan new howitzers were taken out of the gun lens and reversed, at et range Of 400 yards, againet a large body of the enemy on sitlis, A tome - ant, of American infantry was in 'sup- port of this sector. "The HOW Air Force greatly as - Rested with Canadians, South Africans and Russitute tut pilots and observers." syme UP YOUR BLOOD, The %nurse of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is to build up the blood. They do this one thing and they do it even. They wee, (or this reason, an invaluable remedy in diseaseS'arlaing trate bad or deficiedt blood -such as anaemia, rheumatism, nebralgia, wane in the back or side and 'the atter ef- fects of influenza or feitera. It you are suffering from any lrottbles due te weal, 'watery blood or shaky nerves, a fair ese of these piles will restore yea to full health and strength. Dr..Williams' Pink Pills -are DYING LIKE FLIES. Flu." Taking Terrible Toll of Labrador Folk. $11•••• • MI, !SMEKES.S. NJ.6.111S. OVERCOMELW SAFE ME11101) 1Tarbor Orace acoort seta's: ida, John Malta°, of Messrs. a. ia McBee 6i Sone, received the following telegram showing the terrible ravages Influenza eas made on the Labrador coast amongst „1.11e aagerintatix population. if at all Peesible (and it is not possible, by wee of Quebec), aid should be sent in the shape of doctorand medicine to save the remnant of those poor natives, The Government ehoule also take measures • to prevent our own people going down mere in thousands next sernmer from meeting ,i like fate. Influenza is ex - Perste(' to revisit Buren° and Americlt. next year in as more cies.clly form. Amonget the thileas found to be, se.re- amnia to some astern elsewhere is In- oeulation with mnste. lf our modloal 'society approve, the Government shout eocure a supply for our NowtoufldIlulfl andLaareder population, and have enough doctors. nurses and other means or retie in readiness. No time is to bo - test. Battaie Harbor, via Engo, March 21.- • "Me, Jack McRae: Many hutuirects • quimaux dead of Labrador Spanish Influ- . enr.a. ()kelt nearly cleaned out; 'lett- ron, over BOO dead; Nair', OTOr 100, Nm- - *her a bodice) eaten by dogs, and over too bodies buried in one pit. Ilenevetl that oot over 409 Esquimau% left on coast. Weather tnitd, No lee any di- rection. Wind southwest. - S, W. Brazil." Er As a vermiletge there Is nothing so potent as Mother Graves Worm Dx- terminator, anti it ean be given to the most deneate ebtld without tear of Maury to the constitution. • lustificatiort." If lie remained a prey . to dpath, 11 cmild not redeem others and His priesthood vanishes. The re- surrecti9n of Sesus artifiee immortal- ity. It is the.greuad and pledge of the change, resurrection of believere :Without it 01•••••••••••••••••••••••••• MI Allies in Prisoner Mt- ••••• the Chrietian dead . have peritthedr*. to An Arehattgel cable: The SCommis_ .jaeeseu.seanectkenieee afree9TtheGdoda falliododwoefultight sten which is to confer 'with the Bol- a sheviki regarding the exchange a Bol - into the unseen world, revealing conscious Mid poettive lite of holittess,Prisonero will include British, Amerl- of blessedneas and of glory in a per- can and Freneh officers. The con - footed liketierat te litmeter In body, ference is expected to be held tonle3r. soul and spirit. W.H.C. - • Up to date tnere are 43 Amerlean soldiers listed ma missing, No °file - IL S. ASSE•SSORS NAMED. ers are on the list. It 18 coneidered Washington repoft; Lieut. -Col, II. G. that perhaps half ine massing men Attlee and Major Sidney R. Underwood are possibly prisoners. have heon named 1)y Secretary of War There was some artillery activity Baker as the "Canadian contract eases- sors," provided by the Canadian Ger. yesterday on the I)vIna-Vaga Sector, eminent in the organization of tho portal Munitions Board. The two °fa- cers will act as the representative of the tt. S. in the settlement of war eontratts which 'were placed in Canada. No One need „endure the agony of come with HolloWayte Corn Cure at hand to remove them. . but the situation bit all toe fronee .z ' FOUGHT TO LAST TO HOLD ODESSA .4•441,41.4•444441.44••••••44 1 t Reds Were 7 t 1 Against Allies Who Were Rescued13y War- ships. 