HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-06-27, Page 1k.r
fr1114,lS.-$I,5o per Annum., 1415 In Advance.
A. Iwo moptit 1/11i'Ito* "tall Owuor '
�OL. X,
Best. Qualities
, Ales, Porters.
es, Liquors
on the market at
the .fewest livi
sit 10 cents per Imperia
ways cool and fr
ng prices.
ER on draught,
1 Quart. Al-
Sole' Agent for Pilgrim's
`New York: Ginger Ale, Le
Lemon Soda, Birch Beer and
Mineral Water.
J. W. RiTER,
Specialties in Household and Medic
mon Sour,
The members of L. 0. L. 794 will at-
tend divine service in the English
church here on Sunday next, July 1st.
The Rev. Bro. E. W. Hughes, of Ade-
laide, will preach.
Friday, June 29th, has been chosen
as decoration day. The members of
several of the different secret societies
in town will march to the cemetery to
decorate' the graves of the different
brethren and sisters.
A good game of lacrosse was played
here in the Maitland District series on
Thursday afternoon last. The follow-
ing is the names of the home team :
A. E. Griffin, goal ; Dan Calder, point ;
• A. Dinsley, Cover point ; C. McLeod,
TON. W.Fargaharsan and G.McLauchlin, de-
inal fence ; T. E. Cornyn, centre; J. Mc-
Douogh, F. Dinsley, A. E. Stuart,
home ; Art Can outside and W. Van -
stone inside honie. The home teaui
succeeded in winning three straight
goal for the visitors in almost an hour.
Can scored once and Cornyn twice
for Wiughani. The game was a very
entlemanly one and the visitors were
ell pleased with the way they were
he performance given by the Wing -
Dramatic Club on Thursday even -
was well attended. The play
ng the Breakers" was under the
ement of the well known couie-
om Marks. The hall was; well
d the lacrosse boys are to be
lated on the success which
with as this is the first con -
ever undertook, which
ancial success.
The young people of Knox church
held a successful lawn social on Satur-
day, on the grounds of Mr. J. T. Gar -
row, M. P. P.
The farewell • social to Rev. Mr.
Howell, on Thursday evening, was
.largely attended and successful in
every particular.
The aspirants for the Collegiate
Institute will commence writing to -
The ...Public School promotion ex-
aminations are now in full progress.
%Mr. S. Davis, of Clinton, Suridayed
with his brother G, N. in the circular
Miss Clara Robertson, of Buffalo, is
spending a few weeks in Goderich.
Miss Elwood, is home from Trinity
Principal Park leaves for Exeter
to -day, to conduct the entrance exam-
Mr. Jno. Elwood was in town this
Mr. Joseph Doyle, who is attending
college in Atontreal, will spend the
summer vacation at the family resi-
On Saturday a boy got beyond his
depth. when bathing, and being unable
to swim, shouted loudly when he found
himself sinking. Aid was close at
hand, however, for W. K., who was
close by, was Soon near him and after
a little struggle got hint on his back
and brought hint to shore.
- Mr. Robt. LeTouzel, of Ann Arbor
Univesity, Mich., is spending the sum -
Mee vacation at the family residence,
• West street.
r. R. H. Collins, of Exeter, was in
t the past week.
'Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Reid, of Kingston,
are spending a few months at the
gentleman's old home. Mr. Reid is
just recovering from a severe attack of
typhoid, and intends to thoroughly
recuperate before starting business
For Dominion Day the G. T. R. will
run a late train from Goderich thus
allowing visitors to take in the fire
works exhibition.
The splendid steam ship Cambria
will give several'excursions on Domin-
ion Day.
Miss Thiiis, of the Ladies' Helmuth
College, is home for the summer vaca-
tion. •
A young people's picnic to Bayfield
on Friday afternoon, had the pleasure
•of being caught in the thunder storm.
Mr. Philip I3orton returned from
Helmuth College on Saturday.
Barrister Malcomson, of Lucknow.
was in town on Sunday.
