HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-02-14, Page 6•1. A FRIEND Speaks through the Boothbay (Me.) Regtater, Of the beneficial results he has received from a regular use of Ayer's Pills. Re says; "I vas feeling sick and tired and my stomach Seemed all out of order. I tried a number of remedies, but none seemed to give me relief until I was induced totter the old relia- ble Ayer's Pills. I have taken only one box, but I feel like a new man. I think they are the most pleasant and easy to take of anything I ever used, being so finely sugar - Coated that even a child will take them. I urge upon all who are in need of a laxative to try Ayer's Pills. They will do good." For all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, take AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maes. Every Dose Effective The Huron News -Record 1.60 a Year—$1.26 in Advance Wednesday, Feb.. 14th 1894. IN REPLY TO OFT REPEATED QUESTIONS. It may be well to state, Scott's Emulsion acts as a food as well as a medicine, building up the wasted tis- sues and restoring perfect health after wasting fever. One of the pioneers of this district passed away in the hospital at Toronto on Wednesday, in the person of Mrs. Ruth Dennie, mother of Mr. Richard Dennie, of Tuc1cersmith, at the age of 75 years. The deceased, who was a native of Kendall, Westmoreland, England, came to Canada in 1850, and resided in Hullett for a number of years. Her husband died about 13 years ago, and she has since been liv- ing with her son Thomas, in Toronto. She has been in poor health for a long time. CURED HIS BOILS IN A WEEK. DEAR SIRS,—I was covered with pimples and small boils, until one Sun- day I was given t of a bottle of Bur. dock Blood Bitters, by the use of wnich the sores were sent flying in about one week's timer • • FRED. CARTER, Haney, B. C. I can answer for the truth of the above. T. C. CHRISTIAN, Haney, B. C. Dr. Hall, of Chatham, reports that Albert E. Peskett, the victim of the accident at the E. & H. crossing, is making good progress toward recovery. Should nothing supervene to give the case a bad turn, the patient stands a chance for his life. HIGHLY PRAISED. GENTLEMEN ,— I have used your Hagyard's Yellow Oil and have found it unequalled for burns, sprains, scalds, rheumatism, croup and colds. I have recommended it to many friends and they also speak highly of it. AIRS. HIGHT, Montreal, Que. Judge Toms has given his decision in the Nightingale insurance case, award- ing the plantifi $3,700 or thereabouts. It is stated that the case may be appeal. ed by the Company. (3) CAPTAIN SWEENEY, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first nmedieine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by J. H. Cornhe. - A young man named Patrick of• Blandford Township, son-in-law of Richard Bickle;'Woodstock, was crush- ed to death while hauling logs to Kauf- man's Mill, Cassel, on Wednesday. Fn;lish Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soften calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs. etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever know,,. S.dd by Watts & Oo.,Drnggiets. Canada is very well represented at the Winter Fair in San Francisco, Cal., which opened January 1st, and will continue for six months. Canada has 1600 feet of space for her agricultural exhibit, 800 for her forestry exhibit and 700 for the departinent of mines and mining. The department of the interior is officially represented. The local Canadians in San Francisco have built commodious headquarters and are doing all in their power to make it pleasant for Canadian exhibitors. BRONCHITIS CURED. DEAR SrRs,—Having suffered for months from bronchitis. I concluded to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and by the time I had taken one bottle I was entirelyfree from the trouble End feel that Iam cured. C, C. WRIGHT, Toronto Junction, Ont. W. W. Windle, the champion hicy- cilist has announced his permanent retirement from the race track. p,ln the past seven years he has won $10,000 worth of prizes. RFLrEF IN SIX Toune.--Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in si hours by the New GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN I(wsey CURE." This new remedy is a great emprise and delight to physicians von account of its exceedingprompcnees in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieved retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. 