4 OGESTIONS GIVEN WHEREBY INSOMNIA CAN BE SAFELY AND QUICKLY CURED. Worry, overwork, overstuda awl in- digestion cause insomnia. itlealtay, natural sleep can't be pro- duced by drum. First, the blood ciretklation Meet be 1111Preved Cougeetien of bleed m the head ; Irritation in the brain must he re - e Meet hremoved. beeawse Verrozone etniallzee eireulation, because it soothes the ir- ritation, because it removee congee- Lion that tt does euro Melanie.For For building blood and nerve, for instilling force and life into Over - Worked 'weans, for eetablishing strength andvitality, where eau You rind anytaing so efticient Ferro- zone? • •Reenember, is lust as import- ant a8t) food.°u Ytuusteeleele Or break down, but if you'll use Ferrozone and thereby remove the ceneitions which aow keep You trom sleepaYou'll get Well quick- ly. . ie Forrozone let .not a narcotic pilot e dope; it is --a healtie-giVing, tonic that any rchlla or delteate woman can use. Absolutely safe Is Ferrozone. Take a for a month, take !tater a 'g• Year -no harnie but trantneeneable cod willresult,, , To sleep welia.look well „feel well, to be free froill depression, Wows - nese or blues -time Perrozone•tiVe 11. food tonic, a healer to the wonky and wretched, a boast to the &tattles's - sold in 50c boxes, six for • $11,5N an dealera, or direct' from The Catarrh - ozone Co., Kingeton, Ont. 13 ' A Geneva cable: Some details cola ceriaing the evacuation of Odesas, by the allies have been, received here from Bucharest. Theee are to the ef- fect that the anted army Was over- whelmed by the Ukrainian Soviet troops, who outnumbered them sin or seven to one. The alike fought stubbornly in° the etreets for many hours, but 1111811Y retreated to the port, where they were rescued by allied ehias. The French troops sofferea meet, The advieee from 'Bucharest say the retreat lit the allies has greatly encouraged the Bolsbialki, The Bolshevik armies whieh cap- tured Odecea are now tryiog to pene- trate the Ceimee. Thee have alreetlY come In +contact With the France - Greek troops, who, according to Boa shevilt reports, were driven back. The Bolshevik' eattured Porekop, one hundred miles north of Sebastopol, EGYPTIANS MAY MAKE HOLY WAR ;Trouble There Threatens to Turn On Religion. Gen, Allenby Reports a New Ministry. • Itir WORM TORONTO .M&RKE VS. vArtmxas' InA1tIC41.% Dairy 1'rodu20- 13utter, 0110.1Jn dairy ....10 68 $0 02 Do., eietimery . „ 0 65 0 '/0 Margarine, ...... 0 40 Nus, new laid, dozen.. 0 RI 0 55 - Cheese, lb, .... 0 35 0 40 Dreeeed Poultry - Turkeys, Ib., . Fowl, lb. ...... Citickeas, roasting ••••• Fruits - Apples, basket. .. . Do,, bbl, 4 • VegetableS--- 13eots, Peek . .... . . „ , Do., bag a. , ..... Cerrots, peck .,.. Do., bag ...... Cabbage, each .. . Cauliflower, each Celery, head ..... Lettuce, 2 bunches Do., head „ Onions, 75-1b. sack . Do., basket_ Do., pickling, basket Do„ green, buiielt Leeks, bunch parsley, bunch ..„ .... Parsnips, bag Do., peek .... Potatoes, bag .... Rhubarb, buneh . Sage, bunch . . . Spinach, peck Savory, bunch • • • • • • • Turnips, bag Do., peak .... . „ 0615 0 60 01115 042 040 0415 30 0118 0150 125 oo 10 00 0110 100 110 • 4 030 010 0215 010 0 40 010 025 0*i6 010 0„20 200 260 030 060 040 075 005 010 0 30 01015 100 110 0,25 080 100 170 010 013 005 010 00 0715 0015 010 075 020 OUTER MARitETS WINNIPIIIG GRAIN EXCHANGD. Fluctuations on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange yesterday were as follows: -- Oats - Open. High. May ...