HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-03-14, Page 3PIEHMa antees,11. III OR HONE' R.R`il'*IRNhElP. l!'ol;' ever ;a :querter of a century, Dr, Pierce's pokiest Medi*t}1 Discovery has beep effecting cure! of $roncb1al, Throat and Jung affec- tions : The makers have such confidence in the i' Discover " for curing Asthma, Bron- ni{itia,.apd•ineipient Consumption, that they can Offer(' to guarantee it. Mrs. ISAAC o LOTHIAN, o f Thur. pow, Delatvsrs Co, #'a., writes as follows: DasInvitee, But �,t� y�• Iawisto• 'write "Dear r— of my brother, Harry C. Troup,who has been sick fr ten years with treated byFtenh different physicians, who have said he could not be cared. He had to alt up at night, he got so short of breath; he out- /fered with fearful head- aches and had a bad cough. After taking Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pellets, he did not get short of breath, and can sleep all night." H. C. TROUP. The Huron News -Record 1.60 a Year—$1.26 in Advance. WEDNESDAY, MARCH.., 14th, 1894. Somewhat L'nusnal. Inventive genius has not stopped with the pneumatic tire on the sulky and bicycle, but has been busy with the work of perfecting hall -bearings with such success that a few days ago a street -ear, which,wae equipped with the latest inventions in ball -bearings that would do away almost entirely with friction, was drawn a distance of 700 feet by one man tugging gently at three strands of ordinary sowing - thread attached to the car. Perhaps a more interesting experiment was that of a carriage manufacturer, who put another style of hall -hearings upon the wheels of a large coach, to which four horses were ordinarily hitched. Then he took a trained dog and harnessed hien to the pole, when the dog drew the huge affair easily around the place. This seems like fancy hut it is a fact. At the World's*F'air were many ex- hibits requiring skilled men to interpret them. Such must have been a certain skull and instrument described in the following newspaper paragraph :— The instrument was devised by a celebrated London surgeon, Professor Horsley, and is used for the purpose of locating certain required paints on the brain by a system of,aneo-asurements on the skull of a living person. This pro- cedure is a necessary preliminary to the careful performance of delicate operations on the brain itself. The skull in question has peen carefully marked by Professor Reed of Aberdeen, Scotland, according to his method of determining various points or locations on the brain prior •tc_ a surgical opera- tion. Above these two cases arc three large,charts, also by Professor Horsley, showing results of experiments on the localization of motor functions in the cortex of the great brain. These charts give general results of experi- ments which have been made on a bonnet monkey, an orang and on a man. The words printed on the sur- face, such as "shoulder," "hip," "thumb," etc., indicate that when the surface of the brain at those points is irritated, movements of muscles con- trolling' the parts named take place • Thus the connection 'between the brain surface and a certain group of muscles is shown. Experiments of this sort have been of • great value to surgeons in their recent operatious on the brain. if they can establish the fact that certain muscles or nerves are injured, they are thus enabled to locate the portion of the brain which is affected. In our general reading we came across the following pretty idea and were so much taken up with the beauty of the thoughts expressed that we clipped it so all might read :— The origin of the Moss-Rose.—There is a very pretty German tradition not generally known which a^counts in the following manner for the existence of the moss -rose. The legend is to the effect that once upon a tune an angel, having a mission of love to suffering humanity, came down on earth. He was much grieved at all the sin•and misery he saw; and at all the evil things he heard. Being tired, he sought a place wl}erein to rest, but as it fared with his Master so it fared with him ; there was no room for him, and no one would give hint shelter. At last lie• lay down under the shade of a rose and slept till the rising sun awoke him. Before winging his flight heavenward he addressed the rose, and said that, as it had given him that shelter which man denied, it should receive an endur- ing token of his power and love. And so, leaf by leaf, and twig by twig, the soft green moss grew round the stem, and there it is to this day, a cradle in 'which the new-born rose may lie, a proof, as the angel said, of God's power and love. States, vessels ofthat country would enjoy equal priviliges in that route with Canadian vessels. The tonnage of Canadian vessels that might have occasion to use that route would be probably not more than a ftftheepossi- bly not more than a tenth—of that of American ; vessels. Does the World want Canada to pay $4,000,000 per year to enable ten American vessels to pass between the great lakes and the ocean where but one Canadian vessel would make use of the route? As far as Canada is concerned it would be better to pay all the cost of transporta- tion by existing routes from Port Arthur and intermediate points to the salt water out of the public funds than to pay interest to the tune of $4,O00,- 000 per year to open the St. Lawrence route for the benefit of American commerce. It won't do. If the Yankees desire to have the route open- ed, let