The Huron News-Record, 1894-06-20, Page 6/,entserriaw yPho, torraert7 resided 11) Conaeettelltn buy 't bo ne reside9ln Honeielu, writse "3Qr 20 spars past, my tyfro and I have used Ayer'* flash Xfgor, and , we attrlbnte to tt the nary; ban which 51)0 and 1 clow have, while hams dreds of our acqualut aims, ten or a dozen years younger than we, are Weer gray -heeded, white, or bale. Wheal asked how our hair has retained its color and fullness, we reply,' 13y the use of Ayor'e Ualr Vigor—nothing else,"' 'In 3808, my affianced was nearly bald, and the hair kept iiL11- .°ing out every day. I ;';`i11N:';tai, induced her to use .flyer's Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I call recommend this preparation to all In need of a genuine hair -restorer. It is all that it Is claimed to be."—Aatonto Agarrun, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR Tire Huron News -Record 1.60 a Year—$1.28 In Advance WEDNESDAY, JUNE '30th 1394. • THE • HURON NE ll'S- REG'G.RD. A Live Local and Family Weekly Journal, Issu.ed Wecleesday Mornings. Orme —Brick Block, Albert Street North, Clinton, Ont. TERMS. -51.50 a veer...la In advance. Nn paper disconrnn,. d, eseent nt •ption of pubiiaher, nritil all arrears fir, sre settled The month end year to which all-ubserilltioue it e pats wilt he found on the addrear.lnhel. Tn.tsaterf ADVcpare,No —Ten cents a tine (non• pariel me..aure) for first insertion and three cents n line for each subsequent hiserdo' . CONTRACT ADr8RTIUN3 -Special pneition 10 to 26 per cent above reg'ntar rates. The table below gives .on tract gates for run of paper for definite periods: nt'wCR. 1 1 1•R 1 (1 )1(. :111•', 1 1 ,11 (In.- colo tm ..... , 530 00 $:t6 OU 821) 0u 07 00 lI altcnlunrn.,,. .... f 86 ((f 20 00 12 00 4 00 :,arter t•nlu•un.. i 4,1 00 12 00 7 00 '3 6 ne eighth eny,utn.. 1.1 OU 7 80 4 On •0 00 One ineliI UU 4 .d) 2 00 1 00 Servant; wanted, for elite, lost or feuud, ad •ortise enerrte, net exceeding three Bees, 25 cents e telt h1- eertinn ; tint exuee.lit.g seven linea, 61 cents for first insertion and 21 cents for each following insertion. Perms, h .uses or town property, for : a e or tO rent, stray stork or sltnf'ar advertisements not exeerdin;,; eight lines, 51 for first month and 80 cents for each olloning month. Local notices 10c a line fur each mortioo. Advertisements without definite instructions in. variably insert&I until forbid and charged eceord- ingly, Transient advertirn:ents in 801 cases to be paid in advance. Alr c mtrast changes nmst he received at the office not later than 8ATCRDAY ?MON every week. A. SI. TODD, ['ubiisl/a' OUR NORTHWEST!' AND D AKO74. Sir Richard Clartweight is never done • talking r.bout the want of progress in our North -Vest Province compart d with the province in the States to the south of theta. Sir Richard i, evident- ly speaking witlicut having the facts before him. When the statistics for Manitoba for instance, are coiilpai•etl witty the statistics of North and South' Dakota for the last six years, the of- ficial' figures show a state of affair's very creditable indeed to our own Canadian Provinces. The popn111tion of Mani- toba increased during five years, fi•ou1 1886 to 1891, by.43,SS9, or an increase of 40 per cent. 'The population of North and South Dakota together, between 1895.t,.taken from the State census and- 1890, as taken from the Federal census of the United States, increased from 415,263 in the former year, to 511,526 in the latter year, or a little over 21) per cent. or about one half as much increase as lute been made in the Province of Manitoba. The increase of some of the other States is interest- ing also to compare with that of Manitoba. In the State of Minesota, from 1885 to 1890, the increase is 10 per cent. In Kansas, 12 per cent. In Wisconsin, 71-5 percent. In Michigan, 13 per cent. As compared with an increase ill MeulitobaL of 40 per cent. r . and the North-West Territnr•leti of 1(11 per cent., from 1881) to 1800, and of I3riti;h C'oiunsbia, 87 per cent., from 1880 to 1890. AN EASY .1! E7'JIOI). At the Convention