Maitland lodge. No. 33 A. F. and A.
M. celebrated the Festival of St. John
the Baptist by attending divine service
in St. George's on Sunday afternoon.
There was a very Large attendance
Clinton sending twenty brethren, and
morning Star Lodge a fair member.
The sermon, and able Masonic tribute,
was preached by the rector Bro. Mark
Turnbull and the music by the choir,
under the leadership of Mr. Dowding,
was exceedingly good. On the return
to the lodge room thanks were voted to
Bro. Turnbull for his excellent sermon,
the choir for the splendid musical pro-
gramme, and the wardens for the use
of the church. The Clinton brethren
received a vote of thanks also those of
Morning Star, Bro. Bohb responding
for the former and the Worshipful
Master for the Carlow lodge.
Rev. Mr. Howell preached his fare-
well sermon on Sunday evening. The
Rev. gentleman leaves for his new
field of labor to -day.
Rev. Mr. Edge preaches his introduc-
tory sermons next Sunday morning and
Captain Babb has made arrange
ment for hundreds of bathers on Do-
minion Day those that have bathing
costumes should bring them but those
needing costumes can be supplied at
the establishment.
Holy Communion at St. George'snext
On Monday adult fish of any kind
may be legally caught. When fishing
it should be remembered that there is
a heavy fine for taking young flsh.
ti To A Rosebud.
"-Here's a rosebud for you—s little rosebud" said a
lady fair,
Juno's offering to poesy, this bud exquisitely rare;
I took it home to open and exhale tie fragrance by
my side
And the opening wonid have charmed the heart of
some expo tont bride.
Eaoh petal eeem'd to waft to me a sweet kiss from
,Lane's bower,
And I felt that its wooing grew more powerful overy
1 bow'd my head in silents and my heart cfter'd to
Heaven this prayer,
Streng.hen the Borrowing heart of her who gave me
this bnd 80 Tuft+.
dian 1
filled an
they met
cert they
proved a fin
Mr. A. Bry
ages has a large barn in
course of erection.
A number of our citizens attended
Mr. Connolly's umeting in Agnew's
school house on Thursday night.
Mr. Geo. Walsh, of Barrie, and
formerly of this place, has been renew-
ing acquaintances in this vicinity.
Mr. John S. Scott who has been at-
tending the Northern Business College,
Owen Sound, arrived honie on Satur-
A very.large number from this vicin-
ity took in the excursion to the Model
Farni on Friday.
On Tuesday evening of last week a
large number of the members and ad-
herents of Knox church, assembled at
the manse and presented the pastor,
Rev. Geo. Law, with a•well filled purse
accompanied by an appropriate ad-
dress, to which Mr. Law replied in very
suitable;terms. He will leave Belgrave
A Garden Party under the auspi
of Trinity Church Sunday School w
be held at Mr. John Scandrett s, o
Friday evening, June 29th. .
Considerable work has been done on
the driving track here and we expect
to see it coinpleted shortly. •
Mr. Tufts has had his residence re-
painted, thereby improving its appear-
Os; a lob, Oat., 1,t June, 1894.
J. G. Emigh, of the Conmierc!al,
Sundayed in Seaforth.
Regular sitting of the 12th Division
Court was held before his I3onoi'
Judge Doyle, in Industry hall on Mon-
Master Frank Bawden has started to
learn the tailoring business with C. C.
On Friday our base hall team drove
to Auburn to play 11,-paneof base ball
with Auburn team. The game at the
finish was Blyth 10, Auburn 0.
Mr. Scarlett, a former Blvthite, but
now of Owen Sound, is paying a short
visit here amongst friends.
On Friday one of General Coxey's
Army invaded this town imbibing
pretty freely during the day. After
giving an open air meeting, with not
the choicest of language, the peeler
dropped on him all of a sudden and
run him into the , cooler. He was
brought before the J. P's. and was
given a term in Castle Dixon.
