HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-03-07, Page 3:t. VAIrtglIrt SET ,044.1 1ii<.te 021$ cit Uriesil SAM% $f,►$x,(liil Kluge Iofe 1441.14111110KOI. $'0,0814#1, .poparttt eat, U Si. rotttiaranon t Shite, Bu�D'4ti1t,Y. IIro %%testi titlrN ni AAssecraetiae; Mar Birt-•- rrom earlyYebit4hogd 11tave eufe !teed foci it slugglsb ,fiver with ail the din+ nr4eril aooceppaoyIng ouch a companion, c ' • ,• -' preseriptlons and »pMent medicines pe {teed in abundance; they only !!forded m Glary relief, I VMS: recommentletl to try r, a'merce's Pleasant ;['suets, I did so, taking i;t night and two after dinner every Y for two.weekse I tbeie reduced the dose to yn0 i'.Pei1Qt" every any and Continues this �iitl.3t',- IEBOE anteesa CUR OR. MONEY RETURNED. prdct co fear two mouths, Z have in six months Released in solid Ilesh, twenty-six pounds. am in better health than I have been since ohoehood, DroWatness and unpleasant fees: i tier meals hove comppletely disappeared. Iieapeetiel1y yours, • i7. S,Inspector of Immigration. �. Huron News -Record 1.99 a Year—$1.26 in Advance. WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 7th 180.4. CURRENT TOPICS. • The Impartial Reporter, published at Enniskillen, Ireland, had something to tsay:gxi the 1st ult. about the Church ot'Ergland and Rome. Among other , things it says :—"Secessious from the, Church of England to the Church of Theme are frequently noted in the Im- ;;partial Reporter as well as other .,tapers, and it is therefore well to note Wane of the secessions from the Church of • Rome to the Church England. ''Amongst those who have seceded from • the Church of Rome during the year 1893 were—Rev. Wm. Sullivan. D. D., 'Professor of St. Thomas Seminary, iJammersmith ; Rev. James Wareing, Passionist Father, St. Mary's Carmar- then; Rev. Dr. Merwin Marie Snell, lecturer, University of Washington, irivat secretary to Bishop Keane (the 'rector); Rev. Mr. Tobin, New York ; Rev. John T. •Cullcton, priest - in -charge Roman Catholic Church, Raywick Kentucky; Rev. Count Paul Honsbroch, Jesuit Father; Rev. Paul Sheriff, O. S. B., subprior of the Bene- diiitine Abbey, Fort Augustus; Rev. N. C. Cantwell, Rev. Don Ramon Artacho, priest of Ninnelas and Valez. The • in- dividual motives of these men in leav- ipg the Roman communion would, doubtless, not approve themselves to its authorities ; but their secession is at least significant of the fact that, whilst some converts are gained from time to time by the Roman Church, there. is also a gradual leakage from the ranks of even her clergy." Uayf el Business was was pretty lively during til} recent good sleighing. Good roads a great factor in making better . t+rC+eEi. The Foresters had a delightful and highly interesting entertainment on the 20th of February, in the town hall. Some of the best local talent in the village took part. Money, the talented comic singer of Kirkton, appeared in costume and created roars of laughter. • The supper was really a grand affair. The proceedings wound up with a • grand ball. The proceeds amounted to about M. Our fishermen and hotel -keepers ;have now stored away their summer's supply of ice, good quality. The ice on the lake has been pretty .good, but there has beeh no fish caught yet.' This is hard oh our fishermen who depend on this particular calling for a living. We yearn for fresh fish. You will now have lots of news since Sir Oliver and his friends meet daily and hold fifteen -minute sessions! • Chisclhurst. ...On Sunday, 18th inst., a large num ber of the natives went to hear the •Rev. Dr. T.L. McKay, late of China, lec- ture in Hensall. They were well pleased with the Dr's discourse. He endured many hardships but his labors Were exceedingly blessed. During the French invasion to China the London R. Catholic Record ventured the asser- tion that McKay would desert his post, but it takes more than the French to Beare Dr. McKay. B o, Geo,...Parker.-has invented a macrne for gumming cross cut saws. We have not heard whether he intends securing a patent or not. Mr. W. J. Sillery and Wm. Grum- met are piling up coriwood in great ]style. From three to five cords a day ,is good work for Iittle fellows, but they are what we call little big fellows. Mr. Sillery is son-in-law to that veteran Orangeman, Bro. Wm. Johnston, of McKillop. Mr. McLean wishes to know when Mr. Bishop was the tried ' and honored member of South Huron in the estimation of the Times. Well, we know when it was that he was honored by Conservatives, it was when rnanyt of them voted for him. The Expositor has in its issue of Feb. 22nd an article on Separate Schools by FItither Whelan. He speaks of an i4giitarant Protestant faction. Bide a' a ee, Faither Whelan, ye dinna ken •nuclfle aboot Protestant ava' mon they ken Ys a great deal better than ye ken: them. In the Hielans there is an adage which being interpreted means. Let the Priest christen his own child . Noo, Faither helan, when ye' ha done educating Roman Catholics TM a feared mon ye r ignorant Protes- tatnt taction will be too far advanced Air ye Mr. Sherwood Hunter, 8th con., was presented, by a friend, with a beauti- fuilyfinished.Oremona Violin, one that *Mild even please any sensible person. A SE1i.IOUS COMPLAINT. People make light of coughs, colds Mad lit grippe, and often neglect them. Thum should not he done. Dr. Wood's nI these diseases. ne a Inis a t sothesre and heads the throat and lungs. 