HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-02-07, Page 6M. Hammerly, a well-known business man of Hillsboro, Va., sends this testimony to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: "Several years ago, I hurt my leg, the Mary leaving a sore whichled to eryiiilelas. My sufferings were extreme, my leg, from the knee to the ankle, being a solid sore, which began to ex- tend to other parts of the body. After trying various remedies, I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, before I had finished the first bottle I experienced great relief; the second bottle effected' a complete cure.'• Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr..7.0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Glass. Cures others,wI31 cure you The Huron News -Record 1,50 a Year -$1.25 in Advance Wednesday, Feb. 7th 1894. THE HURON NEWS -RECORD. Live Local and Family Weekly Journal, Wedesday Mornings. — tick Block, Albert , Street North, Clinton, Ont. TEas,e. -dl 50 a year . 25 In advance, No paper discontinued, except at ',tion of publisher, until all arrearages are settled The month and year to which all subscriptions are paid will be found on the addreeelahel. TRANSIENT ADVERTISING.—Ten cents a line (non• partel measure) for first insertion and three cents a line for each subsequent insertion. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. —Special position 10 to 25 per cent above regular rates. The table below gives ..ontract rates for run of paper for definite periods: SI'ACR. 11 YR. I ti mu, i 350. 11 nu One column..... 860 00 $35 00 $20 00 $7 60 Half•colunnr ... ... 36 00 20 00 12 00 4 00 Quarter column '20 00 12 00 7 00 2 6 One eighth column. 12 00 7 00 4 00 2 00 One inch I 0 00 3 60 2 00 1 00 Servants wanted, for sale, lost or found,, advertise meets, not exceeding three lines, 25 cents each in- sertion ; not exceeding seven lines, 60 cents for first insertion and 25 cents for each followaing insertion. Farms, horses or town property, for sale or to rent, stray stock or similar advertisements riot exceeding eight lines, $l for first month and 50 cents for each otlowing uiou.b. Local notices 10c a line for each nsertion. Advertisements without definite instructions In- variably inserted until forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient. advertisements In all cases to bo paid in advance. All c .ntract changes must bo received at the ofife not later than SATURDAY woos every week. A. 51. TODD, Pi',iiitor. Belfast's Reply. BELFAST SENDS HER GREETINGS SIIMMERHILL. Blow, blow, gentle zephyrs From the sunny retreats Of the tenderfoot birds That bask in the heat. Convey on thy wings A part of the bliss That hangs like a halo O'er the brows that you kiss. Oh 1 linger a moment At Surnmerhill fair, To drink of the sweetness That surely is there. Speed on over valley, Hill, river and glen, But aboid all the haunts Of mortals, called men. Till you hear from the turret, A bell ringing fuse, Then conclude you have reached The haven at last. Don't linger to shudder, Or play with your mates, Who make their abodes On Polar estates. But impart us thy warmth, And summery cheer, While the bells still are ringing To welcome thee here. While the pupils inhale thee, Off their wraps they will fling, To the air of thy sweetness They gladly will sing. SONG. Bells are ringing, Children singing, Frost is stinging Little feet. Soft winds blowing, Hearts o'erflowing, Only knowing Joy complete. -The song quickly over, Return to the strain ; 'The winds ready hover For action again. Pray carry a message Down a line that is bees: And recruit thy chill forum At its pleasantest place. Where the people are happy, Contented and kind ; Where the face of Dame Nature Can smile on the wind. Where no rain, snow or hail 'Gainst the window will beat; Where no traces of mud Mar the glittering street. Tell them the thanks That Northerners feel, Which oven the flitterings Of time cannot heal. How at, noon, or at mid -night We'll ring out their fame, But Belfast, dear Belfast, Will change not her name. TO Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minntes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Tide heverifalls. Sold by watts rk Oo., Druggists. Ileirast. Orowda4 out last week. Sleighing " is excellent . and farmers are taking' advantage of it in the woods. Mr. George Agar, of Brandon, Mani- toba, is visiting friends in this vicinity. The Ashfield Cheese and Butter Asso- ciation, held their annual meeting on the 18th inst., and declared the factory in a flourishing condition. Mr. White, maker and salesmen, is reingaged for 04. We are of opinion the people of Huron are sacrificing their interess by not engaging more