HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-06-13, Page 6A FRIEND Bpeaka through the Bootlibay (Me.) Ikyteter, of the beneficial results he has received Iron: a regular use of Ayer'e Pills. Ile says: "I was feeling sick and tired and my stomach seemed all out of order. I tried a number of remedies, but none seemed to give me relief until rwas induced to try Um old relia- ble Ayer's Pills. I have taken only one box, but I feel like a new man. I think they alfe•tbe most pleasant and easy to take of anything I ever used, being so finely sugars coated that even a child will take them. I urge upon all who are in need of a laxative to try Ayer's Pills. They will do good." For ali diseases of the Stomach, Livers and Bowels, take AYER'S PILLS Prep�nredby Dr. J.O. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mae.. Every Dose Effective Asbfle i . The following is the re art of the standing of the pupils at S, S. No, Be ,A.sltiieid, for the Month eading May 814, 1894)—" • t th O1t ss_Eunuelille Hayden, Dolly Maw, Tena Gordon. a 4th Class• ---Burt Foster, Ross McNee, Sandy Gordon, Norman McGrattan, Willie Brindley. 3rd Class—Willie Burrows, Harry Mae!, •Bert Gordon, Florence Cerithani, Alice Dougheltty, Clara Brilidley, Lily Uaiupbo11, Maud Young, Willie Ben, nett. - 2ncl Class—Jennie Young, Nina Bur- rows, Hector Hawkins. Part 11—tw a Graham'WIGGINS, Teacher. We are glad to hear that Ethel Mc- Lean, who was SO seriously ill, is on a fair way of recovery. The weather lately leas been wet and cold consequently the growth has not been very rapid. The amount of damage done by the frost can scarcely be ascertained, Small fruits will probably suffer incest. Colborne: There was no service on the Ben - Miller t cout t oflthelcont feiencein n alast on c Goderich. L. 0. L. No. 153 held a spec' ing and degree nleetin i rht• May 25th it was The Huron News -Record 1.60 a Year -41.26 In Advance WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th, 1894. THE -- HURON NEWS -.RECORD. A Live Local and Family Weekly Journal, Issued Wednesday Mornings. 'OFFICE --Brick 'Block, Albert Street North, Clinton, Ont. TERMS. —51.50 a year .25 in advance. No paper discontinued, except at :phos of puhlieher, until all arreantgee are settled The month and year to which all subscriptions a e paid will be found on the• addresslabel. TRANSIRNT ADVERTI8INO.—Ton' cents a line (non• parcel measure) tor first insertion and three cents a line for each subsequent insertion. CONTRACT ADveRTISING. -Special position 10 to 25 per cent above regular rates. The table below gives ..ontract rates for run of paper for definite periods: SPASR. One column II ,400 00 886 00 Ha11.Ooiunu, 4 55 00 20 00 Quarter column 4111 20 00 12 ti0 • One eighth column. i 12 00 7 00 00 7 00 One inch I 1 YR. 18 mo. 1150. 1 sw $20 00 87 50 12 00 4 00 7 00 2 '.5 4 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 neet- r'iday n cided to procure new badges before t e 12th of July. Rev. Mr. Ashley is going oO preach to the brethren on Sunday, Jvly 8th, at Zion Church. The matter of the 1•eth of July celebration was left over till next meeting on June 15th. The Lady True Bines provided the breth''en with an excellent supper at the close of the Lodge. Long may they be spared to do such favours for the brethren. The Lodge was after- wards raised to the Royal Arch and one member advanced to that sublime degree. God save the Queen. Siinrnerbill, iKnttdwl edit li`tt :seek. 111x, Wra, ,Walbeee urns 801.