HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-05-23, Page 7�
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tpe man ha att�¢tc�, he �oe,� , an ia;
8 tq'ze I1i9 G�}4�C3'�t1C@� "he' add�H
idstioe, to 'lt��ii�aklit,p�: , anc� , l�a ..c
�tI jU�ti49 ' t'(1 th0 �1'e�&� k'tA�eB�ht�
t$n; �*bieh, ie b�spd"u�ppn fr��dc5cri '
�x�aiion ko all �la�es� �qd er��c1� .�-
xuuncr ucN;l�„�S?N!�:�i�4A�#�'u�= `
« u�+n ln,�►«ou 4NCF1' 4'a1iO4� Npw, b� wu� ;---: --'��,',i�t?tm9• er it"Tmi dti'.c.. e'''-'�.'I' it�.`v ."�,�g t4o,�even4U occaglon�oq.bavea�aip
e�� oF a;��63, ,: zl�a ..osi : r�wera �,r��pia�n�e.�Nbw, M�, Ghuicman aqa �odtl� , , I?.., ut ., ., , g„ , ni F, bp ,. , � , la'ceii �u`r aEhnttaxd�'fq�m '� t�d�, 'su� I
'� P •:med ,.�as T h�ve �aic�;ao paueh T waut to e� Bt'ap.n tuia, �teE a�ttllue a8 x,have te1C it: . r �, �F
� • �TI�{�l�?•. ,,Wb1G�4 ,. 'QV@,LQ.. $�1.�ITeAte�� �to . . . . � � ,p�,q'dUi�''�,Od0,s1[I�pUg11�,1K1iQtYlti$ �Ott.cl`;i�' Q Cg�i%if�fli`' 0.Cl :in�*1�Ate "9.tld �t
+, �J�@;, :;k�Ull��►1, �&��o11a tu�RQ.�(ly:, vc�re � vP�ta Qr CwD mA�e. t�c1{'�Ot ir T rexix�$fi to � Cait9 1t
k� A, voice--f#b ou. ' ;¢ DII�kiQ[I[iT SAS�RQ� ,�o ��q,a�. sv1T�t, un, — C�reat cheerin .� I v�Qaltl �1�0 �
, .���e�e =��, , yQu �, ,4�P l�Ai cT�lr�; ., to � .. �
:;; Pc�acat� , aur• ai►1�c�rqw • i: t)�e �+pb�ta '.'��r: �Met�dith--Aea]in� wit1� this c�uey. beanueo a.�4�o'a isn ua p; ie� Q�teu m��un• cos�s�,. ��e#4a.�� �'�@�P �pAtiOU�E�q .�4{A�
.: �
"�,'., , , . • � R t1011 dY�,UC�ttqp,, yVhi�11 %'8 Ut1V0 ;jUBt u.uW � �
� ���io�1ls;:gq��,:r�a ,�l�,�ou,.£.�rgi,�•Av�.•#�encie ., . . �, . . , . ,; clere4o�i,nlure ogteg, u►d�9uQ.te�i�a��l 1�s G .ax,. heaause. � ° do�'.t�. IAve. hcr�
Sr � been $1�oues.tq it ust b.
ak:�apitiie� w.lt raw. ui ��-�q�m R.�ep�xst. , $,,, � Q borne �n ��asi. .ja.��Gaak�ci•tor s�uttwQxical�e: clis� :up� nQ�• ; .. g. � . ,�1}al not, be se ;s�rong, a:s
- • �' � � �that tltm dchaota R1� t6ie ooun�rv, wl�otl�e�, :y , � �� �
... _... . . s . � w . 1 '��t , � , 9Ra.�uclw �. s e he� n . uttQx. t as . ..��at .. � ...:t4e ', n . e
�4 . oo1,C0 s►���a .. '� . aG, �a al . , . , . �Gu . la�f�.uC .� c1�d� QG ��: . A p x p�q ues Y, . � �. k . ...
,'Vu� ;. a a i�ed�ba .tlie,.oti g� lnul ec.G ��+t tb tLeq�'be },'uUlia br 8�purate achools� c�c$ �j�t ��,t4Y.Q��ai,�,:m : v1eW� be�QrQ Yo41. �qi ��,'t�f�ql�,(74��� c<.oEe:..ifi .eRt�;nq �.�rb� �me
° � �u..� � . . - � at te achoois. I want•-tbat ' � 4�. . �� � � ... . WW. .
_ _ , ,.
� ;t6e exce �b� ,P,n A� 1G�}is pt,pvlsiaas ihaL �LQse � . . .uApn�your�see�pt�nca or rej4C6to� Qf.�h�►� ,�g��u.H�;:o�;��p �.qsi�tou; �hat b �Hk4 Qd,, a
'� �o
s�apa�tat so�oolaivere •. •• ' DIBTINpTLY CTIGDA1FL91i00IY A9 MY POHITION, will depehc� L�Q way� ip w#�iqh you wi}1 publta �tle�1�4��bf._tha;¢,aj�, ena x�uou�d
,. �, • • oaeE our Uallots on tl�e 2lith of June.-- tl0.a, cra?�ent i� w6gd� 8 �bitnit thq qkY ie
�,.�O: qSA�IA ��i Tn� eA11fIC iVA'� T IIj,t9Cly deny��' tlnat aup 8epar�Ys ,,. dki ,Y
� � � snhool etanti� � se �betweon it �n�l Ap��a°��• �ux� �0�;1'4.iv�r1 3Zctula` xo%u9e, "�b'on
ay th� PubltC �+�hool� in xue gran"i�` mnde �& �� �•
:- � have ut.ihat sta�d�lae�1; i� my �a�c�s uud I
1'bi' edq,cnt4bY�a1 pµ�'pbse�; btt4 tbb� v6ere the' • etQte ,, 'u�qh any di�eranC ' Pq• ..`� ,.. " � fi�i'alY uot' i'a� i� bqck �p�ct1 Ehe ut l�ti ot �I��
1ntid� ,racticdl� �tat� ecltn4la, nnd urider aition than dd�g the Pubtic dcl�aol. d PF3I�60NAL MA.TTF78. 8 K.. „
� � We hnve iven �to the Se arate echobls . 2����►�QQ• �Tf ��dY�OC .(C1�09 0� ,. qe9Cx ) I
' tb8 eQ�Zro�' oR Llie;'Bt�te. IV'o..w o�o, p�iut $ p +. .'►1[r. m[eredtr�x iuqa�� w#tk i1�� .No�+- �Ajl Pali tn tYie f{Ohx rank. � I�oud oheer-
. 4# � dl�arenoe 'tsag' th1�;—wo aAy tha't t,h.'e' �we° have dele�tsted to ttiem, tLe povVer ¢t ' �t,qsldent qxy� � � „
�' � Eruste � f p� tili� and S2 arace actino s the k3tate tq 16Vj� tax�tion; we hava de1Q• ug.=. have Y�ughi ia the PrdPihCo �6ir �0
�- q � � � ated -ta theM the poWer o! the BEute t6 : Now, A�,r. Cbalrman, 1Rdtee. and gentle- ,yaars. T�'or 1,� yea�g � have been le�d@r ox
�liould' lie' cient�d. "py tialloC, V�'hat � mep, a wprd or twq, if p �
reddo.i� ie tliere �a+btr thst shouid nqt b� eo�P !control the eduODtiion 'of the young; nnd . yon will arcl�pp ;my�pirCy: In thAttiwe t have. ndoavor Tfl
T�'tlie�o'�ii `reaabn n PA4r' `r@dson, thnt to collect tlie taxea wiCl�in their sehooF di�- tne, as to my,eel,f. It wae in the year l$'t2 .t� •.6 A� YQur ba@t�e, and I am sure �gu a e
