HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-04-17, Page 1Single Collies - Three Cents AMONG THE CHURCHES sT, PALMS' CIUU12G11 Good Friday and Easter Day. Good Friday services : 10,30 a. m, --Matins and Serrnon, 7.45 p. m.- Evensong and Illustrated sermon. Subject ; "The Passion of Our Lord," The lantern views are peculiary fine copies of the great pictures by the greatest artists, Raphael, Angelo, Dove, Copping, I)e Vinci, etc. Remember •--- Good Friday is the an- niversary of the Death of Our Lord. Suree ly it should be observed not as a holiday but as a H01y Day. "Is it nothing to all ye that pass by?" Easter Day : 8.30 a. m.• --.Holy Communion, 11.00 a. m, -Matins and Holy Com- munion. Processional Hymn - 171, "Welcome Happy Morning." Te Deem by Simper. Kyrie by Barnard. Hymn 166, "The Strife is O'er. Sermon --°'Christ our Passion," Anthem-- "Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead?" -Cooke. , Organ Voluntary, selected. Recessional Hymn -172. Evensong : Processional Hymn -.164, Magnificat Nene Dimittis. Hymn -174. Sermon : "The First Easter Day." Organ Voluntary, selected. Anthem -"King of Kings" -Caleb• Sim- per. Recessional Hymn -167. Mon jay April 21, 8 p. m,- Vestry Meeting. METHODIST CHURCH The Easter services will be held in ttie Methodist church next Sunday as fol. lows : 7 a. m, -Sunrise Prayer Meeting, 9.30 a. m. --Fraise meeting. 11 a. m.-- Public worship. Subject, "Easter Companionship," 2.30 p, m: -•-Sunday school. 7rp. m. -- Public worship, Subject. "The Revival of Song." • Choir will render special Easter music. All are cordiallyinvited. Broke His Leg W. J. Adair, Turnberry, had the mis- fortune to break his leg while cutting wood at the farm of Mr. Bert Armstrong, near Teeswater, on Wednesday afternoon last. The accident was Caused by a log skidding. A Thnely Warning A Wingham merchant informed the Ad. vance that while a party was being wait- ed on by a clerk a couple of small articles were picked off the counter. The mer- chant also informed us who the guilty party was but rather than cause a law• suit or even gain bad friends he is not go- ing to say anymore about it at present,. but it would be just as well if the like does not occur in his store again. Bono essarllr EVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUTOS FOR SALE—Ford 1917 model, Ford 1916 model, one amok six MOLatlghlin 1918 , model, one Studebaker seven passenger 1917 Model and one Overland, No. 83, 1917 model. All guaranteed11tER2re1 c1aaY & i,bape. Apply to , B.BOARDERS OR ROOMERS WANTED. Ap- ply to MRs. JAS. MCGEE 1 Diagonal 1load 'READ HORSES AND ANIMALS taken away promptly within a radius of 20 miles. Will pay cash for live animals, Will pay from $3. to $5, for live animals. No animal removed , without hide, Phone at our expense. Phalle day 12, Phone evening 178. TWO FARMERs' FENTILIZEIt CO., LTn. A%t LAVAL OREAM SEPARATOR NOR Sale. No. 12, nearly new, enquire at Trent Ar$vsicg, 1 iL++ P008 R HATCHING -- IndianRunnerEggs for hatching, 10 cents an egg. Large white egg.. ,Apply to B. DEACON OR SA LI.flIt,ILE RENT—Well fu •n i i a o h d coil ed cottage Yi.lucard#na Beach. ' ALns MAso', 539 Emery St., London C t a T u r Cl 0] C a st e t3. to th ha .J., th. eY Id{ Jf DOR SALE—Jersey Cow with calf, and a good nowf am seperator,de cow to oused only out nes seasot. n. Bargain for quick sale. Apply to , C1r.is. Cooxi. Wingham, volt SALE—Single Comb 'White Leghorn Eggs for hatching, from good laying strain. Eggs 5 cents each. Anyone ode ordering 10 oz dozen or o g over one time onno and make surd Offreeeiviinctyourorder that en wanted, OrtvAL E. '1 &in oin Route 1, lteigravo. DAPE1lING--I am now in a position to take orders for paper hanging. Orders left at my reddened, Victoria 81„ will be promptry attenaed,to, 0. V. rlAYnaav ' ANTEIY--860 bags f Potatoes-- T, Farts, NOTICE An back yards or other premises must be eleaned up not ]star than May 15th. 13y order at the 13oartl of Health. