HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-03-21, Page 6M. Hammerla a well-known business man Of Hillsboro, n. sends this tistiuony to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: "Several years ago, I hurt my leg, the injury leavinrt a sore whichled toe^ysipelas. My sufferings were extreme, rev leg, from the knee to the ankle, being a solid sore, which began to ex- tend to other parts of the body. Alter trying various remedies, I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, before 1 had finished the first bottle I experienced great relief- the second bottle effected a complete cure.'1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. 3.0..Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mars. Cures othersondiI cure you The Huron News -Record 1.60 a Year -$1.26 in Advance WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 21st, 1891. THE HURON NEWS-RECGRD. A Live Local and Family Weekly Journal, Issued Wednesday Mornings. • OFrIce-Brick Block, Albert Street North, Clinton, Ont. TERMS. -$1 50 a year . 20 in advance. No paper discontinued, except at prion of pub'isieer, until all arrearages are settled The month and year to which all subscriptions a e paid will be found on the add rCswlabel. TRANSIENT ADVERTISING -Ten cents a lino (non- paHel manure) for first insertion and three cents a line for each subsequent insertion. CowraAc'r ADVERTISING, Special position 10 to 25 per cent above regular rates. The table below gives ,.ontract rates for run of paper for definite periods; SPACE. 1 I YR. I S ilu. I amu. 1 l NO One column...... 560 00 $35 00 620 00 67-50 Half -column.... ..... 35 00 20 00 12 ee 4 00 Quarter column 90 00 12 1,0 7 00 2 .5 line eighth column.12 00 T 00 4 00 2 00 One inch 1 6 00 Y 50 2 00 1 00 Servants wanted, for sale, lest or found, advertise merits, not exceeding three lir es, 25 cents each in- sertion ; not exceeding seven lines, 50 cents for first insertion and 25 center for each following insertion. Farms, h..uses or town property, for ra.e ur to rent, stray stock or similar advertisements not exceeding eight lines, $1 for first month and 50 cents for each ollowing womb. Local notices 10c a lima for each nsertiou. Advertisements without definite instructions in• variably inserted until forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements in all cases to be paid in advance. All c .ntract changes must be received at the olfe not later than SATURDAY NOON every week. A.M. TODD, Pubiishor. This and That. Love with a young man is never so serious as with a youngirl, because he has his mustache to direct his at- tention. "Money causes all the trouble in the world I" yelled the Socialist. And the meek little man in the back row re- marked that there was an awful lot t of people looking for trouble. "Mabel -"I suppose you heard of my sister Louie's marriage? She's taken a flat near the park." Miss Jellus-"Yes, I heard she had a flat, but I didn't hear where she had taken him," "Where did you get that howwid cold?" "I called on Miss Bilgerton, yesterday, and her, gweat dweadful dawg was in the room. The fwightful beast kept wagging his toil and caused a dwaft." Marpina.,-"To-morrow, Johnny, is your birthday. What shall I get you for a present?" Johnny (who had at- tended the sacred concert) -"A drum -one of the sacred kind I can play on Sunday." Flossie was watching - the masons lay brick and the process interested her greatly. "Oh, mamma I" she exclaim- ed, as she saw the man putting on the mortar, "they're buttering the bricks, ain't they ?" The Woman's Journal -has heard of a little girl who has learned to adapt her- self to circumstances. She wrote a, composition entitled, "The Cow." It had two great merits : brevity anti truth. It ran thus : "The cow is a very useful animal." That afternoon the minister called at the house, and the little girl's mother asked her to rc a l her composition to him. She read it with emendations and improvements: 'The eoty is the most useful animal except religion. Willie's father wrought c.?m his first pair of laced shoes the other a;gin, and Willie was so happy that he danced. After he had put them on they were found to be almost an inch too long. "I will take then[ back and change them to -morrow," said Willie's father. "Oh, no, don't do that," said Willie, while an expression of despair sett led on his face; "1 am growing very fast now, and I'll soon catch up to them." "What's your occupation, huh?" asked a visitor at the Capitol of a bright boy whom he met in the corri- dor. The boy happened to be a page in the White House. "I'm running for Congress, sir," he replied. A little Scotch boy, - on beingrescued by a bystander front the ock into which he had fallen, expressed heart- felt, gratitude, saying : I'm so glad you got me out. What a lickin' I wad have frac my nrither if I had.. been drooned l" First little. Girl : Hits