HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-05-23, Page 3errs VrTIY$'$ DANCES Spasms.,l,. Qol)vnistons, Dizziness Faulting 01 :414 J.`IarYotra Prastratlon and Dizziness, norv- ous asatlitions.ltreaglrt on by fulotienal dis- ;orderaaroaperinisnentlycuret!by.D'.Pierce's •l4y9$tp. 7."rescription. It's a strengthening n8rand•vine restorative tonic, prescribed b a>t e044ent, Physician for all those distress 1pg.'cweaknesseti" thud fr'regulartjes Co non .to wo>uenn ' Mrs, Amor BEIM, Alba)rq,I3er)cxCo Pa., writes; "Da, R. V. P,IEtaCa: Dear Sir— My ulster, Mise Cor. delta diene��1, had St. Vitue'a Dance. Her head and right arra moved or twitched constantly; she could not walk without be- ing held under her arms. She tried four doctors, but without good. After iil'teen months, having been given up as a hopeless invalid, I bon_ght her MYss DfErtxa�y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite • Prescription; in two 'flanths she was well and strong." !I.CE teesau CUR. rhe Huron News -Record $1.00 a Year—$1.20 in Advance WEDNESDAY, MAY 28rd, 1894. The World Moves On. Jack Robinson. I have stood by the mouldering tombs, In the valley of decay, Where, like shadows of the night, Come the sorrows of the day, I: have watched the cortege pass Upon the dusty village street, And I've listened to the trampling Of the ghost -returning feet. I have heard the lementatit,us Of a nation bowed with woe— . And I've stood beside the dying, Watched the fitful ebb and flow Of the breath that struggled bravely On the portals of a sigh ; But the world goes on as ever Never matter who may die. a Dead men do not blast the flowers, Stay the sun upon its way, For there's sunshine 'mong the willows In the valley of decay. One the Alphabet. These verses were read by Chief - Justice Bleckly of the Georgia Supreme Court at a spelling bee presided over by Gov. Northen a few days ago: The lively things at snellin,: bees, ' The things that most instruct and please, Are not the words but the A, B, C's. The busy bees, When they have met, Must take a look at the alphabet. To see it in its legal view Is now what we have to do. On law of letters we roust draw To p'ive the letter of the law. In 0, I, U, A, E, is found, Condensed, yet clear, each ruling 'sound, In every case the lawyerquotes, As good sound law, these five head - notes. Of one of these, the selfish 0, Its lonely note is all we know. No more than once, to keenest ears, A,trone or trace of it appears. iachelor sound it is, that wails doleful fate of single males. o wonder, in the dismal woe, The tune they sing is only "0 !" Not quite so lone and chill is I, Its one companion being Y. And twice as tender must be IT, Which pairs with W and with Q. And wider still expandeth A, It spreads to R, H, J and K. But far more facile, frank and free, That generous note, the peerless E. It leans to 13, 0, D and G, To P and T and V and Z ; And then, with slight and stress, It touches F, L, M, N, S ; And, clinging still 'till silence checks, A whispered kiss it gives to Y. gentle The Concealed Telegram. I tell you, boys, I was awful gald When the session came to an end. For I felt bad, and the House was read At what we had to defend. You see, when Grundy that message sent, .And it came into my hand, Our force was spent, and we, intent To somehow stop the scandal's vent, Were driven to our last stand. Stratton, the author of this disgrace, Was disturbed by a terror great, So I rose in my place with brazen face, I lied that despatch out straight. You'It say I was wrong, but in the school Where Sir Oliver leads the class, 'Tis a recent rale that mar's a fool Who disregards the party rule, That untruth well told will pass. I knew that behind me, row by row, Stood our brave rnajoriiy, true, That if I sald so, no voice would say no, No matter what I rnight do. But I -must say I wasn't, fair, quite; I've injured an innocent man. There never was blight put on the right, But somehow came to the honest light, The trickster and cheat to ban. I didn't think they'd raise such a row About a little thing like that; If I had, I vow, and 1 tell you now, I'd have thrown the truth out pat. But seeing 'tis done, 'tis useless to grieve t my little—er—mistake. ried to deceive that they might not weave Toils round our party, and i believe 'Twas an excusable break. Of_course 1 worry, I've cause to fret, f,3 )r I know men look at me queer : But don't forgot, i'rn a gentleman yet, Tho' my title isn't so clear. If this mean Stratton had ne'er been born, I would not have met disgrace, Nor would I be torn by public scorn, Or tossed on the tip of gossip's sharp horn, And hunted over the place. —Man From Wentworth, Half a dozen Harvard students who were boating near Boston