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders, marked tenriare will be re- !rived by the ntdersiaaad up to t o'clock p. in, m Elaturday, April 19th for the ebnstruct#on of walks Public rota wa k at win haaii lubi It th Town Plans rk s OfAc c Tb do s tee tat vice per square foot, Work to bo e0rpleted 1 soon as weather permit*. No tender nee- aecapted, Jnav 7+', Onovas 'ie rctere Wiughatn Pablie School Board, M ND `S' '. ', : 1 82 J. ,a bet J foil Wi 'Have reunited to their new pre- louses int) doors north of Miller's Restaurant, attic The Mwa'less Players, of Seaforth, will present "Within the Law" in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Thursday, May 8th. r .. .... _. _. ..._.,,.-....,--«- ..,..... .-,..rte...-..-..--.-... _.--•-•_- .. _.. .r. ----»... WINDHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 1919 Pexeonats Mr, Frank Howson is in Toronto. Mr, Ned Tomkins of Elora, is visiting at his home in Lower Wingham, Miss Gladys Kemp of Listowel, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. R. A. Currie. Mr, Caldwell Brock of Guelph, was a visitor with his mother and sisters last weelc. Mrs. Leakey of Kincardine, is visiting with`her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Pat- tison, John St. .. Mrs Jas. Irving and Mrs. John John- ston of Lucknow, are visiting at the home of A. G. Smith. Mr, Will Hinsclitfe accompanied by his sister, Miss Florence, visited over the week -end with relatives in Mensal]. Mrs. Harold Deem and babe have re- turned from London and have taken up their residence over Mooney's hard- ware store. Mr, William Mitchell of Mgssbank, has been called home owing to the illness of his mother, Mrs William Mitchell, Vic- toria St., Wingham, Mrs Shipley of Clinton, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Adam Reid at Wingham on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Finley of Centralia also attended the funeral. Mr. Richard Osborne of Bowmanville, attended the funeral of his aunt, the late Mrs. Adam Reid at Wingham on Tues. day. Ile will spend a few days with' Mr. W J. Adair. field, Ont., were visitors at the home of Mr. T. R. Bennett last week. George is a former Wroxeter boy and has just re- turned from overseas. Mr. G. Hancock of Galt, is visiting his brother-in-law, Mr, Alex. Forsythe. He has been chosen as steward of the G. W. V. A. in Galt and reports that the city gave $15,000 to the boys to build a mem- orial. Mr. Hancock i s a veteran who went overseas with -the first contingent. New t3. N. W. Station } MARRIED IN HAMILTON Mr, E. J. Mitchell has taken over the G. N. W, Telegraph Service and it is now I The following is clipped from the War being installed in his drug store. Mr, I Cry and the groom is a foriner well - Nash will continue in the express business, I known resident of Wingham. Be was Veterans' Day At Clinton i employed at Lloyd's Door Factory until a few years ago : At a meeting of the G. W. V. A. held : Weddin g ceremonies are ;Ile says inter-, izi Clinton it was decidett to bold a limon eating events especially Salvation Army Huron Mao sue Gulut►s War Veterans' Day in Clinton, on I1ay :' Weddings and that of Captain Harry eetb, sere. It is hoped that everyBur- I v r .Ashby and Captaizl Lucy Violet i3ramley • . Overcome by heart failure while work - on War Veteran will be present on that was no exception, I ing at a well on his farm in Stanley Town. clay to take part in the parade. A good t The event took place in the Hamilton ship on Friday, Prof. R. J. Richardson, programme is being arranged aud other , L Citadel on Tuesday, March '18th, I B. A , recently a professor at Manitoba attractions will he staged, where.a large crowd of Officers, Soldiers College, fell into six feet of water and was Died In Toronto Hospital ! and friends had gathered. drowned, Prof, Richardson was formerly Lieut. -Colonel Chandlerpiloted the l a resident of Bayfield, and the funeral There passed away at Toronto General was held from St, Andrew's Church oil Hospital on Sunday, April 131.h, $essic proceeduigs, Monday afternoon, interment taking Bone, beloved wife of Mr. MoICay,grocer, 1 This event was all the more interesting ' place at ,Bayfield cemetery, Brussels, Deceased was a former resi- in view of the fact