HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-02-21, Page 3. MAXI AIM $400rias -shove ex*t'T other blood: pptlriflerr star Doctor Tierce's C}oidel} Iiledical Di3oover . lies the evI, dace, of it. It's sold in eery ease , on. trial. If it diver tams to benefit or care,ou have your money back. In restoring your strength, when you're t< ran Own" and ' used - up;" in cleansing your blood from every impur- ity, whether it's a simple eruption or the worst liolrotula; owl in building up wholesome fl<esb vrhen you're thin and weak—there's h tk jr tee equal the "Discovery." In every •caused by a torpid liveldor impure it'e the only guaranteed remedy. EnxzADrtru J. Busnw.Aw, of Sidnell Ohio, writes;' ' 51y little boy was so afflicted With asd'other hcdiseasest o 'sps,y liver trouble eoldnot live, n fact, they all thought so. I gave him Dr. Tierce's (}olden Medical Discovery and Pellets and tb,v saved his life. We have used the Dis- ,ocY for throat and bronchial trouble, and seen eh perfect relief that we can meow - Mend . t very highly." Me Huron News -Record 1.50 a Year -91.26 in Advance. Wednesday, *Feb. 21st 1894. CANADA DEFENDED. 81r Henry Tyler, piesident of the !Ward of directors of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, was chairman at ;stn :exciting meeting held at the new Imperial Institute on Monday evening `of last week in London, England. Mr. Maddock, the lecturer of the even- ing, had chosen for his subject, •'Our :I4Tew Highway." The lecturer made a 'Savage attack on the founders of the ,.Sauadian Pacific Railway. He aspers- ed the loyalty of the Canadians, and =acid they, as a nation, possessed all the vices and no virtues. This latter state- ment was received with loudly express- ed disapproval. If the history of the Canadian Pacific Railway were written, the 'lecturer said, the Panama scandal would be thrown far into the shade. llladdock was repeatedly hissed. Sir Henry Tyler, at the close of the meeting defended Canada. He denied that the Canadian Pacific leaders, such as Lord Mount -Stephen, Sir Donald A. .Smith, Mr. R. B. Angus or W. C. Van Horn had injured Canada, as charged ,by Mr. Maddock. He knew Canada, he said, much better than Mr. Mad- dock, and there were no more ' loyal people in the Empire. The Nelson monument affair, continued Sir Henry, was most ridiculous, and as for annexation to the United States, it was not seriously discussed by anybody in Canada. At the conclusion of his de- fense of Canada, Sir Henry Tyler was loudly cheered. Canadian members are preparing to resign their fellowship and are pre- paring a memorial asking the com- mittee of the Institute to disavow . responsibility for the lecturer's state- ments. Sir Charles Tupper is very in - di ant. result of Mr Maddock's remarks the Canadian Pacific Company, the Hudson's Bay Company, and others have threatened to withdraw their exhibits from the Institute. A memorial is being prepared in the influental quarters of the city, with- drawing subscriptions and protesting against use being made of the Institute to maliciously malgin Canada. THE EARL OF A BERDEEN, aArte tatlenista af: ilia direct- sort to Clauada,"'.axxd, WA there arc sonic of the itrdirect attoe.Ictatloulsts who colt themselves•indopendelit $, and wont to set up a little nation of their own, the ritislt etopire'bhing` entirely too large for their small souls to rattle aldlut in ; and he expresses a fear that the carry- ing out of annexation, either way, would be a sad blow to the empire's naval supremacy. There is not much danger of Canada being separated from Britain. At the same taunt' we are glad to see that John Bull is be- ginning to take solus interest in this colony. It may be that it is a srlfl.dh interest; but that won't intel'feit' with the good which Canada, 'nose tierivO from the old gentleman's awakt'ltiug it the importance of his North A mt•riettil possessions.—Hamilton Spectatt,t. Belfast. Too late for hist week. FIRE.