19.•A .OEaPQTLC` RVI,EIi, Tbo Stotu»Ch xnk itieetX laetareesid • Whoa Ouse Xt 441►tt4tus MaIl1e • ', Ona of;the gieiite.st ,m1019r614400.• that can happen to li elan jii Ilia earthly qu1'eet;' le to 4i8Qoaer. that ho has a etanaicle lite ttoty Ihuoty 004'9re0ea4y -or recollect the lessons in phpaialo;y of has sollcotQY day, IMO acooriiing to the San Franeisoo Chronicle, wheii !te Buda Out by actual, personal experience that 'he hue's. stofnacli he is,to be pitied. Tile WWWWI° science cf gastrouonfy—and it is a science -.thus been devised and perfected for the benefit of the men n Ito have • made this disoovory. AU the studies of the whols glittering galytxy of gastrono- ntiate, all the•eulivary triumphs of the great restaurauts in the capitals of the -world, are dug to the eiu•plu fact that men bave knout one that they have stomitchs, and that that organ, when once discovered, crust be per•ted and flattered and soothed aucl kept io good humor to prevent its revoitit g and creating revolution and civil war, It is safe to say that the primitive man never knew that he had a stomach. It has been reserved for civilization to in i1 -e the discovery, and it is by no means u foregone conclusion that civilizttiou should pride itself upon having done so. • The maxim filth one ueeeir enjoys a good dinner until after it has been eaten is a refltteineut of modern and degen- erate days,contaiuiug much sound philo- sophy from a certtuu atandpuint,but that atat.dpoiut is a fictitious and mistaken ouo. There.ls 00 natural reason, why it dinner, good or bad, should • be enjoyed. The ono object of eating is to satisfy huuger, and that being done, the dinner should, be forgotten. It is only the int- perious and arbitrary stomach which in- sists, upon a further recognition of its claims, and it is only huinau wealtuess which submits to its demand. A modern philosopher, in terse though inelegant diction. has laid dotvu this maxum, which is almcat idiomatic : 'Yon must down your stomach or your stomach will down you." There is more iu this than will meet the eye of the casual reader. - The stomach may, as certain of the ancients believed, be the real seat of the emotions, passions and of ectiour•, but we make it great niistttlte It we sub- ordinate the ego to a single organ, and especially to one which is only tau ready to presume upon the favor shown it sea the liceuse given it. Healthy children know. nothing about their sto,uuo:is, ex= cepl that they ache •souietiutes if called an to do double duty, and there is noth- ing so healthy and happy in the world iu a Healthy child. It• children of a huger growth could but ignore.. the gasu•io organ or target it. dyspepsia would be- cuure a lost disease, and all the evils that follow in its train .would disappear. EIGHTY-SIX YEARS A SAILOR. A Venerable Britian Tar Who Saw Fight- ing Before 11e \N114 10 Years Old. The grand old man of the British navy has completed Itis 94th year, and a very wonderful career has Admiral S.r Lewis Tobias Jones, G.C.B., a sun of Sligo, had, according to Tile Toronto Empire. He was born in 1799, and entered the service when lie was just turned 8 ears of age, that is to say, on New Year's Day, 1808. Nor was this one of the for- mal entries so common at the period. Before lie was 10 years old he was pre- sent during the disastrous undertaking which we call the Welcheren expedi- tion; he. was still a midshipinaii when he took part in the bombardment of Al- giers in 1.810, and he saw no mere light- ing till he was conunauder of the lisle - of -battle ship Princess Charlotte at Lite bombardment of St. Jean d'Acre in 1810. He, however, saw some severe work in putting down the slave trade, besides assisting in the capture of Lagos, then a slave depot, which was turned into a refuge for slaves under the Iiriiisll flag. In the same ship—tile old paddle -wheel Sampson—he commanded the steam squndroa et our naval attack on Odessa in 1854; thea Helped to reduceSoukhonin Kaleii, on the Circassian coast; then brought his ship sefely through the great Euxine storm of Novemuer, 1854, by cuttiug away her masts and letting the seas sweep over her tis she steamed head to wind, and as a reward for this he was promoted to the charge of the lino of battleship London, .in which he assisted in the capture of Kinburn. He was second in command iu China, and in the operations that led to the capture of Pekin in 1860, but his only post as an