(10 71% 0 72% 'July . .0 734 0 72% Flax - May . .363 3C15 .71113T • .3 584, 3 59% Barley - May, .„b1 00% 1 01% 1 0014, 1 00% July .1 00% 1 012,, 1 001/2 1 01% a -To 72%e sold. b -To $1.01% sold. MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. Minneapolis -Flour ,unchanged. Bar- ley, 95e to $1.04. Rye, No. 2, PM*, Bran, $38,00. Flax, $3.811/2 to p.m*, . DULUTH LINSEED. Duluth -Linseed -On track, 83.8514 to $3.861/2; arrive, $3.851/2; May, $3.851/2 bid; July, $3.791/2 bid; October, $3.45 asked. WOOL MARKET. London -The offeripgs at the wool sales to -day agg,regeled 11,000 bales. The market closed strong. Choice Cross-breds and inerfnOs were 15 per cent to 25 per cent„ and other grades 5 per cent. to 10 per cent. over the GoVerinneet sehedules, Coarse cross nreele were unohanged. Practically MI of the 7,800 bales of the latter were , sold, ladicating the urgency of require- Menas. London cable: (Reuter Despatch.) -Ilteuter's learns that some apprehen- sion is felt that the trouble in Egypt, Which was fomented at the beginning entirely bY Nationalist sentiment, may take a religious turn and that the na- tive tribes may dnetere a Holy war agabast the British Empire. There is reason to believe that the natives may have been affected by Turkish propagandists who are in ?ao way friendly toward Britain. Steps are 'being taken_ to deal who thispoosffic sibillaitiett ,rhepress bureau at Cairo to -night issued the following atate- raent: "Gen,, Allenby reports that g new Ministry in Egypt wee formed Yea- tertlay; with.HaeSein,lattchill Pasha as President of the Cottnell, The prov- inces are gala, hut elentoristrations In ,parts of Cairo on April 9, the, feature being hostility toward Armenians by Parties Or relighe." to It. Rub it In for Lame lenek,-A brisk rubbing' it Dr...ThoInas' Eeleotrie 011..win cure lame 'ilea, The sk1n will immediately absorb the oil and It will penetrate the titteuee and nring sPeedy reliel, Try it end be convinced. As the lizeinient 'ink in the pain' wines cut and there are ample grounds for saying that its touch is Inagleal, as it is, SMITTS' TRIP. * • 40 - NO CURE1 NO PAY (Cure Your Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, eirooehlat Asthma and • Hoarseness as We Cured Ours) We have hundred,, 01 teattnonials from every part of Canada testifying to the wonderful healing power of White Bren- CMOs Mixture. Mr. Clarke, 770 Indian Head, Toronto, conghed for 35 yeah with Bronchitis; it cured him. Mrs. Clarke, No. 1 Yorkville avenue, Toronto, coughed for lb years; one bottle cured her. John B. Gibbs, Omens., suffered fifteen years with Bronchial Asthma, and says there is nothing like it. W. Mc- Draynek New Liskeard: It is the great- est mixture I ever„ took; mend me three; more bottles. The above are only a feW names of the many thousands that have benefited by this great mixture. Write any of the above. They will bo only too pleased to tell you more about It. • The above mixture is sold under an iron bound money back guarantee to cure any of the above ailments. Ten times more powerful than any known preparation; acts like mo-gic; one dose gives Instant re- lief and a good night's rest without a cough. Ppice BO tents; 15 • centsextra for mailing; three bottles mailed free for 01.50. Sold only by Buckley, The pruggist 97 Dundas street east, Toronto. oomparatively quiet. . • • Minton April 10,-A War ' Office 'MOVEMENT DIFFICULT. TROuBtE ovER coMMunieation dealing With the sitUa- tion on the Archangel front Was fatted to -night. It PaYsi .1•4140',44..44.