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The Huron News-Record, 1894-06-13, Page 4
u r ; M �`�e ;�u�,�� ��u��4��e�v;�.a ' �.,�R N �'e�z�1.2G tp AAe'sacr. • �� . . . _ _. . ° ._ 'FVi�p,�;�����Ju�r��]�Sru,.l3u1, . ,�,„..,�.�-�...,�-.T.., . ��,�.�.._..,�.. 'I :� �asYa:t������ ��� ���Ito.v c�� � .v� v:� ���. ! � . �. � � ��--- , �l��s ti�4�e �nc tho IJu�i�Sxiioix �i�>;xse q, i� ��'e�t kZ��t�Uti. 11i�. Gc�uut, cc,.i::ty :,� �tx��icl.c'��� c�k tlie i."�it;rons uf IuQu��rY .• • at,�� sr�cl-tit�lu T�t?Yurizie.c• ��tid :L re,i:lent s�� :�t� •f�lc�lcl, t��its on 5iuu�2�iy nu,iiii�:stc?d' �aq ��a�t'�fe�Y :r,ttcanilecl co;ar•ciit:u:z ut �;rtxttlx's I�ill. J �-.,,.,».,.�...,,,..�.. u' ' 14ff2. ,�1lL'LiG'DI7'FC,S PI�OC� 1t.1 J1.ifF;. '�'0 1cet�� il�e e�.j�c�ut�itu��� <�f' Clxt pi���- vfr�ec� wibEii� t;ix� liix�:ts ��f f'i� i�: ��:�nic�. ° Ta b�v� thc� puc�z� ��utier til��a }>i�uteLti�>ii c�f nn absolutei,y- s�>cret b,illut. �"' ��:' '1'n r,;�l.e tlit+ c��i�krnl oY ecine.etiou �tnil the sehuuls oi7t of pulitic=. Tudt3att'��y th�: �zo�vt�t• vP Gnvci•n�nent; .. �U'1 l tlill(�� �t �r in ��t .1 )� ('lti tU:� ' iliNu L L , aPT�c xslt t�� � b frorYx licruot lu�c�n,e 6ciltlers. Tr� ktut.tliu �.�ut,d:c luncl�; uu tiic sani�� ' liaslSres�thcsothernSsrsLsufbttc�pruviuci+ ' yo th�tt 4a:+)• �rxar' uciL- h, dispu.;a.l c�t' v�•itliuut thc .i,s::�aut ol� 1►�� rN )�'ifSPll? L• �: ' tiroy of tiic: puhlic ic� Lh. lu;;;s��ttu�e. � ,� ,f Tcr'�;�k�� uira.�iu�a,,: t�i t•n�i��i�r�•ia iLi�S � cn, ai7t;ii� f:��• fur:�t ���e��ltit cef the pr,�. � ` vinue. k '.Lro imosu:��:n t'.��� �lu��c�l��}uu��nL u: ics zL',iuerhl wt�f+ltil. , '1'i� :•i�,lut�r i•:: :��u�litttt��� h � ;i:n�ii"�tit:a �i 1 3 ,.�� r ��,�.�r. iuvi+r: � . ��, 1 � ( i b� , 'I'u hc>:�i c>nly lii� unieil �cs�`.uns uf Llte le�; i.�l+�,tur�-. _ - - � � ZIO V'.Y' L Ili L' I7' 1 � �.�,t heL_ u�� de sorne �, � .,. :,ir 41iv��r 11I� v � � Grit iie�vs�ripers tu,i1. Spealcin� re �� .�:; . ��. ,.,, cently, uu� of the ia�ost pronouuced 4' Cxrit s1i��eC� in thp pravince. d�clai�es :- a•^^ "�ii� ali�•c.r Uot�•�tit lias iu the f�Lce uf a�n elec•I,ion succuruLi.d to tiie cry for �y.,,, �. protectiou, lLtlC� I1218 decidecl to �CFLTIt ` � $12�,0()i) in i�:cin l�ounties. `Ve 3x��•e '�' -; �` � ail��v�tys suppui�te�l �41r. 1'to�v.�t, l�ut wc � � 3�; thinl> 31r.�RIo�vrLi':, xcbiun ���ith re;;�ird �'" to �hf� iruu dut;y�, is calcul+ttf�d tc� do � inor�� h�u��n to the Oppositiun in the Dumiuion elcactions th.tiu ��nytlait�� Lhat � Ixrts i��,ppened fui� a lonR .tiixir. Uur $� letiders of �vhun� �Tr. iti'lc��vr�t hr�s l�een g one de:;ir�ns tl���t pr�itecEion �l�uulil ht� aba�ndonecl, <tind here �1r. M��witt cuines aloYig a.0 fl. critical tiaie fLitd soLya th�it � he �v�ll ud�i tu the :il��e:�dy hi;;h tu•�- �,;�,"� '.I"�� tection t1��Lt i:he. irun inxvufucturers �� � have itx the T�ominion tarifP." The �:,, ,�,.. : ditiicult�- is thrtt Sir 0liver :1Iows�t i� a (�tinadi,tu, und know s tivh:it is �ood fvr �.,>,� ;: Gr�n�dieius, a.ud bi�.side5 l�c; is looking �� °� ': �tfter his c•3?tinces for election, �Lnd is a �-; � goo<t di�a,l inore t�nxious tc> c;lpture �.;�.;'! pul�lic ap�7ro�•.�i f��r himselF tha,n to clo •tny od�l�ju!+s fuc• the 1),�i�iininn Op ���si. . tiuu: «c caui���i�, hcla tliiuking, ��utiv ;',•..�.; ever, th;�t !1ir. Blo4vait's ecinduct is a� ;i: �;;.-:;, , �, h�zcl: sl�i � to. Sir Richarcl Cartwri�ht, ,,,,, ` :tnd tve c�o T�ot ci�uy, too, that it �vas n w w.� ., little nnl:ina uf 5ir Olicc�r to upset Sir �:r�, ; P�ichard t'•�Li•ttivriaht's .i. i ite c.it�t ii� stich � rr � r.in uncir��taionii�ua ,�ii�l siun�n�rv inata- �;,;.;!, • , . n�:r. • I3ut it s Lll in the f��iiil�. 4 4 '' a GI�DL'It %'t4'l��li, � � _� �q ; It will be re�z�embere�i tl�.tit one ��f i� the chief ,itt�cks [Y17LLZl' l>y tho Gi•its '{✓ n �, ; t�>>Linat lhc C<iverntYle�iY, l�ns liceii its prote�;t:iuu �f 124 p<�; ccnt. to tlie i bincling ttt�inc� in<lus�ry. The Con- t' sumec� C orcl<tge (,umpa�ny ho-is be�;n }ield ii(� :�s :�, perfect clein��a ��•h�>yt� clt�we `vere aftt:r thc farnxet�s reli�nttess- '� . ly.• No���, 11r. Mc��v,Lt h:is iice��i ni�init- factariug bindinn twine l�y pri.ou IrLb�,r . at t]Z (, nt�.� P IROI] 'O 'li � ,:;�� � . e e I r. Tot nto. 3 c � ., , , �` %' '. whole questi��n of tlic in.tiiinf,�,ctnre e�f �;°�';;' this article in the Centr��l Prisn�� �r,�, investiga,ted t�y tlie Ont�ria Piiblic '`"; � l�ccowlts Coniroitt,c�c� durin� the pa��t �,_ sescion, and the ct•i;lf nct> brou;liL he- fore tliat (`o�nniitGre �oe5 to slie�v �i5 � � � r� follu�v�:-1'lin,t fl��� C�>n:,un�c�rs U��r�l:i�e Uou�pa�i}• uaidc r.