HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-03-28, Page 11A PALE 740,11
cornea trorn, poor
blood, Your, blood
needs to be enriched
and vitalized. For
this there's nothing fn.
the world 8o thor-
oughly effective as
Dr. Pierce's Golden
-Medical Discovery.
Children who are
weak, thin, pale, and
puny are made
strong, plump rosy,
d robust by the "Discovery." It's espe-
cially adapted to them, too, front its pleas-
agttaste. It's an appetizing, restorative ton-
ic whish builds up needed flesh and strength.
In every blood -taint or disorder, if it
doesn't benefit or cure, you have your
money back.
Dr. I2, V. PIERCE: Deer Sir— I will say
that I used the "Medical Discovery" for my
little girl, and she if} entirely web. I cannot
ise your medicines too highly. You may
t assured that you will always halo ray
Postmaster of Aidon, Perry Co., Tenn.
rhe Huron News -Record
$1.50 a Year—$1.20 in Advance
There are ninety-one constituencies
in Ontario for the Legislature, and in
fifty of these, according to the Farm-
er's Sun, the Patrons already have
candidates in the Held.
Of the fifty ridings to be contested by
representatives of the agricultural in-
terest thirty-one are now held by
Liberals, eighteen by Conservatives,
and one by a Patron.
If the Order has anything like the
success in the general contest that at-
tended its efforts in recent bye -elec-
tions it is evident, that their promise
to control the balance of power in the
new Assembly will be amply fulfilled.
Diego, CaI., says : "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do pre any
good." Price 50 cents. Sold by J. IL
The Grand Orange Lodge of Eastern
Ontario islet at Ottawa last week. At
a public meeting Hon. N. C. Wallace
delivered an address, which was lying-
ly reported in opposition newspapers.
As TtrE NEWS -RECORD has stated for
years, Protestant Grits in this part of
the Dominion are the very worst
enemies of the Loyal Orange Associa-
tion. Hon. Mr. Wallace in speaking
- stated that under the Constitution no
Church had any ascendancy in civil
matters, and of course he was right.
He spoke of the Romish Church as a
Roman Catholic Church—historically,
if ,the word will explain. The Romish
1liurch is the Roman Catholic Church,
but Romish people should include
many so-called Protestants. The ex-
planation of Hon. Mr. Wallace will
not please renegade Protestants, but it
will please the great majority of
people of that faith. He says:—
"I have been misrepresented in the
newspapers with reference to what I
said on Monday evening last, both in
the expressions used and the sense
meant to be conveyed. I have spoken
of the Roman Catholic Church under
that nitrite, and did not apply to it any
epithet. 1 was not speaking as a
member of the Government, nor as
authorized by the Government, but
was simply expressing my opinions
as a member of a large organization at
orae of its public gatherings. My opin-
ions were not the expression of a
policy which was iotended to represent
any political party. I was combatting
the assertion that any particular
church possessed under the. constitu-
tion any ascendancy in this country.
T instanced the letters of Archbishop
Tache as proof that in his opinion
there was no such ascendancy in the
west. I entirely disclaim any inten-
tion to be either unjust or offensive to
any organization or religious belief in
Canada. I have never been so, and
though always holding, and always in-
tending to hold my own opinions
strongly, as I accord all others a right
to do; I have striven, and shall always
strive, to do this with charity to
all and hard feeling against none."
(1) Mrs. T. S. Irawkins, Chattanooga
Tenn., says : "Shiloh's Vitalizsr 'SAVE/)
MY LIFE.' I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitated system I rarer used " For
Dyspepsia, Liyer or Kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 cts. Sold by J. H.
Agaiu the P. I. representative in the
Ontario legislature has given proof of
the Grit assertion that the P. I. and
Mowat platforms are identical, by vot-
ing straight against Mowat.
They have had a blizzard in Dokota,
and are revelling in four feet of snow.
In view of this information it would be
well for those in this region to cling a
little longer to their overcoats, for
d there is no knowing what may hap -
pep: Dokota has an unpleasant way
of unloading her storms in this direc-
tion, and it is well to be prepared.
The Right Hon. Herbert Gardner,
president of the British Board of Agri-
culture, has asked the Canadian Gov-
ernment, throught the Colonial Office,
for further and immediate assurances
in reference to the freedom of Can-
ada from pleuro -pneumonia. Ile says
he is most anxious to decide speedily
whether or not he shall remove the
embargo now existing on Canadian
cattle. The elaborate report of Mr.
Angers`. has been received, yet Mr.
Gardner asks for yet another.
