HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-02-07, Page 3A WOMAN'S Bir " of ped when she turns, to the right The chronic weaknesses delicate ''angement., and painful disorders that n of het+ sort are oared by Dr. Fierce's Favorite Prescription. In bear in -down Sensations, periodie4l pains, ulceration,in- i igation, and eyery kindred ailmen lit's �► postt!vma.'remedy. Madtsrnptlle, IIeplrine t Counti, Ky. Da. H. V, PIeece, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir Please accept my thanks for the good your medicines have done for me. I truly believe the '+ Favorite Prescription " craved my life; it is a sum and certain cure. I am having perfect health; I am stout and can do all Go' my housework. 'al.1r livery invalid lady FuttATE should take Dr. Pierces (frolic Favorite Prescription and #t,' .edical Discovery. Yours,ROZZIE FUGATEE.. PIERCE tees aa CU E OR DZO 5EY' SPR UlitAiEBD. The Huron News -Record 1.50 a Year—$1.25 in Advance. Wednesday, Feb. 7th 1894. Inspector's 1tport. The following report of Inspector Robb was laid before the Public School Board at a recent meting:— To THE BOARD OF PUBLIC School. TRUSTEES, CLINTON. GENTLEEEN,-1 beg leave to report that I visited the Model School here on Sept. 9th, Nov. 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th. Part of each day was spent with the students -in -training, but the greater part in examining the pupils iv the various rooms, and in observing the work of the teachers. 'The work done by the pupils in Miss Taylor's room is excellent. The read - lug of the pupils in this room is good, and the writing excellent. Although the age of the majority of pupils in this room is a little over five, yet there is not a single idle pupil in the whole room. The pupils appear to be cheer- ful, happy and studious. Miss Mary McEwen's room is the next in order of seniority. Here the work begun by Miss Taylor is carried on in a very pleasing manner. The blackboards in this room are very bad almost useless. Miss Lavin is an earnest and indus- trious teacher, and the work of the pupils is very good. The whole work of Miss Wilson's di- vision is quite satisfactory. I believe Miss Wilson to be the best teacher of drawing in this inspecorate. The read- ing of this room is also very su ,erior. The work done in Miss O'Neil's divi- sion is, as, usual, quite satisfactory. • -Her mL+t'hod of discipline is excellent. There is no scolding in this room—a pupil is told it a quiet, decided tone to do a thing, and he does it as a matter of clourse. 'Aeowork of the Principal's room, in 'charge of Miss McEwen, seems to be well done. The order is good and the teaching quite satisfactory. Your school was the last one inspect- ed during the present half-year, and after carefully comparing its standing with the other school similarly situated, I am quite clear on this: namely, that being a Model School atsists rather than retards the progress of the pupils of the school, and is a decided benefit to the teaching of the teachers, al- ,• though, they are opposed to it. I must. compliment all concerned on the excellent condition of the closet. I do not believe that any other public closet in Canada has stood so long with- out being defaced. It may be trouble- some to. keep it so, but the training to the pupils is worth it. The caretakine• seems is well done. The entire management reflects credit on Board, Principal and staff. The harmonious manner in which every- thing is conducted in and about the Model School cannot fail to be a very useful object lesson to the future teachers of our schools now receiving their professional training at your school. CAUTION.—Beware of any man who offers you an imitation article, no mat- ter what it is, and say it is "just as good as the genuine ;" they sell all kinds of "sham remedies" in this way upon the reputation of the Pain Killer—be sure and get the genuine made by PERRY DAVIs'. Large bottles, popular price. CLIMATIC INFLU ENCE.ON HEALTH. It cannot he denied that the influence Of climate upon health is great, and' it is in recognition of this fact that phy- sicians send patients suffering with pulmonary diseases to great distances for "change of air." But when the sufferer happens to be ton poor to act upon the advice his lot is hard indeed. But it is not necessarily hopeless. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery can he had at any medicine store, and to -it thousands whose cases were con- sidered desperate owe their lives. TALE OF 'A. WOMAN'S DAY The dawn colors creep up my bed. room wall, softly. slowly. Darkness, dim gray, dull blue, soft lagender, clear pink, pale yellow, warts gold—sunlight. A new day. • With the great sunrise great thoughts come. I rise with the world, I live, I can help. Here clobe at hand lie the sweet home duties through which my life shall touch the others. Through this man made happier and stronger by my living; through these rosy babies sleep- ing Iters' in the growing light; through this small, sweet, well ordered home, wuuse restful influence shall touch all comers; through i e,too perhaps—there's the biker, I lutist get up, or this bright purpose fades. How well the fire burns! Its sivi't kiudling and gathering roar speak of ac- coruplisiment. Tue rich odor of cullee steals through the house. John likes inorniuo. glories on the brealcr,-dt table—scented flowers are bet. ter +% Ai lighter meals. All is ready— dal, delicious, dainty. clean mooned little ones smile me sy mouthed over their bowls of mush. Julio kisses me goodby so hap- pily. Through this dear work, well done, I shall reach, I shall help—but I must geb the dishes dune and not dream. "Good maruiog! Soap, please,the same kind. Coffee, rice, two boxes of gels true. 'l'tutt's all. I think. Ott, cracktrs! Good thorn ing." There, I forgot the eggs I I can make these go, I guess. Now to soak the tapioca Now time beats on, they take SO long. I'll bake the potatoes—they don't go in yet.. Now babykins must have her bath and nap. A clean hour and a half before dinner. I can get these little nightgowns cut and basted. flow bright the sun is Amaranth lies on thu grass under the rosebush, stretching her paws among the warm, green blades. The kittens tumble over her. She's brought theta three mice t is week. Baby mid Jack .are on the warm grass, too--happy,safe, well. Careful, dear ! Don't go away from little sister, ! By and by when they are grown, I can—oh, there ! the bell I Ah, well—yes-1'd like to hare joined. I believe in it, hot I can't now, Home duties forbid. This is my work. Through this, in time—there's the bell again, and it waked the baby. As if I could buy a sewing machine every week I I'll put out a bulletin stating my needs for time benefit of agents. I don't believe in buying at the door anyway, yet I suppose they must live. Yes, dear 1 Mamma's coining. I wonder if torchou would 1 ole better, or Hamburg? It's softer, but it looks older. Oh, there's that knit edging grandma sent rue. Bless her dear heart 1 There ! 1 meant to have swept the bedroom this morning so as to have more time to -morrow. Perhaps I can before dinner. It looks dreadfully. I'll just put the potatoes in. Baked pota- toes are so good I I love to see Jack dig into them with his little spoon. John says I cook steak better than any one he ever saw. Yes, 'dear ? Is that so? ' Why, I should think they'd know better. Can't the people do anything about It? \Vhy, no—not personally—but I should think you might. What are men for if they can't keep the city in order. Cream on the pudding, dear? That was a good dinner. I like to cook. I think housework is noble if you do it in a right spirit. That pipe must be seen to before long. I'll speak to John about it. , Coal's pretty low, too. Uue.,a i'll put en my best boots. I want to run down town fur a few mo- ments—in case mother comes and can stay with baby. I wonder- if mother wouldn't like to join that—she has time enough. But she doesn't seem a bit in- terested in outside things. I ought to take baby out in her carriage, but it's su Leavy with Jack, and vet Jack can't walk a great way. Besides, if smother conies I needn't. Maybe we'll all go in 41.e car—but that is such an undertak- ing ! Three o'clock. Jack I Jack ! Don't do, that—here— Wait a moment. I ought to answer Jennie's letter. She writes such splendid things, but I don't go a ith her in. ,half she says. A woman can't do that way and peep a family go- ing, ; write to tier thie evening. Of course, if one could, 1'd like • as well as any one to he in those great live, currents of thought and action. Jeanie rind I were full of it in school. How long ag. that seems, But I never thought then of being so happy. Jennie isn't happy, I know—she can't be, pour thing, till sine's a wife and a mother. Oh, there