••••••• J.N44**4•4• 0.444.44.1*.•••*•••••* Donu 6S2 ciMa3tRe? 66b W -g . The war -tax has pito. tioallydoubled the price of the hest grades of thatches, and,has Tore than doit.131.c4 the price of the cheaper 44cl the tax adds nothing to the value of the match. You ean'e lbt your pipe with, ihe tax, yot you pay as much on poor match as On et gOOC1 Otte. EDDY'S MATCHES have more than ilx.ty years of experience behind thent: Among the 30 to 40 different brands roado in this huge faddy With an autpitt ttf /0,000e600 blotches a dey, there is a match for every purpose. Anti each te the best of its kind that eur everiettet cart devete. Idstet 05 Eddy's lelatehee and sst real teatchavalutt for your money. See that Eddy't mete 1$ on the box, The E. tte EtittY CO* Limited 'HULL, Canada titsv Makers of fratatafad ribrawars and Peva. Spsolatitet lietie 111 m140.4c1L)Tiii ttfeetoTteit ferSTe 1 tl11 eiera. I Coe- ite • PEACE TREATY Secrecy of the Big Your Re- sented by Rest, Allied kowers. Are Oriticis- Low, Close 071 O711/2 0 7,2% 0 72% 3 63 3 641/2 3 5814 3 58½ itlEnlinitivi4 tios4 ornok ovitiol‘ oyo. Maks Wooo s1 sl000so of -104400 . obloprowtr * ibe *OA peelltheillt note sTotook WOO. OtilPtaX, P430100010: Vtoot(toot .1140fotoir • , PLITOHllt 00,01.411, A01.01, W$014001, 004 Dudley liQhnea .. • Ptlift*TWA, *01,14)110‘, *1% I 0010, MVPIr .0140t W1010000, Itanstono mow to it** st" IVO* 00100, 1140010111101 /40.0 094,10111314, ••••4•••••,•4••••••••*••••••••••••••••••04••••••VOI ing It Now, A Paris cable: The report of Gen• eat Jan ‘Chrietian Smuts coiaeerning hie visit to Hungary_ and the entire cireumstenees eurroundIng his mis- sion are prOVoltIng tench critieferta in Enteate circles. Although •Cleneral Stunts' wile authorized ta go to Buda - Peet Int the Colancil el Pour, the na-1 turo, of hie.. plesion was not cicarlY defined. , The French and other allied Gov- ernments are provoked beeause the statements of Bela Kiln, the Him-, garian Foreign "alisilster end leader, of the ISoviete, gave the impression that °Mora/ Smiles had diplomatic standing, and that his cottferenees aliLb tb.e Hungarian offloiale consti- tuted recognition by the Eateete of the Soviet Doverament. While the dipiOniatie standing of General Sthuts as deleted by syirtually all the Entente delegations, the im- pression is gaining ground that his trip to Hungary was ditetted chiefly by the British and that it was not empathetically supported bY the her Veteran Tells of a, Terrible Experience `BEFORE 1-18 FOUND RELIEF tN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. - et ••••..••••••14..• Who Oppose Huns Getting Postmaster of Hereford Points' the Terms Pirst. Way to Health to Other Sufferers • from Kidney and Bladder Trouble. A .Pari, Cable: The pinery 'session of the Peace Conference to-mobrow is awaited With witch intered because of the dissatisfaction 'existing among the smaller flattens. Tho indications are that there may be interpenatIons con- cerning the secrecy With which the .Lag Four is surrounding itself, and rumors that negotiatione MaY °Peri with the Germane without fully advielog all toe peace delegates of the terms of the - treaty, Withottt exception Hue entMler aellene are said to be ilisplefteed et holes kept In the dark. The Council of Four le strongly op- posea to official publication of the Desks treaty basil:" its sshrsission ths Germans. It maintains that It IS allowing positive sletiscoos to be one noupted end that Consegeently the ponlie will be aftelsed oti all the main Points before- the treaty is eignati. This platen:teal and facomplete publat vett= It unsatisfactory to many of the delegates Who are Urging that the neople a the allied tonetrlea ahould, hate tlut tett Of the peace' treaty fetnn their offithils before the Cierrefille an rielInte it with their interpretations. Wattly!