The oixth of the series. of letters in
the London, Eng., Tivaee on Canada
appeared last Saturday, Ira anedam ial
article The Thnes affords a most
emphatic reply to Prof. Goldwin
Smith's theory that Canada's trade
with Great Britain is trivial compared
with that with the United States,
While the ground's of the theory are
crumbling beneath irnproved inland
navigation, the inception of the fast
Atlantic service will make freight
rates, and not mileage, the mercantile
measure of distance. The writer says
that soon Manchester and Chicago will
be equally near Toronto or Montreal
for mercantile purposes.
The fight in South Huron has, we be-
lieve, at last settled between Weis -
miller and McLean. There can be no
valid reason why the Patrons, as a
body, should not support the Meredith
candidate. On almost every vote in
the House the Mowat Government
has declared against the Patrons,
while Mr. Meredith and his followers
have stood by the Patrons. The fee
question alone should cause the South
Huron Patrons to consider well their
position. The only way to carry out
certain principles is to support them..
And the only way to legitunately and
wisely support Patron principles is to
cast their individual votes for Weis -
Unlooked for Opposition.
Mt'. Laurier hits already practically
pledged the Opposition to oppose the
proposed subsidy for the purpose of es-
tablishing a fast line of Atlantic steam-
ships. This was not unexpected, but it
will be cause for surprise if niembers
on the Government side array them-
selves against it also.
A fast service on the Atlantic is one
of Canada's greatest necessities and the
party that has the courage to provide it
will soon find its policy as fully justi-
fled by events as the building of .the
Canadian Pacific Railway has already
been justified.—Toronto News.
Bienniel Sessions.
It has never been suggested that the
Provincial Legislature should meet
only in alternate years as a means of
protecting the public from being rob-
bed every year. But it is contended,
and with reason, that the Assembly
could, save on special occasions, per-
form all the work required of it by
assembling once in twenty-four months.
If this is true, then there is no possibil-
ity of justifying annual sessions at a
cost of some hundred thousand dollars
each. And it is true. The record
proves it. W1)31:o business is before
the House thi3 year that could not
stand over until '05? What legislation
was enacted in '93 that could not
have waited until '94. On the other
hand the frequency of calling legisla-
tors together is a, direct stimulus to
the multiplication of laws for which
there is no public need.—News.
0, Where, 0, Where is The Money?
We are not as gullible as to imagine
for a moment that the head pushers of
the Patrons of Industry are working
simply for glory and the good they can
do their fellow farmers. These official
howlers are making big money, or we
miss our guess. See here, Patrons.
Yon are all good at figuring on the
profits the middlemen get; have you
ever figured out this problem ? The
leaders of the Patrons claim a member-
ship of 175,000. Each Iodge pays $3
for its charter, $til for the organizer,
and 40e. annual capitation tax. The
grass receipts of the year as shown in
the grand treasurer's report are only
16,000. Omitting the Organizer's and
Charter fees, and merely counting the
capitation tax would show on a member
shtp of 175,000 a revenue of $70,000.
What has beeorne of the balance
between $16,000 and $70,000? 854,000
is a nice nest egg. Say boys where is
the money gone?—Bo wman ville States-
Sir John Gives Justice To All,,
Sir John Thompson did not disallow
the Manitoba School Bill nor did he in-
terfere with similar legislation in the
NorthwestTerritories. Of course we all
think that he only did what was right.
At the same time we should not for-
get that he was looked upon with
grave suspicion when he ascended to
the premier position in the gift of the
Canadian people. It was thought that
being a Roman Cathalic himself he
would be inclined to show undue favors
to his co -religionists. I was one of
them who said "Wait till you see.
Don't judge him without trial. Give
the man a chance." And Sir John has
not disappointed them who put their
trust in him. He has not shown any
partiality to those holding his own
creed. He has taken the straight road
between the two great religious bodies
swerving neither to the right nor to
the left. And he has done all without
precipitating a crisis or violently rous-
ing creed prejudices.—Kincardine Re-
The Fee System.
Sir Oliver Mowat yesterday called
upon his supporters to vote down the
resolution respecting the payment of
officials by fees and in favor, of giving
municipalities power to elect certain
officials. Sir Oliver does not propose
to Iet that $8,000 a year go out ot the
family. His' son could never earn a
quarter of the sum by honest work,
and the Christian statesman has learn-
ed that he is worse than a heathers
who fails to provide for his own
family. Many of the government sup-
porters voted against the resolution
with wry faces and sinking hearts.
There is a certain fearful looking for
of judgment which they will he called
upon to face when they meet the
Patrons of Industry, and they would
rather have voted for the abolition of
the fee system as present practised.