�elis c-he Liber:�l Cen, tr<Ll Yi�i�ou Biiidinr T4viiie Eart�r�•= - ti1FbY, l:� r0 E:Ly'� tf]2L� i:I11F ILllillittt)11S CUlll- bine ..Lys honest n�en fa,ir �v�,��s, erects ti��ildin , 1•s iutcrest on c:ti iit,il in- veste�t,��x:i���s :i f:iiz• irofit ou its uc�cl-; r � :�nil yrt ��r�>dtii�e� thear� cfse,��ur au�l ` sell, tlit ttt at •� Io�r•er r;�t,c: th;ui c:�n r' .' the priaon labor i��sLitaLicin af Sir ,(�'- ; Olicer:Ilnw�t, which p,�ys 7o iuterest • nn the money it custs, h:�s its ni:�c+hin- ��,- ee� stind factt�ry furnished �,t tl�e Public expe��se. and #;ives no honc5t I,ebore�• zn oi�{�ortuaiity to pr•��ti•id�� foi� l�is fa�,ii�- ily. It is ,�, �oo�l thin� for tl�e binclin� '� � t.wine mnt�ufi�eturers th:�t Sic Oliver Mow.Lt starCed }iis T�ronto 1'ris�n rf��to��z�. r:�;k fi�/ADL 13USI.VL,Y�S. ^,' .14r. Mcf:arth b5. P. l��is heen c�n_ i Y� derLvoring t� fast.Pn npon the I3ou. N. � Cl�trke �'�':illrtce, O��ntroller ��f CuGtotn�c, , t,lie ch:�rge Chat «�ith his ]cnnc�•]Pdge or' liy his permissiun certriin tl�ing9 wc�re, � nllo�ved l�n he bron ht in 1� thr: R�v. li � Y , Fr�ther I3r�.idy nf i'U�x>dst.o�k, free <�f I duty, �vl�ile t�rticle� fc�r Prot��st�,nt chnrcheq of tl�e Snme kiud ��•ere jud��d '�, to be dutiahle�. Evrr,yliocly I:notve th;�t j � w ^ ttn:ruch Lhing tv��ul�l f�r:ti mrnnent hc � �`" �':' nllowed l�y the Gontx•oller, e�•en if � �s" he hrul th� p��wer, �rl�ich he I�� '' : i1a,s noi, his duty hcici� oul� to .id- I minic�;.er the ln�v .ty iL is npnu the I St�iLute hnol�s, Thc�, corre:�ponde��ce � ws�,s rerently tirotight dowai to f;he � ?3cra��e �f ('nrnnions in re�flrd t� this . 'chtei'ry'e c�f Mr. AIc(7strth,y'g:Lr�d it �hotvs conc�iisively t,h�Lt Mi•. VVzillace �xPlicit- ]y iuetructe�l the Collec�tc�r nt Nnod- vtoclz tlu�,t he w�,9 to �rrtnt freP enti•y .nnly t�� sucli �f tho �ooda consi�ued to �,r the I�,t�v. T+'ttither IirtLdy .�s t}i� l:�n pt�r- mits. Tiiia �Vfl9 rio f;i,v��� t�� I�'s�,tllnr i3rady, h��•s:11.9P Mr. tiVF�llacr or �in3� other C`�ntroller of Cu9toti�s woiild ',; ,, hnve h�rn r��mpc.11ed to clo ,es hr in- structFd the c�11Hc6or t� d��. Afr.c ��- w�rds it �a�nq �lisc�>vere�d thnt the col- lector hnd m�tide nn error a�ncl D'ir. W�1- lttce srabsFq.uentiy ccirnpelled him to set ta work to cnllect the momies due from the [i,er. F:ither Brady; ihese momies Pather Br:�,�i� p�,id. '1'he whale vtulue . O£ tllC �nO+�R 171 l�tl('�Stl(177 tv�a $100, tt.nd o� these <�n{y :�40 tvc�rc� clttiti.tl>le, tin�l �n this $�4Q worth of g��cle thc cler�y►na,n .� p�,id duY.y ns wc Hta,to �hnve. Thiq iA - Yhe hig sra.ndoLl th:tiC Mr. Mc';artliy rva�,s . ghn�t n,t Dir. Wt�llnce. Mr. �VZc- Crt�rthy is en�,�,ged in sm:itl }�usines�. � +� Y . + . .... .._.. . . .... .., � . . .. ... ... . . .. . � . . I t: � . � , . ,.� ' . . . � .. . � '. � . . ,.. .. ,. . ._ . . . ...._. ,. ......:. .. . ..,._. �, � .�'N4��XS.��t'a �'���"�, � �V't� I�i�i���'p', lie �a�*� �,�uu�r��l��►w�th,��, P�t�a��y�n,. The 'i,tk�o���� p�ii�� �r� . ac>.�ats�?nGl ' "'"�"""�'" r��i��r��'� fict:rnn�n. . ��!aaa ''t�hrN.bix�cl � Y, Y .�1 t�cz�,����.��i�+o �ttti��r ��xj�k�n�. aF #y l��ttl�(���, �v�' w����'� kta tiv�ts �i�»d. •'�a. . pa��ti�� ta.�rigi'�u�t�`��,c��Lt�b����herQ �•�ef,nrt� i�C�t�viotiv �vhicxi t'����ru��oi��t�ssc� Goi�sc���s�i�tzv�;s. �i;y��s �uti�r �ot ll,�jk� u� � x A n a on �r u Z .o a l:stn�i ��� E ' � !� 0 �l ' ' .Q � � ��i 13�11 t11 � a � � �� ��� � ��.� � � . l�e � c�? , re Y Xfl� ��� c� t�.t'�C��4',kL��4}lsi�l �ui�lz 9.ix Jt��in Tl�c�xati2�a�nt ��lie���' 1:� kus>r� a#' tk�� alafz i�* t�rznb�E,' t�t�do �nd �4 �op, ��;�ed. '4�0 �ire c1ec��tix�ea tl��t ��Q �tici n�t nct ay c3x�i1�- �,-ic,ii�,ttp4��, the �.�ublic�. .E�, ialtt���Qr 2� platica to Gh� £o�Xo�vin� fc�ss� `,T�zi���� ixi,�tioriUy t�s `�"it' �t�hix �iflcslUnrtiad ►��ould �r�tni�.t�xat l�,ib�,a�^�.�1� atix�� ;�11��,Y�:ci hy, $wr� an irulopencl,e�at ��igl�sh �o�ir�a:�l, he��•� a�cCsd uZ�c>� tlxQ c,�uc�atio;�i. In ���i1��.Ur�t� La )anra 1t�at� part�ie�. to.t�c: �vhieb sho�ts juat tvhn,t x•oul tttises di�c�t�ccllt�,blo t��ttxc•s, '1'k�v �'Vitr�ess' . iu�,kn :-"Birbh is t�i�ed, m���•rir� e is vtliex �a•o�•dy tl�e I�up�r r�,t'���reci bo eut�cesgond�>nt iuteTvie�t���cl bc�uerk�,t � thinkw Ghe1t Sir,� Jot��a :Lnrai����5on xni�;ht p�•c�axainc�nt }2��i'��i�zxa�i� t�a.c�si,y,, `l`herH Las�d, cloatii is tcti:�e�d ;�vn ��,re taxed j1tbVL I1L1�11UU'(.�''k�NC�{ TtiC C�(:!le�:ites �� little� wp��'+��'y tc> be abupclzu�t proaf tki�,t Par aur bi�lc�r, if �vc�..�ro prospex•ot�s i�•s ��e�d c�� �pc�,tki►;�; tu the�t� .iu tl�e j 1Vl.iildve�ia 5 st��ttoit�etit, so feL�t• zis liia c��vta one�u�;h to keep <ane; we nro tt�sed for �t1in teruis iii ���}iicl� ho did e�vak to 1O�"�ilet is nc>nc.`E;l�nt:i9, is tr�tc�. .A ic�.�t1- I our fi.iotuxron; o+xr �rc�om ; t{i� c+ix�x`1kL�,'H � t iu�; Liberatl �;itiid Uotli sides da i4 iut �vti� k.�°<;h i� ba�ud ; ttie osr�n'sbua we ric{a then�. Jt ic n•ortl� �vhii� rcu ]cnocv just �vr.ry �1c+etxu��. C.'qns�rv:ati��es nsc tl tca � it� is t.�xc�ct; the r.ailw,�,,y ti•etiin �ve �vl7etit tl7�e P��ruiiNr did sL�y. Tliisc� are hai�•c tl�N u�oiiol�aly oP i(;. 1�Ttilr.l���n trze��el by is tax�ci ; tho h��use do� is his words :"1 nnist� tE�ll you Yraukly� bx'<'u�•lit iG tc� n3 tiiad lirtis tal.��c� it b�erl. tnsed ; everything we driaxls, wine, Con, ,, to i��hr.rc hc� c+t�ive fro�n, lyeatius� he tlllLC I I11:17ce L10 1?IBtjE�4 tL� i11I, I xuuet du 1 � n c��tte:e, is ta�ied ; liglxt is tztsed ; Uhe conlcl not ulaicknie�il I��t��� Ryan. 