(1 to Mr. John McCartney, pear Holniesville, a: fine thorough -hued Durban). bull. The alirmal is one year old, is pure red and is well developed for his age. Mr, 'Wallace realized tt good price and Mr.. McCartney got. a fine animal. It pays to keep good stook, Mr. and Mrs,, Thomas Mellveen, who have been visiting Ur. Pearson arid Other' Means in the vicinityof Chesley, have returned house. Alhough the weather was unfavorable they had a fine time during their week's outing. Mr. Relit. J. Millet' cut his foot a few days ago while getting out posts in the woods. He will have vacation for same time. Servants wanted, for sale, lost or found, advertise menta, not exceeding three linea, 26 cents each in- sertion ; not exceeding seven lines, 50 cents for first insertion and 25 cents for each following Insertion. Farms, houses or town property, for sale or to rent, stray stock or similar adverttaements not exceeding eight lines, 81 for brat month and 60 cents for each ollowing ,uonlh. Local notices 10c a lino for each assertion., Advertisements without definite inetrnctlons Jn- variably inserted until forbid and charged accord- ingly: Transient advertisements in all cases to be Raid in advance. All contract changes must be received at the office not later than SATURDAY NOON every week. Ai. TODD, Poi: {oho T Latter -Day Musings. Da just whatever most hies do— Cheat, Ito; if others tight you, fight Do unto others what aunts you— Thou you're all tight, Give pity, but give not hung more ; For pity's cheap and fills the bill ; Against all strangers bar the dour And lock the till. Be sure you tread the ancient way ; Lift not your head above the plain, Left, ou be Been and others say : "fhe rnau'e insane." Rate wrong, but never showy our hate ; Dlil!'ly condense, but grow not warm ; Lisplap no auger, curse no fato- 71s not good form. • Ltt martyrs warn you from their ways That lead to such unpleasant ende ; The headsman's block, the fagot's blaze, Mase poor amends. Ab : sole -1 lint worldlingS, would ye clip The wings of all who tato would soar? Must smallest boat and biggest ship Both keep near shorn? Ube Pilgrims, at whose noble trust in God the godless jeer and scoff, Must they be styled "Good souls, but just A little off" ? } The patient tloward, who e piorld y Dark prison ways, anddartd to sp ak Of wrongs his generous soul abhorred— Was he a teak ? Was he, the Danntees Genoese, Who *tithed through darkness into light, And feend a world in tar -off seas— A bedlatnite? And what of Him, who, toiling up, • ' Steep tialv,uy'a euro o'er ourdened sa.tk; Whodrained for us Donnie bitter cup— Watt he a crank ? Goderich, May, 1801. The funerlekof Mrs. Charles Walters, which took place two Sabbaths ago, to the Colborne cemetery, was one of the largest ever seen in this township, Deceased was a daughter of Mr. Charles Stewart, of the Nile, and had many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Milliner lutd a large gathering lately on the tenth anniversary of their wedding day, about 81) guests were present. A good time was spent by all. The Lady True .Blues had a very successful Meeting on May 251h, three initiations took place and Mil; applica- tions for member ship were received. May they ever prosper, it is a good order and one that is worthy of support. A Lodge of the United Workmen has been started at Carlow. The n=ame of it is Shepherd Lodge. Tuckersmith. The pulpit of Turner's' church was occupied on Sunday by Mr. Lou Stev- ens of Clinton during the absence of Mr. Smyth at Conference. Bev. Mr. Stuyeh will preach to the Maccabees on Sunday neat. Varna •Taut is eepected. Goderich Township. Mr. JInnes .Cottle, of Goder�ielr town- ship, returned a. few days ago from an eight months visit to udyard Statien, Michigan. He has five eons living in that section and hail An excellent opportunity to view the land.. Mr. Cottle speaks in the high- est terms of the country and settlers and refers especially to the kindness of Mr. Davis in looking after the'every want of intending settlers. Mr. Cottle declares that if he were as young as he used to be he would select a home in the vicinity of Rudyar'd Station, Henry Cottle generously gives board and bed free of charge to intending settler's. IViu ;li;tn►. Crowded out last week. The Misses Perkins, of Gor•r•ie, are visiting friends in town this week. Messrs. E. Fremlin and T. E. Cornyn were in (. orrie on Saturday evening attending an entertainment given by the Bengston Dramatic company. They report having a good time. The Winghatn lacrosse club play their first association match in Ltste- wel on Wednesday, June 8th. 