Mr. .Mason, the proprietor of the
Grand Central, has had the hotel
renovated up with a fresh coat of
paint which has made a decided im-
Rev. T. E. Higley was attending the
annual meeting of the Huron Anglican
Synod last week.
On Sunday - morning Rev. Mr.
Henderson officiated in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church preaching an
able discourse to a large congregation.
It is expected that our thriving town
will be deserted on Dominion day as
everyone is talking of taking in some
one of the great attractions that is to
be held in Brussels, Clinton and Gode-
Rev. Mr. Hughes, a former rector of
Wingham, is to preach in Trinity
Church, Blyth, on Sunday morning
Rev. Bro. T. E. Higley intends
preaching the annual sermon to the
members of L. O. L. No. 963, in Trinity
church on Sunday, the 8th inst.
The Public Schools close on Friday
next for the summer vacation.
On Wednesday (to -day) at 11 a. m. a
high toned wedding is to he celebrated
in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church,
the contracting parties being Dr. W.
J. Milne and Miss Ella McKinnon,
only daughter of our oldest merchant
D. B. Mckinnon. Rumor has it that
there is more to follow. More power
to them.
Dungannon. Sabbath afternoon. Rev. Ii. W.
Jeaoes supplied his pulpit at Bayfield.
A strawberry festival will be held in
connection with the church on Thurs-
day evening of this week.
On Tuesday evening of last week a
,large number of the members
of the Methodist 'Church enet
at the parsonage to extend a wel-
.otne to their pastor. Rev. Mr.Rogers,
who has just been returned them for
the third year. Mr. 5, , Sanderson
read an address. and we understand
they left behind them some tangible
expressions of their good -will. A very
enjoyable evening was spent.
The interior of the Methodist church
is to be repaired and beautified this week.
Mr. J. Black has the job in hand and
no doubt it will be well done.
Thomas Trimble, son of our respect-
ed townsman, Jas. Trimble, has been
recently married to Miss Wing, of
Manistee, U. S., and they are now,
visiting friends in this locality. We
wish t rem a pleasant and properotls
voyage over the sea of life.
Election matters have been the topic
of conversation for6,onie weeks, but be-
fore this meets the eye of the reader
the ballot will have declared whether
or not "Mowat must go."
Miss Carpenter, of Armow, is the
Vest of Mr. Hiles.
A large number took in the Farmers'
Excursion to the Guelph Agricultural„
College and enjoyed it very much as
they always do.
We regret to report the indisposition
of Wm. Sproul. W. J. Smith, wlio
has been ill, is, we are pleased to note,
able to be out again.
D. G. Bickle and wife were in Ripley
over Sunday.
Kerrin,of Baytield,preached an intense- to seven years at hiu-cl labor in the Erie
ly earnest and practical discourse htst County Penitentiary.
Augustus C. Hagen, who embezzled
$50,000 from the Exchange National
Bank, New York, was sentenced in
that city last week by Judge Benedict
George Hanrbly disappeared from
Winnipeg a short time ago, and Thurs-
day a bottle was found in Red river
which contained a letter from him say-
ing he had drowned himself, being
tired of life. He had weighted him-
self with iron.
� lllhrlll'lilil. �I I f� filllllll!ll(Ihir I �� '
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-r +tixV1t:.i
2ND, 1894.
rent Day's Sport at Clinton on MONDAY, JULY
Programme of
. Clh
Dominion Day in
LY 2s0, 1894.
Dotiriuion Day, (July 2nd) will be
celebrated in Clinton in a becoming
manner. The arrangements have been
completed. Those who desire a grand
clay's sport should come to Clinton.
The following is a brief review of the
At 6 a. ne. Grand Royal Salute by
Major Thornton and General Boinpard-
urept of the Town by the boys of Clin-
At 8.39 a. in. Open Air Concert by
the Clinton and Blyth Brass Bands
This concert will last for one hour and
a number of specially prepared selec
tions will be given. "Get here on
At 9.30 a. M. the Grand Procession
and Parade takes place from the Park
through the principal streets of the
town. This Procession will he one of
the most attractive features of the
day's amusements and visitors should
"get here on time."
