HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-03-14, Page 6• "For Years,” Ilay*, Glum, $. ST<)cuuratA , of Cltestei.- fleldr 11. 11„ "1 was afflicted with an extremely severe pain In the lower part of the Chest. The fouling was as it a ton weight was laid ou a spot the size of my hand. Dyr- ing the attacks, the perspiration would stand in drops on my face, and It WAS agony for mo to make suffiutent effort even to wills. per. They came suddenly, at any hour of the day or night, lasting Iron thirty minutes to half a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for several days atter, I was quite pros. trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks were almost daily, then less frequent. After about four years of this suffering, I was taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and when 1 began to recover, I had the worst attack of my old trouble I ever experienced. At the first of the fever, my mother gave me Ayer's Pills, my doctor recommending them as being better than anything be could prepare. I continued taking these Pills, and so great was the benefit derived that during nearly thirty years I have had but one attack of my former trouble, which yielded readily to the same remedy." AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Msee. Every Dose Effective Tie Huron News -Record 1.00 a Year -$1.25 in Advance WEDNESDAY MARCH, I1th, 1894. TIIE HURON NE IVS-RECGR.D. A Live Local and Family Weekly Journal, Issued Wednesday Mornings. OFFICE -Brick Block, Albert Street " North, Clinton, Ont. TERMS. -81 50 a year .25 in advance. No paper discontinued, except at prion of publisher, until all arrearagee are settled The month and year to which all subscriptions a e paid will be found on the addresslabcl. TRANSIENT Anv5a1IsiNO.--Ten cents a line (non- pariet measure) for first insertion and three cents a nue for each subeequent insertion. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. -Special position 10 to 25 per cent above regular rates. The table below gives .ontract rates fur run of paper for definite periods: SPACE. l 1 YR. E 6 Mu. E SMO. 1 1 M0 One column Half column I 35 00 20 00 Quarter column 00 00 I 12 n0 One eighth column. I 12 00 { 7 00 One inch... 6 0U I 3 50 $80 00 $35 00 $20 00 $7 no 12 00 4 00 7 00 1 2 5 400 200 2 00 1 00 Servants waned, for sale, lost or found, advertise Iaente, not exceeding three lines, 25 cents each in, sertlou ; not exceeding .even lines, 50 ceute for first ineertiou and 25 rents for eachfollowing insertion. Farms, 1 uses or town property, for es a or to rent, stray stuck or simi ar advertisements not exceeding eight linea, $1 for first month and 50 cents tor each (){lowing n,on.h. Local notices 10e a line for each neertiou. Advertisements without definite instructions In- variably inserted until forbid and charged accord- ingly. 'rr.Insient advertiseutente in all cases to he paid in advance. All c .ntract changes must be received at the Mlle not later than SATURDAY Noon every week. A.M. TODD, Pubiieher. William Frederick Guest, of London township, is under arrest on a charge of bigamy. The warrant. states that he being married to Eleanor Guest went through a rot in of marriage with Sarah Marshall. The defendant married his first wife in St. Mary's, but left that town about a veer ago and went to work for John Roberts, London town- ship, near Ilderton. Mr. Robert's daughter,. Sarah, a widow, was keep- ing house for her father, atnd it is alleg- ed that Gtiest deceived and married her while his first wife was living with her father in St. Mary's. The officers have been looking for Guest since November last. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. (1) Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn., says"Shilolt's .V,italiz.cr 'SAVED .MY LIFE.' I consider it the best remedy fora debilitated system I ter used" For Dyspepsia, Liyer or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. Sold by J. H. Combe Ingersoll Town Council has reduced the number of shop licenses to two and cut off three hotel licenses. THAT PALE FACE. For Nervous Prostration and Anae- mia there is no medicine that will so promptly and infallibly restore vigor and strength as Scott's Emulsion. l George Baldwin, of Seaforth, "a champion skater, had the misfortune to slip and fall on the ice at the rink recently, breaking his collar bone. RHEUMATISM CORED INA Day. -South American 13henmutic Cute, for Itheumatism end Neuralgia radically ores In 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system to remarkable and myntertntts. It removes at once the cause, and the disease immediately- die appears. The first (nae greatly beno6te. 75 conte Sold by Watts & Co., Duggieet. Mrs. Louise Rockwell, the actress, known as Louise Kellogg, who was shot in the Hotel Eiffel, Pittsburg, Wednesday evening by E. J. McNabb, died friday morning. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures colds, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs. There will be no reduction of licenses in London, Ont., this year. i3) CAPTAIN SWEENEY, U. 5. A., San iego, Cal., says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do the any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by J. H. Oornbe. Phil, Scheig, teller of a Minneapolis bank, has confessed that in the past few years he has stolen 3123,000 from the institution. Itch on human and hereon and a'l animals cured in 80 iniunto8 by Woolf,.rd's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails Bold by Watts & Co., Druggists. O UR ,,,XPOR ,. r1, YRA.0 i The following table ahnWs the condi. tion at our trade In 11393 and 1892 with the principal countries with whioh Canada does businesa ; 1892. Great Britain. , , ..107,891,070 0106,551,688 United States.... 108,984,978 102,957,064 4,515,451 6,314,080 Germany Spanish West In- dies Newfoundland... , Fraucc B:itisli West in - kilo 3,109,233 2,888,687 Spanish possessions in Pacific ocean2,204,584 1,949,945 Japan 1.531,861 1,947,097 China 1,279,403 1,385,013 Dutch East Indies. 1,041,244 444,474 I3e1gium 1,270.745 572,501 Hol laud, 082,276 852,206 British Guiana..,625,705 650,284 Australasia 571,3.25' 798,613 Brazil 548,479 502,912 Italy 504.431 487,4.43 On the basis of goods imported and entered for consumption and of goods exported, being the produce of Canada, the following is the summary state- ment of Canadian trade : 3,676,627 3,246,913 3,111,14.2 4,258,228 2,676,770 2,816,741 Creat Britain United States France Germany... Per Cent. 44.69 42 05 1.36 1 98 0 i Other European countries 1.49 British West Indies . 1,31 Other West Indies 1 64 • .Newfoundland 1.3.4 Other British possessions 0.90 Other foreign countries 3.44 100.00 Conwating these percentages with previous years the trade with Britain is higher than for many years past, while that with the United States shows a falling off of about 2 1-2 per cent. Comparing the total export of 1893 with previous years, it is noticeable that there was an lnerca.5e of $2,270,397 which was all in articles of Canadian production, the decline in foreign goods having amounted to 34,179,935. 5 CURRENT TOPIC.. It took Gladstone a long time to discover that he was a back -number. Chris. Fraser seems to be like some sewing machines -half -cabinet. The English sparrow has at length reached Winnipeg. When he begins his operations on the fields of number one hard, we beg of the Manitoba farmer to remember that he was iinported free of duty, and that the N. P. is not re- sponsible for him. Here are two paragt'aphs which, when taken together, make "good readin'." The first is from an article in the Montreal Herald of Friday Last, the 2nd inst., dealing with the reports of Mr. Gladstone's resignation : It is as certain as anything in human affairs can be that he will retire only in face of defeat at the hands of the people or of an ailment as relentless am death itself. Why should he retire when the goal of the ambition of the last and greatest 'days of his life is within sight? And the other is from the same paper of Monday, the 5th inst.-just three days later William Ewart Gladstone has resign- ed the premiership of Great Britain, and Lord Rosebery reigns in his stead. There are prophets and then there are prophets. The Montreal Herald is not like Saul : it is not among them. What the Patrons are Doing. The Patrons of West Huron have nominated Mr. James Connolly, of Porter's 11111, to contest the Ontario Assembly. J."13. Wilson has been nominated by tide Patrons of South Leeds for the Ontario House. Mr. D. Jackson, of. Trowbridge, Elute .township, has been- selected by the North Perth Patrons to contest the • riding for the House of Commons. The Patrons of Industry of South Norfolk have nominated Mr. G. Cruse, of Walsingham, iu place of Mr. Mc- Nally, who was nominatedn, short time ago, but resigned. Mr. M. 5. Schell has been nominated by the Patrons of South Oxford to oppose Sir Richard Cartwnight for the house of Commons. Sir Oliver Mowat finds that there is no material difference between the policy of the government and that advocated by the Patrons of Industry, Such being the case, no doubt the hon- orable .gentleman will work for the Patron of Industry not in North Oxforl against himself. J. G. Moore hanged himself tri the banister of the stairs in his home at Milton Thursday. DYSPEPSIA causes Dizziness, IIead- ache, Constipation, %;triable Appetite, Rising and Souring of Food, Palpita- tin of the Heart, Distress after Eat- ing. Burdock Blood Bitters are gunranteed to cure Dyspepsia, if faith- fully used according to directions. Thos. White of Owen Sound was almost killed in a Buffalo dive early Tuesday morning of last week. BERTH? IN Su Houne.