that Captain Ashby Prof. Richardson was one of - Huron dent of Wingham and for some time was I had for some years been doing service County's distinguished scholars During a clerk in J. A. •igills' store. When in I overseas, having enlisted -at Listowel with his course at Toronto University he was Wingham she married, John Ritchie who l the 110th Perth Battalion in January, awarded the George Paxton Young schol- weti drowned, while bathing in the river Ii 1916. He was wounded on the 27th of arship in philosophy, Later he won a at Wiugham some eight years ago. September last at Cambrai and was after- scholarship from Clark University at Fred Templeman Returning wards invalided home, later getting his Worcester, Mass, Soon after this he ac- discharge and again donning the uniform cepted a post with Manitoba College, Sergi- Fred Templeman, M. M. is ex- of a Salvation Army Oi icer, ec eel to r On account of in -health, Prof, Richard - p t arrive on . the Olympic ou , The Captain said that he was glad to son decided -to retire temporarily and take Thursday of this, week, His parents, be back home again and thanked God for up farming in Sfanley Township, His etIr and Mrs, C. Templeman reside on his sparing mercies He has recently been fatal attack came while he was engaged Edward St,, and they have not seen him 1 a n some work at the w li since rgrq when he enlisted.at the out- ppornted• to the command of the Sarnia a It is believed since of the war, : Fred been through `Corps in the London Division. he lost his balance while suffering from an some of the fiercest battles and wears i acute attack of heart trouble, a few scars as' souvenirs. His bride Tile Wingham Advance gives the news, I Rev. W. G. Richardson of of Arthur and 4 Mr. J, G, Richardson of Stanley Town - is expected home with him. Mrs. Temp. Special offer for $L00 to news subscribers , ship are brothers. leman will met them in London. till January 1st 1920. , Deceased is a cousin of Mr. R. J. Cant. cion of Wingham he Aero, cushion Tire Company Must Play National Anthem According to a bill introduced in the Ontario Legislature Friday afternoon by the Iron, T. W. McGarry, Provincial Treasurer, the playing of the National Anthem at the close of all performances in Ontario theatres is to become a com- pulsory matter. Mrs. Savage and son George of Can- r i THE DEATH ROLL ILENE ELTZABETR EARQUS The home of Mr, and Mrs L. W. Kar- gus was saddened when their little four year old daughter Ilene soared away to the Happy Land on Wednesday. The little girl was troubled with Bright's disease. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon to Wingham cemetery- and deepest sympathy is extended to the be- reaved parents and family. MARY ANN ABAIR There passed away in Centralia on Sun- day April 13th, Mary Ann Adair, relict of the late Adam Reid, former highly re- spected residents of Lower Wingham. De- ceased was in her 84th year. She was an active member of the Methodist • church and had resided in Wingham until about three years ago when she moved to Cen- tralia. Se vices were held on Monday evening at her home and conducted by Rev. Mr. McKibbori. The remains were brought to Wingham for burial on the noon G. T. R. and Rev. Mr. Armstrong conducted the services at the grave, 1lr. W. J. Adair, Turnberry is a neph- ew of the deceased and Mr, Ed, Warden f Wingham is' a brother-in-law. Mr. Wilfred Reid of East Wawanosh is a randson. PAI,cONI R Dawson - A former iesident. of Wingham died at Simcoe, on Saturday April Izth, in the person of Falconer Dawson. Deceased was a son of the late Alexander Dawson for many years a tailor iu Wingham and ater an insurance agent. He was in poor Health for some time. Tee remains arrived on Monday and interment was made in the fancily plot in the Wingham eine to Rev. . v Dr. Perrie r3' P ria coli t t d is ed he funeral services at the grave, IVIr, Sohn Dawson, wife and child of Brantf r odau d Mrs McLeod Lod of Toronto ecompanied their brother's remains to Winghain, eeswater Old Boys' Reunion Teeswater is holding an Old Boys' Re - ion August 3, 4, 5 and 6, four days to