comes oto: her I Jack, deary, open the gate for grandma 1 So glad you could come, mother dear 1 Can you' stay awhile and let she go down town on a few errands? Mother looks real tired. I wish she would go out mono and have some out- side interests. Mary and the children are too much for her, I think. Harry ought not to have brought ahem home. Mother needs rest. She's brought up one family. There, I've forgotten my list, I hurried so. Thread, elastic, buttons ; what was that other thing? Maybe I'll think of it. How awfully cheap ! How can they make them at that price ! Three, please. I guess with these 1 can make the others last through the year, They're so pretty, too. How muclhaare these? Jack's got to have a new coat before lent;—not today. Oh, dear! i've missed that car, and mother can stay afterflve! I'll cut across and hurry. Why, the milk hasn't come,and John's got to go out early tonight. I wish else• Lion was over. I'm sorry, dear, but the milk was so late I couldn't make it. Yes, I'll speak to him. Oh, no, I guess not ; he's a very reliable man usually, and the milk's good, Hush, hush, baby ! Papa's talking I Good night, dear, don't be too late. Sleep, baby, sleep I The large stare are the sheep, The little stare are the lambs, f guess, And the fair moon Is the shepherdess. Sleep, baby, Bleep I How pretty they look. Thank God, they keep so well. It's no use, I can't write a letter •to- night—especially to Jennie. I'm too tired. I'll go to bed early, John hates to have me wait up for him late. I'll go now, if it is before dark—then get up early to -morrow and get the sweeping done. How loud the crickets are 1 The evening shades creep down my bedroom wall—softly—slowly. Warm gold—pale yellow—clear pink —soft lavender—dull blue—dim gray— darkness,—Charlotte Perkins Stetson, in Kate Field's Washington. in the progress point U to a certainp g of Consumption, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a positive remedy. Bur ;clay is dangerous with Consump- tibl� In all the conditions that lead to it, the "Discovery" is the remedy. With severe lingering Coughs or Weak Lungs, diseasenothingthatascan breach promptly. Every through the blood yields to thittmedi- cfne. tht is called Consumption is one Scrofulous affections of the tun,; -, of , ,r , For this, and for every other (orifi of Scrofula, for all blood -taints 'and disorders, and all chronic Bron- ebial, Throat, and Lung affections, the "Discovery" is the only remedy so cer- tain that it can be guaranteed. IfYit ever fails to benefit or cure,you have your money back. Can anythingelse be "just as good" ,for you to buy Ton t you believe it. t,. 'RONCHITiS CURED. DEAR SIRS,—Havin[xr suffered for months from bronchitis. I concluded to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and by the time I had taken one bottle I Was entirely free from the trouble and feel that I am cured. -0. C. WRIGHT, Toronto Junction, Ont. F 8 e M:ore_Snaj'I ... Do You Read ? or the low sum of $2.00 (Two Dollars) wo will furnish !1THIE NEWS - RECORD rid any of the following papers for one year : 'FIE EMPIRE, Toronto. THE FREE PRESS, London. THE GLOBE, Toronto, THE MAIL, Toronto. THE STAR, Montreal. TBE LADIES' JOURNAL anti News•ReconD till cost you only $1.50 for a year—regular vice $2.25. Address all orders to CITE NEWS -RECORD Clinton, -Ont. ioa da by ;d N imy bin r' u wi H il. ! " St be n. a in no fo 0 a' a. GREAT We are 'ORD to VEEKLY mew enbecribere. o a choice ,ubltehere .re the X50 pagee, 1mRALD tellers, m ready varied 'eceived, Ince. molds good intumn. withdrawn. Great Offer PAPERS' - A.No GREAT PREMIUMS. in a position to offer THE HUner: Notes -Re Jan,, 1695, and the FAMILY HERALD AND STAR, of Montreal, for one year for :2.011, to This offer entitles the eubaeriber of the two great premiums given by the of the FAMILY HERALD. Those premiums "STAR" ALMANAC for 1894, a superb book of or if preferred a copy Of the great YA31ILY SOUVENIR PICTURE which retails at twenty The premiums—Almanac and Picture—will about the end of November, and will be for in the order in which the enbecriptlone are aubseripilone to both pipers may begin at Remember the offer of a choice of premiums only to people who .ubeorihe during the Afterwards the choice will- positivelybe Address all order to THENEWS•RECORD,Clinton Out, Canada's SUBSCRIBE FOR Best Family Paper a P t o t I I 3 t 1 r t , t e an a