� '� tricCs,. Now ��t' I o6 ect to is this:-Z nat going to d(+�erE �e now.--Lbng cheen
cau°� b0: su �esCed '�q sQy stippotCe� o`t � � � ,ttaat I�uuse Aret electeci to repre�eut Lt�e #4 •
b'a'reft0"�e�obls'a fdg� i8e el'trait, n o[ the 'objeet to the po�itibn ta�en by cex`taln s0o• G; pt Lohdon. I was. t uch oun ei� ��`
e� b''� �Y �� 3'., ,.� A: .vo! e y
d3w0'al bru;sie�� b ballot?' I wpul� 7ikA; }� �ttons with regard to tue 8eparate sci�`otlls, •m�n then LB�n now— "erha s soine vRittsA �r —�even Lunciced a�c� flfG is
E � ttiet�'fs anybod� here wl�q� feela t4�it Cilere that they are ih somevva�* removed f�om s bettor man thuu T a� now�. In 187b, io �'bur maj,pciEv.—�PcolOu�ec� oDeetan�.,
��"uny stlbstantisl' rensbn(c�ati can b9 u.rged, the contrGl of G$o 13tate, and iu somo �vu,y �78, tn 'S3, in '8EE and in 18fl,0 you� rQupwed ��'� �leredith l�iy duties th'roughout
, th�,t l�'s ;wbuld artse'aud"�tat� it, but I enn Alseed under xhe cbntrol of tho clere�y, ai�d vqur con4denep fn mq aG ti�e genernl Qjec• �he �'rovinGG shall pr,event m�v bain� wttii
thRt the ure noC res oneiblQ to the �tsts vud fAr tl�e purpose .of inee�ing With mK
� eee no rea�on In tBe wortd wLy Y P i'iotte hel�l in ti�oso yoare. I did not seott old Prievds and q�st�skip ou b i[�e hand
p Pbr thecontrol of t5oep echoola. I uEtorlq & Y �
THI� �'$I2�CIYLla OF Z1iIC �ALLo�, your nominatibn recently, you tliat`are ��,nd � 9 e g y your aup*
deu_y tbat positton, und I aubmit thot the gBKp and know cQn testtf.v. I hscl beeq pP Rlin ' to flu for
Abich, �we apply to tUe choosing o2 onr port. A�d T aal� thnt yo.0 wilI tul�a
TItUIil INTICRPRL+'TATION 6P TIIIC� ST.t'CUTID :iIOpOCC(� by carryiqg your,. atandara ip
, nier�qbere, �htah we apply to the elec6ion tl�oeo cont�qt5 Ghat ace ast,. I was ael�ed up my cause. and s�ht it foi me, as
; . of our. municlpal connclllore shoutd aot �a thQ o�ly atate of ihings tolprable in s P yau hav� eo v.aliantiv c10ne iu tHe
fxee coin�u►�it,y would bo 6hat where the w48ther I would be your atandard b�arei
b� apy�Ne� to the elecbi4n oP' Public and a�in !n thte contest Uast. A�d the victor[ea oE tLe
�Q ,ataEe 8chool trusteea in tho cities, towae $�At� cTe�egat¢a its power of tasntion to uuy S , and I would ha6e payt will be rep..sted upott tho 26tfi June,
.• and incorv�cated villages, aud Uecau�e Z eTase s�p the c�Omuiuoitp, thAt tue echoal been an ingrate it I had declined, vvben t}�e gnd �hether z am here or away I shall kinea'v
had the hurdihood to advocate that u qo�► �or tli�. purpoee of wl►Ich that taxc�tion is B.reat Conaervative party of thie citp call�d thuC Z.ondon has done het wori� not�iy, aqd
pnade,al�u11 be o echool in the contro� pf ul?on me a�ain to bear their atand=
th[s: platfa�m .and tn euppori it ou tlie �ilat- n 6ss not tucned her liacl� upon ooe �vh�..h�s
�' � faxin. . I' nm ;ealled intp�eruut a�cl I um th� �,6a�a,=,4,$,plsuse.—VPhat does it mepn ard. —�oud anplause. It is said;
p� q�{� r Mr. Chnirman, ladies and entle- Qndeavoreci al�ays to do hi� duty; dnd oe�
` cal]ed n latgot. I �►ppoal to thie meeting �• �,, wan, ladies aud gentlemea7 IL g whom you have over trusted faithEul7y
' L�-p��ht, is �Lero ipto'lersyna.o or ia tl�arb !�ean� �ust this: VPe in this countr m�� that I aou a stran�er in this city. IE
Y and woll.—Loud and long continuect
b3 otr or tl�e ehadow of it ip an such many.years ago. abolished tlio connectiori is eatd th�t I am a resldent of Toronto. Xt cheerin
$ � y between ahurch nnd stnte. Tk�ePro'tes�apt is said that I nm the paid servont of the g'
,`{ �' �tptemQntsY—Gdes QY qQ, no and che@rs.-= �s �r tp oE tlio eo le oY this count city oI Toronto, and that iP uny queqtion •
Now, D�r. Ohairman und gentlemen, . ,� p P � s�ould arieo between Toronto and London
, eai�, '4Pew9�lhuvenoconnectionbe�ween REt30LUTION OF APYROVAL.
• ANOTHICR POILiT OF DIFFARFiNCC ��jus�h and atate, snd we will sever th �v interest wouid be firet to serVe Tm-
$ AIr. t►IerodltL�s Courxo Upaoi�uoualy
�, . was. ttiiei—I3y �the original Separs'tte laet link that. bflnds Rhe qreat Anglican ronto. Npw, mv po�ition ie juet thie: I
t3cliool Act, and thie wa� ori eseett'tial i'Ga- cliuxch t0 L6e staEe." Why did wa d0 aon't know whether it 1a becquse of my �udorsed.
iare of the low, becauea th'e larv ti��tte that? Becuuse iE is not in tl�e iqtereste of Positlou in politica or what elae, Uut The enthusiusm having aubsIdeci, DIr. C:.