anew old ' friendships under delightful rcumstances and surroundings. A mass pen -air religious service will be held'`on he Sunday afternoon and there will be ontinuous entertainment by a Chatauqua series of concerts, horse races Monday and IN afternoons and Sports for all, nd free for all on Tuesday. Prominent St; are expected to unveil the War Memorial, There sure is a welcome for verybody. W. V. A. Donations The following contributions were given the G. W. V. A. from the employees of e Western Foundry, Mr. J, J. Cunning- m gave a large heater.and $5; Mr. W. Pryfogle, $2 and $1 was received from following: arty Walton, Fred Futter, W. IL Var. oY Net rfie d Ste p hen Piper, Ed alloway,'R. G. Gannett, J A, Hingstort, f'ittinger, S Dodds. F. E, Seli, R Ifiacks, 5el1, R, Loekridge, W. Guest, W Reid, Newell, D. Lediet, IX. Finlay Jr., C sr]pbell, Geo. Magus, Alex Rintotil, sulk Hill, T. Cassels, C. Barnes, Al- t Flaming, 3, G. Robertson, B Swrai: te„ M. Cassels, II. Drummond, and the owing Vise holc,,.--E. D. Lytlatt, W, l t, T, Mum • At Last Decides ori Wingham For Its Factory ,ISEIMV1•0•001110•11110 The Aero Cashion Tire Company which has been organized in the town of Wingham, for the purpose of manufacturing the famous Aero Cushion Inner Tire, have at last de- cided that the factory remain in this town and havemadearrangements tourchase the two buildings North of the railroad tracks, at present the property of the Western Found- ry Co., Wingham, where they will make the necessary improvements to install -the machinery to begin operations within the next thirty or sixty days. The site was the selection of E. L. Sherbondy, the inventor of the Aero Cushion In-. ner Tire, who will have full charge of directing affair. and putting the factory in readiness. Mr: Sherbondy is today one of the best known Rubber Goods Men in the nited States and considered an expert in his business. He personally supervised the building of the first Air Casing built in the United States, having spent 35 years of his life in the business, 21 years of this time in the well known firm of B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio. Therefore, the town of Wingham can congratulate itself on having a man . of his calibre at the head of its New Enterprise, and all who- are acquainted. with him and the tire that he hasinvented, predict a great future -foie the product. The tire industry is known. today as one of the greatest industries in the world, as there is more money expended for automobile tires today than in any other business therefore affording a splendid opportunity for our citizens to take the great advantage of getting into this company and they will not only make a splendid profit on their invest- ment, but they have a chance to put the towii of Wingham on the map. The officers and directors of the Aero 'Cushion Tire. -06:7 are well know successful business men of Wingham and vicinity, who have carefully investigated the merit of the tire as well as the standing of the men behind the enterprise and are backing up their best judgment by giving their entire time as well as their money to advance the inter and success of the company. eats A TIP TO THEWISEWORTH TAKING How many men of today in Wingham knowing what they do about the success of the Ford automobile would jutnp at the Chance of investing them money? It is a well known fact that the Ford Automobile Company has manufactured since its existence nearly seven millions of autos at a profit of one hundred and twenty-five mil- lions of dollars to those who had the nerve to back their judgement. This same automobile was .built for the masses and not the classes, with over one hundred com- petitors. Remember every Ford owner is a prospect for Aero Cushion Tires I nee s Inner a • e wllasi its competitors oti for s be- cause of the fact that they symbolize the true national watch -word of the hour '.'ECON0MX" and Aero Cushion Inner Tires have no competitors. The percentage of profit to out company onone set of Ford inner tires by far exceed the profit made on a Ford automobile. This is the opportunity that now