----Yott tniet her husband is stono-deaft Pile 'wants more dia.montle antlehe wert't bear of it. --Town Tonle& 4 • LENS MINES. Huns May Restore Them, Relieving Saar Valley, A Paris cable says*: The Council of Four re,ached an agreeMent title after- noon on the Saar Valley. The agree - Mont leaves sovereignty over the valley unchanged, but accords o Frante free of duty sufficient coal for the, Lorraine iron industry and to replace the pro- duction of the mines destroyed in the Lens mining district, with the privil- ege to the 'Germans of restoring the Lens mlne,s and thus relieving the Saar Valley of that charge. This agreement removes one of the •most difficult obstacles to the conclu- sion of peace. - Hereford, Que., April 14th, (Special). -Mr. A. PeabOdY, the Veteran post- master here, is one a the Muer old people who claim i to have reeetved new lease of iliettnroutth the use of Dodd's Kidney Nile., Mr, Peabodlt is in his 84t11 Year, latt wonderfully strong end aotiVo for one of his Age. Bat he tvAs not Always thus, "For Alai YearS," tte ems, IA telling hia fttory. "I (mattered freal kldney and Wager trouble. I had those sheep, etreaky, lightpiug Pine through my mueelea, even to MY fin- ger tips. "in lif41-ch,.1.017, I Wee taken With a Shaking chill ea4 deathly pales through abdomen, greine, and the small of my hulk. 1. vets confined to niet bed, tor three weeks, during whieh time I often had to get up as often ,as twenty or thirty Ulna a do, "I tried many remediets, but got' little benefit till I tried bodd's Kid- ney Pills. In three days 1 got relief, anti three boxes cleared all the pains out Of uor eyetelti. I elect rest much better at nights. "X am Maros glad tO tell other eat - faros from kidney and bladder trouble what DodtVe Kidney Pills tint far me." Ask your rteigbbors about Dodd's Kidney Pills. • * Arthur 1 Irwin D.D.S., 1...D.S. Doctor of riental Surgery of the Penn. sylvania College and Licentiate of,nen. tal aurgery or Ontario. Closed even Wednesday tifternoon. Office in Macdonald Block, %/VW? LE DEAF? When those pronounced incurable by specialists are being successfully treated by Dr. Mayen. The Mayell Improved Way is very different to methods Of or- dinary specialists. Patients liniove from tlfe first. Why not reap t ese benefits yanrself? Send Stamp for ishok- let, Dr. E. W. Ms.yell, Heintzinan Bldg., King and John streets, Munition, Ont, Mena Garfield 3178. • • NEAR MUTINY ;IN1 US. FORCE W. R. Hamby tattee M.D., O.M. S pecial attention paid to eneeaette ot ViNeetten. and Ohildeen„ barna* taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Ucteriology arid ReleattOtt Medicine. Offite in the Kerr residence, bet twOlut ate Clueeree Hotel and the Baptist Ohurch, brailttoss jrivan careful attention. Mose ft& P. O. Pletz 1.111 Dr. Rabt. C. Redmonct ' (Ent.) Lactdo,r-„ (ton4.) PHYSICIAN AND--eunturoK (Dr, Chishetrall old - stand), • DR. R. 1 STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto. Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate Of the Ontaria College of Physicians , and Surgdons. OFFICIO ENTRANCE: SECOND DOOR NORTH OF ZUREIRIOG'S PI4OTO STUDIO, JOSEPHINE ST. PlION 29 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. F. A. PARIVER. Osteopathy trailds vitality sad strength. Adtistnient of -the spire) end *ter therm isegentleaseteuren,:thert tal. timoving the, .screptpoid4, wages 14 disease. .11S1ood presumes., and. her examinta 'time made. Trusties ieliatiffestly lite to& OFFtoft °vim cipitts-mrs Risars--fraudays s ate. ,to f p.m.; Wodoisdayo, f to :a Loa Oates