—About 8 o'clock on Friday morning a fire broke out in the base- ment of Mr. Andrew Mullin's sawmill, 10th con., Ashfield, ttud effort was useless to save the building. The fact that the building was uninsured and that the machinery was recently re- paired and i;xtended, makes the hiss ' et y heavy. No cause can be ascribed for the origin of the fire, It is not at present known if Mr. Mullin will rt - build. He has a large stock of logs on hand. A severe thunderstorm passed over here on Friday night. A barn belong- ing to Mr. Waddel of Kinloss was struck and burned. No details lea riled. Ontario's G. 0. M., (Great Oliver Mowat) is the subject of mural discus- sion since his pledge of cooperation for prohibition at the Temperance wily en - tion in Toronto. Wood -bees are the order of the sea- son. Weather as variable as a mind- less man. Mrs. MeNab, of Toronto, is rusticat- ing with her mother, Mrs. 3. Mullin. Messrs. G. and A. Agar visited Clin- ton last week. Messrs. L. Agar and S. Boyd spent Saturday near Listowel. Matrimony is up in arms and will soon be on the match. The cards are out; the names will appear next week. The following interesting passage occurs in the letter apropos of the late carnival at Quebec, received from the Governor-General by Hon. Mr. Joly "It is not necessary for me to dilate upon the various indirect benefits that ;lay be- expected ,to accrue from the Auspicious accomplishment of the carnival, but I trust that among the results will be the unconscious influence likely to arise from the 'friendly and cheerful co-operation of all sections of the community in one common purpose and enterprise, so that, as suggested by your address of welcome on the occas- ion of the brilliant concert on Thurs- day, we may all strive to live in the spirit and after the example typified by that most interesting and impress- ive of, all the ninny interesting features of Quebec ; I mean the monument erected by the joint action of French and English citizens to the joint mem- ory of Wolfe and Montcalm. I will only add that when I have the honor of submitting to the Queen some ac- count of the success and eclat which distinguished this, the first carnival in Quebec, I doubt not that Her Majesty will be graciously interested and gratified by the intelligence, all ;he more because the success has been so largely due to the activity of Her Majesty's French-Canadian subjects, whose loyalty is undoubtedly a source of pride and satisfaction to Her Majesty, as it assuredly is also to the British people as a whole." or0.. Snaps.! Read? Do For the low sum of $20.0 (Two Dollars) we will furnish Tine .1'1,'WS - RECORD and till of the following papers for ono year : T1lRElIPIRE, Toronto. 'l'llE FREE PRESS, London. THF, ()LOBE, Toronto, TUE MAIL, Toronto, Till: STAR, Montreal. CilE 1,vtias' .1 °URN A1. and NRws•Ritconu will ,'tel you oily' $1.50 for a year—regular pt ice $2. 25. Add rens all orders to TOE N!EW-lt1:CORD Clinton, Ont. Chisell►urst. Mr. Joseph Lake, an old. resident of this township, was on a Visit here last week. It is now nineteenears since Mr. Lake left this section. When ask- ed if free trade would benefit Cana- dians, he said, I don't think it. In the town of Jackson,Clinton Co., Mich., we get 60 cts for barley per cwt. Just take off your tariff and ure on that; wheat from 50 to 55c.; pork, $0.25 per cwt. Why, he says, in Northern Mich. I know men, who after four vears settlement, to pull up stakes and heave it. Report says that one of our grit editors will soon undertake a pilgrim- age to Rome. He will be dressed in Highland costntne, McLean tartan, bonnet of the Patron of Industry style. In the Sparran he will carry the resolu- tions passed by Grand Orange Lodge in '03, also a full report of the proceed- ings of the Grand P. P. A., at Hamil- ton recently. When Bro. L. was asked if Mr. Mc- Lean would make as strong a candid- ate as Mr. Bishop, he said, no, no boys, Mr. Bishop was respected by both Tory and Grit alike, many a voter, on election day, would remain at home sooner than vote against Mr. Bishop. A FISH STORY.—Every one knows the amateur fisherman with his splen- did collection of rods, reels, lines and flies. An enthusiast left London to fish in Scotland promised to send his friends the first fruits of his skill. Ac- cordingly a telegram came :—Grand fish just despatched ; caught this morning. In the morning, says the friend who tells the story, a basket was delivered at toy house. My surprise and wonder were great when on open- ing it it revealed three very fine sal- mon trout. My surprise was greater and my wonder less when, by the next post I received from a firm of fish- mongers in Oban'a note which ran like this :—We haus been instructed by Mr. by a wire from Mull to forward to your address a 7 or 8 lb salmon; un- fortunately we have no fish of that size to -day, but as he says the