•-Dietreseing Kidney and Bladder dieeaaoe relieved In Pi inure by the"NEW GREAT SOuTo AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." Thin new remedy le a great surprise and delight to physicians fon account of its exceeding prompcneee in relieving path in the bladder, ktdneye, back and every pert of the urinary passages In male or female. ft rolievea retention of water and pain in peening it almost Im- mediately. if yon want gntek relief and cure this is our remedy. Sold by Watts & Cm, Druggists. A deputation of poultry fanciers waited upon the Dominion Minister of Agriculture last week and asked that a poultry commission for the Domin- ion be appointed. (2) SHILOH'S UunE is sold on a guaran- tee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one dent a rinse ; 25 cts., GO cts. and $1.00 cor bottle. Sold by J• H. Combe. Tui CRIMP COMM OUEEI prompt y cures Where all others io.l Coughs, Croup Bora Throat, hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Asthma. For consumption it hats no river has cured thoupands.and will CURD YOU takenin time. (hold by nruggiste on s guar- antee. For a Lame Back or Cheat, use 81111.011.0 BELLADONNA PLASTS .250. iLOB'S,. LCAT RRR 3aveyout:atatrr 2 This remedy lsguaran- teed to cure you. Price, 50cts. Injectortree. Sold by J. H. COMBE. A QUEENLY HEAD can never rest ou a body frail from disease any more than the lovely lily can grow in the sterile soil. When Consumption fastens its hold upon 11 victim, the whole physical structure commences its decay. At such a period, before the disease is too fat ad- vanced, Dr. Pierce's Golded Medical Discovery will arrest and cure it. So certain is this, that an offer is made to refund the money paid for it when a failure can be found under the con- dition of a fair trial. Once used, Dr. Pierce's Pellets are always in favor. Specific for constipa- tion, piles, biliousness, told headaches. General Booth, the Commander -in - Chief of the Salvation Ariny, will come to Canada and make a three months' tour of the country next winter. He is'expeuted to reach here' about Christmas. Consumption Cared. An old physiatan, retired from practice, having had Mooed iu his handsby an Lust India mission- ary the formula of a si,uplo vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Ae'hma and all throat and Lung Affeotieus, also a positive and radiant euro for Nervous liability and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested iia wonderful curative powers in thnoeaode of anseo, has telt it hie ditty to make it known to bis suttering fallnwS. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human guttering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, thin recipe. in German, e•ronoh or English, with full iireotk,ne for preparing and using. hoot by marl by addressing with Aimee. naming this paper. W. A. Noyaw, 820 Powers' Block, llochesfer, A.Y. 659- y Prince Colonna has instituted action against the New York World for 100,- 000 francs for saying that he was ex- pelled from the jockey club 111 Rouse foe cheating at carols. I IHAVE BEEN greatly troubled with hea,httche and bad blood . Lor ten or twelve years. I started to take Rur- dock Blood Bitters in July, 1802, and now (January, 1893,) I and perfectly cured. Arris DRAIN, Norwood, Ont. John Fisher, of Evansville, Itid., has notified the Windsor police that Isis son George is missing, and lie will pay 33,000 for information that will lead to his recovery alive. It is not- to be wondered at that Ayer's Pills are in such universal de- mand. For the cure of. constipation, biliousness, or any other•, complaint needing a laxative, these pills are unsurpassed. They are sugar-coated, easy to take, and every dose is effec- tive. Mr. Smith, of ).South Middleton, had a cow that brought forth a calf with two heads the other day. " F ngmsh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soften calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, long Bone, bwcenoy, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and t,wollen Unmet, Coughs. etc, Savo 550 by use of ono bottle, Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure over knows. S.dd by Watts & Co.,Druggists. 