HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-03-07, Page 8rc 110E88 DIRECTORY, mod. MDLIIE UANK. 3ncorporaied by Act of Parliament 1866. OAPITA,l, • - • $2,000,000 REST. - - ei.ioo,000 9114 - MONTREAL. e H. E. MOL$ON, President, ►. W.OL]?'ERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. rfOt tl•discounted, Collections made, Drafts 11&94, Sterling and American ex- " i [change bought and sold at lowgest current rates. . INMOST ALL0w6D oli DSr081TS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- ggiked aa security, H. O. BREWER, Manager, Pebruary, 1884. ()urine. G. D. 1VloTaggart BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A .GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Notes Discounted. - - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposita. Clinton, June8th, 1891 668y ..edit a 1. DRS. GUNN & GIBSON. OFFICE Ontario St. a few doors east of Albert St. W. GUNN. R. J. GIBSON. DR. TURN.BULL. J. L. Turnbull, el. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. & S. Ont, ; Fellow the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office:— Dr. Doweley'a stand, Rattenbury dt. Night calls newered at Office. • DR, SHAW. Office in Hodcen's Block, Rattenbury St, Clinton, nt. Night calla at name pleas. DR. R. MOORE Physioian, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Office, the late Dr. Worthington's office, Hnron street. Residence, corner of Erie and Mary Ste. Pellti$tr j. T. C. BRUCE L. D. S., Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. 0, D. S., of Ont.. reit extracted without pain by the use of a harm- ees odd pleasant local anaeathettc. No unconscious. a sickness nor ill.effects aneomnany the uao of hie remedy, and many in and around Clinton can tes*lfy to its genuineness. Special attention given to the preeervatipn of the natural teeth.' Office, Coates' Block, over Taylor's she afore. R. AG N EW, L. D. S. Sergeon Dentist. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sergeons of Ontario. Bast Local Anaesthetics for painless ex- traction- Rooms in Smith's Block op- posite P.O. 728-y . Paid. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, cc.. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. CAMPION & JOHNSTON BARRISTRS, - - SOLICITORS., NOTARIES, 4c., Goderich, - Out. Office over Jordan's Drug Store. E. CAMPION, Q. C. M. 0. JONNSTON• MONEY TO LOAN. RC. HAYS, Solicitor, ac. Ofnce, corner of • square and West Street, over Butler's Book tore, Goderich, Ont. 67. ter Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. Iolzeiy to 'pad. MONEY to lend In large or email sumo of goo mortgages or personal security at the lowest urrent rates. H. HALE, Huron et. Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 25,1881 ly MONEY TO LOAN. interest 5ll per cent payable yearly, The borrow. er to have the privilege of paying the SvJole or any art of the principal at any time hout giving notice. For further particulars apply to C. A. HARTT. Office. in McKay's Block, Clinton. Photographers FOSTER & BAYLEY, CLI NTON. .44ife Size Portraits a 'Specialty. 1 - Cantelon Bros, GENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS• • ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass & Ci;inawart ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Egg 762.1y Stray Pip strayed from lot 24, con. 4, a small black pig, about thr es months old, nn or abont the 15th of January Any person that will give information that will load to Its recovery will be suitably rewarded. AMES HAMILTON. 0.i(i', 11I11. TO THE FARMERS. Sf,udy"yqur own 1Q.4.eIeo4 end g0 were Yen can get Reliable Harness, I manyfacture none but top Boar os Stool. Beware Mope that sell cheap its they have got to Sive. $ Call and get prices, Orders by mall promplyattended to .TU H.:C�I 13I HARNESS EMPOR UDI, UIeYTU, ON's K. 0. T. M. Kearns Tent No. 60, Knight.. of the Maccabees o the World. $1.000, $3,000 and $9,000 Petioles. Mem- bership over 100,000. Aseesement principle—has never ezeee.ed 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest and safest in existence. Matta in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, erst end third Friday of every month. A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meets in Biddleeomh's Hall, opposite the market, the let and 8rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. it, SUMO - nits, M. W.; J. Bees, Recorder. 699y •irilontc. eiLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meets ll every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit. Ing brethren cordially Invited. T. SMALLAOOMBE, Sao. W. J. PAISLEY, w. Mt Clinton Jan. 14 1893. Firiaw (!3 ntmt. D- COOK, Soc. L. O. L. No, 710 CLINTON, Meets sscoso Monday of every month. Hall 2nd But, McKay block. Visitng brethren always made welcome. DAVID CANTELON, W. M. W. G. VANCE, D. M. galls gnithtgi Jubilee Preceptory No. 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) Moots in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednca• day of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir linighte will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. Toon, Worshipful Preceptor Oxman HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PSTER CANTELON, Registrar Prec6 Royal Black tory 397. y p Blade Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall„ Blyth, the Wednesday after full moon of every month Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon• day of every month. Visiting Knights always nude welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P 0 TIIE CELEII:RTED Meal Washer awl Wringers. THE BEST IN TIE MARKET fllacilines.„,,t1,lliwed on Trial 1 amt also gent for All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see me. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. REDUCTION IN, RATES. Steamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry DURING THIE WINTER MONTHS. Cabin, 840 and upward.. Second Cabin, $°5 Steerage at law rates. No Cattle carried, STATE LINE. NEW YL,KK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $d0 and upwards. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low rates. Apply Montreal ; or to A.O. PA7"rISON or WM JACKSON, Clinton. SERVICE OF ALLAN LIN Al SrCAHSREPS. C IIERICH MARBLE WORKS. J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, :Clinton, is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, of Benmiller, is our Travelling agent. Ordure entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCi[, 8WRDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, a well as in all varieties of marble. Give Mr, Stevenson a call before ordering else. where. JOHN A. ROBERTSON. Manager. Geo Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIAL. Woodwork ironed and first class m oriel and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. WATTS & C CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. ., DROPERTY FOR SALE OD wh(,RENT.—Advertisers will find "The News -Record" one of the best mediums In the County of Huron. Advertise in "The News-Record"—Tho Double Circulation Talks to Thbusande. Rates as low ae any. CQTTAvL FAn 13A$ E The cottage And Premises f Mrs. A, Pod orth on Iesac street Clinton, emir/Wag 91 a comfortable cottage with kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft water, sero of land with quantity of fruit Ines, currant bindles, grape vines, e: -Terme espy Apply to MANNINO A l 001T,011ntou. 770.18 FOR SALE. Late No. 7 and 8., Dingley Tarmac, contalning,s4 acres of land, dwelling house, barn and orchard, The properly adjoins the Corporation of Clinton. Also, two story brick building suitable for afore and dwell- ing house; cellar 61x24, about one•Aftlt acre corner lot opposite Queens. Hotel, Victoria 8t., Olinton, Ont. Also vlllage Iota 7, 8, 9, in Blyth, Ont. The above property will be sold at a bargain to settle up estate. Apply to W. J. Btoousa, Clinton, Ont . per executors or to Manning & Scott, solicitors, Clinton, or to T M. Carling, auctioneer. 74118. FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the un- dersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house—story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some goad fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any;porson wishing to live retired* For further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister. Goderloh. Minton MEAT Market BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undersigned desires to intimate that be has bought out the interest of Mr. Couch, in the butcher. ing business lately carried on under the style of MORD & COUCH. Ile will continuo the same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and most careful attention to the business, straightforward snd courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage.:All orders carefully and promptly filled, JAMES A. FORD, .'. /CLINTON. JOHN ECRU TON, Butcher and Poultery ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. All lines" in season. Highest price for Hides, Tallow and Sheepskin s. iNEW BUTCHER SHOP. WIIEATLEY & FINCH We have Oppeneo out for business on HURON STREET, CLINTON, and will be pleaeod to sup. ply the wants of all in all kinds of meats and poultry in season at the lowest living prices. Highest cash price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &c. Patronage respectfully solicited. 727 —tf. WIIEATLEY & FINCH FARMERS, ATTENTION $100,000 to loan on farm property at5i per cent., straight loan. IVo com- mission. Also a limited amount of priva ;e funds at 5 per cent. T. E. McDonough. Loan and Insurance Agent. Office, Jackson Block, Huron street, Clinton, Ont. COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities. OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS. 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oats. D. T COOK, CLINTON. 