Weekly ENLARGED Contains The $1 This 12 pages mium ROUND" AGENTS Liberal this district ntoreet borough For THE HAMILTON. - — ~ Speotator and IMPROVED. MI the News. Many Special Features, Crisp and Pointed Comments Most Intertaining Stories Tho Choicest Literary Matter, Everything for Everybody TO 1ST JANUARY, 1(� great paper from now till let January, 1895— reading matter weekly—and our great pre- picture, "WATCHING THE WHEELS GO for only $1:00 WANTED. commission to agents. A good agent fur is wanted at once—cue who will take in pushing the paper and will make anvaes of his district. terms and particularsaddrees SPECTATOR PRINTINC7'CO. HAMILTON CANADA Weenu FARM FARM 1.00 ENLARGED Veterinary Under ANSWERS will 'tarn Rev. W.\RI;tr AGRICULTURAL tAPIES' A SERIAL A WEEKLY .'.SUBSCRIBE Price, WEEKLY HOME—in trict trict Orders Free Free Press AND— —AND_ ' AND HOME .-. von iso-... . 0 S., - the the dis- BOTH PAPERS FOR _ $ AND., MPROVED. A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. iN'EW FEATUREt8: Department the charge of Dr. J. li. Wilson, V. 'London, TO CertreaSroNDENTs.—Enquiries be, answered free, and should always con writer's tall name and address. EACH NUMBER WILL ALSO CONTAIN ; DR. TALHAnE's SERMON delivered Sunday previously, t' m .V ANnttntxrs" and other writ- ings by tide celebrated author. MATTER—Illustrated. PACE—Illustrated. TALE, and other interesting reading matter. PACE or Goon Musrc. NOW.'. one Dollar a year in advance for FREE PRESS and FARM AND all 16 pages. 1 runrepresented inevery unrepr o to solicit subscriptions. taken at THE Nxws•REcoan office. Press Printing Company LONDON, - ONTARIO. Snleemon Complete Prey secure WANTED. and N.Y. to solicit for a choice line otinnreory etock. outfit free and good pay from the start. ou experience not necessary. Write et once territory. THE HAWKS NURSERY CO. Rochester, YouNeedlt! The"D.Ed - . ---- EMU [Sion. --- It'Will Cure'ChatCough, ' Heal Your Lungs, PlttFiesh onYourBones Prevent Consumption. • f 1884. , flarper's Ma 'azine. ILLUSTRATED. lARna'% MAGAZINE for 1894 will maintain the rooter that has made It the £,ivorlte illustrated per• Joel for the hope. Areegpg the results of ewer - es undertaken by the publishers, there will appear tog the year superbly illustrated papers an India EDWIN LORD WEEKS, en the Japanese Someone by FRED PARSONS. 00 Germany by YoULTNI':Y MOE• v, on Parts by Menem) HARDING DAVIS. and oa rtico by FREDERIC REMINGTON. Among the other notable features of theyear will be vels by GEORGE DU MAUaIElt and CHARLES DUDLEY AIENRih the personal reminisoenees of W. D. Hew - be. and eight short stories of Weetern frontier life Owes WfeTan. Short stories will also bo eoutri- ted by BRANDER MATTHEWS. RICHARD HAIRDING \VIS, MARY E. WILKINS, RUTR !ORNERY STUART, Sse LAURENCE ALMA 'VADEtit, tj oltGs A HIRRARD, UEeNAY'DR BEAUREPAIRR, THO AS NELSON PAGE, nd others. Articles on ropier' qJ onrrent interest ii be contributed by distinguished epocialiets. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year: RPER'S MAGAZINE $4 00 EWER'S WEEKLY 4 00 RPEIrS It AZ AB 4 00 ItIElt'S YOUNG PIfOPLE 2 03 Postage Fere to all subscribers in the United ates, Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of the MAGAZINE begin with the Nunt- u's fur Jnue and December of each year, When no me is mentioned, eubeuriptions will begin with the umbar current at the Caton( receipt Of order. ounit Vohimeeof HARPER'S MAGAZINE for three years mek, in neat cloth binning. will be.eut by mail, poet - Id, on receipt of $3 00 por volume. Cloth Cases, r binding, GO cents each—by mail, poet -paid. Remittences should be made by Poet -office Money rdcr or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement (shout Uic express order of HARPER A BROTHERS. Addreee: HARPER & BROTHERS, New Ione. 1894 Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. HAnPEt'sBAZAJ is a jonrnal for the home. It gives be Collect and latent information about Fashions; std its numerous illustrations, Paris deaiune, and alters -sheet supplements are indispensable alike to he home dress -maker and the professionalmodiete. No expense I. spared to make its artistic attractive - see of the highest order. Its bright stories. amus - ng comedies, and thoughtful essays satisfy all tastes, rid its last page is famous as a budget of wit nod htumor. In its weekly issues everything is included V is of interest to women. The Serials for 1894 vill be, written by WILLIAM BLACK arid WALTER BI'ISANT. Short stories will be written by MAItY E. WiLKINS, MARIA LOUIOA Pool, 140TH kicENEnY RTEWART, MARION HARLAND, and others, Ont -door sports and In door Games, Social Entertainment, and other Embroidery, interesting mortice will receive, promisedof "Cot - now sprite is onstant attention, A "Cot- e and Repartee." HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year. ARPER'S MAGAZINE...'$4400 ARPER'S WEEKLY ARPER'S BAZAR 400 ARPEB'S YOUNG PEOPLE..... 200 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, ,nada, and Mexico. The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with the first lumber for January of each year. When no time is Ientloned, eobecriptione will begin with the number urrtnt at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of HAseemt'sBAZAtt for three years lack, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, poet- s.• paid or by express, free of expense (provided the reiaht does not exceed one dollar ler volume), for 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume. enitabie for binding, rill be sent by mail, post-paid, ou receipt of $100 inch. Remittences should be made by Post•ollico Money rder or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers arc not to copy this advertisement with - at the express order of HARPER di BROTHERS. Address: HARPER A BROTHERS, NEW Yong. ' 1894. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. For OW Bad Cough tit ' '" *ii1U Y"REdm MME py D As a, Preventive and Cure (Wall Throat and Lung Diseases, CHANGE OF BUSINESS 0 Wiso & H riga, l i a 3 essors to. James Anderson, HAnrEn'a WEEKLY is beyond all question the lead - ng journal in America, in its splendid illustratione, in its corps of dietinguiihed contrihutore, and in ire vast army of readers. In special lines, it draws on the highest order of talent, the men beet •fitted by position and training to treat the leading topics of the day, In fiction, the most popular story -writers con- tribute to its oolarnns. Superb drawings by the fore- most artists illustrate its special articles, its stories, and every notable event of public interest ; it contains pottraite of the distinguished men and women who are making the history of the time, while special atten- tion is riven to the Army and Navy, Amateur Sport, and Music and the Drama, by distinguished experts. In a word, HARPER'S WEEKLY combines the news featuo s of the daily paper and the artiet to and literary qualities of the magazine with the solid critical character of the review. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per Year: HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPFit'S RAZOR HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE $4 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 Postage Free to alt subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 0 The undersigned have bought the Stock, good will anti interest of James Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. The Volumes of the WsnKLY begin with the first Number for Jannary of each year. When no time le mentioned. subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumns of Henexn's WEEKLY for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, pee`, age paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exe red one dollar per. volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding. will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should he marlolby Post•o01eo Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of HAitInot & IIitOTirnRs, Address : HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW YORK. The new firm will keep in tench everything found in a firetoclaes Res— taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers. A Liberal Offer! �o-- We are sow offering WI.LSON & HO E, - - Clinton. THE LRn1E' JOURIEL of Toronto, a large 36 page monthly Illustrated Fashion Home Paper particularly interesting to ladies, with THE NEWS -RECORD ow Arrivals for Xmas Trade At The Corner Store, McKay Block. NEW RAISINS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW FiGS, NEW PEELS, NEW VALINCIA ALMONDS. CHOICE EXTRACTS and PURE GROUND SPICES. Full Line of Canned Goods. HAM'S AND BACON, HERRINGS AND TROUT, SCALED HERRINGS, FLAKE PEAS, POLLED BARLEY, LOLLED 1,VHEAT. Highest Price ill Trade or Cash for Butter and