last year in Ot- tawa, lir. Laurier, the leader of the Opposition, without desiring to do so, paid a c•olnlslirnent t0 the presr;nt sys- tem of Federal taxation. Speltking in French, he declared to the delegates there assembled as follows :—"The Governinent wields .L magic wand which draws ' the money from your pockets without yen'. understanding that the money is taken from von as taxation." Does Mr. Laurier know What this sentence means If it means anything it means this, namely, that the indirect system of taxation bears so lightly upon the people that they do not feel it its any sense what- ever. A. large number of the people whom he was; addressing were farmers, and so far as they were concerned, it is true, they do not .feel it twenties the system of taxation at present in vogue fie Mr. Laurier knows very well, does not bear upon them nearly so heavily as it does upon the people in the cities and towns, who spend thousands f,f dollars tL year in living and who con - time prnclucee from other lands and pay duties thereon. We venture to say that Mr. Peters, the Liberal Pre- mier of Prince Edward Island, will not , I lie ahli to:eit sato Okitte' vias rs' a>•d to • lits. system.- - of ta7.atiortt tL sys ;u whieli 'lits >ta.ges •livery ,\tire of,l_and on tlltl Island flroin ewe to'siac vents t\ mere by dileclr ta7rlltion fortis° pur,ppose of running the affairs of lie weal (;government. If Mr, Lim:trier were re- turned to• power ,and were permitted to carry chit titre• tariff ideas that he is at present advocating, nothing under heaven would save him from reeorting to just some spelt a system of direct taxation as Mr. Peters has adopted; and 'after resorting to that system Mr. .14ainier would never have an op)po,- tunity of saying to the farmers of Can- ada that their taxation was so easy that they did not feel it. Discussing the question of taxation of five years ago, the Toronto Globe, which has al- ways advocated direct taxation, declared that it would be a good thing to have direct taxation for the reason that the people would then severely feel the money, that they were paying and would be careful in the se- lNction of the m(311 who were to spend i . Mr. Laurier's ideas and the Globe's ideas naturally enough seem to run in the one channel. The people of Can- ada are not likely, however, to aban- don the system of taxation which they do not feel to adopt a system of taxation which, according to the Globe's admission they would feel most keenly, all for the purpose of let- ting Mr. Laurier and Sir Richard Cart- wright and Mr. Mercier gut into power in Canada. It should be mentioned Phist here that Mr. John Charlton, M. ., also at the Ottawa Convention re- ferred to the question of raising rev- enue. Oa page 8t of the proceedings of the Convention, it will be seen that Mr. Charlton's idea is to make up $3,- 300,00.l of a 11)55 of revenue, and many more millions, too, which would be oc- casioned under their system by placing a duty upon raw sugam. This is just as bed in Many senses as a land tax, for a duty upon raw material as a direct tax must be paid by tilt' consumer. No home competition could get rid of it as an addition to the price of a 1•e - fined article. , In summer, autumn, winter, spring, If you'd he happy, wise, And to your household pleasures bring, Just use the Diamond Dyes. air if you mail this verse awl notice and 25 pc�ents in stamps (11 money to \•V1•:LLs R1cieexusSON Co., Montreal, you will receive Our Home, Canada's new u)unthly family paper, for one year; also illustrated book on "How to make Mats and Iltlgs," and one pack- age of •Ink Powder, for snaking 16 ounces of best black ink. Cat. Mention (his paper. SIR JOHN THOJIPSON. How highly Sir John Thompson is appreciated in the centre of the em- pire may be understood from the fact that the London Times, which, miles more than any 'other paper, speaks for the highest type of independent. Bri- tish opinion, urges that the Canadian Premier be placed upon the Judicial Committee of the Pelvy Council, which our readers are aware is the highest