'The boys will not be in a very good shape as some of them cannot get off on account of the Strai,ford races. The Brussels lacrosse chub play here on June 21st. The lacrosse boys in- tend having a grand concert in the town hall in the evening. Mr. T. H, Marks of the Mnrks Bros. is getting up an amateur company to Orly. They deserve a good house. —R. S. Chilton. A large barn -raising was held et Mes. E. Johns on Thut'sday• A number of new barns are tube seen in this neigh - b orhood. Messrs. D. Landshorough and J. Archbald were the guests of the Misses Johns one evening last week. The E. L. C. E. held their conseera- Lion and Roll call meeting en Sunday las... The Ler ;lie is in 'a flourishing condition, ina'ly valuable addresses being gi' en. Mrs. Cudwore has been laid up with a sof-e ha id ,.he nese weed- We hope to see her noon quite well again. Siiepi,ardtotl. Seve •pl of ,he pert; le he •e attended Lee Convention services in Goder:eh on Sunday. ' The school children are jubilant, over he prospect of at picnic at the Point Fa"nl on Saturday ne:-t, June 9th. Several schools are es:peeled to be in It ,teudance. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tesib a"e, enter- taining a young gentleman wire a -'liv- ed at, their houre one day last weer Also Mr'. and Mrs. Ale'. Yonog have the additic 11 of a young: lady at their house. The new bell that has lately been placed on our school adds geeatly to its appearance. Brussels. C, owc'ed out laid weal•, Misses Kate Betl'bly and Hati;ie Itoderus, of Wingbanl, are visit- ing f. fends in town this week. Kens. Scott spent part of last week with friends at Blyth. The Ha•rriston Lacrosse team are e:: necteu to play the home teals here on i'hursdity of this week. A good game is ex Acted. ...r:P.°7e r-1 Varna. Mislaid last week. Those who have been interested in the suit to decide the- ownership of Tem- perance hall have had their mauls set at rest by a telegram from Mr. Gar - row, on Saturday hist to Mr. James Armstrong, announcing the decision of Judge Armour that Mr. Ward pay a fine of WO and all expenses in connec- tion therewith, which will amount to a considerable suis. Mr. S. A. Moffatt is moving this week from his residence in the village to his farm on the Bayfield Road. Although only a short distance his presence will be much missed in the village. Our tailor, Mr. McBrayne, is quite busy at present working late and early. His excellent workmanship pleases all who give him a trial. The tea meeting given by the Christian Endeavor Society of Bay- field Read church was a grand success in every respect and the debt on the organ will soon he cleared off, thanks to the enterprise of the society. Reeve Kerr is attending County Council this week, also Con erence at Goderich. Mrs. O. E. Turnbull, of Guelph, is visiting her parents this week. - Jas. Ballantyue is holidaying in Strntfol d. Communion Services were held at Melville church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Hartley, of Bluevale, preached on Saturday and Rev. Mr. Forrest of Walton, Sunday evening and Monday morning. Look out for a monstrous, demon- stration on Dominion Day, rnBrussels. The Forresters have completed ar- rangements for their part of the pro- gramme; there will he - 11 sorts ofai.lhe- tic sports. The Turf Club have also ar- ranged for a big inecton that day. In the evening a grand concert will be given in which Miss Agnes Knox, Harry Rice, comic vocalists, and local talent will take part, Every one should come and have :t•hig time. Ebenezer News. Messrs, Bohn & Co., of Auburn, have completed building the stone wall for Mr. 11. Jones' new residence and are now busily engaged building the wall previous to the erecting of Mr. John l'earce's new barn. A severe rainstorm accoul anted by lightning and thunder passed over this section on Slmdaty- last. No damage is reported as done. The+e will be no service in the Ebenezer Church 'wet Sabbath owing to Conference being held in Goderich. ' Ve ,learn that Mr. A. Robertson iiatenclsl moving his wife and family to Auburn to reside in the future. MiGs B. Cunningham has left. the Misses Rutledge .and is Off on aL tour to London visiting relatives. Mr. Thomas and Miss Millie Hamil- ton spent Sunday last, visiting at Me. Wm. Phmketts, of Ebenezer, Londesboro. NOTES.