them put up the money to pay for it. The following Appeared as an edi- torial in the N..Y. Sun of the 27th ult. The Sun,as no doubt many of our read- ers know, is the straightest Democratic Dpaper in the U. S., its editor, Chas. ana, being looked upon as the leading American newspaper writer and one of the most influential men in his party. The Sun rendered great assistance to the Reform party during their "Com- mercial Union" agitation a couple of years ago. CANADA'S COAL FIELDS. The Wilson bill placed coal upon the free list, and it remains to be seen whether the House of Representatives will refuse to concur in an amendment by the Senate imposing a duty upon that commodity. It is hard to under- stand how American citizens, who in their hearts must desire the annexa- tion of Canada,can deliberately cut off one of the chief incentives to that end by admitting gratuitously to Ameri- can markets one of the most important products of the Dominion. To measure the severity of the com- petition to which American producers would be subjected by their Canadian rayls, in case coal should be imported fr'r "•roof duty, one should take into ac- cori i4s the situation of the Canadian coal 'fields as well as the unlimited c x; tension of which their output is cap- able. There are great deposits on the very edge of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, while the intervening mines lie for the most part on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Immedi- ately behind Halifax, for instance, and closelyy connected with it by rail, are the Pietou and other Nova Scotian coal fields, which, even now, while their product is shut off from the American market, turn out about a million tons of coal per annum. To the northeast is the island of Cape Breton, around whose fine harbors are numerous mines from which are raised yearly a million tons of coal of excel- lent quality for steaming and other purposes. It is impossible for coal fields to have a more advantageous position, for here the mouths of the. pits are in some cases close to the shore, and as the mines are carried out far under the sea a ship may load directly over the spot whence the coal is obtained. • The Engineering News says that the proposed enlargement of the Erie Canal (American), with dimensions sufficient to permit the passage of light warships to the lakes and grain in unbroken bulk front Duluth to Europe is not approved of by State Engineer Schenck, who estimates the cost of such an improvement at $ 500,- 000,000, and says that before it would be completed the present northern international boundary may have ceas- ed to exist. Which means that the people of the United States recognize the value of the St. Lrlwrence route and its possibilities. The St. Lawrence route could be deepened for one-fifth of what the enlargement of the Erie Canal would cost. In addition, it would answer the requirements of two nations instead of one. it is the nat- ural outlet to the sea. It is the short- :.( est route to Europe. The only debat- able question is how and at what stage of the game she will play it.—Toronto World, ThosWerld tells hitt the St. Law- rence could he deepene at a cost of $100,000,000 ; that if it were deepened it would answer the requirements of two nations as a natural outlet to the sea, an that Canada as the possessor of this route holds a trumpcard. The World advocates the enlargement of the St. Lawrence route, but it does not tell how it can be done. At four -per cent. the interest upon the money necessary to do the work would be $4,000,000 per year ; is Canada able and willing to assume such a burden P Under our treaty with the United othing So *elll\1`..�rayS as an Advertisement in THE NE „V S -RECORD. PRINTER'S INK : .4. .4. ,WU,.N•Un, 0 : If rightly applied will do wonders. . l Our Job PRINTING Is noted for its neatness And Accuracy. .4' .4. Make a bee -line for THE NEWS -RECORD Office when you want anything in that line. Our prices, are - Very reasonable. Severe ' am in Shoulder 2Ytars Cured by"The D.&l,"Menthes Plaster. My wife was afiiicted for t wo years with a severe pain under the left shoulder and through to the bean ; after using many remedies without relief, she tried a "D.& L." Menthol Plaster, it did its work. and owing to this cure hundreds of these plasters have been sold by me here, giving equal satisfaction. J. B. Strrttaat.AND Druggist, River John, N.S. Sold Everywhere. 25C. each. CLINTON SASH DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. ittellEUNEXIo S. S. COOPER, General ]Bud der and Contractr. PROPRIETOR, This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &e. Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured • at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders„ THE POST -OFFICE STORE If we cross the continent, • we find the coal of British Columbia equally well placed for acquiring contt•ol of the neighboring American markets, if it is admitted to them duty free. It should be rembered that along the whole Paci- fic coast of South America there is no coal found suitable for steaming pur- poses, nor is there any on the coast of North America until we come to Puget Sound. On the American shore of this sound there are coal fields now worked, but their product will be driven from our home markets if it is exposed to competition with the output of the richer deposits on Vancouver Island, The annual delivery of the mines at Nanaimo and Wellington on this island has already risen above a million tons, and is capable of great expansion. At Nanaimo, moreover, the principal mine is directly on the shore, and the galleries are pushed out far under the water, so that here, as at Cape Breton, ships may load immedi- ately over the place from which the coal. is extracted. There are, therefore, no charges for transportation from the pit's mouth to the place of shipment. Another important coal area of the Dominion has lately been opened in the 'Rocky Mountain district. A few miles from Banff, and scarcely a hun-. dred yards from the line of the Cana- dians Pacific Railway, amine of anthra- cite coal is now worked, and many out- crops of the sa.inti deposit are found in the vicinity. This anthracite cbritatiins a larger amount of fixed carbon than the product of eastern Pennsylvania, burns rather more rapidly, and gives out a greater heat. '.Chis coal is used exclusively by the Canadian Pacific Railway for heating its cars as far eastward as Lake Superior, and it is sold for domestic purposes as far east- ward as Winnipeg. At Gnnmore, only ten miles distant from the anthracite urine, is found another kind of coal, almost smokeless, and posst,ssing the quality of coking well. Were it ad- mitted to the markets of our States near it, its adaptability to smelting purposes and relative chcapnees would drive out all competitors. Coming eastward we find in the prairie country of the Canadian Northwest another extensive coal deposit. The Galt mines at Lethbridge yield a good bituminous coal, well adapted to rail- way uses, which, if the duty were re- moved, would be exported in large quantities to the States lying immedi- ately to the south. It in estimated by Dr. Dawson that the coal measures stretching eastward from Lethbridge, along the American border, to Mani- toba cover15,000 square miles. We may add that all along the banks of the Saskatchewan, in the vicinity of Edmonton, thick, scants of coal are visible, and that a serviceable domestic coal is delivered at that place for $2.60 a ton. To obtain free access to the Ameri- can market for the output of these vast coal deposits, and for the other natural products of the Dominion there,is no doubt that Canadians would eventually consent to annexa- tion. Is it the part of American patri- ots to give for nothing a privilege which ought to he sold for a great price ? Fent 5mm T11Itom, Sudden Colds and Diphtheria, no remedy has ever been discovered so powerful to cute as Davis' PAIN-K'CLUB, As a Liniment it has no equal in curing Rheumatism or Neuralgia, Burns and Bruises, and wounds of every description. It is the cheapest and best remedy ever offered to the public. Only 25e. for big 2 ounce bottle. SUMMERHILL, ONT. •---o. CB[OICE GROCERIES. DRY-G000DS, &c., &c. Our expenses are low and our Cnstomers ,get the benefit. We want YOUR trade. It will pay YOU to inspect our stock. tla-SEE OUR DRESS GOODS. Produce Taken. Geo. IV!. Kilty, General Merchant. THE POST -OFFICE STORE, SUMMERHILL. LIVE HOGS WANTED. 1-Iighest Market Price Paid. D . CANTELQN, Clinton. " 793-tf. FERRY'S SEEDS Are just what every sower needs, The mer- its of Ferry's Seeds form the foundation up- on which has been built the largest seed business in the world. Ferry's Seed Annual for 1894 contains the sum and substance of the latest farminge knowledge. Free forD. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. The smallest baby yet reported has been horn in Killingworth, a village about eight mile west of Essex, Conn. The parents are Swedes. The father is employed by a farmer cutting timber, and weighs about 100 pounds. The mother is a stout, healthy woman, weigh- ing perhaps 16O pounds. The child is a. male, as perfectlylformed as any being could be, and at its birth weighed eight ounces. Its face is about the size of a horsechestnut. A ring worn on the little finger of the mother was easily slipped over his foot nearly up to the knee. It istheopinionoftheattend- ing physician that the child will live, The child is so small that three of its like could play hide and seek in a cigar box. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS cure Dys- pepsia. Burtnoci Burnt) BITTERS cure Con- stipation. BIURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS cure Biliousness. Bacheultnoc.lc BLOOD BITTERS cure Head - BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS unlock all the clogged secretions of the Bowels, thus curing Headaches and similar complaints. Jesse Wade, a Buffalo burglar, re- ceived at the Auburn prison last Fri- day for a term of two years and nine mouths, snicided Tuesday evening by banging n his cell. John Cungin9l]a�, CHANGE OF BUSINESS 4 Wislon & Rowe, Successors to James Anderson. .• 0 t Tile undersigned have bought the stook, good will and intered of James Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the GREEN GROCER, :-: CONFECTIONER AND .