HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-05-02, Page 3Tsg REV.' W iI, lm,KcER's PHAYua Vanicieavo racttaea Co„ Mu.`%la, It. P 'PIenclis informS1' Yellµ ofht,he bez;oil't my, wife has received %rent the use of Year medicines, I must say that your "Pavorite presort tion" la the hest fee-- earr•th i regulator iwife bans beep cured by the timely use of it. I have been using IJ� • x " the "Golden bleain ,lille l� ..Pleasant Pellet." and I am fully sat- Are, isfled they are all you 1" e, W. J. WAn&an. claim them to be; so, githtgeoighyafiuceeap,, and h.epin wishing Alr Qod will continue His blessings toward you in your noble work, I am,' Roapertful% 'l�, J, -WALKER. IERCE ANTEESA CURE On, MONEY IS IIEFUNDED. rhe, Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year -$1.25 In Advance WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1804. POSTAL STATISTICS, The following particulars relating to the business of some of the post offices in Huron, are taken from the Post Master -General's report for the year '1894, just issued. These are known as . "accounting offices," and other post -of. floes in Huron, in addition to this list, are omitted for the reason that no re- turn is given of their business: - Amount Amoltnitr of money ofmoity Gross 'orders orders Place revenue issued paid Auburn $ 422.67 $12078.84 Bayfield633.85 10598.84 Bluevale. , 516.18 2193.47 Blyth 1448,66 7777.58 Brussels 2391.71 19445.10 Clinton 4592.21 14349.39 Crediton705.42 5601.48 11251 23 15170.79 7835.44 16081.45 $030.51 Dungannon, 465.87 Exeter 2142.56 Fordwich680.19 Goderich... 5619.82 Gorrie 917.42 Hensel' 1023.50 Hipppen 325.24 Seaforth5106.15 Varna 380.98 Wingharn4337.95 Wroxeter , I046.59 l0B66. l3 2018.13 23498.63 2024.52 17910.02 7917.02 $ 1543.04 2067.63 1556 16 3840.79 7540.20 17866.58 1919.08 2373.02 8989.34 1362.56 6920.65 2601.02 2302.29 596.36 18669.70 811.94 17123.52 5897.11 7 RUE BRITISH COURAGE. The days of the heroes have not passed by. There is more devotion in the world now than there was in the so-called heroic ages. The British sol- diers who swept across the field of Albuera were the equals of the Greeks who conquered at Marathon. The British soldiers who stood silent in their ranks on board the, Birkenhead when she went down met death as heroically and uncomplainingly as any whoA have ever lived and died. The "t`lamed demigods" of the light bri- gade who charged an army in position at 'Balaclava, were the equals of Leonidas and his three hundred who made Thermopylae immortal. Hun- dreds of such acts of heroism are re- corded in modern history. Their very frequency makes them only the topic of an hour. We have even for- gotten the name of the Canadian wheelman on Lake Erie who stood to his helm and steered the burning vessel ashore, so that the passengers escaped while he slowly burned to death. More courage is required for such an act of devotion than that need- ed by the soldier who, underthe in- spiration of battle, rushes up to the' cannon's mouth. For splendid heroism in death noth- ing finer has come 'down to us than the account of the cavalry men who were slaughtered by Lobengula's troops iu the Matabele war. And few epics are grander than the story of that event its told by Machashn, the Officer who led the attack. He said I, itiachasa, induna of the Insuka regiment, tell you these things. We were 6,000 men against your thirty- four * " " !hey rode into the track and linked their horses in a ring and commenced a heavy fire upon es and our men fell fast and thick. We open- ed a fire upon them and killed all their horses. Then they took to cover be - ,hind their horses bodies and killed us just like grass. We tried to rush them. .: twice we tried but failed. After a :time they did not fire so much and we r.tllought their ammunition was getting short. Then, just as we were preparing to rush again, they all stood up. They took off their hats and sang. We were so amazed to see men singing in the face of death we knew not what to-do. At last we rushed. You white men don't fight like men but like devils. They shot us until the last cartridge, and most of them shot themselves with • that. But those who had none left just covered up their eyes and died ,without a sound.' Child of a white man, your people know how to fight ` and how to. die. We killed all. the thirty-four. But they killed us like .'