See the Great Representation of
Nations—England by Queen Victoria
on her throne and drawn by six teams
of black horses.
All our provinces fully represented,
the Foreign Nations by handsomely
dressedeople, Wild Indians from the
North West.
See the Societies Parade.
Look for the Firemen in fall dross.
Watch,for the Gun Club in full war
Don't fail to witness t march of
the 48th Royal Irish High nders.
One of the sensational i s of the
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hayden, of
Goderieh, called on friends here one day
last week.
Robert Durnin, of Dungannon, was
entertained by friends here on Sun-
Mr. John Graham and Miss Mabel
Gralia,m, of Saginaw, Mich., are the
guests of relatives here at present.
, Mrs. Zettle returned home last week
after a month's visit.
Will Burrow left last weelc for St.
Albans, Verinont, to resume his duties
on the railroad there.
tween Clinton and Seaforth- for silver
cup. Exhibitions of fancy sheoting.
At 11.30 a. m. Water Eight -with
Nozzles, for a prize of $5
At 1 o'clock Parade of Bands and
'Ball Clubs to the park.
At 2 o'clock Lacrosse Match, Clinton
vs. Stratford.
At 3 o'clockTenn is Match, Clinton vs.
At 3.30 p. Atheletic f4ports ;— .
1st. 2nd. 3rd
200 yd. Foot Race 2.00 1.00
100 yd. Boy's Foot Race1.00 50
Standing J ump 2.00 1.00
Putting Stone 2.00 1.00
Relay Team Race, 6 men
on side from all Clubs,
of a mile, for prize of
Silver Cup, value 15.00
Dog Race, 200 yards 2.00
Match Race between Dog
Bicycle Race, Boys under
Road Race, open to the
Cup, value 10.00
am Race, open to the
ilver.Cup, value .20.00
of England vs. Sons of Scotland.;
F. vs. A. 0. U. W.—Prize $5.
A. 0.
Port Albert.
Rev. Mr. Kerrin, of Bayfield, preach:
ed an eloquent sermon to a large con-
gregation here yesterday (Sunday) the
Rev. gentlethan. has many friends in
this neighborhood who were happy to
meet him.
Several picnics at the port during
the past week. All parties concerned
seemed -to enjoy themselves very
Election matters seem to be rather
quiet ; to be or not to be, is the question
and if the "hayseeds" don't put shoul-
der to shoulder to elect their man they
loose the grand opportunity of coming
to the front.
East Wawanosh.
Mr: L. Johnston, Algoma, who left
here about seventeen years ago, has
been renewing old acquaintences
The many friends of Mrs. Wm.
Rath will be pleased to hear that she
is able to he around again.
The teacher and pupils of S. S. No.
13 intend holding a picnic in R. Harri-
son's grove on Saturday next.
We understand that David Cook,
jr., intends learning blacksrnithing
with D. Ramsey, of Westfield.
Why is it that the correspondent to
Blyth Standard is always throwing
slurs at an individual he calls the
Mayor of 'Westfield. Mr. Cook is a
man of good standing and we don't see
why some people bear such a dislike to
• At the raising of Wm. Netbery's
barn on Monday, 12th inst., Win.
Rath loet, a purse containing $22.00.
Mr. Rath offers a handsome reward to
anyone who will return the same
That cot respondent to the New
Era had better be careful as one
of his contemporaries talks of entering
a law suit.
'Mr. James A. Wancamp, who left
here some time ago with a cargo of
cattle, is hoine again. RIATA.
At 7
30 Parade of the Bicycle Club
the principal streets of the
At 8 o'c
Concert in
Brass Bands
Songs and
ChFialcnIrceynD. tins
Miss Helyar.
Calisthenics u
Miss Lavin.
Doll drill under t
The whole to cone
Prize Cake Walk tin
of Messrs. Harland al
single fare from rill st
ton. Cheap admissions.