Wednesday were drowned by the upsetting of the boat. At Albany, N.Y.,Wednesday,Enggefle Brady, a maniac, killed his mother, aged 05 in a flt of violence, and at- tempted to kill four other persons. SaE�IN lllsi'a.ASEs are more or loss dil'eptly occasioned by- had hlOod,'H, • B. 13. cures the following Skin Diseases: Shingles, Beysipelaas, ltehin Rashes, Salt talcum, Scald Head, 1.r uptions, Pimples, Blotches, by removing all impurities from the blood from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofu- lous Sore. Dui ing the heavy thundlerstorm which passed over Auburn Thursday night, lightning struck the residence of Mr. I). Neville. The lightning went down the chimney, -demolishing the stove -pipes in its Lescent, and passed through the floor, Mrs. Neville who was in the rook) was knocked down by the force of the shock but fortunately escaped injury, BURDOCK BLOOD BVIVERS cure Dys- pepsia. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS euro Con- sti pation. l)UBDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Cure Biliousness. Bur DOCK BLOOD BITTERS cure Head- ache. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS unlock all the clogged secretions of the Bowels, thus curing Headaches and similar complaints. A son of Wm. Keith, of the 2nd con., Elma, met with a serious accident a few days ago, while in his father's stable. The young lad, who was only about nine years of age, was knocked down and t., an)ped upon by one of the horses. Besides having one of his legs broken, he was badly cut about the head and face. His condition is con- sidered critical. I HAD a severe cold, for which I took Norway Pine Syrup. I find it an excellent remedy, giving prompt relief and pleasant to take. J. PAYNTER, HirrrtsVille, Ont. Chief of Police Ahern, of Galt, has been discharged by the town council by a vote of 10 to 3. At the meeting at which this was done Councillor Cum- mings said that the town was infested with blackguards, women of ill -repute, tramps and drunkards. He considered that the citizens of Galt should employ better men rather than live in terror. He did not find fault with Chief Ahren, who was good for certain kind of work, but he was no expert in detective work. The dedication of the monument to Mary, the mother of Washington, took place Thursday at Fredericksburg, Va. About 10,0() ppeo-)le were present. President Clevelranc and several mem- bers of his Cabinet and their wives were also there. DIIISONATIRla IN A DAY. AIIICEiOR Rhonmat cCure,eforn S Rheumatism tism au ih Neuralgia radically Dares in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon %be system is remarkable and mysterious, It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately die appears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents Sold by Watts & Co. and Ation & Wilson, Doggiest. he l of the 0 C. P. R.Telegraph 1gchimney omin the rear of pany's office at Winnipeg, Wednesday, Howard Smith,check clerk, was instantly killed, and Aubrey Tennant, messenger boy, fatally injured. HEART DIBSA8E BELIEVED IN 80 MINOTEe.—.All cases of nrgauiu or sympathe;:o heart disease reeved in 80 minutes and quickly cutcd, by Dr. Agnew's, Cure for the Heart. Ono dose convinces. Sold by Watts & Co. and Allen & WVilsey, Druggists. A heavy rainstorm deluged Still- water, Minn., Wednesday nigut, and great damage resulted. Streets were flooded, st'•eet cars will not run for a week and the town is in darkness. All the railroads are shut out by wash- outs. Delicate diseases of either sex, how- ever induced, promntly, thoroughly and permanently cured. Sena 10 cents in stamps for large illustrated treatise, sent securely sealed in plain envelope., Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, C"t Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Household, an anditor of the Grand Trunk railway, has been award-' ed one far,;hing(one half cent) damages as a result of a snit for slander brought by him a ainst.Lord Claude Hamilton, one of the directors of the. company. DIRECTIONS FOR COLIC IN HORSES.