- grass, How one would like to know what song these men sang when they knew that it was their death song. Most likely some devotional hymn that was a yer to God. Or it might have been ender song of love and home - me, Sweet Horne, or Annie Laurie, avourneen Deelish. But at any they sang. The indomitable spirit if the English race makes men sing in the'moment when death is sweeping down upon them to whirl them into eternity. Otte" of the most amazing cases of foolhardiness ever heard of is reported Berlin. tom Two children belongin Jost%ph Oroski, one a boy of eight itnd the other a girl of six, were play- •ing in the woodshed at their home dear the Ward school, when the boy put his right hand on the wood chopp- ing block and told the girl to chop off his fingers to see what they would look t . like. The girl got the axe and readily i illnplied and the first and second fingers were severed from the hand. Whelg the wounded hand was dressed tite',little fellow did not even wince, ftyyn,d, appeared not to mind the pain. What induced the boy to have his fingers chopped off merely for curiosity ;is a conundrum. I Mi$&iNO 41NK8. Gerltluny prodticea more zee than any other country. The Hawaiian Iolanda have 000 police, men regularly employed no ouch. The falls of Niagara are traveling backward et the average rate of uiue feet a year, Some of the largest ocean steamers can be converted into armed cruisers is thirty hours, Every tree has "reserve buds" which develop at the point where the limb has been cut off. The earth's lowest body of water is the Caspian Sea, which has been sinking for centuries. There is at present a colored prisoner in the Alabama mines who speaks twelve different languages. The cabbage is the development of 'a common seaweed which grows wild on every coast of Europe. Tiberias. Palestine, has a meteorologi- cal observatory situated 682 feet below the level of the Mediterranean Sea. An absolutely fireproof chimney, fifty feet high, has been built of paper in Breslau. It is the only one of the kind. It is a curious fact, as noted by Sir Samuel Baker, that a negro has never beeu known to tame an elephant or soy wild animal. The "cow tree" of Central America exudes a sap which reisembles milk. It is both _Dilatable and nourishing and is drunk by the natives. Undertakers in New York and Brook- lyn, following the example of their brethren in Philadelphia, Iuive started a movement against Sunday funerals. A cabshaped like a bathtub, in which the passengers either sit or recline as if in bed, is in use in Berlin. It has three wheels and is propelled by a uapl►tha motor. The secretary bird of South Africa can whip any snake of twice its size. Stair - ley used to aver that the reptiles would crawl away from this bird's shadow iu wild fear. Robbing the ostrich of its feathers is a cruel operation. The feathers, are em- beddied so tightly in the flesh that each quill is covered with blood when it is wrenched out. Frank Russell, of Cheboygan, Wis., has succeeded in domesticating a sea gull, which is now- running about his farm with a brood of chickens, of no earthly use to anybody. The codfish is the most prolific fish of the sea, yielding 45,000,000 eggs each season. As many as 8,000,000; 9,000.- 000 and even 9,500,000 eggs have been found in a roe of a single cod. Mount Hercules, Island of Papua, is the highest in the world, its altitude be- ing 32,788 feet. Mount Everest, India, was until recently put down as the larg- gest, but it is only 89,002 feet high. There are four round churches in Eng- land. Northumberland possesses one : Little Maplestead, in Essex, another; the Temple Church, London,ia the third, and Holy Sepulcher, Cambride, is the fourth. A boy of somo, weight in the commu- nity is Melvin Grubb,of Walter's Bridge, near Wytheville, Va. He is 15 years of age, weighs 535 pounds and has accumulated flesh at the rate of about fifty pounds a year since lie was 10 years old. Thirty years ago John Boyle O'Reilly carved his name with a nation thorough* face of a foundation stone in the church at Duwth, Ireland. Afterwards he ex- pressed a desire to be buried under it. His wish to be complied with, the stone having been removed and being now on its way to Boston. The postal card • had a birthday not long ago. Its 25th anniversary was celebrated at Vienna. Dr. Emanuel Herman, an Austrian, first invented the c.u'd. It was used first in Austria, Hun- gary. Ll 1873 it was used in Germany and in 1830 it was adopted by the biter - national Postal Uuiou. In regard to its use here are some interesting figures : In Austria 100,000,000 are in use every year ; in English postoffices, 250,000,- 000, and in the whole world about 1,000,- 000,000, There are more suicides in Germany