eve�bddp nPublib ��h46] su�ppcter uule�s the communify that tt�ere eLould ba sny ' Y 1M NOT A RICQ �fA1V', EI. Hess:l, President oP t4e Trades nnd
fie volUntarAy wiEi�dcew himseiY from �he connection between I bave to make my llaing. I gravitated;ae L3bor Council, cos� and put the following
8upport of the T'uUTic achool—it was CIIUROlI AND STATC�. eOlIIe IIl my profesaion Lav� done, to the reaoluti0n which wus secondecl b. ea-
neCessarq in order that a m�u shdu�d be. � Y
! That is my view and 1 believe it ia the �egal centie oP Ontnrio two or three yenrs
;,,�� cOm� n�epardie achool supporter ttawt 4�e � Msyor A. Mc(;oimtck, to the meeting:—
al�ould give. notice oP hie fntentiou to view of 99 out 100 of ull the people of aKo. No objection to this was made
withdrew. B subse uent le' ielation tho Province of Ontario. Now, it we ssid at the time w6en I� before ra� "Thut thia meeting desires to es�,ress it�
v'� passed within the laet ten or twelve yea�re, that wi�h regard to the Church of }j1g- for thfs city. I bave slnce been K*�tePul appreciattou oP t'he devoted lsbors
�; provieion bus lieen made that if .�flnd, the church of the mnjority, cnn it be honored by tUe city of Taroqto aP DSr, 4V. tt. Meredith, as loader oC tl�e
rG�;� a�an ia a ROmun C��holic lie is tolerated thest in thfs dnp we ehould p�i- in beiq� appotnted corppration couusel, Coneervative parGy iu thie Provincc�, nod
r�' to. �be enterad npon tho liet a� a mit what prnctically would be the con- They asked me to asaume tha duty of to place on record its hearty approval c,f
'' 19e1iarate echbol supporter, ancl ia to tiuuance • of tUo ayetem o� Church and advising them upon all matters in wl�ich the com�reheneivo p'Intfqrm isid down h9
`�' be What 9� e�lled r[ma'fs�cie dealt wiEH a� 'State to t�e church w�ich is not in eym- the �overnment oP the c(ty 'was in ques- bjm; and futthar promises its cordial c�-
a 9e arate echoal eu orter. Naw I sa nathy with the mujority of tho people. �ion. A local newapaper made an obser• operatio❑ in hie endeavor to give thtE
'� ;'` F PP Y r vation which hae been most un netl uot- Province tUe advanta�e of n Government
°' that was a depnrture fram the rinet 1 � oF Bee,�xuse, tha practically is the meaning a Y q
r �' of t6e kind of echobl rl�at certain aections ed by one oP the city papera. It has 4een based on natioual and Conyorvative prin�
�,,�: - the �aparate Schoo] Act, of the people demand that these acUoo]§ gaid that my flret duty would be to the ciples."
A WRON6 DPPARTURE, should be. Now, I do not think it is intol- city of Toronto. Now that ie the meaneat '1'ho reaolution was carried by A stnndiag
I, �.i and thut thero ought to be uonresumpti�n eranco or bigotry to say that kind of �jnd of falsehaod.—C}reat clieerin�.—The voto :�mid�the grostest enthusiusm.
that anybody iR u supporter of Sepa�nte thing cannot fairly be tolerated in a cOm idea wnich it hae Ueen intended to convey —.--
' s�hools unless he chooee himself or liis munit such as this. 'I aa with re urd is that I told the people oP 'loron�
: y y � 11iAYOR ESBEI�Y.
agente accordtng to law to malie his eleo- to these echools, to thut in all matters the in• .
I� ' tlon as to whethet he will eupport Separ- terests of the city o[ Toronto [[tu warbe.iv Dellver,r� .1notLor IItne-
ate eehools �ar not.—Choera.—That is an- ehonld bo lirst, aud theroPore ettue �peeui..
i`'�� othor,thing with re�nrd to �ehich T li ive like the oiher achools of the country.— as London's reproeentative I eLould ''
Ueen eaic). to have }ieen futolerant. I aslt Tiear, hear.—Let the teacliera within them make thefr intereats s�coniiarp. t1s far ae diter ]oud calla for �Ir. �s.ery Uad been
�� you, ladiea nnd gentiemen, whether ln iC- pQ88C99 the anme qualifications, tind be that interpretution ie put upon it, it 3s repeuted, the Chuirman presented tlie
spect to that you tl�ink there fe anytLiog subject tv the same �ests as the teachera in absolutely and Muyor to lhe iqeeting. �llr. �yacry wae
inLolerant in the io osition that has beeu the other achoola ot the country. I eny,
'+���� � IIlsd82 p P j'yNT[8P4J.Y FVITffOUT FDQNDATION. received W�tfl clttmorous apulause. �uB
t�en, let the text-booke that are ueed, es- -
'� w then Mr. Chnirmau ladies and cept those that deal with religious sub jec!s, wuat TarOnto ssid to me is this ="QPe ea1d:—Mr. ahairmun, ladies uud fellow-
�� ' ' ' be tha text-books comwon to all tbe ehall wnnt you to give us tho principal citizens, L am here to-night ae one of tLe
gentlemen, another matter as to which �e youth of the counir In our I'ublic P�'t oY your ofi3ce ttme to ariend to our rRnk sud le of ti�o Uota�io Lib4ral-Con-
��hav�' beeu attacked is the y,aesbion of �ho �• �
�,;' sohools, to� which a large number qf busfnesa. And we �vant you to sesure us servative }�aity — applause—readp to fol-
� QUALTFICATION OF m�ncxEna Roman Catholic chi dren go, these chil- that our law busineae shall have preference low my leader int� the tlRht. We ask 1n
;�; in Sepsrate schools, tYhat we LAve sntd dren use the ordin�ry text-books, and �ver tLat of any other of your clien4s." this conte.aht no fuvore, we ask that 6iH
is, and t kno�v from pereonal expeciecc� [P they ce,n use them with i+�-� I said:—"That ahall be ao, aa you are my policy sLal�"�be piar,ed along side che palicy
' that mnnq'Itonoan Catholicg agreecl in the punity there, wh,y cannot tbey use the Principal client." That fs the full eatent of of �he leader. of the (�overnment L�at hi
`�� view wbich T entertafn—that the teucucrs g�dfnary suthorized Uooks in the other the atatemeqt. Ie it eot mean, pett� war- oppo�es. Anei we ask the men of tl�i:
of the �eparate school� ahdutd pass t�e sehoo]s wl�ich are more their o�vn in Fare; is it not almost con6emptible wat- province wit'�out re�mrntd to color or creed
ssme e�Qmination and bs subject Lo tUe the Separate schools of the country. fare, to s»y that I�ould suUordinate the to decide be6ween him and ti�e other arar
seme qu4�liflca6ion as tbe teacners of liie Theee are my,viewa in regard to this m�t- ioteresta of the City of London to �y bo whose policy ia in the be3t interest��
P�fblic �chools. Is that nbt right, is th�t ter. I do not know whether that ie in- the interests of Toronto? I dout�t af the great country in wliich we ]ive.-
not Yair Y—Crieg o� "yee" and cheers.—\'��o tolerance or bigotry. I[ it be intolersuce whether any lawyer in LOndon would Flear, hear.—It Las beee said that ou�
_ are entiueting them with the educatton oP or bigotry theu I am boiind to be under thauk the Advertiser for ita atatement, Ieader is not a cesident oP tho City
''.��I/ the youn� ot the conntry, and ff the �'ot6 the iveight o( that cha,rge because I nm aetonished to 6hlnk that stup mnn of London, and it hae been eaid by >>
doe9 that it is bound at terist to see t�at fiIIEY AILT LSY BENTIhiL+'NT9 chosen aa the representotive of the free newepnper that he feels above u:M
the proper educatton9l 'test—and tl�erc is ' people, becauee he was a legsl adviser of s�1`hen tney make'the objection that lre �Ba.