your sister be- gun tnkin' music lessons yet? Second little girl : She's Lakin' sorne- illi' ata th' piano ; hat T can't tell yet, whether its music or type•writin . A bar of iron worth $1, worked into horst;-slues, is worth $3; made into needles, it is worth $70; made into pen- knife blades, it is Worth $057 ; made into balance -springs of watches, it is worth $50,000. It is related, that an Irish boy, when the schoolmaster was one day teaching ins scholars how w e are forbidden to worship any iruatre, interrupted him by saying, "Please, Sir, there is one image which we ought to worship." "In- deed I" said the master, "pray what is that i"' \'l'rhy, sir, we are told to wor- ship Christ, Who is the image of the invlslble God.' " (Col. 1: JO.) An elephant gives perhaps the best instance of disciplined courage to be seen in the animal world. They will submit day after day to have pelintul wounds dressed, in obedience to their keelkrr and meet danger in obedience to orders, though their intelligence is sufficient to oude•stand the peril and far too great for a man to trick theta into a belief that it is non- existent. No animal will face danger more readily at man's bidding. The small boy may now be seen - On his little sled, His chubby cheeks a rosy red, And pleasure iu his eyes, Controlling with one foot his steed, And laughing at his wondrous speed As down the hill he flies. Now patiently uphill again the sled he drags, Pursuing such a sport, the boy's enjoy- ment never flags ; With pleasure flushed he deems ten minutes' toil uphill well spent, To pin -chase one exhilarating minute of descent. A bright child, restless and full of little devices of her own, was arrang- ing chairs in lines with spaces at regular distances. She placed blocks to mark the squares that seemed to form a part of her plan. Suddenly turning to me she asked ore to hey one of her houses. "It is very cheap and has a lovely garden, and I -I must raise some money," she said in a very mimic busi- ness way. ,.: "Do you sell houses on Sunday, my dear?" I asked. "No ma'am, but I'm playing that it isn't Sunday," she answered very sweetly. There is a lesson in the pin, my son, it is given a head that it may not go too far. The man who has no confidence in womanhood is utterly unworthy of the confidence of womankind. -'C.— Two YEARS AGO I had a had attack of biliousness and took one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters and can truly recommend it to anyone suffering from this complaint. MRs. C13AS, BRowe, Toronto. Rev. T. J. Davies, rector of Trinity Church, Blenheim, has resigned the charge. It is his intention as soon as it is accepted to return to England, where his mother is new in a very low state of health. Ramsar IN Sex Hoons.-Distreeeing Kidney and Bla,,der dieaa.ee relieved in si hours by the Naw GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY Cunt," This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to ph) slelane yen account of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain iu the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in pasaing it almost im- mediately. If you want quirk relief and cure this is our remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., Drugglets. The Roman Catholics of Petrolia have opened a Separate school there, owing, it is said, to, thet,,intolerance of the Protestant childreel since the visit of Mrs. Sheppherd there. (2) SHILOII'y CORE is sold on a guaran- tee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one dent a •lose; `2.i as., 50 c'ts. and $1.00 cer bottle. Sold by J. H. Combo. "AN.Et;l-1PSE•olc VIRTUE," bp Champ- ion Bissell, is the' striking title of a novel contained in the March. num ber of "Tales From Town Topics." A father startling exposition of the mys- terious power of love is made in this story. We find a beatrtiful young widow of great fortune rejecting to some extent the devotion of an ardent young lover. She philosophizes over the nntvisdom of marrying him, al- though she loves hinr devotedly, and then of a sudden she literally kidnaps hint, by drugging him and carrying hire away alone with her on a yacht. Their life together is ideal but fatal, and it only requires the appearance of a, wild little native of San Domingo to rob the widow of her cavalier. The little Cuban girl is the means of bring- ing the story to a tragic climax, and the reader is made to see the possible despexir that results from woman's depravity and man's deceit. The story is written in a brisk and daring style, and is accompanied by an unusually bright collection of narratives, poems anti witticisms culled from the pages of 1'crwN TOPICS. Town Topics Publish- ing Co., 21 West 23d street New York, City. 1 CAN highly praise Burdock Blood Bitters because it had a fair trial in my case with wonderful success. My symptoms were dropsy, backache and sleeplessness, and all