HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-03-28, Page 6TOWN- 014' OLIWT01\17.:
A Bright Lad,
Ten years of ago, but who declines to give his
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old, my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said that I.
too, would soon die and all our neighbors
thought that even If? I did not dee I would
never be able to walk, because 'I was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. 1 hurt my finger and
it gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
It I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it
was sure to become a running sore. I had
to take lots of medicine, but nothing has
dote me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa-
rilla. It has made me well and strong."-
T. D. 11., Norcatur, Hans.
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Cures others, will cure you
The Huron News -Record
1.60 a Year -$1,25 In Advance
WI DNESDAY, MARCH, ':lith, 1894.
A Live Local and Family Weekly
Issued Wednesday Mornings•
OFFtce-Brick Blocic, Albert Street
North, (Tinton, Ont.
T911.39. -51 50 a year ,.25 in alv'8nee. No paper
dlscoetinu•d, except at ,,tion of pub lsher, until all
arrear:ages are nettled The9unnth anti yrsr to
which a1; wI'1-a'rtptions a c paid will be fetwd on the
Taassn;xr Anvea•rlsleo -Ten ee',te a line (non•
ppnrio( oen•tire) t .r ftr.t insertion and three cents a
11ue fer ew:h sabsrquentins-rtioo.
CONTRACT Auvanr19190 -Special position 10 to 25
per cent above regular rat( s. The table below gives
,.ontract rates for run of paper for delinite periods:
seA(:it. 1 1) a. 1 e :so. 1 450. 1 HU
One (olon(n.. 360 00 $05 00 5:0 00 37 50
Half•coluu,......,.' + ;t;, 00 20 00 I 12 00 4 00
Quarter c•,In:nn.., I 10 110 12 1)> 7 00 2 ':5
One eighth c" 111)111. I 12 00 7 00 4 00 2 00
One inch .0 (0) 3 50 2 0)) 1 05
Servants w.It(ed, for s.1le, lust, or found, ad 'ertiso
moots, ul•t c&wedtug three lines, 15 cents each in-
sertion ; n..1. exeeedine ,even lines, 50 cents b,r first
inserti"11 and 25 cents for ,-acs following insertion.
Farms, h n,.es or town prol,ut•ty, for ,a e or to rent,
stray stock or similar advertisements not•exee,ding
night linea, 51 for first month and 50 cents for each
allowing umu.h. Loco( notices 10e a lino for each
Advertisements without definite instructions in•
variably' inserted until forbid and charged :accord•
ingly. Transient advertisements in a,l cases to be
paid in advance.
All c .ntrzet changes must be received at the otile
not later (hail r:ATcanev NOON every week,
A.51. TODD, Pubil.hor.
5. B. Johnston, fishery inspector at
lake Winnipeg, is dead.
Iteh 011 hn,nan end horses and all nuinudn cured in
30 minutes hr \V )')ford') Sanitary Lotion. 'Thee
never Mils Sohl h,) Watts 4: Co., Druggists.
John Hart, who rnnr•dered his two
sisters itt 0 row about property, wits
hanged at Rockland, I11., Friday. .
DO Nor NEGLECT coughs, colds,
asthma and bronchitis, but cure thele
by using 1)r. Wood's Norway Pine
A. young woman, who gave the name
of Alny McA I•tht11•, (i tsapped refs froin
Drayton, tUll
yC tl 'FLlnl
}has .not
been seen since.. She told a lady wvith
whom she stopped (Mrs. Charles Math)
that she vas art escaped nun from Bos-
ton. Ira Burrows, of Drayton, will
answer any communications respecting
the wort)an.
"SUDDEN (OLDS." --At tl)C commence -
recut of a cold, take Fa, teaspoonful of
Perry Davis' Pain -Killer in a little
milk and sugar, and the cure is more
sudden than the cold. Only 25c. New
Big Bottle.
SKIN DISEASES are more or less
dii ectly occasioned by had blood. 13.
B. B. cures the following Skin Diseases:
Shingles, E•r•ysipelas, Itching Rashes,
Salt Rheum, Scald Plead, Eruptions,
Pimples and Blotches, by removing all
impurities from the blood front FL
comm nn Pimple to the worst Scrofu-
lous Sore.