generally in the cheese industry. Perth and Oxford, with even fewer advantages, have been booming it for years with decided success. Joint stock factories gives the best satisfaction. Ashfield and Colborne have (so far as we are aware) only one factory each, while West Wawanosh has not any. Now any of these townships could sustain front 4 to 0 first-class factories. England will use all the cheese we can spare them and look hungrily across the water for more. We hope soon to see every 100 -hundred acre frm in West Huron supporting at least a herd of 20 much cows. Several brick houses are going up next summer in' the adjoining town- ships. Messrs Lane and Ferguson, of Lanes, are building. Mr. Crosby has recovered from an at- tack of la grippe. Mr. H. McCrostie returned from E.linburgh on Thursday last. CITY BAI ERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. Tho anderafgned having bought out the bakery bueinese so eueeesefuhy carried on by iir. Ioary Morrish, will continuo the bueineea at the old stand lie will indeavor, by supplying a first clasp article, to merit the liberal support of the people. Bread to livered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Oakee,leuppned on short uotloe, SPRING TIME COMING. Before the advent of spring the sys- tem should be thoroughly cleansed and purified by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, which purifies the blood and cures dyspepsia, constipation, headache, liver complaint, etc. Slteppardton. Crowded out last week. Quite a quantity of beautiful snow fell last week. . Miss Nellie Gardiner, of Colborne, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ni:(on Dougherty, at present. Miss Annie Burrows spent Sunday at home. Mr. Win. Vrootnan returned home last week from Belleville, Ont., where he ad been visiting friends. ohn Tigert happened with a very serious accident a few days ago. While getting down frgm a straw stack the fork which he carried in his.hand in saute way struck his toot, going completely through it, causing a paip- ful wound. Through careful attention it is getting well as quickly as can be expected. A number of our citizens took in the oyster supper and concertiven by the A. 0. U. W. of Goderich on Friday evening and had a pleasant time. FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS. DR. Low's Worm Syrup cures worms of all kinds in children or adults. It contains no injurious ingredients. Price 25e. Porter's 11111. Miss Helen Porter, of `Vingham, is visiting at the residence of Mr. Alex. Cox's, of the Cut line, this week. We have heard that the Patrons of Industry at P. H., true to their name, intend to invest in real estate before taking out their chart. This is a busi- ness move on the part of the Patrons, but we think they had better ascertain whether they can get a clear title to their estate before purchasing. We understand that the vexed school question has been settled by In Spector Tom allowing the trustees the privilege of having one teacher for this year, providing that the trustees give hint in writing that should the average attendance of pupils remain as high at the end of 181)4 as it was at the end of 1Sh3, the trustees shall then engage an assistant teacher. Mr. George Whitely, of Seaforth, passed through our village last Thurs- day with his celebrated trotting stal- lion, Young Sidney, record as a three- year-old' 2.31.4. Mr. Whitely, We be- lieve, was calling on his patrons, not the Patrons of Industry, but patrons of good horse flesh. • The representatives from our town- ship to the County Council, we believe, are more liberal toward the education of the young mg children of our county than they are towards helping the poor, both having said nay on the vote taken at the County Council on the House of Refuge. We noticed in lis week' sissue of the Clinton New Era that the scribbler from Porter's Hill to that paper wrote some false and Misleading statements when he said that some of the names on the petition had to be written for them. `ire have been informed by the trustees that the statement is false. Further on in his report he says that, we have Home Rule here with a vengeance when one or two dissentients can set the law, Inspector and Minister of Education at defiance, When the scribbler wrote that lie knew that he was writing something that was not true for he signed his name to that ppetition for two teachers. He well (new thitt there were 55 dissentients and 6 law-abiding citizens to that peti- tion. It would be better if thescribbler, when writing again, would balance the scales correctly and weigh his state- ments properly. Mr. James Hamilton, of the Cut line, spent a few days last week visiting his sister, Mrs. Thos. Miller, of Tiverton, Bruce County. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. GENTLEMEN, ---Vile have used Hagy- ard's Pectoral Balsam in our house for over three years, and find it an excel- lent remedy for all forms of coughs and colds. Ll throat and lung troubles it affords instant relief. JOHN BRODIE, Columbus, Ont, Mrs. D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth, who has been seriously ill for some days, is steadily improving. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is known by its works. The experience of half a century proves that no other prepara- tion of the kind stops coughing and allays irritation of the throat and bronchial tubes so promptly and effectually as this. 26ots.t Wets. and $1.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. Tau OaaAT COIIOu CUR prompt y cures where all others fail Coughs, Croup Sore Throat, Iioarsencee, Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival• has cured thousand.. and will CURE You it ' takenin time. Sold by Druggists on attg,uar- SHILOH 8 BELLADONNA PLASTER.260 if I LO WS N.';;1.CATAR R H a:,. ,��:' :; REMEDY ave you vatarrh 2 This remedy is Kunran_ teed to cure you. Price, Wets, Injcctorfree, Sold by J. H. COMI3E. JAMS YOUNG, - - Oliatn John CunninflaiTi, GREEN GROCER, :-: CONFECTIONER AND Canadian Express Agent, West Wawanosh. nosh. The sleighing is in good shape now and the farmers are taking advantage of it in the way of teaming wood and saw logs. Mr. S. Rose has disposed of one of his fine drivers to Mr. R. Bowers, of Dlmgannon, for the handsome stili of thirty-five dollars. It pays to raise bloods. Roht. Rutledge had at very successful wood bee. Some say that there was between twenty-five and thirty cords cut. Mrs. Thompson, of Bloomington, met with a very serious accident while doing chores, falling from the hay loft on to a manger, receiving severe injuries. Miss E. Medd and Lottie Taylor have amalgamated their services with the choir of St. Mark's church of Au- burn. No doubt the choir will he great- ly improved as they are both pro- fessionals'at music. Mr. T. Robertson, of East Wawanosh, while choppingwood, met with a bad misfortunate, aving taken two of his toes off. Toes will make poor firewood, Torn. • Mr. Jeremiah Taylor returned from the Highlands of Alpeuia last week. Mr. Hewitt, of Colborne, had not a very successful bee on account of the good sleighing. Try again, Jim. We notice Joe is on the road again with a new straw cutter. Joe neither blows nor brags, but stumps the nation to cut straw. Messrs. Fred. Moss and Chas. Clifton are still on a fair way to recovery from a severs attack of the mumps. Mrs. Stinson, of Auburn, has the Beaverton dray engaged drawing wood. Mrs. Beadle anti son spent Sunday visiting friends at Beaverton.' Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre Sundayed at the gentleman's father-in-law's. I /Mr. Stephen Medd had the, mis- fortune to have two of his fingers taken off while cutting turnips. Are turnips getting scarce, Steve ? Miss Carrie Mills spent a few days visiting friends at Dungannon. Mr. Sandy Clark spent Sunday visiting friends at Ehenzer. • HIGHLY PRAISED. GENTLEMEN ,— I have used your Hagyard's Yellow Oil and have found it unequalled for burns, sprains, scalds, rheumatism, croup and colds. I have recommended it to many friends and they also speak highly of it, MRS. IIIGH'r, Montreal, Que. The Trotter Of The Future, HORSES THAT ('AN TROT IN 2.11) WILL BE COMMON, SAYS MR. ROBERT BONNER. "Th horse breeder of the future," said Mr. Robert Bonner one day last week, "in order to make money must have nothing but the very hest mater- ial to begin with. There never was a time when good trotters—I mean .first- class trotters --were worth more money than they are to -day, and there never was a time when ordinary Ones were so low in price. In my judgment the situation will not change to an ap- preciable extent. The starts will bring as much looney next year and the year after, but poor ones will sell lower and lower. "There will always he strong corn - petition for the cream of the market between men of wealth who have a fondness for the trotter and the money to gratify it. In clays gone icy, say when Flora Temple was at her best., trotters were largely accidents, but to- day, with breeding farms at every crossroads, the business is becoming so systematic that in a short time 2.10 trotters will he as common as 2.20 per- formers are to -day. Dexter was aro accident. lie was not bred to break records, and sold when four years old for $454. People knew little er noth- ing at that time about popular strains and about the blood that produced the best results. All that is