no insult offered to anybodq in doing tbar, and wHen I am appeal[ng to t4e people of arm or corporation that he wonld eell the dpne notuing far Londun. And the young
s� r. -that, the proper educatiopal teet cnn be this country I am bound to tell them the trust thnt the people had reposed in him. genttemeu �vithout braina and no abititp
:;� applied, a�d that proper educatiooai quali- truth with reaard to my viewe.—Cheera.— sir, w'ho got up the baok that is intended �o
�; ` •Scattons are poseessed bp those who ieoch ��at I think we want tb �understand is I g�pUUI�TE TIIE �INBULT UO & U00� Ol Ti(I�Ct1I(, hns placed in your
just this:=That the sptritual wor1d ie the
the y0ung, No�, I do not think therc is hands and in hta thc best., tc+sttmonial thn�
domain of the church si�d that ahall be that the pauer has put upon me.—Qreat „
anyihin� intolerant. I do aot thiuk there � inan cun get. You have heard it said, Ol�,
lefc to her free as she pleases to have iS. cheeriug —My eervicee us the repreaenta•
is angthmg bigoted in that, and yet, 3�Ir. that miue anemy would write a btlol;;"
, Chairman, ladies and oeutlemen, these are �ut the atate ahall conthol the secular �ive of tk�� .people are not Por sale or to and if any mon can paste thst in hie hat
effaira of the countr , and the line of �ie• bo used i'u my . own � behalf,—Loutl
'� TII� DRAYN II�BTIONB y aud lu�k npon itwftu pride, then it is our
Q markatton between the etate and churetr cheere.—I have been some 20 odd yeura in leader, Uecause ineido ite cover there is nv�
with re�ard to �vhich, b�cauee the posiu�m shall not be marl�ed by the church,' Parliamont-15 yeara of which I have been
r�. . was taken to wh4ch I have adverted Ae but ehall be marked b the leader of my party—an3 I never knew, a b]uck mark agatnst him.—%oud flnd coo-
�4k ;' gra eaid to Ue inColerant, and we are said to Btate. That is the rinci le in a free com- ubleae .possibly last eession, a eingle ques- tinaed applauae.—VVe are told that white
* p P is the emblem of purity; we are tcild that
be blgoted.—Cheere.—Now, I want to R��y munity I eiibmit to the intelligent jude- tion in whfch my duty to London and the wbite ie tbe eigniGcance of A�riameleas
just s word or two further with re�ard to ment of the people oP this countrp. Aad inteeests of the city of Toronto �;fe and our enemy and hia enemy Led
�� that. There ia no doubt tbr�t after r,f�e when the day comea when it is reeognized '�a the Legislature ever con$ictcd. furn9ehed him wtth a book which atntea
]a�t elecLion the gre�,t masa of RomRn ty all churches, by al� creede, that they dnd that question xrose .as to whother the
r,' � that his 1[fe, public and prtvste, hae been
Catbolics of t@ie Provinca dec.ded co c:at have nothing to do in the way oE direct judges ehould not eo from Toronto to blamele.a e,nd ab�ve reproach. A book
tFiei.� bsllota s�'gin4t the Conservntives in cantrol at ali evente with tho afinirs of London and Ottawa fpr the purpuso of.
� which sl�ows Lhat tihere' is not n marl� upnn
the�Local Opposition. 8tute, thot +•he uffaite of the apiritual administering justiee. And this paper one of ite a�ea, on one side or tho otHer,
'�` TIi�Y DID NOT M,1Ii[C ANY B�YCB ABOQP i1�. �►orld are the��s, I think it wtll be bet�er says that I wouid sell myself for tbe city p �
for the eoDte o4 this countr better f�r ot Toroa6o. �ut it does not tell its read- that c�ti be regiatererl tlgalnet bim, and
They did noi tnake anp gueetion ab��ui the churPohes y' ere thQt when we eond litm b9�ck, as 'we will send
it. There a�e men here to-ti��ht who },�d ' irim back, and �vhen the Provioce of On-
' been actide suppbrtere of �he OonservaLi� c; BETTEH, FOft CVERYBODY I VOTP+.D iN NAVOR OF TIIi9 WID�R �c�a• ��,rio mukea him, Q8 the Yrovtnce oY Oa
ptirLq up that �ime, c�h4 openly pr.ocle[m .elae, ancltLe�ebickeringsand atrifea whfch . e�7� , tario shssll, the Premier of a couot�y
ti8et, Uecauoe' of � the intoleiance uucl 911 axiee about the entering in oY politice, for the eity of London.—Cheere,—Bnt, second to none sa u dependency of the
bigotry exhibited on tl�e part of t(�e will be avotded and we will live fn har- eir, if there is anv man in the city ef Briliah Emplre, theq wtll not Ue nU'e
Untario Oppositlon, they uo longer woii�d mony as peaceable citizena.—Applease.— Loadon who thinks that by reason of mp to place �!n thaE booh thst be
'.�, gsvo their supporE to the Couservative 1�Tow, there ie mnch more which, bein� the counsel or advieer of the city of carved out un oliicm to pttchfork
party. I nsk you iP it is ri�ht for tham tP time petmitted,� I should 1[ke to �`oronto I nm gotng ro do an in�uetice to his son int�i.—LauRtiter and applausd.—
to ,�unite and combine 'for the purpo3e, sav to you to•night, but I muet liring mq the city oP London, then I don't wnnt him If the ealary oP fhe Premier oY' Ontaci� is
and. i gtve them f�ir credit Por takiag 'bbeervations to a close wlth a'word or two to vote foi me. Bu6 I ask all Whb believe not lurge enouQb, then let tt be increased,
� the course whlel�,�n theit concett, tLey moro with re Ard to this queetfon I havo that I wbuld act fuirly and jue6ly, ssa I have �liether our le�der holds t6e otiice or
thdught to be best — if it ie juet been a�dresein� you on, i do not tried to do in the pasr,, noC to be wbether Bir Oliver Mbwxt does, but in tl�e
rigbt ior them, if �it is fuir for them, 'if it want anybody to leave this room to•�sight led aavuy by chsr�es ot this kiud. nnm� of C�1od and in the name af buman�
i� '�tOper Poir them to unite sad say:— wiCh a feeling Lhnt I have anythtor� hostile —(�rent cheeis. — I am toli3 that ttiq,'let there be no pitchPorking of r�ta-
"�Ve vt�ill put down t4e pnrty tliat gues to hia religfon. I want him to feei that they havo a little book which theq livha luto afflce iu order th�t 6ume may bc
f4r theso ehangee in the law7" ara the rest I RESPECT HTS RGLIqI0II9 CONV[CTIONB are uainq in ttiis campdign, On the outside d'rawn t5at will n'ot appe�r behtnd the
oY the commuuit� Lo eit atill? a,y I reapect m� own. I wsnt him, hoav- cover of which ie " What �as W.R.Meredith names of the mAn who nra respoAsibie i�r
�IiID TiCv7Y �f'0 B70 AB DVMI3 D0C�8 ever, to unaeretand tl�at I hnve a pro- doue Por London? —Lau�hter.—I'tetl,you trio (iovernment of th., cuuncrq,—Fi¢etr,
� �n, , th� fnco AP opposi6ion auch na thisY nouneed opinion upov the questton that I�bat I think would bo the t�eat thing for hear.—I am not �oing to eny anyit,fng
And nm I not entibled to eay to those wbo have just been �iscusaing, that I am ficmly thege people to do. They ure a very ma'to ta•nfght, becn�e� thie el�etion is'�o-
havedii�erad wfth me upon politicel ques• convinced thnt upon no other line can Lhe ecbnomicsl people, you kYYow. Let them ing to be a��ht frOm ll�e word g0, nncl
ttons !n Lht� paal:—"Ii yau beNe'vo I r�m future proeperi�y of thia country be main- keep the books, I wlll be Heard from ugsiu.—Applau�e.—
Tight upon'theez queetion�, if �ou b�Iieve I tained an�t suetained t�an upon the Nres TUtiN BIR OLIVPR MOWAT OQT� �ut I want f,b teIl the ABd�r�ig�r
am 'be�rr nn, ugti are�,o�erl n �o thcEe which I have endeavored briedq that, on the ni�tit of the 26th' oY Juno,
� j 3' ri and ]et them uae it in the next Your yeara tbetr ft�lse st�temente Will not n;tor t'fie
�Y`outi�'9,CO�netom�YBliefanddBnoCpermtt to summurize to yo� here; and I{o recordin� wHat bns been done Por the vote of the people of LOhdon.--I;oud ap•
ui& tb bn �u�s`uiilyud,�ed."-�,ou�} cheera — think I ehould be wantin�; in efty of Londoti.—G}reat cheertnrt, in which pinUae.