1 SUFFERED for a long time with constipation and tried ]many medicines without success. I then tried Burdock Blood Bitters and very soon had great relief, so I continued its use and am now completely cured. JOSEI'II PIiILLION, Quebec, Que. James Morgan, the. 16 -year-old boy who is in Woodstock jail awaiting sentence for complicity in the Pott bur- glary, made an unsuccessful attempt to break jail on Saturday. 'While no physician or pharmacist can conscientiously warrant a cure, the J. C. Ayer Co. guarantee the purity, strength, and medicinal virtues of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It was the only blood-purifler admitted at the great World's Fair in Chicago, 1893. THE CANADIAN MAGAZINE FOR MARCH. -Tho Canadian Magazine for March is throughout entertaining, and it contains several striking articles equal in interest to any in current magazine literature. In fact it nifty he said that the magazine, which begins its second year with the current num- her, has attained a position amongst tale very best published, a fact Which receives ready recognition by foreign journals. The Canadian Magazine is published by the Ontario Publishing Co.. Lt'd., Toronto, for 132.50 per armor. NORWAY PINE SYRUP cures coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat and diseases of the throat and Inngs. Price 25 and 50c, `4' f al! TIIi rl'ITif IO H�I3, ISS 3?I.3 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Farm. and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS.' D. Ross, President, Clinton P. 0, ; Gen, Watt. vine -provident, Harlock P. 0, ; W. J. Shannon, Socy.Treae., Seatorth P. 0. ; M. Murdie, In- pector of claim, Seaforth P. 0. DIRBOT0Re,1 J'ae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Alex Gardiner, Lead. bury; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; John Han• nab, Seaforth ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AOSNT&. Thos. Neilana, Hartock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea. forth ; J. Cummings, SgmondvBic ; Geo. Murdie, Auditor . Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other bullnose will bo promptly attend• ed to on application to any of the above oatcere addressed to their respective poet aloes. New natagrarIi Gallery, J. W. COOK, the leading photographer, next Young's Bakery, Albert Street, . Clinton, is prepared to execute all orders. Everything from a SUNBEAM to a LIFE SIZE PHOTO on the shortest notice and first class workmanship guaranteed TINTYPES taken. Pictures taken on cloudy days equally as well as on sunny days by the new process. Prices as low as any and superior work. Call at the new gallery. 7. W. COOK, Practical Photographer ALBERT ST., - CLINTON. SPECIAL NOTICE ar TILE NswaRacoRD will always be ;loosed to receive reliable information of Births, Mar• rieges, and Deaths, or of any other local event. ' A'H' Tug NEws Racoon can furnish as hand• some WeddingStationery and guarantee us fine letter press work and at as low prices as any city or other printing office. In the matter of Funeral Circulars and Memorial Cards, Tem NgwS•R MORD gtarantoes prompt attention and the very best class of work, at fifty per cent, less than eastern prices. Horse, Harness, Cutter, &o., for Sale Heavy ,tri eeht filly, coming three, well-bred, tin - broken ; single and donhle Harness, Robes, Cutter, Bu�,gy, Plow, &r., Cc. Willbe cold in hulk or singly at very reasonable prices. For particulars apply at THE NEWS -BEGGED 0f1100. 796.11 WANTED. Energetic men can find steady employment with ue as ,alesmen. Experience not necessary. Rana- aome nntfit ant; the benefit of over 25 years experience lurnlshed every man, Choice special lines nod oont0 of territory. We have over seven hundred acres df choice stock and can give yon many adventegos. Our mode of securing and retaining salsemcn ie superior. Cantor our tonna. The trial will coat you nothing. STONE & WELLINGTON. 