Court of Appeal existing in the Brit- ish Empire. The Times declares in its etl•ticle upon the question that it is not speaking its own opinion simply, but voicing the sentiment of great numbers in the very highest circles, who have knowledge of Sir John Tholnpson's great ability as a lawyer and high stanciang among the' great hien of the Elnplr•e. Than this, no higher com- pliment could be paid to the leader of the Conservative party. We are sure that the Conservatives throughout the Dominion will be proud of the Times' compliment to their chieftain. Sir John Thompson has only been a few years in public life and yet it is shown not only by the article referred to, but by his being selected for so important a place as he tilled upon the Behring Sea 1l ib.lna,l, that he has already won the confidence of the statesmen of the Empire and is regarded a.s one of those great men, whether of the centre of the Empire or its colonial parts, in whose hands great imperial interests are thoroughly safe. As we have said Conservatives throughout the whole Dominion will he rejoiced at the confidence inspired by their leader in the old land, and we are satisfied too, that Canadians, to whichever party they belong, will rejoice at the confidence which is placed in one of Canada's great sons. A Boos To Honerrmei.—Ono battle of English spavin Liniment enmpletely removed a enrb from my nonce I Eska nice mire in rucommondlnq the remedy, Ns it acts with mystodoue promptness iu the re- moval 110, t borne of hard, soft or °allowed lumps, blood *pevin, spliute, curbs, eweeny, stlaoe an4 spralno. IIF.ouat Roun, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by Watts & Co. and Allen & Wilson, Druggists. "NO REFERENCES ;.REQUIRED." Is it not rather absurd that the Premier of the Province of Ontario should go begging for certificates of character even from 80101 exalted Principal as Archbishop :Cleary and. Principal (leant? - 1Ve had perltitps the old-fashioned notion that the chief officer of the peo- ple oc•eupied quite as lofty a place as any Emit -kinetic or Presbytery, and we Fan hardly imagine Mr. Gladstone 0r Lord Rosebery requesting the Arch- bishop of (Canterbury or Cardinal Vaughan to vouch for their respect- ability when appealing to the people of England for a renewal of their con- fidence. The Reform party in Ontario mutt be in desperate straits when their chief orq)tne are driven to quotations from Archbishop ('leery and Principal (;rant as the chief arguments why Sir Oliver should have IL new lease of political life. Surely the acts of 1Ln administration and its policy and public record should be ground enough for its existence. The utterances of interested individ- uals, no lnatter how able or exalted, can avail little amonga free and educat- ed people able and etermined to form their own opinions. As Conservatives we can afford with a leader like Mr. Meredith to leave his policy and character to the public at large without recommendation from a.nyindividual, but possibly_the tarnished reputation of the Mowat Government requires.advetititiousaLids, "I enclose $5. Send me six bottles Royal Crown Remedy." R. B. LAIDLOW, Blyth, ..L.FITEST ...a. MULE; THE: HATTM BIM FAIR TO BE A 13YELY ONE. Constituency. Oonservath'e. Liberal. Addington Algoma, E .... Algoma, W Brant, N B1'arlt, S Brockville Bruce, N Bruce, S Bruce, 0 Cardwell Carleton Dufforin Dundas Durham, E Durham, W Elgin, E Elgin, W Essex, N Essex, 8 Frontenance Glengarry GI aeliviile C Grey, N Cray, Haldimand Halton Hamilton, J? Hamilton, W,.. Hastings, N 11 'stings, \M Hastings, E Huron, 1 Huron, S. Huron, W Kent, E Kent, \M Kingston Lltulbtnn, E Lambton, W Lanark, N Lanark,8 Leeds Lennox Lincoln London Middlesex. Al, Middiesex, N itliddlesex, \V Leitch Munck Reid Hearst Savage Jelly McIntosh 1lulluisy..... Farewell.. ... Conluee,.,... Wood Hardy..,.,., Dana Independent, Hopkins... , , Patrons. Kitchen iiieCounol.. Engles Little,....... Monk Barr Whitney (Campbell.. l Reid Brower McCall Gallagher... . Bosh , Rorke Rend Berns... ,400,1 • Lockhart ... Dance McNeish .. McKee Balfour Lacey B11311a11an, Cleland Baxter i-1u,land ., 4thitileton Gibson Weisulilter,. • Clancy Smythe. ,.. Preston. , ... . Matheson. (Beatty Meacham.. Hiscntt, ... Meredith Muskoka Nipissing Norfolk, N Norfolk, S Langford . Northumbutlanrl, E Boughner.... Willoughby.. No"thnnlherland, W OW'nrio, N Mitchell • G1CIllllllnllr ger.. Ontario, 8Miller if MoVeity..' Duiocher.. . Ottawa. Oxford, N Oxford, S Parry Sound Peel Perth, N Perth, S Peterson', E Peterboro', W Prescott Prince Edward Renfrew, N Renfrew, 8 , : ; Russell Simeoe, E Siincoe, C .Simcoe, W Stormont Toronto, E Toronto, W Toronto, N. Toronto, ,4 Victoria, N Victoria. W waterloo, N Waterloo, 8 Welland !Beatty - 'Crawford .... Idagwooll ... White Bnebauun 1100ifivray• Smith. .... Hancock..,.. 11eggerty.,• Biggar Vernnlyea... •,,,,,,, •,•, Gibson McLean Carrow ., Ferguson , .. , Pardo,,,. Harty McCormick Maelcoi zie... Caldwell... Chu ltc,...... McNaughton Valens McDonald Kidd Dynes Ford Wiutermute Dobson McPherson Fox (iau.ey M Mee! ',leNirLul '4enn McComb bfcLaren Milne • Connolly McCallum . . Gerd Symington... • Thompson . Hobbs , Taylor • Shore Rosa Alexander •.. Welch Harcourt . Crawford (Cockburn... Loughrm. • • • Carpenter.... Charlton. Webb Field Chapple Dryden f Bronson .. -O'Keefe Mowat • Fsrgnsson Oliver Dal ton 011150 Ewing • Sharpe Smits) Horseman 14ancekevill Armstrong... . , . . Weiderholt Ballantyne... Race McNeill Lancaster. Blezard. Winch 'Stratton Evantnrel . Cross (Amon Wilson Ciivtn Shaw. .. . Campbell ., Robillard . • . Rothwell Lawson Harvey ...... ............. Lawson • Patton Coutts Currie Bennett Miscamphell , Thompson .. Duff........ Ryerson, craw ford , .. Martel. ilowlatld Carnegie Bryans • Wellington, E Wellington, 8 Wellington, W Wentworth, N Wentworth, 8 York, E York. N York, \V McCleary. Hampton.... Hartman .. , Mack Lindsey Tait Moss Armstrong. , 31cKay Thurston Y • Campbell Robertson Gardiner..... Shoemaker Moore ...•...... Sipes German Cragg 1tlutrie Wilson Ryeltman St. John 7 HE (;SIT POLICY. Flatt........ Awrey Richardson : Davis Hill Hutchinson. Pari: Darby Tucker Nicholson The official organ of the Patrline, the FarmersSun, 8111119 up the. policy .of the Mowat party and strikes back "as,. follows :— "Grit politicians and papers, though, misrepresent Patrons by telling Liberal, electors that our desire is to oust Mowat and let Meredith a954)1ne, the reins of Government. It is an effec- tive appeal to hide -hound partizans, for they will move heaven and hell to keep the other fellows out of power." Par Over Fifty Tears Mas. W,Nsr. w'a SOOTmNo same hes been used by mildnns of mothers for their children while teething 1f disturbed at night and broken of )our rent by y sick child suffering and ening with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and got a bottle of "Mfrs. Win- slow'sf)othing Syrup" for Children Teethiing. 1 will fel eve the poor little sufferer inimodately. Depend pon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures nierrheea regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Guns and re- duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole systenl. "Mrs Winelow'e Suothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the testa and fs the prescription of one of the oldest and best lemale physicians and nureos in the Felted stetee. ,Price twoutyfive cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the .world. Be sure and ask lo MR8.WINSt.DW'$So verso Setter " NO EXPLANATION REQUIRED, Brooklin, Ont., i,Iay 3, 1800. Dear Mr. Shaw, --I have your two letters. Mackie is very cross, but. i hope to manage to hold hint'. I£ it would not be transgressing your in- structions from headqu,u'tees, I would like you to write him, stating that I had written you that he was offering his old silver medal bull for sale, and that you would like to know privately his lowest price. Tell hills that the farm is not really in need of it bull at present, hut that whatever the authorities may think, you deem his hull of too much value for them to miss the offer of him. Don't let