/ Xt ��;, i'oreoot�, �ndolet�s��e and bigbtry for mq duty ae a public man if, holding thes0 thd bsnd played "the Brltiat� C�renadiers"
,Rne �ipfEibp. of ET�G C�t�imunity to aolte for viewe, � waa not man enoug� to come and tho erowd nrose and cheered again TQANIi9 TO TH� CIIAIRh[Aft.
tile,purpo,�e o�prp[qoting cettain oUj^cto, upon.tlio pintform aqd etnte them in the and agnin.—I tell you, Mr. Ol�airmnn, thut Mr. Meredxth,, in moviag a vote of
�t �s Ehe he�gh4 of propriety an�I pcoper he4ring of mj� 4ellow-c[�ixena.—Appleus�, they wlil not t�ave sso opportuuity of ro- thau�s to tho chairma� oP the meetiug, ra-
eondueS, and savoura not of lntolernnce ot IQow I' jus� want to say agrsin that I cordtng that W. R. Mcreditii, in the settle- t�rrned hie sincsce thanka to tl�e sudienca
bigotry for unother eection of the cam- want to reapecG the religioue convictlone ment oP tho munici}�al losn tund, for the vote of conddenco refloscd in Lim
� muni�S• to imile on the cippONite afdo of the of every man, no matler of whut fulth he plaeed n most unfair and unjust chat eveniag.
s; en�me queation, may bo. I have no�hing to do with thcm ultrden upon the eitlzena of �,on- Tpe m�otion wae. carriod by n stnndfng
I UTT[CRLY D�NY mnt� JIIST1CiC on Loc�rc atiu I discountenance and dieclaim any r}t- don, end onc which the� are bearing vote, and, with chaers for tl�e 4Zuoen, for
� 04 t}tat positian, and.I eaq thut tho53 tsh0 tacks that have been mede in the name of to•dap. '�hey will not htive to record tl�ut D2ecedtth and the L1Uaral�Cousorvative
unite Por the pti�rpose oY jiu�4itig dtiwn. a. �y Farty or of any body �gainst any re- when u neiqliboring municipaiity was de- party, the meeting brplee qp.
� ��t H4'ineri hecau�r. 04 tirinEi�yFa tf�at th �. ligious commiini6y ue a religipus commu• eidn� to irritate nnd annoy the otty of .�......�:��...
nity. I deafre to entez mp moet London thsC the name of the Attorney- nr. a. 13. r ,
� ja;(1�E�tlji �elfa$e,. thd,tth¢yC4bnpt�Omp1 n �ernald ehief of tho divieion oE
1P, ,ii��n whb attr8e w th thoae pr�nclpleb ��trxeTro PR07�PLST A(�AINB'C T�m os• C�enernl waa lent to thnt community to ent�f(10I0� OE tM0 NL169d6C�1A9@�tH �xperiment
s tf bqa w111 no� per�t theee men to b@ Txncce� nssist in Stmtion, .r�ports a aerieA nf eucee�efni eu�ia�,•
�iriven to the wa11 because ttiey �bav0 o�f any elses of tho commvnity, by reaeoo ANNOYIN(: TRtu CTCY OF L�JNDON mentie with areenate oe lead ns a poieon fox
etood for whst ti�ey, Uelfev@ to be rlght of the relikioua taith �Ovhich the,y possesA. &n$ in he4ping np the oost uqon the ciiy, the tent caterpillar. In no anse was the �foli�,ge
snt� juet. I rle9ir8, 61r, G�hairman, egam Mq vievv wtth regarti to that 1s thtS: =_�eers.—ena ttie w111 not be hble tio ln�ured, though in one experiment 2�l po�in�e
�p repeat I I�ave. no a m utt� with the VPhile a man's rel! inn should be no aa�- 9 of the araenate were disaoIved in 160, gailot,e
y P 3' � t� eay that wbile the lato Dr. 1�qerson recoul• �� Water. BranChes of apple trees, eaoh widh
�1ttaCk vpqn any man's religion. I think port to nny public o�ce, wHflo no rimah m�nded tvd0 Normal sefloole—the one i'u �A mpecimens of Caterpillur, were epra,yed,afid
a Tnun's reiig.i�n i� n matter entirely be- ehould have a cinim to a pArtienlar poait97p ���e east und ono ie tuo weati--thni ttro then covared tvrt,n chorxe olutlt iu the foct� of
Lwean him and His C�od. I believe that Uecauee oE � particular fai6h,; at t}io sgcno bno in tU� enst shall be ''ranted �nd ttie�n� el�eve and tiod xo ne �eo revent the e�Gn�fle
+oi�o •aual�t to rc+s�cet the conecientioue timethe possession or th� praCC}ce of a pix- obo in tktcs wesG a3�a91 be negTeated. W-T.ou�l df any. It whs uTso fo�i'nd equ�slly' effeb•
co�vlc�ione o� eder� gebtfon oF `ti� ebm- t{eular faifh' AttbiYld be no bsif to asn eheprs.-1Lnc1 tliey will not have an b�- t�ve in kiliing pot�toE� b��gs �ahen ds d
tilutrt�,q, �ittd tb� ttl�n'witd �+tOnld i�t�lt� or poaitiion {t1 tha gift bP tlte'8tgte. It �� rt tlf6 aY rACOTdio fhtq, whldh tlic�y fu snioubte of thre�•fouttlr� of a� ptlti�d
at�n�+k �in� t;f tTiti.t��ti,gC�u4 pfactir��o� aqy+ bnly+on broad lines, due}� se t'heee, that tt+� p i bt �*8t' . to �ry put in sa i$e "rc�Cbrd of araeriwte •in 260 gakions oE•� water_
�ectton of t�e �Eriti►rHuni�"y �io ma�t�f hcSa� .c�n live ae A mfted (sohim�in�tq, end I• �` y e� ��¢e�p, A convenient waq to ,:makb., tt�a ih�
r � 0��1r• b'I9� • .�? eec 'cide,iA to,bn,y 11.oixne s.o�',ucafate bi le�d
�dtett�stbd#1g tlt0y �ip�� be E6 hi� ��iiind,� think u Iia� �uch aa 'th�tsg vvu can ��y �r, bhatr�5ian I miiet b]d�e.— �, �' oAr oun"�A 6f ar pna�e of soda. '�i's di��
: �p�y����n �rreast�n�ble,;sud ro er tb�t�b �Ilde, ea�•tteve our dt�ei�es abt�uZ u-f�ts ttines T�`l�ve bOtne b vAd 1tt760G �;1lehA af �Vater, �i11` m tie h�
, P. T? . , . �, � . � (7t�i� of �'(�o i5nl" � ;�.. �� � � .. , ¢. , �:,
minci of t�e man who w�edt�tam,:Z.aa�rtbay chewlibol qu�atttiir, wtihtsut•ch�bictet�eas, yo�� �tanci�td in this city, On esch clpca• s�ut�on �c�ott�eh6ti�� fur� g�r�ayings
, a
4e .