Morning Sports, 10 ct
Sports, 15 cts.; Promen
lock p. m. Grand Promenade
the skating rink.
by the Blyth and Clinton
Choruses by 400 School
under the direction of
nder the direction of
he direction of Miss
ludo with a Grand
der the direction
ad Crews.
issue tickets at
,s.; Afternoon
ade Concert,
County Currency.
To Biddulph township, near Lucan,
on Friday evening a farmer named Ed.
Bowers shot a young.man named Cain.
Bowers claims it was- accidental. °He
was arreated.
The semi-annual meeting of the
County Orange Lodge of North Huron
will be held in the Orange hall, Wing -
ham, on Thursday, June 28th, at the
hour of 2 p.
News Notes.
A case of smallpox has been &sow-
ered in Hamilton .
Rev. MeDonagh preached his farewell
sermon in Exeter last Sunday evening.
Arehbishop Tache died at St. Boni-
face Friday morning.
A son was born to the Duke and
Duchess of York at 10 o'clock Saturday
A seventeen-yeae,old youth named
Lindsay was drowned while bathing at
Galt on Saturday afternoon.
A Galt boy last week was sent to jail
for 30 days for invading a strawberry
Miss Colvin, of St. Marys, intends
sailing per the Mongolian from Mon-
treal on the 30th inst., for England.
Thomas Pottinger, a pantry band,
fell from a C. P. R. train near Pem-
broke la.st week and was killed.
Erastus Winizin was sentenced last
Wednesday to five- years and six
months in 'Sing Sing Prison.
Juo. Irving, of McKillop, lost a valu-
able horse with lightning on Saturday
Owen hums, a fireman in a New
York cold storage warehouse, died
Wednesday morning from the effects
ot: the heat.
Premier Crispi has recieved 18,000
messages congratulating him upon hie
escape from assassination on Saturday
Rev. J E. Hunter, the evangelist, is
quite a sport. He wheeled front Pres-
cott ta Brockville the other day to see
a lacrosse match: •
President Carnot of Fra,nce was
mortally stabbed at Lyons Sunday
evening' by a 21 -year-old Italian Anat.
chist named Casrio Santo.
Mrs. Martin, wife. of Thomas Martin,
and their son, 13 years old, of Chaffey
township, were instantly killed by
lightning Sunday.
Rev. A. Secord, of New Durham, has
been engaged by the Congregation-
alists of Wingham for: one year, and
has entered upon his duties.
, On the 19th of July a grand musical
contest a over 2,00,1 voices will be held
at Sarnia, -Ont., under the auspices of
the Waterloo Musical Societ)
William Doherty, a 'farmer of Ken-
nel, near OWen Sound, was tramped on
by a team of horses Friday and sustain-
ed injuries from which he died.
The post office department has noti-
fied publishers of newspapers that, in
future only bona fide supplements will
be allowed te be enclosed in' news-
papers and that the insertion of circu-
lars, hand -bills, etc., is strictly for-
bidden. In future, business men and
others will have to pay postage on
circulars, etc., going through the mails,
instead of sending them as heretofore
in newspapers.
An accident that mighthave been at-
tended with serious results occurred at
the Exeter creamery on Wednesday,
when Jas. Jeckell, one of the employes,
was order by Mr. Jones, the manager,
to oil some of the machinery, and
while so doing, the manager forgetting
that he bad given his order, set the
engine going, and consequently • the
young fellows' arm became entangled
in a belt and was badly crushed.
Luckily for him a young lad witnessed
the scene in time to notify tbe mana-
ger, who stopped the machinery and
thus saved his life. He will be unable
to work for some time.
