HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-03-21, Page 3Siuffered for Twelve Tears.. owe, (fornieriy .EnterkrWc,)for GountV, IP. VG, WOR)t,A'>31<.iI6r8N04RX T114elean 4,9SOCIATION, entlemen—d. heart ovorildWin with grati- tW O pr'eiapt$ mo, to write you. Twelve long weary years suffered reat- ly, from Uter. int) Derange- ment and at last was given up by my phy- sician to die, besides epend- lug almost all we had. After Live months' treatmentwith your Doctor Pierce's Favor. ito Prescrip- MRS, WILSON AND OHILD. tion, I new en- joy most es- llent health. I would, to day, have been my grave, and my little children mother- , had it not been for you and your medi- Cig0. I will recommenel your medicine as long as I live. If any ono doubts this, give my name and address. Yours sincerely. Mas. MALVINA WILSON. The Huron News -Record 1.50 a Year—$1.25 in Advance. WEDNESDAY MARCH, 21st, 1801. The Care of Lamps. • IT DOES NOT TAKE MUCH TIME TO KEEP THEM IN ORDER IP ONE PAYS AT- TENTION TO THESE HINTS. Lamps are undoubtedly troublesome until you learn to manage them. "They take so much time," say my own friends, enjoying the clear yet soft light my many lamps give. I have six or seven in daily use. I give to them just 10 minutes every morning. I have them all collected'on one tray, then triol, replenish, polish and restore" them to their places. I do this work myself. My experience has taught me• that few, if anyone else, can be made to give just the exact shade of attention or possess the degree of; intelligence required to keep a lamp in perfect order. Yet nothing is more simple. Start- ing with a new lamp, I first thorough- ly dry the wick in the oven for five or 10 minutes, according to its thickness. Some people soak the wick in vinegar, and then thoroughly dry it. Fill the reservoir with oil yo that when the wick is in there will be a depth of one inch at least unfilled; it will be sure to smell if the oil comes to the top. On the other hand, lamps with only little oil at the bottom of the reservoir should not be lighted, as the empty space is filled with an explosive gas. Fill in the wick in the manner special to the lamp, 'At -leave it for 10 minutes to soak itself full of oil. Meantime I attend to the chimney. New chimneys are often very dirty and must be washed ; but this is the only time' at which I ever. wash a chimney. It never needs it again un- less the wicks smoke. I place the chimney in front of the fire to get thoroughly hot, as it will be less likely to crack hereafter. In trimming the wick I use the burner as a guide by which to act. In order to do this one may be obliged to bend out the O'achimney gallery. It is always made of soft metal and is easily readjusted. The first trimming of a new wick should he exact. It saves vexation and much future trimming. Causes hid Cures. Mtvbigas; Former. HEAVES. --What will cure heaves id a mare that is with foal, and has not had the -disease but for a short timegb.' J. M. B., Scott.—Your retire hieing in foal can not be treated the same its if not. Give two cleans tr. lobelia and two drams tr. digitalis three times a day. Wet the food with lime water, and give very little water and bulky food during the day. Boa SPAVIN AND T'HOROUGHPIN.— Have a snare which will be four years old in spring she has three puffs in each hock joint., %The puffs came on at eight months old. I have worked her ever since two years old. Not lame. Please give remedy. A. J., Buel, Mich. —By blistering over•' the entire joint once a week with caustic balsam he will soon be well, you made a mistake in puting her to work too young. \'MORNS.—Throe of my colts are full of worms ; their coats are dry and rough, they are thin in flesh. 1 feed them plenty •of good food, but they don't thrive. They are hide -bound. W. O. J., Hillsdale Mich. Feed your colt food of a laxative nature, give each colt three drams ground gentian, one dram powdered areca nut, two drains powdered sulphate of iron twice a day in feed until they are well. A few days's treatment in such cases do but little good. WORMS—CALLOUS. — Four-year old gelding eats well but does not gain flesh; has long hair and looks rough; has wog ns, and his feet seem tender. Also a three-year old that cut her hind leg just below the knee, on a barbed wire; healed nicely but left a large lump and scar. J. F. H., Fremont.— Give two drains powdered sulphate of iron, two drams ground gentian, and one dram santonine, three times a day in feed. Blister callous with .caustic balsam once a week. CHRONIC CATARRH.—Shro sh ire rain affected with chronic catarrh; he also coughs some ; has good appetite and is in fairly good condition; is fed on clover hay and oats. E. A., Orono Mills.—Give your rain one teaspoonful powdered sulphate of iron, and one table -spoonful ground licor- ice, in feed, three times a day. Apply to inside of nose one dram menthol dissolved in two ounces of alboline, and apply twice a day, after washing out nostrils with warm water. Be certain that he does not suffer from grub in the head. MALIGANT SORE.