i'� ��;`1li �`1`1��,�� V,L`a.tJ1,1' 'q���p���rat.4ba��� ���,fbe�ea��t�ia,Y� ' a
�; . , � " ` ; �r � iG is m4ra11 y; cAn4ludecl, � A,t all eveat�,
• -�-�-- LUQ s��l�nthte� ot Lhe �abipet R� �}t.
k'�tAfi'q�; A^CA �NGGAND 1lAX �i�;YIYE `�a41La'. ��r�rq ka�K� i4�nc�:` fk� .l��rlia" �nd �n. .
. liomo r�x4�� t.�t�n xa Pagi9.; Qq tl}fl eidHA� , ,
T(lE�l� [{i��Q[tI:O'�1'�U(��iT,�l. ' ' G4erwanv thov reeE upon frisndeh�P; .
I . ' on the eide Of It�i ^4�ey are foxti�ed b� �
, :. . �
' .-^�-- . � �lPJnqapu�t� a[ an��lblEjou�.a►ad, h�cr�d,.,:� 6e
�, .rver r d� A
mue ota a��u� o�.un, :uer� �,,���u� ��:��a Pa.. ��1Pi 4 t�1,��o�td�.LGoe,aY�B. ..4
, � n � �, ,QP tl�Q Iy�e��leF�aheau, anc}��tf.�o,�.,t4� clr.ive
uy 'ti�d. nru�r� ��annratt�r� ���►��r� uwa co letel t e F en , eaet
Y mP Y h x.�k►, ��P�, flt 1 ,
e�Zx Atl � e •
•�, y W ..•, b
�►v r tUa c� �_ e� �t'�v. . to �gQuce 14 to x eecondary xsnk. �Tu�t ae
(:r�dr�;..Na�a,► ' �"Po�oyoY.� .+iiV� �s.�lln
� .
E t �,
F. i' nd� c� .
, , , • , . . s pa a q9@E8 �I18 C6iAP16E{! tlR�l�q�tlOR
Lach��(►[.4�r �qlxh �vnaVlt��^�'y�untk� pg �eypt, r��p areamea or.�cbe �s�iou
, �• xb�v a�ugae . tp ine� a���e�tire Are oP �unie, ,�,'4�fAra�er doea nqt gd.4u�t;J�at
t*cn�ep�qotizwe w�ar...x`f.�� ��ra�rlr�l�e ,��ance ahnqid 4b1�Re ��r� t.0 r��r�, fF:9.,. a
� Au11�.+oroo: � � • . Gbtiqtry'where'b�ie't��g e�iabliyNed bA �Y,
Patt�, ,��y, 10,—The �erio� Qt � un�ast- `�p� the latter witl� nover Yor'give u�'�or ,
Aes,� is inarnnsiog �u rran�e. It , is �ttue ��ing planted a ilrpi foa� !n �pz�i�; v¢,�lch
that we ara but little ncen�tomed ta n lo�o ��� cor�std'ered n domnin destined tq ;be- •
B' lpn� to Uer. �h�e work� w�ich a;@ go(ng ,
t3rm uf rapaso, even when , materiaLxsa�l- ,on in khe port of Blzerte udd tb the .'iTtita-
quillitp is perPectla assured. No natioh `titln of the Itnliana and� Ip the umbr�qe o!
poseeasGs to such a degreo the genius of 'the • I�nglish. BoCh aceu@e tpq���,�Qmch
�engineere vpit�. crea;tiqq .p.�n b4� �.t�i@an
turbuIeilco ugRinet itaelf nnd tti� ' ar4 df 'Gpas� � new C�Fibraltar, undet� tha �ir�texy;of
spoiling by dlfHcul;tes' ivhich. �t ereates aimpte maritimo umeltorstton�. ��VYi�en
Por �tself Lhe mnxeellou9•' conditiona of �'ivatry to 6uoh a degr� ia foi�ptk lev6�'y-
prOsperity atic� 1�npNin��s witl► `wtiich Qod �°��re, open I�oat11it9 Qannot b�•2q� �ygag,
and �rntute l�aVe encic�wed }b. ''Phe strug��e • mberu te: no deatre fQr wa.c� ,$. . no
betweon t6 re �b�tc ud ttro �old� � 1f ie 1.thou�ht uI rupt��e on eilher ona�d� ,or
� P � �� � � the other, Uecaw�"e nobOdy can tet��wliat
psrties'is ended, Anci the l"u�ter recognlze 'the coUeeqiiencee would be. Un �he con-
th� i�nposslbili�p pf oppreasin� it v�i�hO.uG Grarg, it is t�e inteption aP everyl�pcly not
tLa Kicl of uufore�ee:u eirc�staneos�a �o opeu an ern Of calun�iGies; but in tho liPa '
til{ng whLeG t,Loy .;ttiu LKt+3J�*Lone Y(ir.' t�t of natious, just as in thut oP in�ih`iduQ�s, �
tue exterto: tht matdtedai►ce of peace :tibere arn mromenb wfiea circumetancea �
5eents to prc:e�ii; evary +cuarn,nty; but, overcame the most eincere inUentious.
ooverttielese, puUlic opiuion is justly sppre• Tho relatlons l�etween France �4d �ng-
Ueneive of dangc�rs from withoat'ss wel�l ue �nd are travereing one of th ss oritiGal
from wfttrin: " .