'Iron want, quick relief and erre this is our remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists. A deputation of Scottish cattlemen waited upon Sir Charles Tupper in London last week in reference to the removal of the embargo against Cana- , dian cattle. It is said the outlook for its removal is more promising than for leome time. • London Road. Crowded eel lent wegll. Levi is now wearing a brat smile, It is a daughter this time. A mysterous society has sprue up in our midst called by some "The Lon- don Road Literary Society," by others the "London Road Sparking school." The object of this society is for the educational, intellectual, moral, physi- cal, social—and no person outside of the parsons are likely to derive any direct benefit therefrom. The Society met for the first time at the residence of Mr. W. Grant with the host in the chair. A good programme had prey. iously been prepared, consisting of readings, recitations, duets, quartettes, etc., which were all rendered in exceed- ingly good style. The next meeting will be held at Mr. James Nott's. Sheppardton. Crowded out last week. Miss Ada Graham returned from Lucknow last week. Miss Molly Rusk, of Goderich, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Wiggins. Miss Annie Tigers was on a visit last week with friends oar Dungannon. Miss Clara McLean, of Lucknow, is visiting relatives here at present. Mrs. Maize, from Dungannon, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Tigert, the past week. Mrs. Peter Green, who had a severe attack of sickness lately, is recover- ing. A good many people front Port Albert and Shepparelton went to the Episco- pal church test -meeting at Dungannon, on Jan. 30th, Will Hawkins, of this place, taking eighteen in his sleigh—a -good round load. Mr. Frank Hawkins attended the annual ball at the London Asylum on Friday night and returned home on Saturday, He reports having a good time. George Durnin, teacher of Finlay's school, Ashfield, spent Sunday with his friend, Jas. Tigert. Miss Cruthers, of Goderich, is the guest of her sister, 1VIrs. Maw. —.MPH..— Port Albert. Crowded out last week. William Tout, of Pine River, a form- er resident of this place, was visiting the Port several last week. James B. Hawkins and.lady, son and daughter-in-law of George Hawkins, arrived at the old homestead Saturday evening last, from I'Vinipeg. Mrs. H. Otway and Mr. William Cunningham, who have been seriously ill, are improving. Mr. Handel Graham's leg continues very painful. • David Johnston, Who has been con- fined to his house with lung disease during the past two years, is able to drive out considerably this winter. Several of our quarrymen are engag- ed at the stone quarry, south of the Port, for the Goderich harbor contract. Our harbor contractor is very slow in getting material delivered for the work here. The weather could not be more favorable for such work and the down timber is being fast manufactur- ed for other purposes. It is surprising the amount of wood and baled hay passes through this place. Most every day several parties are hauling elm and basswood logs to Peter McEwan's, 'Saltford. Peter knows how many beans make five and is piling up saw logs in great shape. While at Saltford, permit me to con- gratulate Capt. Joseph Beck, ex - Warden, &c., &e., on the memorial event of launching into matrimony. Shake, "Joe," shake, and may your shadow never grow less. The lessees of the mills, Messrs. Platt & Runcintan, are doing a very good business in gristing for the farmers. Mr. Platt, who is a practical roller miller, makes first class flour. The young gentlemen in qustion seem to be very obliging to their cus- tomers and are prepared to supply all demands in their line of business. Yet we know of a party who is "hauling coal to Nawcastic" by hauling flour from the Big Mill at Goderich to this place and selling in opposition to the millers. There is nothing in it, but the party seems to have a particular grudge against the mills and all parties con- nected w•iththenm. Mahaffy &Henning came in for a share of his "slippery' tongue. This imaginary wise man from the west and newly appointed J. P. will make as big a "bungle" in his meddling as he did in his official capa- city in the commitment of poor "Jerry" to the county jail. It was his first attempt to sit on the "bench" anti if he has any respect for himself it should be his last attempt. However, • jailor Dickson was kind enough to accom- pany constable O'Connor up to the deputy Sheriff's office and get the legal points in ship-shape. In fact there was new papers to be made out. before the insane man could be properly ad- mitted. Had the learned Q. C. and M. L. A. got a glimpse of that botched -imp document he would have went into the back yard and kicked himself for recommending such an ignoramus as one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace. I am pleased to read of at, proposal to appoint a com- mittee when the I -louse meets at Ottawa to investigate combines. I trust to hear of the lion. N. Clarke Wallace being after the combines