The Huron News-Record, 1894-01-31, Page 5nZ'i: `., Y i:..r•.;-v 1,`"'•:79 4 .. SUPPLEMENT TO THE HuRorr"�xa�wSRECO1tW. „Cliuton, rauu. ,q azst, x$9&R LOW PRICES I � INS „:GOOD Goons _ "WE LEAD, LET THOSE FOLLOW WHO CAN !" WE WILL HOLD OUR FEBRUARY BARGAIN DAY ON R Dress Goods. G ;od Single Fold Dress Goods 5c. Fine check Single Fold Dress Goods worth 14c for 7c. Shot Velveteens worth 75c for 50c• 46 -inch Serges, all wool Fawn, Wavy, Myrtle and Black, 35c. 56 -inch heavy Navy Dress Serge was 90c for 60c• 46 -inch fine Ali Wool Black Cashmere 42c. di big.. lot of Double Fold Goods, were 40, 50 and 60c, to be cleared out at 25c per yd. Double Fold Diagonal Dress Goods, regular price 50c for 25c Heavy double fold Brocades worth 30 for 19c Double fold ldteltons 15c, all colors. Double Fold Skirtings. were 35c for 15c• A Table Full of Remnants of Black and Color- ed Dress Goods. A few ends of Stanley Suitines, very cheap to clear. Hopsacking 3 colors, very fine goods 550. BEN'S FURN/SHINGS1 NM MIR • is WHEN WE WILL SELL ROOATS Boys' Nap Overcoats $2 Boys'Good Tweed Coats$2.50 Boys' Heavy Double Breasted Ulsters $4.50• Men's Good Tweed C oats$4.5O Men's Melton and Tweed Coats $6.00 Men's Fine Melton and Worst- ed Coats $7.25 A few, odd sues Frieze Uisters will be sold very cheap. AmouffinanneMENIERI i MANTLES. Every Mantle in the store at ex- actly half price. Good Black Astrachan $1.60 per yard. Our whole stock of Mantle Goods at special prices ° to clear, we want them sold, and prices must do it. We cannot give detailed price list of Furs, but have still some good Caps, Capes and Setts left, and will give you a big Bargain on any of them. A few White Wool Boas 15c, sMISEMal 90 cent Cardigan Jackets for 65 cents $1.25 $1.60 Top Shirts for 50 cents 55 cents $2.55 70 cent 75 " 85 cent and $1 Top Shirts for 60 cents $1, $1.121 and $1,15 Top Shirts for 80 cents $1.25 Top Shirts for 65 cents Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers 45c. for 33c 50e. for 371e 75c. for 55c CC " tC CC cr CC Cf Ce Plain and. Striped Shirts and Drawers $1 for 75c Fancy and " $1.15 for 85c BI•anketL If you want either Blankets or Comforters, what we have are yours for very little money. SHAWLS We would like our whole stock of Heavy Shawls cleared out on Bargain Day, and. will make the prices a temptation for you to buy. STAPLES, LINENS, &e. Fine Ribbed Vests were 70, 75 Lnd 80c. Bargain,,Day for 50c, Cromptons Cel -aline Corsets 65c a pair. All sizes Wool Hose, 2 pair for 25c. 50 -inch Damask Table Linen 27c, 60 inch Fine Damask Table Linen 35c. A few odd Dozens and half Dozens napkins at Bargain Day prices. Ladies and Childrens Colored Cashmere Gloves 5c a pair. 27 -inch Heavy Shaker Flannel worth 10c and 11c at 8c per yard. A poorer quality at 5c. 15_ -inch Checked Toweling, all Linen -6c Good Toweling at 5c. Better ones 7c, 8c and 9c. Remnants of White and Factory Cottons. Extra Heavy White Cotton suitable for Sheetings, was 1211 and 14c for 10c. Millinery. Every felt Hat in stock, choice for. 25c., all good shapes. Remnants of Trimming, Rib- bons, Birds, Wings, etc., all at Bargain Day prices - Fancy Velvets and Plushes worth $1 and $1.25 per yard, your choice for 35c. Wide Ribbon Velvet Suitable for Dress Trimmings, 5c. per yard. riNNEVEIBENBIffaagnir CURTAINS. Double Fold reversible Canton Plush, good patterns, worth 90c. for 50c, per yard. 52 -inch Art Muslin with borders 10e. Regular 20e, Art Muslin 121c. Regular 50c. and 60c. Lace Curtains 39c. $1.50 Curtains for $1.15. $1.40 Curtains for $1.00. A few odd ones at very low prices. Stocktaking bias brought to light many lines of Goods that must be closed out, hence these remarkably Low Prices. The. early .buyer gets first choice. :1101DGELTS. CLINTON.