The Weekly Register, 0 London Ro-
man Catholic paper, announces that
though the failure of 11is eyesight is
the immediate occasion of 111r. Glad -
stone's retirement, the real motive is
to have leisure to "make his soul," as
they say in Ireland.
The baso of Ayer's Hair Vigor is 0
refined and delicate fluid, which sloes
not soil or become rancid by exposure
to the air, and which is as perfect a
snbstitllty for the oil supplied by
nature in youth and health, as modern
chenlietr'y can produce.
Father O'Gor•lnan, of Gananoque,
refused to let a coffin containing the
remains of a Catholic named William
Williams be taken into the church be-
cause the undertaker was Lieut. -Col.
McKenzie, a Protestant. McKenzie al-
so owns the opera house thele and gl-
owed Margaret I,, Shepherd to speak
in it, lately.
For 0vcrFifty Years.
MRs. WInstow's Sn0Tttiso Svaer has been used by
reddens of mothers for their children while teething
If dietnrbed at night and broken of your rest by y
sick chdd suffering tied erring with pain of Cutting
Teeth send at onro and get a bottle of "Sirs. Win•
slow's Soothing Sirup" for lhildren Teethling. 1
will relieve the poor little sufferer innnedately,
Depend upon It, mothers, there le no mistake about
it. It cures Dierrhtca, regulates the Stomach and
Bowele, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums and re.
duces Intlamnmtion, and gldes torso and energy to the
whole system. "Bars islnslow's Soothing Syrup"
for ehlldren teething le i.lensaot to the taste and
Is the prescription of ono of the oldest and hest
female physicians and nurses in the United States.
Price twenty five cents a bottle. Sold. by all ,grog
tats throughout the world. Be sure and ask fo
etruswersoow's SOOTHING STROP."
Sae. 1803.
Balance on hand
Taxes account
Non resident tax
Property account
Street account
Cemetery account
County account.
License account
Statute Labor account
Public School account
Magistrates fines
$ 2399 04
124b5 31
159 50
452 60
19 66
271 00
50 42
767 82
42 00
301 00
23 00
High School special rate
Property account
Printing accont
Salaries account
Incidental account
Street Recount
Fire and Water account
Postage and Stationery
Charity account
Cemetery account
Pound account
Electric Light account
County Recount
Insurance account
Park account
Consolidated Debentures
Special Rate Int.
Interest and discount account
Street Watering nccount
Public School account
Mechanics' Institute account.
Election Account
Collegiate Institute account
Taxes account (refund)
Consolidated Debentures 1
Sinking Furcal,
Fire and Water
Balance Cash on handl
and in Bank. J
400 00
274 11
102 50
1125 25
92 40
1.183 28
1315 90
26 18
311 54
160 22
24 00
792 00
894 02
04 00
96 83
758 75
54 75
100 00
3101 00
100 00
38 94
1700 00
3 19
554 11
2019 38
$16921 35 $16921 35
Jan. 1803.
Balance on hand $ 370 97
Legislative Grant 301 00
Town Grant 3100 00
Govt. Grant to Model School 150 00
Co. Grant to Model School150 00
Non Resident tax hill 21 50
Admission fees to Model) 120 00
School f
$4213 47
Paid Teachers for 1803 $
" Other School Officers.. .
" for building closet
" for repairs, &c
" for Maps and Apparatus
" for other expenses
Balance on hand
3075 00
285 00
258 00
43 59
2,3 83
167 13
360 02
8-1213 47
Jan. 1893.
Balance on hand from 1892.. $
Govt. Grant last half 1892....
Govt. Grant first half 1893...
County Grant 1803
Town Grout, 1893
Received from Fees
Other sources
Cash on hand
Taxes uncollected
Sinking Fund and Interest).