—Mr. and Mrs. W. Geddes, ficin near Belgeave, spent Sunday with Mrs. Geddes' Mother, Mrs. Mc- Kenzie.—I6 of the members of Court "Pride of the west" attended the C. 0. F. church parade in Clinton on Sunday last.—Rev. James Ferguson, of 0ratn- ton, was the guest of R. I3. Jeffery Saturday night and Sunday. He preached in the Methodist church ou Sunday morning.—Mr. and Mrs. John Cole of E. Wawanosh, spent Sunday with Mrs. McI(enzie.—Ross McPherson returned eo his hotue in Heusatll on Monday aft 'rioon. -- Albert Haggit and Mr. McI''adyen, teacher in S. S. No. 8, drove to Kincardine on Friday after 0011001 IEts dismissed, returning again on Sunday,—Mr. Garrow ad- dressed the electors in the Temperance Hall on Friday night. The tttt,c'.ldance was small.• -•harry Mance, whilst kicking foot ball last Thursday even- ing, got one leg lordly steained. 1t will be two or throe weeks before he Will be able to do anything. He has gone house for a taut. --1'r. H. Mc- Quarrie, of Blyth, has been working in Bronstein's IrlaCl.sulith shop for the last few days. -Rev. T. E. Higley, of Blyth, wade in the village on 1!-1 iday.--J. J. Brown, harness -maker, will novo into John Hill's shop on Fi iday. Mr. Ohrien will occupy the shop he is leav- ing. --George Snell, of Hallett, raised a new barn 011 Monday. Mat. Mains is the frattnel.- Some people are Wonder• ing if their potatoes are rotting owing — be h I'ki Will 9 rains.—There e 'ont�nuou t let. to G1 • u sacraaplent in the Presby church on Sunday. ----Mrs. 'Thule, of Morris, was visitiug her sister, Mrs. J. Walker, last week. --The Foresters will hold their regular meeting' on Friday.—A. Woodman will go to Wooastock on Tuesday as delegate to the High Court, U. U. 1+'., from the dorsal Court. .. NEUAICIA,PUMA I5M- CURED EVERY TIME . A�0 AHI L 1 t „ i EN D& EHTHOL P IASTER' pap. THE #• June- is the mouth of Roses and Fruit, THEN WY NOT BUY THE GENUINE PARIS GRN" and GARDEN SYRINGE. Kill off the Bug and let' thein YOU WILL WANT FOR THIS Enameled Steel Preserving Kettles and Sauce Pans; Screen Doors, Window Screens, Wove Wire for Doors and Windows, Milk Pans, Milk Cans, Milk Pails, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Grass Sythes; Sythe Stones, Gem Fruit Presses, Lemon Squeezers, Traps, Daisy Churns, Machine Oil, White Lead, Ready Mixed Paints, all shades, Fancy Wire, Barbed Wire, Hathaway Wire, Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Steel Cut Nails, all sizes. KOAL 1 COAL ! I KOAL 11 I. LEHIGH VALLEY COAL—We have just received 10 Cars of the Celebrated Mine. Fly West Wawanosh. Crowded out 'eat week. Rain and thunder storms still prevail in this section of the country. Jus. Gibson, of Bloomington, is snak- ing preparations for building a new house. T. FLnlon bas the contract of the stoneworl.. J. C. Wilson, of Dungannon, intends shippi-lg a car load of horses to Mani- toba. If he does well in his first ship- ment he intends to go into t1ie business more extensively. We wish hien suc- cess in his undertaking. Orange lodge No. 317 intends to cele - brat; the twelfth at Wingham. They have engaged J. Hickingbottom to play the p "1s and beat the drum. Joe is a good man and understands his business and will, without doubt, be able to play them both at once. Mr. H. Thompson has returned to Owen Sound, where he intends to take another course at the Business College. Mr. A. Moss intends to send his summer holidays at Point Farm for the good of his health. Mr. Robertson spent Sunday at Mr. Mills', of Crowfoot ioint, Miss B. Cnnninghame bas returned home after visiting friends at Beaver- ton. D. McKenzie spent Sunday visiting friends at Ebeneze'. Mt'. Clifton, of Bloomington, had the misfortune to loose a fine horse last week. Mr. Sproul also lost three fine horses by lightning last Sunday. Porter's Hill. Crowded out last week A