HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-03-07, Page 7Saved Her Life. Mrs. C. J. WOOLDRIDGE, of Worthen], Texas, saved the life of her child by the use of Ayers Cherry Pectoral. "Ono of my children had Croup. The case was attended by our physician, and was snnposed to be well under control. One night I was startled by the child's hard breathing, and on going to it found it stran- 1tlintr. It had nearly ceased to breathe. Realizing that the child's alarming condition had become possible in spite of the medicines given, I reasoned that Such remedies would be of no avail. Having part of a bottle of t the crhilCherryhPectoral ses at short Intervals, nd anxiously waited results. From the moment the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing grew easier, and, in a short time, she was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child is alive and well to-day,and I do not hesitate to saythat Ayer'a Chrry Pee- toral saved her lie." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mon. ,Prf mpt to act, sureto cure Phe Huron News -Record 1.50 a Year• -41.211 In Advance- --- WEDNESDAY MARCH, '7 I1 18C1. TIME HURON NEWS -RECORD, A Live Local and Family Weekly Journal, Issued Wednesday Mornings. OFFICE -Brick Black, Albert Street North, Clinton, Cit. TRRss. -81 5e a veer ..25 in advance. Ni paper cliscuntinu•'d, except it ption of pub Isher, until all arroeragee are sot l„I '1'iu) mouth :l ii its• to which all suh;eriptiuue are paid will be found on the address label. 'PIt.eyetsm• Anymcrisiyo--l'en cents a line (nun• parcel measure) for drat ineertion and three (mrte a line for each subsequent insertion, CON•raArr AnviRTtiin') -Special position Si) to20 per edit above regular ruts. The table below gives ..ontract rates for run of paper for definite p.,riods: ,1'Aerl. I 11'it. I li Ah,. 1' :l NI '. 1 h Sin One ix,luuln ..... ., 5110 00 tpt5 co $2.1.1 00 '57 101 Half column ,.. .., 35 00 20 00 12 00 4 00 Quarter column 90 00 12 00 7 00 2 .5 One eighth cn:uuu, I 12 00 7 00 4 00 2 00 One inch 0 110 x .50 2 00 1 CU Servants wanted, for sale, lost or bund, ad •ertive merits, not exceeding three lines, 25 cents e.ch in- sertion ; not exceeding seven lines, 50 cents for first ie sertiou and 25 canis for each following iu sat thin, Farms, h ,ones or town property, for sa e or to runt, Stray stock or sim1:13. advertiseurents not excel ding' eight lines, fit for lirdt`rhonth and 50 cents for each ollowing u,ou.lh. Local notices 10c a line for each nser•tion.' Adrertfsements without definite instrcetiotis in- variably inserted until forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements in ail eases to be paid in advance. All c intract changes must be received at the Mlle not later than SATORDAy NOON every week. A. M. TODD, Pubiishar, SHILOH'S VITALIZER, (1) M rs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn., says : "5'h.iloh'8 l'ilalizar 'SA VIED ,[1fY LII'J" coneieler it the brat rrnleelr/ for it debilitated system I O'er aced " For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Pried 75 cts. Sold by J. H. Cotllbe In the International tug-of-war at San Francisco the C'a.nadiasi team won first prize, $1,000, winning five trials. The team representing D)tnlnark won four trials; and the Sweedish team won three trials ; Norway won two, the American team one and Russia none. REL,xi+IN 5,x ilnt•n;.