But they did not dare to vote to take
away any part of young Mr. Mowat's
fees of $8,000 a year. Well, it may he
Mjust as well as it is. Next year the
eredith government will have the
handling of the -natter, and probably
the measure will be made better than
it could possibly he made now.
Possibly, too, young Mr. Mowat will he
legislated out of office altogether. If
the people become exasperated against
the Mowat gang they may conclude to
dispense with the services of the whole
othL?g Pays
So well Nowadays as an
Advertisement in
If rightly applied
will do wonders.
o-ur Job PRI TING- -
Is noted for its neatness
And Accuracy.
Make a bee -line for
Office when you want
anything in that line.
Our prices are
Very reasonable.
General Bui der and Contractr,
This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight
years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plana and give
estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest
prices, All %voile is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath, Shinges, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c.
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders„
Our expenses are low and our Cns,tomers get the benefit.
We want YOUR trade. It will pay YOU to inspect our stock,
- 0 -
1/." --SEE OUR DRESS GOODS. Produce Taken.
Geo. 1YL. Kilty, General Merchant.
For that. Bad cough of yotirs
�:A*n1� nY' I4' nli"5'p. 1•nn'�n:n•�nn till' ��I+Ni.'IJI' ll'n� ..n.n
" HIGHLY RECQMMENDED"'I- ---- --_—=_' ---.4.,
As a Preventive and Cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases.
The publisher would esteem it a favor if readers
would, when making their purchases, mention that
they saw the merchant's advertisement in 'Toa
Hem Photograph Gallery.
J. W. COOK, the leading photographer, next
Young's Bakery, Albert Street, Clinton,
is prepared to execute all orders.
Everything from a SUNBEAM to a LIFE
SIZE PHOTO an the shortest notice and first
class workmanship guaranteed
TINTYPES taken. Pictures taken on
cloudy days equally as well as on sunny days
by the new process. Prices as low as any
and superior work. Call at the new gallery.
J. W, 000K, Practical Photographer
There being soma misunderstanding with re-
gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood
that If any person takes possession of any land
of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at
once take proceedings. Remember this is the
last warning i shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB.
Receiver of Wrecks, Ooderich
Ooderieh, Sept. 7th 1891.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox had somespare
Hine the other day, and shegavc the said
spare time to writing on kissing. IIere
are portions of the osculatory
epistle :—
"Progress and science now propose
to abolish the kiss, Will they succeed?
"There is a vast deal of nrisinating of
lips about us. Women caress each
other too promiscuously and meaning-
lessly. Children are kissed too freely
by relatives, friends and strangers.
Parents ought to teach their children
from their very earliest years to be
chary in giving their lips. Parents
themselves ought to avoid kissing in-
fants on the mouth. The kiss on the
lips was undoubtedly first invented by
lovers; and should he consecrated to
love's uses. it can never he abolished
by fashion or science while hearts beat,
veins tingle and pulses throb with
love's fires. To the woman the kiss
means more and less than it, means to
the man. The woman thinks the man
who takes her lips has given his heart,
but the man thinks only that she who
has given heti] ipswill give herself as well,
When the woman finds her mistake
she is disillusioned. When the man
finds his he is angry."
mr Tun NEwx-Rxcoan will always be pleased
to receive reliable information of Births, Mar-
riages, and Deatbe, or of any other local event.
re. Tax Nxws ilnconn can furnish as hand-
some Wedding Stationery and guarantee as fide
letter press work and at as low prices as any eity
or other printing office,
Rte• In the matter of Funeral Circulars and
Memorial Cards, Tne News-Rn,oan guarantees
prompt attention and the very host class of
work, at fifty per cert. lose than eastern prices.
Horse, Harness, Cutter. &c., for Sale
Heavy draught Illly, coming three, well-bred, un-
broken ; single and double harness, Robes, Cutter,
Buggy, Plow, •e„ to. Will be sold in bulk or singly
at very reasonable prices. For particulars apply ay,
THE NEWS -RECORD office. 700-tf
Salesmen to solicit tor a choice line of nursery stock.
Oomplete outfit free and good pay from the start.
Previous experience not necessary. Write .t once and
secure territory. THE HAWKS NURSERY CO.
Itoohaat,:r, N.Y
The undersigned having bought out the bakery
business so successfully carried on by Mr. Henry
Morrish, will continuo the business at the old stand
He will lndeavor, by supplying a first slaps article, to
merit the liberal support of the people, Bread ie:
livered anywhere in town.
Wedding Calces, Fruit or Sponge Cakes,/supplied 011
short notice.