752.11 HILL'S FEED 'STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed} Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton( )TTY's TRAY STOCK ADVER TISENENTS inserted in TILE Nnws RECORD at low rates. The law mal:ea it compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want any kind of advertising you will not uo better than call on The News•Rocortl.v GO TOl THE Dillon Shaving Parlor For first•elass Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J, EIIERTON, Proprietor. J. E. BLACK ALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the most modern and ecientifle principles. ft 'Calle attended to night or day. Office imntodirtely west of the old Royal Mote Ontario street. Residence— Albert street, Clinton. 549-8m J. C. STEVENSON!, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont Y. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWLERY and SILVERWARE at J. BIDDLECOMB'S, . Cinton. ILL HEADS, NOTE H0,.ds, Lotter Heade, Tage, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, ate., ole. , printoi in a workman. like manner and at 1o1, rates, at THE NEWS.REOORia Word To the Wives Is Sufficient." Far Rendering Pastry Short or Friable. COTTOLENE Is Better than Lard Because It has none of its disagree- able and indigestible features.. . . . Endorsed by leading food and cooking experts. Ask your Grocer for It. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL. The Buren News-Recora 51.60 a Yeet---$1.26 In Advance. VNrEDNESDAY, MARCH, 7th 1894. The Catholic Movement. To the Editor of the Mail : Sir,—I see in The Mail of Friday morning last a letter by John Ransforcl quoting at length a statement made by an "eminent Roman Catholic" as to the advance of the Catholic movement in the English Church. I should like to point out to Mr. Ransford that his fears are unfounded. If he studied carefully the nature of the "High Church," or "Catholic movement" in the Church, he would not find occasion to send to the Mail or any other paper the opinion of an eminent Romanist or any other kind of Romanist on the work which that party is doing. Perhaps Mr. Ransford would be sur- prised if I told hire that by his action he is doing more to assist the Roman Catholic Church than to oppose it— and how ? Why, this way : Every educated Roman Catholic knows that the "Italian mission" never received such a check in its advance against the English Church as it is receiving to- day at the hands of the High Church Darty. • The high Church or Catholic move- ment, is elevating the English Church, and causing her to. take that position in the world of Christendom which she ought to take. While maintaining Catholic doctrine in its primitive purity and simplicity, the people are at the sante time being taught to prac- tise a decent reverence while at public worship. The Roman 'hierarchy sees all this as clearly as possible ; and sees also in it the utter annihilation of the possibility in the future of saddling upon the shoulders of the English nation the absurd doctrines and customs which the English Church crest off during the period of the Reformation. Therefore to start a hue and cry. against •.the. "Catholic revival" is all the Roman communion desires, and lit'. Hansford and others who do not see the thing in its true light are the ones to fall into the cunningly' devised trap set to 'catch them. But apart from my opinion I have kept uly. eyes open, and have seen more than once . the position and atti- tilde which the Romain Catholic Church takes in regal (1 to 1 he 'fairs of the English communion. The Roman newspapers, •1s a rale, take the side of "Low Churchmen" when any impor- tant cont l'oversy arises between "High" and "Low." As an example of this wise diplomacy on the part of these periodicals, f cite the Kingston Free- man :—About three years ago, at St. George's cathedral, Kingston, a slight trouble arise regarding the propriety of the people standing while the Arch- bishop and clergy entered the church from the vestry. The Kingston Free- man took rip the question and sup- ported the "Low Church" people who refused to stand, urging thein to in- subordination, and declaring they were in the right because they were maintaining the avowed principles of the Anglican communion. This was the position of the Roman Catholic newspaper. Now what does this mean ? It means that the Roman communion regards with no favorable eye an element in the English Church which it really considers to be an ob- struction to the advance of Romish doctrine in the Church of England. Rome cannot turn aside the steady educational advance which the Oxford movement is making—a movement which has given Rome the strongest proof that the church of England is indeed "Catholic" in the true sense of the word, which is making the Roman Church straighten up and reform some of her own more slovenly ways of con- ducting the worship of God which is making her despair of again gaining that snpremacy in England which she so much desires and which is now van- ishing farther from her grasp, and which will firmly