The Huron News-Record, 1894-04-11, Page 304'x- r,2,".: ,F' j;t,;��:'`;:- • r a• • •:t re►� is Habit to SPX* funetlonitl, dluturb. 0.1100 thrCTlgh Vat- 1)T4Pel)814, or In tion, often Mises. to palpi* tato in a distressing way, 'ervouss'I''o4- ttation,. Debility tinct 1'tnpoverfahed Blood, also cense its too rapid puleatiOne. &luny tithes, Spinal .Affections, cause'. it ID labor unduly. Sufferers from such Nerv-' ecctlan i often imagine themselves the of organic heart disease. Y Locotmottoors Ataxia, iniopsy, .Pr Vitus'.. Dance, kileeplessaess Nerrv- ation, Nervous Debility, Neural - Cholla and T ipdred. Ailments, aro. ited as a specialty, with g, neat success, by 'the Staff of the Invalids Rotel, For Pamphlet, References, and Particulars,: Gn • close 19 cents, in stnnlps: for postage, A.dldress, WOItS.n's DISPENSARY MsDIO ASsooru►m os 13uffelo N. Y. he Huron News -Record 51,50 a Roar -01.211, in Advance ;fQ111,[.o,riteJ INEN1 ALL . LBADERS I`N OQ1 INXON POLITICS, EAV�S'�T�H 7.NE Y r-U•;'�RMCORD BUST 'GPisio & Rbwe, $Uccessors to :amps lixidprson. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11th, 1891. S,IR JOHN THOMPSON, Premier of the Dominion. Nile. N Too late for last week. 'Wood -bees are the. order of the day. Almost every, day except Sunday some - bony bass, bee. Sometimes the sound of'the saws is drowned by the hooting of the boys not the tentlemen. skit, Jafiies: Kennedy, who has for seine yearsbeen living on a farm near the lake,, has moved into his village residence. Who were the young gentleman and lady who calledat the parsonage on such urgent business one night last week when the pastor was absent p Perhaps the detective can give us some • information. • Mr; John Pentland and Mrs. J. Grin nnhett are on the sick list. The former t$ suffering from liver trouble, -the latter from diptheria. We hope to .Moon have the pleasure of seeing them about again. 1VSi. A. Kirk has bought the village house and lot on Main Street from Mr. John;MoWhinnay. M} John H. Cantelon started for Manitoba on Tuesday of last week. • Bnur o. ---...m-. - ---- ;RHEVMaTISYCURED Iss Dtr.—S.,uth American Rheumatic Cure, for Rhoatuatisrn sad Neuralgia 11,dloeily guess in .1 to 3 days. Its action upon %ho System le remarkable and mysterious. It removes at ;onee the cause and thu .disease immediately die appears. The first dote greatly benefice. 75 conte Sold by 'Watts Yc Co., Doggiest. TO AMEND 'THE MUNICIPAL ACT. Mr. Barr, of Dttfferin; has a bill be- forethe Local house entitled "An Act 10 amend The Municipal Act," For years the country has been overrun "with "hawkers" to the detriment of Iegitimitteltrade ; in fact to the loss and often swindling of the consumer. The amendment, however, does not go far trough. Job printingshould be includ- the list. The Bill reads lame (a) of sub -section 3 of section 495 of "The Consolidated Muni- cipal Act, 1892." is repealed and the following substituted therefor : (a) The word "hawkers" in this sub- section shall include all persons who, not " being resident within the county, sell or offer' for sale, dry -goods, tea, watches, ' clocks, plated ware, silver- ware, jewellery, spectacles, pictures or photographs, or carry and expose samples or patterns of any of such goods to be afterwards delivered 'within the county to any person not being a wholesale or retail dealer in such goods, wares or merchandise. Vatthheerr 1Viother. C Grandfather Grandmother Children — C And All. ) } ea,.t.. HON. GEO. E. FOSTER, Dcminion FInanee Minister. C They - read they Teo°cels, , the, Stories, the Adti''ertisot lents- every' line in -the, panel', Then they send itto distant, relative interested in the town, =as numerous post, masters will certify. ' The Local Weekly is the best -read publication in.:existence. It has the home news which no other paper gives. Advertisers take notice --THE NEWS. RECORD is read' by several thousands o!; people every week, An advertisement in this paper• is. therefore, of some acconnt. s (. Subscribe fot THE NEWS -RECORD. Advertise � iinyTHHE( NEWS-RECRRD. 0.,ice 1I IN • ..1.. \ ,Js LINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, 0 The, undersigned have bought the stock, good will and interest of James Aflderson, Rad inti .more will hereafter be known as flip Novelty Bakery and. esta .rant, e Tho new Grin will • '.keep in Stook everything fount" in a first.ciass Res- tourant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to iwtuttiness and courtesy hope to 'receive. the continued patronage 0f all old customers. WLSO & ' HOS •t E, ▪ Clinton. PEOPLE UST LayE A•ud in order to do so they wan the very beet they can gel. Vito have anticipated their desire by purchasing the choicest 'Groceries, Teas, Sugars, Canned Goods, Fruits,&o, Raving have 36 years experience, think we know the wants of the peoplo pretty well. Our stock embraces everything found in a first-class grocery, and we will not be undersold." 