him know you are aware his feelings are hurt nor do not write him in the line I have snggested runless you con do so conscientiously, but you can seethe line I am taking, which will serve to show I am interesting myself in him. Whenever anotherpurchase is made in Canada, he must not be over- looked. Yours truly, ' JOHN DRYDEN. MY FEET were so badly swollen that I could not wear my shoes, I got Yellow Oil, and to my astonishment it gave Instant relief, and two bottles completely cured me. Mrs. W. G. Mc- Kay, Berwick, Ont. iVIIPTIIIS CONTINUED SILENCE/ Sir Oliver Mownnt )wade no reference to the Muldoon affidavit last week.• He gave no intimation that. the parties named in that affidavit Will be asked to answer in court to the charges made against them.. This is disappointing. Sir John Thompson at least did/promoise to let no guilty man escape. The Dominion Premier even went so far as to put three ,nen in jail who had been parties to robbing the public treasury. But Sir Oliver Mowat gives no pledge that individuals cnar'ged with an attempt to over -ride the voice of the people by means of fL stuffed ballot -box will even be put on trial. This is one case in which the pro- fesserilyy Christian politician, whoheads an Administration that pretends to embrace all the virtues, (1018 not shine even by cornpar'ison lvith the alleged workers of iniquity at the Dominlnn capital.—Toronto News. CURRg+'N7' 7'0PICS. Three years ago last Wednesday Sir John Macdonald died, , As time wears on the fact grows clearer that he was not only the greatest Canadian, but of all Canadians the most beloved by his countrymen. I do not approve of Mowat's acts. Mr. Meredith is an able and honest man, and 1 like leis ideas. Neverthe- less I cannot afford to dismiss Oliver Mowat, who gives my college $6,000 a year.—Rev. I t incipal Grant. The Canada Farmers' Sun, the official organ of the Patrons, says that "Mr. Mowat and his colleagues are now on trial hefnr a jury of their conn - try -men." Axactly. And they must honestly be declared guilty. Mr. Garrow said at Blyth that be was "an independent Liberal, not tied to anybody's coat tail, big or little." He belied himself in making such a statement. 13111 No. 181, "An Act to amend the Act respecting the Fees of certain Public Officers,' which was before the House on Monday, April 30, shows that Mr. Darrow voted with the "brute" majority every tinge—sevon- teen times in one day. June is the inonth: of Roses : • niEN' WHY NOT ETJ.Y THE GENUINEPARISGREEN and GARDEN SYRINGE. Fait off the Dag and let thelia UVQ --_YOU WILL WANT FOR THIS IYIONTH.:.�- Enalneled Steel Preserving Kettles and Sauce Pans, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Wove Wire for Doors' and Windows, Milk Pans, Milk Cans, Milli Pails, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, - - Grass Sythes, Sithe Stones, Gem Fruit Pe'esses, Lemon Squeeze, Fly Trans, Daisy Churns, Machine Oil, White Lead, Ready Mixed Paints, all shades, Fancy Wire, ,Barbed Wire, Hathaway Wire, Gold Medal .Carpet Sweepers, Steel Cut Nails, all size. KOAL i COAL I I KOAL ! ! ! LEHIGH VALLEY GOAL—We have just received 10 Cars of the Celebrated Mine, HarIan a Bros., Iron aerch latirpiare nd Old Store, Brick Block—New Stole, McKay Block. EurKa BaRer ancl Restaurant. — o In thaul(ing the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur-. ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA' BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to successfully cater to the wants oftithe general public. We do our own beiciIla, save heavy expenses, and turn out a •quality of BREAD BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &D., equal to any in West'. ern Ontario and etsthe very lowest living prices, WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY, Bread, &c , delivered to all parts of the town. FRITS, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAN!, COOL DRINKS. Pic nic and Private Gather. Inge supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton, W. 11. Born, Proprietor arsamacsmamanatiataaanaineiat Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the beat work, manship and material. tislrAll the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. ger FACTORY—corner:Huron and Orange Streets, Cliaton. 