Deposit in Bank. �
PropertyCollegiate Institute
Public chools
Town Hall and Market Square
Fire and Water appliances
Public Park
918 97
509 03
500 05
1:345 60
1700 00
120 00
$5930 11
$ 2619 38
1762 11
1.1.13 07
9000 00
8(0)0 00
12000 00
3000 00
2000 001
$39825 16
Paid Masters for 1803
" Repairs School Fur•n-1
iture, &c. j • .
for Library
for Maps, Apparatus, 1
Chemicals, &c. I
School Books, Station -1
Pry, Fuel & other exps. )
Balance on hand
TSni GMAT Count( CUBS prompt y CUM
where all others fail Coughs, Croup Bore
Throat, loarseneso,'Wboopta Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption it hqs no rival'
Ims cured thousands, and will CURE 70U IX
takonin time. Sold by Druggist) on a guar-
antee. For a Lame Back or Cheat use
EM E1314
slave you catarrh This remedy ioSClaran-
teed to euro you. I'rlt:0, 5Ucta. InJeotorfree.
Sold by J. H. COMBS.
Clinton horsemen and horses.
The Canadian Horseman, published
at Toronto, had a few paragraphs of
interest to Clintoniaes Iast week from
a correspondent ;-
I tort BONY going to tell you about 0
few horses we have Isere. W. Doh-
erty, Esq., of the Centre Huron Stock
Farm, our principal breeder here, has
reduced his stock considerably but has
a choice lot left. The brood mares and
stock are in the charge of Mr. James L.
Doherty, and I trust say they ale in
the pink of condition, and several of
them are ready for the races at any
time, if they were permitted to go,
"Jimmie" also has John Nelson 2:32Ji,
and never was there in this part a
horse in better form. The mitre, Lena
D., 3 years, by Onward King, dam
Dolly by Royal George, is a very fast
pacer and can step over the snow an
eighth in 19 seconds. Lou Edsall 2:26 is
in training 'and will reduce her record
this season, and certainly 2:15 will not
stop her. A very promising weanlu)g
by Young Sidney, dam Lou Edsall
2:20, is one which i\lr. Doherty prizes
very highly.
W. W. Ferran has also reduced his
4158 41 stock, but still has a few good brood
mares left. He has a very fast young
191 48 pacer, 2 years, that C0step well and
102 95 11 red to go. He isr by Algmon, son of
Nutwood,clanl by Young Jirn, He also
77 93 drives for his own pleasure the fastest
team of pacers in town. The stock
450 82 looks well and the mares are all in foal.
951 52
$5936 11
Consolidated Debentures ....$ 16301) 00
Fire and Water Debentures, 6000 00
High School Debentures- 7000 00
$29560 00
Having examined the accounts and vouchers of the Treasurer of the Cor-
poration for the year ending December 31st, 1803, we report the same correct
and in accordance with the annexed statement and abstract.
IoltN Mc'GAIIVA, ) •Audi tos
r .
Rev. J. M. Douglass, of Moosomin,
bis been chosen by the Patrons of -
Industry of Eastern Assiniboia as their
candidate for the next Dominion elec-
"Success is the reward of merit" not
Of assumption. Popular appreciation
is what tells in the long run. For
fifty years, people have been using
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and to -day it is
the blood -purifier most in favor with
the public. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures.
A country minister recently took a
final leave of his congregation, says an
exchange, in the following pathetic
planner :-"Brothers. mid sisters, I
e• come to tray good=by. I Iin't
think God loves this church very 1
because >(C al l8 , )
e n(
nes of
you ever' die. -I c
think t
I never you love each other, because
Married any of you. I don't
think you love me, because you have
not paid me my salary, and your dona-
are mouldy fruit and wormy
apples -"by their fruits shall ye know
thele." Brothers 1 ant going away
from you to a better place. I have
lacer called to be chaplain of the Ana-
mosa penitentiary. I go to prepare
a place fur you!" Good by."
In every house in this town there
was distributed this week little yellow
hooks and circulars containing scene
really wonderful cures, which have
been accomplished by that marvellous
liquid know as Williams' Royal Crown
Remedy. We would direct our read-
ers' attention to their eases in partic-
111ar, and ask their careful perusal, and
if they known any friends similarly
affected, to send there the circulars,
You may save their Life like Miss
Roxie Morden did:
1. That of Mr. John Weir, of Bir•r,
whore four physicians declared could
not, live over twenty-four hours. That,
wits in 1892; he took three bottles of
Williams' Royal Crown Remedy, and
to -day he is as well as any of the
doctors who signed his death warrant.
Read the history of his case and you
will say she was the means of saving
his life.
2. Mr. H. F. Hallands, formerly of
Mitchell, but now proprietor of King's
Roller Mills, Ingersoll, whom all the
town knows suffered for twenty years
with rheumatism.