these disappeared after using two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, I can not praise its healing"powers too hi hly. GEORGINA HOLMES. Wood Point, Sackville, N. B. No use expecting fowls with frosted conchs to lay. They will not do it. So it pays to keep the henhouse warm if eggs are expected. If the combs are frozen badly, if the fowls are valuable it may pay to (loctor thein ; hardly otherwise. Kill lord market them im- mediately. If they are to be saved, take them out in a cold shed, then bathe the combs in camphor,keep them in a warm place and bathe with glycer- ine in which a little camphor is put until they are .well. If badly frozen, it will he a month or six week before they will get to laying again. TRULY ASTONISHING. -Miss Annette N. Moen, Fountain, Minn., says : "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has had a wonderful effect in curing my brother's children of a severe and dangerous cold. It was truly astonishing how speedily they found relief after taking tis preparation." a. Tine UnclAT Coteau Qum prpmptly cures whore all others fall,tCoughs, Croup Sore I3 Throat, oarscneas, 'Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Conoumptfon it has no rival,* has cured tjlouaanda.and 'will auBm You if takenin time. field by Dru. gists on Il guar- antee. Fora Lame hack or Chest use 61 -BLOWS BELLADONNA PLASTER.26a. ATARRN 44. ry ate„ ,. REMEDY lave you aturr i't This reined t toed to cure you, Price, CO ots. Tn jectorteen. Sold by J. H. C011IBE. "GRIN LIKE A. CHESHIRE CAT." "Well, well I Didn't ever hear of a 'grin like a Cheshire cat?' Why, yon see, a Hurn down in Cheshire had a cat which grinned and grinned until there wits nothing left of the cat but the grin, just as some scrofulous people, who clod% know of Dr..Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, get a cough, and then cough and cough until there is nothing left of them to erect a monu- ment to but the cough." The "Golden Medical Discovery" is the most effective, anti -bilious, anti - dyspeptic,' strength -giving remedy ex- tant. For week lungs, lingering coughs, spitting of blood, scrofula, sot es, pimples and ulcers, it is a wonderful and efficacious remedy. Its manufacturers guarantee it to do all that they claim, or money is re- turned. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, piles, sick headache, and indigestion, or dyspepsia. An unfortunate girl, Ellen Harding, asked permission at Thomas Ornee's, Lucas, a few days ago to stay over might to await the morning stage, which his son drives between there and London. The old couple were mucin alarmed during the night to find a birth -going on. A week later the reeve gave the girl a pass to the Gener- al Hospital in London. BUT ONE OPINION pervails through- out the world and that is so strongly in favor of Perry Davis' PAIN -KILLER, that no other article ever attained so wide spread popularity. 25 cents buys a big bottle. Mrs. Richard Oke, of London, is suffering from a diseased leg, near the ankle,' and in order to effect a cure Dr. Moore has undertaken a difficult opera- tion. Recently a piece of flesh ❑bout the size of a cent, and a half inch deep, was cut from Mr. Oke's carni and trans- ferred to the cavity in his wife's leg. The result has been satisfactory, and the operation will shortly be repeat- ed. NORWAY PINE SYRUP is the safest and best cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, sore throat and lung troubles. Price 25c. and 50c. A mail hag stolen from Woodstock ou Jan 11th, was found Sunday by two boys named Cross and Spinks in the lumber yard at Hay's factory. The leather bag had been cut open and the contents spread about the' yard be- tween the saw logs. It was the mail brag from the south on the Port Dover Division and was ticketed for Hamil- ton. Whether it wets stolen at the Cr. T. R. station or at the post office, the authorities were tunable to determine. The fact was kept from the press with the usual result in such cases. The finding of the missing mail matter re- call§ the fact that on the night the hag was stolen Jack Wright, t porter at the Caister house, mysteriously disap- peared, and his whereabouts since has been a blank. As was published before there were three men who positively swore to having passed Jack Wright on Mill street, just near the bridgeon the Anther side ' of Hay's factory. The circumstance 'is strange at the present, time. The query now is, did Jack Wright steal the ,moleey letters and take the train for the States? Itch on human and horses and all anitnnla cured In 80 minutes by Woo'fnrd's Sanitary Leetlun, This never falls Sold by Watts & Co., Druggiata. The sooner you begin to fight the fire, the more easily it may he ex- tinguished. The sooner you begin taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for your blood -disease. the easier will he the cure. In botlu'ases, delay is danger- ous, if not fatal. Be sure you get Ayer's and no other. Mrs, Whitt, Teacher of Music, Piano. Organ end Teohnicon for era of 1 Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Beesley'e, Albeit street, Clanton. House For Rent. Frame story and n half dwelling, with nr without stable, also lot.