Behind tlie Franco-qerman c�uEs6ton Pe;loda in w6ich it is neceseary o be pre-
there hus come up the Ii'ranco.L,pglish p�'r�� �Qr evarything, and to lool� lorWVerd
question. co Lhe poaeibilt6y of immenso eventa
Thn,t is a bi word �vhich I have 'pst 9°bich mov come froqi accldental compli-
g J cations absolutely secondarp at the com.
now written, nud I nm well sware that in 'mehc,inent. E. MA.49ERA9,
wriling 1t I run the rieli of being Gon,i@- ABOUT~ Ryr3���,
ered a peasimistic drenmer of dt$icultta�
wl�tcl� are ima�inary. A eonfllct betcveen ---
Englunci and France seeme sometvin� Eo �'renldent Sreut Talke About A NO�P �
improbable, so utterly beyond gELel'ql ���°d�ry at Weet duperlor.
prqviaton, l6at evea to auggeat ite pCs- �est Superior Leader.
eibility wottld be in tUe eyes of inany n ,wo��; chan�ln� the mac�►inery in the
o,d Fmelting p�lavt uear Towor Ba�y slip
paradox. But if we examine the theme for the uee oY .the barqtes manufactuSe,
wlth attenttou, vdP aro torced to redosnize �4i11 bs completed withtn a week and
that the blu��est spot in the Furoposq shortiv atter tlie worka will be in full
vbrizon is noa� on that a9de, and L6at 61u onp��,(i�n. President Charlea Steut is dr-
stortn ►ni;;ht bnrsG outuc an,y momeM wi'h aotin_q his pereonal aupervisfon to the pre-
violence. 'Phe precursory slgna U�ve maI• iiminarp mork, aud yesterday he said:—
tiplied recenily w9th a rapidity wiel� wHiob ����re eRp�cted to have a boat out for ure
the politicsl world is beginnin� to be 1m� befoie this. �Pe �et this ore from a emali
pressed far more than it aj�peare, well Island, eb0ut twent� milea from Pprt {�
knowiuo how)ittle ir, would take to Pre• Arthar, which cuntains probnbly four
cipitnte the sUock of arma. Wfth au aut• zcres The veln ia 73 feet wide, and al-
sicie anpearanee of c�r�3ial relations ba- thaugh we ]�ave not aseortained its depth,
tween r6e two councries, nntagooism� np• qo �now tl�at a parallel vein une been
pAs�r flll the more ilnngerous, becanse na y�orked 1,360 teet below the level of Lake
tionnl vat�ities are mised up with tt�em se 3u erior.
well as'questiou9 of interest. � Barylea ia lar;ely used in the manufac- �
C)[ itself �gypt is a permanen6 cause of �ure of white lead, in rubbYr (particulurly
conflict, which time ia a�gravx,tinb ins!ead beltin�), iu p�ner manuYscturing, and
of cnlming. k'rance hus repeatealy morE 'ven iu bl�e composition ot candlee. Theie
are soveral hundred thousand toos used,
or less directly reminded En€lanci tllat her Uut being a-great adulterunt, it is fiard tu , ,
stay at Alexandi�a had Only a temporary' .tetermine juet bow much is used. It sells
title; that she hsd eotered into ¢n engage frtim �;12 to $Z5 per ton, accordin� to its
ment to rel{re from. E t wlieu orQet �urity, and is very l�eavy, an ordinary
g� n dour bnrrel fuil weighin� 700 pounde.,
should be ro-cstnbliahed i�� the country, �•Rre shall at thA start employ ten
ind that ti�e time had co�ne to keep her men, wt�ich we l�ope bu3iness veill tvar-
promiae. E�ch ti�,ne the .Cat�iuet ot Lon- rant us fn increaaing�. �Pe have u con-
3on re lied b evsaions or by turt�iu a oenieot plant here Por our business, the
� Y �' �oly" thine necessnr� to do oatsifle
:ieuf enr, wLiie the [ir�ttsii presa daciared �p the U�ilaigg, is to extenei the awitoh
openly that ttio't�16 ubout fhe evar.uatioc. ,�ck, now l,ying U26ween us and ti�e
ot IF�ppt wsa a mere 'oka, a,nd ill-timed at (,}rand Pepublic ruill, arouad the north
thA��. 5entimeuts and �nteotionsare equ�lly ��de of our �►lant, �nhtch we shall do. Qur
tlxed u vn oue slde avd tho otUer, �n�� n
� improvewents and now machinery thua far
land has no idea of qui6lin ;.�;ypt, be �flve co3t ubout $6,000:
�xt�9e foc her tlie cuntrol uf the .iuE 2 ��I am the only member of the eompanp
L`anal is linked with tlia passession or who is not a Duluth wan," blr. Brent con-
the cuuntry, T�`ranc, on her side would •ioued. •'•BZy home has been in London,
sulier a double luss of pre�tiqe in he� •�an�,dA; Uut in the Futuro t ahall probAblv
poQiEibniv the Eastnnd inherdiguitp ifeLt ��Lke ic ia E3up�iiur. �huuld we some
abdicated•her sbare uP iufluence in Egyp• ime �et a deep-water chaunel to the sen,
tian a�¢irs. IIee authority over the 9lus• I beliuva t6e qreatest city on the 11.merican
eulmnn populati �n of Algeria �roulfl snftei ��n�iuent wili bs here."
irom it. To occept br e7en tacitly adttlit ��
the indefinite maintenance OP the pr�seut llp y0U P09T I.ETTERS'f
e.ate of thinga ia not noasible for her, even
if s�e shculd desire it. The con�tnnt dis- -- �
oucee, sometiin:s ratlier bi.tr.r, whic� com% ct�es �4aai whac tue �P. o. �e�nla-
uq over que�tians of detail show to wlisl Ifoaay Sup tty to Oirance:�.
g degrea che tenaion exi3ta, and mage� i� THe te$t of the notIce a� to mailin
�lear that �► crisis mighC arrive nt nng•tima. �' .
atfairs mi ht become su�denly cvn, "e�ulntiona•eent out recently by Uhe P. U.
pticated bp �nterior edents io l;�ypt, wherc . iopartment is ae followa:—
the prol�nged presence of Brit�sh troop� �teention �ia`called to tUe follorving sec-
3ud functionariEs, impatiently toleratcC tions of the Pi st OBiee Act, 1886 [49 Vic., •
cha 85
b a lar6e portion of the native popul v p' '— ,,
� H:ctin�� 0;;— EversoBe who encloees a
tton. mi�nt induce either •the I'ihediva ot �etter or lettera, or any 'WTlt1Db intendinfi
the ,�ultan bimself to usk lntervention on ;o serve Lhe purpoae oP a tetter, .iu � parcel
the part of the French Government, a Poatecl for t11� parcel post, or in a pnci�et
thtng whieh it could not refuee. iE
�f samples or patterba, or in a news a er
Bu� tl�at Is not the ouly cloud. A'• ���ted to paas as n newspaper, or in any
tf�oug.h it }�ae not the s,qme gravity and mail matter 9ent by post not Aeiog a]ettor,
the snme dt�ngPr, lhe Jfam qucs!ion is Uig itiflll incur a penatty not escoe.ling �40,
with the germa oP slmoat cer�ain compl'- '3Dd not lesa thao �10 in each case."