Eggs. J. W. IRWIN, FOR ONLY $1.50. The two publications will be given for one yea',, and will be sent to any address. This offer applies to those who renew for THE NEWS -RECORD another year before January, 1894, as well as to new subscribers. The regular subscription price of the LADIES.1 JOURNAL is Ono Dollar per year. The JOURNAL and Tug Nttwa•Rtccoan will only cost you $1,50 if you subscribe now. Address TILE NEWS -RECORD, • Clinton, Ont. Clinton. CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 0 S. S. COOPER, - PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contract r This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We tell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Data, Blinds, &e Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders., New Goods for the Xmas Trade al rived and in Stock. RAISENS, VALE NI:l A, h' mm" Selected, off Stalk and Layers. SULTANAS EXTRA IiI' I;il.1', CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS in Brie. and half Brls. FINES]: VOSTIZZAS in CASES, LEMONS, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES, PRUNES. NEW PEELS, ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON. FRESH GROUND SPICES of all kinds, also full lines of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE, TEA SETTS, DINNER SETTS, TOILET SE[I'S. Cash for Butter and Eggs. --- N. ROBSON. Albert St., Clinton' Y•ss Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work, manship and material. * All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. ,p "FACTORY—corner Huron and Or'auge Streets, Cliaton. 657—y tl(re-are, WEAK, NERVOUSADiSEASED.MENI Thousands of Young and Middle Aged Men are annually swept to a premature grave through early indiscretion and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have you any of the following Symptoms; Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; No Ambi. tion• Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; Pimples on the Face• Dreams and Drains at Night; Heatless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes• Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Enorry and Strength. Our New Method Treatment will build you up mentally, physically and sexually. Chas. Patterson. W„a DRS. KENNEDY 86 KERGAN "At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost raised me. I became nervous and weak. My back 'troubled me. I could stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Woo - trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Horgan. They sent me one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel 6 myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment aures when all else faits.” They have cured many of my friends." Cured an one In'ath Dr. Moulton. Caren 5 years ago. Capt. Townsend. Cured ui thee. Our New Method Treatment hover fails la caring Diseases of mor. drums and losses It etbuilds p the body, stops all purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds ti the nervous and sexual systems and restores lost vitality to the body. We Guarantee to Cure Nervous nlebility, Failing Manhood, syphilis, varicocele, 4tricture,Gleet, Unnatural uischarges, REMEMBER Weak Parts and All Sidney and Bladder Diseases. Bra. Kennedy h Korean. are ..he leading llet pof America. They guarantee to re or no pay. Their re n. ration and fifteen years of b ness aro at stake. You I ran no risk. Write them for an holiest opinion, no matter no treated yon. It may save you years of regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a Question List and Bink Free. Cc istxitation Free. CORS E1111111111 M11E7 aEFuDED. "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy dt Kergun's New Method Treatment. It cored me, and I have had no symptoms for five years. I am married and happy,' As a doctor, I heartily reeomend it to all who have this terrible disease— syphilis." It will eradicate the poison front the blond." 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150,000 CURED, "I am 88 years of age, and married. When young I led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married life was unsatis- factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy anti Ksrgan. Their New Method built me up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and net like a man in every respect. Try them." Ig' No Names Used Without Written Consent of Patient., DRS. KENNEDY & KERG �N�iDe{reit, MIoh. I) 1,