'ih 3; ►iuen �1�e3 al�+e � un i:� tr�::od ; the Uhr`IN�' th71C OL1G of res��euf tu yuu. � COlt1Cl (iP I S'l'�'N�1ttl(lIl3 hiLti�c3 shock.�+cZ the lteforul- � �iuti:; pltitn-pu�c3itzg is tr�aecl ; our +tt�ti- ���liwt soitir� uCL�+i•� li���-e l�t•an �wid tu �i,y U�ith(r.l� c�t' �iiairlt�u�+ circl4:� �tud I hr�� a dunc� : tlirtnt� yuii aucl ;;ire 3•o�i a I�iliuus �ills xre t>►xed • �v� liave lnctil nuiny c�ti th��se witiiiu. It is li�lie�•c:d , rtit�a, pu�r r,ttes, enunty counc�il r.LG� 5, l�ledg� thri� I cotild w�,11: �nit t�r�i�urre�w Lhat the �li't•c�t will bH fL cici�ner elt��- �v.�t��r r.ete5, vc�sCry i•nCes ; house- �vith iii� +�riii� alciuii�u, Lul I�ti�oulcl bN tiuu tlti� timc�, cas�at�eirill,y in �•i�tv of the j l�ulciei•s, loric,YHi�s, iu.tii•rird eLnd viii�I4: fFl�,u tc� }-c>u iuucl c>t,l�er� �vitli �vllotu yc�n ��t�1.5��nwtota' I�ill iiita•o�3nced bv L•h� ar� asso�iritc�l if I r��•e six�l� L�.� �.l Ye. � anen, �t•o�nen atud children, <i� e Rti! � ` 1 b, :1:{o�vat ;ov��rui!icnt �uiQ rnactetl��i lu�v taxed in sow�+ f�ir�z� ur other, "��ne- lu tl�is cn�e ��s in evei•y� otiie.i• c;ise in �,k�eks at;o," wiiich tiU h:�5 Leen iuter�•ies�•a.1 l�y ainy' Tlie cu:,t��ivar,y t;:eit tuetlic�d is vi5ibl�� , y • )' ' � ' �. �t'�) " i . !Il 'i uut �l�ihFitt�cc xl�u<Li� ui itli t � Glii� cc,uutry," Lord �hi�rbrcrokN s�tid, u'lr�ss uf pi�c,pl�, tficj Icad�r uf thu Cuu- in eL 7ortiou c,f th:Lt dis�xtcl�. ��'l�en- e.u�•nti�•e� ptivtv h,Ls iu c� sYrai�f�CYo.r- 1 � "go�s in tases; hut ttie �ar�iporti`iY �i' wrLrcl i:ia,nii�rgivru lii5fitia��•�sr. Itt tlie �vor in til��, lor�Ll tc�gi:,ir�tnx�e oL Uonser- ni��r� uo�v ��ud iy s,rrow�n ;��ll th� t�. lun�• run, thuup;h t'u�� th�� in c�s�rut it axi+ey. ��j�t�ti-� sn��..c� ;t cl��u���. �ig�unyC th� �,nr•- ....___ __...___ __. _ f�Lil toc.�trli tlii-+ �L��I�lausu uf tiuui�; elrx,;s• ernuieui, thc� �i�f<�nc� inrrtri�th7p is that ! IIL �1fODLL 1'.11Z 1I, '!'00. es, thi, .;trui�;ztfur�varil �x�lic}• u�u.�L t}�t' n°lt�iniou ;;u� eruuzc»L' has beeu iu:�et; �rith tl�e re,jx ct �tucl c��tnm;ieicl �uill � ul i� stiiiil�G; c![ic n,e. t1ti in tl�e. Tiit� ci�i•responde�ici+ T�eaLcl Uv P,,o�>c+it tlw cuiiti�tenc� uP f:lit� 1�e,L clF�:�:vs e>f tlic+ 1� rrislmttitt•i�, e� uut uY it. 't'hc; iiiii�•ei�c�rtil :�lill�r i�t 1�1�tirlchcLut �Vecln�sday �nit� C�ti;uLdiaui pcol�l��. .iir Ju�in 'Choui}�5r,u ixt'it anat��rr t•�� ,L ('nnserv.ttn•e st:�te- Lhe >resciit 1liuister uY A�rrICllltlti�� iii i, tie�,ll l.n�,���n z�y n�rununnc,�l ;�cl�•u- inent �>Y Grit �rrun;-�lc�in�r is thnt Ilie :� �•ti•y uuF.<<���ral>!c� ]ic�ht. DIt i5 st<<�wn cnte of i��.�i•pli�i�i�; t;�ut�t toi�:?s to rotis�� t`nn�erviiti�•c.� h:s�-c duue .-uiileCl�iu; by this currr.,�x���di�nco thuC �11r. lli�}•- tlie strtnil+ard :�1'!>ublic riin•�:lil }�. In liis 5iuii,ar. Qeu, e��un l�,^f:�re hc+ becrune rti u�e;nh�r tineucl�es on tl�i+ �.�l,�tfur�u �ii��l :n �>;u•liii- In Y,hi; c�tise �:��.n:nini�nt ltef�n�me::�„ of tVi» txu�<°r�iniunt•, ta�iecl to usa the fn-�;�t Lie ;i,u ��lu�ul� }�lexlg,•tl ldiu�,elf tc> of Tur��!iCo �tirlinit I,h.�t :11��{c1��nn'a Stc�ry pa�tr�>��rt�� nf the O+�t��rio llodE�l 1�:t��ni sii4?purl, {iud �ii•ninot�. llir;:;e inc.is;ires is tru�+. • The (�i•it� h�i�•e beru c:itic;lit :�:; e� �:i���itu ul securi��g st�?�por�t i'�r �Y'I�ic�h �rill tru;l i;o t'.�i; pnrt>o�i. .11l .tt it, ;tind ad�iiit iC. IY tlie C'ouar:r�•�i- • r . .. .,,�, � . . •a •.� h• vc� b�>i�ti •c • i , i• �, •, • � - ti � t i irall� i iltvtl� t� i5 11'� r sL c, i. i, Nt'itic re tit�uL h�u 1�iizisclf. t l t � t n - 1 i� . . Tl�e� 5tary, suppnrted by ,tu tLtTid��rit L�;n�.ls to k; c�� this l�rc>>ni�e. 13nt l�e no �vi�.l��uer oY the fnct. \� t�ure ia tlie �t 1'rof. Sti.��v, l,ite priticipal of the �•ePusc:s for the pur1.x�ue ot"cxtch�ng a_linldoon ��•ho h,Ls ciresseaCui�servai.ti:�e I Agrictt;tnr�Ll C��ll��;e, is asfollo« �: In «rt:Lin ,�n�oiint ut i�lic.tp �»puliiritv to pei'�ontLtui�:, up [n f�,lacj tvi�;s ancl ��•liisk- i pui�chat,ing• c�ittle fw• th� I'r�r�n a littlr b� dr,i�;necl, as.suuie {�c�liGtcirins lz;�re ers: \tiliere is .Lny iii.un n•ho c,tn u�•�,t• foui• y�c�.a,ry :Lg•o, <� cYrt;►in stucl. bcen dra�:;e:l, into plr�dnf�5 thrit »tri)' s�t���a�r-as 11�ilclovn li:L=;--tci iLny faic•t� � breeder iti �uttth Unc,���iu h�Ld Uec�n !�e fc�nnd imR�ossil�le �;i' fulfilinont. �inplicaLCina 1'un5i�r�•ativ��s in ;:nnilnr o��erluoi��d r�nd. the l��ttac iu conse- Insteeicl c�i critici:�in� thu I'r'cu�ier f<�r �•tAtLill�1115 •�Pti11S.ictiun:;? Tho-.it �unu qit�nce t1�re�Lt<nod to lx�lt iu llie elee- his �n�t���ol:en .L.�ci hoiif�sL• c sl>r��a5i�i�s c�f' <lo�;n't c��'i5t. Fie c�tnn��t he+ ltrodnced. ticin th�u penciin�. In oi�der i;n j�t�i��•ant �P�nior., ���i� sul�ii�it t1��iL l�e �ho�il�i re• �nci tiutil there is �oiiie o�•icl�nce thnt, f;his i�n1,��iiiGy 1Ir. lli•yciuii :tis;:t�ci Prof. "ei��c� ,iel�iiti��nal c�,ufl�lc�t�r�� froii� i�i#;lit tYeeC"<�xttierv:iciv��shtLvebeeiz"Eilit;;;;in{;" Sha�v ti� t-i�y �Lud 5ecure the purct»: e thiukin� i.�eo�ile, �vheth�r thc v, r1rF+ ::iip- n'e insist LUzit tliat, l�rert)' u�nyt lie hel�l l�y tl�e Go��uA�ninet7t of ;L lii�il uwnrd liti� t�ortc�rs or oppouc�,t9 c>f ��rohii�riic>n. �;uiltles•. tlii, Pni•ticul.Lr bre2dei•; kii� eren �t�etit ,-. -.