presents itself to you. Have you the nerve to Tet it go by? or will you act quick- ly as your chances are limited. It does not take much title to figure it out, just common business sense. Many of the well known business men in the town of Winghani and our neighbouring towns have already pur- chased ste,ek and many applications are also on the books of the company and it is claimed by those who know that the chalice to buy -is limited. The stock is on sale at the office of the company at the par value of one huudred dollars per share. We invite all who -wish to become interested to visit our offices where we will be glad to furnish all inform- ation that may be desired as well as to show the tire. Following are the names of some of the stock holders, who are enthusiastic workers for the company. L Kennedy, Wingham, Overland Agent; M. 11. Zur , briggWingham Photographer; J. Button, Wingham, retired furniture manufacturer; T. R. Bennett, Wingham; J. P. Implement saleman; A E. Smith, Wingham, Bank- er; 1-1 E Isard, Wiugham, Merchant; Dr, For, Wing - ham; W. Forester, Mitchell, Flax Manufacturer; J. Rog- ers, Mitchell, Engineer; Dr, Smith, Mitchell; D. Calmet, Mitchell; et. McGuire; 'Vt'inghani, Farmer; J. Wilkinson, Wingham, Mechanic, and many others which space will not permit, Over one hundred promitnent busiries men of Wing - ham have bad the pleasure bf riding on the Aero Cushion Inner'l'ite and all have nnanimouslydeclared themselves in favour of this tire and claim that had they not known before hand they could not tell whether they were riding on pneumatic or the Aero Cushion Tires." OUR NEW Bl. CYCLE TIRE, NOW ON E X R IEITION, WILL 12EVVOLU. TIONIZE THIS IN- DUSTRY. You Owe PROFIT Poor's Manual- Moody's Manual The following figures taken from Poor's Manual and Moody'a Manual and others, show the fortunes made co1'npanite sold theMall n stock of their original ents in the tire Capitalization;he Original Investment Tire Company .• Returns $100 Goodyear ., $25,000 $10 .. ...... ' .. , Republic . 8,000 IS on 16,700 $100 . , .. Morgan & Wright .. , . .... 24,000 Fisk $100 . 12,400 $100.... Firestone .. 11'000 $100............ Goodrich (1880) 60,600 These'profits have been made principally from tires and tubes that will blow out and puncture, and in the face of keen cernpetition. Air -Cushion Tires are absolutely puncture and blow• out -proof and are patented to Your Bus ine s s i to DIRECTORS d1R T. R. BENNETT, Pres L. KENNEDY, Sec's. J. BUTTON M. f 1 LY E. UR I3RI G( E. L. SII,ERBONDY E. L. SHERBONDY Manager. C. I;. JUDSON, Sales Manager, is to Inv'.stig Subseription,s; $140 per year _ ....., ,...- .Y ocit teras Mr, F, J. Libby spent the week -end in elinton. xi Hogs said at 20c per lb. on Thursday at Wingham. asanPlet Valley, was united in marriage t WEDDINQ BELLS A quiet wedding took place in Brandon Man,. an Wednesday, April 0th, when Miss Dorothy Clark, a former Wingham girl and a daughter of Mrs. James. Adams pted a m o Mr Henry Kerberson of Souris, Man. -- _ engag- Miss Gertie Cantelon has acce position on The Advance staff, A. gang of electricians are busily ed rewiring the G. T. R. station, Mr• John Kerr has purchased Ralph Thompson's property in Lower Wingham. No better Iines of wallpapers than Box- er's and Staunton's -Geo, Mason & Son. Eye SSpeciatistLat McKibbon's Drug Store, Wednesday, April 23rd. Hours 8 a. na- to 8 p. m. Mr. David Johnston has disposed of his 50 acre grass farm in East Wawanosh to Mr, Richard Irwin, • Coming, Expert Optometrist and Op- tician will be at McKibbon's Drug Store, Wednesday, April 23rd. Mr, Robt. Vint's little seven-year-old son was -taken to the Wingham Hospital, suffering with pleural -pneumonia, Mr. W. H. Kerr, editor of the Brussels Post, gave the editor of THE ADVANCE a friendly fraternal call on Friday. Tne :finest line of Wall Paper ever seen in Wingham is to be found at the Wing - ham Bazaar. Eggs taken as cash, Use Formaldehyde and insure a good crop. Ours is guaranteed full strength. Mitchell's Corner Drug Store. The Dominion Day Sports Committee has leased Mr, Stevenson's skating rink for the Old