short time since Mr. Clark of the 1st con„ met with a painful accident. From 'the information we received it appears that the ladies of Mr. Clarees household had been housecleaning and by an overs'git hat removed 0 barge trunk flour oae of the spare bedioolns into Mr. Clark's bedl.00m. The acci- dent happened about twelve o'clock at nig •t, the inmates of the house having all retired and were sleening when Mt'. • Clink was suddi niy a,we..eaed by hear- ing a hone, and baggy driving rapid'y by on the road.. Mr. Cla.'k, by the way, is a bit helor, and being aneio'rs to aecei talin who was passing, sprang out of bed and started ,or the 'Aincluly to look out, when unfortunately he collided with the ,aurjr e teas., bruising his face and bailing his shins severely. At time of smiting Ml'. Clark is slowly recovering. Last Saterday Miss Mary Sterling, of ,,he 4th con., entertained the scholars of her Sunday School class to an A t Horne on the heauti'.l lawn in front of Mr. Sterling's ..ouse. The el- ileren spent the etfi,elnoon in games and amusements of various kinds, and •to - wares ev: ni rg• sat down td a rare treat of candies, i t 11(3 and cake. After 'lar- talging of ti e goofe things provided Miss Sterling conaucted the children to the parlor and entertained them with vocal aad ;este timent'tl music, the children joining in the chores, after which they all returned home s king in the highest terms or the I:indness of their Sunday School teaches. idi. M.O. Johnson, b.rrisear, (lode - rich, spent Sunday last under the 1 ,larentaLl roof. Mr. L'dd'e Jones spent Sunday evening last at-Mr.'Welly Olivers. Mr. Wm. Eilintt; of Goderich town- ship, spent; at few flays visiting at Mrs Thos. Rutledge's. Miss L. Smith spent Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Oliver. lei DEL i'rElt.' Stanley. Meeting of Board of Health of Stanley township. The hoard of Ilealth met today In town hall. Heins hers all present. Tho appointment of.Dr. Armstrong and contract made with him by the (menet] mete ens• Win d and the Secretary authorized to have 400 nuts• res printed for distribution In Rebottle rnaaingg known the bine the doctor will be at the different Rchools to vaa•aante all requiring the Rome. The Board than adjoartied to meet ag.tin at the call of the ehairmnn, J. T. CatnvsSeerotary. - ligq-,:. Iron hardware HarIand Bios.,]Ylerchantsand. MEREDITII—CLEAICY. A Grit Organ Pays high Tribute to the Former, A:cD ADMINISTERS A FITTING REBUKE TO THE ARCIIBISIIOP. Montreal, June 1. --The Daily Wit- ness publishes the followingieditorial remarks "Archbishop Cleary differs very widely from almost all other &linen Catholic ecclesiastics in dignity and political discretion. Unbridled bad temper has dictated more than one of his public utterances, and we fear his latest ' must he added to this list. 'Why,' he says, 'should respectable Conservatism ba brought into dis- "epute and the true Conservatives of Ontario be made a by -word of reproach by tolerating the hypocrisy of r h'tn- gt'y adventures.' Everybody under- stands that it is to Mr. Meredith, the leader of the Ontario Opposition, that this sentence refers. To characterize Mi. Meredith as a.'lrungry adventurer' is to hear false witness of the most audacious sort. Mr. Meredith's whole cou'se as a politician has been high minded and honorable to an exception- al degree. As the leader of the Opposi- tion in the Ontario Legislature he has contributed only less to the Govern- ment of that province than the mem- bers of the Ontario Governrnent itself. He has refrained from exciting the cupidity of his followers by promising raids upon the Treasury of the Govere- ment. which is too often the means by which the leader of an unscrupulous Opposition manages to drive from office the leader of an honest Govern- ment. This has been strictly eschewed by the high-minded leader of the Op-osition of Ontario, and the grati- taLe of the people of the Province, wi.,hout regard to the color of their political opinions, has been manifested on more than one occasion toward the leader of