-------.•- 'Pl�e "c,rh,tiniznd tippocri,y" stnn�l, fnrther thetn tl�e iiier�� prefc>rrita� of i� fi0.11L Fd7' Fc�.i. brfc�re tho pt�o��lc+ anuis�skr�d. Prciniir�- rec �te3t ; l�c� �;�tve t� c3ircrt tn�)i�r b�• --- ent tni+ini���r:� uf Ule l��c�tp ��dtnit thrit tel�iug Prof. 1h�ti�v Ch�tit iu tli� �ie:�L A, bS. Ros� is credite:l l;t�t )•e��r �vitl� Atnl�lc�un's ,Lcciisaf.ioiis •are tT`liP. T11E! purciaase ��f S�e�ck L1i4 �Lngr�� �ou- the rccri��t of �;i,uS)1 eis c•c,uut�' c;>urt. ��•icleisc�s uf Dlot�•:tt'a C'llri�k,ia�niC,y a,re atitu�aut of the pt•esenc 14LinisL� r of �leadi ��F Yor]:, bIi•. Ro.�s dues not ea:•ii ��cfore tlie peo}�le, eiYirl thr. c�:cus� that A�i�iculttire "u�i��t ilot tie o���•rloai:ed." riil this suni iu liis <iflic•r, lt i�, to ,i S�»uebocly el;e i:: ju5t ats U.tcl ���on't �;�>. Tliis revelation �vill catnse n p�,i�ifiil Itir�;e estent, h�s t�e�v�irtl fc�r stEapPi��a -"�a`=m"'�••='"-' �u:•�risr.. It n���s tdirn,ght th;it th? de- out c�f the i1lo��•��t C`�l�iuet to u.��ike -" CL"RRLVT TOPICS. U.tirtinetit pri�sidcd o�•er hy DIr. Drydt�n �vaty fc�r �Lu :Ll�lei' IlliLil. __,_ ttit le�et woLs free from the taiut tl�nt 5herifl' Diow.�t's uct incoiz�e iu '93, ns Teniper:�nce Refar�uers hav�� not the resty u�cin soiue of the uChera. E3ut, in shcm�n by the �fHCixl reports, �vc:re �;7,- �,nur:L�^e tu chnllenge Sir Qliver llotic:tt the light of er•idencn sul>ii�ittf d;�g.�, Tl�e SLeriti"y p��i�lic 5ervic�ea :Lre for sir�e-tr.Lcicing theul. �Vedu�:sdriy, ��eople. c,�n oniy conclude no� �v���tii tliis :uinot�nt. Tlie wrn�k i; thf�,t th� patro�i�+��e couuc+cteci with the ��i�� by his deputy, �vho is p;iid :�I�nut �Iudel I�'arw, like th.it xttrLche�i to tlie ThH Toroi�tc� Ne�as s:��s Mr. Dlere- �L SUO per .innuui. It i:� cloubtful if, lith n�ill ho-L•,-e us. rc:at ;i ma'orit i ticylu�yi, is a�ed priii,urily to purch,tse �ys tti wcirkin, :tisslstanY, iu his o��u � � J Y n suppoi•t f<ir tliu (soEernmeut of ttie �f{;�F� pir. :1Iu�+�+tit c���ulcl c�sti•n �5(1D 1 t-tie cou�inn Hriuse as 8ir Oli�er D1o�v�it f aa.l'• ye:i�•. Th�r se�'Etl tIlOU:+�bl7(1 IlE? l�eceives ]x1d �Zt, dissirlutio». Tkiis �v;ts eibhtee.n. --- • --._ .__ ..... _ _ c�rer :und r�h���•e t,he l:tst-uawti�il cuan rc- ___^_ lY'll �' \ 07' Bf,' HOVLST•?-1IR. C,Alt_ presrnts tUe �•alne tu hifii of thc� f:ict r;��inin.�ti�na for tlio Proc-intial > < . ', �t . � ' • i Lh•�,t he is hi f� U ei a so �. r' ' r 1� . 'II L.l PG DCD OIl") G JG O . - on �e tr�k� lace next Tui+sdati fls fol- Re;istr:ir Et�•��ti' �v.is m<�re u�ocler:rte, iI � P Y On itila.y 2�tla the Ulintc�n New I:r;t, His e�uulururilts xr•� �;e+t clm�•u .t� oi�l�� ��'�c`:-\'Ve::t Huran �it G��derich, Saiith h• �vu uf the Torouto G1ohP, h��d tl�e �a3,1(H). But e�•��ry doU:�r c,Y Lbis r�_ Hul•un att Hensall, xnd L�lst Huron ttit 3 Y Brusael,. following editc�rial :- prescnts +L ui�edless c�x]�endit�ire. The __ office ho fills is wl���lly unnE�cessatry. ��n'onTelta�cauuRi�iyo: •l'LnrecentUill�lnErcduced � ��'e�isriiiller hn5 gninod enoug.� into the legialn�urr. by Dir, G.��r��w, uud paedo�, tvil] Befo►'C the TuT011ttl �i,l'�iS%1'ilt•311}) R'fi:i ��t��c n eiivin;; iu Ltk• en�L�, ro�he penplo ot Aurnn st�lit in t�vo DIr. LirsQ�ey �erfoi•me�i �t•w�nd, �vit.li contii��toiia:incl pi•rsistent xlone,o(ovcrr.,OqOnnnun.11��. AndNhanitieborve the �luties mori+ s,ttisfartorily td�,in ��u�k on tl�c� part:�>i' the ei,�ctor�, to in miud thut �c ���;1 rediice tho recaipte o� NL. Uar- t}1B}� ttire now p�rPc7rui�d unrlc�r'FL (�(111I)�(' «�iil 5outli Mnrou cin Cli�� '?Ut(i. L��er row'a c•,vn luw ���iti�a o[ u�nnt i�s)JOaun�aaVly.it does not - Y ahow thnL Lnv�m•x nro Qnxiring a[ le{(iFlntinx Por hPad. The t�ll'PH t11O:isiuul crild �1u11:11:ti ��pt(: S�Ol1�Q {1C jll>l�fi�. thumselre+. H; �;.�;nra should not ]r�ueo einbt ut thie� :llr. I2,y�Ln POCE'1{'H8 1S �4 �,)l'i181u11 1)Ill'8 tacL 1ier� ie nnu itom alnne thnt ropreaonts n� sery �,p�l ylill}1�6 �111` ]1FiPtV Si'1'V1C'BF. F � imp �rtnut a�w�u�„ ��.�a ci,�� n�,�u«c R���•o� ,n��y ne Pvnn . Tlie cicctors U. �O(ittl ITlli�nn sl�onld Iur�;er tb,in atu�c��, cu�»vi� �c oortuioly �ti�,n not f,e L�ftvin�,> politics :Lsidc �ilt���,rothc�r it uvs �•nnne,•," dues se��in ��ul�• rc;�ti�,t�;ililE, t,liatiG tl�e nnt n�ic;; tl�e o, pr�rtuuity ��f lienY•ing �Ve hati��n rc•f�e,titecily �t,ited th;it j�r<�po�iti��n t�i fiin�l Ll��� fee:: .li�cl �,:iy Huii. Ir. ('. «':�llace .incl Dr. NeSliitt Lhese "Cf�ris�i:tn" politii�i:tns �+•ere nnt ���l,iries ��cecirdiiig to vrtlue� ��f ,c�rviri:, ;it, l+:xet��r un Fri�i�v e.vening. Oc��in�; p��rf��rn�^d s:�enld ho �ip��lic�d t�� .ill t�� ��thf�r e�i���Lh*emonts tl�e �;�pticnic�n houest in Lheir .ti�;sertions or in tlie thi�se� utHcas.-Tor<�uto ties��y, ��'lII I)C IIRf4�)it', to �•i5it Se:Lfcirtli. bcrv�rniuent ��f thi5 f:lll' 011i.iri�. The � ._ _. ._ . ._. - abo�•e c�ltr;tct Proni tl�c I:r.i cons't�Cs of ,±!G'LDOU_\".S L'L•'b'liLAYlOJ��S'. Grit a�nLE�uijioi:�ri��.5 �l�sirti tl�e pros- L,Llil �;t<Lteii�ei�ts clt��-oid �L psLrticie ot -- , ecntiou oP 1Vir. l�iilcl��on, l:he GriG per- Ii ❑c s c •!ntur. sru un c I .e U t o'• • �roof i u> cin�* full �v'�ll thnt ottr co- sr � • c • l� �� � v Y . 