'We have a Beautiful Assortment of , . FANCY GLASSWARE and CROCKERY, Special Cuts on SUGARS and TEAS in large lots. S. S. COOPER, - : - PROPRIETOR, General Bui der and Contracts, This factory bas been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on Omit notice and on the closest prices. All work is auprrvined in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingos, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. THE POST -OFFICE STORE HON. J. C. PATTERSON, Minieterof Militia. SUMMERHILL, ONT. CHOICE GROCERIES. DRY-G000DS, &c., &c. Our expenses are low and our Cnstomers get the benefit. We want YOUR trade. It will pay YOU to inspect our stock. --- 131:SEE OUR DRESS GOODS. Produce Taken. Geo. M. Kilty, General Merchant. THE POST -OFFICE STORE, SUMMERHILL. 0 J. W. IRWIN Grocer MoKAY BLOCS, CLINTON. WILSON & HOWL THE LEADING BAKERS and CONFECTIONER, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, ALBERT, ST., CLINTON. Brea,,:, Cakes, Confectionery, Arc, ot a superior quality, at the lowest living prices. OYSTERS of the Very Best Quality at the lowest possile. price. THE NOVELTY BAKERY & RESTAURANT, CLINTON New Goods for the Xmas Trade ----Just arrived and in Stock. RAISENS, VALENCIA, Fine Selected, off Stalk and Layers. SULTANAS EXTRA DESERT, CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS in Bale, and half Brie. FINEST VOSTIZZAS in CASES. LEMONS, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES, PRUNES. NEW PEELS, ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON. FRESH GROUND SPICES of all kinds, also full lines of CROCKERY. CHINA and GLASSWARE, TEA SETTS, DINNER SETTS, TOILE SETTS. OURC1IILD • r UNACCOUNTABLY LOSING FLE,SII IS REFUSING TO TAKE ITS FOOD WHY DON LISTLESSAND DEBILITATED IT • WILL, HELP WONDERFULI.v YOU TRY N. ROBSON. Caeh for Butter and Egge._-.—..._ Albert • St, Clinton. CURRENT TOPICS. The Homestead -exemption Act now before the Ontario Legislature makes a material addition to the list of articles that are at present exempt from' seizure for debt. One clause renders bailiff -proof "the tools, itn- plernents, materials, stock, apparatus and one team of horses, one ,yoke of oxen, vehicles, harness - and other things necessary to enable any person to •carry on the profession, trade, occu- pation or business on which the debtor is engaged, not exceeding in value $500, and food for such exempt animals for three months." In addition to these items there are many others exempt, , among them being wearing apparel and household furniture, the debtor's library, one hunting boat, ordinary fishing nets and "seines, unharvested crops, bees to the extent of 15 hives, and' provisions for three months. The proposed legislation on this point will practically annual the Division Court as a means for the collection of debts, and iv' ill likewise tend to place the cash System on a -sounder basis.. For this latter reason alone, the bill must he re- graded as a step in the right direction. 'Che, mercantile community would, under such a law, extend their present black list system in such a way as to render it extremely difficult for the uascally dead -beat to get goods except ay cash, while the man with a reputa- tion for honesty would still enjoy a ;good measure of credit, though it would, be •.definitely better for even honest folks if the philosopher's max - him, "Pay as you go," were universally adopted. The credit system is unsound from whatever stand point it is viewed, (and the sooner both the buyer and se r realize the fact the better. If proposed change in the law but nerves to strengthen the principle in- . volved it Will be a useful measure, and way eventually also do good in abolish- ing a useless Judicial system. COnsuiuptiou Cured. An ola phye)olen, retired from practiee, having had pTaeedla his heads by en Iasi India mfssion- Itrythe4omtnla of a simple vegetable remedy or tba,peedyand`pormauoat pare of Consamptr. • Bronobitte, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat an DarigAlfeotione, also a positive and radical care "tor Nets/owl Debility and all Nervous Complaints, eafeer&Aving tested its *onderfal earn five oevere n thoaean a of carts, has felt it his duty to make itkhovfi,to hie suffering folloras. Aotuatod by this Mollie acid a deeire to relieve humeri suffering, I Will Bond free et charge, to all who doeire it this redipo�lin German. Freneh ot Itiiglish, with full direet1onefor preparingand using. tient by mal byraddrds:dna with ,tanto naming thin paper. w, it2, O!