—We have a sow that had a bad sore on her bag before weaning her pigs last December and is sore yet; it was large, would bleed, look red, where it would break out it would turn inside out. Have fed for her blood and used caustic potash and salve on sore. What can we do for her. J. K. C., Blisstield, Mich.— Your sow suffers from a nraligant sore. Apply iodoform twice a day, and apply carbolic acid one part to twenty parts water, once a day. Give her half an ounce of fluid extract of sarsaparilla twice a day in feed. So much for a new lamp. In my daily routine, when the lamps are col- lected, I arm myself with the oil filler, lamp scissors (very rarely needed), some soft paper, a soft rag (preferably an old piece of cheesecloth), a fair-sized bottle brush and a soft, clean linen rag. Rags and paper are fresh every morn- ing. •Wrap the linen rag smoothly round the brush, remove the chimney, breathe inside and at once polish with, the rag one by one. I polish the out- side with a rag only. The chimney rests upon an, open wirework cage, and if this cage Is •choked up the chimneys will probably crack: If the least speck of burnt wick is left there it causes a smell. Oite can generally take the cage off.•and should do so when possible; if not, 'it must be wiped carefully .ani picked clear and open with''a fine hairpin or needle of necessary. Turn the wicks the least hit above the burners ,send wipe the charred •portidn off of 'each with soft, paper. Then I gently wipe again with the rag, being careful to leave them perfectly smooth and free from loose bits. Then I turn them quite down, and wipe away any stale oil that may adhere to the inside of the burners. Where one is sure to light the lamps oneself, the wicks can be left clown, as oil often sucks up and oozes over. I never light mine, so I turn the wick just right for lighting and direct the maid to wipe the metal part with soft tissue paper immediately before light- ing, as one drop of oil on the metal will produce an oily smell and do away with all the labor of the morning. Should the burner or cage be coated, I take out the wick, and put the metal parts in cold water with a pinch of soda in it, and let them come slowly to the boil. They clean easily then. • The re- servoir should be emptied every eight or ten days, as a sediment accumulates even from the best oil. It should then be washed out with soapsuds, charged with ammonia and soda. It must be thoroughly dried before refilling. (3) CAPTAIN SWEENEY, 'U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by J. H. .Combe. Oil stains sometimes get .on lamp globes ; they may be removed with spirtis of salt, afterwords being washed in warm water. In lighting a lamp, do not allow the match to touch the wick, but hold it a little above and wait until the flame reaches it. To secure a full flame, the lighted wick should be first turned down, and then slowly raised after the chimney has been replaced. Attention to these details achieves the succsessful result of lighting your house in a charming manner. £here- fore, dry your new wick. Avoid wash' ing chimneys. Do not cut wicks, simply wipe them. Use perfectly fresh rags every morning. Keep cage and burner perfectly clean. Do not quite fill the reservoir. Remove any oil that may have oozed through before light- ing. ISABEL DANE. glow He Married Them. oth 11mg Pays So well Nowadays as an Advertisement in THE NEWS -RECORD. A newly elected justice of the peace who had been used to drawing deeds. and wills and little else, was call- ed upon as his first official act to marry a couple who carne into his office; very hurriedly, and told him their purpose: He lost no time in removing, his hat, and remarked, "Hats off in the.presence of the Court." All heads being uncov- ered, he said, "Hold up yer right hands. You John Marvin, do solemn- ly swear that to the best of your knowledge an' belief you take this yet' woman 'ter hay', an' ter hold for' yer- self, yer heirs, exekyerters, adrninistra tors and assigns, for your an' their use an' behoof forever?" "I do," answered the groom. PYcu, Alice Ewer, take this yer man for yer husband, ter hey an' ter hold forever ; and you do further swear that you are -lawfully seized in fee -simple, are free ' from all incumbrance, and have good right to sell 'bargain and cbhvey to the, -said grantee yerself, yet' 'heirs, administrators and assigns?" "I do," said the bride, rather doubt- fully. "Well, John; that'll be about a dollar 'n' fifty cents." "Are we married?" asked the bride. "Yes, when the fee conies in." After seine fumbling it was produced and handed to the "Court," who pocketed it and continued : "Know all men by these presents, that I, being in good health and• of sound and disposin' mind, in considera- tion of a dollar'n fifty cents to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is here- by acknowledged, do and by these prevents have declared you man and wife during good behavior, and until otherwise ordered by the,Court." SHiLOH'S VITALIZER. (1) Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn., says : "Shiloh's Vitalizmr 'SA VI.)) MY LIF.M.' I consicler it the best remedy for a debilitated system I o'er used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excedl3. Price 75 cts. Sold by J. H. Combe PRINTER'S INK : RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.