• r Agent, Express g ent , ALBERT ST.. CLINTON. Fresh Haddies and Bloaters.. Oysters constantly on hand. Also some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. CITY BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undeteigned having bought out the bakery business so successfully carried on by Mr. Henry Morrish, will continue the business at the old stand Ile will indeavor, by supplying a tint class article, to merit the •liberal support of the people. Bread ic livered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes,ljenpplied on short notice, JAMS YOUNG, - Olint3a'• NOTICE TO NEWS•RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem It a favor if readers would, when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's adv':tisement in 'Tim News-Ri conn, SAFE ttv CJ tn BRISTOL'S SUGiR—COVED VEGETABLE ptT:r.A z7g177Yd HI Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a frrst.class Res— taurant and Green' Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers. PROMPT WILSON & HOWE, - - Clinton, New Arrivals for Xmas Trade At The Corner Storer Malay Mock. NEW RAISINS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW FIGS, NEW PEELS, NEW VALINCIA ALMONDS CHOICE EXTRACTS and PURE O'rROUND SPICES. Full Line of Canned Goods. HAM'S AND BACON, HERRINGS AND TROUT, SCALED HERRINGS, FLAKE PEAS, POLLED .BARLEY, ROLLED WHEAT. Highest Price in diad( or Ca ,h for Butter and Eggs. J. W. IRWIN, - Clinton. WILSOJ & HOWE THE LEADING BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, ALBERT, ST., CLINTON. 113rea,ta, Cakes, Confectionery, aLe., of a superior quality, at the lowest living prices. OYSTER3 of the Very Best Quality at the lowest possi le price. NST. e��a. C:)"vwT 8, THE NOVELTY BAKERY & RESTAU RANT, CLINTON New Goods for the Xmas Trade --Just arrived and in Stock. N RAISENS, VALENCIA, Fine St leafed, off Stalk and Layers. SULTANAS EXTRA I)h,SERT, CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS in Brie. and half Brie. FINEST VOSTIZZAS in CASES, - LEMONS, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES, PRUNES. NEW PEELS. ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON. FRESH GROUND SPICES of 'all kinds, also full lines of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE, TEA SETTS, DINNER SETTS, TOILET SETTS. Cash for Butter and .Eggs. --_— N. ROBSON. Albert St'r Clinton. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS' AND WAGONS—all of the best work., manship and material. fiali''All-the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. fl FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cli.iton. • 657—y 'aieleaSarsesra :au.;12 t;IV,41.R.10.Viii°%,«i'1, ,.•'i*'idn:': e WON I E RFtUL CURET THOMAS )tIINCITIN. MAJOR W. A. SIMFIELD. Before Treatment. After Treatment. Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured. Thomas Minchin ears: "I was reduced to a nervous wreck -only weighed 118 pounds. The result of early abuse was the cause. I had the following{ symptoms : Miserable mentally and physically melancholy, nerv- ousness, weakness, specks before the eyes. dizzy, poor memory,palpitation of the heart, flushing, cold hnds and feet, weak back, dreams and losses at night, tired in the morning, pimples on the face, loss of ambition, burning sensation, kidneys weak etc. Doctors could not cure me; bat Dre. Kennedy 66 Kergan by their New Method Treatment, oared me in a few weeks. I weigh now 170 pounds. It is three years since I have taken their treatment." (to • y. ,fin --r Before Treatment. After Treatment. Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Major Situ field says: "I had Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach for many years. To make matters worse I contract- ed a Constitutional Blood Direaee. My bones ached. Blotches on the skin looked horrible. I tried sixteen doctors in all. A friend recommended Dry. Kennedy ds Kergan. I began their Now Method Treat- ment and in a few weeks was a new man • with renewed life and ambition. I can- not say too much for those scientific doe - tore who have been in Detroit for four= teen years. I conversed with hundreds of patients in their offices who wore being cured for different diseases. I recommend them as honest and reliable Physicians." RS. KENNEDY & KER6AN The Celebrated Specialists of Detroit, Mich. TREAT AND GUARANTEE TO CURE Catarrh; Asthma; Bronchitis; Con- sumption Ost and 2nd stages); Rheumatism; Neuralgia; Nervous, Blood and Skin diseases; Stomach and Heart dis- epses; Tapeworm; Piles; Rupture: Impotency; Deafness; Diseases of the Eye Ear, Noss and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder; Errors of Mouth; Falling Manhood; Diseases of the Sexual Organs; Female Weakness; Diseases of Men and Women, and Chronic Diseases in general. They cure when others fail l Qui"ONLYCURABLECASES ARE TAAEN FOR TREATMENT Their NEW METHOD TREATMENT known the world over, is curing diseases of every nature that has baffled heretofore the medical profession. They are not 'family doctors' — they make a specialty of Chronic and d,ffiontt diseases. -,E3 They guarantee to cure all Weakness ppf Men grleiug DISEASES OF MEN. from eel( abuse, later excesses or disease. Young menace need bell� Dre. K, do K. will cure you. Yon may have been treated by Quacks --consult Scientific Doctors. No cure, no pay. Consult them. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Why saffor in silonee7 They ear eute you, Female Weakness. Barrenness. Displacements. Irregularity, and painful periods cured in a short time. Renewed vitality given. Illustrated Book Free. Inclose stamp. 5permatorrbctea, Varleaeele, Qleet, Unnatural SPECK L DISEASES, Discharges, private diseases, Stricture, Syph - Ills, and al Blood diseases guaranteed cured or no pay. II years in Detroit — 160,000 cures—National reputation. Books free—Coneultntion free — Nameo confidential. If unable to call, write for a list of questions and advice free. DRS KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, MICH.