JAMES YOUNG, - - Clinton.
Provincial Land Surveyor
and Civil Engineer,
1_,ON170N, ON T,
Omen 1. J. Stewart's Grocery Stora, can
on 761.1y 6roo°
ThFw" "D. &1.{r• Y.-,...-...,
ff� -------EmulS10o.
Pgtplesh onYourBones
Prevent Consumption.
• • e o
miff ialimININosissimax.moossawarioner
Vi'1..,r »
Wision & Rowe, Successors to James Anderson.
The undersigned have bought the stook, good will rind interest of James
Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the
Novelty 13a,kery and Restaurant.
The new lirm will keep in stock everything found in a firstsclaas Res-
taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy
hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers.
- Clinton.
And in order to do so they want the very hest they can get. 'We
have anticipated their desire by purchasing the choicest
Groceries, Teas, Sugars, Canned Goods, Fruits,&c.
Having hare 35 years experience, think we know the wants of the
people pretty well. Our stock embraces everything found in a
first-class grocery, and we will not be undersold.
We have a Beautiful Assortment of
Special Cuts on SUGARS and MS in large lots.
J. W. IR.WIN, Grocer, ivroIC�NToOCK,
13rea-a4�,:, Cakes, Confectionery, vire.,
ot a superior quality, at the lowest living prices.
OYSTERS of the Very Best Quality at the lowest possile.
i 4C, ri etc I3 e',
New Goods for the Xmas Trade
-----Just arrived and in Stock.
RAISENS, VALENCIA, Fine Selected, otT Stalk and Layers.
and half Brie. FINEST V OSTIZZAS in CASES.
FRESH GROUND SPICES of all kinds, also full lines of CROCKERY
Cash for Butter and Eggs.------
ggs.--,Albert St, Clintons;yu ,
Leslie's Carriage Factory.
manship and material. atali'°All the latest styles and most modern improve-
ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to. Prices to suit the times.
ND-FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 65y7—
i!'L' 't!;ski:res-;l ,,a;, asess
Thousands of Young and Middle Aged Nen are annually swept to a premature grave
through early indiscretion and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood
Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have yon
any of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning- No Ambf
tion Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable: EyesBlur• Pimples on
the Face- Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore
Throat; )'lair hoose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyea• Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of
Energy and Strength. Our -Yew Methd Treatment wail build you up mentally, physically
and sexually.
Chas. Patterson. Read � DRS, KENNEDYKERGAN pQ�
Cured n one m'nth
Dr. Moulton.
"At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost rained
mo. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled Mo. I could
stand no exertion. Head and eyes became doll. Dreams and
drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Efee-
tric Bette, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me
no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. They
sent me one month's treatment and it cured mo. I could feat
myself gaining every day. Their New Afehod Treatment cures when
all etso faits,' They have cured many of my friends."
111112111111 MOM arIoED
"Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious nonstltatlonal blood
disease. 1 went to Ilot Springs to treat for syphilis. Memory almost
killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat
became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, oyes red,
Ioss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Dre.
Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Treatment. It nnrod me, and I have
had no or mptoms for rive years. I am married and happy. As a
Caren ewn doctor, t heartily recomend it to all who have this terrible diseaso—
, syphilis. " It will eradicate the poison from the blocd.
Capt. aTownsendyair„,
Uu o1 u n4 trin).
Our New Method Treatment mover falls in curing Diseases of men.
!t, strengthens the body, stops all
drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual
systems and restores lost vitality to the body.
vire Guarantee to Cure Nervous xleblllty, rallIng Manhoerl,
t•ypflils,Varicocele,strleture,aieet,Vnusttural ilJacharges,
Weak (Parts and All Kidney and Bladder uteenses.
"I am 88ears of age, and married. When youngI led a
gay Iifo. Earlyyindiscretions and later excesses made trouble
for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneya became
affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lit., was unsatis-
factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till
I took treatment from Dr.. Kennedy and Dorgan. Their New
Method built mo up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel
and act like a man in every tospoct. Try thorn.”
lI - No Names Used Without Written
Consent of Patient.
Drs. Kennedy ,l Kergan are the leading speoialiste of
America. They guarantee to re or no pay. Their repu-
tationrnn no risk. Writo them for hnest oand ppinion,n nomater nnstreated yoare at n. It may
save i on years of regret and sulfa' ng. Charges reasonable. Write for a
Question List alibi -look Tree. Ca iaultatiicen Free.
DRS: KENNEDY' 84.KERG N,be S elhy st.
n..,� o�lts tigc3
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