—S.,uth American Rhenmitie Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 0 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately die appears. The first dose grew ly bonefite. 75 cents Sold by Watts & Co., Doggiest. The People's Life Insurance Com- pany has filed suit to set aside a policy held by Hy. W. Gibbings, of Seaforth. Fngllsh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soften calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of ono bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by abts & Co.,Dri ggiete. Rev. E. Medd, a former Hallett boy, has resigned his chcrge at Harrow. He has received an invitation from Oil Springs. a •0. .6. • • • • If rightly applied will do wonders. ur Job PRINTING ' Is noted for its neatness And Accuracy. Our prices are Very reasonable. Make a bee -line for THE NEWS -RECORD Office when you want anything in that line. NEURALGIA,PLEURISY;SCIATlCA CURED EVERY TIME AND RHEUMATISM THEN "D.&L'.MENTHOL PLASTER USED, CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND .. BLIND ' FACTORY. S. S. COOPER, General Rut der and Contractr. 0 EN PROPRIETOR This factory has been under the personal supervision years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and Do NOT NEGLECT :Coughs, colds, asthma and bronchitis, but cure them by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. and one owner for eight prepare plans and give notice and on the closest way and satisfaction exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &e. CHANGE OF BUSINESS V(Ti aeon & Howe, Successors to JainesliksQlsoil. Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders, At the St. Thomas assizes last week, George Edward Young pleaded guilty of manslaughter in killing Frederic,. Glover in Southwold township a year ago last month, and was sentenced to the penitentiary for life. THE POST -OFFICE STORE BAD BLOOD causes blotches, boils, pimples, abscesses, ulcers, scrofula, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cure bad blood in any form from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. The undersigned have bought the stock, good will anthinterest of James Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. CHOICE GROCERIES. DRY-G000DS, &o., &o, Our expenses are low and our Customers get the benefit. We want YOUR trade. It will ,pay YOU to inspect our stock. 0 SEE OUR DRESS GOODS. Produce Taken. The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a first-class Res— taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers. Geo. M. Kilty, General Merchant. THE POST -OFFICE STORE, SUMMERHILL. till Sickness Comes - before BuyingaBottle. of PERRY DAVIS' PAIN° lilt "You may need it to•night Weeiciu Free Press —AND— FARM AND HOME .•. iron 71SO4.... $1.00 BOTH PAPERS FOR $1..00 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. P. HIGH -GLASS FAMILY PAPER. NEW FEATURES Veterinary Department Under the charge of Dr. J. H. Wilson, V. S., London. ANswiis TO CORRrsi'oNnzwrs.—Enquiries will be answered free, and should always con- tain writer's full name and address. EACH NUMBER WILL ALSO CONTAIN I REV, Da. TALMAOR'S SERMON delivered the Sunday previously. WAKEYIAN,WAN mElttiras" and other writ- ings by this celebrated author. AGRICULTURAL MATTER --III Ustrated. LAMES' PAGE—Illustrated. A SERIAL TALE, and other interesting reading matter. A WEEKLY PAGE of Goon MUsic. • ...SUBSCRIBE NOW... Price, ono Dollar a year in advance for the WEEKLY FREE PRESS and FARM AND HOME—in all 16 pages. Agents wanted in every unrepresented die. ti'ict to solicit subscriptions. Orders taken at THE NEws•REooan office. Free Press Printing Company LONDON, • ONTARIO. John GUflflhllUIlalTl, WILSON & HOWE, - GREEN -GROCER, CONFECTIONER AND Canadian' Express Agent, - Clinton. New Arrivals for Xmas Trade ALBERT ST.. CLINTON. Fresh H addies and Bloaters. Oysters constantly on hand. Also some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. CITY BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undotsigned having bought out the bakery business so successfully carried on by Mr. Henry Morrish, willcontinue the business at the old stand Ile will endeavor, by supplying a first slags article, to merit the liberal euppott of the people. Bread le. livered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes,Qeupplied on short notice, JAMS YOUNCj, - - Clinton • NOTICE TO NEWS•RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem it a favor If readers would, when malting their purchases, mention that they' saw the merchant's advertisement in 'Tug NRWH•RRCOaD. IR DELICATE BVI IMPERISHABLE `REEK SHING 1VLURRAT & LANMAN'S 1.e PURE SWEET LASTING ''TV :,?i;) , ilt!, ;IA ; ";.14 i k11 II�i to RICH RARE PUNGENT Nr . R1()it1)4 A . ', Veil/ ,i�. J 1 i, ak STILL HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. FRAGRANT A At The Corner Store, 11cKa, ►Block. NEW RAISINS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW.FIGS, NEW PEELS, NEW VALINCIA AL11i'1ONDS CHOICE EXTRACTS and PURE GROUND SPICES. Full Line of Canned Goods. HAM'S AND BACON, HERRINGS AND TROUT, SCALED • HERRINGS, FLAKE PEAS, POLLED BARLEY, POLLED WHEAT. Highest Price in Trade or Cash for Butter and Eggs. J. W. IRWIN, - Clinton. WILSON & HOWE, THE LEADING BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, ALBERT, ST., CLINTON. Erezta:, Calces, Confectionery, Are., of a superior quality, at the lowest living prices. OYSTERS of the Very Best Quality at the lowest possile. price. "VETi1• ®Y]. ea ., XX c)N2 T ®, THE NOVELTY BAKERY & RESTAURANT, CLINTON New Goods for the Xmas Trade --Just arrived and in Stock. RAISENS, VALENCIA, Fine Selected, off Stalk and Layers. SULTANAS EXTRA DESERT, CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS in Brla, and half Tlrle. T'i\E5'1 VOSTIZZAS iu CA$RS• LEMONS, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES, PRUNES. • NEW PEELS, ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON. FRESH GROUND SPICES of all kinds, also full lines of•CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE, TEA SETTS, DINNER SETTS, TOILET sEr•rs . Cash for Butter and Eggs. --- N. ROBSON. !Albert St, Clinton. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work- manship and material. ,All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit. the times. 1llei"FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y fi .. L:'.e.' i c,7;Ti i}•_.r.: ..�r, •goer :Y.':.... , �:k rip WEAK,. NERVO I ISEER MEN, Thousands of Thong and Mtddio Aged Nen are rgins�s p t to a premature grave through early- indiscretion gad later excesses. Self abase' and Consbibabionat' Blood Diseaees have ruined and wrecked the life of many a prpromisingman. Have you any of the following Symptoms: Nervons and Despondent, Tired in Mornings leo Ambi... tion; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and. Irritable,. Eyes mar Pimples on the Face; Dreams and Drains at •Night; Restless; Haggard ooking; Blotches;, Sore Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Ener.ty and Strength. Our Nem Malted Treatment will build you up mentally; physically and sexually. p� u cmlie. Patterson. Read linos RElMEgY. KERSAN Navo What linos ®I ano. Cured in one m'nth Dr. Moulton, " At 14 years of age I learned a bed habit which almost rallied me. I became nervous and weak. Hy back troubled me. I could stand no exertion. Head cud eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried moven Medical Mame, Elea - trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Korgan. They' sent me one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel . myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cares when all else faits.' They have owed many of now friends." MOE r l I 1 at mom mum. ' "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood P4' disease. 1 went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost (' killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat F became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes' red, lose of hair, ghillie enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. / %M;% Kennedy & Korgan's New Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have had no symptoms for Live years. I am married and happy. As a doctor, I heartily rocomend it to all who have this terrible disease— Cnreu u yoard..gc, ayphitis." It will eradicate the poison from the blood." Capt:Town d. 15 YEARS iN DETROIT. 150,000 CURED. "I am 13 years of age, and married. When young I led a gay life, Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble f't for me, I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lif • was unsatis- 9rS factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Keegan. Their Now Method built me up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and act like a man in every respect. Try them." Iger No Names Used Without Written Consent of Patient. Cited never fails in curing Diseases of men. Our New Method Treatment strengthens the body, stops nil drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the bruin, builds up the nervous and sexual systems and restores lost vitality to the body. we Guarantee to Cure Nervous nebillty. Falling IliranhoOd. Myphtlia, YHricocele, •.trlcture, Gleet, Vint oisehargee. Weak Parte and All Kidney and'tsladder u iseases. Drs. Kennedy & Keegan are 'ho leading specialists of ¢��( j(}�� BAmerica. They guarantee to -a or no pay. Their repu- tation and fifteen years of b gess are at °tatco. You inn no risk. Write thorn for an honest opinion, no matter to treated you. It may save yon years of regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a Question hist and Book Free. Cr asultation Free. ®RS. K NNEDY l KERS �N,'De roit,Myioh. •