— Contents of small bottle Pain -Killer in quart bottle, add pint waren or cold water, sweeten with molasses, shake well until all mixed, and drench well. Giva about half at once, then balance in ten or fifteen minutes, if first dose is not sufficient, This will he found a never -failing remedy. Pic. for a large bottle. "I enclose $5. Send me six bottles Royal Crown Remedy." R. B. LAIDLOW, Blyth. It isafortunate dayfora roan when he first discovers the value of Aver's Sar- saparilla as a blood -purifier. With this medicine, he knows he has found a remedy upon which he may rely, and that his life-long malady is at last conquereu. Has cured others, will cure you. Pulmonary consumption, in its early stages, may he Checked by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, It stops the distressing cough, soothes irritation of the throat and lungs, and induces ninelr-needed repose. Hundreds have testified to the remarkable y'^tt,es of th is preparation. News Notes, Brandon, Man., is excited over an al- leged discovery of gold. The trustees of the Brooklyn taber- nacle have definitely decided to rebuild the church for Dr. Talmage. Full tRaf of counterfeit Governmentr'stamps are in circulation in Merles). A by-law has been introduced in the Woodstock (7ouncll to provide for the ringing of the curfew bell. In the ten months and a half of the present fiscal year Uncle Sam's Gov- ernment has spent $70,C)0,0(,J more than the revenue, New York city has already imported 50,C; ) tons of coal from Great raritain and Canada, and more has been order- ed. All this is due to the coal strike. (len. Hogan, leader of the Montana industrial array, has been sent to jail for six months and 40 captains and lieutenants, including the engineer and fireman, for two r stcalirigthe Northern months cific train. fo i • CRONE GROCERIES. DRY.GOOODS, eze., &c. Our expenses are low and our Customers get the benefit. We want YOUR trade. It will pay YOU to inspect our stock, SEE OUR DRESS GOODS. Produce Taken. Geo. M. Kilty, General Merchant. TFIE POST -OFFICE STORE, SUMMERHILL, assonnumssistasOtangsnv Severe Pain in Shoulder 2 years Cured by The D.&L.141enthol Plaster. bean r after using many remedies witwife wascaticted (or two hout relief, he fars with a ried at` under 1rhe "left nthol Plastelder r through to 114 It did its work. sad owing so this cure hundreds of these plasters have been sold by Inc here, giving equal satisfaction. J. S. StrTKtttuwa Draggle', River John. MS. Sold Everywhere* 25C. each. Ben. Short, the young Parkhill shoe maker, who left for Edmonton, N. W T., after his shop was destroyed by fir about two months ago, is now in jail a London, committefor trial. Th evidence at the preliminary examinar tion went to show that Short het tried to hire different persons to se fire to the place., At the time of the fire Short was said to have a paying business and a stock valued at $2,200, and free from debt. As the insurance claimamounted thato if $1,2( )' didburn his sO1ds his shop, he burned it knowing that he stood to lose $1,00, which they say is unlikely. Again he re- mained in Parkhill for five weeks after - the fire and went to Edmonton, it is said, with a view of locating and not to escape justice. The cause they re- gard as due to some extent to the relig- ious raucour that has been working in Parkhill for some time. Feeling in Parkhill is running very high and no one can tell where it will end. The affair has developed seemingly into a contest between the P. P. A. and the Roman Catholics. Parkhill has a P. P. A. council which numbers 4( ), There is also in the place a Roman Catholic church with a large congre- gation. These rival elements have not .)een getting on well together. Downey and Johnston the two leading wit- nesses for the prosecution are both Roman Catholics, and the P. P. A.'s allege that the charge is a put up job, and have raised a fund to fight it to the bitter end. W.:(F. FIIRN U OMB ee (MEMBER OF AS8'N OF P. L. S.) .) Provincial Land Siurveyor c1 t AnotT Two months ago I was nearly wild with headaches. 1 started taking Burdock Blood Bitters, took two bottles and my headaches have now altogether disappeared. I think it is a grand medicine. EVA FINN, Massey Station, Ont, The following from an exchange is only too true : It is strange how close- ly men read the papers. We never say anything that anybody dosen't like but we soon hear of it. lf, how- ever, we once in a while happen to say a good thing we never hear of that; no- body seems to notice it. We pay a man a hundred compliments and give him a hundred puffs, and he takes it as a tribute to his greai;ness, and never thinks it dues him any good. But if we Nap -len to say sotnethr.)g this man don't 1!;r., or sowething he i..ragines a reflection on his character, see how quickly he flies up and gets road about it. All kinds of evil are charged to us, but we never, apparently get any credit for what good we do. A Boon To Ronan/um—Ono bottle of English bpaNin Liniment completely removed a curb from my aoree. I take plea Bore In recommending the remedy, 58 it nuts with mysterious promptneeu in the re- moval font horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, eweeny, etiflas and sprains. Geonon Bona, Farmer, Markham, Ont, Sold by Wats & Co, and Allen & Wilson, Druggists. One of the characters in the follow - in); item refers to a former resident of Clinton a;id Exeter, Mr. Samuels DI". Wm, Pei kins, of Elliott & West - land's Bank, Ridgei;own, and Mr. Samuels, of the Molsons Bank, Ridge - town, had a close call on Saturday. They, in company with others went on 8 fishings :etrrsion to the Fran. Messrs. Perkins and Samuels took a small duck boat, which sank soon after geo„ing into the channel. Their coln- panions, who were in the boat house, did not hear Pe"Lins and Samuels' shouts for help, and the two doubtless would have been drowned but for the assis- tance of Mr. Wm. Weldon, who, though half a mile away, saw them and put off to their rescue. A FAMILY FRIEND.