with a hot stick. White horses are to be barred from military service in Germany. The emperor has ordered that no more he purchased for the army, and those now in use are to he sold, Ile thinks that in war white horses would be especially conspicuous because of the use of smokeless powder, and would afford an easy mark for the enemy. Cotrcme AND COLDS. --At this season when coughs are so prevalent, an effectual remedy, and one easily ob- tained, is Perry Davis' Vegetable "Pain- killer." It is no new nostrum, vended by unknown agents, but has stood the test of over fifty years; and those who use' the article, internally or external- ly, will connect. with it grateful recol- lections of it worthy inventor. Mr. Louis P. Krihs is out with the prospectus of his new journalistic venture "The Advocate," to be devoted to the liquor interest generally and the cause of anti -prohibition in particular. February 8th is the day set for the first issue. 1 boots, and $1.00 Bottle. Om cent a dose. THIS Giuis.T Common CRIBS prompt y cures where all others fail Coughs, Croup Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough 'and Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival - has Cured thauseade, and 'will Gunn TOO if takenin time. Sold by Druggist; on a guar- antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use SHIl,OH'S HELLADOFdNA PLASTEIe.260. HILOHrS CATARRH Ek�.Ir.. Have you Catarrh ? This remedy is guar= teed to cure you. Price, bOots. lrjectorfree. Sold by J. H. COMBE. "s:�ta.9d'w2�hxt trcar,:u. ,a italessaerneattexes The 'Brothers' 'Revenge. A BRIDEGROOM'S THROAT CUT ON THE EVE OF 1115 MARRIAOE—A COOL ASSASSIN. The carnival season at Civita Lav- igna, eighteen miles southeast of Rome city, has been brought to an abrupt close by the assassination of one of the prominent residents of that place. In 1884 Signor Cianr]panella, a resident of Civita Lavigna, became involved in a dispute with a young man named Falcini, and the latter was killed, it being subsequently proved that the killing was done in self-defense. Fal- cini had a brother, who at the tune of the killing was ten years old. He de- termined to avenge the death of his brother, and as time passed he began to lay plans to put an end to Ciam- panella's life. The latter was to have been married Tuesday, arid great pre- parations had been made for the event. The invitations had been .issued and almost everybody in the village ex- pected to have a dance and a feast. Early this morning Falcine, who is now 20 years old, treacherously cut the throat of the expectant bridegroom and he then placed the corpse in the nuptial bed that had already been prepared. Falcini then surrendered himself to the police, acknowledging his crime with- out a trace of remorse. The bride -elect was informed of the fate of her intended husband, and was taken to the room in which the mur- derer had placed the body. When she saw the corpse lying on the nuptial couch her grief was frightful. It is feared she will lose her reason. Falcini's sister and brother-in-law have been arrested. it being suspected that they instigated Falcine to commit' the murder when he did. The Cigarette Vice. From Harper's Weekly. The use of cigarettes is not merely the use of tobacco, it is a vice by itself. In reformatories where the cure of the opium, alohol, and cigarette' habits is a business, cigarette patients are riot restricted from smoking cigars or pipes, which are regarded as com- paratively harmless. The cigarette works a special evil of its own which tobacco in other forms does not effect. This evil results may 1w due to drugs, or to the paper wrappers, or to the fact that the smoke of cigarettes is almost always inhaled into the lungs, while cigar smoke is not. As to that, let the experts decide ; about the fact of the effect there is no doubt, and no dearth of evidence. No other form of tobacco eats into the will as cigarettes do. The adult man can carry off a good deal of poison of one kind or another without disaster, anti his duties being fixed and his will formed, he is usually able to crake his minor vices sub- servient to his more important obliga- tions. And so it happens that it is a matter of constant observation in clubs, and wherever there erre intelligent men who allow themselves all the . creature indulgences that they . dare, that these experience] persons are constantly "swearing off" cigarettes for longer or shorter -periods, and smoking cigars.: instead. "The cigarette fetter 'begins to gall, and they fling it off. But young boys do not do that. They have not discretion enough, for one thing, and, for an- other, cigars cost too much for them, and cannot be smoked surreptitiously in a spare moment. It is the infernal cheapness of the cigarette