--Distressing I(idlloy an) Bladder diseases relieved in si hours Ivy the "N n:w• GREAT SOUTH Aaisnto.in Iiulsxv Cane.." Thin n, w renlcd, is a gnat nurprl-tt au I delight to ph) siiienn von account of its rxceediug,promptness hr relieving pain in the bladder, kldnoy s, bank and every part of the urinary passages in male or faiiole. It rolirvei rete''lion of water Rud pat, in passing it aim, a im- mediately. If von want quick relief end cu,a tide is cur remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists. Mr. Thos. Amos, of Puslinch, killed a weighing over 21X) pounds. On ' one leg there were two well developed feet, and en another foot there were . six toes. The double foot will be pre- served and sent to' the 0. A. C. mus- eum. Fnglish Spavin Liulmeot removes all hard, soften eallonsed Lnml•s and Blemishes from horses, Bleed Spavin, Curb;, Splints, Icing Bone, nweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Soro and swollen Threat, Coughs, el c. Save $.10 by lire ,.f one bottle. Warranted the moat woederful Bi.midl, Core over ituewn. S,ld by Watts & Co,.Drnggists. John (Trey-, jr., editor of the Cold- water News, and Robert ('til ran, of Onillin, editor of, the News -Letter, on Thursday each filed suits against, the Mail for $10,0)0 for alleged libel in It oporting article published last Septem- ber. (2) SHIL1)If'S UFIUd is 50111 oil a guaran- tee. it cures Incipient Consumption. It is the beet Cough (']nee, early one dent a those; 25 cls., 50 cts. and $1.(X) car bottle. Sold by J. H. Condit,. John McKay, butcher, Melbourne, has issued a Writ against .Joseph Lett. of Alvinston, for $1,000 damages for alleged slander. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by en East India 'Weldon. try the termite of a simple Vegetable remedy for the speedy end permanent cute of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all threat and Lung Affections, oleo a posit lye and radical cure for Nervous nrbilily and n11 Nervous Cmnplaintn, after having tested its wonderful curative power, In thonsande of Canes, has felt It his duty to make it known to his sidled mu follows. Actuated bythie motive and a desire to relieve human mirroring, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this reelpe. in Oerman, Wrench or English, with full Iirectfons for preparing and using. Sent by mull 'byad,lressing with Stan,,. naming this parer. W. A. NOvas, 020 Pnteerx' mock, /focheeter, NV.1'. 609- y Dr. and Mrs. Loekha•t, of Hespeler, were presented last. week with a beauti- ful clock and five o'clock silver tea set by the ladies of Mite Society of the Presbyterian church there, tell on .80lmin tosubytuand boseWi.nlferdxsSanitarynLotioand all aiala n. a dnn e boor failf. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists, • 4V0.KY THIRTgEN« A Man and W(ree #tytgnitost After Thu', teen. Yeeg' , In the burly -burly of life strange things tlftlin]Oee Occur, and one of t' e trust peculiar drifted to the surface last Wednesday. It wits simply the *max - f ected Ilnd steatite; reunion of a nett. wed could.: who separated under very till. appy Circuuldtammes thirteen years ire. Le the very tiny, and almost to the hoar that the Meeting occurred. Thir- tee:it'yeer, a.o there lived in a little tow Ii sol far dont Cairo, III., a yuulig online 1t that Hutu not long married, l'ue•Ir nuueynha)u turd intrely ended w ,en lit tut t'I,l1% ,u111110r 0(1110 a t.114,it 1c - curled 111-1,1 001.1 a Int of tough iulerht,p- els 11101 several nude members of the leo,hlu•,iug platy. During the oto:ev ',e,', of tee rowdies was terribly SL't,sued e lei Li. 1:10155 in tile hands of the young it„resod nuul-11,0 subject u IIII, i;tech, Ilia victim did not die, but +ills moo -ii for life. The your,; lur,1) old is len tried ;tad sentenced to throe u':tl Il l)'- elf test's in tile+ Ci:ester ieuiten i rt. Hu served hid tittle, but 1+ lien I,..• returned to his former 11Uhlle he fou .d Ills Rise:,:. be antiuneil it; nor conn! he .;c't•lue any intelligence regulation Lei' +,"i r.,t outs. lu it lit of pique he welt I lie 0111100 ill Colorado, aur tiler° delved r,utl sirth.:,;ied and saved luttil lie lied se- - Cd rani sulliuwit t capital for a start. 