in proportion to the population than in any other European country. Time year- ly average for some years past has been 2.71 to every 10,000 of population. Ili France, Austria, England and Italy the average percentage for the sante period has been 1 87, 1.68, .76 and .46 respec- tively to every 10,000 of .population. In the Austrian army there ie an average of 12.53 suicides to every 10,000 men ; in Germany, 6.33 ; Italy, 4; Frauce, 8.33, and Euglaud, 2 09. Apropres of the canonization of Jean of Arc by the cliuroir ofllome comes the canonization of a Mr. Collins by a church of colored Episcopalians in South Carolina, The ciscuinstances which led to this rather remarkable result was the donation by Mr. Collins of a house of worship to the congregation. Thereupon the church, was called St. Collins' Church in grateful recognition of the generosity of the donor. It is the first example on record of the elevatic n of a living American to the sainthood. Returns just made to parliament of accidents to railway employes in Great Britain show that the perceutage of ac- cidents in proportion to the number of persons employed steadily decrease], with one slight exception, from the year 1873 to 1888, but there was an increase again during 1839, 1890 and 1891, and again a decrease in 1892. During 1892 there was 381,626 persons employed on the principal railroads of Great Britain, and in the course of the year 534 of these were !tilled and 2915 injured, a proportion of one killed in 714 and one injured in 180. In 1873 the proportion of killed to employed on all the railroads of the United Kingdom was one in 855, in 1877 one in 427, in 1887 one in 371,and in 1891 one in 695. Strangers in Cnina have the greatest difficulty when meeting a funeral or wedding procession on the street to dis- tinguish oue from the other. The same red cloth coolies, carrying roasted pig and other dainties, appear in the pro- cession, the same smahltv coolies carry- ing cheap paper ornaments, and the same noisy turnout. And all this when some old person is being carried to his last resting place, ns when the youngest and most beautiful of celestial maidens is being carried to the new home pre- pared by her husband. The crowd fat the funeral is as noisy as at a wedding and the guests eat just as much. The only difference, indeed, between the two is that in the enter of one the bride is carried in an inclosed sedan chair, borne on the shoulders of some men, and fol- lowed by her bridesmai.s. In that of the other the coffin is carried rind the mourners follow. Indeed, an English writer says that no event in the life of as Chinaman is half so important as his funeral. -TI 01-4 FAMILY- Father _L ILY Father Mother C'A'D Grandfather CYO Grandmother cC Children CD And All. r READS THE 'CHANGE OF BUSINESS munmarrounemill NEWS -RECORD They read the Locals, the Stories, the Advertisements -every line in the paper. Then they send it to distant relatives interested in the town, as numerous post- masters will certify. The Local Weekly is the best -read publication in existence. It has the home news which noother paper gives. Advertisers take notice -THE NEWS - RECORD is read by several thousands of people every week. Au advertisement in this paper 'is therefore, of some account. Subscribe fot THE NEWS-RECoRD, Advertise iii THE NEWS -REM -MD. 0111NT01�T _ dp CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 0 S. S. COOPER, PROPRIETOR, ----•,.�� �� General Bui der and Contracts, ibis o & Rowe, ucc o s to James Anderson, _.0.--.. The undersigned have boughtthe stock, good will and interest of Janke* Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. The new firrn will keep in stock everything found in a first..class !Res- taurant and Green Groosry, and by strict attention to business and courtesy hope to receive 4tlie continued patronage of all old customers. WILSON & HOWE, - - Clinton. PEOPLE PL " 5 UST LIVE And iu order to do so they want the very best they can get. We have aautitjipated their desire by purchasing the choicest Grocei ies, Teas, Suzars, Canned Goods, Fruits,&c.. Having have 35 years experience, think we know the wants of the people pretty well. Our stock embraces everything found in a first -plass grocery, and we will not be undersold. We have a Beautiful Assortment of FANCY GLASWARE and CROCKERY Special Outs on SUGARS and TEAS in large lots. 0 J. W. IRWIN, Grocer, McKAY BLOC IC CLINTON. WILSON& HOWE,This factory ban been under the personal suprvision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and give THE