1 c � b y >natc � �� }i �]i:i,s c.e n zf�� �:�� :��,�i, t��u�. ���eis Lril::inh l�y �v.iy uf the Glob�� Thr. :Lfii�L��•it� recc��itly publi�h�d i�y ��,�»� lititic+ tiecrc�ts rcyl���cl,ing C+riL J. J. i�Inl�luvn c��ntrtini+�l nuihin�; t.o elrctic�n niethuds. Tl�.zt5 .�,ll rirh rc�bardic�ss c>f c�•i<ience �ve �aid on ,llrty c;lli' 11'l�E� thn5e� ��•h�> hra�l �wti�� ksinwic�il ri� �' t� 3Uth : i �, hnt re�nt��uber, if 9lul�i�xni'v t�cilunt,u•V <if Cltc+ Ur•it i�lc�c•.tinn iue�t.huci�. E'u�• ti•stiinuny is sittiiCie:�t hr��tincl ft�r 1�is ��T�,a Gr��� �r� ansiuue Eo r,lnim thnt illr. Cnrruw tq,Lnv t��LrS tlin "or• r.���iz��d h� x�rri,v, n,�;+.�ce� thie ICuiin• �� F G �, ;s ► :irrest, it ig;til::osufTir.ient r�iund Yor t]ie n L!C'clll0ill lt4ilC �U bllpW'(�II �IC,�Hcni�yLt�t� �; �t��ctb,e the 1tr.furui r�u�ty, hae5 Lci�n �uniut:i.in' � �irrc�st of his fc�ll�>�ti•-cc�nsp�rrttura. x:mi. 'clio niuru trncLral Ht:�t�n�.�ua ��nul1 bo tbat �n� ittielf in utiice hy the 1�rLseSt ine�tn�- tLe dow�c Gu�orn•uuuc h�s ey�tn�lero.l b�rrnlsyt ChJ q11lIN .L� t�1N F.Llll(' L11llC t�l(; �])"j)(1C1'ltPti, p enplu's mnno� ,�! ct�e uxgona�• uf thu eluntorel' „a h�t�•e lie�r�ii clniuiit��; fur theuas��l��c�s .tiii ('t�n.td;t with :t su�a�il Si.ir}�iuti uf r�•ve- Tlia Y;ill �+ir. Gxrr��w iatri�ducir�l �1ne1� thai.t; ��;ti:s guod uncl ptt,iou�, untl h;�vr nnc� �r�ei• �xpen�litin•i� lo�nn, iip.pretty wliich the C.lc�he :ind t.hc les:;cr �ii�;.�nn �>�'�» ��'i�����tuiu� tl�e liO11HH1'C:LI;7P(�4 rLti ���,11 wtien c�+nn:trc�l witili Ure��t cl;tiiin creclit for re.f�:ry to esccutions ��N1°K evc�rpthinn t}iat wus �vick��d and � ccirrupL. It clid nut m:etter th,�t, tiuie I�rit,iin n-hc�re there iti :i tiefiicit oC a};:�inst eL in��n's go�1ds :�nc�i latiud5. The ,efLer tiine, thc� roriuptiun �vhic�h pi�i._ »i�nut :�'�O,tNXI,(HN), Pr:tnee �vitti �nc� ��f L�+ndon F��ee Press of �liutad:�,y stinswers me��tes th�� CTrit p:u�ty w�atis shc�wn np in �1i,(N)t►,(HfO, tl�r. I7nitc�el 5t�.t,es witb one. 1,he wh��le question �,s fulloti•s :- the cc3ures c,f t,he� pro�•inc+�. It diil nat �lr�a�dy this pi�ar cif �f;t),U00,(NJO. Not- "11iR. (7Af2R(I6Y, OF' fIUltOV " ��i•Ltte�� th.Lt�(xt�it atter CrT'IG CV.6R U11:i8At- �Vlt�lSt,indin� thr. gr�nvl uf CtLrY}cright c�cl, .incl 5�»ne disfr:Lnclxisc�d, for tLe +Lnd thi� c>tlaor fell�ws out of pawer, '�Some d:iys :�g�� tl�e Torontn G3obe, ����St gl,iring corruiition �end el��r.ti��n ���1naLda, is dning liretty «•ell. in ity end�Lvnr t�> find romc>.thir��; thnt fr:iuds. �)ir� Oii�'r[• WOul(l pnt nn his --- �------- :1Ir. I4fu�a�tit �r saeue of hi� snpporters �nost chil�tLl:te smil�, �Lnd his tvickr�d Wes :ire etit n lo5s t�� knm�• why the h.L�l done. f�r the poor f:�rmers, puhlish- ��,�lo�ver:� �voulci point t�i him ats :zn Itc�fnrrncrs nre ob � c,tm�r tc� llmuinion ed .ui ediL�>rial Pntire�ly dev�ted to i;he ����Tl�st ir�:Ln tind :� piuns, iLli(1 >�r�;ir '� � " p�•ni9e �rf DIr. Gnrrow for hwving pro- tha�t it. «�n5 irnlurcyible, f�ir tlie fc�llo�vF�rs �rienilu�rs �if p:�rlittin�e�iit :+tutXiping in curcd the T�e{.rLB�tLtU7•P. GO �fl,ss :�, statute of thE� SFLI11t f•onldn't �os5ibly h�L�•e ho�n thr+ Onto-irin cnn��ai;;u. ThesE• siL�n� providing thr�t heresiYter exe�cntions �i����Y, y(T��enc�v��r .L Ill'N HCILll(ItL] wa�s p<'ople did pot ol�,�c�rt tr� I[<�n. G. W. wg:L�nst c� m.�u s�uods xncl 1.Lnds should un�a,rthecl Sir Oliver wou)rl deliver a�, ItoS� :Lnd othPr nx��nht��:5 ��f Che Ont- reua�,iu in full Foree £or three y e�t,re with- }�.�.t�n�e ��u thc� Lvidences of Cln i5ti.�n- z�rio Cxo�•c�rn�nrnt sttnn�iin� in Peder,� L out renews�l. Jt �v;�c p��inted out, hovt�- iUy, ttnd t1�aL �ettl�d it. r�,• ye.tirs the politics on beh.Llf of Lhe G�•it p»,rty. e�•er, Uy the I.Tnpire th��t thi� m�•r•ely i�,trty htt5 li�•i�d •rtind h�ld offee on ttie 1t sc����►ie tc, demonstr�te th:Lt �ir tiecl up th� cl� btur'a goc�dv ;�ncl 1�Lnda. si�ecewsfKil hypne: ivy of Sir Oliv�r Mow-' Olic�r's p:�rty do not like tli<�ir ow4i tTt1t� jtPCV('iltt'�l i]IOI�i•om doiugbusinevs :L;,. 5� successful has hc��n tht; little rnedicinc�. for thrt�e yi,:ir5, iu:;t�ad ��f one ye:ur aLa ��l�,n'R h}�p�crisy that, tci this day, tliere --- --- --- u•retnf<ire, anles� Ly souie �;��od luc�k ;Lre rnen �rho beh�,. e thnt, o-�lth�im„h his 7t i:� ripp��r�ent t•li;�t• Sir Olit�er 1lo�vnl; the unfortnn�Lte� iri�,n whoul�l in the wick�d pt�rtnerg nj�,y hrlre nr,r�:itisi��n- u�enntiine find ❑1PiL11H to paLy Ll�e debG nll �ranc iL9t!'R frorn tti� �� J��St tlie sz�,nii� ];ind uf tti frc� tr;a�ler y„ y P��Lh of t.t•ttth ancl e��:�ts <tinrl shi r;fi'.�s f��Fx. r�ncl r��rtitucie, Sniut Oliver r�lone ro- +t5 lir. I.ister aurl 11r. Charlton ; while "�t'e n�ihiit nn�,�h��st that thi5 +s �ry�tiinrd p�rPectly pure-imQc�filed by tnikinR frc� trnde in the abstrr�ct, he nr.��th��r intit:�ncc in whicl� t,he sup1>ot � the pitch npnn th��Fe with �vhmn lu� iy ti�id�n;; to th� relro;td,V hif;h protc c- er5 of :�ir Olivc�r ltciw:tit ;�re taLlcing hnq hri.