'Inca In• pruceedeel to Perild nd, Ore., where it,' enu,:u•,ceu iu the lumber untie, 1'ru.0 ishu,l:xis (Vita the Northern Y,lcllie It ul,i ay Cu, and the Oregon Steam ,.tvieiititat Co. he realized hunds0111a rete; its. He came east, and after •at- hvuling the Worlu'5 Fait• weutdoivll iu;u E_il la" to sun re I I0t• ins wife, for whom his f was [lever lessened, Neu- his 1.1 11, lac ihu found a lady. who lord I, CelV' d from his wife a letter dated ui 111dtan:twi is, Ile said nothing, hut came direct to this city, Tie Ic,u'r uulicltted that the wife was 10010.h g in a Mack on Massachuoel(S :.tubal. lug finally found hie ccuy theta; :led ill the early he,ui- of it car air even - :mom it creek ago lie rapped at her door. She tweeert'U the summons. Ile knew I Or, liltlholigll silt, 1111(1 aged and w•as very care -worn. She failed to ro- cutt,lLe ihinl. The 1•ecegllitilu tante, however, wiie)1 lie exhibited an thld- iiisil1lnled 10010.'6 containing .ler picture s'1 d a lea: of her hslr, +t hich lie had c„rrled witli Lint through :III his trot) Lie buili first to last. Certain old papers served Lu complete the le.Cognitioul, cud tee result was a nappy retuiiull Uf Ltco long separated soul,. 'file wife hail ueve.r e.uught divorce, and last Tit silly uignt husband • atua wile left for then' lulu tee Lulus on tea Pec life slope. The lady Iv no gave the story of ti118 roil1)111tic Mae- piece of luster). %emc„ed for Its ao- ,olute ;ruin, but heeltned, for obvious I .').shun, to niece 'se tilt! 1111 iie�.-iudlttl)a- pidia htl.lcl, L,fu burl cis the Reign of Turret.. Il.• could see uo,y what she wan, but Le sow Aso how graceful tree her walk, hew- beautiful her figure. Of cuurd., slid displayed these it.Ic•antages, of wide.. vile was fully cuu;.ci,,us, from a good motive, motive, but an .,.,that, ...Merited 1101- biLly from 11u,ller 1';v,•, tuuy have had . Sublet.. tllg to do with it. All at once 101111 cries fuse in the air, hollowed 1,y a rush of feet. A crowd (('ns t'u:ming up brltilrl then.. '1'I;e loll' was the sane that . aneit5 • had heard the day befet'e ill t.:e WI) do Bu,sv., when the club, 111 lit to sack: the grocer.,' shops, Cussed under her win- dow. She knew wh:lt it 111e lilt. A popular tumult was sw•et-•piug through tae Hue do Seine, which, live minute; he- fore had been so quiet and de.erted. '1'he crowd was LIIre-auiy ruluim; under t,e wall of the College des (lustre -Nn tiuus, where Milliette had just eucutu,tet ed the coati iti it I,!tic 1laru,ei at the,prie.pect of finling her 8e11 h it' ntrxt m'lUient. 1)or11e along by til hideous tlu'ull';, tile girl bel;uu 10 run and 111e Cant wing of t,,e eUiliee fulllliu a deep angle its it ;,hutted on the quay site rushed lata tet lel' sueltef. l'L0 il1.1l1l(11, cc'tutl++'lull swept past ill,Ilh'tle ba \V a luau who wVus running it law yards In telvhu;c•'' of alt° Il.,ek h; wild beau; ii hu were plv.,nlu„ blot. lie woo an old man with white hair. I11. black clothes were fluttering in tatters, ter ins road Iota seized already, and had t•se11p- ell (MG of i lett. halide. It ct a,; 55 Orden \I' 71010110 1t tel td n,est closely s l U 1 .l' his Ila heels. They were foremost anu,>,u•, his pursuers. Tie cvl.ule puck yelled mei hoe eel. '-A lu I:Interne !" they. cried. '•lIe is n priest ! Down wits ell priests ! s\, la • lantrrnU !' A creed of leen followed the w oonet,, as , tiger as they snore to be in It the dettn of a Hauled human Lein;,;. Oee of t:.e foremast furies turning round, suddenly seatcned 11 pike that a roan near her was waving in his hand; mid tut• possession of flus w•Cupen seemed to give her !resit strength, At. one bound silo cyas iu ;tdvknn:y OF all tlls) ei'owd,luhd the length' of the pike did the rest. The victim tell. Maueue had shut her eyes. Site did not see the nuurdertre sprine upon their bleed,ug tlual'ry. Hop t'eiliblit,g hulls let full ser little huld,e, her Innis sank under her; she grew taunt. Sho would hate fallen, but that it 1111111'8 :t flu Stip- Oriel I her. A mean's voice whisperer: -Nev, r 1'eue tue111. 