the Opposition. Mr. Mere- dith is anything but an adventurer, and if he has ever been h'ingry it is a reproach to the people of Ontario, ,vhonl he has served so well. That Archbishop Cleary has been so rapidly promoted is in view of his numerous attempts to set the heather of Ontario afire with religious hatred, a misfor- tune to the Roman Catholic Church." Old Store, Brick Block—New Store, McKay Block. Eureka BaIeiij and Restaurant. ---0— In In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in 'a better position than ever to 8°-- ccesefully cater to the wants of the general public. We do our own LATEST INVENTION.—Early in the month of April the 'nvention, which is called a Tont-orneter, after the name of the inventor, was tested in our school, but owing to a lot of dust and the operator not being very ;well up to running the machine the test was not very satisfactory, cor sequently the operator thought it would he better to give the machine another trial, so a few days before the anniversary of our Gracious Majesty's birthday the opera- tor, "or the second time started the tuachine in motion in our school and we are happy to write that at the test the machine worked far beyond the most sanguine expectation of the operator. Now, as the County Council is due to meet on•Tuesday, the 5th of June, in Goderich in the Council room we think that it would be well if the Education Comin •e would call on the inventor. anti Hme out the cost and above all and everything ascerrain how i;; world act on trustees that refuse to carry out the school law and regula- tions. - quality BREAD, baking, save heavy expenses, and turn out a ql to any in West! BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &O., equal ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &d., delivered to all parts of the town. FRITS, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, COOL DRI MKS. Pic-nic and Private Gather- ings supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. POLITICAL MEETING.—Saturday eve- ning Mr. Garrow, M. P. P., held a electing in the hall at Porter's Hill. Mr. W. Mc(llusky acted as chairman of the meeting and in 0 few well chosenwords introduced the speaker. Mr. Garrow spoke for about an hour and at half about the record of the Mowat Government by saying that at the tirne of Confederation each of the provinces started without one cent of debt. The speaker quoted figures to ' the show different() between the great c lifers provinces now. The Patron platform and the fee system were both handled without, gloves. At the conclusion of Mr. Garrow's speech the chairman gave the Patron candidate or any one who wished to speak for Mr. Connolly en opportunity to do so. After welting0 few minutes to see if any of the a- trons wnnld speak for Mr. Connolly the meeting was closed by giving the chairman a vote of thanks. W. 11. B0 I'D, Proprietor y Leslie's Carria:e Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND ' AGONS—all of the beat w4iak•, manship and material. ofirAi the latest styles and moat modern improtre- menta. All work warranted. es aRepairing ithe ti iand t s repaintingtipromptly attended eier ACTORY--corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y SPECIAL NOTICE tar TUE NEWS -RECORD will always be pleased to receive reliable information of Births, Mar - Owes, and Deaths, or of any other local event. IfIr Tun News RECORD can furnish as hand- some Wedding re ginwokand Stationery ae owand gpricestee an as any cine ty or other printing office. 