�l c1��:;e and intiutntc� rLsy��cir�Cion. tion u�rni irnn bv �ivin :L ht�niie ont of �oc�cl e�ire c>f hiy fra-pn�d shrriffy, be- the ProvineiaLl '1re�Lsuty �f Ontttrio of c<�n;:e harc�Lc,f��re� aL d��ht,�r n�i�ht pay The ll�tnldonn rnve•lfi.ticros h�.v���prnc�d � f�m ever ton of iron orE� that iy his crcdiCr>r r�nd yiru��l3� :�llotiv th� eae- the eyr.� ufi iti�Lny goc7d txrit,y whn, not �. Y bc�inn ��f t,l��� innYr circ�lc�, l�t�ce h.ul nr� �������'rl. :�ir Rich.lyd (;,irtwri�ht hr�� cntiou to.rem��in �vith the ah��rif� nntil uuL i t exnre5so�l :�,n �> >iniou an bhis the encl of t)��� yenr, when it �j•oul�l e�x- 1�ei:son�.l kuinvledge: c�f Lho ��•:tiyg ;�i�cl Y' l, menns tiy �vhich thc� ('hrint.i,�n 4t;lt(`N• lY1RffE'.P. �Vhen hiy ��pini��n is exP��c�ss- pire s�n�l L� uo l��n�e�' � I11I7(�T'Ft47CP, t0 ����Lt� h�.y "i I�>ns; Lc�lclofiice. Thcre h;�s f'd, it will be �n words vpeiled partly hy thr� dehtor'.v �lnin�r liit;itiese; I�ut no�v it 1i<,�-n �on�e at,trin >t L�i �nrike it :i � ie�r1�� lettei�s .Lnrl prirtly by d:L»�ie�: �vill r�in+iin r� bluc�k in the dFhtor+s 1 �} w;�y irn� thrc�f� Sr.tLra, unlc�5a thebocxl t,h�tt lluld�on dh��yn't tcdt tl�e truLlt, ot� - ---"`-- S1a��rilY is wc�c�n a,n�i �,ettled with, uncl thrLt, stinywri,}*, hc� wr►:, tl�o wicked per- Lnrd Ii,osebory h�,s � privately nn- ' hiy fccti 2nd poiind��,ge p:Lid. Then the 5"n himsalf. lin� th�,t �,ttempt liies no»nced his int��nt,irni tn wlthdr�,w � f�iileci :Lnci will fnil. C31ol�e info���stie�l thN �n�4�lic thaLt VIr. frurn th� rtzcing fic�lrl. A�)11�)ilC NtiliSf?- t�:urr�w i9 an sibl� 1.L�vyee, nnd �vc; d�� Th<' licrntrea,l Witne�y ig,a go��d Grit inPnt ��f th� f�.ct tvill b� rnaul� �vithin �, not tlosir�� t�i nnc5tinn th�it ata�ternent, ���'«�P�iP�'r, �Ln�l :z,thick-atn�l-thin rLcimir- huL• he�re i;i 9oin�ti�inq which the nuu- E'r of r�,nd:�dvoc;tite forfiirplivei�llow�,Y fe�v �iaLyG. lt is sa�id thtLt tchile he W+te pr�]iticrtil L�nv Journnl l�ai.�+ to s.Lp �,b��ut, t�n�l his Friends iu Onturio. The � I�d Fit F.ton, I.orrl �t��s�l�ery declttred thiq one �rc�:tt :Lct of 1Ir. CC;trrow:-- �Z��nLrc�til Witn�tts' Tor�nt�� corregpond- his intention �f rn�trry�n� thc, rwhest ��Savh �v�it 's9 c�� raniatn tn f��cco n pori�>d ol threo ettt i:+ �L �;��od (irit, Wl�n hy rt�stson of hi9 hFn•CSs in F,nglflntl, SVtnnu�D tltc� Dec'hy, ��pan�n'withpnt rene�cnl. \Vo nr�on�n� cn�s �Prt,,a �•�>nnc�ctum cvith the ltontreaLl p;�}ier, is tin�l I�eiug pyrernier of Cire:�t Iirit:tin, " raas frnm Ehe dntn n[ tho tvrit, or n r� nmvnl, nx tho - AII thCse? i,t]ICl(�9 Il}iVH CAI]lf•, i0 �)EiSA. "nneo tnnp h�; j1qH4lIlI�' IG mny hncn b�eu intt+nded f1° �'��P�t�il t�ar�ns �vitli the 1c�r��nto ^ th.�tnu �vrttq t� tho H�ndq of n 8horip shnll rem,t❑ ���'��-y� JG 19 SFLt'i� to ssty th;Lt 1;�119 COPres• -`�nd now whnU is Chere left ft�r poor « in foroe fnr threo Tonre trom the pneaing ot tLo Aot, �oridPnt wiil rlOt 9tiP.tC�] tllEl trnth in ����5�'F�ery to do? �� rori,nPa sr H•,�s inEonded by tho very r.nralesn nnd �he d�i•kc�tiun of inj�i��in r�Sir Oli�•i�r'y " obenura woY�iina ot Eliln aoation Lo pmyida tor t6o �� prnfranion s� interpret�nq ft, and tbun glvo Aomo prtrt,y, tvhai.t.e�•er I]B 1i111y �e cri.pable cif Th� C�}rl�, ptLC�y (I�C17LT'P, ti76Lt i:}1E' �1•0- " nol:ufum tortnklnR wwnp Unwyarn)l�os on rcnownlx, tlnin itt t�hC n Osit� d'te�cbi�in �r.n�l f.he '� It fndeed n writ enn nom bo renowarl." fo`lln� ing rP�i�n t of the :1lnldo�n biisi- ��er policy for Co-in:urla, to pursue� is to "Sif• Ofivez• xnd pr�Lctir„tilly hi.9 tvliolo n��s, �ent by hiu� to Lli� �Vitn��ss, iY��,� P�uy freight ap�n Uer i�rictiltiirnl pr��- (�overnrnent �vere la�wyer9 �Li t}]P. Y�ime ��e aLcceptr,d ns hein� trne �o fiit� ny �t <liice :�nd �en�l it :ubrond :Lnd r�t t�1�F the� p;ts5ed Mr. GFa,rrow's stn,CuY,e, �aE,a ; s:tmt� bitne to }�t�y fxcight un the m�Lnu- �vhich CPCOI�P,9 ench criticisins trom Trirnnto, 3�inF `n.-J. J. �I�ildoc�n the- fsticttiu•es, far mst:�,nre, catton, nnd to their own frat�►•nitp. ' hrit�g it in fCqlYl at.hFr cnutitri�a fur "Qood rFn9ou:a for 9a po��tin ,yir �tricnl r��ent, �vhn wfl,g e►nplc�yed by F3 hotno c�mann�rti�n. Tlie ('onserv�,tice Oli�•er Mt�wfit �.nd hiv fc� ioweiv rnus'� tlio I{,c�Porm p�r�t,,y in the 1��5t �;enerrLi �,lrty lrnld to the opinion Lhnt it i� indoed 1�o sc:�i�ce when thiA m�,ster• �°v ncYal C`IE ( tl()t19� IR nut �uitii soin<e ��Ptt��r� t<� brin� in r:��v rnu�terinl, to hnve piect� ! of AIs•. (,}arr�tv �� mt f�rtvt�rci 9tttr•tliti� caitri��iziqn literntnrc�. He� �% T it s un +in�i �voveri in (;tin:Ldsti :tn to by the r��,t (�lobe as thc� rent Ac.t• clnims to liwvF+ s{�iplop��cl pereons�tory, � �. � � �rti .loyin fn,lwe T)eards, ctc. for dis- f�oc t,he pE�nple� whilc� thny nre rt��t tin� up�n �vh�ch the grent mnn y�rnilcl re- P � „ � „ it., �vitl� t,h� n �rince thn,t fe rruised frnm nis�s n,nd oing inl;� 1� in �m `, �. ceive the suppart �f the hurnhle eleetors �n extensivic ecale. After tl��ele tion '�''�"17�difun fftrnis. W hich do ynll �5re- blese�,d ther•ei�y t y fer ? '� � y ..._. . � . ., a,.'