adutiral, for lie mad no groat friends to back hitu up, and was even fifty-one and a half yoars iu the navy before he got his flog, was at Queenstown. Iie holds the post of visitor and governor of Greeuwicti Hospital. AlumIuum. Alumina abounds in neatly all clays, the clays at Boulder, in Colorado, show- ing as high as 34 per cent. of alumina. Tams alumina is the oxide of aluminum, which is more liberally distributed than any known metal. All clays contain from 15 per cent. upwards, while baux- ite, cryolite and corundum contain from 40 to 80 per cent. of the oxide of alumi- na, which is equivalent to from. 25 to 40 per cent. of metallic aluminum. Baux- ite is the most plentiful in country and is especially adapted to a new Colorado smelting process in connection with the, fluxes used. Immense deposits are fcund in Maryland, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas; Missouri, Colorado, New' Mexico and Utah. The present selling price of commerci- al aluminum containing 80 to 90 per cent. of aluminum and from 8 to 20 per cent. of silica anti, iron is now 60 to 80 cents per pound, and the market de- mands are far in excess of the supply. This kind of aluminum is unfit for de- corative purposes until further refined, and the silicon makes it brittle, while the Colorado product eau be Used for any and every purpose as it comes from the furnace. The uses of this metal are innumera- ble, but some of the more important are cutlery, kitchen utensils, stoves, fur- naces, sash, doors, blinds, roofing, baht tuba, plumbers' utensils, hulls of res - eels, machinery of all kinds, bridges, gas and electric fixtures, gas and water pipes, picturefrarnea, wagons, carriages. bicycles and vehicles of all kinds ; and as lite metal does not taruish and alloys with other metals it will be used for all purposes ashen either beauty, durability, strength or lightness is desired,—Denver Tithes. A Substitute for Coffee, Parched malt is said by experts to be much superior to an ordinary quality of coffee, and is being exclusively used as a substitute for our favorite breakfast drink, besides being obtainnble at a eost of only four cents a pound, roasted and ground. The healthfulness of the article is well established, and its use will doubtless become general among the poorer classes and those who desire to curtail household expenses, neesesinewressearawesee EUMATISM` $EALW$WU$8MSFC$Sr Uyln vaiao aMENTHOL PLASTER o u pt G I. TON SASH, DOOR ANIS BLIN FACTORY. S. 8. COOPER, - • PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contracts. This factory' has been ander the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. Wo carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all clas808 of buildings on. abort notice and on the closest prices. All work is sup+•rvised in a tneobttnical way and satisfaction • guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Luber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, .Sash, Doors, Blinds, &o Agent for tbo CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your order::. THE POST -OFFICE STORE SUMMERHILL, ONT, CfIOICE GROCERIES. DRY -GOODS, &c,, &c. Our expenses are low and our Cnstomers get the benefit. 0 --- We want YOUR trade. It will pay YOU to inspect our stock. SEE OUR DRESS GOOD. Produce Taken. Geo. M. Kilty, General Merchant. THE POST -OFFICE STORE, S1iM1'1ERHILL. Stanley. Stanley Council met Feb. 21. Mem- bers ell present. Reeve in chair. Min- utesof previous meeting read and signed. The clerk was instructed to register By -Law No. 7 for 1803. Thomas Wiley received an order for $1.55,uucollectable taxes. By-law No. 1, for 1894 was re- pealed from word "That" in first line of section one to the word "be" in second line of same and name of J. T. Cairns, of village of Varna, inserted instead, as clerk. By-law No 1 for 1891 as amended was finally passed. The tender of Jones Bros., of Wiarton, to furnish cedar for township purposes, was accepted. J. J. McKenna, of Dublin, was appointed engineer, and clerk instructed to prepare a by-law conferring same. The clerk was in- structed to draft a by-law setting forth the fact that the council will not pay for loss or damage done to sheep in 'Municipality by dogs. A similar motion in Febuary, 1893, had not been acted upon. The account of Manning & Scott, for preparing by-law re union school section No. 1, Stanley and Hay, and for services in connection with Board of Health, accepted and ordered paid. By-law No. 4, re sheep killed by dogs was passed. The reeve and deputy -reeve were instructed to interview the Medical Health offi- cer in regard to vaccination and inoculation of the children and others of municipality. By-law No, 5 in regard to appointment of engineer was read and passed. A notion that Thos. Wiley be paid $75 salary as collector for 1893 was carried. Also that Mrs. Secord he paid $1.50 for Mr. Secord's services in connection with Board of Health for 1893. The clerk's salary was fixed at $130 for all duties in connec- tion with township, Treasurer was paid $4 for attending special meetings and other extra work for 1893. Meet- ing adjourned to Monday, March 19th. —J. T. CAIRN'S, Clerk. James Morgan, aged 17, went skat- ing on the lake at Port Stanley all by himself last week, skating into tt hole and was drowned. BURDOCK BLOOD' BITTERS. Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyspep- sia, constipation, bad blood, headache, biliousness, scrofula, and all diseases of the stomach, liver and bowels. A dozen persons were badly injured by the derailing of a train on the Illi- nois Central Railroad last week, three miles from Durant, Miss. HEALTHY CHILDREN come from healthy mothers. And mothers will certainly be healthy if they'll take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. • Nothing can equal it in building up a woman's 'strength, in regulating and assisting all her natural functions. It lessens the pains and burdens of child -hearing, supports and strengthens weak, nursing mothers, and promotes an abundant secretion of nourishment. It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and bracing nervine, and a guaranteed remedy for woman's ills and ailments. In every chronic "female complaint" or weakness, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Delicate Diseases, affecting male or female, however induced speedily and ,permanently cured. Illustrated book sent sealed for 10 cents in stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Associa- tion, 003 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. A gang of female counterfeiters has been unhearth in Omaha, and two of its members are under arrest, with the prospects of others being soon behind the bars. For Over Fifty Yours. MRS, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has boon used by millions of mothers for their children while teething If disturbed at night and broken of lout rest by y sick child suffering and crying with pate of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Witi- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Toothting., 1 will relieve the poor little sufferer itmnedatety. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Dtarrhcoa, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gum and re• duces Inflammation and,gtves tone and energy to the whole system, ''Mfrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the proaoription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-flve cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. Ile sure and ask fo 111 RS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING Svaur " There is never a dull or unattractive issue of The Illustrated Buffalo Ex- press. John dunfl!nIaiTt, GRUUN GEOCER, :: CONFECTIONER AND Canadian Express Agent, ALBERT ST.. CLINTON. Fresh liaddiesand Bloaters. Oysters constantly on hand. Also some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. CITY BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having bought out the bakery business so successfully carriedon by Mr. Henry Morrish, wilt continue the business at the old stand He willindeavor, by supplyipg a drat class article, to merit the liberal suppoit of the people. Bread le livered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes„supplfed en short notice, JAMS YOUNG, - --Olinbt • LIVE HOGS WANTED, Highest Market Price Paid. D . CANTELON, Clinton. 796-tf. Good Business for Sale. Porters Hill General Store for Sale,one of the best stands in the County of Huron, doing a good business, Post Office in connection.' Comfortable dwelling, six rooms. Good Storeroom, Largo Stable i acre of laud For further particulars apply to HORACE NEWTON. Porters Hill P. 0. Ont. Feb. 17th 1894. 31.797. NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem it a favor if readers would, when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's advertisement in Tim NEW&RECORD•' Lost - On Friday afternoon a levan -month-old collie dog, The same 15 a curly blank with brown legs and white spot on breast, also white tips on fore paws. An. ewers to the name of Carlo. A suitable reward will be offered for recovery -of dog. FRANK EVANS, Drayman. IR SAFE RELIABLE PLEASANT THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER "a�tp \' 11 $ fq BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA CURES ALL Taints of the Blood. IP CERTAIN elleete At the annual meeting of the Owen Sound Board of Trade it was develop- ed that the trade of the town during 1893 was largely in advance of that of 1892. 