LEADING BAKERS and estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is suprrvised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber,' Lath, Shinges, Lime, ,Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. THE POST -OFFICE STORE, SU'MMERHILL, ONT. --o CHOICE GROCERIES, DRY -G00 UDS, &c., &c. Our expenses are low and our Cnstomers get .the benefit. Wewantwant YOUR trade. It will pay YOU to inspect our stock. -c-, ►SEE OUR DRESS GOODS. Produce Taken - Geo. M. Kilty, General Merchant. THE POST -OFFICE STORE, SUMIIERHILL. IIEtPAININ 8 DESSTIFFNESS, & LAME BACKt111uU� U �O WHE "Dare MENTHOL PLASTER usEo THE mon- SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BLAST. • Certain In Its effects one never blisters. Read proofs below: KENDA LL'S SPAWN ME 'muarone', L. L, N.Y., San. 15, 1594. Dr. B. J. lOnnesLJ. Co. Sent:eaten-I bought a splendid bay horse some time ago with aSpa via, gut bun toi'S19. Iseed Kendall's Spavin Cure. The Spnviu ;s rine now and I have beim offered cuss, for the same horse. I only had him nine week-, so I got ens fur uslug, $2 worth�goYours trruu�lys,P�nrv�lpn Care, .. 2 Slsa�s�n1 r+v- KENDALL9S SPANN t`7115RE Sr; Lsr, bites., Dec. IC, 15,93. Dr. R. S. KENDALL Co. Sirs ---1 have used your Kandell's Spavhn Cure with rood success for Cu rite two horses and It Is the best Liniment I have ever used. Yont, truly, A.cocur t'REDERIC-. i'Pdno $1 per Dottie. For Salo by all Druggists, or address Dr. .B. ,T. 2, E.NDALJ COAs. -,j y, EfiomuRGH VALLS. VT. 'This is the time of year when the average member of the fair sex suffers from a species of fever known as "house-cleaning." The symptoms usu- ally consist of the doingup of the hair in a linen duster, and te introduction of a plan whereby the head of the house is made to eat canned salmon off an upturned biscuit box for his dinner. Coupled with this the bedroom cur- tains are allowed to fly out of the up- stairs windows, and there is a wild desire to waltz all the furniture on to the front verandah. At such a period, the average lord of creation is made to feel that he is one of the biggest mistakes that nature ever perpetrated, and he is looked on with scorn unless he is prepared to carry the piano under one atm, and a stove miler the other, while he playfully balances one or two other articles on his head, When he fails to accomplish a few little feats of that description, he usually gets the hint that he is only in the way, and that he had better go into the back yard and snake a bonfire of the rubbish. BAD BLOOD causes blotches, boils, pimples, abscesses ulcers, scrofula., etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cure had blood in any form from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. C Iris 1 BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIRS MILL. The undersigned having brought out the bakery business so successfully carried on by Mr. Wm. Young, will continue the business at the old stand. He will endeavor, by supplying a first class article, to merit the liberal support of the people. Bread de- livered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notice. M. BECKWITH, - - CLINTON. NEW WOODWORK AND RE- PAIRING SHOP. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. I have opened a new woodwork and repair- ing shop in connection with Trowhill's Black- smith Shop, Albert Street, Clinton, and am prepared to execute all classes of Woodwork and repairs at reasonable prices and on the shortest possible notice. Satisfaction in prices and work guaranteed. Farm and town work a specialty. Any vehicle can be made new or as good as new. WM, McKOWN, Clinton. F. W. FARNCOMB (MEMBER OF ASS'N OF P. L. 8.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, ONT, OFrtce 3. T. Stewart's Grooery Store, Olin as 781-1y Smos House For Rent • Frame story and a half dwelling, with or wlthon stable, also lot. Soft and hard water, Six rooms pantry and cellar. Wilt be rented reasonable. For particulars apply at Tats News.RgcoRD:Ofllce. aft - A Windsor man has invented a bot- tle for the Walkerrille distillery, which cannot be refilled without breaking it. The Detroit postoff ee will not bo finished before 1896. Its style of arch- itecture will be all out of fashion by that time. Edgar Thompson, of Clio, 1891 fell from a wagon while intoxicated and broke his neck. His widow sued the men who sold him the liquor for $5,000 and has just secured a verdict for $400, the jury seethed to think that was all a man who would get drunk was worth. CONFECTIONERS OPPOSITE THE MARKET, ALBERT, ST., CLINTON. 