Also the sworn testimony of "a lov-
ing wife," Mrs. Sarah Hall, of Brant-
ford, who deceived her husband by pour-
ing out the doctor's medicine, which
was bringing Mr. Hall slowly to the
grave, and surely saved his life by giv-
ing him Williams' Royal Crown Remedy
in the doctor's bottle, so as to disguise
it. These are three of the most wonder
fill clues ever effected and well worthy
perusal, and we can vouch for the
truth of all of them. This remedy
should always he kept in every home.
Take no inferior artier, it has saved
many it life. Price only $1, pint bot-
tle, and Pilis, 25c., lasts a month, or 5
bottles of Remedy, 5 boxes Pills, $5.
Sent by express by Isaac Williams`
Co., London.
Fuglish Spavin Linitneutremoves 011 h•ud, soften
calloused Lamps and Blemishes from barbas, Blood
Spavin, Ceiba, splints, king Bon,., bweenev, Stifles,
Sp(tains Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs• etc.
save 55)) l 1 •e of ono bottle. Warranted the most
wonderful 15,-121,h Cure ev,r know,. B.Ad by
Watts 5 Co.,Druggi;ts.
Herbert Gladstone was re-elected
Friday for West Leeds w ithout
(3) CAPTAIN SwamiNl'•Y, U. S. A. San
Diego, Cal., says : "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I 11:(50
ever found that would do ale any
good," Price 50 cents. Sold by J. 11.
"I Merely called, madame," ,said the
p at. the back door, "to express
againtt1 '
g y thanks for. that delicious
piece of • mince pie that you favored
Me with'jllst seven weeks 'ago to -day.
remember it still as the hest flavored
and most appetizing piece of pie I ever
ate in all ray life. 'flint is all that I
wished to say, madame. Pardon 111('
for troubling you. Good day!" And he
acted as if he was surprised when she
called his] hack and asked hint if he
wouldn't wait and try a piece of one o1'
another batch of mince pies that she
had just baked that clay.
(1) Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga
Tenn., says : 'SShiloh'e Vitalizxr 'SAVED
MY L1l1'A'.' I eontider it the brst remedy
for a debilitated eyufenr 1 ci'er used " For
Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 cts. Sold by J. H.
Whether the House of Lords shall be
abolished or continued as an elected
upper chamber of Parliament is (penny
discussed in England. Mr. George W.
Smalley, the New York J'ribune'e Lon-
don correspondent, will contribute to
the April HAuesn 'S his impressions of
of the Lords as a working legislative
body representing Public opinion in
Great Britain,
Ma. GEORGE Du MAURZnn's Trilby,
now running in IIARPEn's MAGAZINE,
is being called by the critics the
strongest novel of the old-fashioned
sort that has been printed for many
rears. Toit
ecalls theadmirers mannerofay of that Igreat
novelist; and its illustrations, drawn
by the writer, are in delightful har-
mony with the text.
The latest addition to HARPER &
BROTHERS' new and cheap edition of
William Black's novels is Donald Ross of
Ileilnra, issued on March 16th.
The Easter number of HARPER'S
BAZAR, published March 17th, will
cont;tin three complete short stories :
"A Distinction and a Differance," by
Marion Harland, illustrated by L. W.
Hitchcock ; "Easter Hats," by Kate
Upson Clark, illustratedhy W. H.
Hyde: and "A Disdainful Youth," by
Eva Wilder McGlnsson, Among the
sketches and essays will be "Comrade-
ship in Marriage,'" by Junius Henri
Browne, and "The care of the Aged,"
by Helen Everston Sntith. The sugges-
tions for Easter, furnished by various
popular writers, will be unusually
Jos. Copp still has his stallion Allan
Wilkes by Jay Bird, clam Biddy Dono-
van, dao) of Newton's Alfie Wilkes.
The writer has never seen this horse in
better form, and the people of this vici-
nity are anxiously awaiting tin oppor-
tunity to see this horse cut loose, as
they know he can step fast, and why
should he not with that breeding, un-
der such a careful pilot as Mr. Copp.
He is also driving his young stallion
W. W. 2 years, by Wheeing Wilkes,
dam by St. Clair.