Boys' Reunion week. It will be used to serve meats in. The members of the G. W. V. A. wish to publicly state that they would b e pleased to have anyone with them at the Ball in the Armouries on Friday. Miss Eleanor McLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T J. McLean was taken to the Wingham Hospital on Sunday where she is very i11 with pneumonia. Let THEADVANCE office have your next order of printing. Printing in all the best and most up-to-date styles has been our exclusive business for over sixteen years. , Why not send The Advance to an ab- sent friend? $L00 will pay for it from now until Jan. 1920. ` Mr. L. S. Beninger has purchased Mr, W, E. Mahoad's residence on Francis St. Mr. Mahood and family will move to their new home in Kincardine in the -near future. Messrs. Shobondy and Judson of the Aero Tire and Rubber Co., have purchas- ed a seven passenger McLaughlin auto- mobile from the local agent, Mr. J S. Dobbie. The members of the I. 0. 0. F. and C. 0. F. will hold a progressive euchre party in- their lodge rooms on Fridaynight. All members are cordially invited. Playing to start at 8.15 sharp Is Wingham . not to have a lacrosse, baseball or football team this year? This question has been asked several times by local sports. Our advice would be, get to- gether boys and start something. Mr. A. M. Forbes and Mr, W. H. Dore have been selected as delegates to the Provincial convention of Great War Vet- erans which will be in session, May 14th, 15th and 16th at Windsor Pte. A J. Pryce is busy shaking hands with many of his friends here. He arrived in Wingham on Saturday after many months spent in the trenches. Ile went overseas with the 161st Battalion. , The Public School Board have decided to build cement walk`s around both sides of the school. The grounds w 11 also be levelled and grass seed sown. This should make a great difference to the appearance of the building. The Corda-Buchner Concert which a p - pe redinthetown hall,on Friday even- ing, under the auspices of the G. W. V: A. was well patronized and the boysleared $63.00. Thelady violinist and the blind piano player were highly complimented by many who attended. The Turnberry Red Cross Society will meet in i:adie's church on Friday, April 25th at 7,30 p. m. Members are request- ed to return u all socks and yarn on that date, when arrangements will be made for the disposal of them and of the funds still in then ha ds of the Treasurer, The Village of Blyth have been good enough to change the date of their cele- bration from July 1st to June 3rd so that there wo Id be no conflicting of dates W i t h Wingham's Old Boys' Reunipn. Now it is up to the people of Wingham to ,uric out to 13lyth celebration on June 3rd 10 large numbers , Cohmencing with this week,' Hensall wilt have a new newspaper, which will be knot,'n by the same name as the former One, namely; The Hensall Observer, and under the management of the former pub. Iisher, Mr. Hugh G. Buchanan, in cons- pauy with' Mr F. Wickwire. Both are experienced men and well and favorably known. Spring is at hand and with it the usual recipes for purifying the blood, 'Sulphur, cleatn of tartar and molasses (with enough salts perhaps to flavour it) as the old staple reconimended by our grandmothers while the patent medicine man declared that "there's nothing like sarsaparilla" So -- "Hear the clinking of lite bottles! Hear the pirgting liquid notes, Of the sparkling Sarsaparilla Gliding smoothly down our throat tremony was performed by Adjut- ant Howell of the Salvation Army, Brand- on. Mrs. Archie Simmone and daughter Miss Alice were present at the ceremony. The happy couple left foe Regina and Moosejawamidst showers c confetti. Aft- er their honeymoon they will make their home in Grenfell, Sack, Purer tP-Druittrr•r The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Di- ment, Bluevale Road•, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Wednesday, April 16th, when their eldest daughter Mary Agnes, was united in marriage to Mr. Alfred L. Posliff of . Wingham. The ceremony - was performed by the Rev. Crawford Tate in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties, For Sluggish Liver.