.���� . I�f �.� ", .a...t.. , ....o,.. , .,� ��. . Y. � �� .� . , ,.,�rr..:..,1.,thie•, " "'��'� � _ � �� '� . ' � � M, ��� ' �%'(� �1 '�7' i! �. �. � a .e ., �" �� . , �� �'f,.'' �.°�,'i�'� �i�`8a�. �r� 1�1.�, 1 t) _ �. . 1'1 .. ���� _ �� �'Te �;a�re , ��.s��i�a�. �'e �i��� 1Q�r��� � �'��-. , , a�a�� �l.c�th�. `�ie �.a�e ��.�c • � c� 1� ��� ���an.�e�ixa.��. �T`� �.a�-Q ���a%?a. � ��.�ck ��.��.���.s. �i'e �.��� ����� �r ` . �Tool �'r�rex��,d.�.�e�. �1'� �.��� ��°�a� �re o�.. �''�a �.��re �1��� �? �Y'�.li�.�1 �, ! � �e1�,�,�.�s. �'� �.�a�� ����.��� I i � , �. �'' ��;- �p��.� '�`�.s�u�. �Te 1n��� ��.�� � � . �a � ��,��x�e����. �'e �av� ���� �' � 7.��.1�. ,. �.a'i.�.� �' �.'�'' � � ���. �i � �.�,��; ��.o�e �.�e � �; * �p c�y� a � V iA! J6.L.L " � � C�����.��°e�. ��.�,���� �r�ax�. � .��;'1�, . s�,�.�,�'9.C`: �ac�l,'�T�1 • � . , " , ��'g;1.��5, �t'' �.li�- `� �.�,�n.�, ��:����, �o•� ���,�h�� �:�a��.s�� ; ��.d, �'��.���, �'��.a�. �c����r�T �T��°� i:+ + J ! ��►�7' �`i��C'����. .�.1�. ��'�'CG. j � ��� � � �� � �� � . ���� � • ..�,���� _�.._�__.�..-. ____._ .__ ...�---- - � ��,{$� �� ���� �� ��� 14bP,����. ��}�Y�.�3G'� I%1a�� i�. � � t ��ead�c�i� �?��r�.G��, Z�C ..� �iiJ�T ��9��3�.:'� ��A:I��I�'�'r �0'�T1�;�„ ��,de �res�i eV'��3i �A7G'��. � � :� �:.'. � �.i .�.�i �i.� �) . �a`�.,..,o°.����� Fx'01�. �(�t�� �.�xifl�� J ���OZ' e��. Pu�x•c� ��zn�lisla 7L�'a:�•i� �lreeii yn lb'7��ras �'A�Gr���a�� an�l �L� PP�ID�. ��e carry the lar;egt - stock iri Hu�•on. CUlt1;L'.l T TOPIUS. Aiie. l:lectore, be on your gu:Lrd. Do iiot YjP to th, eud of l:�st �veek tha «•e+ithe�� has r��:e►� so ���t t�na ��ia ti�z�a br; ]ed .LtvrLy with sitch statearienty ��s tlir �ro}+�th oY the crops, e5pecittlly tl�is or th.Lt Conserrative ie goin� to hxy, has been very slow. The severe . c�ote f<�r b�r. Gwi•c�o��. 1'ou c:�n s�Lfely .fro5ts were ve►y h�ii•d on the gr�tpes �Lnd Tnat �ili snt�h y�irus c7otvn as lie:�. If yon c�ther smnll fruits. This will be rL sou��ce `lesire tu be positice aLsk the ::landered oti nri�f to'tiiose boys o��,(as the,y �i�oulcl Uotiser�•�ttives vour eelf, st �e he i- � � s t n selees vot in men � 1 n 3 � i i re . � L in the bub{t of fe�Lstin� on the products Toronto Grits taok sick n�c�n out in �f their nei�hbors' �7z•chaLrds :tnd vines. the itist electiou whr> diecl on their � �'I�l►�:S'•�t the pe�ple of t17is neighhor- t��,ncls. Anel uo�v theses�.uie Uri�s �.re tl��°d utte+nded the union picnic held nt the Poin :i ii trein� sued for the. eoiiins in whic�h thc: � r F r� l:ist Suturd��y. The (thebdenci �•uter�) were burietl. The d,i,y �•,•�tis �,s fine ancl ����trm :ts ern�ld be COUI'tN a�re une�irthin� rzi:tiny peculir�,r ae,ired. Foot b;ill, 1>ase lr,ti�l, crocYuet, - tleecis on the part uY Sir Ulir•er flnd his bbz�tin�,� anci rsiees at ��ztiri��us l:incls friends. And the c�nd is not et. R'�zC' �I'e Pi'in�ip�til attr�lCLiOl18. 1� N },?' i�nderstxi�d tllelt iiinc sohools �>ere� Z'ort t�ibC►•t. represented. J,+u����;' ittiid :�,nd Andre�v blc:�lillen 1�1� Ur.�ugemen of tlie Nile cl�sire 2 me to sfaCe tl�.tit tbeiz• next meeting 1�.L�•�s h��i•e tu-ciay (lfc�ndav) fcn• 1\ew ��jll t�e hFld �m 1'I<�netay i�veriing, .f une 23rnns�virl: t� visit old friends :�nd •�;��h. '�hey hope fur �� full :it.teucl�tinre. aalu;iiuf�inces. The n�ark c>n �1r. G. Gleuu's uew 11Ii�s. Uro�iaa�,rt�•, ��f the ci4y nf I.on- ll�llsc is p��onressinn ir���i�115-. DI<+ssrs. r1��7�, wl�c� 1�,Ls hcE•u �•i5itii�{; her (,. Shepp�i.rcl tiud ��. �V. 1'<�iing hrti�•e �irtrc�ntti, blr. .tizd 1�Irs. Yollard un the thc+ Ptn�ud�itions fur tL�ir nc��v bnrna �ncl run. c�Y Ashfielel, returned ou utiilt ancl c+�:pect the 7'i�;iiiaei•s ulon� 1Vedue�QaLv l:�st. soon to dc� their worl;. Alf. Sur.iil retttrneci tn his olcl p�>st ;�s ntr. �V. Philips, �>F Nile, i� eu lged in (ii�e�ii.Ln �n (irm�erni��e�ut Urc�clg� No. 9, erectin��� •ti in�ick houst� fc�r DIr, �enkin4 tivl�ich is fittin; out �tit ,the couuty of C;olkvrne. ' . t<�wn. She gc>c�s tc� the i]ry-dock •�t Yc>rt Hurrni, thence to }'ort �1rCh- hTi•s, Gtitul�le, of B. Co1�w�k�irL, n-r�s iu• fur Phe summer. �� e ���oulcl � 15�Yin b> iier si�ter, hlic,s ,ti ilsun, :tt 1Vlr. ix� � rr � tuucli �i��asecl to h;tve I�,. Kia�kpaLtrick'a 1�Lst Fvee�k. ol�l rio} 9 sC:ty lwitt� us fur �, On SundtLy, Jtu�e 3rd, tR�o young iucirith's clred;ing in t.his h�Lrhor, .Un- 1nen, �vl10 ;u•e stzppo�ed tu be: respeet- e .LI �P fl 1 � ' � c 1 cd ��t fl res.id nc . fu� t�`n��te�ly fur �is we doli t l�elong C�� ) e e betwe�en Nilc the. uppi+r 10. lhis fain<ms dra�clgc a�ud�Dung;tnnon F�m ishe pua�pc�seof pur- warits so�n�thing "supc�rior" t� this �+h�ising .L hui:se. But they foiuid that h:trb��r toca5t her mud l�ook iutei. suine people at l�nst h,id ;;orx�e reg�tird A latir�,re nuuiber of our,cilizeus :tud �l�' the. �a�.bl�I th �,nd they co�ild not schcioi children �Ltteuded the scl�i�ol y• jt may ic t be necessnry to zc•a�•�a }�ic-nic ait th� Yoint FiLY9T1 QIl S:titurdwp �liem th�,t the IrLws of thia countrp a,re last. 11ie children froin ten difi'erent ����'Y strict ��•itl� r�gard to �J2LIlI12LtIl rchoole �veri+ in attend:tnce <Lnd till en- �����r°t�uce. I3�u�v. � joy�d 1-1�etnselves very mucli. Ntairtin Iirothers, in �ntc�riug �this ChiselhUYst. hlrbor I.ist �vcFk in �� bi§ h)��w with nIr. M. Y. McLerLn held a, paliLicul i i:��eir nr.