Isaac Rnttvnbury, the popular pro-
prietor of the Ratteribury }-louse, has, I
think one of the best colts he ever
owned. w 1 d. Her breeding
g is considered
extra good, being sired by Diplomat,
data Josie Banker by Banker.. He also
MS a nice driving pacing pony which
he takes a good deal of fun out of. He
has sold to Glasgow parties at very fine
gentleman's roadster for a good figure.
Among the latest to secure well-bred
animals is Dr. Turnbull who recently
purchased n handsome pair of roadsters,
and I think trotters, from Mr. Farren.
They are by Be11 .13ird by Jay Bird,
dams by Payette Wilkes and Royal
George, respectively.
Oliver .Johnston, our ,gonial black-
smith, has a (;rand pair of red roans,
16 hands high, which should fill the
bill for a handsome carriage Leant.
Dr. Shaw is quite horsey, and has a
very flee road ,mare, in fact too good
for the road, as her breeding will show
for herself, being sired by Fayette
Wilkes, dant Elsie, by Old Daniel
Jack Taylor }las a very promising
colt by (award King, dam by Mel-
bourne e 111
which can S
tep well.
His hrGo
d mare is
safely in foil to
Allen Wilkes, .
Lack Kennedy has in training his
two colts by Onward Kin;;, dam Elsie,
by old Daniel Lambert, under the care-
ful management of Roxy Walker.
Dr. Gunn also belongs to the coterie
(>f horsemen, and, drives a good pair
of chestnut mares, which are quite
Jim Beattie, proprietor of the big
livery, is right in it with his mare by
Joe Gales. She is going into the hands
of a trainer at once, and will most like-
ly be sent to Windsor arid placed
in- the hands of Joe James.
Mr. Malcolm McTaggart also drives
a speedy pair of iron grays recently
purchased from Detroit parties.
Mr. W. J. Paisley, license inai)(•d•tol,
has a very promising filly by Pell Bird,
dant the darn of W'anclt, Horse-
men here think her a better mare
than Wanda was at the same age.
Mr. John Kennedy has added several
new ones to his livery, and has now a
very well equipped and commodious
livery barn. -
I suppose this letter will be subject
to a few corrections, as I am not in the
habit of newspaper writing, but being,
somewhat of Inn old friend I thought 1
would give you these notes.
W. J. Mawhinny, brakeman on the
(7. and N. E. railway, slipped and fell
between the cars Tuesday at Cadillac,
Mich., and was horribly wrangled. His
home is at Clifford, Ont. He is a
single man, 23 years old.
A man in Colorado has a quaint
collection of bottles. It is divided into
two sections. Section one is large.
Section two is not. Section one con-
tains hundreds of bottles, the contents
of which his wife swallolved hoping to
find relief from her physical sufferings.
Section two contains a few bottle that
once Were filled with Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It was this
potent remedy that gave the suffering.
wife her health again. It cures alll
irregularities, i111(1(nal inflammation
and - ulceration, displacements and
kindred troubles. It has cions more to
relieve the sufferings of women than
any other medicine known to science.
Pile tumors, rupture and tlstultr.
radically cured by unproved method's.
Book,10 c'ont'in stamps. World's Dis-
pensary Medical Association, Buffalo,
N. Y.
We Buy in Large Quantities
And Give the Public the Advantage.
Carbon Safety
ilave you tried 011,
1i OJL,
It is Equal to American,
Only 1001 per Gallon uash, 12c- if Charged.
Also a Great Reduction in
prices of Stoves,
To make room fo large Importation of New Goods in the
Har!anios.New Store, A4laaBy Ol(1 Stand, Brick Block.
EurRa Bakeru an Restaurant.
In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur-
ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA
BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a batter position than ever to
nnccessfully cater to the wants of the general public. We do our own
baking, save heavy expenses, .and turn out a quality of BREAD
esterBUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &c., equal to any in West-
n Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING
CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c., delivered to all parte
CREAM, COOL DRINKS. Pic nic and Private Gather-
ings supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates.
Remember the location -next Gi•and Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton.
W e OFD, Proprietor.
CH1 i STMAS G OODS are ou the move and our stook is now
complete. We can give yu nw �4
EX'TItACTS of all kinds, LEMON, VANILLA,
Our oeual Stock of Tels and Coffee on band. Call and examine before
you buy.