—NO family should he without Petry Davis' Veget- able PAIN -KILLER. It can he given to the infant for the Colic, and to the adult for Rheumatism. There is scarcely a disease to which it may not he beneficially applied. It contains no deleterious drug, but may be used for the various ailments of mankind. Get the Big 25e. Bottle. Auburn had a sensation a few days ago, in the way of an explosion. While the boiler in Cullis Bros. mill was under a heavy pressure of steam the dome blew oft, taking the larger portion of the oof of the en - gide rooms with it. Portions of the boiler were thron a to a dis tance of four hundred yards. The contents of the boiler was emptied in about ten seconds. Fortunately no one was hurt, but Collis Bros. will be at a considelaahle loss. The annual meeting of the East Hrr"on Conservative Association was held at Brussels 00 Friday week. The following officers were elected for the ensuing yeas': ---James Irwin, Brussels, President ; E. Bryans, township of Grey, Vice -President ; R. L. Taylor, Brussels, Secretary ; and Jno. Hanna, Wingham, Treasurer. The Vice -Chair- men are :—Howicl:, B. S. Cook ; Wroxeter, Wm. Wilson ; Turnberry, Robt. Musgrove; Morris, John Mooney; Grey. R. Dilswor'th ; Brussels, H. Dennis,. Wingham, Wm. Clegg ; Blyth, F. Metcalf ; FIullett, J. Stewart ; McKillop, T. E. Hays. The caniidatur'e of E. L. Dickinson was warmly re -en- dorsed. Mr. Dickinson was present, and delivered an address, thanking the meet- ing for their continued support. The meetitrg adjourned after cheers for the Queen, Mr. Meredith and the eandi date. and Civil Engineer, LONDON', ON T, omen 3. J. Stewart's Gr000ry Store, Olin tun . 701-ly 0mo+ 8ft- House For Rent. Prams story and a half dwelling, with or withon stable, also lot. Soft and hard water, Six rooms pantry and cellar. Will he rented reasonable. For partientars apply at THE Nawa.ltttcoan'Oftlo.. Properity For Sale. For sale, the large dwelling and lot owned and lately occupied by Dr. Appleton, on Ontario street. Rae all modern oonvonientes. Centrally located, Also a house and lot adjoining above pi000rty, facing V1.•torla street. For particulars apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton, 807-t f Boar For Service, For service, l4th on eo+nioo,,lGoderich d Lartownship.lrTerms on thee —41 cash at time of service or $1.28 within three months, with privilege of returning. 807-t1. WM. ELLIOTT, Owner. S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1894. Names of the District Masters, Primary Lodge Masters, their post office addresses and date of meeting. A. M. TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. 0, BIDDULPH DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P.O, 219—Robt. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri- day on or before full moon. 662—Thos. H. Coursey, Lucan, Satur- day on or before full moon. 493 -- Richard Hodgins, aSaintstbury, Wednesday on or before full moon. 890 — George Walden, Maplegrove, Wed924—Edward ay on or Gill, Exeter, 1st e1lFriday in each month. 1087—,Tames Kenniston, Parkhill, Mon - clay 00 or before full moon. 1210—Wm. Mowsen,'Moray, Thursday on or before full moon. 13 3— 1 J.arnes Boyce, Centralia, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610—A. Nevins, Centralia, Friday on or after full moon, GODERICH DISTRICT. James Colwell, W.D,11I., Goderich P.0, 115—James Cox, Porter's Hill, 1st Mon- day in each month, • 153—Addrew Millian, Saltford, Friday on or before full moon. 182—Geo. M. Cox, Goderich, last Tues- day in each month. 189—F. McCartney, Holmesville, Mon- day on or before full moon. 262—James McLean, Saltford, 3rd Wednesday in each month. 306 --Thos. I3. Cook, Clinton, est Mon- day in each month. HULLETT DISTRICT. D. Can telon, W.D.M., Clinton P. 0. 710—David Cantelon, Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each month, 813—Robert Scarlett, Winthrop, last Wednesday before full moon. 928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st Monday in each month. 793—Wm. Horney, Seaforth, 1st Mon- day in each month. STANLEY DISTRICT. Robert Pollock, W.D.M., Bayfield P.O. 2!