71.6m Toronto,Ont QUIUKLY YIELD 70 fitiEWS !Lima TOWN TOPICS, Tito Journal of Society, (32 PAGES.) NEW YORK. (TIHW1SDAY.) to universally recognised as the most complete weekly journal in the world. Its aunterings" columna are inimitable Ire society news especially of the doings of the 400 of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and all over the world, Is not equalled by any newspaper. Ito Financial Department is authority with all bankers and brokers. Its "Literary Show" -hotel on current literature -1s by the cleverest of re- viewers. Its Afield and Afloat" makes ft tho moat interesting paper for all lovers of sport - yachting football, rowing shooting, fishing, eto. Its "On the the Turf excels all other racing notes. Its burlesques poems and jokes aro the cleverest. Ito stories aro by the beat writers -among them AmGlfe Rives, F. Marion Crawford Julian Hawthorne Edgar Fawcett, Gilbert Parker, Mary J, Hawker ("Lamm Falconer"), Barry Pain, Paul Bourget, Midgard Kipling, Ambrose Theme, etc., etc., and are even It a trifle rlequd yet always clever, bright and pretty. without coarseness or anything to ofrend the most refined and moral woman. In addition to all this there Is each week a supplement portrait, in colors, of some man eminent in his walk of life. Tales From Torn Topics Quarterly, first day of March, June, September, December; 256 pages; 12mo. Contains In each number, in addition to short stories, poems, bur- lesques,etc„ from the old issues of Tows Torics, a complee, original prize story of 120 to 150 pages. No one who enjoys the highest clans of fiction, and would be au courant with all that pertains to good society, can afford to be without Tower Torres every week. There 1. so much interesting reading In It and In the "Talcs," that a club subscription to both will aupply any family with abundant reading of the moat entertaining character all the year. RA'P'ES Town` Topics per annum 84.00, A trial taubscrlp• Von for three months, 111.011, and a apectmen copy of "Tates" Free. Tales From Town Topics. per number, secants. Per annum, is9.00. Both Clubbed, per annum, (WOO, and any two previous Numbers of "Tales" you may specify Siam. p'Send 10 conte for sample copy Tom Tortes. N,B.-Have you read AM2SLIE RIVES' latest and best novel, Tanis, The Sang - Digger P 12mo, cloth, gilt. uncut front and foot, (11.60 post- �Aeirnit by cheek, P. 0. money order, postal roto or registered tetter to TOWN TOPICS, 11 West 23d Street, New York. f;`cloot ocn oQd?t,?f. �:xs. oc 0000 IooC.?CH�f) t3_oo+'z000000000000g e•..71 .,y'SS!'"d',�'.7 yA•.. iio 1 Do ''aye Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DM TAKE RI PAN S TABU LES PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . _ If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, orhays TAKE�RIPANS TABU LES LIVER COMPLAINT, _ If ySU FER DISTRESS AFTER EATINOyou TAKE RIPANS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR• PERS OF THE STOMACH, TAKE RiPANS TABULES Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. ...�..,. 1,,.,, ....... £'ASY TO TAK1' �1 TO ACT OWES 2 SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. " RELIEF. I (i .,+..�4 ;; .,.4.4-0++.44-.1.+44 ,, Sold by Druggists Everywhere. C't5C5:?0/-Ji f0000000%1�yt,1C9C'IOOUC?L?U®0C7t70ti9:3 00. r • r, We Buy in Large Quantities And Give the Public the Advantage, -^0 Have you tried our °e,"°ate°WATER wRITE DIL, Carbon Safety It 'is Equal to American, Only 10c. per Gallon cash, 12c. if Charged Liso 4 Great Reduction in prices of Stoves, To make room F) I t ', ; I n? ': t L t) 1 of New Goods in th Spring. Harland Bros., New Store, Iaclay Block, Old Stand,Brick Block. EureKa Bakeril and Restaurant. 0,o . . e In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a better position than eger to successfully cater to the wants of the general, public. We do our own baking, save heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &O., squat to any in West• ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c., delivered to all parts of the. town. FRITS, CONFECTIONERY! ICE CREAM, COOL DRI NKS. Picnic and Private Gather• inga supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location -next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. . V / • B 0 F -D, Proprietor. THE HUB GROCERY. O CHRISTMAS GOODS are on the move and our stock is now corn - complete. We can give yu nw VALENCIA RAISINS, SELECTED RAISINS & CLUSTER RAISINS, VOSTARIA CURRANTS, PATR AS CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS CURRANTS, ENGLISH PEELS -LEMON, CITRON and ORAN EXTRACTS of all kinds, LEMON, VANILLA, `RATIFIA, &u., &c. 0 L 1 1 ( J Our usual Stock of Teas and Coffee on hand. Call and examine befakfz.4' you buy. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. ILD • M bUNACCOUNTABLY LOSING FLESH REFUSING TO TAKE 1T5 FOOD WHY DON'Ir"LISTLESS AND DEBILITATED YOU TRY Y •Evaul@ncvv I' WIL HELP WONDgPi)ui,l.V