systematized now, and the breed is bound to keep on improving, which improvement will be manifest by,aided by the newer and better courses, and the improved vehicles to which horses are driven. Horses that can trot in 2.30 or 2.40 will he cheap, because they will he common. I think the outlook is good for those who bread nothing but the best. • IN REPLY TO OFT REPEATED QUESTIONS. . It may be well to state, Scott's Emulsion acts as a food as well as a medicine, building up the wasted tis- sues and restoring perfect health after wasting fever. The Post Office Department has ad- vised postmasters not to issue money orders to any person in favor of the Crescent Crayon Co. of Chicago, .1. D. Tilhot of the same city, or to Wagner Piano Co., New York. The public should make a note of this. CURED HIS BOILS iN A WEEK. DEAR SIRS,—I was covered with pimples and small boils, until one,Sun- day I was given i~ of a bottle of Bur. dock Blood Bitters, by the use of which the sores were sent flying in about one week'* time. FRED. CARTER, Haney, B. C. I can answer for the truth of the above. T. C. CHRISTIAN, Haney, B. C. 4311 H E LI M =�� ' - ;;ZURALCIA;MUS�uua STI ESS. �y,1n ,r? PALM IN SIDE & UIM PACK uumu U wva W"iiEN"D.&L"e MENTHOL PLASTER us e w Prof.. DORENWEND IS COMINGI , Now is your :time. The only visit this Season. ALBERT ST., CLINTON. Fresh I I adu.it's and Bloaters. Oysters constantly on hand. Also some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. The lolillop Mutual Fire Insurance Cofpiny Farm and Isolated Town Proper` ty only Insured, orricccts, Thos., E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Secy•'rreae , Seaforth 1', 0. ; John Elannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0, DI RstTORs, Jas, Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Olin ton ; Oabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt Ilarlock ; Josonh Evans, lineehwood ; J. Shan non, Walton; Thos. Garhert, Clinton. A0ENT4, Thos Nelsons, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea. forth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Mnrdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans act other business will ho promptly attend ed to on t..iplication to any of the alcove otficert addressed to their respective post calices. New Photograph Gallery. A GREAT 60 DAYS' OFFER, J. W. COOK, the. leading photographer, will for 60 days give a DOZEN CABINETS. for $2.00 and other sires in proportion. TINTYPES taken, Pictures taken on cloudy days equally as well as on sunny days by the pew process. Superior work. J. W, 000K, Practical Photographer near Cantelon Bros ,Grocery. Albert St. Clinton. :4 .i r;3 is 4 ; r` r=e.?". -6-3.7„. ETZNe,m, UNLOC/OE ALL THE CLOGGED SECRETIONS OF 'nit DOWELS, KIDNEYS AND LIVER, Can nyi NG OFF Gnat UALL'(, WITHOUT WEAKEN- ING TH: SYSTEM, (•L! IMPUFITIE: AND FOUL F:U r.coc ', .ST Til r. bAr.1: TIME CORRLOT. IG ACIPITY or T>'. '. GT!' MACH, CUR:NO ©ILIOUSN all, DYSPEPSIA, HEAD- ACHES, DIZZIN:Sa, HE AnTaU RN, CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, SKIN OISEA^,_S, JAUNDICE, SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, SCRO- FULA, FLUTTERING OF THE HCART, NERVOUSNESS, AND GENERAL PEDI LITY. THESE AND ALL SIMILAR COMPLCINTS QUICKLY YIELD TO THE CURA. TIVE INFLUENCE OF BURDOCK BLOOD OTTERS. Say. SUDDEN CHILLS & COLDS. AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF AN ATTACK TAKE A TEASPOONFUL OF •cPERPV DAMS' AND THE CURE IS MORE SUDDEN THAN THE CHILI TOWN TOPICS, The Journal of Society, (82 PAGES.) NEW YORK. (THURSDAY.) Is universally recognized ad the most complete weeklyjournal in the world. Its aunterings" columns are inimitable. Its society news especially of the doings of the 400 of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and as over the world, is not equalled by any newspaper. Its Financial Department is authority with all bankers and brokers, Its "Literary Show" -notes on current literature -is by the cleverest of re. viewers, Its • Afield and Afloat" makes it the most interesting paper for all lovers of sport - yachting football, rowing shooting, fishing, eta. Its "On the Turf" excels all other racing notes. Its burlesques poems and jokes are the cleverest. ,Its stories are by the best writers -among them Amdlle Rives, F. Marion Crawford Julian Hawthorne, Edgar Fawcett, Gilbert Parker, Crawford, J. Hawker (( Lanes Falconer "), Barry Pain, Paul Bourget, Rudyard Kipling, Ambrose Iiierce, etc., etc., and are even If a trifle risque, yet always clever, bright and pretty, without coarseness or anything to offend the most relined and moral woman. •In addition to nil this there Is each week a supplement portrait, in colors, of some man eminent in