dispute her right to take possession of our own fair country. But she can and does make use of an- other party in the Church ---in a very clever way too—to do directly for her the work which she cannot do herself. The party which Rome favours is the one she can gull the easiest and control tib her own satisfaction. But the party which is to her as a "thorn in the flesh" she ridicules openly and secretly tries to hamper. Yours, etc., H. SPENCER. Toronto, Feb. 19. Ritualism. To the $'ditor of the Nail. SIIt, ,-f desire through your columns to briefly notice Mr. It. Spencer's lett'ir in your issue of 23rd inst. It is evident- ly a question of from what standpoint one views this subject. Many people plainly see in the Ritualistic movement In the Church of England, both in England and in this country, a decided step towards Rome ; Mr. Spencer and bis party think differently. I would point out to Mr. Spencer that I have no "fears" upon the subject. It is no longer a question of expecta- tions or thoughts. Thirty or forty years ago such language might have conveyed to the recipient the consola- tion that Mr. Spencer would doubt- less so soothingly bestow upon those who have "not studied the question," who "do not see the thing in its true light," who (unlike Mr. Spencer) "have not kept their eyes open," and who "consequent- ly are easily gulled and controlled by Rouse to her own satisfaction." I submit that it is now a question not of expectations, but of facts. In England there is no longer any divid- ing line in many eases between the so- called church of England and the Church of Rome, save and excepting that the perjured apostate priests of the former call themselves by a name to which they have no right. When the com- inuuion table is called au altar and treated as such ; when what the Prayer -hook calls Ale administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Commun- ion, is blasphemously styled the Sacri- fice of the Mass; when masses are said or offered for the dead ; when there are crosses, crucifixes, candles lighted, can- dles unlighted, ornateeler'icalmlllinery, pictures, incense, bell ringing to be found in the churches; when the doc- trine of transubstantiation is believed in and preached ; when people are seen to bow down to their created God in the from of a wafer ; when clergymen from their pulpits advocate the confession of sins to the priest, as better than to God, through the one and only meditator, it is an insult to any mans intelligence; it is an absurdity, it is false to say that all this and more has no tendency towards the Chtii Ii' of Rome. Ten- dency towards, forsooth! it is, so far as doctrinal teaching is concerned, the (church of Ronne itself. This is a time of freedom of conscience, and nobody is blamed for believing what he thil:ks is the truth. But if the Ritualists would join the Church of, Rome out- wardly, bodily, honestly, where they rightly belong, they would stand higher in the opinions of outsiders than they do to -day. A sincere Roman Catholic is to he admired as a man of Sincerity. For the hybrid creation called Ritual- ism there should be nothing but con- tempt and loathing. As it exists to- day it is earthly, sensual, devilish. Earthly because it is roan's creation and unseriptural ; sensual because it appeals to the flesh and is not of the Spirit; devilish in that it is not of God, but calculates to deceive, and thereby displaying its origin. Years ago at its inception Punch had a cartoon fittingly describing it. The then Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Tait, was drawn its standing on the steps of St. Paul's cathedral motioning away by a de- precatory wave of the hand a lot of silly looking boys with flowers, crosses, etc., in their hands, and addressing these words to thein : "You must not bring your playthings Into church, my little hien.' It is about fit for children, in spirit- ual matters, who have need of milk. Puerile, modern Judaism ! The. writer I quoted in lay previous letter is by no means the only eminent Roman Catholic who holds the view that the Ritualists are their great allies. 1 cannot wow quote chapter and verse, hut if my memory does not fail me, Cardinal Vaughan has enunciated the sauce idea from the public platform. Would that the laymen of the Church of England would rise to a sense of their responsibility, and in Apostolic language purge out the leaven (evil) and keep the feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Yours, etc'., :0$IN RANSFORD. 