- Soft and bard wafer, Six roams, pantry and cellar, Will be rented reasonable. For particulars apply at Tint NEws-ltsCORu;011lee. 800-tf Wash Day Made Easy. I have second the right to manufacture the famons Eagle Washing Machine. Already I have made and sold' a number. The pnrebasers ate delighted. To use the machine on trial 0 aura to make a sale if ono is required. Wash -any is made very easy and carpets can be kept perfectly clean; no splashing or waste water whatever. The price has been set at a very low figure. The machine may be seen at my reerdenoe on Isaac Street. B. COLE 800.tf New Pltotograpli GaIlerg. J. W. COOK, the leading photographer, next Young's Bakery, Albert Street, Clinton, ie prepared to execute all order's. Everything from a SUNBEAM to a LIFE SIZE PHOTO on the shortest notice and first class workmanship guaranteed TINTYPES taken. Pictures taken on cloudy days equally as well as on sunny days by the new process. Prices as low as any and superior work. Call at the new gallery. J. W. COOK, Practical Photographer ALBERT ST., - CLINTON. UBS V.i1±BE.,1 „ ruR Canada's Pest Family Paper THE HAMILTON. Weekly - ▪ - Spectator ENLARGED and IMPROVED. Coutaualo l the News, Many Special Features, Crisp and Pointed Comm emits The Most Is.terinlrsing Stories Tile Choicest Literary Matter, F veryt%dug for Everybody SiTO Oa; .IfA itARY, This great paper from now till 1st January, 1805- 12 pages reading matter weekly -tend our great pre- mium pterure, "WATCHING THE WHEELS C0 ROUND" for only $1.00 AGENTS INA 9TED. Liberal commission to agents. IA good agent fur tide disteiet is wanted nt once -cue who will take en nterest in pushing the Paper and will make a borough auvass of his district. For terms and particularsaddriss SPECTATOR PRINTING COI. HAMILTON CANADA The lYlcKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICE1<5, D. Ross, President, Clinton P. 0. ; Gen. Watt, vice-president, Harlook P. 0, ; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas,, Seaforth P. 0. ; Sl, klurdie, In- pector ofelalm4 Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS,' Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Alex Gardiner, Lead - bury ; ' Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; John Flan - nab, Seaforth ; Joseph Eons, Beechwood ; Thos. Garbett, Clinton. AORNTS- Thos, Neilans, Harlock; Robt. SfvMlllan, Sea. fortis ; J. Camxeinge, L:gmondville; Coo. Sturdle, Auditor . - Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post ctetees. Si'ECIAL NOTICE AT. Toe NEWS -RECORD will always be pleased to receive reliable information of Births, Mar- riages, and Deaths, or of any other local event. Nirr Tine News RecoRD can furnish as hand- some Wedding Stationery and guarantee as fine letter press work and at as low prices as any city or other printing; o91ee. l f' In the matter of Funeral Circulars and Memorial Cards, Tam News -Rectum gearentees prompt attention and the very best class of work, at fifty per cent, less than eastern prices. Horse, Harness, Cutter, &o,, for Sale Heavy draught filly, coming three, w,ll-hrun- broken ; single and double 'farness, Robes, Cutter, Buggy, Plow, Ate., ten, Will be sold in bulk or singly rt very reasonable prices. Tar particulars apply at Tire NEWS -RECORD office. 596.el LIVE - HOGS WANTED. Highest Market Price Paid. D . CANTELON, Clinton. 7011•If. NEGLECTED &Adz fit. SAFELY AND 64IRSLY CURED BY Allen's, Lung Balsam. TOWN TOPICS, The Journal of Society, (82 PAGES.) NEW TORR. Is universally recognised as the MOS complete weekly journal in the world. Its Saunterings" columns are Inimitable. Its society news especiallyof the doings of the 400 of New York, news, Piladelphia, Chicago, and alt over the world, is not equalled by any newspaper. Its Financial Department fe authority with all bankers and brokers. Its "Literary Show"-notea on current literature- is by the cleverest of re- viewers. Its "Afield and Afloat " makes It the most Interesting paper for all lovers of sport - yachting football, rowing shooting fishing, etc. Its "On the Turf" excels all other racing notes. Its burlesque, poems and jokes are the cleverest. Its stories are by the best writers -among them AmClie Rives, F. Marion Crawford Julian Hawthorne Edgar Fawcett, Gilbert Parker, Mary J. Hawker (1 Lanoo Falconer"), Barry Pain, Paul Bourget, Rudyard Kipling, Ambroselllerce, etc., eta., and are even if a trifle risque,yet always clover, bright and pretty, without coareness or anything to offend the moat refined and moral woman. In addition to all this there is each week a supplement, portrait, in colors, of