1 ant here to help oil, Let 1110 takt' charge of you. I will ,hie,' you 111 stlfety."-'.Paas at, from the i'leuch, in Lltiell'd Living Age. Advice to \Yivrs, Christian wunlen,whou your II ishands hith. sena 1'('tll l'It to you :It the evening tiller buffeting with the ,caves of the let theta find iu your beide a haven of rest. leo not poor into the I,;e„linin wounds of their wart tee gall of titter words, hilt rather the oil of gladness and consolation. Be fond of our homes. lie attached to your betties. Make theta cuntiurtabie. Let peace unit order and tranquilly add teniper:ulce abound there, Let the angel of chastity that profected Agnes preside over your homes salt Mand at the door of your heart, repelling all unhallowed thoughts, even as the angel, W ith flaming sword watched at the Garden of Eden. For what is a home from which chastity is banish- ed but It consecrated temple from which the spirit of God has fled? Lot rho flowers of domestic joy and gladness grow abundantly along your pathway. Let the lire of conjugal and maternal and filial love cy hie.' tied has consecrated bunt coctint)ally on the altar of your hearts and Cm18111110 every inordinate affection. Then, indeed, may the words of Scripture be a'ppiied to you : ' \Vito e'aann find it virtuous woman? Far from the uttermost coasts is the ,price of her. She hath looked well to the paths of her home and hath not oate:t her bread idle. Her children rose up and called her blessed ; her husband, and he praised her. Beauty is vain. The woman that fearetlt the Lord she shall be praised." - Cardinal (Iibbons. Zola, tfcta, and 81.0 Bottle. One cent a dpso, TRIG GREAT Vouort Conn prompt y cures where all others fail Coughs, Croup flioro Throat, Hoarucncee, fail, Cough and I othma. For Consumption it has no rival,. bas cured thousands, and will MILE YOH II taltenin time. Sold by Druggists on a guar- antee. For a Lame Back or Chest. use f3:IILOli'S BELLADONNA PLASTER.nne. A1IBar®IIit CPA9AIfPf'1E/ aveout)atarrh? Thisro y � modyisguaran teed 1 to euro you. rice, tticte. Injector free. Sold by J. H. COMB1t). IYDISPEnsama , -- There are souse simple remedies indispensable in every family. Among these, the experience of years assures tts, ahunld be recorded Perry 1/avis' PAIN -KILLER. For both internal and external application we have found it of great value; especially can we recommend it for colds, rheu- matism, or fresh wounds and bruises. - Christian Era. Who are the most famous writers and artists of both continents? The Cosmopolitan Magazine is endeavoring to a.nSWer this inquiry by printing a list from month to mouth. --i11 its con- tents pages. This magazine claims that notwithstanding its extraordinary reduction in price, it is bringing the most famous writers and artists of Europe and America to interest its readers, and in proof of this claim, submits the following list of contribu- tors for the five 10011015 ending with February : Valdes, Howells, Paul H yse, Francisgtle Sne'cey, Robert Grant, John J. Ingalls, Lyfman Abbott, Frederick Masson, Anges Repplier, J. G. Whittier, (posthumous,) Walter Besant, Mark Twain, St. George Mivart, Paul Bourget, Louise Chandler Moulton, Flanlnlarion, 'Cissandier•, F. Dempster Sherman, Adam Badeitu, Capt King, Arthur Sherburne Hardy, Georg N bars, Do