-Rexall Live, 35, 65c. and 1.25, Mr. J. T. Boardman has gone to Tor- onto where he will take a course in Elect- rical Engineering. We wish him success.: Mrs, (Dr,) Redmond underwent an op- eration for appendicitis in the Wingham General Hospital, She is getting along nicely and expects to be out again in a few days. - Mr. R. M. McKay whe"'recently pur- chased Knox's Jewelery stare, is making many improvements and now has one of the most up-to-date Jewelery stores in Western Ontario. The local branch of the G W. V. A. are tendering a banquet to Major Sinclair of Toronto, at the Queens Hotel on Friday evening, April 18th. Lt. -Col, Coombe will also be present, Mr. Billie Burke tonsorial' artist, is keeping abreast of the times. He has se- cured the services of a darkey who Banc - es on the phonograph records, keeping time to the music. The regular monthly meeting of the Womens' Institute will be held on Thurs- day, April 24th. at 3 o'clock in the Coun- cil Chamber, All members are urgently requested to be present at this meeting. Visitors will be made welcome. Tipling & Mills had their new Cleve- land Tractor started out at, their farm on r r., '11 n, is .a !„ .'T/in SrvecS ', NAF)Pl'^I1AVL)aL141 4)40 , 9T(,l., :•, ri G a; 'l r When you want delicious "Confect; 7► n Sri That. have just arrived from the best candy plant, And when your taste calls for a strikingly attractive package and a tempting selection of pieces, give us an opportunity to show you our latest offerings in chocolates and bon -bons, - We feature the most exclusive pack- ages and we believe the most coin= piete assortment in this locality. Look at our window display, J. W. McKibbon DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN Phone 53 C. P. 12. Tickets wr. Arm. :• rIE,rtE-.ra SgavE You '*1 '! I*) il. (±t 1,1 ri KNITTERS WANTED Beginners paid while learning. Good light, Steady work. •sigh-: est wages paid. , . Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd. Wingham Branch sae witermonto ease surimaramist lo• uesday. Mr. Tipling tells us it drew a C1-1 RiISTI arge double disc, seeder and roller, all at once doing the actual work of five teams successfully on ground plowed last fall. The cottage prayer circle will meet on Friday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. David Finlay, first house south of lower town bridge. There was a splendid rally last week, the cottage being well filled. Rev. Mr. Dinginan'a address, Cor- inthians 2:3, was helpful and inspiring. Mr. E. Merkley reports the sale of five Gray Dort -automobiles, two specials and three regulars, Messrs, W. F. Van Stone, Wingham, and Jas Aikenhead, Brucefield, purchased the specials. The other buyers are John Webster, St. Helens, Jas. Hamil- ton, Belmore and P. W. Patterson, Hullett. Mr. Harry Coutts of Toronto, is visit- ing his mother, Mrs. Coutts, Scott St. Mr. Coutts is a G. N. W. auditor and in-, spector and is here on official business in connection with the transfer of the tele- graph office from Mr. E. J. Nash to House iail Mt h o e. He is another of PHONE 59 Canada Food Board License N 827 No. - 8. TEAS -- 1 NEW •4RR%VALS These Teas, which are blended to our own formula are all that could be desired in liquoring, flavor and strength WIT]rroo"r being course,- Blended Specially to Draw $ I with the water obtainable in Wingham Community 60C. 70C. 80C. PE R L IS. C UPS' AND SA UCZ?2J. 19 only white and gold $2,50 a dez, The Tea and Coffee c s Drug St r the Wingham boys who is making good. "1"2616"1".181411/4""g41/1"1"1"1" eNir , 1" fi`r`/rte°--------.-. ,s.1Ys res lEaster Shoes' ` Der t not overlook your Easter Shoes Shoes always play a most important part in the dress of any man or woman. We are bubbling all over with enthusiasm over our magnificent new Spring Footwear Daintier, prettier and better than ever be- fore. R 1 Come Here for Your Easter Shoes A style for ever taste; and at a price seg easy to pay, We have choice Footwear also, for I oys, - Girls, Misses and Children. Let us Dress Your Feet for Easter. W J. GREER