The Secretary of the Post Office De-
partment has issned a circular to, the
post masters of the Dominion, which
should receive the attention of the
business community. It reads as fol•
lows: ---"As circulars and other articles
of mail matter prepaid at a low rate of
postage are not infrequently posted
bearing a printed request to return with-
in so manydays if not deli veied, and as
the regulations only allow the direct
return of letters, I am to instruct 3rou
in future to hand hack to the senders
all articles other than letters posted at
your office upon which such printed re-
quests may appear, or order that the
requests may be struck out. Articles
reposted with the objectionable re-
quest may be sent to the Dead 1,etter
Interest in the case of Angus Mathe-
son who mysteriously disappeared trom
Ripley last November, has heen revived
by the arrest of S. .H. Laird, a well-
known resident of Kincardine, on a
charge of murder. The warrant was
issued by Magistrate Barker upon in-
formation sworn to by Dan Matheson,
brother of the missing. man, Laird ap-
peared- before the magistrate and was
remanded till the 270, bail in $1,000
being accepted. No evidence was
taken. Laird takes his arrest cooly,
figuring on getting back at somebody
for damages. As far as is known the
arfest was made on account of Laird
when in Lucknow on May. 24, with
some friends, making a criminating
statement in a jocular manner. Kin-
cardine people ridicule the idea of
Laird being implicated in the alleged
crime in any way.
A double drowning accident occurred
in the Red River,' near Winnipeg, Fri-
day,two young ladies named Abrozitch
and Sneers being drowned while bath-
There will be no camps .of militia this
year. 'The amountusuallyexpended on
camps will be used this year in pur-
chasiug improved rifles for the volun-
It is rUntored that the Princess
Maude, the ramgest daughter of the
Prince of Wales, will shortly be be-
trothed to Prince Christian, the eldest
-son of the Crown Prince of Deemark.
The Rev. -E. Softly, jr. has resigned
intends taking a complete rest for a few
Months, ,in order that he may recruit
his strength.
Mr. John Morley, who had a confer-
ence with Mr. Gladstone last Wednes- •
day, reports that the ex-Prernier's• eye-
sight promises to become as good as
ife of it man named Greensteel
of Stewart's Ferry, Rutherford County,
Tenn., has presented him with four chil
dren, two boys and two girls, and all
are doing well.
.Arrangemetits have been completed
by the Post -office Department of 01,1)-
ada for an exchange of money orders
between Canada and Hawaii, and
Hawaii and Australia, Victoria, B. C., ,
being, made the chief exchange office.
Rev. B. L. Hutton and wife were pre:.
sented with a valuable set of dishes by
the people of Kirkton Methodist chnrch
the other evening. The rev. gentle-
man's term having expired, he is about
rick Macdonald, who had been work-
ing at Maxwell, Ont. :ilia was golug to
his home at Glen Ro'bertson, lay down
on the railway track, went to sleep
and WaS Clit to pieces by a train. He
leaves a wife and several childeen.
John Reginald Hooper was sentenc-
ed on Monday of last week at Three
Wirers, Quebec, to 25 years in the -
penitentiary for attempting to murder
his wife at Louise ville. Before sentence
was passed on him, Hooper spoke for
three hours, claiming that the witnesses
and jury were prejudiced against him.
His arraignment of the presidifig ;judge
was unjust and scurrilous, and un-
doubtedly removed any merciful senti-
ment the latter entertained .
Stephen• Kirk, a lineman employed
by the Bell Telephone Company, Roch-
ester, N. Y., was working on a tall pole
Thursday, on which there was a net-.
work of telephone, electric light, tele-
graph and street car trolley wires. A.
fellow workmen let the wire on whieh
Kirk was working sag too much and It
touched the trolley wires. Kirk grasp-
ed it and received the full force of tlae
current from the trolley wires. Agon-
ized screams broke from the. man's lips
as he endeavored to free himself from
the wire. He struggle for a moment,
then toppled over. The current was
so streWg that it held him fast to the
wire almost by his heels. He hung
there head downward for fully five
minutes, until a fellow -workman locat.
ed the wire among the network and
cut it. The body was secured by ropes
and then lowered to the ground. Com
trary to the expectations of all who
saw the accident, Kirk was alive
when he reached the ground. He was
placed in the aidbulance, but died be-
fore the city hospital was reached.