Maupassant, Sir Edwin Arnold, Spielhagcn, Andrew Lang, Berthelot, H. H. Boyesen, Hop- kinson Smith, Lyman J. Gage, Dan'l C. Gilman, Franz Von Lenl)nch, Thomas A. Jan'vier, And for artists who have illustrated during the same time: Vierge, Reinhart, Ma.rold, F. D. Small, Dan Beard, Jose Cabrinety, Oliver Her- ford, Remington, Hamilton Gibson, Otto Butcher, H. S. Mowbray, Otto Quillonnet, F. G. Attwood, Itopkinson Smith, Geo. W. Edwards, Paul de Longpre, Hobert -Dyes, F. H. Schell. How this is done for $1.50 a year, the editors of the Cosmopolitan alone know. FOR BOILS AND SKIN DISEASES. DEAR Slits, -J have been using B. B. B. for boils and skin diseases, and I find it very good as a cure. As it dyspepsia cure I have also found it unequalled. MRS. S.ARAII HAMILTON, Montreal, Que. Patti sang in Montreal Monday night of last week. At thteconclusion of the concert the American orchestra omitted the national anthem and the audience stood in silence. The Earl of Aberdeen, who occupied one of the boxes, struck tap "God Save tile Queen," and was heartily ,joined by the assem- blage, and rousing cheers followed. The blue -bird is hailed as IL harbinger of Spring. it is also a reminder that a blood -purifier is needed to prepare the system for the debilitating. weather to come. Listen hind you will hear the birds singing : "Take Ayer's Sat'sa- parilltL in March, April, May.7 Mrs.e L.usc, the I{:uls;ts lady who proposes to Alodges, start Masonic 1 1t 11. )Ric• :Lci- mits that she became pueseesetl of the secrets by peeking through a wicket int the private door of a lodge. room. RHEUMATISM Cvexn is A Div.-S.11th American Rhenlnatic Cnre, fir Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to a days. its action upon the system 's rem'trksble aud,mystoriots. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately die appears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents Sold by Watts & Co., Daggisst. Mrs. Sophie Beresford, of San Fran- cisco, has just died from glanders, which she contracted from a horse. KEEPS IT IN THE HOUSE. Detail SAIF, ---1 have used Ilagyhtrd's Yellow Oil with every satisfaction, and always keep it in the house. it is splendid for burns, bruises cuts, etc. MRs. JOSEPH DELAPLANT, 0 Regent St., Toronto. iMatthew!Johnsoll Was electrocuted at Sing Sing, N. Y., on Monday morn- ing for the Imnvler of Emil Kuckelhorn on Dec'. 17 last in New York City. "A crick in the back," a pain under the shoulder -blades, water brash; biliousness, and constipation, are symptoms of disordered stomach, Kid- neys, liver and bowels. For all ail- ments originating in it derangement of these organs, take Ayer's Pills. At San Francisco Friday Dr. Eugene West was sentenced to 25 years in the penitentiary four the murder by mal- practice of Addie Gilmour, it young milliner. THAT PALE FACE. For Nervous Prostration and Anae• min there is no medicine that will so promptly and infallibly restore vigor and strength as Scott's Emulsion. eecn At St. Catharines Friday Burton Stewart, aged fourteen, was killed by being thrown from a milk waggon owned by Henry Kotttnyer. THE BEST OF ALL. MILBURN'SCod Liver Oil Emulsion is superior to all other preparations of Cod Liver Oil in digestibility, curative power, and strengthening properties. 50e. and $1.00 per bottle. One of the severest storms of the winter struck southwest of Texas on Wednesday night. Stockmen met with heavy losses of cattle. ep+ FE q3 . Q�+`t,T A„7�'�-,il �Ir��l'af�►r�.. W .92 O f •;.ruub sad •age p I actey Y Pt c:. C• IS 1=1..M O C , Cr; rt.TI I i= r r '� I n)1 -3:$ P.... I."3 - ' CI::). Pe 7O Cn ELS tri m -t- !- 0 ►-y e -'r - .ePupI IIB JO 'CA m Ci p 0 rC'D ririV .1® FI LT IyGG3a3.1 �4 The MoKi11op luteal Fire Insilrance Company. . Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured, • OFFlt x1(8. IS, Ruta, President, Clinton P. 0. ; tion, Watt, vice-president, Bullock P. U, ; W. ,I. Shannon, Secy. Treas. , Sealert') P. 0. ; M. Mucat ie, In- pector of claire,' Soaforth P. 0, DIRECTORS,' • Jan, P,rnndloot, Reufortll ; Alex Gardiner, Lend - bury; Gabriel Ellp'tt, Clinton ; John Han- nah. Reaferth ; Joseph Evans, Beachwood ; 'rhos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Nella-.s, Harlock; Robt, McMillan, Sea - forth ; J. Cunituings, i-gmuudville; Geo. Murdie, Auditor , . Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans. act other business will be promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective pont chicon. New Pllotograpli Gallerp, J.W. COOK, the leading photographer, next Young's Bakery, Albert Street, Clinton, is prepared to execute all orders. Everything from a SUNBEAM to a LIFE SI/,E PHOTO'on the shortest notice and first class workmanship guaranteed TINTYPES taken. Pictures taken on cloudy days equally as well as on sunny Jays by the new process. Prices as low as any and superior work. Call at the new gallery. J. W. COOK, Practical Photographer ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, SPECIAL NOTICE SYF Tun. Nxws•Racota will always be pleased to receive reliable information of Births, Mar- riages,and Deaths, or of ally other local event. Air Tux NEw-s Recoup can furnish as hand- some Wedding Stationery end guarantee as fine letter press work and at as low prices as any city or other printing office. Sar In the matter of Funeral Circulars sad Memorial Cards, THE Nltwe•Itxt:oRD gl•arantee8 prompt attention and the very hest clans of work, at fifty per cent. less than eastern prices. WANTED.. Energetic men can find steady employment with us as salesmen. Experience net necessary. Hardt- some outfit nor: the benefit of over 25 years experience iurnisbed every man. Choice special lines and (outt f of territory. We have over seven hundroJ acres i)f choice stock and can give yen many nrivantngrn. Our mode of securing and retaining snlsemen in sneerinr. Call fur our terms. The trial will cost yin nothing. STONE & WELLINGTON. 771.Om Toron to, Ont Horse, Harness, Cutter. &c., for Sale livery draught filly, coming three, w.II•bred, un- broken ; 'thigh" awl double Harness, Robes, Cotter, Buegy, Plow, So., Ar. will be sold in bully or singly at very reasonable prices. For particltlnrs apply at THE NEWS -RECORD tffice. ufNc dItP in 2 61 y'i ---Emulsion. IWffl CureThatCough, Heal Your L(1ngs, PutViesh onlourBones Prevent Consumption. • . e • TOWN TOPICS, Tho Journal- of Society, (82 PAGES.) NEW YORK. (THURSDAY.) Is universally recognized as the most complete weekly journalin the world, Its aunterings" columns are inimitable. Its society news especially of the doings of the 400 of New York, Boston. Philadelphia, Chicago, and all over the world, is not equalled by any newspaper. Its Financial Department is authority with all bankers and brokers. Its "Literary Show" -notes on current literature -is by the cleverest of re- viewers. Its "Afield and Afloat" makes It the most Interestinga er tot all lovers P of fishing, etc. Is "On afTurf 1, rowing ethershoota i notes etc. Its "On sport- yachting, Turf " excels all other racing notes. Its burlesques poems and jokes are the cleverest. Its stories are by the best writers -among them AmClie Rives, P. Marion Crawford Julian Hawthorne, ce Edgar Fawcett, Gilbert Parker, hoary J. Hawker ("Lamm Falconer"), Barry Pain, Paul Bourget, Rudyard Kipling, Ambrose theme, etc., etc., and are oven If a trifle risque,yet always clever, bright an'd pretty. without coareness or anything to offend the most refined and moral woman, In