$s, 82O Potters' Block, ltoaheater, N.Y. 868-1r .• , HON. N. CLARKE WALLACE, Controller of Cnotoma. Tenders Wanted For Site For House of Refuge. Offers will be received by the undersigned tip to the fifteenth day of April next, for a sltolon whish to locate the House of Refuge contemplated by the County of Enron. The qanntity of land required will be from 25 to 50 aures, soil to bo of good quality end easily drained. To be within two mills of any of the following points: Clinton, Soaforth, Wing. gam, Exeter or Ooderioh. The party will with offer state the price required por .oro, together with a fail description • of the property. Dated at Oodorteh this 28th day of March, A. D. 1804. W. PROUDFOOT, Chairman of Committee, Goderich P. 0 SPECIAL NOTICE LI? THE NEwe-RECORD will always be pleased to receive reliable information of Births, Mar- riages, and Deaths, or of any other local event. La' Tire NEws Bacon. can furnish se haQp�.d�- some Wedding Stationery and guarantee as We letter press work . and at as low prices as any city or ottter printing Office'. tat In the matter of Funeral Circulars and Memorial Cards, Tni •News-Rsoonn guarantees promt work, at at flftyention. and the per cent less than eastern ost class of prices. Leslie's Carriage ,Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—a11 of the best work, manahip and material. the latest styles rend most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended se, to. Prices to suit the times, ae"FACTORY—corner Huron, and Orange Streets, Clinton. 65y HON. J. G. HAGGART, Alint,tor of Railways and Canals. A PROMINENT LADY IN BERLIN WRITES : (T:ditor Berlin Daily News.) (t $I myself was a great sufferer for seven months, and tried no less than four different physicians for my com- plaint. I do not wish to expose their names, hut whether they understood my disease or not.I ani not prepared to say, but certain I am they did me no good and I believe they used the best skill they possessed (and charged me well for it), I was all but despairing of relief when a friend just happened to drop in and tell me about Williams' Royal Crown Remedy and Pills. I took courage and resolved to try one bottle of that marvellous liquid. The very first bottle very much relieved me, and after takingthree bottles 1 asen- tirely cured of Wthis terrible disease— lumbago. This beingthe case, Mr. Editor, I feel it myuty to write itnd let other sufferers known where they, may find relief and, save Large doctor bills. I positively assert 'that I can recommend Williams' Royal Crown, Remedy to any person suffering from lumbago, as the best medicine have ever: used, and am,,�WL dear Editor, thank- fully yours, L. Irritn, Dressivaker, Berlin. Be sore yott get the genuine. The latest results of pharmaceutical science and the best modern appliance are availed of in compounding Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Hence, though half -a - century in existence as a medicine, it is fully abreast of the age in all that goes to make it the standard blood - purifier. DIARRHa;A AND DYSENTERY are perhaps the most common of our every day ills, and every person nearly has some special cure of their own. Ours is Perry Davis' PAIN KILLER, and hav- ing used it for many years we can con- fidently recommend it. Get Big Bottle 25c. A Crediton correspondent says :— Mr. Robert Gardiner, well known to most of the oldest residents of Stephen, where he has resided for many years, is considered the' most active rnan of his age in the county. At his next birthday in May he will be one hundred years of age and is as spirightly as a man half that age. He thinks nothing of walking ton or.•fifteen miles in a day or turning his hand to do a good day's work. Just a few days ago he started out on foot from the residence of Mr. John Lawson and walked to Mr. Thos. Lawson's farm, a distanhe of three and three-quarter miles, and would have walked a like distance •had he not been favored with a chance to ride. Ile has seen many hardships in- cident to early life and was one•o£ the enlisted army in the battle of Water- loo. We trust our venerable old friend may live to enjoy many more years of this transitory life of which so few reach the stage he now enjoys. Fnglieh spavin Liniment romovls all hard, soften .oallonsed Lampe and, Blemishes from hor9os, blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring nano, Sweeney, Stiflte, Sprains, Sore and he/ellen Throat, Cnnghs, Cie, Savo $BO by nee of one bottle. Warrented the meet wonderful Blemish Care ever known. Sold by Watts di 0o„Druggists. Horse, Harness, Cutter, &o,, for Sale Heavy draught filly, coming three, well-bred, un- broken ; single and double Harness, Robes, Cutter, Buggy, Plow, &o., ,tc. Will be sold in bulk or singly at very reasonable prime. For particulars apply at THE NEWS -RECORD office. 