�v i�cr.�t `'Y.P.A.' (Pride of �yleeting �,t Kyle's hall on luesdrtiy, I oit A1bc�rt) �•:�,mc in collision �v�tl� thr June 5th, 1VIr. C�eo. tiVaa.Iker w•rLs cnll- arui �n t�he ncirth piec• c:trryin�; ;u�vaiy rc� tc> tlic� chrLir. Iii: i�niyiedi.Ltely call- tlie jik�borin •tinci atherw�se d�Lu�agtng ed iip�n DTr. '1. biclliillrtn, uf Hullett, theii• boat. No li les lc7st, tu acldresv the meetin�; in tlie in- ��c wc�re �•ety sorry tn henr of the terest of ., �4��..... �IrL• e:�,�: ���r.• . Ma nccident in p]�.ciug the first crib otzt ttt Mill.�n dre�v the nttention of the thce hrirb�r on the ext�nsion of the meetin� to tlie long ter�n �f office the piers �,t Goclerich l;Lst: week. We 11�Iowat .�clministr.�tion hiid en,joyed �y�npnthize �vith �41r. McNa,ughton �cho �,nd eul�gised the Christi;zn st:�tesm�,n is ,�ci olcl cont.rt�cteir �un<l tlioro��p111y in fl:�ttering St�lc�, After telling the posted in hiw �vnrk in the past. W'e n�eeting the k�nd of nii educ<�tion he a15�i hwd th� �Y�isfort�ii�e uf lo�in •+i, crib would like to htuve hatd lie tlien .Lt- in i;hcs �vorl: ;i.t tUis pl.tce �.LSt i b�I. IC t�mpted to espla�iu the F�dv:�nta�;es be�longs tn troi�hle �,nd experience�. yc�ntig rr�o❑ cr�ulrl r•eceive by attend�ng The �tiiehtip �vith us kncx•I:cd tlae the ttnx•icultut•al co]li�ge :it Gnelnh. �v<u�k inl;n i�, "coclted h:�t" for the tii��e Dt.s,c is "a chip otl' the old bl�ck" and hein{� auy��•i�,y. How��ver, �ve atre };et- itnrriecii:titel,y p►tehecl into figures eLnd t.in�; �rr.ttc�ri.il cleli��t�red bo c<intinue thc tin�nce�. lt tv:�s iiximense tun for the wo��lt aind trust fnr bettf�r lacl� next School bnys to listFn to him. Hc then tinie. de+�,lt witli the timb�c ]itnits, but sonae The c:�inp�ti�;n frn• el�ctiora of M, L. A. �vay or other �rc�t lost in ti]C �VOO(�9. ii� this datirling �'�'est ��nron of ��iirs ig He stlso prenc �ed on the surplus of ptLssinh aLw.ay very quicst, t�nt Mr. +�qh�ts, liut could not sYiow np nntch (�;irro�v hc�lil Fti meot•tna h��re :� few cash an hztind. Ur. FSethnne vrtis next ev�nin�sn�o n.nd crnciced itp Sir Olit•er crLlled r�n, The dactot� clent�Iy showed n,nd his G}orernirie�nt, �vhn�ri Tie sr�ys t�he �,iidiencc: hotv lir. bIow�tit hr�cl dnlivercd us out oi bondnge �nd intv n�:tt�t��red to kcf+p the �.Lrr,y in p���vi�r, tbe I�Lnd of �uilk sLnd h�ney. I-te �,lso n..Linely, liy p'E�t�r•,Vmr�ntiertn� :ind ot,h��i• gn�-e n� n deti.tili�d'z�ecount ��f his �'<�i'rii�it 1T1C1Y�lVew. Hc� �15ci expl:iine�i `inde��cndent" vot,c�s in thP Hu��se cle:trly that Che (�}��•e�rnin�nt litid no diu•ing tha Past f��ur ,ye�,rs. �lrL��inq �»�}� +� thin� ais n, surp]u�. The hi� h the fl�u�r to h�uiself .Lnd uo P.P.A.'s in 5tyle �f living, •iy ��racticed Up tt'e Lh� �Ludiencr, the meeting p�issed vfF �'r�m'%�t officitzls, nll of whic�h cornes oat quietly. of the I�ockets of the rtitep�.yrrs, tolcl I ec:r h,y posters thttt Mr. Conno]lp, tl�e H.udience tts;tt ATr. 14IcLenn Yavored tt�e P.i. caLndid�te, �vill hold n, meeY,in ��rect t.�,xation. Mi•. b2cl.e.�n got thiy f?VP.hill� (NItri1(�f1�9} a,t S dclock� 1•�vttlec� rtit this n.url stLi�l h� nevr�r �.Lid 'Plxc: p��p]e woLilct r.itl�er he�r bot.h �O' ��YO° �Y'a°'t•," s�L,ys tl�e doctor; tvell pnrties r�t the s:�me meetin�, oLhFr�vis�► then the l,xpositor clid, which nmonuts ��•e ftirespoiling f��r:� politicfll Bght. t�i tUe �ni�i� thing. At thiA suc}Y :�, cheet• ��t�E�ttt up �ts ne�•er n��Ls hesLrcl 9n The P P. A, element is not very ��l•esk Hoir�a. In f<ict the t�o N[atice stronq in this nei hhorhoocl n,t the a�ft Ontnri�r politice ,ind pitch�d intc� prescnt time, hut ii�ie Grice, RiHhop Dutniniov olitice dra,tivin :� red l�er- Cl�ar,q, mnttniins his "wh�r,Lng" they ring a,cross the trr�ck. A�ter Lhe doc- will como �ut thicker rtncl f+iytr.r thn�� tor got througii th� crotvci h���n slo�v- hl.iclz-thorn sticks a,t n Drn-�nybc•ook ly ta dis�olve. Tha next epea�,ker wfls f�tir. nlr. Ni^.Le�n. HQ professed ta hn.ve 1'hc� weuther during the p�st three or the public :�ccounts, wnd qnotFd a, few foiyr drLyr� hiis been ve�ry �vnrna rtlonfi itetrts to suit. himself nnd poaa�ty, H�� t,he la�ke vhore; the cons�qnence� ie the confessed thftit bir. Weisrniller h�Lcl s�- r.raps �tire 20 per cent. bettAr tl�an they cured �,lre�tdy pripile, es fur tl�c }�eople ��erc� 1 week ngo, nncl I a,m very h�ppy ��f H�iron thnt 14ir. �eLeain crn�ld not to k�e mhl� ts� strLta the frA9t �L7L8 tI0i1R securt:. FIe nlso srtiid t,h�it Mr. Mercier t►� ha�rm of t�ny cunseryuenec fn thia �r�ua iu v�ry aorrupt ii��n. APf;er n11nd- vicinity. I�tn told it tivas very severe ing to the sea.tirn,te school �,uestion the Yo tha er�ab of us. met�ting �va,s broiigl�t to n� c10SC. r� . , � r B ,.,j - � . � , ' ' � ,' ' y .- . . � . ' ` . . . x . s � . . � . � ` ,