days by teepolintenenk Archangel Incident Graver Than First Thought. War Department 'Seeking More News. Washington report; The War De- partment isStled,to-night an official Statenient conflriding Associated Press advices from Archangel that what rinl- °anted to a mutiny occurred among the AMerlean troops there On March 20. A coMpany of infantry, the mes- sage stated, refused to entrain for Ile front Until personally urged to- do so Int -Col, George W. Stewart, ceranland- ing the American contingent, Cpen threats Wee° made of general Mutiny Illaese a definite- statement from Wash- tugtott insuring early WithdraWal was forthcoming. The department has cabled for more infatuation. From the message re- ceived to -day °Metals were t1110,ble to aseertein Whether a, cOndition•Of tlitY had fa feet developed In -the past tel elttYs, renalag faller udvid34, ao eentMeat waS fertitcOMIng ea to the emu's& to beinzrsuad, Tho offielel report Makes the Irma dent (Welt Mare iterlOus than the orig.. Ina press aecounts, intimatioes that a general feelint of unrest pervaded the entire force have come provioesly from General IrOtteldes, the fliriash Commander -in -Chief, Th(1 despateh leaday did tat Alton to. whet extent Bolshevik " rootiaPo- dists could be held respene'ele for the behavlot of the troops, aor had any ittformation reached the department tending to show the eateet to Whicb the rebellious attitude may have Spread through the Whole Anierican contin- gerit. The d39t11 Trifantra of the 85t1t DI- Vielon forms the bulk of the American tontingent in the Archangel region. - 4,4.4. • --,14111SAY Any man may attend his life in the pursuit 01 -money. It he nappetta to be a bell tolleeter. -General -1-ispitai (tinder Governmena Inspection). PilettaentlY situated, beautifully dent. nished. Open to AU regillarly %tensed phyaiclant. Rates far patients .(Whielb Include board and .nursing)' -$4.90 tee 05.00 per'week, ;cot/rang to location Of room. For further inferniatione•-• Address 1.1 1 SS L. MATH E W 8, . Super' otetniento Sex, 223,- Winghem, Ont. I SELL Town and Farm proportion Can Pen ass triyetint zed atit•reY Prieema i Wei HMO inceolleat MOW% 3 G. STEWART WifiGHAM. • Pleas. IM. Office in TOWtt th411 J. W. DODD (Successor to J, G. STEWART) FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT and HEALTH INSURANCE. P. 0. Ito* 366, Plitnie 198 WINSHAM, ONT, John F. Grovt unit Olt . • 111EARRI &GE 1.10E1SA2 TOWN HALL WittiteliAte Phones-reffIce gdi; ResIdettes 11111. ..•••••••••••••••.•••••**1••••••••..... NEW CiMMISSION TO VISIT BERLIN To Report On Political, Eco. nomic Developinents. Pars of a New, llaVical, Regime. Paris, April 13. -Increasing concern is expressed here over the develop- ments in Germane', espeelally as to their threat to the continued existence of the present Government, because it le believed to some quarters,. at least, a continuance of the exleting Govern- ment is desirable in the interests ot otheaesrsateat,c,d Governments as well 53 ron An authoritative vieW is OM if the present cealition Goverpmeht In Ger- many is overthrown, It lo 9.1111081 cer- tain to be succeeded by a radial re- gime front which little in the line Or etability, responsibility and SOIVeity for the purpose of reparation paymente allbaleenxgthe P eetled" etzlneed of' acenrate end direct information from Germany it •, has been decided to Mel a neW mtg.. sion of investigatiou _to Berlin to study and report on political and teenomie developments, The tommisslon will leaVh Parts next week, Sweater 011ie. A mart wool slipover. INitted in new square web. effect. Sleeveless and collarless. D -Cep square neek °Denier'. hoTrol: tilteptic refuse; to at a gift cigar -where he 'Wouldn't look a gift