13rea,a:, Calces, Confectionery, dit•c., of a superior quality, at the lowest living prices. OYST +'R y of the Very Best Quality at the lowest possile. price. VIETi. 4c) a 1st4e)W®, THE NOVELTY BAKERY & RESTAURANT, CLINTON New Goods for the Xmas Trade --Just arrived and in Stock. RAISENS, VALENCIA, Fine Selected, off Stalk and Layers. SULTANAS EXTRA DESERT, CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS in Brie. and'helf Brls, FINES t' VOSTIZZAS in CASES. LEMONS, ORANGE:3., F luS, DATES, PRUNES. N 1S W PEELS, ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON. FRESH GROUND SPICES of all kinds, also full lines of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE, TEA SETTS, DINNER SETTS, TOILET SEr"rs. N. ROBSON. Cash for Butter and Eggs.--_ Albert St, Clinton' Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best work. manship and material. $ 'All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. fl FACTi)RY-_corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 85y ' f1 f..`•. .; 7�'j'i w1, ��� }.9 .:,.kfuN .t..,i y.. .:v,iil"",cr•lU; :i �n ,. Y'...=.. ,...: y-. ,�. ''1St 11I .. EAK, NERVOO$DI8EASED MENI Thousands of Young and Middle Aged Men are annually swept to a premature grave • through early indiscretion and later excesses. Self abase and Constitutional Blood • Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have you any of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning- No Amb.,- tion• Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued' Excitable and Irritable., Eyes Blur; Wimples on is the Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard tookin ; Blotches; Bora • ; Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Energy and Strength. Our New Method Treatment will build you, up mentally, physically and sexually. Chas. Patterson. Read what DRA S, KENNEDY & KERGA " At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruathei me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I cedIlk stand no exertion. Head and oyes became dull, Dreamy seal' drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms. eA,. . trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave •me no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Horgan. ' They' sent me one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment eards'wlte all the fails." They have cared many of my friends." • • N "aim: Oared in one m'nta Dr. Moulton. Cnrou a youraago. Capt. Townsend, MS MIMS 69 mumm. . "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. 1 went to lIot Springs to treat for syphilis. Moroiary'almoet • killed mo. After a while the symptoms again appeared. 'Throat • became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised bra.' Kennedy fit Korean's New Method Treatment. It cared me,'nnd' f have ' had no symptoms for Ove years, I am married and happy, As it : doctor, 1 heartily recomend it to all who have this terrible. disease-. ayphi.lia." It will eradicate the poison from the blood." 15 YEARS IN DETROIT, 150,000 CURED. It .1 ,f "I am 98 years of age, and married. When young I led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble • for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became ' affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lite was unsatitil factory and my home unhappy.. I tried everything -all failed tf ;, • .' 4 I took treatment from Ura. Kennedy and Korean. Their New r+' 'a Method built me np mentally, physioally and sexually. I feel • 1; and netlike a man in every respect. Try them." RV' No Names Used Without Written ,-; r 1t ti j'd ,-.� Consent of Patient. ,, 11717.'ia 1 Cued fn time. 4 Our New Method Treatment never fails in miring Diseases of mep, drains and losses, %t etbaildi ens the body, stops en • purifies the blood clears the brain, Baillie up the nervous and sexual systems end restores loot vitality to the body. t We Guarantee to Cure Nervous Debility, Falling Manhoo9,( syphitiar<,rfarlcoeele, Mtrlcture, Gleet, Unnatural uischargee, • Weak Parte and All Kidney and Bladder 'Diseases. { F D m N. m B E R Drs. Kennedy Si Korean aro ..ho leading specialists of ` C America. They guarantee to es or no pay. Their rem - 7.f talion. and fifteen years of b nose are at stake. Yon t, run no risk. Write them fer an honest opinion, no matter no treated you. It may } cave mon years of regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a, ' • Question List and nook Free. Cc asultatioa& Free. 148�helby�t.fr , ',DRS . N DY KERG � 1 detroit, Mlo& • • 1,111 I, sra 741 • 4.1 „Cf 1,611. ri'Ef I it a h,'1' it