matter is urgent we have taken the liberty of sending you instead three salmon trout of 21 lbs each. Your esteemed com- mands will always meet with our prompt attention. We are pleased to learn that the Seafortll Sun has secured a very able correspondent for Tuckersrnith. John Fitzgerald headed a party of sports to Honeyland last week. We did not hear results as yet. Dick Kruise is busy buying furs at present. Your correspondent has received word that the Rev. Dr. G. L. McKay, of Formossa, China, will deliver a lecture in Kippen, Presbyterian church, on the evening of the 21st Feb. A col- lection will be taken up at the close. PRESS OPINIONS. John Bull Waking Up. The London Times is beginning to discover something about Canada. The old notion that he who saw Quebec and Niagara Falls had seen Canada, has been abandoned. The impression that the suspension bridge connected Montreal with Detroit has been some- what amended, and the belief that the inhabitants of Canada wore blankets and snowshoes all the year round, and hunted moose and grizzlies in the back sFreets of Toronto has been somewhat shaken. Yerterday the Times printed t e third of a series of articles on Can - These articles have attracted inliOh attention in England, and will therefore be of benefit to Canada. even if the writer's intention is only to point out the advantages of Canada from a military standpoint. It is gratifying to know that the Times has discovered that Canada stretches'from the Atlan- tic—where there is a fine harbor called Halifax—to the Pacific, where there are several fine harbors : that Canada has unlimited coal supplies, convenient to these harbors; that Canada is the keystone of Britain's naval position, find that it might not be amiss to for- tify the harbors mentioned. The writ- er has apparently heard that there are A Great Offer! GREAT PAPERS' - ANS GREAT PREMIUMS. rA',• ate in a rc=Uion to offer Tire Hvnnw Nsws•BE t,"tIC t" .ran , D05, and the FAMILY ilalALD AND WE rimy "TAit, of \i not re'I, for one yt sr for 82.011, to new subscribers. 'l his offer entitles the subscriber to it rhuice of the 'sot great p, endures given' by the latbtishera of the FAMILY Hr ann. These premiame n r,• t lin "Sr'• It" ALMANAC, for 1894, a superb book of 450 paw's, nr it pr, ferred a onpy of the great FAMILY IIENALo Sol:TENla VD:TURF. which retails at twenty l'lbtra. 'Ilia premiame—Atmanae and Picture—will r,a h• about the end of November, and will be for. - war led in th-' order In widen the snbocrlption aro rvet teed. Suhscrip'ions to both papers may begin at „ncr. Rem,anbcr the offer of a choice of premiums ladle good only to people whosubscribe during the untunm. Afterw'rds the choice will positively -be withdrawn. Address all order to 'IRENEws.RECORD,Cllnton Out, SUBSCRIBE FOR Canada's Best Family Paper THE HAMILTON. Goderich Township. Council met to -day, Feb. 5th. Mem- hers all present. Minutes of last meet- ing read and passed. Moved by Jas. Johnston, seconded by S. Sturdy, that board of health for 1804 be No.1, Jas. Johnston ; No. 2, Nixon Sturdy ; No. 3, John Cox , No. 4 and 6, Jas. Connolly ; No. 5, C. W. Williams; M. D., J. B. Whitely. Moved b Jas. Connolly, seconded by C. W. Williams, that No. 1 and 2 by-law now read be passed. Tender of NEws-RECORD for township printing was accepted. Moved by S. Sturdy, seconded by Jas. Johnston, that Auditor's report now read be pass- ed. Moved by C. W. Williame, second- ed by Jas. Connolly, that the following accounts be paid, viz: Digging grave for Wm, Dunn, indigent, $1.50; Dr. Gunn, medical attendance to Mrs. Garvie, $26; Dr. Holmes, examining Johnston And Charles Graham for County wards, $10; Treasurer, for postage, account book and forwarding report $5.50 ; Auditors, $12; J. H. Elliott, for gravel, $3.60. The various pathmasters were appointed. Council adjourned to meet on first Monday in April. -NIxox STURDY, Clerk. Weakly - - - Spectator ENLARGED and IMPROVED. Cot,tatns.Ali the News. Many Special Feature., Crisp and Pointed Comments The Most Intertalning Stories The Choicest Literary Matter, Everything for Everybody $1 TO 1ST JANUARY, y 1>39.�i 1 This great paper from new till let January, 1895- 12 pages reading matter weekly—amid our groat pre. mium picture, "w•ATCHING TI1E WHEELS GO li.JUND" for only $100 AGENTS WANTED. 