115• In the mattet of Funeral Circulars an Memorial Cards, Tns Newa•Recoao grarante prompt wattention s work. at fifty per centless than easd the thest class o ern prices. Wash Day Made Easy • I have secured the right to manufacture th famons Magic Washing Machine. AlreadyI have made and sold a number. The purchasers are delighted. To nso the machine on trial is sure to make a sale if one is required. Wash -day is made very easy and carpets can be kept perfectly clean; no spi.. u,ng or waste water whatever. The price has been set ata very low figure. The machine may be seen at my reeidence on Isaac Street. B. COLE 600-11 A LAUGHABLE MISTAKE. Two ladies entered a book -store recently and the younger asked the clerk for a book called "Favorite re.es- eription." The puz :led attendant was unable to comply with her request and she left the store d isaappoin ted. Inquiry elicited the fact that she had overheord cintwo literary rest ,inn between v a tonus ladies in which "Favorite Prescription" was mentioned with exteavaggantpraise, and had jumped to the conclusion that it was a book. She now knows that Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription is a sovereign cure for the ills and ., for far to women, ass scud "weaknesses" e w p she hes been cured by its use. It is the only medicine of its class, sold by druggists, ander a positive guarantee t.haL 1t will cure in all eases of disease for rvhie h itis recommended, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. Dr. Pierre's Pellets cure permanently constipation, sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and kindred ailments. a LIVE JOGS WANTED. Highest Market, Price Paid. 'D .CANTELON, Clinton. '795-t1. The IcKiollp mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm andIsoly Tl Town Proper- ty OFFICERS. D.Rrias, President, Clinton P. O,; Gen, Watt. vino-preeldent, tiarioekI'. el, ; W. J. Shannon, Seey•Treas., Seaforth 0. o.; M. Mardis, In- pector ofoiaime. Seator111 P. O. DIRROTORS, Jas, Lead Gabriel Broadfoot Elli tt Seaforth 0110101 Gar Iohn' Ilan nary; ; nab. Seafnrth ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ;Thos. Oarbntt, Clinton. CITY BAK I-i.RY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having brought out the bakery business So anccesafally carried on by Mr. Wm. Young, will continue the business at the old stand. He will endeavor, by aupplying a first class arttelelto, merit the- liberal support of the people. Bread de- livered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notice. AGENTS. Thos. Nellars, Aarlocic; Robt. McMillan, Sea. forth; J. Cummings, Egmondvillo; Geo. Hurdle, Auditor . Parties desirous to effectegns,rrance or trans- not to onr business application. tohany of the above officers addressed to their respective post offices. Rymer In Sfx nouns.—Distressing Itidney end Bladder dhows; relieved in et been hy, the 'New GREAT IDNRY C(1110' This noW remedy is angr at st rpriseAMERICAN ;and delight to physicians veal account of its cxneeding prnmpinese In relieving pantie the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary peaeogee in male or female. It relieves retention of cantor and palein passing nssin it almnat im- mediately, medtntely, If yon want quick r>?Iief and aero this 113 our remedy. Sold by Watts & Co, and Alice k Wilson, Druggists. M. BECKWITH, - - CLINTON. Properity For Sale, For sale, the large dwelling and lot owned and lately occupied by Dr. Appleton, on Ontario street. Has all modern conveniences. Centrally located. Also a house and lot adjoining above property, facing Victoria street. For particulars, apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. 807-1 • The Lady Maccabees of Friendship Hive, Dashwood, are going to have a picnic in Wm. Holt's grove, Grand Bend, on June llth. A dinner will be• served by the ladies, also reprogramme ' ' } Zurich talent; to ennsist of music by 71 , speeches by the cornma,nders of several Hives and Tents; the Rev. Mr. Cat'riere, of Grand Bend; Mr. M.•'(. McLean, the Reform candidate for Sonth Huron, and Mr. Weisrniller, the Con- servative candidate. The programme commences at I() o'clock a. in Dinner served at 12 o'clock. �xT rliEr:411°",lv tet, GURU 5 w's1 '%jam ��► H �, ��yoR8U5 Ch'QL:R +� 1/ ` TER -re DIA �y it ,�1ii , ANDP.4L LU' 1 LtC SU�jj�j� � '" aF t�r� It`ll i or�, DULTS ? , �'{1Lpf;G rc75 G vice 35 1ONs 5EWA t., c7(;;;eh I a;?Rrr•: DELICATE MURRAY a UNMAN'S:. aloes PURE SWEET LASTING eve r 7 1v I eylks RICH RARE PUNGENT STILL HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE 1N POPULAR FAVOR. BsWARR. OP. IMITATIONS. Tig FRAGRANT