BeclJnn 94=^Everyone w6o, withfraud-
ca�ions, diter consi�Ieruble twitchiug, tl e ulent tntent removes from any postago
extenetou of the French pr�tectorAte in +tamp any mnrtc which has been made
the exLreme F.nst hns b�,eu diplomatle¢1Ly b�reon at any poat oU3ce, ia guilty oE a
misdemeanor." "
acc�pted in LonQon, Uut not WitUouC di� �3ec61on 108="Every person who uses or
.content and urrIere pensee, Qne �reai tittempts to use in prepayment oi posts e
dif6cul�y remaina to be dottled—the Bxirg �ny postage etamp which has been before
of thc boundary line of what is called tlie `�gQd for a like pdrpoae, shall incur a,
buffer Stnte: that is to sav, the establlsir- penalLy not eaceedine �40, AD�i not lees
than �lU for every such ofience,"
ment oP a neutral zone beto►een the ter- Onuer ttie above s�ctions several proae-
iitortes uoder Frenci� qn� .GnFUEI� iu- cutfons hsve lstely been institnted: In
fluenoe in tUe 111ekon� regton: Undor q one ease tho clennin� of canceIled etumps
di�erent form than ti�at whtch es191a fn �ar the purpose oP hein� them again, the
Ugypt, the undergroutid rloAiry ie tcurc - cu]prit was s2nt to priaon for a ter.m of
ly less ncttve atld ready co riee up two years; in the other cases flnes were im-
wl�enever oircumetaneeR present the on• poaod as provided by inw in no inatance
portunity. Nioreover, ixi btXth ce9es there less tban $10, It ia the intention oY t6e
is thfs similatity, nemelp, that tl�o dittl� department to prosecute rigotously all
culiy ie not 'eniirely ' Co�Qned to the oereons who mnv Uo detected in delibexate
'bureaus ot Par36 und London. It may attempts to fraud the revenn�;. -
arise from iUcidettts broug6t aUout ai, A. P. CeitoN,
Qangl�ok or from claims comiog frum Pos�muster (�eneral,
Pe6in, whieh might cLnna�e ita current and Poat Qfijce Depnrtment, Canada�
brtng about,un8speeteii troublea. Uttawa, May 1, 1894.
A latent hosti)Ity at�o exists at DZ3dages• —�"�"
t; lc, tvhere tl�e aa Dute pf th9 .Fronch pr0- N�OBt people can easily dietinguieh between
tectotato flnd thetr acbion Cbl]etavtl 1nt81'- geuuine butter and ite varioua imitntiona #�y
9 the flavor. ]3nt there ie pn immgnse nmotmt
feTed with bq Of�Cial antl, Ofii�'ious .�+ n�liah of gery poorly-ftavorod butter wh�ch is no bgt-
repreeentativea, The thius ts illoaicnl, ter tfian bleontargarine. A eest that will
alwaya di�tingui5h �Phuine butter from 1ts
Tw0 EnrOp�an natibnsllties p.nCCd beiUYe counterfeits has been diecovered by� br. Heriry
a.p00p1e 6uCh A9 Lhe I�oY&s ehOuld ha�0 pD Leffman, of Philacielplua, A epponful or
oGher line oY COnduOt LhS�h GhQt OP trigkin two of the a:�mplo ia put tn a narrow cup, npd
�' quickly heated tn the boiling point. If it i�t
commoncause on eVerq oCeasiDn,ev�n when truo butter it wil! bc�il quietly �nd foritn up in
tihere [night bo n moraei�taiy, a�crifice Of n a maes of fine bubblea, oiten overflowih� oder
tl�a side oE tkio cqp. If }t iy but�erinE or qJgo-
few.indivl�lusl intet'est[�. But t6e ahBenCcs oP mara�rine, fhe eampl� when heated wtl� founi
this COt1C0ld, WhiCh'aQpuld 8eem 90 na611Ca1, ��h but littte, but �vill cr�icltle and epuiter ,ae
indiea'.es tihe littlo wei bt tl�at.internation�ll it boils. Aftor one or ttvu ttinle un�one �an •
8 dacide t�ith cerEainty What the eample lSfPered
cor@tulity w'Outd 11aVo tUo daq vVti6u consiets of. Nd fraud can eacape tkis Yes't,
a�►'tti�er que9liOn tHi�Lt a�ise, n0 mntEdr A good breeding eow will iF Ur�d propei�ly
upOd wh9t pJ{nt. t6 ie vatn to. �ay that y��» more proAC in y yq;�r than uiany ahimpla
tlie nnrticular eontiments c:eisting betcoeen thst cost much more mon�,y. It doee n'ot ay
nuClone Lnve no plgce 1n� the poHey di ta aave a few dtillarg in fire� expeY�ee by fa�oa
C�Foveromente• Yor tbe mHuonCa it ve te qet the hest, though u lang, r�mgy eaw tAan
� 3'' � �' ia rather ooa,rc�ely bttilt, if br�d to � full�
oftoh maro tt�an people Id�n,gitlu ttad tdnli blood, fine•boned mule, will oltvaya Uring
t6 ificret�p'e th� Ctlmpilc�dtlori8. It 'Is Onlq innro thrifty pi�s nnd thoeA whinh will.makq a
5 secondary's�mpcum • biit iE S� uhfOrtUll- grottter n.mount oC pork frorp the eflrao feed
liEe, tiEC�'�'tU�lkr�'a,'' �h�G w�crcder, tl�e �1��n '�'�1I the thnroughbt,ede But if theae K
�[ pd� A�+1 �tTSe,1:t1�gli�ii, C��ttlChltl' �binle i0 fialf•Ulilt�dd ure br'etl frotn �hey �hUt�Id' be
':g@�tar, f}��y st�tniC•to.vea�ii..caqh otUar in n''�'��d ��ft6 ehoto� hbrdd m loa. '[E;i� Ujyiply ,
fer br8�did�{ thaE �thm il�ora�ghbred }�d d Are
btpte qf oppo�ittqn, �nt1.• d!elru9t�a6 �1am� kept, "tt�d���ae 1E iavtllb8s ��tEt�ee b"xptc�ae f to
akMgds(S�sti�r; on � i�e r�1il�&r�; snd: att:tNe. Iceep them, th� breedera of, thorau�T�t�reda
�blsnitaioE�EbeF�i{2D� �" E'�>,n •1�' �uttlpo f9, i9 .�,r� ena�riaa . t� c�arf�e exCra Por lna�ed.�.otbe
�pbC�i9iah'CIitCR�tlffe't$�t''�'+.pitl�Gd �s?t��}9T�c� :ynt�,to �hoae w a reed only f�r feqd1n�, Ib
�b'dLhrAttldtL�'^�V{tti:t�SFi tYi�31e A)1�kH�'e; ��tie �,ye•baEl� p�irEios, for the eross breda iS; ls�ed
ie umt e¢tnally �olned ti"i�,���a�•°t�e t�i��� �ng�ther aoon rwn oat�
� '.
, , .
: .
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.� Y4w� i..r` — ' .. i:�1:�v.d'�.�..- ,a _.�`�w�ar:. '�. _ _ _ n.