—James Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Mon- day in each month. 303—Wm. Consit, Hillsgreen, 1st Tues - clay in each month. 13—Robert McKinley, Blake, 1st Wednesday in each month. 733—Win, J. Clarke, IIensall, est Thurs- day in each month. 1035—Wm. Rathwell, Bayflelcl, 1st Thursday in each month. gSr-Nars.—Any omissions or Otho, errors will he promptly corrected on writing direct to the County Master, Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton P. 0, 6INE W1s1o11 & }IcWe, uccessors to Jaynes Anderson, - 'The undersigned have bought the stock, good will and interest of Fate* Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a first.olass Res— taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courteey hope to receive the continued patronage of all old eustourers. . - WILSON & HOVE, •r - Clinton. PEOPLE MUST LIVE And in order to do so they want the very beet they can got, We have anticipated their desire by purchasing the choicest Groceries, Teas, Sugars, Canned Goods, Fruits,&c, Having have 35 years experience, think we know the wants of the people pretty well. Ouratock embraces everything found In a first-class grooery, and we will not be undersold. We have a Beautiful Assortment of FANCY GLASWARE and CROCKERY Special Cuts on SUGARS and TEAS in large lots. 0 J. W IRWIN Grocer IIcKAY BLOCK > CLTNTON. WILSON 84 HOWE) THE LEADING BA/(ERS and CONFECTIONERS, c oNERS, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, ALBERT, ST., CLINTON. 1MreEtt , Calres, Confectionery, Are" of a superior quality, at the lowest living prices. OYSpTER riceS of the Very Best Quality at the lowest possile. , VIETilEiii dC 3E -3E C:i NATE,' THE NOVELTY BAKERY & RESTAURANT, CLINTON Thanking my numerous customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and to merit a continuance of the same. I always sell the best at the very lowest price. OUR CROWN BLENDS AND RUSIAN BLENDS OF PURE INDIAN AND CEYLON BLACK TEAS Have been thoroughly tested and as a 50e. and 45c. Teas cannot be surpaeaetl in Excellence of Quality and Flavor, CANNED QOODSy BEST BRANDS AND LOWEST' PRICES. Having bought SUGARS by the car we offer Special Cute in quantities. IN CROOKERY ter. have Choice Selections 'in TOILET SETTS DINNER SECTS and TEA SETTS, Very Cheap. FRUITS of all kinds, Finest Quality. FINE LAYER FIGS 10c. usually sold for 15c. PURE COFFEE and SPICES, A call solicited. N. ROBSON. Albert St Clinton, Leslie's Carriage Factory. d BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—a11 of the best work, manahip and material. , 'All the latest styles and moat modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the. times. Ate' F ACTORY—corner Huron and Orange S fleets, Clinton. 65y CLINTON SASH, D0011 AND BLIND FACTORY, 0 S. S. COOPER PROPRIETOR, General Bui der and Contractr. This factory has been under the personal supervision years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and estimates for and 'build all claases of buildings on short prices. All work is suprtvised in a mechanieal guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and and one owner for eight prepare plans and give notice and on the closest way and satisfaction exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shinges, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &e• Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYI3ILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders, 'TETE WIILJOR FA_MI LY -7 - • READS THE NEWS -RECORD About seven years ago a friend of W. 1). Card, a Galt lawyer, stamned a silver coin with his full name. Mr. Card went to Ottawa and passed the cola in a fruit store. The other night the identical coin was handed to him. in a sto-'e in Galt,. Mr. Card has de- cided to gild the coin and attach it to his watch chain as a pendant. The Parkhill Gazette -Review says :— A citizen brought into our office on Tuesday a parcel consisting of Ila lbs. of soil which he avows was taken from a hag of potatoes which he purchased the other day. As he paid 75 Cts., for the bag the soil cost him nearly 10 eta., which clearly shows there is a boom in real estate. Father CrD Mother CtC Grandfather CYD Grandmother Cr:Th Children CY� And All. They read the Locals, the Stories, the Advertisements—every line in the paper. Then they send it to distant relatives interested in the town, as numerous post- masters will certify. The Local Weekly is the best -read publication in existence. It has the home news which no other paper gives. Advertisers take notice—THE NEWS - RECORD is read by several thousands of people every week. An advertisement in this paper is therefore, of some account. Subscribe for THE NEWS -RECORD. Advertise in THE NEMS-RECRRD. e ( _ ' _ _ _ - _ IYltili M�— —'•' _