addition to all this there is each week a supplement portrait, in colors, of come man eminent In his walk of lite. Tales From Torn Topics Quarterly, day of March, Juno September. December; Pages; 12mo. Contains in each number, in addition to short stories, poems, bur- lesques, etc., from the old issues of Town Topics, a complete, original prize story of 120 to 150 pages. s,y No one who enjoys the highest class of fiction, and would beau courant with all that pertains to good society, can afford to be without TowN Torics everyy week, There is eo much interesting rending in it and la the " Tales," that a club subscription to both will supply any family with abundant reading of the most entertaining character all the year. Rl-1TB5S tion for three months, r annum. 0, and a specimen copy of "Tales" Free. Tales From Town Topics, per number, 50 cents. Per annum, $2.00, Both Clubbed, per annum, 03.O0, and any two previous Numbers of "Tales" you may specify FRES. farniend 10 cents for sample copy Town Tories. N.H.-Haveou read AMIILiE RIVES' latest and beet novel, Tanis, The Sang - Digger P 12mo, cloth, gilt. uncut front and foot, $1.50 post- paid. Remit by check, P. 0. money order, postal note or registered letter to TOWN TOPICS, • Al West 23d Street. New York. t:1 OOw.0174 i')+: ra00CIO;T' t)O')COM7.00 Q0t')+7.100 y}"3001' Cc oo0o( lc4fv1 .r044% Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you PEPSIA or IND GESTION,ACHE, DYS- TAKEf PANS TABULES If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have TAKE RIPANS TABULES LIVER COMPLAINT. if your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, TAKE RIPANS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS TAKE PANS TABULES OF THE STOMACH, - Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. 1.1HHNNHIHi�O.. I,HN.11N L.A' Y TO Mk- () ONE GIVES TO ACT t'l i SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. ♦b♦ RELIEF. 0 +.^,.....w:::>rFN-N..H,H,.««. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. IJ'' 0=00000t=000‘.7.00000000000000000000000000 We Buhr in Large Quantities And Give the Public the Advantage. --0 Have you tried our Celbrated WATER WHITE On Carbon Safety It is Equal to American, Only 10c. per Gallon cash, 12c• if Charged. Also a Great Reduction in prices of Stoves, To make room So large Importation of New Goods in th Spring. 0 NewS Store, Mackay Block, Har!an BIOS, old t ftn(1, I rlcli: Bloch.. Eureka Bakery .and Restaurant. 0 In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to successfully cater to the wants of the general public. Vire do our own baking, save heavy expenses, and turn out a qualityof BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &c., equal to any in West- ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING Bread, &e., delivered to all parte CAKES A SPECIALTY. of the town, FRITS, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, COOL DRI N -KS. Pic nic and Private Gather- inga supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location -next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton.. W H. B 0 FD, Proprietor. THE HUB GROCERY. CHRISTMAS GOODS are on the move and our stock is now com- complete. We eau give yu nw VALENCIA RAISINS, SELECTED RAISINS & CLUSTER RAISINS, VOSTARIA CURRANTS, PATRAS CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS CURRANTS, ENGLISH PEELS -LEMON, CITRON and ORANGE 4 EXTRACTS of all kinds, LEMON, VANILLA, RATIFIA, &e., &c. ORANGES, LEMONS,D Our usual Stock of Teas and Coffee on hand, Call and examine before' you buy. GEORGE SWALLOW Clinto For that Bad Cough or yours MHii9s • Lott p�y�r✓(p/��>r Ba r •ENOED"t'-r-�-e�;�_ As a Preventive and Cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases.-- n.