18»4, :Harper's Magazine, .. IL.L UISTRATaD, • P fLuirsa's MAoszetsi for 1694 will maintain the character that has made it the favorite illuetratod per- iodical for the home. Among the results of enter• prises undertaken by the publishers, there will appear derlug the year superbly illustrated papers on India by EpwIN Loin Wsaxs, en the Japanese Seasons by ALva>lD PARSONS, on Germany by Povayssr Bien - Low, on Perla by RICHAuo IIARDING DAVIS, and on btexleo be Filename Blom:ores. Among the other notable features of the year will be novels by Osmium nU MAvntl:naud CHARLEi000LEY WARNER, the personal rcmial,eenues of W. D. How - owl. tu. and eight abort stories of Wtsteru frontier life by OWEN Wlexen. Short stories will also be oontri• hated by BRANDER MATTHEW,, 111ormAwD HAItn1NG Doyle, VARY E. WeLErns, loin MOENERY STUART, Idles LAMA/INCE ALMA TADEDIA, GEORGE A HlnnanD, QUESNAY DE BEAU1tiIAI1tE, THOMAS NELSON PAGE, and others. Articles on tuplee of current interest will be contributed by distinguished ePeciellsts. Liberal commission to agents. A good agent for this distliet is wanted at once—cue who will take en ntereet in pushing the paper and will make a horough anvass of his district, Fer terms and particularsaddress SPECTATOR PRINTING CO. HAMILTON. CANADA Egmondville. We have some mighty hunters in this town, Dan Quinlan and Billy Kruise make some days from three to five dollars hunting. Last week they cut down a tree in Honeyland, 4ft in diameter. Peter McKay was put on guard with Dan's rifle but unfortuately Dan had forgotten to insert a catridge. When Mac found she did not go off he gave chase hitting one of the coons with the rifle and disabled it. They got two coons and two clays after they got four in one tree. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year HARPER'S IdAG'ZINE.... ., $4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S PAZ AR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 03 WeeIu Free .Press —AND— FARM= AND HOME vonl8O"t .•. $1.00 BOTH PAPERS FOR $1.00 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. A HICH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. NEW I'EATUnE" : Veterinary Department Under the charge of Dr. J. 11. Wilson, V. S., 'London. ANSwmlts TO COR1tE8PONDENTS.—Enquiries will he answered free, and should always con- tain writer's full name and address. Poetaye Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of the MAGAZINE begin with the Num - lows fur June and December of each year. When no time le mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Voltuueet f HARPER'S MAGAZINE fur three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be tent by mall, post- paid, On receipt of 58 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 60 cents each—by mail, post-paid. Relnittencea should be made by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of HARPER & BROTHERS. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW Tons. EACH NUMBER WILL ALSO CONTAIN: REV. Dit. TAI.nAllS's SERMON delivered the Sunday previously. WAKEMAN8 WANDERINGS" and other writ- ings by this celebrated author. AGRICULTURAL MATTER --Illustrated. LADIms' PAGE—Illustrated. A Smits I. TALE, and other interesting reading matter. A WEElcty PAGE or Goon Music. ,'.SUBSCRIBE NOW... Price, one Dollar a year in advance for the WEEKLY FREE PRESS and FARM AND HOME—in all 16 pages. Agents wanted in every unrepresented dis• trict to solicit subscriptions. Orders taken at THE NEws-REcoen office. Free Press Printing Company LONDON, • ONTARIO. WANTED. 1894 Harper's Bazar. Very a X ry 4a4 au �L?', h r Are Suffering• From Wog Troubles, Have Lot Flesh through Illness, Are Threatenfd w th constriptlott, 'Remember that the.+ ' tr. i S WHAT YOU ,4E'UIRE. hiss I/ . 1 Q gas l\ ilittasemmosw CHANGE OF BUSINESS Allstamtewseesswmramtamematasmamememat Wislon & Howe, 'Successors to James Anderson. The undersigned have bought the stock, good will and interest of James Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. ILLUSTRATED. HAnrEn'aBAZAR is a journal for the home. It gives the fullest and latest information about Fashion,; and its numerous illustrations, Paris designs, and pattern•ebeet suliplemonts are indispensable alike to the home dress -maker and the profea+iunalrnodiste. No expense is spared to make its artistic attractive- ness of the bighted order. Its bright stories. tonna lug comedies, and thoughtful essays satisfy all tastes, and its last page is famous as a budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues everything Is included which is of interest to •,omen. The Serials for 1894 will let written by WilLIaM BLAME and WALTER BElANT. Short stories will be written by MARY E. WILKIN,, MALIA LOUISA POOL, IIUTH MCENEny STEWART, MARION HARLAND, and others. Out -door Sports and In door Games, Social Entertainment, and other Embroidery, interesting topics will receive aria promised constant attention. A new series is p ised of "Cof- fee partee." lea a HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year. HARPER'S MAGAZINE ' 1400 HARPER'S WEEKLY 400 HARPER'S BAZAR 400 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 200�t Postage Free to all fttbseribers in the United Stall,' Canada, and Mexico. Salesmen 'to solicit for a ehoice line of Dnrsery stock. Complete outfit free and good pay from the start, Previous experience not neeeesary. Write at once and secure territory. THE HAWKS NURSERY CO. Roehaster, N.Y, NEGLECTED 1:),Npgat4 CaieW SAFELY ANO SURELY CUED B Alien's, Lung Balsam. The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of HAnpin'sDAZAR for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will he sent by mail, post. age paid or by express, free of expenee (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 00 per volume, Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, ou receipt of 60.00 each, Remittances should be made by Post-of:ee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement with- out the express order of HARPER & lino -rocas. Address: HARPER & BROTIIEIIS, NEW Yoga. 1894. Harper's Weekly. The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a first.olase Res- taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customer.. WILSON & HOWE, - - Clinton. ILLUSTRATED. HARPER', WEEKLY is beyond all question the lead- ing journal in America, in its splendid illustrations, in its corps of dietingutihed contributors, and in its vast army of reader.,. In special lines, It draws on the highest order of talent, the men beet fitted by position and training to treat the leading topics of the day. In fiction, the most popular story -writers con• tribute to its enictnns. Superb drawings by the tore - molt artists illustrate Its special articles, its stories, and every notable event of public Interest ; it contains portraits of the distioguiahed men and women who are making the history of the time, while special ati en - tion is given to the Army and Navy. Amateur Sport, and Mettle and the Drama, by distinguished experts. In a word, HARPErtis WEEKLY obmbine the news. features of the daily paper and the artistic and literary qualities of the magazine with the solid critical character of the review. . HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year HARPER'S HAG 4ZINE HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 34 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. ow Arrivals for Xmas Trade At The Corner Store, McKay Block. NEW RAISINS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW FIGS, NEW PEELS, NEW VALINCIA ALMONDS. CHOICE EXTRACTS and PURE GROUND SPICES, Full Line of Canned eeedst HAM'S AND BACON, HERRINGS AND TROUT, SCALED HERRINGS, FLAKE PEAS, POLLED BARLEY, i;OLLED WHEAT. Highest Price in Trade or Cash for Butter and Eggs. The 'Columns of the W ,EKLY begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order.' Bound Columns of AAniSn's WEEKLY for three years' back, in neat cloth binding, will he sent by mail, post• age paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exoaed ono dollar per.volame), for 57 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bindisg. will be sent by mail, post•pald, on receipt of at 00 each. Remittances should he made'by Poat•oBco Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Neweperpera are not to copy this adecrtisement without the express order of IfanrEi & Blto•r11ER% Address : HARPER & BROTHERS, New Yong. A Liberal Offer! —o -- We are now offering THE LRfflES' JouBoIL of Toronto, a large 36 page monthly illustrated Fashion Home Pape! particularly interesting to ladies, with THE NEWS -RECORD J. W. IRWIN, Clinton. CLINTON SASH, DOOR S. S. COOPER, W 0 AND BLIND FACTORY. PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractr. This factory has been tinder the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is suprtvised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &e Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured' at' Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your