some man eminent in his walk of life. Tales From Ton Topics Quarterly, first day of March, Juno September, December: 256 pages; 12mo. Contains In each number, in addition to short stories, poems, bur. leagues, etc., from the old issues of Town Tonics, a complete, original prize story of 120 to 150 pages. No one who enjoys the highest class of fiction, and would be ate courant with all that pertains to good Society, can afford to be without TOWN TOM. every week. There is so much interesting readingin it andilsupply any family with abundant readinof the most entertaining character all the year. FRA'1' MSe Town' Topics per annum $4,00. A trial.ubeerip• tion for three month., 81.00. and a speolmen copy of "Tales" Free. Par ale. FrothTown Toole'. per number, 60 Cents. Both Clubbed, per annum, 85.00, and any two previous Numbers of "Tale." yeti may specify Fans. 1t"Send 10 cents for sample copy Tows Tortes. N.13.—Have you read AMILIE RIVES' latest and best novel, Tanis, The Sang - Digger ? 12mo, cloth, gilt. uncut front and foot, $1.60 post. paid. Remit by check, PM. money order, postal note or registered letter to TOWN TOPICS, 21 West 22d Street, New York. s Have a Very Pad. Cough. TT Are Suffering from tong Troubles. V Have Lust flesh through Illness, Are Threatened with Consumption, Remember, that thep (G�'sT t •✓w_' / �'• lS WHAT YOU .IEQUIRE. We Buy in Large Quantities And Give the Public the Advantage. --0 Have you tried our Carbonepated Safety CATER Safety 1:1 RITE OIL, It is Equal to American, Only 10c. per Gallon lash, 12c. if Charged. Also a Great Reduction in prices of Stoves, To make room f. 11-g) Importation of New Goods in the Spring. 0 Harland Bros.,New Store, Mackay Block, Old Stand, Brick Block. EureKa Bakery and Restaurant. 0 In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past three years, we beg to announce that' the EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to successfully cater to the wants of the general public, We do our own qual to any in West - baking, save heavy expenses, and tern out a quality of BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &C., e ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c., delivered to all parts of the town. FRiTS,' CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, COOL DRINKS. Pic sic and Private Gather- ings supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. W. II. .B 0 I'D, Proprietor. HUB GROCERY. O CHRISTMAS GOODS are on the more and our stock is nolairm• complete. We can give yu nen VALENCIA RAISINS, SELECTED RAISINS & CLUSTER RAISINS, VOSTARIA CURRANTS, PATRAS CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS CURRANTS, ENGLISH PEELS—LEMON, CITRON and ORANGE EXTRACTS of all kinds, LEMON, VANILLA, RATIFIA, &o., &c. ORANGES, LEMON S,D Our usual Stock of Toss and Coffee on hand. Call and examine before you buy. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. t. t. !r Cy • YG nOCXC?C*.1000C)•00Ot tsa QGnG; +:J i000..1e^ 0000 • -Do YOzt - Disease Commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, , , If you aro BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have LIVER COMPLAINT, . If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATiNG, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR. DERS OF THE STOMACH, . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE�RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. EASY TO TAKE _---- Q�IIC� TO ACT ONE „+,wH,,.-r..1„ GIVES 1 RELIEF. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. ";'7 00000 . +t 00000 000CCT6U030ooCYo0oo A Great Offer ! More Snaps I Do You Read, ? For the low sum of $2.00 (Two;;Dollars) we will furnish THE ' NEWS - .RECORD and any of the following papers for one year : THE EMPIRE, Toronto. THE FREE PRESS, London. THE GLOBE, Toronto, THE MAIL, Toronto. THE STAR, Montreal. Tits L:tnrrs' JOURN.tr, and Nrws•Reconn will cost you only $1.50 for a year -regular price $2.25. Address all orders to WE NEWS -RECORD, Clinton, Ont. GREAT PAPERS' AND GREAT PREMITNek, I We are in a position to offer Tim Hanoi News -Re CORD to Jan., 1895, and the FAsintt� HEnALD AND WEsxr.Y STAn, of Montreal, for one yeltr for $2.00, to new subscribers. This offer entitles the eubseriber to a choice of the two greet premiums given by the publisher. of the FAtrrtv,HNaer,n. These premium. are the "STAR." ALMANAC for 1894, a superb book of 450 pages, or if preferred a copy of the great FAMILY HareALD SODYENIn PICTURE, which retails at twenty dollar.. Tho preminms-Almanac and Pletnre-will bo ready about the and of November, and will be for- warded in the order in which the subscriptions are received, Subscriptions to both papers may begin at once. Remember the offer of a choice of premiums holds good only to people who subscribe during the antutnn, Afterwarde the choice will positively -be withdrawn. Address all order to THENE WS-RECORD,Clintoa Oat,