657—y For • .1, h't.�i�^ri;a'e Cs -s>.4:,": r-1 fie �:. .: ti.. !v t'hi,tY`qty? & CRY A?PLICATION Pains 0f THE •; 63 1,"MENTFIOI, • s�0.,e PLASTER IT WILL DISPEL TIIE PAIN LIKE MAGIC. SPECIAL NOTICE lar Tns' News•Rscono will always he pleased to receive reliable information of Births, Mar - rages, and Deaths, or of any other local event. (re' Tun News RECORD can furnish as hand- some Wedding Stationery and guarantee as fine letter preen work and at as low prices as any city or other printing office ger In the matter of Funeral Circulars an Memorial Cards, Tete Nsws•Recuno grarantc prompt attention and the very hest elites o work, at fifty per cent less than eastern prices. LIVE NQDS WANTED, Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 798•tf. The Mcgiollp Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. D,Eese, President, Clinton 1'. O.; Gon, Watt, vies -president, Ifarlock P. 0. ; W. .1, Shannon, See' Treas., Seaforth P. O.; M. Murdio, In- peetor ofcleims. Seaforth P. 0, DIRECTORS, Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Alex Gardiner. Lead bury; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; .Tohn pan nab, Aeafnrth ; Joeoph Evans, Beechwood ; Thos. Garbett, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Nothing, Harloclt; Roht. McMillen, Sea. forth; J. Cnmmings, Egmondvilte; Geo. Merdlo, Auditor , Patties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other huehiese will be promptly attend. ed to on application to any of the above otfiocrs addressed to their respective post cfilees. Stray Steer, Came to the promises of the undersigned, Barfield Road, the forepart of May Inst. a REO YEARLING STEER. Tho owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away. 8181-f J. 0. ELLIOTT. New Shop. Mr. Wm. Smithson will open hie new shop on the corner of Ontario and Gibbings streets next Saturday. Groat Bargains in Washing Machines, Churns, Step Ladders; Long Ladders, Whoolbareowe, estoe, &a., for ono week. All work promptly attended to. Prices moderato and entlefaetlon guaranteed. 1'b WM. SMITIIBON. The Prentice Boys' Grand Lodge opened at Belleville last week. Rrrgnsrerrasr CVDSO TNA DAV.—Snnth Amerle a Rheumatic Cure, for Bhenmettem and Nouraigls rndloally onres in 1 to 8 daye. Its salon ripen the system le remarkable and myeterioua. It removes at once the sane and the iem dinonso letmodiatell• die sold by Watts peara. The &&rat Co..land Aon greatly Wilton, Duggisgt to CITY BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having brought out the bakery hnsiness so successfully carried on by Mr. W Young, wilt continue the business at the old eta He will endeavor, by supplying a first class article:to merit the liberal eupl•ort of the eeople. Bread do - livered 1103 where in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notice. M. BECKWITH, - - CLINTON. Properity For Sale. For sale, the large dwelling and lot owned and lately occupied by Dr. Appleton, on Ontario street. Has alt modern conveniences. Centrally located. Also a bonne and lot adjoining above property, facing Vi.•tella street. Fur particulars apply to MANNIAO & SCOTT, Clinton. 8 07-t Wash Day Made Easy. I have grouted the right to manufacture thfamam; Magic \vashiug Meehine. Already I have made and sold a number. The Inrehusors are delighted, To use the machine on trial to sure to make s sale if one is re red, Wash.dey is made very easy and c'irpets eau bo km t perfectly cleen; no sple,,otng or waste water whatever. The piiee has been set ata very low figure. The machine may be seen at my roe:depeo on Isaac Street. B. COLE 800-tf 'atiZ,f st`, l'sPs,,.,.,:,Ti t n Lj(��+ x:•+1) R 7L tX T, O ►r . !L B Sri x B 1.Rr CURES p;�. ' OL JC. LERA-,MORBUS GHO DIARRHOEA DYSENTER �' StiNDALL {ri CO121.,, JI•(TS CHILDREN orADULTS Price C:NIE. 5cti-s QEWARE of IMITATIONS . ,.r.', :?NS CURES ALL Taints of the Mloo&