order&, FOR ONLY $1.50. The two publications will be given for one yeas, and will be sent to any address. This offer applies to those who renew for THF NEW 3 -RECORD another year before January, 1894, as well as to new subscribers. The regular subscription price of the LADIES JOURNAL is One Dollar per year. The JOURNAL and Tun Nsws•REcono will only cost you $1.150 if you subscribe now. Address TILE NEWS -RECORD, Clinton, Ont. } New Goods for the Xmas Trade ----Just arrived and in Stock. RAISENS, VALENCIA, Fine Selected, off Stalk and Layers. SULTANAS EXTRA DESERT, CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS in Brie. and half Eris. I4'N EST VOSTIZZAS in CASES. LEMONS, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES, PRUNES. NEW PEELS, ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON. FRESH GROUND SPICES of all kinds, also full lines of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE, TEA' SETTS, DINNER SETTS, TOILET SETTS. N. ROBSON. Cash for Butter and Albert St•1 Clinton. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work, manship and material. g -All the latest styles rand most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. Se-FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y WEAK, AERVOUSAUISEASED MEN Thousands of Young and Middle Aged Men are annually swept to a premature grave through early indiscretion and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruined and wrecked the ife of many a Promising young man. Have yon any of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning[No Ambf- tion• Memory Poor; I'taslly Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; l'implee on the 'Face- Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless;: Distrustful and Lack of Energy and Strength. Our New Method Treatment will build you up mentally, physically and sexually. Chas. Patterson. Cared in ono m'nth Dr. Moulton. Cnrou 0 y0aro 4160. Capt. Townsend. Clued lei tluw. Our New iVlethod Treatment It°strengtthens hoe body, sostofpm0aU drains and losses, purifies the blood clears the brain, buiWe up the nervous and sexual eyeteme and restores lost vitality to the body. We Guarantee to Cure Nervous Debility, Failing Manhood, teylnhi lis, v aricocele, Stricture, Gleet, Unnatural Discharges, Weeais Parts and All Sidney and Bladder Diseases. REMEMBER Drs. Kennedy k Korean are the leading specialist of America. They guarantee to re or no pay. Their res tl- tation and fifteen years of bi nem aro at stake. You ran no risk. Write them for an honest opinion, no matter ho treated you. It may save yon years of regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a gt►clestlon List and Book Free. Cc 'saltation Free. Who DRS. KENNEDY W KERGAN as "At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruffled me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I could stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elee. trio Bolts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Do,. Kennedy & Kergan. They sent me one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel myself gaining every day. 7'heir New Method Treatment cures when all else fails." They have cured many of my friends." M 1:raP:D. "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. I went to Hot Spring° to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed mo. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, lose of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs, Kennedy St Korgan's Now Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have had no symptoms for five years. I am married and happy. As a doctor, t heartily rocomend it to all who have this terrible disease— syphitis." It will eradicate the poison from the blood." 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED. "I am 99 years of age, and married. When young I lad a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me, I became weak and nervous. My lddoeya became affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lifa was meads. factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till I took treatment from Dee. Kennedy and Kergan. Their New Method built me up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and act like a man in every respect. Try them." 0S'- No Names Used Without Written Consent of Patient. DRS. KENNEDY & KERG iN, Detroit,, Mioh. C• a