House For Rent.
.,.tae stere
ani n h I
elf d+1•elling. with nr tvlth�xy•
stable, also 1,3. Soft and hon) crater, Six rooms,
pantry and ,char.' Will he rent. d ronsonable. Per
pial, 11hire apply at 111n N tine's. i:le()tlil Q1:)e,..
0 1
Highest Market Price Paid.
D . CANTELON, Clinton.
The Journal of society,
rs tntver:any recognized as the moot complete
weekly journalIn the world.
Its aunteringe " ccyolumns are gInimitable. Its
NoowtYYork nem, especially Philadelphia, CMengo andOali
over the world, le not equalled by any newspaper.
Its Financial Department is authority with all
bankers and brokers. Its "Literary Show" -notes
on current literature -is by the cleverest of re-
viewers. Its Afield and Afloat" makes 1t the
moat interesting paper for all lovers of sport -
yachting football, rowing shooting, fishing, ere.
Its "On the Turf" excels all other racing notes. Its
burlesques poems and jokes aro the cleverest. Its
mortes are by the beet writers -among them Amato
Hives, F. Marton Crawford. Julian Hawthorne, Edgar
Fawcett, Gilbert Parker, Mary J. Hawker ("Lamm
Falconer"), Barry Pain, Paul Bourget, Rudyard
Kipling, Ambrose Biome, etc., eto., and are even If
a trifle risque,yet always clever, bright and pretty.
without coareness or anything to offend the moat
refined and moral woman. In addition to all this
there 1s each week a supplement portrait, in color°,
of some man eminent in his walk of life.
Tales From Town Topics
Quarterly, first day of March, Juno September.
December; 248 pages; 12mo. Contains in each
number, In addition to short stories, poems, bur.
leagues,etc., from the old banes of TOWN TOPICS, a
complee, original prize story of 120 to 150 pages.
No one who enjoys the hl best class of fiction, and
would be au courant with all that pertains to good
Society, can afford to be without TOWN Torras every
week. There le so mueh interesting reading in /t
and in the "Tales," that a club subscription to both
will supply any family with abundant reading of tho
moat entertaining character all the year.
>E A•r s:
Town' Tortes per annum, $4.00. A trial subterlp•
tion for three months, 61 .00, and a specimen copy
of "Tales" Free.
Tales From Town Topics, per number, 50 cents.
Per annum, $2.00.
Both Clubbed, per annum, e5.00, and any two
previous Numbers of "Tales" you may speolfy Page.
E1r'8end 10 cents for sample copy Tows Torroe.
N.B.-Have you road AMALIE RIVES' latest
and beet novel,
Tanis, The Sang -Digger ?
12mo, cloth, gilt, uncut front and foot, *1.50 poet -
Remit bycheck, P. 0. money order, postal nota or
01 West 234 Street, New Vork.
Day s Made Easy.
I have Semtrrd the right trrnannfar•ture thefamons
1 Magic washing Machine. Already I have made and
sold a 1111950r. The pnlahasers are delighted. To
nso rho m tettloc ou trial 1.1 9111'0 to Make a sale if
ono to required. Wash.liy is made very easy and
carpets oau be kept perfectly clean; no splashing or
waste water whatever. The price has been set at a
very low figure. The machine may be seen at my
rhs,denoe on Is,taa Street. B. COLE 800-11
The IVioliillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
Farm and Isolated Town Proper-
ty only Insured.
D,Rnss, President, Clinton P. 0. ; Gen, Watt,
vice-president, [Iarlook P. 0. ; W, J. Shannon,
Socy.Trcas., S0aforth P. 0. ; M. Morale, Iu-
poetur of claims Seatorth e. 0.
Jas, Broaitoot, Seaforth ; Alex Gardiner, Lead -
bury ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; John Han-
nah, Seafnrth ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; Thos.
Garbutt, Clinton.
Thos: Nelta;.s, Harlock; Robt. SfcSllllan, Sea.
forth ; .7. Camn.inga, lige, ravine; Geo, Murdie,
Auditor ,
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans -
sot other limitless will bo promptly attend.
ed to on application to any of the above officers
addressed to their respective post cf8ces.
Taints of the Blood.