'Baton, Feb. 25: Not A Fish Story. "Speaking about forgetfulness," said' Mi'. Gasser, syS,,,lle, mechanically dreww r1 letter from his 'pocket that his wife .had given- hirn to snail 0 week before, "I presume that I am the most for- getful man that ever you saw. I can't help thinking, tailback, of the time 1 went blue -fishing last year on the Jersey ('oast." "This isn't a fish -story, is it?" mildly observed Gil back. "Oh no, not at all," replied Gassy) ; "although, come to think of it, we did catch a big fish, an almighty big fish ; but that's not to the point. You see, it was agreed that if we had any luck we were to dine on the boat, and it be- ing only a cat -boat, with no cook, I was given charge of the cooking outfit. Well, sir, you may not believe it - -you may think it incredible ---hut i came away :and forgot one of the most im- portant things. Now what do yen sup- pose 1 forgot?" "i haven't the least ideal," said Gil - back. "Well, sir," went on Gasser, "1 actually forgot the dinner plates. Of course if we hadn't been so lucky we wouldn't have needed thein." "Certainly not," chirped in tailback. "But you did catch a fish, you say ?" "A fish !" exclaimed Gasser. "Well, rather. It was the biggest fish you ever heard of. Yes, sir, I dressed hien, cooked him, and served him with my own hands. That, however, is not what I intended to dwell on. I merely wanted to show you how forgetful a man can sometimes be. The idea of my not thinking of those plates 1" "But how in the world did you serve that fish," asked Gilhack, "if you didn't have any plates to serve it on ?" "Easiest thing in the world," said Gasser, a gleam of intense satisfaction coming into his eyes. "I used the scales of that fish's hack." --Tom MASSON, in the "Editor's I')raw-' er," of HARPER'S MAGAZINE for March. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. GENTLEMEN,—We have used Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam in our house for over three years, and find it an excellent remedy for all forms of coughs and colds. In threat and lung troubles it affords instant relief. Joint BROOM, Colu1nhtl8, Ont. Joseph Hartley,a porter in a Winni- peg hotel, has fallen heir to $35,000. Pale Faces show Depleted 13load; poor riourishrnent, everything bad. They are signs of Aazernia. 7 A..4,39 dt if NP,ia'13,`:,lmm.ti't.•se MUiO r the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, vaitli hypophosphltes, en— riches the blood, purifies tho skin, cures Anasmial builds up the system. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Dn't be deceived by Substitutes! Scott da Boone, Belleville. All Druggists. 600. & $1. UM PH KEYS' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Pilcs—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief it immediate—the cure certain. Y4•j ITN HAZEL .!IL For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant —the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Calcecl Breasts and Sore Nipples, It is invaluable. Price, 5o Cents. Trial size, 25, Cents. Sold by Drnggiets, or sant poet -paid on rocalpt of pyla., ■rfliPu1u5YS' IED.CO., 1318.111 wllltain St., NEW YOR L CURES PILES. CAVEATS,TRADEMARKs COPYRIGHTS. prompt 8 answer and an honest TENT writer to M U N N At CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experience in the patent business. Communica- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Potents and how to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice In the Scie nt3lic America e, and thus aro brought widely before the public win out cost to the inventor; This splendid paper, issued weekly elegantly illustrated, bus by far tho largest circulation of"aay scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. ' Building Edition monthly, $2.50 a year. Single !L copies, 5 cents. I4very, number contains beau.1 tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO., NEW' YORE, 361 BROADWAY. BAD BLOOD CAUSES Boils, Pimples, Blotches, Ulcers, Sores, Scrofula le Skin Diseases. • • CURES BAD BLOOD Dr AR Snts,—I was covered with pimples and small boils and after obtaining no relief from a doctor tried different remedies without suc- eese until one Sunday I was given l of a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, by the use of which the sores were sent flying in about one week's time. I made up my rnlud never to be without B.B.B. in the house, and I can highly recom- mend it to all. FRED. CARTER, Haney, B. C. I can answer for the truth of the above. T. 0, CHRISTIAN, Haney, B. 0. FOR the removal of worms of all kinds from children or adiilts, use Du. SMITH'S GERMAN worsi LOz'NGFS. Aiwaya prompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, roquiiit.c r:•a after medicine. Never fai ing. brave no bat: after (tecta. ir'rtce. 25 canto per Ea= NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall at once tike proceedings. Remember this le the lest warning 1 shall give. CAPT. WM, BARB. Receiver of Wreclta, Goderloh Goderich, Sept. 7th 1801. �^ F. W. FIIRNC0IEEB, (MEMBER OF ASS'S OF P, L. S.) Provinoial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, 1_,01\TIDOl1-, ONT, OPPtes At G. J. Stewart's Oroaery Store, Olin ton . 751•ly time Bull for Service. For service, on Lot No, 28, 5th cenaessfon, ITnll'ett, a first-clase pedigreed ens year old She' 1 -Morn nnr• hamfnll. Terms, $1.50 insurance THOS. ARCHBR. Hul lett, Feb. 8, 1834. 6t-795