796.11 NOTICE TO NEWS•RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem 1t a favor i1 readers would, when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's advertisement in 'TUE NEwe-RECORD. A:'. `.Ow+::•,n• rs'ii?lti •'.i.,, , 4i ,.'.. •• WONDERFUL CURES! THOMAS MINCHIN. MAJOR W. A. SIMI:IELD. F. W. FAANC•OIHB (MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. S.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LON'TpOw, ONT, Oman 1..1. Stewart's Grocery Store, Olin on . 781.1y Gm* Seed Grain for Sale. Wo have a largo amount of Seed Grain for sale. Choice Six -Rowed Rarlcy. Seed Peas and Oats. Feeding Corn and:Ensilage Corn for Seed, All of tho Best Quality. Plenty of feeding Corn for Stook Feeders always on hand. Drive right to the Warehouse at the Railway Stat. ion. W. If, PERRIN, 801 4-t Clinton. lleforo Treatment. After Treatment. Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured. Thomas Minchin ,nye: "I was reduced to a nervous wrook-only weighed 118 pounds. The result of early abase was tho canon. 1 bad tho following symptoms : Miserable rnonteity and physically, melancholy, nerve oneneso, weakness, specks before the oyes, dizzy, poor memory, palpitation of the heart, flushing, cold Banda and feet weak brink, dreams and losses at night, tired in tho morning, pimples on the face, lass of ambition, burning sensation, kidneys weak etc. Doctors could not cure rno; but Dre. Kennedy do Kerman by their Now Method Treatment, oared mo in n few weeks. I weigh now 170 pounds. It is three your° Once I have taken their treatment.” QUICKLYYIELD TO, �,ri� n JJ g BalStlin r"-.4 Before Treatment. Atter Treatment. Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Major Simfield says: "I had Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach for mans years. To make matters worse I contract- ed a Constitutional Blood Disease. My bones ached. B1 etches on the din looked horrible. I tried sixteen doctors in all. A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy at Korgan. I began their Now Method Treat- ment and in a few weeks was a now man with renewed lifo and ambition. I Can.. not say too much for those scientific doc- tors who baro boon in Detroit for our teen years. I conversed with hundreds nigg! cared fornts in diseaases. 5 recommend them as honest and reliable Physicians." RS. K[NN[DY & KERGAN The Celebrated Specialists of Detrott, Nltchi TREAT ANGUARANTEE TO CURE CamioAstlhmaaBbitisetCsn.. Rhonmatiom;nrnlee; Nervous, BIood and Skin diseases; :stomach and heart die:. oases; Tapeworm; Piles; Rapture: Impotency; Deafneoe; Diseases of the Eye, Karr Nose and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder; Errors of Youth; Failing Manhood; Diseases of the Sexual Organs; Female Weakness; Diseases of Men and Women, tend Chronic Diseesen in general. ° They care when others fail! *-O.NLXOftRABL.ECASES ARV T,1I1ENPOI? T1J iATMENT Their NEW METHOD TREATMENT keewnthe world ever, is Curing diseases of every nature that bas baffled heretofore the medical profession. They are not 'family doctors' -- they snake a specialty of Chronic and difficult diseases. roll 0ISE p Sets O M�IU Thoy gaarantoo to onto ail Wesknee0 ol.Men arising man, you 50 bel t/ Drss..l ldl.K frwoill mire you' later oiccessos or diert treated p you, Yon may have Geon treated by quacks--consu1tReiientifio/Dooctors, No care, no pay. Consult them. PISEA;S.ES OF WOMEN. wag= in eilenco� They can euro ,ori, Female Weakrre$s, Barrennesei Dlsplacentents, irregularity, and painful periods cured in a short time. Ifdnowedtvitality given. Illuttratod Hook Free, Inclose steam. �[1T S�yermatorthcMo, Varicocele, Weet, Unnrturel' iSPECI L DISEASES nIeciiergca, Private drsegO , striciffre, 5ypft'. illi alt Blood dlscasea guaratile d cured or no pay. 14 roam In Detroit --1960000 euros --•Notional repputation-. Books free -Consultation free— oo Names nfidenttal.' If nDRS. Knablo to cull, write for a ]let of gtiestions and advice free. -. l~NNIaDX KERGAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT,• 1VIIH.. aamatt .!