his walk of life. Tales From Town Topics Quarterly, first day of March, June, September, December; 256 pages; 12mo. Contains in each number, in addition o short stories, poems, bur. lesques, etc., from the old issues of TOWN TOPICS, a complete, original prize story of 120 to 150 pages. No one who enjoys the highest class of action, and would beau courant with all that pertains to good society, can afford to be without Town Torres every week, There is so much interesting reading in It and In the " Tales," that a club subscription to both will supply any family with abundant reading of tbq most entertaining character all the year. RATES. Town' Topics per annum, $4.00. A trial subsorip• tion for three months, 01,00, and a specimen copy of "Tales" Free. Per ales From �mOTO own Topics, per number, n0 cents. Both Clubl>od, per annum, 95.00, and any two previous Numbers of "Tales" you may specify FREE. . Itw'8end 10 cents for sample copy Tows Topics. N.B.-Rave you read AMIILIE RIVES' latest and best novel, Tanis, The Sang - Digger ? 12mo, cloth, gilt, uncut front and foot, $1.50 post- paReinit by cheek, P.O. money order, postal note or registered letter to TOWN TOPICS. 21 West 23d Street, New York. HE WILL BE AT THE Rattenbury House on Thursday, Feb. 8th, '94 tSK IFyou are bald or grey, or if your hair is thin, or faded, don't miss this chance. As the Prof. ha large number of places to visit this season, his stay is positively limited to the time advertised. line proved by the thousands who patronize him, Stat by the use of Lis coverings, a mere relined espresei a more youthful and greatly improved appearance eon he soeured. For Ladies Ire has a large number of N Styles this season in Bangs and other coverings especially his New Patent Bangs without lace Ioundatio more natural in appearance, stronger, lighter and more thoroughly ventilated than anything ever before ,offered in Canada, Wave Bangs, Plain Frontpfeces, Wavy Fronts, Switches and Braids in all lengths and ehades, Free and Open Wigs of curly, straight, long and short hair. Gentlemen ehou'd see the grand styles in Toupees and Wigs. II you are bald or partly bald the Prof. can tit you so exactly that it is inn, possible to distinguish Irota the natural growth of hair. These goods are worn by 12,000 of the gentle. men of Canada. Why not by you v Ladies: Don't fail to ask the Prof. how to secure a pure, clean complexion, and how to remove Tan, Freckles, Wrinkles, &a, Remember he will beat the ItATTENBiJltY HOUSE, On TUESDAY) Feb. 8th ;pREN WEND§ '/`. .tpUP EE S. 00000000004x 00. Do You 000000000000000000000000000 FEE,.. SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYs- TAKE RIPANS TABULES PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, If you LIVERBILIOUS, COMPLA NTNSTIPATED,orhave TAKE RIPANS TABU LES II your COMPLEXIONIS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, TAKE RIPANS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR. TAKE MG OF TABULES S OF THE STOMACH, Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. ONE GIVES RELIEF. H.... EASY TO TAKE. QUICK TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S DILL. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. 000000000000000000000000000000000 appy T�uugVl 0 RNflE,S, No investment thatyou can make for your home will pay you such large returns in COM- FORT ECONOMY and ever increasing satisfaction'as a ``HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE. There is no other "just as good" or "just the same," and the—Genuine is sold only by HARLAND BROS., Clinton. In Base Burner with or without oven, the Radiant Home leads. Harland Bros., Mackay New Store, ItT c a Block, Old Stand, Brick Block. Eureka Bakerij and Restaurant. o • In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to successfully cater to the wants of the general public. We do our own baking, save heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD, &C., equal to any in West - BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c , delivered to all parts of the town. FRITS, CONNFECTiONERY, ICE Pic nic and Private Gather CREAM, COOL DRINKS. ings supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. W II. B 0 F.D, Proprietor... THE HUB GROCERY. CHRISTMAS GOODS are on the move and our stock is now coral complete. We can give yu nw VALENCIA RAISINS, SELECTED iiAtSINS & CLUSTER RAISINS, VOSTARIA CURRANTS, PATRAS CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS CURRANTS, ENGLISH PEELS—LEMON, CITRON and ORANGE EXTRACTS of all kinds, LEMON, VANILLA, RATIFIA, &c., &o. ORANGES, LEMONS, Our usual Stock of Teas and Coffee on hand. Call and examine before you buy. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. •