3) CAPTAIN S VEENEY, U. S. A., San lege, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do mo any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by J, H. Combo. Wi01011 & Rowe, Successors to Janos Anderson. The uudersigued have le:night the stock, good will andlinter'ent of Awl's Anderson, and the adore will hereafter he known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a firet••e1aes Res- taurant and Green Grooery, and by strict attention to business and mutes! hope to receive the continut•d patronage of all old enamors. WILSON 84 HOWE, Clinton. New krrivals for Xmas Trade At The Corner S tore, lacKayBlock. NEW RAISINS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW FIGS, NEW PEELS, NEW VALINC1A ALMONDS CHOICE EXTRACTS and PURE GROUND SPICES, Full Line of Canned Goods, HAM'S AND BACON, IJERRINGS AND TROUT, SCALED HERRINGS, FLAKE PEAS, POLLED BARLEY, LOLLED WHEAT, Highest Price in Trade or Cash for Butter and Eggs. J. W. IRW IN, , - Clinton.-, WILSON & HOWE THE LEADING BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, ALBERT, ST., CLINTON. Svelte -1, Crakes, Confectionery, Arc., of a superior quality, at the lowest living prices. OYSTER3 of the Very Best Quality at the lowest possible price. 11.C?Y1. Mic"-vvci,, THE NOVELTY BAKERY & RESTAURANT, CLINTON New Goods for the Xmas Trade ----Just arrived and in Stock. RAISENS, VALENCIA, Fine Selected, oil Stalk and Layers. SULTANAS EXTRA DESERT, CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS in Brie. and half Bras. FINEST VOSTIZZAS in CASES. LEMONS, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES, PRUNES. NEW PEELS. ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON.. FRESH GROUND SPICES of all kinds, also full lines of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE, TEA SETTS, DINNER SETTS, TOILET SETTS. Cash for Butter and Eggs. --- N. ROBSON. Albert St., Clinton. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of' the best work-, mansbip and material. alleAll the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. OLFACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657-y a:¢ ;yy, r �.i;�ae�i{,°�S•.S-.,"T'.�,cy,:KrjeFl�:�1'C"il., ti/:!'."",.: WEAK, NERVOUSADISEASED MINI Thousands of Young and Middle Aged hien aro annually swept to a premature grave through early indiscretion and later exeea es. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising yonng man. Have yon any of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired In Morning; No Ambit tion• Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued- Excitable and Irritable• Eyes Marl Pimples on the l:'ace•' Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore Hair Throat; air Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Energy and Strength. Our New Method Treatment will build you up mentally, physically and sexually. Chas. Patterson. a one-m'nth Moulton. Cnrou o y0urn ugu. Capt. Tnwnsond. Wha, KENNEDY t L DRS. KERGAN Have "At le years of age T learned a bad habit which almost rafted me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I could stand no exertion. Head and oyes became doll. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firma, Meek trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. Thoy gave ma no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Horgan. Thep sent me one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cures when all else fails." They have cared many of my friends." MS OR YOM REnson. "Boma 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Dierctlry almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimple° on face, blotches, eyes red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Treatment. 1t cured me, and I have had no symptoms for five years. I am .married and happy. As a doctor, 1 heartily recomend it to all who have title terrible disease— syphilis." it will eradicate the poison from the blood." 1,5 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED. "I am 88 years of age, and married. When young I led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became Affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lite was nneatis- • factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything -all failed till I took treatNew s. Method builtment me pom mentally, physiicailydandrsexuallyDrs. Kennedan. ThMrI feel and netlike a man in every respect. Try them." ltd' No Names Used Without Written 1,1 Consent of Patient. • Cu,ou in tiwu, never fails in curing Diseases amen.Our New Method Treatment It otrengthone the body, stops all drains and losses, purifies the blood clears the brain, builds up the nervosa and mewl systems and restores lost vitality to the body. wre •tauarantee to Cure Nervosa iielsslity, Patting Titanlooe il, Nyphilia,Yerlcocele, otrietare,sheet, Unnatural olbchargee, Weak parts and All Kidney and Bladder latseaaee. Kergan � teflon and fifteen years of bREMEMB America. Thoy gmarantee to Ars. Kennedy aro ran no risk. Write them for an honest opinion, no matter ave you years of regret and suffering. ()hereto reasonable. Question lith and Hook Free. Cc .he leading specialists of re or 110 pay. Their strepo, nese ate et ake. Yon ho treated you. It may Write for e asutltatloflr Free. Das, KENNEDY & KERG iNitW s4 #'hl1 +I 1 •