and its adap- tability for concealment that tempt this school -boy's callow intelligence. A Maligned Heroine. A social question, which has aroused more curious interest than any of its kind since the baccarat scandal, has followed the publication of the follow- ing extraordinary advertisement in the London Times £25 REWARD—Whereas, certain false and slanderous reports have been circulated in society about Mrs. Frank Grimwood, late of Manipur, the above reward will lw paid by Mrs. Grimwood to any person who, within one month from this date, will furnish such in- formation as will enable her to take proceedings against the authors of these calumnies; information to he furnished to Messrs. Lewis & Lewis, Ely Place,. Holborn. Mrs. Grimwood will be remembered its the heroine, three years ago, of the defence of the British residency at Manipur, an Indian frontier state, when her husband, the British agent, and nearly the whole of his escort were massacred.. Mrs. Grimwood, with two surviving officers and a few leer, assisted in defending the residency house for two days, and displayed such bravery that on her return to England the Queen decorated her with the Victoria Cross, being the first woman who ever received that much coveted distinction, and granted her a special pension of forty pounds a year. The Princess of Wales at the same time started a subscription for her, which was gener- misty responded to, and she was the lion of the season. Mrs. Grimwood is young, extremely pretty, tall, graceful and clever. It is surmised, from the adoption of the des- perate expedient of public advertise- ment that whatever these stories may he, they must have seriously jeopardiz- ed her. social position. They have been current for sonic weeks past. aITY 13E10 OPPOSITE ,?MR'S MILL. Theurdersigned having bought out the bakery hosbieeq so at0"ilet fully can -led on by Dir', usury lYMorrlslt, will Ceatinne kbo bauiiless at the old sten$ Ile willnderwer, by supplying a drat class article, to merit rho liberal euppolt of the people. Bread is livered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Oakes,/supplied on short uotice. JAMS YOUNG, - - dlintan• John DunninflaM, GREEN GROCER, -: CONFIECTIONER AND Canadian Express Agent, ALBERT ST.. CLINTON. Fresh I -i eddies and Bloaters. Oysters constantly on hand. Also some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. D. nese, President, Clinton P. 0. ; Geo'Watt, vice-president, Harloek P. 0, ; W. J. Sitannon, Secy•Treas,, Seaforth P. 0.; M. Hurdle, In- pector olelaims Seaforth P. 0, ntitrtoroas, Jas, Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Alex Gardiner, Lead - bury ; Gabriel EIIMtt, Clinton ; John Han- nah, Seaforth ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neiman,, Matlock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea. forth ; J. Cummings, Egmondviile; deo. blurdis, Auditor . Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other business will bo promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post offices. New Pllutograph Gallery. J. W. COOK, the leading photographer, next Young's Bakery, Albert Street, Clinton, is prepared to execute all orders. Everything from a SUNBEAM to a LIFE SIZE PHOTO on the shortest notice and first class workmanship guaranteed • TINTYPES taken. Pictures taken on cloudy days equally as:well as on sunny days by the new pr9eess. Prices as low as any and superior work. Call at the new gallery. J. W. 000K, Practical Photographer ALBERT ST., - CLINTON. THE KEY TO HEALTH.. Unlocks all the clogged al o,.ues „f tilt! Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humor, of the secretions ; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bill. o.usnes., Dyspepsia. kleauaches, ziness, Heartburn. Constipatfen, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsv, Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility ; all these and many other Simi• lar Complaints yield to the hnepv influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. 1. minBUISN & 4'0., Proprietors. Toronto fa KILLER IS THE BEST REMEDY FOR SPRAIS,RUJ5E$, CALDS9F ' URNS a CUTS. • TOWN TOPICS, The Journal of Society, (Si PAGES.) . (THURSDAY.) NEW YORK. Is universally recognized as the most complete weekly journal in the world. Ito Saunterings" columns are Inimitable. Its society news especially of the doings of the 400 of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and all over the world, Is not equalled by any newspaper. Its Financial Department is authority with all bankers and brokers, Its "Literary show"—notes on current literature—le by the cleverest of re. viewers. Ito "Afield and Afloat" makes It the most interesting paper for all lovers of sport— yachting, football, rowing shooting fishing, etc. Its "On he Turf" excels all other racing notes. Its burlesques poems and jokes are the cleverest. Its stories are by the best writers—among thorn Amelia Rives, F. )Marlon Crawford Sullen Hawthorne, Edgar Fawcett, Gilbert Parker, Crawford,_ J. Hawker ( Lanoe Falconer "), Burry Pain, Paul Bourget, Rudyard Kipling, AmbroseBleroe, etc., etc., and are even if a trifle risque,yet always clever, bright and pretty, without coareness or anything to offend the most refined and moral woman. In addition to all this there is each week a supplement portrait, in colors. of some man eminent In hie walk of life. , Tales From Town Topics Qnrry, first day of March, June September, December; pages; 12mo. Contains in each number, in addition to short stories, poems, bur- lesques, etc., from the old issues of TOWN TOPICS, a complete, original prize story of 220 to 150 pages. No one who enjoys the highest class of ileum and would be au courant with ail that pertains to good society, can afford to be without Town Torres every week. There is so much interesting reading in it and In the "Tales; ' that a club subscription to both will supply any family with abundant reading of the most entertaining character all the year. RA'rms t Town Topics per annum $4.00. A trial submit). tion for three months, tbt,00, and a specimen of"Tales" Free. Tales copy Per Prom OTO own Topics, per number, iSO cents. Both Clubbed, per annum, 0l5,0b, and any two previous Numbers of "Tales" you may specify Faze. Viraend 10 cents for sample copy TOWN Topics. N,D°—Have you read AMSILiE RIVES' latest and best novel, Tanis, The Sang - Digger P 12mo, cloth, gilt, uncut front and foot. $1.50 post- paid. Remit bycheck, P. 0. money order, postal note or registered etter to TOWN TOPICS, 21 West 23d Street, iVow York. Severe a;I $0 -Shoulder " Years , (tired. by TIieDicI4,Menttto1 Piaster. My lid ,re was 4140 for two years with a severe pain under the left shoulder end through re lbs. Pam i aer ftt,ting many remedies whdloitl relief, shetr(eda."R.a� l,." Ideiebol Pla.,ter.it did ttawork, aa9'Pwillg me Una ewe hundreds of these plasters have been sold by me here, giving equal 4addaedeo. J. B. Svisual.alrsa Dolph, ft. RiveeJPbpr N,i, Sold Everywhere a 45c. each, WILSON. & HOWE, THE LEADING BAKERS and UONFEGTIONERS, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, ALBERT, STS; CLINTON. Tare i t , Cakes, Confectionery, Are., of a superior quality,'at the lowest living prices. OYSTERS of the Very Best Quality at. the lowest possible price. Com. liter 3E3E cowe, THE NOVELTY BAKERY & RESTAURANT, CLINTON. C + 0'• • 00 a 000 00000000000000000000 Do You Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DVS- .TAKE RIPANS TABULES PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . _-_ - Ifyouare VER COMPLAINT, TIPATED, or have TAKE RIPANS TABULES LIVER COMPLAINT, It your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you E SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, TAKE RIPANSS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DIM- TAKE RiPANS TABULES DESS OF THE STOMACH, . . 8 Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. lONE ....,+... EASY TO TAKE #IVI;s QUICK TO ACT RELIEF.•1444a ...........+....+. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. '�" 000000000000000000000000000000000000 We Buy in Large Quantities And Give the Public the Advantage. Have you tried our 0e1b"tea WATER WHITE OIL, Carbon Safety It is Equal to American, Only 100. per Gallon Cash, 12c. if Charged. Also a Great Reduction in prices of Stoves, To make room for large Importation of New Goods in the Spring. Harlan(' Bros. New Store, Mackay Block, Old Stand, Brick Block. Eureka Bakcrij and Restaurant. 0 In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur– ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to successfully cater to the wants of the general public. We do our own baking, save heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &&C., equal to any in West- ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING CAKES 4 SPECIALTY. Bread, &c,, delivered to all parts of the town, FRITS, CONiFECTIONERY, iCE CREAM, COOL DRINKS. Pic-nic and Private Gather- ings supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. W II. B 0 I'D, Proprietor. THE HUB GROCERY. 0 CHRISTMAS GOODS are on the move and our stock is now com- complete. We can give yu nw VALENCIA RAISINS, SELECTED RAISINS" & CLUSTER RAISINS, VOSTARIA CURRANTS, PATRAS CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS CURRANTS, ENGLISII PEELS—LEMON, CITRON and ORANGE EXTRACTS of all kinds, LEMON, VANILLA, RATIFIA, &e., &c. ORANGES, LEMONS, Our usual Stock of Teas and Coffee on hand. Call and examine before you buy. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton.